Spiritual Times

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Welcome to another issue of Spiritual Times. It was my full intention to close my website and therefore the magazine the reason being is that you do not get enough feedback from you the readers! So I felt like I was wasting my time not knowing if anybody was reading the material. The website host however automatically charged me for another 2 years web hosting, so I guess it is meant to be. The magazine will only be out twice a year now and will be in the Adobe PDF format so any computer should be able to open these documents. Because of this I have in this issue updated and used previous material from the previous magazine. There are also some new articles which you should find very interesting. The theme of this issue is the “unforeseen worlds in our woods� which for some reason I seem to attract and be able to take pictures of. These of course are the mythical beings we read about in folk law, elves, fairies etc. Many sensitive people are very aware of these beings and can communicate with them and therefore there is an understanding of their world. In my case they allow me to photograph them. So in this magazine I have put together the best pictures and the article behind the taking of the pictures. I have sent these pictures to well known and not so well known psychics who have confirmed for me the amazing mystical pictures that these truly are. For many people these pictures will be considered a good job using Photoshop or it is a bug not a fairy. It is up to you to go within your heart and to feel the truth there and not in your objective mind Robert

A True Spiritual Journey

Aurora Brierley

Editors Patch

Susan Joy Rennison

Blossom Goodchild

Innocene, Akiane painted this Age 12

Article: A True Spiritual Journey John Birch was interviewed by Wendy Stokes (c) www.psychichandbook.com

John Birch has developed an interesting method of raising money for charity! He embarked on a home-made retreat that included renunciation and self-sacrifice for a charitable cause. He restricted his environment by reducing general distractions and cutting out modern comforts and necessities, such as food, electricity, and contact with friends. With these indulgent pastimes out of the way, John went into solitary confinement in his home to raise awareness for the plight of the fast diminishing Amazonian rainforest.

His retreat also had the added advantage that John could put the money that he saved towards a cause that helps the world’s largest endangered rainforest and the people that are dependent upon it. The Amazon Cry Foundation is a registered charity that was founded to prevent illegal logging and mining in the region and to provide for the people of the Amazonian basin with a school, language lessons and a workers’ co-operative. The Amazon is a natural temple and its destruction is a threat to the planet’s future health. Throughout the silent week, John’s feelings of emptiness and a connection with the struggling people of the Amazon surfaced. His solitary confinement became a vision quest. During his deep meditations, he made spiritual contact with a native shaman. John is a visionary and clearly saw the man’s face, with beads of sweat, tattoos and fish bone piercings. John feels his selfimposed week of hardship gave him an empathy and compassion towards the Rainforest people. He noticed that his sense of time slowed and he adopted a more natural pace of life. He also appreciated the solace and calmness of silence and heard birdsong and other natural sounds with new ears during the week. John has worked as a UK tutor for “An Introduction to Contemporary Spirituality – The Soul’s Journey” by William Bloom, and William provided the preface to John’s book of his experience which is called “A Week of Silence”. John works with William on the Holistic Spiritual Project which endorses the wonder of life and celebrates diversity, ecology and health. John’s intention is also to challenge our buying habits and to use purchasing power. He suggests we reduce the demand of the hardwood trees of the rainforest by avoiding buying hardwood furniture. We need to be aware that the Rainforest is being cleared to raise soya crops for animal food. This is an extravagant use of land for meat eaters and if we reduce our meat consumption, we also reduce the loss of this extraordinary rainforest. Forty-eight year old John runs the Spiritual Path Network in the UK to help people discover their spiritual path. He has trained mediums and healers.

John works as a Production Buyer for a Brewery in the North of England and in his spare time is dedicated to conserving the Amazonian Rain-forest and to protecting the tribal people who are dependent on the forest for their livelihood. John is becoming an ordained multi-faith brother and member of the Tau Community of St Francis, an interfaith fellowship that believes in leading by example and sowing the seeds of peace and kindness. John says: Originally, my background was of a business and academic nature. My career path flourished, but it wasn’t until the late 1990’s, when I held the position of a Commercial Director for the Chambers of Commerce, I had the realisation that the fruits of my career did not represent ‘success’ at all. I separated from my wife soon after, disillusioned that our (until then) shared ‘postcard image’ of our future together did not provide me with any answers or hope to find what was missing in my life. The problem was that I was looking to the future, or to external places, people or sources for the answer. After living a meagre existence for around nine months, I started to realise that there was another way to live my life, focusing on a dimension of my existence that I had not truly embraced until this moment – my spirituality. My mid-life crisis had become my spiritual transformation. Some of the formative events that have shaped my spiritual path are extremely personal and come from an episode in my life that took me into a dark place. Fortunately, while painting a picture one day, a flower appeared from the brush onto the canvas. I started to weep with happiness. It was from this point that I started to gain insights towards a better way of life and a more fulfilling way of living. In time, I came to realise that this was an awakening, my higher self communicating to me.

I wanted to develop my psychic capabilities and went to see a medium work in a local Spiritualist Church. She gave one message to someone, who was clearly delighted with it. The recipient had tears in her eyes and the message had clearly brought about closure to an issue. Minutes later, the medium gave another message to a man, stating that his father would die within two weeks! The stunned man left before the end of the service. The medium, on the other hand, was clearly enjoying the drama brought about by her ‘performance’. I realised then that spiritual service, whatever it may be, should be one of utmost respect and responsibility, and should not ever be in the service of ego. I also realised, at this point, that desires, when fuelled with love, create what I had been missing and seeking in my life. I think we should ‘walk the talk’ of our own spiritual values. What do I mean by this? An understanding of what a ‘spiritual lifestyle’ is on a conceptual level is fine, but one’s insights and inner truths come from adopting and applying them to everyday life. This is important to me that I do not judge others, nor impose a singular value or opinion on people or situations. I also think it important never to question the experiences of others. This is easier in a social environment, but more difficult in a work environment. Another important aspect of my work is feeling comfortable about the products and services I offer.

I would define ‘spirituality’ as the conscious expression and commitment of one’s authentic truths which come from a place of love, not from ego or self-service, and applying these aspects of spirituality to daily experiences, challenges, interactions and service. From a spiritual self-development perspective, it is also about finding the path of least resistance, one that doesn’t mean taking the easy way round things, or taking short-cuts in life. It is about meeting life’s challenges with acceptance, compassion, empathy and equality. Rather than reacting from our emotional experiences, we can respond through consciousness and love through words, actions and deeds. The three people who have influenced my spiritual path and my service are: 1) Miss Elaine Stone, my English teacher at secondary school. She saw the spark within me and picked me out to play the lead role in a school musical in 1977. She showed me what I was truly capable of in life. 2) Marlene Leeming-Moore, a SNU Church-serving medium. She ‘introduced’ me to my first guide (at least consciously so) and showed me what it is to be a medium in service to others, not for her own gain (or ego) – a rare thing! 3) Elijah, of the Brotherhood of Truth, who describes himself as a being ‘of Angelic form’. Elijah manifested himself to me three times during 2008. On one occasion, an elderly lady also saw him. I’m confident that Elijah is an aspect of my soul experience that ‘resides’ in a parallel dimension. He told me what my destiny is in terms of my ministry, but that it was my choice whether to do it now, or in the future.

