2016 SPJST Convention Souvenir Program Book

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32nd SP S JST Convention

June 12 to 15, 2016 Killeen Civic and Conference Center Killeen, Texas

32nd SPJST Convention • June 12 to 15, 2016 Killeen Civic and Conference Center 3601 South W.S. Young Drive • Killeen, Texas 76543

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sunday, June 12 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 12:30 to 4 p.m.

Delegate Registration

4 to 7 p.m.

Howdy Party Complimentary snacks and cash bar. Music by Jerry Haisler and the Melody Five Sponsored by Allen Bailey and Associates, Inc. • Austin, Texas

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Monday, June 13 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7 to 8:30 a.m.

Late Registration

7:30 a.m.

Complimentary Coffee and Water

8:30 a.m.

Assembly of Delegates Opening Ceremonies Delegates’ Picture

9:30 a.m.

Morning Snacks and Beverages

10 a.m. to 12 noon

Business Session

12 noon to 1 p.m.

Lunch (advance tickets only) Smoked ham and swiss on a pretzel roll with kicked up mac and cheese or smoked ham and cheese chef salad. Both include banana pudding.

1 to 4 p.m.

Business Session

6:30 to 10 p.m.

Convention Banquet (advance tickets only) Suggested Attire: Semi-Formal Social Time—6:30 to 7 p.m. • Dinner—7 p.m. Cash bar available. Burgundy beef tips/smothered chicken in cream sauce, spring mix salad, garlic mashed potatoes, parmesan crusted asparagus, yeast rolls, assorted desserts. Dance—8 to 10 p.m. • Music by Czech and Then Some Sponsored by Allen Bailey and Associates, Inc. • Austin, Texas

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Tuesday, June 14 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7:30 a.m.

Complimentary Coffee and Water

8 a.m. to 12 noon

Business Session

9:30 a.m.

Morning Snacks and Beverages

12 noon to 1 p.m.

Lunch (advance tickets only) Chopped brisket sandwich served on a kaiser roll with southern style potato salad or grilled chicken salad. Both include peach cobbler.

1 to 6 p.m.

Business Session

7 to 10 p.m.

No Activities Scheduled

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Wednesday, June 15 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7:30 a.m.

Complimentary Coffee and Water

8 a.m. to TBA

Business Session

9:30 a.m.

Morning Snacks and Beverages

12 noon to 1 p.m.

Lunch (advance tickets only) Mesquite chicken salad sandwich on croissant with tomato, cucumber, and red onion salad or taco salad with fresh salsa and guacamole. Both include lemon cream cake with blueberry compote.

A Message from our Supreme Lodge President Dear Brothers and Sisters, It gives me great pleasure to welcome SPJST members, delegates, and distinguished guests to the 32nd SPJST Convention in Killeen, Texas. I also extend sincere thanks and appreciation to SPJST standing committee members for their work in the preceding months, laying the groundwork for this 32nd Convention. Thank you, too, to everyone who contributed their time, energy, and ideas to all aspects of the pre-convention process. I hope that you find the 32nd SPJST Convention a stimulating and rewarding experience. I am excited and optimistic about the future of SPJST. Great strides have been made in recent years to right the management and certificate-servicing issues that previously weighed heavy on SPJST. The constructive working relationship enjoyed by SPJST’s management team and directors has been an evolutionary process and has resulted in a more goal-oriented and accountable management team. As a result, SPJST is well-positioned for dynamic growth in the future. From a benevolent perspective and through 103 lodges throughout the state, SPJST continues to make a powerful and positive difference in the lives of its members and in the communities that we serve. On the fraternal front, our watchword has been and shall remain “relevancy” — doing those things that bring meaning and substance to SPJST’s fraternal mission. The prescription for achieving relevancy — at every level of this great organization — is strategic planning — making a commitment to regularly address and define what we as a society and our lodges are doing to deliver value to our members and the communities that we serve.

Brian Vanicek

From a financial perspective, SPJST remains strong. With respect to total life insurance in force, SPJST is fast approaching the $1 billion mark. Based on current production levels, we expect to achieve that landmark in 2016. Total annuities in force now exceed $125 million. SPJST assets are in excess of $235 million. The unallocated surplus is approaching $20 million. These are impressive numbers; however, I believe they are a mere foreshadowing of good things to come — provided that we remain focused on servicing the life insurance needs of our members and their families and remain true to our fraternal mission.

On the regulatory front, SPJST officers and directors remain keenly aware of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ Corporate Governance Annual Disclosure Model Act and look forward to adopting those consumer safeguards, operational performance standards, and technological innovations which will enable SPJST to operate in a way that is both fiscally and fraternally responsible. Quality control and compliance issues remain high on the Supreme Lodge’s list of priorities. By taking a strategic and proactive approach to these matters at the 32nd Convention, the Society is operating in a manner that warrants and justifies the confidence of our devoted members. Fraternalism — at its best — seeks to build and to strengthen relationships. This is an idea that we can weave into every SPJST fraternal activity, meeting, training program, and operating procedure. With strong relationships come vitality, adventure, the freedom to strive, and to create. Meaningful involvement makes men, women, boys, and girls happy in the work that they are doing. May we all — during this 32nd SPJST Convention — keep these thoughts in mind as we strive to achieve a higher standard of performance and achievement. Best wishes to you for an enjoyable and productive convention. Fraternally, Brian Vanicek, FIC


A Message from our Supreme Lodge Chairman On behalf of the officers and directors of SPJST, I bring you greetings, the delegates, present here at the 32nd SPJST Convention. It is with pride and gratefulness that we serve you, the members of our great organization. We have come a long way since our decline which we experienced at the end of 2008. Our surplus, which was about $13 million at that time, has now come to approximately $20 million. Our goal as officers and directors was to have it back to what we had prior to the end of 2008 for the convention - which was nearly $24 million. We have not reached our goal but feel good about the progress we have made with the condition of our economy which has not been too friendly recently to our investment portfolio. However, we have positioned ourselves to be able to handle any rise in rates with the proper laddering of our portfolio to protect us in the future. Today, we, as all other fraternals, are facing a challenge which is very critical. This challenge is a declining number in our membership. We must all realize that we cannot continue to lose numbers of members to be a successful and viable organization. It is imperative that our Insurance Department, primarily marketing, come up with a program to increase our sales and increase our numbers of members. However, the emphasis does not stand alone on our Insurance Department, but also on our members who are our best marketers and promoters. We need your help in getting your friends, family, and acquaintances to join our Society. They can enjoy social events, actively participate in our lodges, and also, at the same time, provide financial security for their families in their time of need. As you know, our mission statement is “Insuring and Enriching Lives.� This is something we are all committed to and ask for your help as we continue to connect with our existing members and their extended families. There are so many of your children, grandchildren, and other relatives who have not become members of SPJST. Our emphasis is to service our existing members and provide better service to you by staying in contact with you to make sure your insurance needs are met. I am sure you have seen in previous Vestniks that we have more than 3,000 members who we do not have correct addresses for. This is devastating and unacceptable, and we need your help in locating these individuals. Our sales force, which is primarily volunteer and part-time, must change their way of doing business by becoming more active in our local lodges and servicing the members on a regular basis. This is something which SPJST has not done a good job of in the past and will be changing. Our board is committed to growing from within and providing better service to you, our members.

Donnie Victorick

We are proud of the success we have made in the field of technology. We have modernized the way we do our work in the Home Office, and the computer is becoming our best friend. We can produce and analyze data that heretofore, we were unable to do. Thanks to the work of our Financial Secretary, this has begun to be successful; however, we still have a ways to go. It takes time to accomplish something which we were so far behind in, but we are getting there and better every day. I am proud to say that our officers are now working as a real team and providing assistance to each other in every way possible. Your directors are committed to serving our membership, and we as a Supreme Lodge are a real team working closely together, challenging one another, and sincerely being in tuned to doing what is best for SPJST and our members. We must continue to be a team because working together, we can accomplish a lot. We must continue to have the same focus, be on the same page, agree to disagree, engage in deep discussion, and finally, make the right decisions which are in the best interest of SPJST, its members, and our future. God bless all of you, and may we all be able to go home after we are completed with our business and be able to say that we did our part to make a difference to prolong the future of SPJST. Fraternally, Donnie Victorick, CFFM









