2021 SPJST District One YAD Crafts
District One YAD crafts
Constructed items Ages K to 8
District One YAD crafts
Constructed items Ages K to 8
Marley Kocurek Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
Pink Floral Mirror
District One YAD crafts
Constructed items Ages K to 8
Courtlyn Nicks Lodge 9, Snook District One
Water Bottle Wind Chime
District One YAD crafts
Constructed items Ages K to 8
Kyren Plachy Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
Too Cool for Summer Bird Feeder
District One YAD crafts
Constructed items Ages K to 8
Emmy Supak Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
Rainbow Wind Chime
District One YAD crafts
Constructed Items Ages K to 8 1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Marley kocurek
Courtlyn nicks
Emmy supak
Lodge 17, New Tabor
Lodge 9, Snook
Lodge 17, New Tabor
District One YAD crafts
Constructed items Ages 9 to 11
District One YAD crafts
Constructed items Ages 9 to 11
Bailen kocurek Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
Sunflower Mirror
District One YAD crafts
Constructed items Ages 9 to 11
Jade lauderdale Lodge 9, Snook District One
Sun Catcher
District One YAD crafts
Constructed items Ages 9 to 11
Zane lauderdale Lodge 9, Snook District One
District One YAD crafts
Constructed items Ages 9 to 11
Lila supak Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
Golden Spoon Chandelier
District One YAD crafts
Constructed Items Ages 9 to 11 1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Lila supak
Zane lauderdale
Jade lauderdale
Lodge 17, New Tabor
Lodge 9, Snook
Lodge 9, Snook
District One YAD crafts
Constructed items Ages 15 to senior
District One YAD crafts
Constructed items Ages 15 to senior
Caleb see Lodge 9, Snook District One
Rainbow Bottle Wreath
District One YAD crafts
Constructed items Ages 15 to senior
Tatiana tates Lodge 9, Snook District One
Wind Chime
District One YAD crafts
Constructed Items Ages 15 to senior 1st place
2nd place
Caleb see
Tatiana tates
Lodge 9, Snook
Lodge 9, Snook
District One YAD crafts
Handicraft Ages K to 8
District One YAD crafts
handicraft Ages K to 8
Charlotte paul Lodge 9, Snook District One
Unicorn Purse
District One YAD crafts
handicraft Ages K to 8
Emmy supak Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
The Red Ripe Strawberry
District One YAD crafts
handicraft Ages K to 8 1st place
2nd place
Emmy supak
Charlotte paul
Lodge 17, New Tabor
Lodge 9, Snook
District One YAD crafts
Handicraft Ages 9 to 11
District One YAD crafts
handicraft Ages 9 to 11
Jade lauderdale Lodge 9, Snook District One
Adventure is Out There
District One YAD crafts
handicraft Ages 9 to 11
Zane lauderdale Lodge 9, Snook District One
Bird Bath
District One YAD crafts
handicraft Ages 9 to 11
Lila supak Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
Pineapple Necklace
District One YAD crafts
handicraft Ages 9 to 11 1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Jade lauderdale
Lila supak
ZaNe lauderdale
Lodge 9, Snook
Lodge 17, New Tabor
Lodge 9, Snook
District One YAD crafts
Handicraft Ages 15 to senior
District One YAD crafts
handicraft Ages 15 to senior
Jada parks Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
Galveston, Texas
District One YAD crafts
handicraft Ages 15 to senior
Caleb see Lodge 9, Snook District One
Soldier String Art
District One YAD crafts
handicraft Ages 15 to senior 1st place
2nd place
Caleb see
Jada parks
Lodge 9, Snook
Lodge 17, New Tabor
District One YAD crafts
Hobby kits Ages K to 8
District One YAD crafts
Hobby kits Ages K to 8
Kole Johnson Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
Iron Man vs Thanos
District One YAD crafts
Hobby kits Ages K to 8
Luke johnson Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
Lego City Monster Truck
District One YAD crafts
Hobby kits Ages K to 8
Charlotte Paul Lodge 9, Snook District One
Butterfly Sparkle
District One YAD crafts
Hobby kits Ages K to 8
Kyren plachy Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
Unicorn Sunnies Diamond Dotz Box
District One YAD crafts
Hobby kits Ages K to 8 1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Kyren plachy
Luke johnson
Charlotte paul
Lodge 17, New Tabor
Lodge 17, New Tabor
Lodge 9, Snook
District One YAD crafts
Hobby kits Ages 9 to 11
District One YAD crafts
Hobby kits Ages 9 to 11
Bailen kocurek Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
Play Set
District One YAD crafts
Hobby kits Ages 9 to 11
Jade lauderdale Lodge 9, Snook District One
District One YAD crafts
Hobby kits Ages 9 to 11
Zane lauderdale Lodge 9, Snook District One
District One YAD crafts
Hobby kits Ages 9 to 11
Emma loehr Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
Pom Pom Mobile
District One YAD crafts
Hobby kits Ages 9 to 11 1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Emma loehr
Bailen kocurek
Jade lauderdale
Lodge 17, New Tabor
Lodge 17, New Tabor
Lodge 9, Snook
District One YAD crafts
needlework Ages K to 8
District One YAD crafts
needlework Ages K to 8
Marley kocurek Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
Doll Carrier
District One YAD crafts
needlework Ages K to 8
Courtlyn nicks Lodge 9, Snook District One
No Prob Llama
District One YAD crafts
needlework Ages K to 8
Charlotte Paul Lodge 9, Snook District One
Mermaid Keychain
District One YAD crafts
needlework Ages K to 8 1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Courtlyn nicks