The first birthday of my son, Liam, was a life defining moment for me. I grew up without a father figure, so when my wife gave birth to the first of our three sons, I was anxious as to whether I could be a ‘good Dad’. I had no frame of reference and I hadn’t even seen interactions of my friends with their fathers either. I realised at his first birthday, from the comments of my friends and family, that my wife and I had both done a good job as parents. Because we had only poor examples of parenting, we decided to do it differently. I started to question myself as to how I could be a good father and many of my attitudes as a young man changed and I became more mature. When my grandmother died in 1981, I found out that she had been a missionary in Labrador in the early 1930’s, teaching Eskimo children in a Moravian Mission. The humble yet valuable work of this young woman inspired me and, from that moment on, I became aware of my service to others. Service is part of daily life, not an occasional gesture, like giving love to someone one moment, then holding it back the next. Our country’s leaders should be made legally responsible for their political pledges and manifestos. Our present world leaders have the last opportunity to make positive change to our world. Given the chance, I would implore them to change the emphases from ownership to guardianship of our world. This applies to people too, Thomas Berry said we need to ‘stop seeing the Earth as a collection of objects and start valuing it as a communion of subjects’. Our leaders also need to re-evaluate what leadership is about. In these times, our focus should be on sustainability, not economic growth. Increased competition will only result in further demands on our shrinking natural resources. True measures of success could be to create the: Removal of fear Increase in compassion Environment of hope

What country or place has had the greatest impact on you? I think that the town of Glastonbury has had an enormous impact on me in recent years. I first went there four years ago to work with William Bloom on the final drafts of his course, ‘An Introduction to Contemporary Spirituality: The Soul’s Journey’. I then relayed it back to my teaching the course at the Blackpool & Fylde College. William and I became good friends and he kindly provided the narration for a spiritual film I made a few years later. I also facilitated a Hand-fasting Ceremony in the Chalice Wells Garden last year, on the request of one of my former students. It was a very moving and memorable day. I have fond memories of this wonderful area of England since visiting a few years ago with a friend. We sat still and silent on a bench in the Chalice Wells Garden for a period of two hours. Time seemed to disappear and we ‘awoke’ at the same time, both with tears of pleasure in our eyes. It was a special soul-enriching experience for both of us. Which books would you like to recommend to readers and why? I moved away from reading books a few years ago because I more often found that the words and experiences of others did not synchronise with my experience or fit with my inner truth. If I were to recommend a few books, however, I would choose Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now and Ram Dass’ One Liners. The first is a little difficult to get into, and the second, a ‘dip in – dip out’ coffee table book. Both provide the reader with a way to consciously and compassionately engage in the world in a mode of acceptance and presence. Both carry transformative insights that are simple to grasp as the greatest of truths usually are. John Birch can be contacted by email at : SpiritualPath@yahoo.co.uk www.SpiritualPathOnline.co.uk

The thought of this not being the first time we’ve been here on Earth may to some of you come as a shock, or it may come as a warm welcome. But have you ever entertained the idea so intensely that it’s led you to investigate your own possibility of having a past life or even lives if you are an older soul.

How old is old? When it comes to past lives we can have a one or two, if we are younger souls or hundreds if we are an older soul. So what do I mean by young and old souls? Well it doesn’t specifically have anything to do with your Earth age; it does depend on how old your soul is with regards to experience. Your soul being made up of energy that cannot be destroyed. Science proves that. A young soul is a soul that is very new to incarnating upon Earth and in fact incarnating within any realm. These souls may feel restless, rather depressed and lost within their life as they are not used to life within these realms. An older soul is a soul that seems to have knowingness about them. They look wise beyond their years. Old heads on young shoulders is how some express it. They may even recall life at other times, talk about people and places they have no possibility of knowing about. Why rake up the past? Some may find the idea of discovering you have lived before rather daunting and others may find it therapeutic. How do you feel about it? Uneasy? Excited? However you feel it does become rather thought provoking doesn’t it? There is a saying that ‘the past is in the past’ and to a certain degree I agree with that. I also agree that if you feel that you most certainly would not like to know if you have lived before then that is fine. But if you do, what should you do? What can you expect to find? I remember when I spontaneously had a past life recall of my own. It was spontaneous because I had no intention of finding out my past life. Well not the way that I did. My method of past life therapy involved crystals which I used to influence my dream state. Doing this helped me to unearth my mysterious past life. The things that happened in this past life were rather traumatic and even more interestingly was the effects it had upon me after I realised I’d dreamt of a past life. So much so that it inspired me to research other peoples past lives and the methods used to recall them.

Methods of Past Life Therapy There are many methods out there that are available to us if we want to research and discover about our previous incarnations. The more I researched the more methods I found, and well as you will discover there are simply no limitations to how we can gather information these days. Past Life Regression with a Therapist The most famous of methods is the regression therapy with a qualified therapist. This is where the client arranges a consultation with a Regression Therapist that will gently and safely regress the client back to a time long before they were born to discover who they were before. Perhaps they were male in the previous life who lived in Africa working as a slave. Yet in this life they are from England and are in fact self employed. Why such they difference in lifestyles? Well it is thought that perhaps our past life experiences encourage the opposite to occur in this life. For example take the above example who now lives in England as a self employed accountant. It is possible that this “time around” he decided that he would not allow himself to be in a position that could remind him of his slavery days. Spontaneous Dream Recall This has to be one of my favorite methods of discovering past lives for two reasons, one it is spontaneous which for me makes it slightly more difficult to explain as just “something we imagined”, and two because it occurs when our body is in a completely natural state of relaxation. This method does have one slight draw back though, if when you wake up and remember your dream, you want to know more details, its quite difficult to find those out, whereas with a therapist that has hypnotized you, you can be asked these questions automatically as therapists tend to want to get all the information they can for your benefit.

Spontaneously Spontaneous past life recall can involve a variety of methods such as psychic visions, psychic feelings, and childhood experiences. I’ve read accounts where people have been somewhere they have never been before and suddenly had a feeling that they’ve been there before and feel a different time zone, different personalities than those around them, and just somehow “knew” they used to live there, in a certain place, with certain people, in a specific year. I think this type of recall is magnificent as it shows that when we let our spirit speak to us and listen to it, we discover so much more than if we closed our selves off and focussed on materialism. Childhood spontaneous past life recall is something that is becoming quite known about. There was once a documentary on television about a boy who knew where he lived before and described the house. In the documentary they took him back to this house to see what he could tell them. Quite a lot of children are now saying to their parents “You’re not my Mummy, I was you’re Mummy before”, or “My name was Jody before”. Some parents worry about this but there really is no need to. I would embrace it, write it all down for them in a special book, put it away for when they are older and talk to them about it then. My Research Findings so far I have read at least 100 accounts of past life recall and out of … methods including visiting a past life regressionist, meditating, encountering past life dreams and having spontaneous recollections of past lives I was shocked at the results I found. I was expecting the rate of visits to past life regressionist to be high and the more independent methods to be less.