Fra aternal Alliance of Texas s 520 North Main Street • Temple, Texas 76501

April 15, 2016 Dear SPJST Members, Thank you for your devotion to the idea of fraternalism in Texas! In 2016, Texas is hom me to 41 fratternal benefit societies with more than 666,000 members, who contribute to their communitiees and the public welfare through their local chapters and lodges in the stat ate. Charitable contributions by members m and chapters in 2014: $36,660,381. Total volunteer hours in 2014: 8,262,899. These are impresssive numbers! Thanks to the SPJST and its 42,000 members for their part in helping to make Texas a keyy fratternal partner in the business aff ffairs and outreach programming of the Fraatternal Alliance of Texas (F FA A AOT). Formerly known as the Te Texas Fraatternal Congress (TFC), FA FAOT was established in 19000 as a cooperative forum to provide its member organizat ations — fraternal benefit societies operating witthin the state of Texas — an opportunity to meett with each other on a routine basis to report on the activvities of their fraatternal life insurance operaations, to address areas of common concern and to introduce atttendees to pertinent items — most notably regulat atory and insurance underwriting issues — facing fraternaal benefit societies on the naattional level. As a result, attendees learned from their peers and were better eqquipped to address the fraatternal life insurance needs and fraternal service needs of their members through their t respective societies. FA FAOT leadership positions are filled by individuals representing the state’s FAOT member societies. A litt ttle background will help familiarize you with the FA FAOT T’s supporting role with fraatteernal benefit socities in Texas: In 2001, the F FA AOT expanded its outreach and public education a eff fforts to innclude a Legislative Aw Awareness Day observance, with SPJST leading the wayy. The hallmark of Legislatiive Aw Awareness Day is the FA FAOT picnic which takes place on the lawn of the Stat S ate Capitol and is presentedd as a “thank you” to our statewide elected offfficials and their support team ms for the work thatt do on beehalf of the citizens of Texas. Correspondingly, the event provides the F FA AOT wiith the opportunity to conveyy information about the dynamic impactt that fraternal benefit societies have within w the state of Texas. From 2005 through 2016, the FA FAOT hosted the FA FAOT Bow wling Tournament. The tournaamentt provided the members of FA FAOT member organizat ations with the opportunity to meet and enjoy a daay of fellowship and friendly competition. Entry fees tor the tournament deffrayed all costs. Additional reevenues that were raised by the bowling tournament and various fundraisingg initiatives between 2005 annd 2015 were directed to the FA FAOT Scholarship Fund. The bowling tournam mentt and scholarship program m have been discontinued in eff ffort to refocus the FA FAOT to serve primarily as a a cooperative forum for acchieving solutions to common challenges and as vehicle for fraternal advocaccy. FAOT Directors meet regularly throughoutt the year and att the t annual FA FAOT Convention in October. This continuity leads to familiarity and orients F FA AOT offfficers and a directors to the needs, cooncerns, struggles, opportunities and wins of the participating member societties. The free exchange of iddeas crossppollinaatte, allowingg for ideas to be applied pp in new ways, y includingg addvocacy, educat ational, traininng and/or leadership development d programs. Best wishes to you for an enjoyaable and productive conventtion! Sincerely and n on Behalf of the Fraternal Alliance of Texas,

Brian Vanicek FAOT President, 2015-2016 FA







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Honorary Supreme Lodge Officers and Directors

Howard Leshikar

Gene McBride Vice President 2000 - 2014

Secretary-Treasurer 1994 - 2008

Jerry Mikulas

Sidney Kacir

Drew Popelka

Bobby Wuensche

Michael K. Ahlstrom

Thelma Hrncir

President 1985 - 2004

Financial Secretary 1977 - 2010

District Two Director 2004 - 2012

Legal Advisor 1985 - 2004

District Six Director 2000 - 2012 23

Lanita Anglin

Legal Advisor 2004 - 2008

District Seven Director 1981 - 1992

SPJST Supreme Lodge

SPJST Officers

Brian Vanicek

Clifton Coufal

President 24 Years of Service

Vice President 1 Year of Service

Leonard Mikeska

Roy Vajdak

Secretary-Treasurer 49 Years of Service

Financial Secretary 4 Years of Service 24

SPJST Directors

Donnie Victorick

Jesse Pospisil

District One and Chairman - 18 Years

District Two - 4 Years

John Engelke

Billy Rollwitz

Larry W. Pflughaupt

District Three - 2 Years

District Four - 16 Years

District Five - 15 Years

Karen Kaspar

Bob Bayer

District Six and Vice Chairman - 15 Years

District Seven - 28 Years 25

Vestnik Editor/ Director of Communication Melanie Zavodny 21 Years of Service

SPJST Home Office • 520 North Main Street • Temple, Texas

• • • • • • • • • • Fraternal Field Managers • • • • • • • • • •

Philip McBee

Districts One/Two/Three (10) Vice President’s Dept.

Bobby G. Davis

Districts Four/Seven (8) Vice President’s Dept. 26

Delisle Doherty

Districts Five/Six (5) Vice President’s Dept.

SPJST Home Office Staff

Dana Boyd

Admin./Underwriter Asst. (New) Vice President’s Dept.

Margaret Campbell

Claims Specialist (12) Secretary-Treasurer’s Dept.

Janie Coakley

Debbie Dohnalik

Financial Secretary’s Dept.

Rudy Constancio

Exec. Asst. to the Sec.-Treas. (10) Secretary-Treasurer’s Dept.

Accounting Manager (39) Financial Secretary’s Dept.

Mary Carrillo

Scanning/Data Entry Clerk (New)

Maintenance Manager (11) Secretary-Treasurer’s Dept.

Sandra Dubcak

Exec. Asst. to the President (19) President’s Dept. 27

Tamara Gettys

Receptionist (7) Secretary-Treasurer’s Dept.

SPJST Home Office Staff

Ruth Hanusch

Fraternal Dept. Assistant (39) President’s Dept.

Linda Hill

Administrative Specialist (4) Secretary-Treasurer’s Dept.

Frank Horak

State Fraternal Activities Coor. (9) President’s Dept.

Sharon Ingram

Accounting Assistant (2) Financial Secretary’s Dept.

Brooke Hoelscher

Graphic Design/Comm. Spec. (2)

Editor’s Department

Cynthia Hutka

Ins. Operations Manager (29) Vice President’s Dept.

Lisa Kirby

Exec. Asst. to the Fin. Sec. (23) Financial Secretary’s Dept. 28

Debbie Klinkovsky

Human Resource Admin. (11) President’s Dept.

SPJST Home Office Staff

Holly Knecht

Certificate Service Spec. (2) Secretary-Treasurer’s Dept.

Virginia Longoria

Customer Service Rep. (New) Vice President’s Dept.

Tammy Martinez

Christina Martinez

Scanning/Data Entry Clerk (New)

Financial Secretary’s Dept.

Nancy Miller

Staff Accountant (3) Financial Secretary’s Dept.

Terry Malina

Data Entry Clerk (2) Financial Secretary’s Dept.

Lisa Mills

Fraternal Services Specialist (15) President’s Dept.

Admin. Asst. to the Vice Pres. (7) Vice President’s Dept. 29

Katherine Morris

Vestnik/Comm. Exec. Asst. (17) Editor’s Department

SPJST Home Office Staff

Ann Paruzinski

Mortgage Loan Processor (38) Secretary-Treasurer’s Dept.

Jerry Pechal

Communication Assistant (2) Editor’s Dept.

Doni Powell

Marissa Salinas

Underwriter (15) Vice President’s Dept.

Susan Shofner

Customer Service Spec. (15) Vice President’s Dept.

Sharla Pechal

Accounting Assistant (3) Financial Secretary’s Dept.

Annuity/IRA Specialist (9) Secretary-Treasurer’s Dept.

Lori Slack

Insurance/Beneficiary Tech. (8) Vice President’s Dept. 30

Dorothy Stuchly

Accounting Assistant (50) Financial Secretary’s Dept.

SPJST Home Office Staff

Lynette Talasek

State Youth Director (3) President’s Dept.

Dorothy Tomasek

Claims Specialist (63) Secretary-Treasurer’s Dept.

Billye Westlake

Doris Tyroch

Certificate Issue Technician (49) Vice President’s Dept.

Carol Wolf

Accounting Asst./CSR (3) Financial Secretary’s Dept.

Mortgage Loan Specialist (8) Secretary-Treasurer’s Dept.

Jennifer Wright

Donica Zabcik

Data Entry Clerk (2) Financial Secretary’s Dept.

New Bus./Marketing/Research (12)

Vice President’s Dept. 31

Congratulations, SPJST! Wishing you much success at the 2016 Convention.

Pictured, left to right, are Oscar Korus, Mildred Holeman, Beverly Teplicek, Ronnie Rieger, Richard Ford, Joe Siptak, and Kay Lynn Kovar.

SPJST By-Law Committee Chairman Ronnie Rieger - District Two Vice Chairman Mildred Holeman - District Five Secretary Beverly Teplicek - District Four Richard Ford - District One Kay Lynn Kovar - District Three Joe Siptak - District Six Oscar Korus - District Seven


We are proud to serve on the Finance Committee for the 32nd SPJST Convention in Killeen, Texas.

Thomas Cannon (District One), Edwin Pechal (District Two), Michael Galler (District Three), Chairman Herman D. Weise (District Four), Secretary Marceil Malak (District Five), Glenn Kaminsky (District Six), and Roy Haag (District Seven)

HHHHH Congratulations and Best Wishes for a Successful 32nd SPJSTConvention!


SPJST Insurance Committee Chairman Susan Skrabanek - District One Secretary Helen Hegwood - District Five Dolores Skrabanek - District Two Leonard Jansa - District Four Charles Bucek - District Six Wendy Pruski - District Seven 33


32nd SPJST Convention


The Voice of SPJST and its Members Since 1912

June 12 - 15, 2016

Fraternal Weekly Newspaper

SPJST Publication Committee Welcomes You to Killeen, Texas for the 32nd Convention!

