Welcome to the November addition of Spiritual Times! Much is happening on Earth at the moment and we seem to be moving through a critical phase. This issue is biased to UFOs (my favourite subject) as I had another encounter with a triangle shape craft this time in crop circle country, Wiltshire. So as I have said lots are going on but for the average person nothing is happening just the same old stuff! Therefore in this issue we will examine the whole picture in simple terms and as I understand it!
Editor of Spiritual Times This magazine is free for you to enjoy and share. Like any words that are read, always use your intuition to guide you to what holds true to you. We are indeed going through spiritual times as the period called the “End Times� has now been entered. The collapse of time is not to be feared or even understood for now, the period ahead of us is what is known as the Golden Age which will give us are true freedom and gifts that have been hidden from us through the filters of fear.
As always please feedback any comments that you may have of feel free to share your experiences in the next issue. e-mail: contact@spiritualtimes.co.uk So enjoy the magazine and the articles from people who have also contributed freely.
“Beam me up Scotty” I’m sure most people will have heard the phrase “beam me up Scotty”, as used in the Star trek TV programs and films, and have wondered if we will some day have the technology to perform such feats of science, will such a miracle become and everyday occurrence? To move a step closer to our here and now upon the planet Earth; we do not possess such technical knowledge as yet. But we occasionally here of so called alien abductions, which seem to indicate that someone somewhere has such beaming technology – or so it seems to us. If not beaming technology, then some other mechanism that seems to perform the same function – as seen through our eyes. It’s obvious that we are still learning and only just beginning to explore outer space, who knows who is already out there and watching us? It was January 2008 when my wife Lee and I were leaving a friends house some 25 miles from ours. It was 9:30 at night, very cold (there had been hail showers all night long). We left our friends house and drove up to the big illuminated round-about that led to 3 miles of dual carriageway with two other large illuminated round-a-bouts along it’s length. Just as we approached the roundabout it started to hailstone again, not too much, just a steady shower. The roads were clear, as the gritting lorries had been out spreading salt on the roads. We entered the roundabout and proceeded around it at a steady pace. Just as we were approaching our junction and started to turn into it, the hail became heavier, we entered into our turn off, moving steadily along the inside lane. I could easily make out the extra lane to our right, the metal crash barrier after that, two lanes of road after that and then some trees.
The Dual carriageway Then the hailstone become so heavy it became a whiteout, we couldn’t see past the cars windscreen. I was about to stop, when suddenly the hailstone lifted and we could once again see clearly. But something was not right. I looked to my right, expecting to see the outer carriageway, the metal crash barrier and two more lanes of road and some trees, just as I had seen before the whiteout.
But I could only see one carriageway and then some trees – we were on a different road altogether! Within a moment of realizing that we were on a different road, we spotted a sign, which read “Routh”. This is a small village near to the larger town of Beverley and in the opposite direction from the one we should have been going in?
The single carriageway near Routh We pulled over to the roadside and looked at each other, both thinking, “what just happened?”. I glanced at the clock and noticed that around eight minutes had passed. To both of us, it seemed only seconds since we had entered the dual carriageway on a road some way off from our current location.
Checking up later, using Google earth, it seems that we had covered around miles in around eight minutes, which would have needed speeds in excess of the 30 MPH we had been traveling at. The route and distance is reproduced in the next picture.
We had no clues as to what took place, only the experience that took place. We came to the conclusion that we must have been “beamed up” and put back on the wrong road – we laughed at that saying, “why couldn’t they put us back on a road nearer home”!
Later that year we were once again driving home through familiar countryside and roads. It was ain the month of June, the day was bright and sunny with the odd patch of cloud passing over. We were passing through the village of Burton Pidsea, some eight miles from home. As we passed through the village we saw the odd caravan in peoples gardens and commented that it had been a year since the big floods and people were still living in caravans. We continued to drive through the village and as we approached it’s outskirts I commented that we hadn’t been beamed up for a while – jokingly . . . . . The next thing we both knew was that we were approaching the next village, named Roos. This I once again checked on Google earth and found it to be just over three miles. But three miles of the most bumpy winding road. so it was very easy to remember which section of road we had missed out. The thing was that this time we both felt slightly dizzy for a few seconds
So some how, during broad daylight, from the main road in a country village we just seemed to be moved to a point over three miles away! We have both driven along both of the roads mentioned, many times. We know them well, for us to simply forget that we had driven along sections of them or even to think that we had in the first instance actually driven the wrong way is totally absurd. Somehow on both occasions, we were moved, car and all. From the point of last memory, to some other location in time and space, from where, we once again gained access to our memories.
Someone somewhere has access to science that we can only dream about at this moment in time. Mankind’s ideas of the universe are only in their infancy, yet we think we know so much. As each year passes we learn more and more, putting aside old ideas for new ones. Slowly crawling forward, slowly learning that things are not as we once thought and very soon now, we will learn that we are not along in the universe.
Soon we will learn (as science is beginning to show), that everything and everyone is connected at a very fundamental level. When mankind reaches the fundamental acceptance of this one fact it will alter the world forever, for why would brother bring harm on his brother?
Sleep well Colin
Other Worldly Influences From Simion, The Evolutionary Collective, of 7th dimension light beings, through Jill Mara. Selected excerpts from Keys To Soul Evolution: A Gateway to the Next Dimension
We are Simion, The Evolutionary Collective. As you open your awareness to a new octave, you increase your sensitivity to beings from higher dimensions. There will be fourth dimension entities, and others beyond that, prepared to greet you and or expand your connection to them.
Your sphere of inter-dimensional
understanding will grow tremendously and allow you to have relationships with a greater galactic assembly.
Your species will develop its discernment, and
frequency detection abilities, so that you can open communications with a wider array of beings from higher dimensions and other worlds. As light beings involved in assisting evolutionary cycles, we can assist your links with other life forms, and further aid your soul evolution, into and out of space and time. In this sense, we can act as intermediaries and liaisons in your interactions with many beings, if you desire such connections.
G r e a t e r A s t r o n o mi c a l S e n t i e n t I n f l u e n c e s It is important for you to be aware that there are influences from other planets and dimensions that will have an affect on your transition to the next dimension, and the following era. Firstly, the other heavenly bodies within your solar system each have an impact on your planet, as they too are sentient beings in the process of evolution.
They can exert pressures that can make the shift easier or more
challenging, depending on what electromagnetic force they exert. The sun, in particular, can radiate cosmic rays that assist in a speedy polar shift. There are also planets in your system, as yet unknown by your sciences that can force great unexpected change. Being in the central plane of the Milky Way, as we have said, allows for a force that will make an impression on the Earth. But the details of the Earth’s exact position, in relation to the other celestial bodies, will make a difference as to how strong this force impacts the shift. So, while human consciousness is significant in this process, and of course has the largest impact on its own evolution, there are other factors that are involved on an even greater consciousness level. There will be many more findings in your fields of astronomy and astrophysics that will expand the perspective of your planet’s place in the galaxy and universe in the coming years, and will open doors of understanding. On an energetic level, you can each tune into vibrations from particular heavenly bodies by thinking of the astral frequencies.
Ancient civilizations on your planet have passed on many secrets of the cycles and influences of star systems and planets. There is much for you to learn from the ancients, and from connecting with the universal forces emanating from outer space.
You are connected to all celestial bodies by threads of light and can
establish relationships that help you, and your planet, through this evolutionary leap. When you envision your new world experience, consider a deeper connection and appreciation for the far reaches of your universe and an inter-dimensional perspective. Eventually, this deeper link will allow your species to gain knowledge of your universe without even leaving your planet, and will assist in more direct off world travel, when the time is right. Making light connections with other star systems will also lead to communications with beings from those worlds, and will prepare you for understanding the perspectives of diverse life forms. We mention this as we would like to see you open your minds to the many possibilities that are far beyond what you presently see. Until you can imagine a world with off world interactions, those entities will not attempt to be involved, on a more common level, with your species. An amazing part of your new world experience can be rewarding encounters and collaborations with other-worldly life from throughout your universe and multiverse. Your species will decide if they are ready for such connections.
As 4D beings (or 5D if this is your terminology for your next octave), you will have a greater ability to discern the intentions of others as you read their frequency signatures. You will more easily be able to deflect frequencies that try to meddle with your direction. Keeping your focus on higher emotional vibrations will assure that only beings that resonate with your intentions will influence you in your waking and sleeping states.