My research findings on reading these accounts showed me that 30% of people who had experienced their past life, had done so through a spontaneous dream recall, just like recalled mine! So I’m not alone. My thoughts when beginning to research past lives thought I’d find a few of us that had recalled our past lives through dreams. But never did I think that it would be 30% of us. Relating to all methods I researched which included; hypnosis, meditation, dreaming, psychic feelings/visions, and child experiences, 38% recalled their past lives spontaneously. These people never planned to find out their past lives. Interestingly those who did set out to find their past lives through a hypnosis session with a therapist only accounted for 4%. Why was this I wondered? My personal opinion on this is that we are becoming much more independent in finding out our spiritual heritage so to speak. We are becoming adventurous in our soul searching. And from my findings, this seems to be working. So any trends in my research I hear you asking. What amazing past lives have these people recalled? Well it was in fact fascinating to find out that in the descriptions of these past lives, there were 4 repetitive trends. We are remembering lives in Egypt, also in the 1800s, some of us had been connected to temples around the world. But my most interesting find was how many of us have had a past life where we were involved in War, Battles and being soldiers. Which is very interesting as we are currently involved in the War against Terrorism, and there are a lot of people around who claim to have been Cleopatra, Nefertiti, or involved in the work of the pyramids. It seems that we have all decided to come back in this life and meet each other, along with other souls who are either older than us or in fact younger to which we assist them in their pathway of discovery. So there really is an interesting eclectic mix of people who have lived before surrounding us.

So have you lived before? You could well possibly have done, and possibly you could have worked in the 1800s, or even been a soldier in a war many years ago. You could even have been living in Egypt. Chances are you have lived before, we may even know each other from that life? Do you fancy finding out? One thing I do know, dreaming is certainly the way to do it. Aurora Brierley would love to hear your experiences with past lives. She can be contacted via her website AuroraAngelicAscension@webeden.co.uk

It might be just fairy stories to some and therefore very hard to believe that these mythical creatures actual exist. There are unforeseen worlds out there and when they wish you can interact with them. I am not that psychic though I do try to develop my skills by going to a 2 weekly psychic circle. So why have they picked me to take actual pictures of them? No idea but I do seek psychics who do give me some information. This is a brief reading from the psychic Blossom Goodchild about me and my link to these other worlds. “As I open my eyes and look at your picture Robert, there are many fairies flying around your head and all around you especially when you walk in nature. They are aware of your presence and you to can sense them. Allow yourself to sit among them and you will see them and they will show you there world. This they saying is imminent and you will need to write it down and what they pass on to you to pass on to us. They will allow you to photograph them and to publish this. There are three of them presenting themselves to me, I am getting the name Mirabel who has a florescent purple colour, the one behind is orange/yellow in colour and the furthest one is different shades of green. They are different shades of their colour to represent different positions of their standing of who they are. This is the type of information that they will pass over to you. But have patience and trust they will first need to attune to my vibration and make the necessary adjustments.� Other psychics have said similar things and yes I know it all sounds laughable but it is just what is. So the next several pages are some of the photographs I have already taken and hopefully in the near future I be taking many more.


Picture of a Fairy? For completeness the whole event is covered in this article. The reason for me being at Buckland Hall in Wales was that it was a reunion course from a previous course I attended in October 2006. Both these courses (5 days long) were just mind blowing and were about spiritual coaching. Smoking Stick Ceremony: this was a very sacred ceremony we did during the day which comes from the Native American Indians. The way we did it and in silence was to write one item down on a piece of paper something that you wanted to be forgiven for. The paper was then folded up so it was small and then put into the centre of a small piece of cloth. We then quietly walked around the smoking stick (a fallen branch from a tree) and picked up a pinch of tobacco and added this to the centre of the cloth. On sitting down you would then enclosed the paper and tobacco with the cloth and tie it with a bit of string. This was repeated 4 more times but this time you would not write down what you wanted forgiven for but just place you intention into the cloth. So now we all had 5 bundles of cloth each all tied in a chain. As a group we sat in a ring and tied all our strings together and then this was wrapped around the Smoking Stick. In the evening there would be another ceremony and the Smoking Stick would be burnt in a small fire in the grounds of the hall. I did not take a picture of the Smoking Stick as it seemed too sacred to do that. It was time: the fire was burning under the clear night sky as we walked from the hall in silence to the fire. We formed a ring around the fire and the angels were brought in to help with this ceremony. The Smoking Stick was placed in the fire which brought a lot of emotion for all that were there.

The ceremony was over so I decided now was a good time to take some photos. The picture of the fairy was taken close up right above the fire. At the time of taking the pictures nothing unusual could be seen. See picture,

The next morning before breakfast I went outside for some air. It was a beautiful cold but sunny morning. While I was taking in some deep breaths the image of the previous night fire came to mind so I decided to walk around Buckland Hall and headed for the now burnt out fire. Before I had reached the fire another vision came to me as if it was down loaded into my mind, it played out like a video and I could see myself kneeling beside the fire picking up the only un-burnt piece of cloth and then opening to find out it was my message that I had written the previous day for the Smoking Stick Ceremony. On reaching the ashes of the fire I did indeed knelt down and noticed a little bundle of cloth that had not burnt, excitingly on opening the bundle and unwrapping the paper which was slightly charred it was indeed my message. I showed this to the course organizer and she said it was a personnel message for me to say my message had been received. Robert

An orb to me is something captured by a camera and not usually seen by the naked eye. They float about like the bubbles from a Childs toy. Some have colours and some are surrounded by a glowing halo. I have seen TV programs that say and can prove orbs are just particles of dust or moisture and they even have smiley faces in them. So should this explain all orbs? For me it does not and for my own journey where I find my own truths, orbs are not just particles of dust! Like my dad we both worked for Kodak and took many thousands of pictures which I still have today. I have never said "there's another picture ruined by an orb". I understand most orbs are captured using a flash camera and that now in the digital age many more pictures are taken using digital cameras with automatic flash. I have had for many years taken and seen other peoples photos captured on these cameras and have not seen any orbs in front of peoples faces ruining the picture, until that is in 2006. On a one weeks angel development course in Wales the organiser told us "tonight get your cameras ready for you will be taking pictures of orbs!" It was a Thursday night, party night for it was the last night at Buckland Hall, Wales and near to the end of the course. The whole of Buckland Hall was ours for the week, the log fires were burning and it was -6C outside and the stars were bright as there was no light pollution. We were told that this course would change our lives and tonight we would take pictures of orbs and we were even told an angel would also be taken but this photo had to be deleted after we had all seen it. A few of us had cameras and we all took many pictures of orbs and within this article is selection of them. The picture of an angel was caught on a mobile phone camera which looked like a streak of smoke going through and across the bottom of the staircase.

The orbs I believe to be from other dimensions and can be spirit guides, people who have passed over, angels, unicorns, etc.. On the reunion course in the same place in September 2007, we all laid on the floor because we were going to go out of body to heal different parts of the world. The organiser who for the first time in doing this did not take part and watched over us while taking us through the meditation. Through the wall and near to the ceiling she saw a very large white ball come into the room and she saw all our own spirit orbs go into this white ball as we ventured off to do the healing. She took many pictures of this but they where fogged out with white light and it was hard to see what it was. She did ask her spirit guide for clarification and she was told to work it out for herself. For me it was some kind of vortex.