The Fort Worth Friendship Club met cards to all our members which she has many more. To everyone: Anna’s 96th on Wednesday, May 4, 2016, in the din- always enjoyed doing. She has been birthday is on May 29 so be sure to send ing room at St. Thomas Church. The doing this for years, but said she is no her a card. meeting was called to order by President longer able to write legibly. Helen A “pick up chicken list” was passed Margaret Sears, and everyone was wel- Skrasek reported that Paula Arsenault around for volunteers to sign. Hopecomed. The colors of red, white, and has moved to Humble to live with her fully, all the slots were filled in. blue were carried out in honor of Armed daughter and will no longer be able to Rose Ann reported that her husband Forces Day. Thanks to Lola Taylor and attend our meetings. Paula has not been Jimmy is seriously ill at this time. A get Rose Ann Spann for the decorations. well for the past couple of months. well card will be mailed to him. Get Our guests were Corazon Agpong, Helen and Paula were neighbors, and well soon, Jimmy! Door prize was dofriend to Felma Smith, Sherrill Gustar- they called each other every morning to nated by Libbie Vrla with the winner pon, member of St. Thomas Church, check on each other. Now, they still talk being Elizabeth and Tammie Zaleskey, Carolyn Walsh, a couple times each week on the phone. Creamer. Mary Ann and Diane Wiman, our guest speakers Helen said she certainly misses her. Krivanek and Anna with Patriot Paws. It was so nice to have Paula’s name in the Friendship Club Marie Moncrief were Lydia Alholm back. She has been book will be moved to Lifetime Home- the lucky winners of missed. Lydia thanked all those who bound Member’s page. the 50-50 dollar games. sent her a birthday card on her 96th The three ladies The white elephant sale was reschedbirthday. She said she received lots of uled last month to June since we had a with Patriot Paws were cards. Everyone enjoyed reading the speaker, and it was voted to call this a introduced along with their service dog Vestnik write-up on her life and her re- silent auction. So, folks, bring all your in-training. Their presentation was ticeiving a certificate on her SPJST pol- “stuff” and “cash” so you can do lots of tled “A Service Dog’s Journey.” We icy becoming paid up on her 96th shopping. were shown what the dogs are first birthday.Publication Committee Members Elected at 2012 Convention taught such as Mary Ann Krivanek said she spoke It was voted to dispense with the “sit,” “down,” with Father at St. Thomas the parish Left toofright: Secretary Helen of District Six - as Lodge 28, East Bernard reading the minutes to allow moreKelner “stay,” and is hopeful to be in their new church by time for our speakers. TheBaldwin financial re“leave it” — Lorenda of District Five Lodge 139, Danbury Christmas. The current church will be and each time, port was presented by Treasurer Jo Ann In Memory of Bessie Petr of District Three - Lodge 84, Dallas Wilcox which was accepted as pre- renamed and will continue to be used. they are given a Father said that we can continue to hold Hohmann - Lodge 160, San Angelo sented. OurSharon July eating-out social of wasDistrict Four tasty treat. our meetings here, and the rent will be They are also discussed, and itTammy was voted to eat atof District Two - Lodge 29, Taylor Cannon same. Mary Ann will try to find out taught to walk Golden Corral at 3517 Alta Mere Kostelka Drive the of Vice Chairman Floyd District One will - Lodge Box if the tables and chairs be left13, hereDime on July 6. on a leash, or not. More on this later. 133, San Antonio Chairman of District Seven - Lodge It was reported Jarolyn that EmilPopp Milan, sleep in a kenThe singing of “Happy Birthday” nel, potty out- Bessie Petr brother to the late Rosie Steinman, Inset: LyndaasNovak District - Lodge- Paula 84, Dallas out toThree May celebrants Ar- side, and look a Publication Committee passed away. He was known the Fa- ofwent senault, Agnes Saldano, Pat Russell, and12,person ther of Texas SchoolBessie Gymnastics. who High replaced Petr who passed away on February 2016 in the 1992 - 2016 Anna Johnson. May all of you have His funeral will be on Saturday, May 7 eye. When they are about with visitation 12 weeks old, they are on Friday, taken to a prison where May 6. Our they are taught more diffisympathy cult things such as being 1918 - 2013 goes out to exposed to noises, things his family they have never seen beLodge 133, San Antonio and all the fore, that a loud bang or World War II Veteran big hat would not hurt Milans. Anna Johnhow to open a door, Pearl Harbor Survivorthem, son sent a bring someone a phone, message that how to go get help if SPJST Publication Committee and Member she is no longer someone needs it. In 1976 - 1988 able to send birthday prison, they are taught to

This page is in loving memory of Emil Matula


Best Wishes for a Successful Convention

Best Wishes for a Successful Convention from

District Seven OďŹƒcers President Donnie Howard First Vice President/FAC Glen Pruski Second Vice President Jerry Sijansky Secretary Wendy Pruski Treasurer Sandra Hoggard District Youth Counselor Lian Pruski Assistant DYC Regina House

District One OfďŹ cers and Members

Wishing delegates a productive 32nd Convention. O SPJST District Six Officers and Members O 2016 District Six Officers

President Joe Siptak Vice President Annie Vahalik FAC Helen Zabransky Secretary Wanda Dorotik Treasurer Marjorie Treumer District Youth Counselor Lisa Bubela Assistant District Youth Counselor Susan Siptak


Congratulations from District Three!


District Three Officers President Selby Holder First Vice President Lesli Milan Second Vice President John Vrla Secretary Patricia Dieterich Treasurer Mary Steinman Fraternal Activities Coordinator Vicki Sims District Youth Counselor Kay Gerlich Weeks Assistant District Youth Counselor CarrieAnn Jones Flag Bearers Holly Jones and Miles Jones


Best Wishes from District Four

District Four Officers

President Laura Pospichal - Lodge 49, Rowena Vice President Janeece Williams - Lodge 215, South Plains Secretary Becky Wood - Lodge 49, Rowena Treasurer Kaycee Lehmann - Lodge 215, South Plains District Youth Counselor Pam Lehmann - Lodge 215, South Plains Assistant District Youth Counselor Laura Pospichal - Lodge 49, Rowena Flag Bearers Morgann Wood and Brody Schwertner Lodge 49, Rowena


Best Wishes from District Five Officers and Lodges!

District Five Officers

President Ashley Victorick • First Vice President/Fraternal Activities Coordinator Patricia Bruce Second Vice President Janice Jahns • Secretary Mary Ann Kieschnick • Treasurer Lorenda Baldwin District Youth Counselor Barbara Linney-Gonzales • Assistant DYC Michelle Wockenfuss


District Five - Larry W. Pflughaupt • Czech Heritage Museum - Patricia Bruce Education and Nature Center - Keith Kieschnick • Rest Home - Lonnie Lostak

District Five Youth Club Officers

President Nathan Polly • Vice President Anahi Guerrero Secretary Jade Caffey • Reporters Jared Polly and Zoe Saxton Flag Bearers Juan Guerrero and Keith Wockenfuss Sergeants-at-Arm Denae Bronikowski and Alyssa Moyle


Thanks for supporting our youth!

State Youth Director Lynette Talasek, District Youth Counselors and Assistant DYCs Front, left to right, Fraternal Services Specialist Tammy Martinez; District Youth Counselors Sharon Russell, Patsy Koslovsky, Kay Weeks, Pam Lehmann, Barbara Linney-Gonzales, Lisa Bubela, and Theresa Haag (2015); and State Youth Director Lynette Talasek. Back: Assistant DYCs Lindy Beasley, Holly Narro, Cristy Girod, Amber Bartek, Laura Pospichal, Michelle Wockenfuss, Susan Siptak, and Regina House. Not pictured are DYC Lian Pruski and Assistant DYC CarrieAnn Jones.

Best wishes for a great convention!


In Memory of

Best Wishes for a Successful Convention

Frank & Andela Zabransky From Patsy and Helen Zabransky Annie, Philip, and Jonathan Vahalik Nicholas, Sarah, and Asher Vahalik Jordan, Elizabeth, and George Hargrove

SPJST Lodge 4 Hallettsville

1897 - 2016 119 years

Best Wishes for a Successful Convention!

from Lodge 8 Weimar

Best Wishes for a Productive Pam Lehmann District Four Youth Counselor and Lodge 215, South Plains Sales Agent Plehmann@poka.com • (806) 535-8356

From SPJST Lodge Nova Morava

Laura Pospichal Assistant District Four Youth Counselor yellowcar02@aol.com • (325) 365-6485 40

The Members and Officers of SPJST Lodge Moravští Bratři No. 6, Cottonwood Express Best Wishes for a Successful 2016 Convention.

President Milton Peterson First Vice President Ray Perez Second Vice President Don Urbanovsky Secretary Barbara Hykel Treasurer/Youth Leader Peggy Dobecka Financial Secretary Jerry Kucera Fraternal Activities Coordinator Evelyn Stuckly Flag Bearer Georgie Soukup Reporter Dorothy Kucera Assistant Youth Leader Pat Dieterich 41

In Loving Memory of Our SPJST Family

John R. Krizan

Ruth Krizan

Johnnie Krizan

June 17, 1914

May 25, 1915

November 17, 1947

k July 14, 1964 k

k June 16, 2014 k

k July 24, 2014 k










Best Wishes for a Successful Convention! Jeanette Krizan Beseda Matt, Melissa, and Lucas Beseda Leslie, Pete, and Avery Nors


Best Wishes

Best Wishes Oon nA Successful Convention Conv n ention a Successful Fro m tthe he Officers Officers and and Members Membersofof from SPJST Lodge 9, Snook Lodg e 9- Sno ok

YouthClub Club Meet tings Youth Meetings held p.m. heldat at6:30 6:30 p. .m.

Adult Meetings Adult held atMeetings 7 p.m. held at 7:00 p.m.