Collectively, you will be deciding over the next
several years how much outside communication you wish to pursue in your new world. So, consider this as you imagine the possibilities.
Contact is a Choice You are in a tug of war consciousness debate on your planet, not only among your own kind, but also among those that are involved in various capacities with your planet from other worlds and times. There are multiple levels and meanings to this current Earth game that impact many beings beyond those residing there at present. Only a few are given the ability or permission to meddle with your ensuing drama. In some respect, you can rest assured that you will not be tampered with beyond what you can handle, and are given tremendous leeway to make your own impact now, and through the time signatures of your planet. You must make the shift by your own efforts, largely, with a little help from your friends.
Some of your friends are influencing you from your evolutionary future, and this has been allowed to some extent. But again, you decide whether or not to accept this assistance. You have complete control, whether you are aware of it or not. Never allow yourselves to be swayed into any reality other than one that ensures your spiritual progress. As you become soul-aware beings, you will be able to discern those that are causing you harm, and those that are guiding your best interest. When you begin to travel into the future with your conscious soul, you will see associations with other beings on a physical and spiritual level. Only as you advance your awareness will you be able to understand and communicate with these beings, and influence their impression on you through time. You can attract or dispel the appearance of beings in your future. There are probable realities where you interact readily with many beings on a multi-dimensional level, just as there are probable outcomes where you are left completely alone to fend for yourselves. The choice is still yours, although you are headed for the former choice, given the strength of your frequency upon the writing of these words. Your current signature is leading to a deeper interaction with fourth dimensional beings, and with some that reside at higher vibrations. The level to which you do so, and how much control you allow them, is still up in the air.
We strongly suggest that you keep your consciousness firm, yet open and willing. There is much you can learn from off planetary beings and higher vibrational life forms. If you keep your frequency of thought and awareness at your higher end, you will be able to tap into the best of those beings, and avoid entanglements that would bring your species into a submissive role. Remember that, despite the seemingly higher intelligence and technological or spiritual development of these beings, they cannot tamper with your consciousness as long as you do not let them. You have more power in this dynamic than you may be tempted to think. Use your time travel journeys to elevate your associations and envision the best possible relationships for all concerned. Keep your mind in a place of communion, not one of fear and control. What you feel is what you will get. Also, be aware that as long as you can keep your consciousness in resonance with light beings, such as us, that are here to assist your highest potential, you will have a great deal of power behind you each step of the way.
D e e p e r C o n t a c t R e q u i r e s S p i r i t ua l A d va n c e me n t Each of the species that you will encounter, or already are encountering in some cases, has a deeper appreciation of time and space and the manifestation of matter therein. In order for these species to manifest in your time and space, they have mastered the manipulation of frequency signature calibration as well as the synchronization of matter vibration in relation to points in time.
They have
mastered the ability to make themselves a physical space within alternate spatial dimensions and probabilities in any time period. By doing this, they can also travel vast distances in what you perceive as space. When you see UFOs that appear to move in impossible ways, and at impossible speeds, and disappear out of thin air, they are likely alien technologies that alter the space and time within which they appear. In doing this they often affect electronic equipment and can create missing time for those that come in contact with them. Visitations have increased as your species has developed advanced technologies. There are many extraterrestrials monitoring your development to assure that your spiritual acumen is evolving as readily as your scientific understanding of space, time, and matter creation. Without science and spiritual integration, your species cannot progress to influence other dimensions to any greater extent than it already has. In other words, you are on the verge of going where you may only go if you
are able to use your higher consciousness to make wise and connected collective decisions. Without the soul assimilation, you can adversely impact realms beyond your own, and the larger collective would not allow this to happen. The hope is that humankind will join the galactic community in envisioning and creating an expanded Earth, solar system, and universe, via contributions from your advancing souls.
For further information including a new audio download entitled Creating Beneficial Extraterrestrial Contact please visit: www.simion7d.com contact@simion7d.com
Jill Mara ~ P.O. Box 7505 ~ St. Thomas ~ US Virgin Islands 00801 340-626-6022 ~ jill@simion7d.com ~ www.simion7d.com
The Role of Light Beings in Human and Inter-galactic Relations Channeled message from Simion, 7th dimension light beings. By channel Jill Mara This is a specially selected and reorganized excerpt from Simion’s book Keys to Soul Evolution: A Gateway to the Next Dimension
We are Simion, the Evolutionary Collective of light beings. Many of your peoples have already seen us among you. We are often seen in places where there is what you term UFO activity. We are the orbs of light that appear to float in thin air. We are seen in varying colors, which is a reflection of our collective frequency filtered through your physical dimensional atmosphere and your physical perceptions in combination. We often accompany UFO contacts as facilitators and regulators. Our energy is protective and regenerative to whoever we interact with and so we will accompany episodes where one world or dimension meets another to ensure that the process is not degenerative. Our aim is to uplift the interactions between species and encourage
healthy connections. Therefore, if you see glowing orbs of light, rest assured that you are being cared for on a deep energetic level. Since we have the ability to influence the energetic molecular structure of creations, we are able to inject lower frequency beings with light and alter any motives of destruction. This is not done to manipulate, but rather to uplift and assist in the beings’ evolution and to discourage the negative use of force against other developing beings. We hope that you appreciate that we are all made of the same powerful source energy that made all of the known and unknown multi-verse. We remind you of this so that you will recognize that our input into your creative structures is a part of the beauty of creation on yet another level of productivity, and that the dynamics of all other beings is also a part of that same creative source. We are all God, if you prefer. It will be crucial for you to have a true understanding that we are all one amazing and vibrant creative force with various forms of expression of that same source. When you can learn to love and accept that in one another, you will be ready to accept that from the rest of the universe. When you can send
light vibration to those of a lower frequency, even when they appear to have intentions of harm, you will be evolving as creators. True creators can transform and raise any energy it encounters into something else. When you realize this ability you will no longer fear anything of a lower nature. The only thing you should fear is your creation of fear itself. When you fear, you take away your own power to transform frequency. So you see that our motivation in assisting is to be closer to our source as creators. The more we can uplift, the more we are uplifted. The same is true for you. When your motives are only to raise vibration then you will be perpetually raised and will feel the true essence of your creative force. This is the desire and motivation behind all consciousness. It is the driving force that challenges us all no matter what level we find ourselves experiencing. As you raise yourselves to a lighter density, you will appreciate this fact with more depth and our interactions will become ever more meaningful. We appear to humankind in our collective form and as aspects of our collective energy, or as what you would perceive to be our individual forms.
You observe the energy of the collective as massive and luminous globes of light. When we are seen near or around UFOs we are usually in a collective form. We are often seen elsewhere on a more personal level as smaller orbs of light and, if you are open, can be accompanied by telepathic messages. The feeling tone of our transmission is not what you might interpret as emotional in nature. You are more apt to feel sensations of buoyancy, tingling or heightened senses. We are not emotional beings. We are beings of creative vibration. We are often sensed as an amplification of your own energy. We do not impose on your beliefs; we only enhance the development of your path. Therefore, each of you will interpret our light through the lens of your understanding and beliefs.
Sound, Frequency and Crop Circle Transmissions The vibration of sound is a fluid means of transferring light energy. It is a means of connection that we can bridge with ease and often do so to make an imprint on your world. We use sounds that are out of your audible hearing range physically, but not for your soul, to make
frequency imprints on your planetary plane in order to awaken aspects of your DNA coding. Sometimes this is done in a way that creates a physically perceivable result, such as in the case of crop circles. In this way, we relay a frequency signature to your planet that affects your biological essence and encourages connections. They could be compared to the way a Morse code can relay a message by electromagnetic means into a translatable picture. Although, in the case of crop circles, it does not matter whether you can translate the message intellectually, because your body absorbs the frequency into your DNA. You do not even need to visually see the formations. They are merely an image of a frequency that is felt by the entire planet. There are such signatures being sent in places that do not necessarily make a physical print as well. One day, as you develop your sensitivities, humans will be able to interpret the frequency that the crop formations emit and we will have yet another means of interacting. It should be noted that we are not the only beings that use this method of frequency sound transmission. Some of the crop designs are the result of fourth and fifth dimensional cultures’ attempts to prepare you for their
arrival. They are sending messages that contain their frequency so that you become open to their connection when the time is right. Mind you, there are also human beings who have created some lovely crop forms. We congratulate those of you involved on your creativity. However, there are electromagnetic residues on crop circles that were created from other than human sources that can be physically detected and could not be replicated by human means. There is much controversy around the formation of the crop circles among you. We assure you that there is no one right answer in this dilemma. In fact, the beauty is that all factions are correct. Every thought related to the topic becomes an aspect of the reality that you create and hence experience in your world. We congratulate those that are able to think outside traditional belief systems as they provide new hope of expanded views and reality for your species. If no one among you were to imagine that alien beings might have created the circles then guess what, this reality would never enter into your sphere and would as a result not exist for you. As you explore this option, you create the reality and eventually will create the physical evidence that supports the scenario.