Interesting Angel Picture Source: Daily Mail

Time: mid day Date: 11/8/2007 Place: somewhere in Wales Camera: my new Panasonic wide angle digital 10X optical zoom Elf Picture It was a beautiful day and driving down to Wales with my family nearly at our destination we decided to take a 2 hour break because we could not be too early for the cottage we had hired. We saw signs for a National Trust park and decided it would be nice to have lunch there and go for a walk within the large grounds. I had my new camera so everything that moved or did not move got its picture taken. I took about 40 pictures and I must admit in the back of mind I did want to capture a picture of something strange, no not my daughter more like something from the unseen world! The book I chose to read on my holiday was by Doreen Virtue "Healing with the Fairies" so to capture some proof for myself was very inviting. Anyway even though I could view all the pictures of my holiday whist I was there on my lap top, nothing could be detected by me. During meditation in the grounds of the holiday cottage (ok I was tired) I did ask for permission if I could take a picture of a fairy, in my minds eye was a vision of some small creature with notice boards! The first one read "NO" and then the second one said "LATER".

The week end after my holiday I had arranged for a psychic friend of mine to give readings in my back garden to friends and family. It was a glorious sunny day (not too many of these lately) and showing my psychic friend just a few of my holiday pictures via my lap top, she stopped me at one of the more boring pictures, she said she was being drawn to the left hand side of the tree, she said there was an elf type creature there. Nothing at all could be seen from the normal picture but zooming in you can see the little face of an elf with a pointed green hat. There in fact two elves in this picture. When I show this picture to friends they either say WOW! Or they can not see anything!


Reading a book from Diane Cooper which said the best time to capture Orbs is when it gets dark. So camera in hand I sat in my back garden taking pictures. My family looking out at the window must have thought I had finally cracked! It was a clear starry sky in September 2009 when I took the picture above of these strange winged creatures. My camera always takes 2 or 3 shots because I leave my finger too long on the button. As I sat in my back garden looking at the last sequence of pictures, the first picture shows nothing unusual and the second picture shows the picture above. The third picture shows these creatures disappearing into the corner of the garden where the fence is. If this was not enough as I reviewed these pictures in the garden, I suddenly had a pulsation feeling on top of my head which caused me to look up directly above me into the sky. About 5000 feet up was a glowing white Orb which then very slowly moved across the sky and then disappeared as a plane flew over. These balls of light are well known in UFO circles and this I believed it to be. My psychic friend Colin while I mention this on the phone to him said it was a UFO and they just wanted to let me know there were there! Exciting stuff‌‌..Robert

Introduction In September 2008, NASA announced that the shield around our solar system provided by the solar wind has been quickly declining since the mid 1990s.1 As a consequence, our planet is being flooded by galactic cosmic radiation, providing a stunning confirmation that Mayan Elders correctly predicted that as we approach 2012, we are entering a New Age dominated by ether or space.2 Thus, our world is now experiencing Space Weather, a term coined by scientists to describe the bombardment of Earth by solar, cosmic, galactic and intergalactic energy. Space Weather is generating a myriad of effects as our world is being increasingly exposed to more of the whole spectrum of electromagnetic energies, from radio waves to extreme gamma rays, and the ramifications are the subject of intense research.3 The metaphysical community and indigenous groups that have retained ancient knowledge, have largely agreed that we are nearing the end of a period of transition lasting about 25 years that will herald the start of a ‘New World Age’.4

In this regard, esoteric knowledge, Mesoamerican calendars and prophecies, especially those of the remaining Maya, are recognised for providing very precise astronomically based knowledge. Describing and interpreting the energies associated with the evolution of consciousness, Mayan Elders are famed as the “Keepers of Time”. Subsequently, the metaphysical community, have drawn attention to the end date associated with two of the most important Mayan calendars and have popularized the date of 21st December 2012.5 However, a more thorough analysis will reveal that increasing levels of evolutionary energies have been arriving from deep space and effecting our Galactic Centre and Sun over the last century.

The Sun Earth Connection Credit: NASA

My research has shown that respected metaphysical sources had predicted this scenario. What’s more, they claim that from 2007, the arrival of evolutionary energies will dramatically increase at an exponential rate, but stabilize at a new level in 2012.6 Incredibly, NASA’s announcement in September 23 2008, ‘Solar Wind Loses Power, Hits 50-year Low’ reveals that as a consequence of a flagging solar wind and the Sun’s magnetic field being reduced, the shielding around our solar system is being dramatically lowered. A further NASA announcement on December 16 2008 was headlined, ‘A Giant Breach in Earth's Magnetic Field’. This revealed recent magnetic configurations around Earth opening up a MASSIVE breach, 4 Earths wide and 7 Earths deep, which could be described as ‘the Earth lowering it’s shields’. Scientists predict that in the near future we can expect much stronger geomagnetic storms and hence far greater deliveries of evolutionary energies.7 It is apparent that our world is facing massive evolutionary change and this was acknowledged by the Obama Administration’s request to ‘Evolutionary Leaders’ “to communicate about what is transpiring on

the planet, and how we can change the course of the unprecedented events that are challenging this planet.”8The following short article does not highlight new atmospheric and geological phenomena being recorded by scientists worldwide, but does provide an explanation for the increasingly strange UFO phenomena being seen around the world. Indeed, the bombardment of Earth by highly charged sub atomic particles (plasma) is also accompanied by plasma “entities” which exhibit intrinsic ‘higher’ intelligence. As part of universal consciousness, they have been arriving en masse to create a new version of Earth. This article is substantiated by eye witness reports, scientific and most importantly, substantial UK Ministry of Defence disclosure. This article concludes with the implications for mankind, based on a current understanding of evolutionary theorists and metaphysical belief.

Our Sun, a Variable Star The Sun is a delivery mechanism for spiritual ‘Universal Energy’ and always has been, but the very fact that scientists have only recently recognised the new phenomena of Space Weather should give pause for thought. There is no doubt that the peak activity of the Sun has been increasing over many decades and the ferocity of solar flares is such that x-rays, gamma rays and radio bursts flood the near Earth environment with radiation and highly charged particles. Then there are also Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), where the surface of the Sun just lifts off and explodes into space, flinging billions of tons of plasma (ionised sub-atomic particles) into space. Maybe it’s no surprise that sometime in the mid 1990s, NASA quietly re-evaluated our Sun to be a variable star, but this must mean massive implications for the future of all life on Earth.9 On December 6 2006, a solar flare created an unprecedentDespite this event occurring during the period of solar minimum, it produced a record breaking amount of radio noise, 10 times greater than anything like it before.