H Youth*Club Officers H Offfiicers* President President Grace NataleeLewis S See ViceVice President Kaylea President CarleeeWalker See Second nd Vice President Malorie Vacha 2 Vice President Grace Lewis Secretary Colby See Secretary Morgan SeebestaFaust Assistant Secretary Sydney Assistant Secretary Kayle Walker Treasurer NataleeeaSee Orrsak Assistant Treasurer TreasurerColton Madelyn Rodriguez Assistan aSergeants-at-Arms nt Treasurer Braxtton Faau ust Jaycie Brisco, Kyleigh Hruska Sergeant-at-Arms Kyleigh Hru uska, Madelyn Tatiana Tates, Kamree Walker Rodriguez, Colby See, Kam mree Walker Reporters J. Beaux Hruska, Reporters J.Beaux Hruska, CalHagan eb See, Sebesta Wesley Wesley See, Makenzie Williams See, William Seee Flag Bearers Dakota B Kienow Macik, Flag Bearers Dak akota Kienow, Brayden Jade Lauderdale, Layla Sims Layla Sims

H Lodge 9 Officers H *Off fiicers* Hejl President Donnie President Bonnie Donnie Hejl Vice President Walker Vice President Bonnie Walkeer Secretary Sharon Kovar Secretary Sharon Kovar Treasurer TreasurerDonnie DonnieVictorick Victorick Hall Manager David Hall Maan nager DavidKovar Kovar Reporter Marie Shelfer Reporter Marie Shelfe fer Youth Leader Loree Lewis Youth Leader Loree Lewis Assistant Youth Assistant YouthLeader LeaderSheila Sheila Orsak Orsak ak


JJoin Us On The he F First We Weddnnneesdayy Join us on the First Wednesday Of Eac Moonth M of Ea Eachchh Month of Largest


Club� “Home the


Congratulations and Best Wishes, Delegates and Members!

Donnie Victorick District One Director PO Box 85 Snook,Texas 77878 (979) 272-3265 44

Congratulations and Best Wishes From Your Friends at SPJST Lodge 15, Buckholts We proudly support Cynthia Vrazel Strmiska of Lodge 15, Buckholts for Supreme Lodge Vice President. For all of your SPJST Life Insurance needs, contact: Sales Agents Mary H. Rodriguez and Scott Brandon 201 W. Main • Buckholts, Texas 76518 254-593-9257 Mary 254-217-2863 honeyr1961@yahoo.com

Scott 254-217-5118 quadhogg@netzero.com



Best Wishes for a Successful Convention! SPJST Lodge 17, Novy Tabor President Randy Gaas Vice President Wilfred Hildebrand Fraternal Activities Coordinator Holly Narro Secretary Ben F. Trcalek, Jr. Treasurer Lillian Beasley Reporter Kyle Skrabanek Youth Leader Holly Narro Sales Agent Susan Skrabanek Meetings are held the first Sunday of every month at 2 p.m.

Vítáme Vás

Congratulations, SPJST!

Best Wishes for a Great 32nd Convention from the Officers and Members of SPJST Lodge Komensky No. 20, Granger

8133 Oscar Spur Temple, Texas 76501 254-983-2175


Meetings are the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m.

Call us for all your catering needs!

Come see us! 47

for a



Lodge 32 Victoria

ve nti on!

st Wishes e B

ess l con fu

Linda M. Wilde Insurance Agent

951 FM 964 Burlington, Texas 76519 254-985-2258 lmwilde@embarqmail.com

The Members of SPJST Lodge 24, Cyclone Express Best Wishes for a Productive Convention. Founded in 1897 with 20 members, Lodge 24, Cyclone was one of SPJST’s original charter lodges. The lodge became known as Flag Hall because of the flags that were periodically raised to make area residents aware of various community happenings and events. The lodge hall remains an important and popular area meeting place. Members invite you to join them for a good time.

2016 Lodge Officers President Daniel Wilde Vice President/FAC/ Youth Leader Brenda Maddux Secretary Shirley Hoelscher Treasurer Linda Wilde Reporter Robert “Bobby” Hoelscher Assistant Youth Leader Kim Campbell Bar Manager Mark Maddux 48

SPJST Doing good g for each fo h other and fo for the com we e serv serve ve. mmunities that t Thank you Thank you fo for you your ki kind nd and and continued continued su support upport and ffo or your vote of conffiidence.

Best Wi Best Wishes shes fo for a Successf Successfu ful Conventi Convention! on! Joan, Stephanie, S Samue el and odge Supreme p Lo g President Briian Vanicek 49


Welcome! Jesse Pospisil District Two Director Lodge 29,Taylor Sales Agent 4710 FM 1331 Taylor, Texas 76574 512-826-7371

Congratulations and Best Wishes, Delegates and Members, for the 32nd SPJST Convention! 51

SPJST Lodge 29, Taylor 5025 FM 619 • Taylor, Texas 76574

Visit our website - www.taylorspjst.com

Best Wishes for a Successful Convention!

2016 Lodge Officers President Ronnie Rieger Vice President Sharon Kaderka Secretary/Reporter Linda Pospisil Treasurer Tammy Cannon Youth Leader Cristy Girod Assistant Youth Leader Connie Voigt

Property Committee Members Chairman Jesse Pospisil Leonard Kaderka Wayne Voigt Frankie Pustejovsky Adolph Grieger

Annual Events March — Annual Auction Fundraiser September — Annual Barbecue Cook-Off Weekly Events Friday Night Dances - 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. — Live bands, free admission Old-fashioned hamburgers on Fridays Monthly Events First and Third Wednesdays — Live Music by Bobby Jay Five Band - 7 to 10 p.m. - free admission Hall Rentals for Special Events: Upstairs and/or Downstairs For Lodge 29 hall bookings or information, call 512-352-9139 Hours of Operation: Monday and Tuesday—Closed Wednesday through Sunday—Open 3 p.m. 52



Congratulations and Best Wishes for a Successful 32nd Convention from SPJST Lodge 30, Taiton Officers, Members, and Youth Club

2016 Lodge Officers

President Yvonne Marcaurele Vice President Debbie Krpec Secretary Wanda Dorotik Treasurer/Youth Leader Lisa Bubela Reporter Marjorie Treumer Fraternal Activities Coordinator Crystal Bacak Assistant Youth Leader Kirby Lange


We support Karen Kaspar of Lodge 30 for District Six Director! 54

Greetings and Best Wishes to Delegates and Members for a Productive and Successful 2016 Convention.

I appreciate your support and the opportunity to serve you as District Six Director.

Karen Kaspar, FIC, CFFM 8550 N. State Highway 71 El Campo, Texas 77437-9819 Home: 979-543-2532 • Mobile: 979-332-1616 email: k-kaspar@hotmail.com


Greetings and Best Wishes for a Very Successful 32nd SPJST Convention from the Members of

SPJST Lodge Hvezda Texasu No. 47, Seaton “Second Largest Lodge in Texas”

✯ Seaton Star Hall ✯ Located on Highway 53 East of Temple 2016 Officers President ...........................................................................................Edwin Pechal Vice President............................................................................Brandon Bartek Fraternal Activities Coordinator.....................................Tammy Martinez Secretary/Reporter...............................................................Patsy Koslovsky Treasurer .......................................................................................Becky Zavodny Parliamentarian...................................................................James Skrabanek Youth Leader......................................................................................Joyce Kraatz Flag Bearers...........................................................................................Youth Club

Board of Trustees Chairman James Skrabanek Amber Bartek Terry Festa

Vice Chairman Edwin Vasicek Roy Ringwald 56

Secretary Patsy Koslovsky Danny Stepan Lynette Talasek

Jerry Haisler and the Melody 5 Jerry Haisler and the Melody 5 is a familyoriented band. The Melody 5 started in the fall of 1966 which makes for 50 years of continuous entertainment and music in Central Texas! In recent years, the band has recommitted themselves to their Czech heritage and focused on Czech tunes they listened to while growing up. The combination of familiar Czech waltzes and polkas as well as classic country music pleases dancers across a variety of venues in Central Texas. From 1978 to 2012, recordings include three CDs, as well as VHS videos with Dan Cerveny and Big Joe, and two RFD shows with Mollie B. Jerry Haisler and the Melody 5 is proud to be a part of the Czech and polka music experience in Texas!

Best Wishes to the Delegates, Directors, Officers, Staff, and Guests for a Great Convention in 2016! For bookings, CDs, or info: visit www.melody5.com • call 254-773-9646 Facebook - Jerry Haisler and the Melody 5

Current Melody 5 Band Members: (left to right) Charles Mikeska – Accordion, Steel Guitar, Keyboard, Vocals Bob Haisler – Bass, Tuba, Vocals Terry Taylor – Guitar, Fiddle, Vocals Joe Morris – Drums, Vocals Jerry Haisler, Bandleader – Lead Guitar, Tenor Sax, Accordion, Fiddle, Vocals

Best Wishes for a Successful 32nd SPJST Convention

Best Wishes for a Great Convention in 2016!

Patsy Koslovsky Ruth Hanusch

District Two Youth Counselor SPJST Lodge 47, Seaton Sales Agent Home: 254-985-2396 Mobile: 254-718-1606 Email: patsyk2011@yahoo.com

District Two Vice President/ Fraternal Activities Coordinator 57

In Loving Memory of Our Parents Nick A. and Dorothy Lisˇka Morris Veˇstni´k Editor 12/1/1962 - 12/31/1968 qwr

SPJST Supreme Lodge President 1/1/1969 - 12/31/1984 qwr

10/23/1926 - 12/27/1997

Nicholas, Katherine, Stephen, Josef, Michael

9/13/1935 - 5/3/1989

Best wishes for a great convention!

WE DO CATERING! Hours Tuesday thru Thursday: 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday: (254) 984-2255 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Owners: Edwin and Judy Pechal SPJST Lodge 47, Seaton

10226 FM 2086 Temple, TX



s i h e s W t es

to Delegates and Visitors for a Successful 32nd Convention.