We also know that there are many human crop circle designers and cohorts that are beginning to see the potential of using the geometry and intention behind the manufacture of the imprints as a means of producing phenomena. Hence, a two-way communication is being developed. We especially promote this as a wonderful step in our relations. You are recognizing that we can relate by means of geometry, mathematical precision, symbols, sound, and vibration. With the use of intention behind these methods, many are seeing and feeling the potential of relaying messages by these means. By doing this you are opening a channel in both directions and are learning the impact you can have by using these means of transmitting energy patterns as information, just as we have done. In other words, there are some among you who are learning by the example of advanced beings. You are managing to stretch your reality to venture into the now very real option of extraterrestrial two-way communications. The more you are open, the more possibilities will arise. Remember, our relationship always rests in the minds and souls of each one of you and your collective dream.
Trust us when we say that we read and respond to all the intentions behind your human crop circle communications. That response includes all those that put their thoughts into the energy of the imprint after it is made. We read the intentions you put forth as a collective frequency and send our vibration down the threads of light that attaches each consciousness to that image, in response. In this way you are creating a bridge between our light and your own soul light. In this way the crop circles, all of them, are becoming doorways between our worlds. Thus we urge you all to continue to focus your creativity and higher intentions into the study and creation of crop circles. Beautifully, other than a few determined debunkers that also play an important role in the urging of new discoveries, those that do not believe beyond the idea that the circles are a simple human hoax, add very little attention energy to the transmissions. It is those of you who stretch the possibilities by searching for more answers and pondering new ideas that are adding the richness of the ever expanding connection elicited through the imprints. Again, it is those seekers among you that are making it possible for a human future in the intergalactic community.
With the acceleration of heightened frequency upon your Earth plane, we are increasingly able to maintain a deeper connection with human thoughts and their physical reality. As such, we are involved with greater amounts of input into perceivable forms. For example, we are able to have connections with individuals who are adept at sound transference and have been able to add light to musical compositions. The frequencies in sound can allow a direct communication between emotions and creation. There is a strong potential link between sound patterns and the enhancement of the formation of molecular structure. In other words, the energy inherent in musical frequencies affects matter and all life at the basic building block level. Therefore, sound is an effective tool for enrichment of your environment and health. Various frequencies emitted by particular musical compositions will resonate with cells in the body and molecular structures of minerals and plants, for example. You can learn to measure such affects and fine tune the use of music to uplift life and the core of all physical objects. As we communicate on this level with many humans that have such interests, we are teaching them the finer aspects of how their music influences the
world around them depending on the vibrations they tap into. This connection will continue in the fourth dimensional experience until unification is created with awareness between the musician, us, and the listeners. All will become aware of the transference of creational light force and will add to the frequency enhancement of the music. In this way music becomes an important regenerative medium for a community. It certainly has a much higher potential than simply as a source of entertainment, though it is also enjoyable in this way. Music with connection becomes a means of enlightenment that is shared between groups of beings. It is a method of interaction you will want to enjoy to its fullest as you progress into the 4D perspective.
Human Associations with the Inter-Galactic Community Each of you reading this book already has a special connection with light beings and likely also with other off Earth and future humans. If you have read this far, then there is a strong likelihood that you are linked to us whether you are aware of it or not. We have already been in touch with your spirit and you recognize the light within the words.
Something in the transmission will resonate with your heart and activate or accentuate heightened sensory abilities within you. As the transition to your next density accelerates, you will become more sensitive to our frequency around you. Many of you will become leaders in the associations between worlds. We encourage you to allow your imaginations to flow to our realm and, when the time is right, many of you will see, feel and hear us among you. As aids to evolution, we will be involved in helping you to raise your vibration so that you will also be able to resonate with and understand the many perspectives of other beings from the universe. If your heart and souls are on a light frequency you will connect only with other highly developed and good intentioned souls. If your intentions are rooted in lower emotional needs, you are at risk of feeding the desires of beings who can take advantage of your newly arising soul. Even as you transition to the new world, you will be responsible for continually monitoring your soul’s intentions to assure adherence to a path of light. There is never anything to fear when you come from a place of genuine warmth, understanding and goodwill to all.
When you resonate with those thoughts and feelings, you will attract other beings that have intentions of service to creation as well. Anything lower will not be able to touch your brightness. When we make contacts with each of you, we read your frequency and intention before making ourselves known. As facilitators, we make recommendations to councils of light as to your readiness to engage in associations, as well. Just as you will be able to read our signals to you, other species will also look for our signs in regard to human interactions. As integral forces in the grid of light, we are always present in major acts of creation including new meetings between worlds. You can further our aid by requesting our infusion of light into your encounters. A simple acknowledgment of our presence in the universe is enough to warrant our attention. After that we will be able to offer you a bonus to the direction in which your thoughts are flowing. Clearly, all the tools of self-awareness that we have been putting forth will be beneficial to our communications and hence to the level of your transactions with other species.
There is literally an entourage of intergalactic and inter-dimensional beings taking an interest in your planet and your species’ evolutionary cycle. It is an event marked on the calendars of a multitude of advanced civilizations. What occurs in the Earth’s sphere of existence impacts not only your galaxy, but others beyond that have an association with your galaxy as well as other dimensions and parallel futures. As grid workers within the fabric of space, time and beyond, we affect all the interactions of life within the creational structure. We perceive the dance of energy transference that is occurring on multiple levels. Again, it is always our aim to evolve all species as creators and thus we have an acute interest in spreading wisdom and light to accomplish that. In so doing, we hope that your collective consciousness will embark on a journey to find peace and enlightenment among friends from other worlds. It is seen that there are many varying views among your species regarding the contacts, types and intentions of so-called aliens. Each of these perspectives can play a role in the nature of what you create as the transition rolls up on you. There are a majority of humans that are completely ignorant and complacent about the existence of other worldly beings.
The energy that such lack of regard infuses is likely to pan out as fear, if and when real encounters are experienced. In other words, the lack of mental preparedness will most likely result in shock and dismay no matter what the intents of the aliens. Then there are those who are already of the belief that there are evil or threatening aliens among you manipulating your outcome. This belief will only serve to attract that frequency of life upon your plane. No being has power over your mind unless you allow yourselves to succumb to their tyranny by believing you are powerless. We assure you that no reptilian can eat you and no Grey will be able to abduct and experiment on you if you make your higher intentions known through your thoughts and emotions. Raising your frequency above this fear based creation will rescue you from such a reality. There are also a growing number of you who are having positive contacts with alien species already. This is the group that can usher in a new era of peace between humankind and the inter-galactic councils, as heralds for mother Earth. As you rise up, you will be spokespersons for the strength and character of humanity. A victim mentality will not hold
up in your dealings with advanced beings. You are not victims; you are creators of your very promising future in a much bigger cultural dynamic. Be not afraid of your encounters as long as your heart is pure. Anything other than purity of spirit will be recognized as such and will attract a lower spirited interaction. We are here to assist you in creating the best interactions. We have no interest in the creation of more war and destruction. That is de-evolution and not a part of our game plan and neither should it be yours. In that light, know that all our associations with you are for advancement. If your collective conscious takes a turn toward destruction, we can no longer assist you once you have crossed over that line. Remember, though, that it does not require a majority of you to change the world for the better. It only takes a strong small percentage to turn the tables enough for a brighter future to be ensured. You are well on the way. The tide is turning in the favor of a light filled future. Keep your chins up and forge ahead with the beauty of peace and prosperity for all in your motives and the burgeoning force of light will push you through the gateway into an engaging new world of thoughtful interconnectivity.