Massive Coronal Mass Ejection Proceeding X45 Solar Flare, 4/5th November 2003


This was the first time a solar radio burst was detected on the civil air navigation system, Wide Area Augmentation System, or WAAS. Scientists that tracked this event concluded, “Society cannot become overly reliant on technology without an awareness and understanding of the effects of future space weather disruptions.” Recently, there have been more warnings in the media about the possibility of extreme Space Weather events. A NASA-funded study described how extreme solar eruptions could have severe consequences for communications, power grids and other technology on Earth, thus outlining the worst case scenario for the US.3 The announcement of a weakening solar wind is of major importance. The solar wind is a blast of plasma blowing off the Sun at a million degrees Celsius at a million and up to two million miles an hour. The solar wind inflates the protective bubble called the heliosphere around our solar system that keeps us safe from galactic/intergalactic cosmic rays. NASA announcements state we are experiencing the effects of a long term trend, a steady decrease in pressure that began sometime in the mid-1990s. Yet, scientists have only been monitoring solar wind since the early years of the Space Age from the early 60s to the present, so over that period of time, it is considered unique. Over longer time periods, there are others methods to monitor cosmic ray flux such as using paleoclimatic data to reveal previous episodes of evolutionary change.11 For example, Greenland ice core data clearly shows there was a significant surge in cosmic radiation 40,000 years ago that lasted for about 3,000 years. During that period, the Earth’s magnetic field dropped in strength to about 10% of today’s value, and so without the normal protective shield, cosmic radiation penetrated the Earth’s atmosphere with ease. The facts reveal that the climate changed and there was a host of evolutionary changes, where numerous species in the Northern Hemisphere either underwent significant change or disappeared

Ulysses Solar Wind Monitoring Credit: NASA


This exact scenario is happening again. Space Weather researchers have now identified a connection with Earth’s climate which would be in agreement with the opinion of thousands of scientists that believe solar and cosmic factors are the main determinant for climate change on Earth.13 What’s more, the science of Epigenetics can be cited to explain how evolutionary changes to all life on Earth will be determined by the environment. Hundreds of scientific studies over the last fifty years have consistently revealed that electromagnetic signals determine every facet of biological regulation.14 Specific frequencies and patterns of electromagnetic radiation including microwaves, radio frequencies, the visible light spectrum, extremely low frequencies, acoustic frequencies, and even scalar fields regulate DNA, RNA and protein syntheses. These alter protein shape and function and control gene regulation, cell division, cell differentiation, morphogenesis, (the process by which cells assemble into organs and tissues), hormone secretion, and nerve growth and function. Each one of these cellular activities is a fundamental biological program that contributes to the unfolding of life. Therefore, if the heliosphere continues to weaken, scientists fear that the amount of cosmic radiation reaching the inner parts of our solar system, including Earth, will increase and evolutionary change will be the obvious result.

UFO/UAP Sightings

It is evident that something fundamental is taking place on this planet and that is being accompanied by a massive increase in UFO sightings. In February 2008, The Telegraph reported a ‘Huge Rise in British UFO sightings’, “Clusters of up to 100 mysterious objects, bright white lights and strange, triangular shaped objects are just some of a huge surge in UFO sightings reported to the Ministry of Defence last year.”15The Telegraph newspaper noted in July 2008, “British UFO sightings at ‘bizarre’ levels”. UFO expert Nick Pope, who previously worked for the UK Ministry of Defence, stated “Given the sheer number of sightings we’ve seen this summer and the unprecedented number of photos and videos, it’s time for a full public inquiry.” Malcolm Robinson, who studies the UFO phenomenon, said: “Something very bizarre is happening in the skies over the UK.” The situation got so dramatic that the Ministry of Defence (MoD) had to appeal for calm in February 2008, after a UFO was spotted over Woodford Green. This is all taking place at the same time that governments around the world including the United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Russia, France and Columbia have opened up their UFO archives for public scrutiny.

However information in the public domain explains that some of these sightings represent “intelligent” universal consciousness, acting as a messaging system used throughout our universe. Various scientific disciplines have identified that plasma has the ability to enter and leave our atmosphere at will, confirmed by satellite ultra-violet images and military radar. However, due to the recent fundamental shift in the background electromagnetic quantum vacuum or in metaphysical language, ‘the veil lifting’, the general public is becoming more aware of these other life forms, as eye witness accounts and commonly available digital technology provide supporting evidence.

On 22nd February 2007, the general public were informed by an article written in The Guardian, ‘Could we have hitched a ride on UFOs?: Newly released files may put one mystery to bed, but in doing so others are left unanswered’.16 This article, which is highly relevant to the ‘Orb’ phenomena being witnessed around the world, concluded with the statement, “UAPs [Unidentified Aerial Phenomena] are real, but caused by strange plasmas, which are on the fringes of scientific understanding”. A previous New Scientist article, dated 21st July 2006, ‘Electromagnetic space travel for bugs?’, revealed the existence of “magnetospheric plasmoids” - independent structures of plasma and magnetic fields that can be swept away from the Earth’s magnetosphere, taking them out of the solar system and on to the planets of other stars.17

Besides substantial anecdotal evidence, we have evidence from respected scientific sources. In 1997, and translated into English the following year, Russian scientists informed the world that they had noted an ‘exodus’ of these magnetospheric plasmoids from mountainous ranges. This disclosure was part of an incredible report, ‘Planetophysical State of the Earth and Life’, which detailed the massive changes sweeping across the whole of our solar system and Earth, which have been substantiated by many observational reports from NASA and collated by independent US scientists.18

In May 2006, the UK Telegraph newspaper reported that scientists at the Defence Intelligence Staff, part of the Ministry of Defence (MOD) on behalf of the British government, had been studying the “atmospheric phenomenon” of plasmas for four years.19 The findings were published in a four-volume, 460-page report, titled 'Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in the U.K. Air Defence Region'. This report was only forced out into the public domain due to the efforts of ufologists, using the United Kingdom (UK) Freedom of Information Act, which came into force, 1st January 2005. The document states: “Credited with the ability to hover, land, take off, accelerate to exceptional velocities and vanish, they can reportedly alter their direction of flight suddenly

and clearly can exhibit aerodynamic characteristics well beyond those of any known aircraft or missile.” It also detailed the increased arrival of these plasmoids that appear on radar like meteorites but are in fact – either “charged but not ionised, gaseous mass, this may be either visible to the eye but not radar sensors, or fully ionised and visible to both.” Russian sources make it very clear that the frequency of this plasma phenomenon “grows several times in the years of active Sun”. These and other sources of information help us to identify events as being UAP rather than UFO related. The following media reports picked from hundreds of recent eyewitness accounts can be explained as ‘independent’ plasmas going about their business.

Orange rugby ball-shaped UFOs seen in Winchmore Hill [UK] “A STREAM of orange, rugby ball shaped UFOs making their way purposefully through the skies has been seen in Winchmore Hill. Mystified Alison Moynihan, of Hillcrest, said she was watching television with her husband at 10.30pm on Sunday 10 when she first caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a procession of lights.” Enfield Independent, 19 Aug 2008

California Gets Hit With Massive UFO Sighting [US] “On January 26, 2008 residents from Orange and LA County, Anaheim, and Brea, California were witness to a very unusual but spectacular UFO event. Numerous people watched as an object fell from the night sky and to their amazement it came to a complete stop while in flight. Most folks thought at first they were witnessing a meteor falling to earth until the object stopped and hovered, leaving everyone scratching their heads. While these objects sat and moved around the sky, aircraft were seen and appeared to be checking out these objects. As just about all of the eyewitnesses mentioned to me, they are baffled at no mention in any of the newspapers over the event or media in general. I must admit, that makes me wonder why not, when so many people witnessed this really unusual event in the night sky.” American Chronicle, 4th February 2008