Left to right, Billye Westlake, Lisa Kirby, Sharla Pechal, Jennifer Wright, Terry Malina, Roy W. Vajdak, Debbie Dohnalik, Sharon Ingram, Mary Carrillo, Dorothy Stuchly, Christina Martinez, and Nancy Miller.


n e m t r epa

D s ’ Financial Secretary 59

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Best Wishes for a Successful Convention from the Members and Officers of Lodge 63 Sweet Home ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Robert W. “Bob” Haisler 1912 - 2005 Starting as a teenager, my dad, Bob Haisler, played accordion for house dances, weddings, anniversaries, picnics, and lodge dances in various Central Texas bands from the 1930s to 2004. In the early 1950s, his band, the Rhythm Kings (later known as the Melodians), played with Ray Price at the Temple Municipal Auditorium. He did “live” shows from a Temple radio station atop the old Kyle Hotel and played an event with Bob Wills in the late 1960s. He was a founding member of Jerry Haisler and the Melody 5, playing till age 92 1/2! —Jerry and Helen Haisler 60

Best Wishes for a Successful 32nd Convention from the Officers and Members of SPJST Lodge Rad Vyšehrad Cislo, No. 48, Beyersville Organized October 18, 1903 • Located at 10450 FM 619

★ ★ ★ 2016 Officers ★ ★ ★ President Albert Filla Vice President/Fraternal Activities Coordinator Bret Wuensche Hall Manager/Youth Leader Janet Filla Secretary Juanette Susan Treasurer Bonnie Urbanek Reporter/Assistant Youth Leader Michelle Newsom The Hall is perfect for weddings, rehearsal dinners, business meetings, reunions, birthdays, anniversaries, fundraisers, domino tournaments, and graduation parties. The Hall seats 200 comfortably and includes a small stage for band/DJ, covered side patio, open side patio, plenty of parking, kitchen facilities, complete central heat/air, reasonable rental fees (deposit required), large bathrooms, drive-thru for fundraising meals, and an extra room available for other small activities. Hall Bookings: Janet Filla 512-450-8310 Insurance Sales: Brian Patschke 512-565-5852 Bobby Wuensche 281-352-3517 or 281-352-7815


Congratulations, Delegates and Members! SPJST Lodge 49, Rowena

Left to right, Brad Teplicek, Nancy Schwertner, Becky Wood, Ana Fuentes, and Laura Pospichal.

★★★ 2016 Officers ★★★ President Nancy Schwertner Vice President Ana Fuentes Secretary Laura Pospichal Treasurer Brad Teplicek Youth Leader Becky Wood 62

Best Wishes for a Successful Convention!

District Four Director Billy Rollwitz, FIC, CFFM and Sylvia Rollwitz, FIC Lodge 49, Rowena Sales Agent


Best Wishes for a Successful 32nd SPJSTConvention from the Members and Officers of Lodge 54, West Officers President Freddie Kaluza Vice President Wilburn Willis Recording Secretary/English Reporter Janice Kaluza Fraternal Activities Coordinator Linda Kaluza Treasurer Mary Lou Mynar Czech Reporter Jan Vaculik Sales Agents Wilburn Willis, FIC Freddie Kaluza Janice Kaluza Delegates Mary Lou Mynar Terry Sefcik Marcela Vaculik Wilburn Willis


SPJST Lodge 66, Waco Welcomes the Delegates to the 32nd SPJST Convention!

Best Wishes for a Great Convention. In honor of two of the ďŹ nest Vice Presidents I have ever worked for.

Joe B. Hejny Bernie Gebala from Ruth Hanusch


Welcome to the Greatest People in Texas . . . SPJST Members

5349 Dolloff Road Cleveland, Ohio 44127

Phone: (216) 341-0444 Fax: (216) 341-0711

Email: insurance@czechccu.org Website: czechccu.org Robert L. Cermak President

John and Diana Engelke 65

Jane Milczewski Secretary/Treasurer

Phone 254-799-4152 • 800-820-6448 • Fax 254-799-1608 Email: hgdoss@dosstex.com www.dosstex.com


Congratulations on the 32nd SPJST Convention from Lodge 79 Corpus Christi

Seated are Virginia Rebecek and Mark Rebecek. Back: Frank Sacky, Marcia Rew, and Jerry Sijansky.

2016 Lodge 79 Officers President Marcus Rebecek Vice President/Fraternal Activities Coordinator Jerry Sijansky Secretary Virginia Rebecek Treasurer Frank Sacky Youth Leader Marcia Rew 67

★ SPJST Lodge Tyrs, No. 80, Holland organized in 1909. ★

The members of SPJST Lodge Tyrs, No. 80, Holland wish the delegates of the 32nd SPJST Convention a successful experience. 2016 Lodge Officers President Rita Spinn Vice President Joe W. Liles Secretary/Reporter Linda Hill Treasurer/Fraternal Activities Coordinator Frank Pajestka, Jr. Youth Leader Connie Horak Board of Trustees Silveria Tschoerner • Ann Weir Curtis Wolf • Helen Pajestka Daniel Hendrix • Barbara Taisler-Hill Coleman Benner Sales Agents Joe W. Liles Vicki Slye

The members of Lodge 80 extend a warm welcome to anyone who wishes to visit us on Thursday nights for a great hamburger, cool beverages, and fun and fellowship on bingo night.


Best Wishes from SPJST Lodge 81, Needville Organized in 1909

2016 Officers President Vincent Newman Vice President Jeanette Newman Secretary Willie Mae Kuykendall Treasurer Bradley Stavinoha Special Funds Chairman Tom Stavinoha

Pictured, left to right, are Secretary Willie Mae Kuykendall, Vice President Jeanette Newman, President Vincent Newman, and Treasurer Bradley Stavinoha.

Greetings and Best Wishes to the 32nd SPJST Convention from the Officers and Members of Lodge Pokrok No. 84, Dallas 2625 Floyd Street • Dallas, Texas

• • • Officers • • • President Justine Yeager • Vice President Vicki Sims Secretary Cheryl Petr • Treasurer Jim Liska Reporter Anne Scott Cowan Flag Bearer Lynda Novak Youth Leader Lynda Novak Assistant Youth Leaders Anne Cowan • Joy McClellan Vicki Sims • Kelly Tucker 69



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For more info, call Jerry Manak 214-354-7687 70

Birthday Club Sisters of SPJST Lodge 88, Houston Cakes • Pies • Kolaches We make the best for Founder’s Day, Homecoming, and Czech Heritage Day! Our monthly meetings are fun with fellowship and good food. President Nell Stautberg Secretary Bette Hurta • Treasurer Vernell Foyt Sunshine Lady Delores Pavlicek • Chaplain Helen Hegwood Assistant Chaplains Carolyn F. Beseda and Patricia Bruce 71

Welcome, Delegates! SPJST Lodge Pokrok, No. 88, Houston 1435 Beall Street


2016 Officers

2016 Board of Trustees

President Janice Jahns First Vice President Nell Stautberg Second Vice President Jo Ann Buri Secretary Carol Stayton Treasurer Ashley Victorick FAC/Parliamentarian Patricia Bruce Youth Leader Barbara Linney-Gonzales Guide Josephine Pflughaupt Sergeant-at-Arms Donald Havemann Chaplain Carolyn F. Beseda

Chairman/Bar Chairman Kenneth Mlcak Vice Chairman Cindy Messina Secretary Marlene Satterwhite Assistant Bar Chairman Crystal Dougherty Kitchen Chairman Doris Bronikowski Dennis Roeder Darlene Polly Kathy Green Lori Bornaschella 72

Let’s Keep on Dancing! SPJST Lodge 88, Houston Entertainment Committee

SPJST Lodge 88, Houston 2016 Schedule Includes Polka and Variety Bands Big Bands • Country/Western Bands Entertainment Chairman Vernell Foyt Co-Chairman Nell Stautberg

Best wishes for a successful convention! SPJST    Lodge 88  Houston   Youth Club 73

Congratulations and Best Wishes on the 32nd Convention!

SPJST Lodge 88, Houston Bingo Committee Front, left to right, Vernell Foyt, Mildred Holeman, Kathy Green, Carol Havemann, Janice Jahns. Second row: Carolyn Pechacek, Josefina Latigo, Larry W. Pflughaupt, Donnie Havemann, Ana Latigo, Jo Ann Buri, Fred Buri. Back Row: Vanessa Guerrero, Carol Globke, Sandra Latigo, Krystal Flores.

Buffalo Bayou

Making a difference in the community ... Our donations are recognized on the lights at Buffalo Bayou and on the walkway at Memorial Park Conservancy.

Memorial Park Conservancy


SPJST Sales Agent • SPJST Lodge 88, Houston

SPJST Lodge 91, San Jacinto

SPJST Lodge 91, San Jacinto

In Honor of 2016 75-Year Member Willie Haluska

In Honor of 2016 75-Year Member Odis Divin

H 2016 Officers H President William Locke Vice President Carlos San Miguel Secretary Vonda Smesny Treasurer Marie Stasney Fraternal Activities Coordinator Malba Smesny

H 2016 Officers H President William Locke Vice President Carlos San Miguel Secretary Vonda Smesny Treasurer Marie Stasney Fraternal Activities Coordinator Malba Smesny

Best wishes for a successful Best wishes for a successful 32nd SPJST Convention! 32nd SPJST Convention! 75

The next generation proudly representing Lodge 88 Houston Denae Bronikowski 2014 SPJST State Queen 76

On behalf of the Officers, Trustees, and Members of Lodge 92, Fort Worth, we wish the best for all delegates of the 32nd SPJST Convention. Please join us as we celebrate Czech Heritage Day on Saturday, September 17, 2016. 77

Congratulations and Best Wishes! We support Lodge 107 member Bob Bayer candidate for District Seven Director.