Inter-species Relations Facilitators and Evolution Enhancers There are other collectives among us that have a sole purpose to facilitate connections between life forms on different planets and dimensions. These other light beings residing in seventh dimensional reality will be able to greatly enhance and promote consciousness links between you and extraterrestrials. There are many aliens, as you may call them, that will be more able to interact with you when you grow to a less dense form and are ready to see outside your previously limited views. They will only come out into the open to present themselves and begin a relationship when you are ready as a species and when there is benefit to you and them in the transaction. Our 7D light being facilitator collective, will assist both sides in developing communications that allow both parties to evolve. Being light grid workers, we always see favor in helping beings to join together in harmonious relations. We are brightened by the brightening of light filaments created and strengthened between life forms. Our evolutionary collective will continue to work with your species as you move into 4D to help you gather your bearings in a less weighty existence.
We will encourage communications among your souls and ours, so that your transition and progress will stay on a track of high vibration. It is our delight to see our friends and fellow creators move forward in their abilities to make worlds that please. We will come to you with signs and signals and telepathic messages to guide you to your highest aims. The goals will be your own, but we will infuse your potential with our sparks, just as we suggest you do with each other and all life on your planet. More of you will be able to sense our presence and some may even clearly see us among you. As you learn to accept the visual, intuitive and other extrasensory perceptions of your fellow humans, you will be able to have increasing interactions with us in your groups. Certain members of your communities will have deeper affinity with our frequency at first. As the larger group learns to trust and appreciate the abilities of those that sense our presence, more doorways to our world will be opened to yours and more of you will see and accept us. Eventually our presence will be as normal to you as the flowers and the trees.
In opening your awareness to a new octave, you will increase your sensitivity to beings from higher dimensions. There will be fourth dimension entities, and others beyond that, prepared to greet you and or expand your connection. Your sphere of inter-dimensional understanding will grow tremendously and allow you to have relationships with a greater galactic assembly. Your species will develop its discernment and frequency detection abilities so that you can open communications with a wider array of beings from higher dimensions and other worlds. As light beings involved in assisting evolutionary cycles, we can assist your links with other life forms and further aid your soul evolution, into and out of space and time. In this sense, we can act as intermediaries and liaisons in your interactions with many beings if you desire such connections, and will continue to guide you on your journey in discovering your abilities as creators in the new dimensional realm. You will see us as shining balls of light in various colors. We will be acting upon the grids of light that connect material forms to enhance their structure and integrity and help them evolve.
Sometimes we will be too luminous for your eyes to manage. When your soul is particularly open, you can take in our energy at its most subtle level and perceive us as glowing orbs. Those that are sensitive to our vibration can communicate with us through the light filaments. This will seem like telepathic communication to you, but for us it is simply the transference of energy that holds information. We are able to transmit large amounts of data in single bursts of energy. Some of you will actually be able to see the sparks of light being transmitted. Such interactions can assist you in developing your creative abilities in the fourth dimension, but they are only offered upon request. This is out of respect and appreciation for your readiness to accept our input. If you decide you are ready for our help then we can give you insights and ideas on how to manage energy in your system and balance yourselves with the planet’s needs. Since we are able to read energy signatures from a larger perspective, we can give you knowledge as to what is out of balance on a global view and through time, until you learn to do this more easily yourselves. Our intention is not to do things for you, but rather to help you find your way by giving you tools of discernment.
We are mentors, so to speak, for evolutionary leaps. Our guidance can save you many years of fumbling around haphazardly. Our methods of assistance are also quite subtle and unobtrusive. We gently nudge, make suggestions, and offer a wider perspective. You can take our advice or leave it as you wish. Our communications will occur on an individual and group basis. If a community is open to our vibration then we can transmit a telepathic message to the entire group. Usually in this case everyone will also be able to see us. Or we may come in the form of a collective dream. We use this latter method because you are already in a state of working through dilemmas in your collective subconscious when you dream and are often looking for assistance. We can then infuse your collective thoughts with our added energy thereby helping you to make your own group conclusions. If we come to a group in visual form, then we will have a good reason to do so. It will often be at a time when an important direction is being decided upon and we feel that our input would be beneficial. This would happen after the community has opened to our frequency and was ready to make such contacts.
We may guide individuals in daily matters that aid in their development. We only take an interest in situations that have creative significance for your growth, because this is our collective mission. We have no interest in your mundane aspects of life. This is not to say that those events are not important. It is just not where our energy is best used. On a personal basis, we may simply show you a brighter path or give you a new idea to pursue. If you see luminous lights, it may be us trying to tell you something, so you might want to pay closer attention. We can make objects appear brighter by infusing energy into their being, so if you see objects light up, it may be us giving you a message. If you are open, you will also hear, see, or feel our telepathic transmission. Receptivity to Telepathy Given that much of our communications are in the form of information as light transference, we would like to expound upon the nature of telepathy. You are all capable of having telepathic interactions whether you are aware of it or not. Many of you are having more telepathic communications than you realize already. As you begin to appreciate and acknowledge this natural part of your mental process, you can learn
to be more sensitive and better interpreters of the messages. If you have had moments where you believe you received a telepathic message, be it as simple as knowing who was calling on the phone or a bright idea popping in your head from nowhere, think about how the thought came into your mind. Was it like a bolt of lightning? Not likely. More likely, it was a subtle and sudden unexplainable knowing. The feeling related is probably not drastic but is rather calming and relieving. The frequency on which telepathic communications exist is one that causes the electromagnetic impulses of the mind to be soothed. Such connections are not able to bypass a mind that is too frantic. Messages are more likely to be noticed when one is not thinking or worrying about anything or is loosely absorbed in a topic. A calmer mind promotes better telepathy, and when the message is transmitted it will add to that feeling of calm. This is the nature of the vibration upon which information travels over light strands. Your guides, angels, higher selves, light beings and less dense sentient life forms can make telepathic links to your mental structure. When you are relaxed or meditative, interactions with such beings is easily possible.
As you ask for guidance, learn to trust the knowing thoughts that come to you, if you do not already have a fluid interaction with any of the above. A message that is from a light vibration will make you feel tranquil and even euphoric, not heavy and burdened. A telepathic communication from a denser frequency will be distorted, uncomfortable and even demanding. Listen and encourage only sudden thoughts of a buoyant and uplifting quality. When we communicate with individuals, such as the channel for this writing, we are making a connection with the soul’s multi-dimensional being. In other words, we relate with the expanded nature of the soul as a multi-dimensional consciousness. Often we are communicating with the soul as it exists in many dimensions at once, or are calling upon higher aspects of the soul’s being that can facilitate the telepathic relations. Hence, we communicate through higher facets of the soul that are more evolved spiritually. While we are doing so, all aspects of the self are gaining an energy boost from the experience. Since all aspects of the self are evolving out of your concept of space/time, there are elements of your soul that you would see as highly advanced in
telepathic and other capabilities. You are a part of that evolution as you exist now. Many of you, like the present channel, also have aspects of your greater soul within beings that reside or resided at one time or another, on other worlds in your universe. Your soul may exist in a form other than human. This is another way you can help bridge relations between humans and other beings. There is a part of your higher selves, so to speak, that have a deep understanding of certain off Earth civilizations that can allow you to become facilitators and better telepathic mediums between humans and those other species. Many of you have an inherent knowing that you did not come from planet Earth originally, or you feel that you are different or do not really belong here. You of course belong here in that you chose to be here for your evolution. Part of that path is to make connections with the higher aspects of yourself and strengthen those links between the respective beings and current humans. If you can accept that you are a multidimensional soul you may be able to awaken some of the attributes inherent in the aspect of yourself that exists on other planets and dimensions.
We depend greatly, for example, on the portion of the channel that is living as a highly telepathic being from another star system in your galaxy. This other life form is aware of such interactions and is encouraging to the future of humanity in the process. This energetic link aids the translation from our light energy to your human words. In the telepathic process, feeling, images and three dimensional symbols are tools to develop accuracy in transmission. As you evolve your telepathic skills among your own species, you will find that thought energy can be more effectively relayed with three dimensional symbols that go beyond the limits of your present language. There is a wealth of information that can be transmitted with a 3D image that includes the emotions that accompany the image. Imagine the difference in hearing or seeing the word apple and picturing an apple. The latter elicits a much deeper emotional and physical response and may very well transit space and time. In other words, the visual image of an apple can traverse memories of apple experiences where as the mere word has limitations in its effects.