Goodness, gracious, great ball of fire! [UK],

“Since 6.30pm on Wednesday, The Evening Telegraph has been inundated with calls and emails from readers who saw a strange fireball cutting a swath across the heavens for several minutes. ….But if the accounts of regulars and staff at the Dragon pub in Werrington are to be believed, the phenomenon was more in keeping with Mr Cooke’s fireball explanation. Pub manager Janek Skutela said: “It looked like a bright orange ball, and about 20 of us went outside the pub to watch it after one regular came in and said he could see a UFO. “At first it shot across the sky really fast but then it went really slowly before disappearing into the distance. All in all it lasted about seven or eight minutes.” The Evening Telegraph, 24th October 2008 Obviously, some ufologists realised long ago that they were detecting the existence of living “entities” and so they have been called by many different names in the past like ‘gorgons’, ‘sky fish’ and “faeries”. Historically, virtually all acknowledgement of their existence has been ignored in the mainstream — until now, but it is becoming increasingly difficult if not impossible to deny their existence. This old account, ‘Are UFOs Alive,’ written by Brad Steiger, was recently reposted at UFODigest.com in August 2008, it is a rather timely reminder.20 “When I discussed the matter of living UFOs with another old friend, Trevor James Constable, he said that biological life in the upper octave of terrestrial existence has been overlooked by too many UFO investigators who early on were in favor of the foregone conclusion that UFOs were vehicles from outer space. T.J. handed me a stack of photos of UFOs that he had taken with a Leica G IR 135 infrared film at f-3.5, 1/30. “These are plainly biological forms,” he said. “These are plasmic living organisms native to our atmosphere. As they appear in these photographs, they give one the impression of looking through the side of an aquarium. […] We will see the beginning of a reunion between science and religion as the cosmic energies--pervaded with life and themselves the milieu of living beings--come into technical utility. Man will find the central parts of his own physical existence inseparably bound up with etheric energies, and he will be opened to a widened understanding of himself and the cosmos that produced him. The ultimate consequence will be a new humanity.”

The Planetary ‘Refresh’

The sudden widespread appearance of interdimensional plasma life-forms or the ‘lifting of the veil’ has long been predicted by those who have retained ancient knowledge of what happens at certain points in the Great Cycles of Time. According to Peruvian mystics, the world experienced a ‘Pachakuti’ or an ‘overturning of space-time’ that occurred between August 1990 and August 1993.21 This is explained as a cosmic transformation or ‘reordering,’ when a movement of energy or consciousness ripples through space-time. This has resulted in the ‘Taripay Pacha’, where an intricate web of interaction is being rewoven between the human and non-human, the physical and metaphysical, and the natural and supernatural. The evidence suggests that this is indeed happening.

Now, the next major question is: why all the activity? As already stated, the evidence shows that we are witnessing a two way exchange of energy as ‘Old Energy’ is being replaced by ‘New Energy’ from galactic sources possibly the Galactic Centre. This can be thought of as a galactic ‘changing of the guard!’ The reasons for this would require deep understanding of metaphysics and the physics of scalar/torsion fields which is beyond the scope of this report. A short explanation is that according to metaphysical sources, some of these entities are “placeholders”, information depositories that maintain a record of the energy balance on the planet.22 Numerous reports state that these entities are seen flying in like meteorites before coming to a dead stop and hovering in the sky, before they enter the Earth. Sometimes they are seen zigzagging across the sky and sometimes they are caught literally plopping into the Earth! This is very confusing for eye-witnesses who sometimes think they have seen a plane crash. Other reports appear to reveal that some old entities have lost their universal directives and are being literally rescued or retrieved by other plasma entities and are being whisked off the planet! The following reports will serve to illustrate what is taking place:

Meteor theory over sighting of Uppingham UFO [UK] “A mystery object was seen in the skies above Uppingham.” “I saw an incredibly bright light above the fields and knew it wasn’t an aeroplane because I used to be in the RAF and know 99 per cent of the aircraft.”I continued to look and after around 10 seconds the light plummeted

downwards and disappeared. I ran outside as I then thought it might have been a plane crash but saw absolutely nothing in the fields.” Rutland Times, 30th October 2008

Corvallis, Oregon - UFO Falling Comes to a Hover [US] “I was outside on the back porch, the sky was very clear and looking west at the stars with Venus to the SW. Suddenly a round, bright white, a somewhat bluish light appeared about ten degrees N of due west at around 50 degrees above the horizon. It was nearly twice as bright/large as Venus which I could see to the SW. It descended rapidly straight down as soon as it appeared, did not leave a trail of any sort, brightness and size increased slightly and in around 4 seconds got to about a thumb and half's width at arms length above the horizon over the low hills to the west. At this point, it stopped descending and a tight, short, rainbow-like cone appeared on the trailing side, but the cone was not much longer than the object was wide. The colors reminded me of soft neon lights. It hovered for almost two seconds, cone and all, before suddenly disappearing, like turning out a light. Distance was hard to judge, but I’d guess that at the point where it stopped above the horizon it was ~15 or 20 miles away. […] I’m a licensed aircraft mechanic so I have a good familiarity with flying craft.” United States Blogspot, 21st March 2009

Massive UFO reported in Ohio [US] “According to a report by Emmy Award-winning TV producer, investigative reporter and author Linda Moulton Howe on her Web site Earthfiles.com, truck driver Tim Comstock was on Route 7 north of the town of Empire, Ohio, at 3:45 a.m....After first seeing a brightly lit object the size of a large pickup truck apparently slowly rising above the tree line, Comstock noticed a much larger dark object that included three bluish lights in a triangular pattern. The bright object seemed to be rising toward the larger object, Comstock told Howe. Comstock said he took three photos with his cell phone camera that caught both the

brightly-lit object and the three bluish lights in the triangular formation.” UFO Digest, 6th November 2008 The above well documented event at Empire, Ohio on October 24, 2008, is the clearest example of what seems like a rescue or retrieval of a “self-luminescent cocoon”, also described as “biological” and “organic”, by another entity that was described as flat crystalline flat-bottomed formation like coal, with three blue-white lights embedded in a triangular pattern. The simplest explanation is that the numerous witnesses were seeing an operation by intelligent interdimensional life, an Earth Management Team, busy cleaning up our planet.

The Ohio "Entity Rescue". Cell phone image 3:47 AM, October 24, 2008, on Route 7 near W. H. Sammis coal power plant between Empire and Stratton, Ohio, along Ohio River. Copyright © Tim Comstock.

It must be stated that even though the general public are ill-informed, scientists have already recognised that our universe could be filled with intelligent life, as various scientific experiments reveal complex, selforganised plasmas “exhibit all the necessary properties to qualify them as candidates for inorganic living matter”.23 Plasma experts tell us that 99.999% of the visible Universe is filled with plasma, so the author would suggest that the increasing appearance of plasma on Earth, could mean we may only be experiencing ‘more heaven on Earth’. It is therefore no wonder that the UK Ministry of Defense has deemed that these entities are no threat. In some academic circles, it is believe that the whole UFO phenomenon is as more of a “metaphysical threat” to the sovereignty of modern states and is the reason for why there is a lack of serious public investigation.24 Despite this situation, it seems that the traffic of plasma entities is accelerating and they appear to be very busy going about their business with a complete disregard to human opinion!