SPJST Lodge 107, Floresville President Glen Pruski First Vice President Larry Bertrand • Second Vice President Thomas Novak Secretary Wendy Pruski • Treasurer Oscar Korus Financial Secretary Liz Bielefeld • Reporter Lian Pruski Fraternal Activities Coordinator Bob Bayer Hall Manager Roxy Bertrand

Congratulations to SPJST on its 32nd Convention! Best wishes for a productive convention. Let us move forward for SPJST.

Bob Bayer District Seven Director 78

Best Wishes from SPJST Lodge 133, San Antonio for a Successful Convention


Lodge 139, Danbury Congratulates the32ndSPJSTConvention

Best Wishes for a Successful 2016 Convention

In Memory of our Brothers and Sisters Jeffrey Lynn Wagner - June 14, 2012 Helen Mary Filipp - June 30, 2012 Juanita Fay Pruitt - December 3, 2012 Furniss C. Davis, Jr. - January 22, 2013 Ann K. Daniel - February 18, 2013 Frederick S. Kutach - June 4, 2013 Julius Pustejovsky - January 31, 2014 Eddie Jake Groth - August 10, 2014 Donna K. Treesh - December 13, 2014 Cecil Barcak - January 27, 2015 Imogene L. Whatley - April 29, 2015 Vicki D. Sims - June 30, 2015 Clara E. Pavlicek - July 6, 2015 David S. Baldwin, Jr. - July 30, 2015 James E. Collins - September 4, 2015 Joe F. Vrazel - February 11, 2016 Joanna Rude - April 6, 2016

SPJST Lodge 151, Wharton Officers, Sales Agents and Members President Gerald Macha Vice President Charles Bucek Second Vice President Ray Pilgrim Secretary/FAC Janie Bucek Treasurer Carolyn Bucek District Six Cemetery President David Bucek District Six Rest Home Director Charles Bucek


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When sending your order by mail, please include a photograph and check or money order made payable to: JNDA Cameos 1006 Top Hill Drive, Brenham, TX 77833 First Name: _______________________ Last Name: _______________________ Address: _________________________ ________________________ City/State: ________________________ Zip Code: ________________________ Phone: ___________________________ Email: ____________________________

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Check or money order is enclosed I was referred by: ___________________ All photos will be sent back with the finished cameo. Check or money order must be sent with this form. You may be contacted to discuss your photo. Call for shipping outside the US.

Best Wishes for a Successful Convention from the Members and Officers of SPJST Lodge Stefanik, No. 142, Houston President Keith Kieschnick Vice President Dennis Hermis Secretary Alice Jochen Treasurer Mary Ann Kieschnick Youth Leader Catherine Manchack Fraternal Activities Coordinator Patsy Schleider Guide Emil Kutra, Jr. Flag Bearer Karley Kieschnick

Front, left to right, Patsy Schleider, Catherine Manchack, Alice Jochen, Mary Ann Kieschnick. Back: Emil Kutra, Jr., Keith Kieschnick, Dennis Hermis, Karley Kieschnick.


Coming m togeth og theer is a


Keeping toget o the h r is


Working k togeth og theer is


To All DDelegat e ees, Officcers, r and n Attenndees e for a Produ P o cctive, Succcessful Convenntion

SPJ PJST Lodgee 154 Fort Worth, Texxas a PPreside e ent n Jerry ry Mil M an a Vice c Pr P esidden e t/FAC / Taalon o Milan a Seccretary r Mary r Steeinman Treas e urer e Anna Joohnson Youth Leaders r Leslii Mili an a and Carri C r eAnn e Jones 6500 Boat Club b Road ~ Fort Worth, h Texas 76135 82

Lodge 160 San Angelo proudly salutes the 32nd SPJST Convention! Best Wishes, Delegates and Members!

Best Wishes for a Successful Convention!

SPJST Lodge 185, New Braunfels


SPJST Lodge 177 Academy proudly wishes all delegates an outstanding 2016 Convention! May all decisions be made for the betterment and success of our organization.

Located o Highway 95 in Academy, Texas Lodge 177, Academy invites you to attend our bingo sessions on Tuesdays and Fridays at 7 p.m. Proceeds go to charitable organizations. 84

SPJST Lodge 183, Arlington Welcomes All To The


2016 LODGE OFFICERS President Ann Pustejovsky First Vice President/Treasurer Tom Weeks Treasurer Annette Cepak Secretary/Reporter Darlene Hollingsworth Financial Secretary/FAC Kay Weeks Youth Leader Debra Daniel Trustees Raymond Mikeska Tom Weeks Patricia Sill

SPJST Lodge 183, Arlington 3100 Pleasant Valley Lane Arlington, Texas 76015 817­465­8538 www.spjstlodge183.com 85

W i s t h s e e s B

for a Successful 32nd Convention from Mark Childres President of SPJST Lodge 196, Houston-West

Providing insurance protection for you and the ones you love.

Childres Insurance Group makes sure you are covered for every stage of life. Auto • Home • Commercial • Life • Health • Medicare

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SPJST Supreme Lodge Vice President Clifton Coufal and SPJST Insurance Department

Front, left to right, Virginia Longoria, Doris Tyroch, Lori Slack, Lisa Mills, Donica Zabcik, and Dana Boyd. Back: Doni Powell, Clifton Coufal, Cynthia Hutka, and Susan Shofner.

Thank You For Your Support!

Best Wishes for a Great Convention! ] District Seven Youth Clubs ]

Lian Pruski

District Seven Youth Counselor

Regina House

Assistant District Seven Youth Counselor 87

SPJST Lodge 200 Bruceville-Eddy

Lodge Officers President Allen Trigg, Sr. • Vice President James Hosch Fraternal Activities Coordinator Gene McBride Secretary/Reporter Michael Hosch • Treasurer David Nauert

Sales Agents Sandra Garrett Gene McBride, FICF, CFFM David Nauert, FIC

Best Wishes for a Great Convention!

Proudly Supporting Lodge 200 Member Secretary-Treasurer Leonard Mikeska


Greetings and Best Wishes for a Successful Convention SPJST Lodge 202, Jourdanton, Texas

President James House, Vice President Sam Hoggard, Secretary Bettie House, Treasurer/Assistant Youth Leader Sandra Hoggard, FAC Kathleen Polasek, Youth Leader Regina House. Not pictured: Sales Agents Janice Favor, Chester Gail Lee, Linda Ramey, and Cheryl Henry. H SPJST State Fraternalists H 2000 - August “Gussie” Spacek 2004 - Bettie V. House 2008 - Sandra K. Hoggard 2010 - James House 2011 - Lloyd House 2014 - Sam Hoggard 2015 - Kathleen Polasek

H 2009 National Fraternalist H Sandra K. Hoggard

Home of National Fraternalist SPJST State Fraternalists and Honorable Mentions

Best Wishes for a Successful Convention!


H SPJST Honorable Mentions H 1999 - Ernest W. Spacek 2001 - Jeffrey Barta 2009 - Regina L. House

Lodge 202, Jourdanton State - Recognized Fraternalists Send Best Wishes for a Successful Convention!

Front, left to right, Lloyd House and Bettie House. Back: Sam Hoggard, Sandra Hoggard Regina House, Kathleen Polasek, James House

SANDRA HOGGARD Kathleen Polasek LODGE 202, JOURDANTON Lodge 202, Jourdanton 2009SPJST NATIONAL 2015 State FRATERNALIST of the YEAR Fraternalist of the Year


Since its humble beginning in 1897, SPJST has been woven into the fabric of Texas. We have been a positive force in communities across the great state of Texas and have enriched the lives of thousands of our members. Dorothy and I are honored to have had the opportunity to share many years of this grand journey while serving in the Home Office. We extend our best wishes to all Convention delegates, officials, and visitors. May this be our best Convention ever! Leonard and Dorothy Mikeska


Best Wishes!

Ingrid Petrik Franchise Owner SPJST Lodge 246, Morgan’s Point Member 254-760-1831 itcp315@gmail.com

Warm regards to all delegates, and may you all have successful deliberations. President James Lee, III Vice President Charlie Herendon Treasurer Ingrid Petrik Fraternal Activities Coordinator Susan Hutton Secretary/Reporter Melanie Zavodny

SPJST Lodge 246, Morgan’s Point 91

SPJST Lodge 229 Abilene serving Abilene and West Texas

SPJST Lodge 187 Round Rock Texas

since September 6, 2003 Looking Back . . . Looking Forward

Let the Good Times Roll!

Best Wishes for a Successful Convention!

Best Wishes for a Successful 32nd SPJST Convention from the Officers and Members of SPJST Lodge 258, Seguin

Seated, left to right, in loving memory of Virgil Brietzke (1934 - 2013), Lillian Brietzke, Kora Johnston, in loving memory of Vernon Schultz (1927 - 2015) Vernell Schultz, and Fraternal Activities Coordinator Stephanie Mills. Back: President Chester Jenke, Treasurer Colleen Jenke, James Lowak, Secretary Henrietta Lowak, Reporter Carrie Origas, Vice President Curry Jenke, David Mills, and Logan Mills. 92




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The Czech Center Museum Houston In the Museum District

4920 San Jacinto Street Houston, Texas 77004 713-528-2060 email: czech@czechcenter.org • blog: http://czechcentermuseumhouston.wordpress.com www.czechcenter.org • www.receptionshouston.com Facebook: Czech Center Museum Houston


Art Exhibits







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Group Tours Performances We welcome your visit to one of Houston’s 18 Fine Museums

We wish our fellow members and friends at

SPJST’s 32nd Convention a successful gathering and another fruitful year of good works!