The adage ‘a picture speaks a thousand words’ applies to telepathic messages as well.
Therefore, cultures that use telepathy have developed 3D languages that they use to communicate more with fewer transmissions. When you practice your telepathy among each other, try sending 3D images over light filaments from one brain to another while in a relaxed state of mind. There is much more to be discussed on the topic of telepathy, and a whole book could be written on the subject. We do suggest you look into what has been studied on the matter and begin to trust your own inner soul language. You do have the ability within your human DNA and within the higher aspects of your soul. If you remain open and seeking to attune to that which is unseen and between what is seen and understood, you will be ready when faculties begin to switch on more acutely as you approach the central plane of your galaxy and your multidimensional nature is revealed.
Your relationship with us light beings and others will be an enlightening experience and deeply fulfilling for your greater soul. Eventually we will all meet gladly in the spaces between and beyond the envelope of time.
Author Bio ~ Jill Mara began channeling Simion in 2005. She has recently completed a telepathically channeled book entitled, Keys to Soul Evolution: A Gateway to the Next Dimension to be released this summer. Jill will be available in the US following the book release for appearances and group channeling sessions. Please visit her web site for more information. www.simi
A “spiritual” encounter in Warminster?
After my previous article for Spiritual Times on the Warminster UFO phenomenon, I was approached by the editor of this e-zine for a second instalment. Warminster was not only know for it’s UFOs however. There was a flurry of what could only be described as Fortean events around the town during the flap, one of which was known as the night walker. This manifested itself as strange unearthly footsteps, sounds and other strange events on the hills around the town. People would hear footsteps approaching them, but no-one was ever visible and weird crackling sounds and piccolo/flute “music” was also heard. So, let me set the scene for you… It was late October, 1976. I was in Warminster for the second time, along with two friends, Colin Rees and Chris Butler. This was their first visit to the town. We were staying at a centre for UFO studies, The Fountain Centre, run by Peter and Jane Paget. The weather was typically autumnal, with mist and fog shrouding the town for most of our stay, but this did not deter us from visiting Cradle Hill, the main skywatching location for students of the enigma. On our first full day in the town, Chris and Colin went to the copse for the first time, armed with cameras and a cassette recorder. [Remember, this was cutting edge stuff in those-days!] They left me behind at the centre, as I was working on an article for Paget’s magazine, The Fountain Journal. When they returned, they listened to the audio recordings they had taken at the hill. Chris and Colin began to play back the recordings they had made about an hour or so before. They thought, however, that there was something wrong with the recordings. Along with the audio commentary they had made in the copse, they could hear a series of rapid clicks that had not been audible to them at the time. Chris came to fetch me, so I could hear these strange sounds. While Chris was gone, Colin suddenly realised what the sound reminded him of. The sounds were similar to those made by a Geiger counter when it registers radiation emissions. We all listened closely to the tape again.
We discovered that the clicks came in a semi-regular pattern, in short, sharp bursts of about two seconds each, but had only been recorded when they were in the general vicinity of the copse. This time all three of us would return to the copse, taking with us a different cassette tape recorder. Before we went, we had to eat. We couldn't cook, and we loathed washing up. In fact, after a couple of days, we were to resort instead to fish and chips! When we had arrived back on the hill, we retraced the steps Colin and Chris had taken just a few hours previously. Before long, we were back at the barn. We decided to take two separate sets of recordings, one out in the open and the other undercover. After we had made the open air recordings, I suggested that we went into a grain tunnel, on the side of the barn, which the farmer used for drying grain. I thought the surrounding concrete and exterior shell of the building might offer protection and insulation from any stray electrical signals that might have been the cause of the noises we had recorded. We clambered inside the grain tunnel like "overgrown moles," as Colin put it. We made our way to the end, where we assumed we would get the maximum amount of shielding from any interference. We both sat in complete silence, each with a different recorder, and different tapes to those we had used before. We waited for ten minutes as the recorders, we hoped, gathered more of the mysterious sounds Colin and Chris had recorded earlier. After ten minutes, we switched off the recorders and returned to the open air. We made a quick examination of the fence that surrounded the copse. The fence was not electrified and there was no sign of any power at the barn, so we ruled out electrical interference. After another ten minutes we started back to the house, where Peter and Jane waited to hear the new recordings. When we played these back, they contained, to our mutual amazement, the same type of sounds. Peter said that we were not the first to go to the copse with tape recorders, but this was the first time he had heard any noises like this. He was as puzzled as we were. For us, the re-recording of the sounds, and Peter's bewilderment, clinched it – we had captured something new and unusual. The sounds were only recorded when we were in the immediate vicinity of the copse. We spent the next couple of hours trying to come up with theories that could plausibly explain the cause of the noises. Perhaps the microphone had picked up our movements when we were carrying the recorder.
But I pointed out that the recorder had been left running on the floor of the grain tunnel, with the microphone fully extended away from it. We had moved away from the recorder, and sat as still as possible. Perhaps the recorder or tapes were at fault. Again, we noted that we had used two separate recorders, and fresh tapes on both expeditions. We decided that, on the forthcoming skywatch, we would use the Fountain Centre's own cassette recorder, and a brand new, sealed tape. As we walked the last few hundred yards to the gates the very atmosphere seemed to change. It became heavy, almost impossible to breathe. The air around us seemed to be alive with a potent force, the distant silent hills spectators awaiting the start of a game – and we were the players, but who or what were we playing with? Almost on cue[,] as we reached the [white gates] the sky was lit up by a strange eerie orange glow that lasted for thirty or so seconds. As we ran the remaining few yards to the gates it became clear that the army was about to start a war game, and the orange glow was nothing more than a flare on a parachute. Even so, the air was still strained as we set up camp. The distant crack-crack of small arms fire was a strange unearthly symphony to accompany our observations. The following day, Colin and Chris again walked to the hill. The weather, however, had again turned against us. Fog hung from the trees. Despite these cold, damp conditions. Again, they took two cassette recorders with them. When they reached the white gates, the fog was so thick they could not even make out the slight brow of the hill on the pathway up to the copse. Once inside the copse, they felt completely isolated, as if they were in a grey hemisphere. A recording was again made in the copse. The fog was so thick that any further investigation would be pointless, and they once again walked back to the Fountain Centre. When they had thawed out, they played back their recordings from the hill. The grain tunnel tape once again had the thumping sounds on it, but this time greatly magnified, almost as if there was a giant heart beating on the tape. By this time we had exhausted, we thought, rational explanations for what we had been recording. Thus, we were forced to conclude that the sounds were being made by some esoteric source. Knowing Warminster's reputation, we felt it fair to assume that the sounds were somehow connected to extraterrestrials. But could this be happening to us?
If it was, then why? These thoughts and conclusions were the major talking point of the day. We could not wait for the evening, to see what else would happen. Peter asked if we would write an article, describing what had happened to us so far, for the next issue of The Fountain Journal, which we did, and our experiences were published in issue five of the magazine. The Thursday was to be our last full day in Warminster, but was by far the most terrifying and rewarding. As usual, we walked to Cradle Hill copse in the morning, and made the now regular recordings. Even in daylight, however, the atmosphere at Cradle Hill remained heavy. Even though it seemed impossible at the time, the atmosphere inside the copse was worse than the night before. It was almost as if somebody, or something, was trying to contact us. We replayed the tapes when we returned to Star House, and again heard the regular, heartbeat-like thump. I again cooked lunch, but despite my best efforts, Chris and Colin survived! Then came the saddest part of all. We had to start packing for the journey home the following day. We left out only the bare essentials required for the evening's skywatch. By now, Colin had already decided to return to Warminster at the next available opportunity. We felt rather gloomy as we walked back to the hill for the final time on this visit. The fog was once again thick and the atmosphere heavy. We visited the copse, but as we slowly returned to the white gates, it became apparent that to stay on the hill for much longer would be futile. The fog was thickening by the minute. We sat, silent and sullen, on the gates, reflecting on our visit to Warminster. Suddenly, Colin became aware of what he could only describe as a 'presence' standing behind him. Colin later wrote that, "It was if some-one was breathing down my neck. I turned round but there was no-one there." Chris and I gathered our equipment together for the walk back. But as we moved away, Colin noted that the feeling became stronger. After we had picked up our gear, we walked back towards Colin, and the 'presence' backed off. It seemed to Colin as if it only wanted to contact him. Colin told us what he was experiencing, and asked us to move away. As we did, the feeling again got stronger! At this, we picked up our bags, and tried, unsuccessfully, to make a dignified retreat. We were three very frightened young people. All the way down the lane, the feeling of being followed at a distance was with us, and it did not go away until we once again reached the main road and the welcoming glow of the streetlights.