Conclusion We are living in a time of evolutionary change and electromagnetic chaos. Eventually there will be a point of stabilisation where everything that exists, will operate at a higher level of consciousness, designated by Universal Intelligence. This report outlines the role of Space Weather in driving evolutionary change and generating new ‘Terms and Conditions’ for the citizens of planet Earth. Yet, this was predicted by those who have retained astronomical knowledge pertaining to the Great Cycles of Time. Currently, this is being validated by a myriad of changes taking place on Earth and is being documented by scientists from many

different scientific disciplines. We have been assured that great efforts have been taken to ensure that the planetary electromagnetic grid of our planet will cope with the expected surge of highly charged galactic/intergalactic energy and that what happens with not be a total catastrophe. Therefore at this time, whilst it seems that humanity is losing it’s protection against cosmic forces, many humans are simultaneously evolving to higher states of consciousness and as a result their energy fields are strengthening to cope with the increased bombardment of cosmic forces. Moreover, it is apparent that the metaphysically astute will act as ‘wayshowers’ for the rest of mankind.

Finally, one of the most remarkable aspects of these times is being able to distinguish some UFO sightings as UAP or activity related to plasma “entities”. As space-time continues to morph, the whole of humanity will become very aware that we are not alone and that interdimensional life exists. Even as our scientists record changes they cannot explain in what we think of as our normal 3-D reality, there is speculation that even the laws of physics that underpin our reality will soon change. It is my hope that the ‘Big Picture’ understanding of evolutionary change presented here, will help some to make choices that will enable them to cooperate more fully with the new evolutionary stimulus of Space Weather, which will benefit the future of mankind.

Susan Joy Rennison, B.Sc. Hons. (Physics with Geophysics), 1st May 2009 (5150 word version, 'Watch Out! Planet Under Reconstruction! 1600 word version printed in Paradigm Shift Magazine, issue 42. May - July 2009)

The book Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution, was published in September 2006 by Joyfire Publishing. It sought to explain the new phenomena of Space Weather and what this means in real terms for the citizens of planet Earth, the science behind spiritual evolution and why certain metaphysical energy techniques are being developed to support an evolutionary transition for mankind.25 Space Weather generates geomagnetic storms and as electromagnetic beings, humans are affected, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Hence, some of the ramifications for a technologically dependent Earth being increasingly bombarded by electrically charged particles were outlined in my book. However, the impact on humans was given from the perspective of integrating human electromagnetism - scientific discoveries and theories with information from metaphysical sources. This was backed up with 750 references so that source material could be checked and various assumptions and assertions could be checked against other opinion. The book was intended as ‘A Study Guide’ and would serve to help spiritual teachers integrate their understanding of science and metaphysics. This book was placed in the UK National Archives in November 2007, “to be preserved for present and future generations” and is now considered “National Heritage”. To find Susan Joy Rennison’s previous radio interviews, articles, and her EM News blog, “The News of the Imbalance”, please visit www.susanrennison.com. About the Author: Susan Joy Rennison (B.Sc. Hons.) has spent over 25 years as an alternative free-thinking individual. She has an honours degree in Physics and Geophysics from a British University). She is now an author, independent researcher, teacher and speaker. She currently resides in Olten, Switzerland

Latest information The UK Ministry of Defence has just made an incredible statement and it means that they realise what is taking place. "Contrary to what many members of the public may believe, MoD has no interest in the subject of extraterrestrial life forms visiting the UK, only in ensuring the integrity and security of UK airspace," it says. MoD blanked out 'uncomplimentary comments' on UFO files The Independent, 21st February 2010 http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/mod-blanked-out-uncomplimentary-commentson-ufo-files-1906173.html I have been repeating for months and months on my blog that things are going to get so bad that governments are going to be FORCED to reveal the existence of another life form on this planet. I have even been in contact with Nick Pope who regularly appears on TV and in the UK mainstream media, so he knows what's happening, even if he does not agree with my assessment. I have also been in contact with another very famous and influential voice respected for their scientific accomplishments because somebody has to take the education of the British people about what is tasking place on this planet seriously.

References 1 Solar Wind Loses Power, Hits 50-year Low, Sept. 23, 2008 Link 2 McFadden S, Steep Uphill Climb to 2012:Messages from the Mayan Milieu, 2002 Link 3 Severe Space Weather Events—Understanding Societal and Economic Impacts Workshop Report Committee on the Societal and Economic Impacts of Severe Space Weather Events: A Workshop, National, Research Council, ISBN: 978-0-309-12769-1, 131 pages, 8 1/2 x 11, paperback (2008) ♦NASA Selects Teams for Space Weather Mission and Studies, NASA News, RELEASE: 06-286 (Corrected), 31 July, 2006 Link 4 Stray G, Beyond 2012: Catastrophe or Ecstasy, Vital Signs Publishing, 2006 5 Arguelles J, The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology. Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA Bear and Co. 6 Marciniak B, Path of Empowerment: Pleiadian Wisdom for a World in Chaos, Inner Ocean Publishing, 2004 7 A Giant Breach in Earth's Magnetic Field, NASA News, 16th December 2008 Link 8 Obama Administration Requests Info on Planetary Challenges?, 5th March 2009, Intent.com Link 9 Our Sun: Living with a Variable Star Link 10 Researchers Find Global Positioning Systems Is Significantly Impacted By Powerful Solar Radio Burst, NOAA Space Environment Center, April 4, 2007 Link 11 G. M. MacDonald et al.: 'Impacts of climate change on species, populations and communities: palaeobiogeographical insights and frontiers', Progress in Physical Geography 32(2) (2008), pp. 139 - 172: DOI: 10.1177/0309133308094081. 12 Cosmic Radiation and Clouds, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, EAWAG News 58, January 2005 Link 13 ♦Singer F & Avery D T, Unstoppable Global Warming - Every 1500 Years, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc, 2007 ♦Getting closer to the cosmic connection to climate, Danish National Space Center Press Release, 3 October

2006 Link ♦First Global Connection Between Earth And Space Weather Found, September 9, 2006 Link ♦Life waxes and wanes with bobbing of the Solar System, New Scientist, 30 March 2006 Link ♦Shaviv N J, Veizer J, Celestial driver of Phanerozoic climate?: GSA Today, v. 13, no. 7, p. 4–10. 2003 Link also here at Link ♦Svensmark H & Calder N, The Chilling Stars: A New Theory of Climate Change, Icon Books Ltd, 2007 Gunter L, Cosmic ray flux zaps pro-Kyoto types: New study puts paid to overheated theories on climate change, Edmonton Journal, July 2003 Link ♦Svensmark H, Influence of Cosmic Rays on Earth's Climate, Solar-Terrestrial Physics Division. Danish Meteorological Institute, Lyngbyvej 30. DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark, 1997) Link 14 Lipton B, The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, and Miracles. CA: Hay House, 2005. ♦Liboff 2004; Goodman and Bank 2002; Sivitz 2000; Jin, et al, 2000; Blackman, et al, 1993; Rosen 1992, Blank 1992; Tsong1989; Yen-Patton,et al, 1988. 15 Huge rise in British UFO sightings, The Telegraph, 9th February 2008 Link ♦Woodford Green: MoD appeals for calm after UFO sighting , Local Guardian, 29th February 2008 Link 16 Could we have hitched a ride on UFOs?: Newly released files may put one mystery to bed, but in doing so others are left unanswered, The Guardian, Feb 22, 2007 Link 17 Chandler D. L., Electromagnetic space travel for bugs?, NewScientist.com news service, 21 July 2006 Link 18 Dmitriev A N, Planetophysical State of the Earth and Life. Published in Russian, IICA Transactions, Volume 4, (1997) Link