Effie M. Rosene Chairman/CEO For the Board of Directors Volunteers and Staff Incorporated in Texas March 8, 1996, as a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational cultural arts organization. EIN 76-0496649 97

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Best Wishes for a Successful 32nd SPJST Convention!

VĚSTNÍK/Communication Department Katherine Morris

Brooke Hoelscher

Jerry Pechal

Melanie Zavodny

Věstník/Communication Executive Assistant

Graphic Design/ Communication Specialist

Communication Assistant

Věstník Editor/Director of Communication

Be estt wishes to the


On the occasion off its 32nd Convention From o Your Friends at

Catholic Union n off Texas, The KJT Home Offffice 214 East Colorado St. PO Box 297 La Grange, Texas 789 945 979-968-5877 or 800-245 5-8182 info@kjtnet.org www.kjtnet.org Like us on Facebook!


The Czech Educational Foundation of Texas Celebrating the Czech language, music, and culture through support of higher education

Joe and Margaret Jaresh KleÄ?ka CEFT Board of Directors UNT Advisory Committee SPJST Lodge 84, Dallas

Congratulations and best wishes to all attending the 32nd SPJST Convention. We are grateful for your presence in our lives.

The Czech Educational Foundation of Texas is a 501(c)3 non-profit educational organization. Its taxpayer identification number is 74-606770. www.CEFT.us


Best Wishes for a Successful 32nd Convention!

Czech Heritage Society of Texas A non-profit organization founded in 1982, dedicated to the preservation of Texas Czech Heritage: Genealogy, History, Music, Customs, Food, Costumes, and Language

H 15 Established Chapters H Bexar • Brazos Valley • Burleson Concho Valley • Ellis • Fayette Fort Bend • Galveston • Gonzales Harris • Lavaca • McLennan-Hill Travis-Williamson • Victoria • Wharton

∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ For more information and a membership application, write: The Czech Heritage Society of Texas P.O. Box 895 El Campo, Texas 77437-0895 Visit www.czechheritage.org



S.P.J.S.T. Senior and Assisted Living Board of Directors wish you a successful and enjoyable 32nd SPJST Convention!

Left to right: Donnie Victorick; Howard Leshikar; in memory of George Pauling (1930 - 2015) who served through April 2015; Billy Rollwitz; Lonnie Lostak; Charles Bucek; Jerry Sijansky; and (inset) John Engelke who has served since April 2015.

President Donnie Victorick SPJST Lodge 9, Snook - District One

Vice President Howard Leshikar SPJST Lodge 48, Beyersville - District Two

Secretary Lonnie Lostak SPJST Lodge 139, Danbury - District Five

Treasurer Billy Rollwitz SPJST Lodge 49, Rowena - District Four

John Engelke SPJST Lodge 66, Waco - District Three

Charles Bucek SPJST Lodge 151, Wharton - District Six

Jerry Sijansky SPJST Lodge 79, Corpus Christi - District Seven

• Visit S.P.J.S.T. Senior Living Centers • Taylor • Needville • Hillje 104


“In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, love.” Preaching the Word, Loving the People . . . Since 1892 www.ockerbrethrenchurch.org Physical Address: 17454 State Hwy 53 Temple, Texas 76501 Phone: (254) 985-2240

Mailing Address: PO Box 806 Rogers, Texas 76569

Sunday School for ALL ages - 9 a.m. Worship Sunday - 10:15 a.m. Choir - First and Third Wednesdays - 6:15 p.m. Celebrate Recovery Thursday - 6 to 8 p.m. Youth Fellowship and Bible Study First and Third Wednesdays - 6 to 8 p.m. Children’s Rally and Bible Study - Fourth Wednesday - 6 to 7 p.m. Men’s Breakfast - Fourth Saturday - 8 a.m. Christian Sisters - Second Tuesday - 6:15 p.m. 105

Kerley’s Grocery and Market 615 East Central Avenue Temple, TX 76501

Kerley's Market has been serving the Temple community for over 50 years and hopes to continue to serve the fine people of Temple and surrounding communities for a long time to come.

254-773-2495 Mon - Fri: 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat: 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Owner

Jerry Talasek Member of SPJST Lodge 47, Seaton 106

Texas Czeech Heeritaagee & Culttural Centter Congratulations Congratulations to to SPJST SPJST Delegates Delegates and and Members Members 32nd — June 11 12-to 15, 2016 31stConvention Convention June 13, 2012

FFlagship of Texas Czeech Heeritagge and CCulture

250 West Fairgrounds Road La Grange, La a Gr range e,Texas Te exa as78945 78945 5 VisitOur our website: Visit Website: www.czechtexas.org W Www.cze echt texas. org 11-888--7885--45500/ info@czechteexas.oorg 888-785-4500 • info@czechtexas.org 250 West Fairgr rounds s Ro oad

“Saving the past for future generations� Dedicate ed to to preepreserving seerviing and d and pro omo oting thee hissthe to ory,history, laanguaagelanguage, , cullturre and Dedicated promoting heritheritage age of thee of Teethe xaansTexans of Czeecof h eCzech thniccityethnicity. y. culture, and 107


Congratulations and Best Wishes for a Successful 32nd SPJST Convention From Parkway Advisors, L.P.

Parkway is uniquely suited to assist fraternal insurance companies that are looking for flexible advisory services. We consult with each client to discover the best, most cost-effective solution to help our clients realize their investment goals. Delivering personal service and solutions designed with your needs in mind. • • •

Asset Management Statutory Reporting Custom Consulting


g Openin e t a D d e Project 016

July 2

S.P.J.S.T. Senior Living Community Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation

Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation and Memory Care Assisted Living 1810 Old Granger Road • Taylor, Texas 505 East Lake Drive • Taylor, Texas 512-352-6337 512-352-6940 www.spjstresthomes.com

Best Wishes for a Successful 32nd Convention from the Secretary-Treasurer’s Department

Front, left to right, Leonard D. Mikeska, Marissa Salinas, Ann Paruzinski, and Margaret Campbell. Back: Janie Coakley, Dorothy Tomasek, Holly Knecht, Tamara Gettys, Carol Wolf, Linda Hill, and Rudy Constancio. 110

At RVOS, we’re Texans first. We say what we mean and do what we say. It’s that simple. And who has time for insurance companies that won’t do the same. At RVOS we understand what Texans want from an insurance company, because, like you, we value honesty and integrity. So if you’re ready for straight talk, competitive rates and friendly agents, give us a call or visit us online.


Best Wishes for a Successful SPJST Convention!

Thank you for years of support given to

Texas Czech Genealogical Society

For membership, contact Merlene Bravenec 254-778-7285 www.txczgs.org 112

Best Wishes for a Productive and Successful 32nd SPJST Convention! SPJST Education and Nature Center 2016 Board of Directors President Donnie Howard Vice President Lisa Bubela Secretary Lynette Talasek Treasurer Nancy Miller Parliamentarian Randy Gaas Keith Kieschnick John Engelke Brad Teplicek

New Camp Director: Jeb Lapeyrolerie 2001 Waldeck Road Ledbetter, Texas 78946 Phone: 979-249-5674 spjstenc@gmail.com

Thank you to all SPJST members and lodges for your support!

Please come visit and enjoy our beautiful terrain as we continue to grow and to improve our Education and Nature Center! Activities to Enjoy: Water Activities – Fishing, Swimming, Canoeing, Boating, Blob Rope Works and Team Building – High Ropes, Low Ropes Sports – Archery, Horseshoes, BB Guns, Kickball Nature – Bird Watching, Aquatic Life Viewing, Stargazing, Nature Trails for Hiking, Tree and Plant Identification, Arts • Fun – Movies under the Stars, Campfires and S’mores, Playground, Hayrides, Crafts, Picnics, School Trips, Parties and Celebrations (Birthday, Graduation, Anniversary) • New Opportunities Coming Soon – Business Meetings, Weddings, Tent Camping, Skeet Shooting

• • • •



The SPJS T Foundation The SPJS T Foundation was organized and es tablished in 2012 to oper ate as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization, as defined by the Internal Re venue Code of 1986. The primary purpose of the Foundation is to adminis ter to the growth and de velopment of the Czech Her itage Museum and Genealogy Center in Temple, SPJS T Education and Nature Center in Ledbetter, and other charitable, educational, and/or scientific endeavors deemed worth y on the basis of individual merit. The business and affairs of the Foundation are managed by its Board of Directors, consis ting of 11 members. Four of the 11 Directors of the Foundation consis t of the SPJS T President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, and Financial Secretary. Se ven of the ele ven Directors of the Foundation consis t of the se ven SPJS T Dis trict Directors. Legacy and planned gifts will enable the SPJST Foundation to pursue innovative opportunities and ideas including facility cons truction, educational initiatives, partnerships, and e xhibit de velopment. Gif ts to the Foundation may include cash, securities, real es tate, personal property, collections, beques ts, life insur ance, charitable gif t annuities, and charitable remainder trus ts. Your SPJS T Foundation gif ts and contributions may offer you and your es tate potential tax benefits including an income tax deduction plus reduction or elimination of long-term capital gains tax and an e xemp tion from feder al es tate taxes. Let us show you how your gif ts and beques ts can fit into your family’s legacy!

For more information please contact: James Lee, III, CPA SPJS T Foundation Director of De velopment 520 N Main Stree t • Temple, Te x as 76501 800-727-7578


Do you remember

NONAT? The popular Czech healing salve. Every Czech household had a tube in its medicine cabinet. After an absence of 60 years, it is now back on the market in 3/4 oz. tin for $12.49 including shipping/handling from:

Alfred Novacek 3831 NE Wasco St. Portland, Oregon 97232 503-234-5594 www.nonatsalve.com

Serving fresh baked goods since 1984 254-778-5202

23108 SE HK Dodgen Loop Temple, TX 76502 116

Carol & Jeff White

We thank you for your prayers, love, and support. May God bless you, and may God bless SPJST.