We were still talking madly when we reached the Star House, and welcome refuge. But Colin felt that something was still amiss. We walked up the side path of the house to the door, but to our complete amazement, it was locked! This was unusual. Star House had an open door policy, particularly if there were researchers or skywatchers staying, enabling them to come and go as they pleased. It wasn't even that late. Peter and Jane had told us earlier that they were going out for the evening to a party. But, as John and Maureen were staying in, the door would, as usual, be left unlocked. We dumped our equipment on a low wall in the garden while we went around the house trying to find an entry. There were lights on at the top of the house, where John and Maureen were staying, so we tried to get their attention, but failed. It then started to rain, and realising that our equipment was out in the open, Colin went to cover it with his coat. Having done this, Colin came to find Chris and I at the rear of the house, but we had already moved. Colin assumed we had gone back to the bags. He retraced his steps, expecting to meet us at the side door. As he turned a corner, "The hairs on the back of my head literally stood up on end. I could sense the same 'presence' by me that I had experienced on the hill." Colin felt as if he were being pushed over by an unseen force, almost as if this 'presence' had been panicked and ran past him. "As I fell to the ground I instinctively covered my head thinking I had, in fact, disturbed a burglar. I turned my head to try to get a glimpse of my attacker, but to my utter amazement there was no-one there!" Chris and I arrived to find Colin sprawled on the ground, shaking with fear. We had no option now but to try to gain entry to the house via other methods. I managed to climb in through an open window, and clambered over Mrs. Tedder-Shepherd's barricade. I walked the few steps to the door, but, just as I put my hand out to turn the knob on the Yale lock, the door handle turned, and Chris opened the door. Chris and I helped Colin into the house. While Chris made Colin a cup of strong tea, I went outside to rescue our gear. Chris and I then searched the house to find if anyone had been playing tricks. I went upstairs to Maureen and John, who had retired to their room an hour or so previously. They had not been aware of our plight. They knew that the door was to be left unlocked to allow us entry to the house, and were as puzzled as we were as to how the door had been first locked, then unlocked.
We were all tired, and very shaken. Being diligent researchers, however, before we went to bed we wrote up our experiences for Peter, in case he needed them for the magazine. Our story does not end there however. We became reluctant contactees after our visit to Warminster. Our story is chronicled in my book, UFO Warminster: Cradle of contact, which is available via the Warminster website at www.ufo-warminster.co.uk Also on our site, you will find all the Fountain Journals which Peter Paget published while he was in Warminster. To my dying day I will always believe that something strange happened in this quiet Wiltshire town. A lot has been written about the Warminster enigma over the last few years, dismissing a lot of what happened there as hype and the media’s overzealous reporting. I know what happened. I experienced some of it! Kevin Goodman
Disclosure not just about UFOs – other mysteries connected By Steve Hammons
When we read and hear about “UFO disclosure” it may seem that this is the main unknown of our era. It may be. Yet, there are other scientific mysteries that are also very interesting and may be equally important. In fact, these other anomalous phenomena could be related to the UFO situation. For example, the idea of multiple dimensions is gaining credibility among physicists and mathematicians. A concept called “Calabi-Yau space” proposes that the universe could be structured like a crumpled up or folded up piece of paper. This would create dimensions that may be far away or very near. Our ideas about the afterlife or Heaven could fit in nicely with this concept. Another mystery is extrasensory perception (ESP), sometimes called anomalous cognition. It has been adequately proven by the U.S. defense and intelligence activity referred to as Project STAR GATE that this human “sixth sense” is real and capable of fascinating perception and awareness. Although the defense and intelligence personnel involved named their specific technique and protocol “remote viewing,” it appears to be a very natural ability is within all of us. SYNERGY OF RESEARCH, DISCOVERY And then there are space-time phenomena that seem to connect events, people, times and places in ways that don’t always make logical sense to us. This “synchronicity” can be puzzling. Physicists use the term “non-locality,” meaning things can be connected in ways that do not seem obvious. But do these strange phenomena have special meaning? New understanding of space and time could provide more insight into UFOs, multiple dimensions, ESP and other challenging topics.
In addition, the mysteries of, and in our DNA continue to be a source of discovery too. What may be deep down within the genetic core of all of us? Ancient ancestors’ memories? A master plan for the development of the human race? Surprising origins and histories of the human race? Or simply a fluid and responsive system or mechanism of adjustment to our environment over the centuries? Are there methods and tools that could be keys to unlock the information and experiences within our DNA? Again, these kinds of possibilities might be connected in some way to other leading-edge or forward-leaning research. Being human might get more interesting. UFOs could seem boring in comparison to some of these other interesting topics. But, actually, there may be a synergy in the significant connections among all of these subjects, as well as other mysterious goings-on around us and within us. The whole may be greater than the sum of the parts. OPEN SOURCE INTELLIGENCE Of course, “disclosure” about these kinds of subjects has different characteristics. In the case of UFOs, there seems to have been defense and intelligence security that sought to limit public information about the issue for various reasons. This was previously also the case in Project STAR GATE. For more than two decades, the research and operations were top secret. But now, much of the information is public. However, many details of actual defense and intelligence operations using remote viewing remain classified. Topics like multiple dimensions, DNA research (including more unconventional research), time-space theories, synchronicity and similar issues can be found in textbooks, writings and various media platforms about physics, spirituality, biology, philosophy, psychology and other fields.
There is a huge amount of “open source intelligence (OSINT)� on these areas. Disclosure in these cases is not so much about some powers-that-be releasing secret files, but more about our own curiosity and willingness to look into the available information. We can empower ourselves by learning more about such fascinating concepts. In fact, some of these subjects could help us in our daily lives and even be key to survival in certain ways. By taking responsibility to open our minds and explore these advanced, and probably fundamental and even ancient subjects, we may be able to create important disclosure on our own.
A special DVD collection of the 1996-1997 extraterrestrial and UFO-related NBC TV series “Dark Skies” is scheduled for release in the U.S. on Jan. 18, 2011. “Dark Skies” follows a young congressional staff member, John Loengard, as he comes to Washington, D.C., during the period from 1961 to 1967. When Loengard (played by Eric Close) is recruited into a secret government UFO agency, he and his girlfriend (Megan Ward) find themselves in the strange world of extraterrestrial invaders and government operatives trying to deal with the challenging situation. The release of the series on DVD is sure to increase awareness and preparedness about various scenarios generally associated with the UFO phenomena. People placing advance orders can receive the DVDs by Dec. 9, 2010, when ordering directly from the Shout Factory! home video company. A “Dark Skies” DVD collection was also released in the UK in October 2010. The series was created and written by Bryce Zabel and Brent Friedman. It aired on Saturday nights in 1996 and 1997, and included 18 one-hour episodes as well as a two-hour pilot. Zabel and Friedman have both had distinguished careers involving many successful TV projects. The special U.S. DVD release includes three hours of audio commentaries with the creators and actors Close and Ward about the series pilot and closing episodes. A 90-minute documentary section gives viewers behind-the-scenes insight into the creative and TV business elements of the series. TRUTH THROUGH FICTION? The original NBC promos and Emmy Award-winning title sequence opening each episode featured the provocative statement, “They're here ... they're hostile ... and powerful people don't want you to know. History as we know it is a lie.” The fast-paced action and suspense drama focused on the experiences of the characters played by actors Close and Ward as they learn more about the disturbing dangers facing the U.S. and the human race.