Dmitriev, AN, et al., Planetophysical Function of VacuumDomains, Geology institute UIGGM, Mathematics institute SB RAS, Gorno-Altaisk state University.) Link ♦ Hoagland R & Wilcock D ,Interplanetary “Day After Tomorrow?” An Enterprise Mission Hyperdimensional Report, May 2004 Link ♦Bosman A N, New Universe, 2004 Link 19 Scientists explain UFO sightings, The Telegraph online, 07/05/2006 Link ♦The Condign Report, Britain’s Secret U.F.O. Study Link 20 Steiger B, Are UFOs Alive?, UFODigest.com, August 2008 Link 21 Wilcox J. P., The Keepers of Ancient Knowledge: The Mystical World of the Q'ero Indians of Peru. Vega, 2001 22 Visits to S.E.A.T at the United Nations, 1995, 1996, 1998, 2005, 2006 & 2007 Link ♦Carroll L, The End Times (Kryon Book 1), The Kryon Writings, Inc. 1993 ♦Carroll L, Don't Think Like a Human: Channelled Answers to Basic Questions (Kryon Book 2), The Kryon Writings, Inc.1994 ♦Carroll L, Alchemy of the Human Spirit: A Guide to Human Transition into the New Age (Kryon Book 3), The Kryon Writings, Inc. 1995 pg. 168 23 Dust ‘comes alive’ in space, The Sunday Times, 12th August 2007 Link ♦Physicists discover inorganic dust with life-like qualities, Physorg.com, 10th August 2007 Link ♦Cohen D, Plasma blobs hint at new form of life, New Scientist, 17 September 2003, Link 24 UFOs, Sovereignty and Politics, OpEdNews.com, 30th August 2008 Link 25 Rennison, S.J. Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution, Joyfire Publishing, United Kingdom, September 2006♦S. P. Richardson, Agency for the Legal Deposit Libraries, United Kingdom, References 4732963/dl & 4732963/ri, Link

Susan Joy Rennison, B.Sc.Hons. (Physics with Geophysics)


Š 2006-2009 Joyfire Publishing, All rights reserved.

Blossom Goodchild If someone were to ask you your profession and you said ‘receptionist’ or ‘hairdresser’ that pretty much speaks for itself. Whenever anyone asks me that question I always seem to experience an involuntary miss of a heartbeat before I reply ‘Um … I’m an actress, author and channelling medium!’ and then try to put an expression on my face that says ‘I know … Odd!”. Yet in my truth that is what I do and to me and those that know me, it is not odd at all! Coming from a theatrical background, I spent my childhood dreaming of becoming an actress. ‘Theatre’ ran through my very veins. I attended drama school and indeed fulfilled my wishes. On stage I am at home. It fills my soul to perform and in the latter part of my life since moving to Australia from England in Dec 2000 I have been blessed to have the opportunity to indulge the soul and portray some really powerful roles.

As far as my memory serves I had no aspirations to become an author. That simply was not in my plans. Yet here I am having completed six books and seven Meditation c.d.'s . (See my website 'www.blossomgoodchild.com'). The reason for these books? I have the honour of working with a very special old man. In fact he’s so old … he’s dead! A Native American Indian who goes by the name of White Cloud. He uses my body and voice box to deliver his messages of wisdom to the world. A world that is in great need of changing its ways. Well, actually, the world is perfect. It is the souls who coinhabit this planet that need to look at doing the changing. White Cloud asked me to record all my sessions with him and transcribe them into book form which I have done. Never did I sit in class at the convent daydreaming of becoming a vessel for those not of this world to communicate to those of us that are. And even if I had, I don’t think the nuns would have really understood. This all came about because of a strange illness that befell me when I was nineteen, and continued on for almost twenty years. I experienced ‘fits’ for want of a better description and a diagnosis, let alone cure, could not be found. That is, until the day I began channeling Mr. W.C. The illness simply disappeared. More details of this can be found in the books as White Cloud explains what changes were taking place in my body during this time. Apparently I had arranged all this before I came down for this earth experience, so what is a girl to do? In the ten years I have been working with White Cloud I have discovered that I am also able to assist other ‘Light Beings’ from other worlds/planets to pass messages across to us earthlings!!! The last three books are very different from the original three in that they are not from White Cloud and I was asked to channel them directly to the computer. I know the channelling to come from ‘The Federation of Light’ … Star people?? They come in Love to prepare us for their arrival so that they can assist us as we move through to the new world.

It is interesting how many people I meet that are able to accept what I do from their soul, for that is where their Truth lies. I have come across so many that know of the things of which I speak and yet have been too afraid to voice these matters for fear of ridicule. HELLO! Try sitting in front of an audience, huffing and puffing as your face changes into an old American Indian! Not attractive! I am told that when other ‘Light Beings’ come in, it is like I have had an instant face lift! Bring it on! All I can say to those who read these words is … BE BRAVE! You will undoubtedly find that once you begin speaking your Truth you will fall in to your place with others that are of like mind. And if you find that you are speaking with one that thinks you’re a nutter then so what? Learn what is appropriate to say in front of who. If ‘star ships’ and ‘vibrational frequency’ do not fit in with ‘prices of cabbages’ or ‘boob jobs’ then simply walk away and allow your heart to lead you to a group of souls with whom your energy blends naturally. And … it is so much more comfortable is it not? The marvellous thing is, once you allow your Truth to be spoken, you find the whole world opening up to your desires. You have given your soul permission to express itself and through that, you find yourself walking on the path that turns the rain and thorns into sunshine and flowers. In my work it seems that the message that is brought forth time and time again is that of being an example of Love (naturally) and for those who have already chosen to wake up, to recognize that we are here on this planet to assist others to do the same in order to bring Mother Earth into its new vibration. This cannot take place if so many choose to remain asleep. Put your alarm clocks to their hearts! We must get on with our purpose. The sooner we do, the sooner we shall all rise and shine! I have embarked upon a journey of self discovery that leads me on a path beyond words. I feel privileged to do what I do. I am fully aware that some may mock and may I add that if someone had introduced ‘me’ to ‘me’ ten years ago, I would have probably walked away rapidly with cross eyes and a rotating index finger around the vicinity of my brain! Yet here I am doing what I once thought only crack pots do … and what’s more … doing it publicly! It is my Truth. I find myself completely out of balance if I deny my soul of it. I know too that I have come down to the earth plane this time to ‘spread the word’. And this is what I am doing.

Always remember to spread Love Light Laughter & Golden Rays wherever you go. Many thanks for taking the time. Blossom Goodchild.

BIO. Blossom continues to blossom in Noosa, QLD. . www.blossomgoodchild.com.

Journey, Akiane painted this Age 9


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