David and Melanie Zavodny Nauert Věstník Editor/Director of Communication 117


Thank you, SPJST, for your generous sponsorships and excellent working relationship toward a common goal!

Mission of Texas Polka Music Museum The Texas Polka Music Museum is dedicated to honor and preserve the history of Texas polka bands, musicians and DJs of European (Czech, German, and Polish) ancestry who are continuing to spread our culture and heritage all over Texas and the world.

Contributions to TPMM are tax-deductible. TPMM is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. www.texaspolkamuseum.com 979-743-4752 625 North Main Schulenburg, Texas 78956

CDs available online or at the Museum.

Museum at 625 North Main in Historic Downtown Schulenburg Open Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Museum phone: 979-743-4752

Board Members and Officers President Clyde Cantrell - Brenham • Vice President Brian Svetlik - El Campo Treasurer Patricia Jozwiak - Brenham • Secretary Brian Klekar - Brenham Historian Lil Schneider - Cypress • Historian Glen Lacina - Bastrop • Roy Haag - New Braunfels Glen Chervenka - Bryan • Jodie Hermes - Hallettsville • Frankie Kocian - Schulenburg Donnie Howard - New Braunfels • Herb Schneider - Cypress • James Darilek - Gonzales James Marek - Cameron • Garrett Neubauer - Altair • Museum Curator Helen Ohnheiser 119



In Loving Memory

In Loving Memory

David Baldwin, Jr.

Greg Bubela SPJST Lodge 30, Taiton 1960 - 2013 from Lisa Bubela

SPJST Lodge 139, Danbury 1938 - 2015 from Lorenda Baldwin

In Loving Memory

In Loving Memory

Debbie Galler

Frank E. Klinkovsky, Sr.

SPJST Lodge 66, Waco 1956 - 2015 from Michael Kevin Douglas, Hannah, and Fiona

SPJST Lodge 47, Seaton 1926 - 2014 from Ingrid Petrik Lodge 246, Morgan’s Point

In Loving Memory

In Loving Memory

Johnnie R. Krizan

Rosie Steinman

SPJST Lodge 6, Cottonwood 1947 - 2014 from Ingrid Petrik Lodge 246, Morgan’s Point

SPJST Lodge 154, Fort Worth 1924 - 2012 from Friends of Rosie

In Loving Memory

In Loving Memory

James Teplicek SPJST Lodge 49, Rowena 1934 - 2014 from Beverly, Brad, Craig, Phyllis, Grant, Laurie, Coleton, Courtney, Reece, Brandon, Cammi, Hunter, Hutson, and Holt

Matt S. Vanek SPJST Lodge 32, Victoria 1927 - 2016 from SPJST District Six 122

Thanks to our advertisers. INDEX A Ahlstrom, Mike and Kathy..........................50 Allen Bailey and Associates, Inc................95 B Baldwin, David, Jr. (In Memory)...............122 Baylor Scott & White Health Plan..............96 Best Quality Meat & BBQ...........................94 Bronikowski, Denae ...................................76 Bubela, Greg (In Memory).......................122 By-Law Committee.....................................32 C Caregiver-Aid .............................................91 Catholic Family Fraternal ........................116 Childres, Mark/Childres Insurance Group ..86 Coufal, Clifton - Vice President’s Dept.......87 Czech Brand Klobase/DFW Beefco Inc....70 Czech Catholic Union ................................65 Czech Center Museum Houston...............97 Czech Educational Foundation of Texas ...101 Czech Heritage Museum...........................39 Czech Heritage Society of Texas.............102 D District One ................................................35 District Three ..............................................36 District Four ................................................37 District Four Youth .....................................40 District Five.................................................38 District Six...................................................35 District Seven .............................................35 District Seven Youth Clubs ........................87 Doss Sales Co. ..........................................66 E EMSI Insurance .......................................103 Engelke, John and Diana ..........................65 F Filipp, Mr. and Mrs. E.F. (Klozik) (In Memory) ........................................75 Finance Committee ...................................33 Fort Hood Memorial (We will remember . . . ) .......................2 G Galler, Debbie (In Memory) .....................122 Gebala, Bernie and Hejny, Joe B. (In Memory) ........................................65 H Haisler, Jerry and the Melody 5.................57 Haisler, Robert W. “Bob” (In Memory) .......60 Handmade Cameo Pictures Nello and Dorothy Strickland .............80 Hanusch, Ruth ...........................................57 I Insurance Committee ................................33 J Jani King - Ingrid Petrik..............................91 K Kaspar, Karen ............................................55 Kerley’s Grocery and Market...................106 KJT (Catholic Union of Texas) .................100 Klinkovsky, Sr., Frank E. (In Memory) .....122 Klusacek, Alfred and Martha (In Memory) ..50

Kolache Kitchen........................................116 Koslovsky, Patsy.........................................57 Krizan Family (In Memory).........................42 Krizan, Johnnie R. (In Memory)...............122 L Lochridge-Priest .........................................87 Lodge 4, Hallettsvile...................................40 Lodge 6, Cottonwood.................................41 Lodge 8, Weimar........................................40 Lodge 9, Snook..........................................43 Lodge 15, Buckholts ..................................45 Lodge 17, New Tabor.................................47 Lodge 20, Granger.....................................47 Lodge 23, Moravia .....................................40 Lodge 24, Cyclone.....................................48 Lodge 25, Ennis .........................................50 Lodge 28, East Bernard.............................50 Lodge 29, Taylor.........................................52 Lodge 30, Taiton.........................................54 Lodge 32, Victoria ......................................48 Lodge 40, El Campo-Hillje.........................50 Lodge 47, Seaton.......................................56 Lodge 48, Beyersville.................................61 Lodge 49, Rowena ....................................62 Lodge 54, West ..........................................64 Lodge 63, Sweet Home .............................60 Lodge 66, Waco .........................................65 Lodge 79, Corpus Christi...........................67 Lodge 80, Holland......................................68 Lodge 81, Needville ...................................69 Lodge 84, Dallas ........................................69 Lodge 87, Temple Members....................121 Lodge 87, Temple Officers.......................121 Lodge 88, Houston.....................................72 Lodge 88, Houston Bingo Committee.......74 Lodge 88, Houston Birthday Club Sisters..........................71 Lodge 88, Houston Entertainment Committee ..................73 Lodge 88, Houston Youth Club .................73 Lodge 91, San Jacinto (In Honor of Odis Divin)......................75 Lodge 91, San Jacinto (In Honor of Willie Haluska) ...............75 Lodge 92, Fort Worth.................................77 Lodge 107, Floresville................................78 Lodge 133, San Antonio ............................79 Lodge 139, Danbury ..................................80 Lodge 141, Sealy.....................................121 Lodge 142, Houston...................................81 Lodge 151, Wharton ..................................80 Lodge 154, Fort Worth...............................82 Lodge 160, San Angelo .............................83 Lodge 177, Academy.................................84 Lodge 183, Arlington..................................85 Lodge 184, Moulton ...................................83 Lodge 185, New Braunfels ........................83 Lodge 187, Round Rock............................92 Lodge 200, Bruceville-Eddy.......................88 Lodge 202, Jourdanton..............................89 Lodge 229, Abilene ....................................92 Lodge 246, Morgan’s Point........................91 Lodge 258, Seguin.....................................92 M Machu Insurance .......................................53 Mikeska, Leonard Secretary-Treasurer’s Dept..............110 Mikeska, Leonard and Dorothy .................90


Morris, Nick A. and Dorothy (Liska) (In Memory) ........................................58 N Nonat (Alfred Novacek)............................116 O Ocker Brethren Church............................105 Oscar Store ................................................47 P Parkway Advisors ....................................109 Perry Office Plus.......................................115 Petr, Bessie (In Memory) ...........................71 Pospisil, Jesse ...........................................51 Publication Committee...............................34 R R. Jelinek..................................................118 Ratibor Country Grill...................................58 Rollwitz, Billy and Sylvia ............................63 RVOS........................................................111 RVOS Insurance - Linda M. Wilde ............48 S S.P.J.S.T. Senior and Assisted Living Board of Directors ............................104 S.P.J.S.T. Senior Living Community ........110 Secrest Law Firm .......................................60 SPJST Education and Nature Center......113 SPJST Foundation...................................115 Steinman, Rosie (In Memory) .................122 Strmiska, Cynthia Vrazel............................46 T Temple Daily Telegram.............................114 Teplicek, James (In Memory)...................122 Texas Czech Genealogical Society.........112 Texas Czech Heritage & Cultural Center..107 Texas Polka Music Museum......................98 Texas Polka Music Museum ....................119 Texas Polka News....................................108 U United Systems and Software, Inc. .........120 V Vajdak, Roy - Financial Secretary’s Dept....59 Vanek, Matt S. (In Memory).....................122 Vanicek, Brian - Fraternal Dept..................99 Vanicek, Brian and Family .........................49 Victorick, Donnie ........................................44 Vrazel, Alfred Polka Show..........................93 W Western Fraternal Life ...............................98 Y Youth Department ......................................39 Z Zabransky, Frank and Andela (In Memory) ........................................40 Zavodny Nauert, Melanie and David.......117 Zavodny, Melanie Vestnik/Communication Dept...........100

1897 -2016

SSPJST Home Office 520 North Main Street • Temple, Texas 76501 (800) 727-7578 • www.spjst.org

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