“Dark Skies” provides insight about possible or probable secret operations and organizations dealing with UFOs, ETs and other unconventional phenomena. The series also gives viewers perspectives about the 1960s by incorporating real events, music and public personalities of that era. Other leading actors play fascinating roles. J.T. Ward plays a Navy officer who is part of the secret “Majestic-12” agency dealing with the UFO and ET situation. Jeri Ryan is a covert agent in the same organization. John M. Jackson also gives an impressive performance. Interestingly, Jackson portrayed the real-life commanding officer of the Roswell Army Air Force base in the revealing 1994 TV movie Roswell. Many other actors contributed to the series, playing roles of people like President Harry Truman, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Dr. Carl Sagan, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, Marilyn Monroe, Sen. Robert Kennedy, Navy Adm. Roscoe Hillenkotter, Dr. Timothy Leary and others. Viewers revisit the 1960s yet see those years in a new light, looking deep behind the curtains – behind what we thought was reality. THEN AND NOW There are interesting parallels between “Dark Skies” and the current NBC series “The Event.” Both deal with secret goings-on regarding UFOs and unusual visitors or beings. In both shows, a naïve young couple find themselves thrust into the middle of frightening and mind-bending conspiracies involving shadowy and dangerous agents and the UFO phenomena. Both series involve a U.S. president and his administration trying to deal with the situation, and deciding how much to tell the public. And, both tell us that beings appearing to be normal humans may not be. “Dark Skies” creator and writer Zabel also recently co-authored a book with researcher Richard M. Dolan called A.D. After Disclosure: The People’s Guide to Life After Contact. This book certainly dovetails with “Dark Skies,” which was probably a TV series ahead of its time.
There are many video clips, promos and episode segments of “Dark Skies” on YouTube and other online platforms. Zabel's and Dolan’s website AfterDisclosure.com also contains links to information on the series and the upcoming DVD release as well as related developments and research. The special DVD collection will most likely be a valuable contribution to the ongoing learning curve and acclimation for Americans and people around the world as we prepare to deal with more information about UFOs, extraterrestrials, unusual intelligent beings and mysterious scientific discoveries.
Steve Hammons
The Journey So Far
This article is about my spiritual journey so far and now at the age of 52 it needs to be written down to help myself to reflect on the journey so far and it may also help others to at least question our so called reality. So here goes: I grew up in Harrow Weald which is north London right on the green belt. A life of no internet, mobile phones and e-mail it was great to experience life this way. The TV only had 3 channels but at least in 1969 it was in colour. Very shy I was and psychic I was not. The only thing that made me question reality in those days was the fact I had to attend a Roman Catholic Church which talks about the spirit. At a very young age of seven, I would think about being dead and that it was just black and never to be again. I found this very hard to imagine and therefore did not accept this as being dead, this I could not comprehend there had to be more. An early memory of mine of something out of the normal was one night I was standing up in my cot maybe my age was three or four and I remember a vertical rectangle of light very bright in the room with me. Then I saw myself lying down asleep in my cot. What this means or if this was a real memory I do not know but I have never forgot this.
In October 2010 I did have a Channelled reading done and I did ask the question of what I saw at the age of three. “The bright rectangle is a true memory and it goes back to your work with Pythagoras and is connected with the sacred geometry that we have ask you to reconnect to. The mighty rectangle is a portal to higher revelations” So my school years flew by and my exam results as expected where very poor not surprising though as I spent my time in my own imagination and looking out the school windows. Through films like the Exorcist which I watched at the age of 15 the unknown was scary and the less I thought about it the less I would attract it! Now into my thirties with family and career going well a present of a UFO directory book made me start to wonder about the big picture again, though it still took another few years to actually buy my first UFO book by Timothy Good. Only read about three books up until then but this one I could not put down until completely read. This was the start to my full commitment into the unknown. Thereafter I purchased hundreds of books on the UFO subject. One thing I noticed from all the people that wrote these books is that the UFO phenomena was very much a nuts & bolts subject and anything on the spiritual side would be considered a step too far. In the mid 1980’s living in my first house in a place called Pitstone a strange event happen to me: It was a dark late summers evening and the light from the closed patio windows flooded across the garden. I was sitting watching TV and to my right I could see my rabbit through the patio windows. We only had a small garden but it was completely fenced in so my rabbit could roam freely pruning the flowers. It was then that I noticed my rabbit charging about the garden as if it was being chased. This has happened before as the cat next door gets a bit too playful. Since the patio windows where locked I walked quickly to the kitchen door which also leads to the back garden. I open the kitchen door to see that my rabbit had already stopped in the middle of the lawn; though the garden was dark I could see no cat.
Then suddenly for no reason at all the hairs on the back of my neck went up and for some reason I thought I had to close the door and go back to watch TV again, so I did. Later on I told my wife who was upstairs at the time what had happen but did not think too much about it and the rabbit was put back in his hutch safely when we went to bed. This happened on a Friday night and then on Saturday night we had arranged for the next door neighbors to come around for dinner. It was not long before they mentioned that they had ghosts in their house last night which kept them up all night. The radiators were banging and noises were heard around the house. I suggested that it might have been air locked in the pipes but they said definitely not it was ghosts! Though I mentioned what happened to me the night before the subject was changed. In summary I felt like their where two ET’s albeit invisible in my garden having fun with my rabbit and then they moved onto the next doors house. The next doors had a son who was 4 at the time and he was very angry and physical with his mum. He was also very intelligent and could watch the news and debate what was being said. Alien abduction! Ghosts! Who knows but it was strange. As you can guess after reading so many UFO books the subject was not giving me anything new and my desire to learn more about the unknown was and still is very powerful within me. So I started to read about angels and auto biography books on people’s psychic abilities. This brought in a new world for me and again many hundreds of books to date have been read. In 2003 the armchair stuff was not enough for me and I went to my first psychic workshop in Canterbury Kent. This workshop was not dark and creepy but fun and safe with much laughter. It gave me proof that something was really out there as on this first workshop we actually did mediumship and gave each other readings. You could feel the presence of someone else in your space and for me the pictures they put in my mind gave the person who I was giving the reading to undeniable proof!
Though I have now attended many workshops and psychic circles my psychic abilities have not got better in fact I was better in those early days then I am now. With my fear of the unknown and my shyness now very much reduced I was quite happy to go on spiritual retreats and have attunements for things like Reiki (energy healing through the hands). I hate to admit how many psychic reading I have had but they do give bits of information that help me on my spiritual mission. The truth is of course is within you but you do need the help of spiritual teachers every so often. Buckland Hall in Wales where I attended two physic weeks in 2006 and 2007 were just amazing experiences for me and to the other people who attended. If I every needed proof of the unknown this was given to me many times. Here is just one of them; Smoking Stick Ceremony: this was a very sacred ceremony we did during the day which comes from the Native American Indians. The way we did it and in silence was to write one item down on a piece of paper something that you wanted to be forgiven for. The paper was then folded up so it was small and then put into the centre of a small piece of cloth. We then quietly walked around the smoking stick (a fallen branch from a tree) and picked up a pinch of tobacco and added this to the centre of the cloth. On sitting down you would then enclosed the paper and tobacco with the cloth and tie it with a bit of string. This was repeated 4 more times but this time you would not write down what you wanted forgiven for but just place you intention into the cloth. So now we all had 5 bundles of cloth each all tied in a chain. As a group we sat in a ring and tied all our strings together and then this was wrapped around the Smoking Stick. In the evening there would be another ceremony and the Smoking Stick would be burnt in a small fire in the grounds of the hall. I did not take a picture of the Smoking Stick as it seemed too sacred to do that.
It was time: the fire was burning under the clear night sky as we walked (about 30 people) from the hall in silence to the fire. We formed a ring around the fire and the angels were brought in to help with this ceremony. The Smoking Stick was placed in the fire which brought a lot of emotion for all that were there. The ceremony was over so I decided now was a good time to take some photos. The picture of the strange light above the fire was taken close up. At the time of taking the pictures nothing unusual could be seen. See picture, for me it is the spirit of the fire if you look closely you can it has two legs for others just a bug! The next morning before breakfast I went outside for some air, at that moment I had a vision that played out in my head of the burnt out fire so I decided to go and take a look. Before getting to the fire I had another vision of me kneeling beside the fire picking up the only piece of cloth that had not burnt and opening it to find my piece of paper in it. On reaching the ashes of the fire I knelt down and noticed a little bundle of cloth that had not burnt, on opening the bundle and un-wrapping the paper which was slightly charred it was indeed my message. I showed this to the course organizer and she said it was a personnel message for me to say my message had been received.
So now in 2008 the journey continues the path is becoming straight my growth has been tremendous but still I earn for more! But patience is needed to grow slowly is the key to be given it all now would be not to know it at all. I leave you with one more picture I took on holiday in Wales in 2007, the picture is very much zoomed in but can you see the elves?
There are two elves in the picture but some people just can not see them, why this is I have no idea. Also from the original picture it is not possible to see the elves, it took a psychic friend of mine while viewing my holiday pictures to stop me at this picture and told me exactly what was there before we zoomed in. At this stage of my journey I now have had proof of life after death and the Elementals that we hear of in folk law and fairy stories! I have had an energy field of an angle envelope by body and this energy I could physical see as well as the people around me being able to see this as well. I have had interactions with UFO’s in my own garden and have had a low soundless triangle UFO fly low above me!
I have seen an ET type light being and have experience an out body experience which scared the life out of me! I do not say these things to boast or to think I am special in anyway because I am not, I am saying this to wake you up to all that is! There is more much more than you can imagine, even around you now! In a recent reading I was told; “please understand that spirituality and spiritual understanding are not gauged by the number of phenomenal events that take place, if any occur at all� To be spiritual is to have faith in all that is. The energies now hitting our Mother Earth has yet again increased on the 11th November 2010, these energies affect everyone and will continue to increase. Only you will know how it affects you, are you with the flow or repelling against it. If you are with the flow time is speeding up for you. Being with the flow or not, it is a choice and only you can make it. You will see that things will turn as they should no need to fear but to be aware. Always use discernment when viewing your box in the corner, there are those who do not want you to wake up. Editor
The following is my attempt in November 2010 to try and do some automatic writing. This is a telepathic communications with higher dimensional light beings. Though one must be careful as connecting to anything is not desirable! Protection and having your work check by others who have much experience in this field gives you the confidence to give it a go. Auto writing 1 Explore the Universe one needs to know the keys to unlock the doors to guide you through the safe zones of time and space. Hidden from time now revealed for humanity the sounds that open the doors .I am Vywamus and greet the readers who have come upon the information delivered here. No one can say, no one can deliver your awakening, only you can open the keys of yourself. Once you have open your own door the universe and all that is comes forth. It is time for us to be seen by all of earth and not the few to know. We are approaching much information down load for you to learn. Those of you who know it has become your way of service to others. The first steps of unlocking your own door and to understand, needs some support from others of great wisdom. The wisdom comes from your own people old and not so old as the new young ones are already had their doors unlocked. We will be of help as well as this will speed up the knowing because fast approaching and is already happening is the Ascension of all that is. The colours of frequency will vibrate at ever greater speeds of light. The beauty that beholds the journey in front of you can not be put into your words. No need to worry or fear but trust and your own inner knowing has the words which combine the truth for you. The ships of space have been of service to earth for many a time but free will and Universal Law is what we are to be allowed your choice on Earth. Only Heaven and your thoughts allow us to intervene with the process. We monitor you all individually.
This is allowed and necessary. The protection of the movement to the next octave is and always was to be achieved at this junction.
We leave you now but view your skies as we move through your skies and realise it is us, the same spark of creation as you who come in love to help in the beauty and peace that is to become. Auto writing 2 We are here and we mean many of us, but only I for now will connect to you Robert. The time is set for the coming storm if you like to rip through the consciousness of all man kind. We feel excited of the coming announcement as we know you are. This is going to be so profound that it will give you all opportunities for tremendous growth in such a short time. The next few weeks are so important that one must find the time to stop and look around to see what is happening. We are all together in this happening as you are with the time frame of your life. We commend you all as this is it! So far the proceedings have gone well and this is by no means taken lightly by us so we investigate everything that might seem small but the flow must be maintained. We greet your friends as they have read your words if not understood the meanings. Seeds are opening and this is good as they will know who to turn too in the very near future. We of course will be their as always to support you and your teachings as this is the way it is meant to be. Search for the answers in everything we say to you as hidden in text are many answers that do lead to other more exciting things for yourself.
This has and will become the best readings that you will desire from now on. Please be safe in your approach to these readings follow the same format as advised as this will connect to the right steps to the process in hand. We salute you Robert! Keep in touch! Auto writing 3 We like to say something about the time you were introduced to us for the first time. It was said we were to be spoken of little as possible for your protection was of our very most concern! We are now able to go ahead with no worry for your protection for we are now your physical body guards if you like. All is safe to proceed. The information for download to you is of course already there, only but a trigger to let you remember. We have spoken before and it is me Vywamus who is speaking to you now! The highest safe guards are in place so proceed we will; In the coming months our ships will be seen by more and more people, no panic just curiosity for now but as the news slowly spreads then this is the time for more concerns for your people. It will need global understanding quite soon so the people do not start making up their own beliefs which will lead to fear of us. For this not to happen it is necessary to bring forward ambassadors to represent our truths and there will be no question that these people do represent us. It has become very clear to us in the last few days that your ambitions for truth to be known to all and with our guidance it is you Robert we would like to further your teachings so you can deliver the truths of us to the many. The challenge is yours and the answers you will have but your way of delivery is needed for our teachings to mankind. We will start the process of this which you have already agreed and we thank you for remembering this, tonight we will invite you with conscious memory as this will help to believe more with the process.
Very well for your future needs must be imbedded for the natural way to deliver your talks to all. People will be drawn to you and it will not be easy far from it but it will be necessary to charge your batteries for the ride will soon begin! Take charge Robert you are a powerful individual that is why you are chosen for this period to work for all. 16/11/2010 Auto writing 4 Let’s go on a journey of no out come for this is the way of the Universe. To put it bluntly it is the way of everything. We consider many truths but what are truths but many layers of understandings of the same thing. How can you know all from the highest level of your understanding, it will not make sense to know the highest of the truths. We greet you Robert and let us say that this is a great avocation for us to meet in this way for it was said that this would happen many 1000 of years ago and here we are and it is now! The beings of light and the visions people hold true to themselves are just but specs of light in the great cosmos for it is said that no man will every know all that is for it will for every expand and will not be reached. This is what is known as the Great Truth of all that is. Down to Earth now and for some truths that will affect you in the coming of your moments. The great shift has begun for the Earth to re establish itself as the great beauty of once before. The changes will be swift and controlled for it has been said that life needs to experience fully the Ascension period to gain the physical understanding of how to change the belief of many lives in your duality experience. Which is misunderstood by the many for we shall see soon that the coming moments you have been driving too for many lives has now become. We consider many possibilities and outcomes for this is our purpose from are higher view. We all work together in love for the Universe to expand, for without love the Universe would be no more. This is a very high truth but it can be simple understood by all. The ships are above waiting to become known for it will be soon that we can ensure you of.
The panic of the ones who are against this can now been seen at many levels of your society. Sit tight and watch the clouds as they dance across the skies for this is us! Hope you enjoyed these short readings and of course use your own judgment as to the truth written here. These are the start of many writings and with practice the connection will develop and the unique energies felt! All I can say is that it does not sound like me! Editor
So what’s Going On?? The point is that much is going on at its heading for one massive outcome. This outcome is your vision of what you would want for your future? War and fear or love and peace? Such a simple choice but not many people are yet making and focusing on the choice. It does not take a wise person to see what is going on right in front of your face, but it does take a wise person to find out why and see the whole truth without fear because you are very aware of what is to happen at this junction. So what is this thing that is happening? Mother Earth and the rest of the Universe is going to Ascend to the 5th dimension. This is written in stone and will happen. The Earth is preparing it’s self by releasing the negativity built up for such along time. This is happening now and the impact to life will be limited as much as possible. As we are now only a very few of us can go through this Ascension process with Earth, but it has been written that all have a choice to ascend. Hence the waking up period that we are now in. The new energies hitting the Earth is shaking up the bad stuff for all to see and by this are own consciousness is expanding. To kick start the process for some people evidence of life beyond and within the Earth will make quantum changes of awareness in each individual. Let’s say it is an amazing time to be alive in this period to experience ascension to the higher octave is just an incredible experience that we have all signed up for to be present. So imagine how you would like to see the Earth in the future, imagine how you would like to be with all the gifts that are your birth right to have and use them for the greater good. Research and take the time to educate your self to the real information. As you do this you will attract to you this information and the people who will help you on your journey. Editor