Marley kocurek
Charlotte paul
Lodge 9, Snook
Lodge 17, New Tabor
Lodge 9, Snook
District One YAD crafts
needlework Ages 9 to 11
District One YAD crafts
needlework Ages 9 to 11
Bailen kocurek Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
Crocheted Cat Bed
District One YAD crafts
needlework Ages 9 to 11
Emma Loehr Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
District One YAD crafts
needlework Ages 9 to 11 1st place
2nd place
Emma loehr
Bailen Kocurek
Lodge 17, New Tabor
Lodge 17, New Tabor
District One YAD crafts
needlework Ages 15 to senior
District One YAD crafts
needlework Ages 15 to senior
Tatiana tates Lodge 9, Snook District One
Laundry Today or Naked Tomorrow
District One YAD crafts
needlework Ages 15 to Senior 1st place
Tatiana tates Lodge 9, Snook
District One YAD crafts
photography Ages K to 8
District One YAD crafts
photography Ages K to 8
Marley kocurek Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
Joy at the Playground
District One YAD crafts
photography Ages K to 8
Courtlyn nicks Lodge 9, Snook District One
Chicken Life
District One YAD crafts
photography Ages K to 8
Charlotte Paul Lodge 9, Snook District One
Puppy Love
District One YAD crafts
photography Ages K to 8
Kyren plachy Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
Joyful Nature
District One YAD crafts
photography Ages K to 8 1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Kyren plachy
Courtlyn nicks
Marley kocurek
Lodge 17, New Tabor
Lodge 9, Snook
Lodge 17, New Tabor
District One YAD crafts
photography Ages 9 to 11
District One YAD crafts
photography Ages 9 to 11
Caiden gill Lodge 9, Snook District One
District One YAD crafts
photography Ages 9 to 11
Shane kienow Lodge 9, Snook District One
Blue Bell Popsicles
District One YAD crafts
photography Ages 9 to 11
Jade lauderdale Lodge 9, Snook District One
District One YAD crafts
photography Ages 9 to 11
Zane lauderdale Lodge 9, Snook District One
Making the Shot
District One YAD crafts
photography Ages 9 to 11
Emma loehr Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
Softball Brings Me Joy!
District One YAD crafts
photography Ages 9 to 11
Lila supak Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
Pool Frog
District One YAD crafts
photography Ages 9 to 11 1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Caiden gill
Emma loehr
Lila supak
Lodge 9, Snook
Lodge 17, New Tabor
Lodge 17, New Tabor
District One YAD crafts
photography Ages 12 to 14
District One YAD crafts
photography Ages 12 to 14
Dakota kienow Lodge 9, Snook District One
District One YAD crafts
photography Ages 12 to 14
Hagan Sebesta Lodge 9, Snook District One
Circle of Life
District One YAD crafts
photography Ages 12 to 14 1st place
2nd place
Hagen sebesta
Dakota kienow
Lodge 9, Snook
Lodge 9, Snook
District One YAD crafts
photography Ages 15 to senior
District One YAD crafts
photography Ages 15 to senior
Jessie Enrique III Lodge 186, Caldwell District One
Joy of Nature
District One YAD crafts
photography Ages 15 to senior
Joshua green Lodge 9, Snook District One
District Champs
District One YAD crafts
photography Ages 15 to senior
Macy Narro Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
Kitty Joy
District One YAD crafts
photography Ages 15 to senior
Jada Parks Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
Unmask Your Joy
District One YAD crafts
photography Ages 15 to senior
Tatiana Tates Lodge 9, Snook District One
District One YAD crafts
photography Ages 15 to senior 1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Macy narro
Tatiata tates
Jessie enrique III
Lodge 17, New Tabor
Lodge 9, Snook
Lodge 186, Caldwell
District One YAD crafts
Pictorial arts Ages K to 8
District One YAD crafts
Pictorial arts Ages K to 8
Courtlyn nicks Lodge 9, Snook District One
Pour Paint
District One YAD crafts
Pictorial arts Ages K to 8
Charlotte paul Lodge 9, Snook District One
District One YAD crafts
Pictorial arts Ages K to 8
Kyrek plachy Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
Beautiful Rainbow
District One YAD crafts
Pictorial arts Ages K to 8
Emmy supak Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
Little Gnome
District One YAD crafts
Pictorial arts Ages K to 8 1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Courtlyn nicks
Charlotte paul
Emmy supak
Lodge 9, Snook
Lodge 9, Snook
Lodge 17, New Tabor
District One YAD crafts
Pictorial arts Ages 9 to 11
District One YAD crafts
Pictorial arts Ages 9 to 11
Caiden gill Lodge 9, Snook District One
United States Air Force
District One YAD crafts
Pictorial arts Ages 9 to 11
Shane kienow Lodge 9, Snook District One
Football – 50 Yard Line
District One YAD crafts
Pictorial arts Ages 9 to 11
Jade lauderdale Lodge 9, Snook District One
Winter Day
District One YAD crafts
Pictorial arts Ages 9 to 11
Zane lauderdale Lodge 9, Snook District One
District One YAD crafts
Pictorial arts Ages 9 to 11
Emma loehr Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
Grandpa: My Heavenly Hero
District One YAD crafts
Pictorial arts Ages 9 to 11
Lila supak Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
Hungry Squirrel
District One YAD crafts
Pictorial arts Ages 9 to 11 1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Shane kienow
Jade lauderdale
Emma loehr
Lodge 9, Snook
Lodge 9, Snook
Lodge 17, New Tabor
District One YAD crafts
Pictorial arts Ages 12 to 14
District One YAD crafts
Pictorial arts Ages 12 to 14
Dakota Kienow Lodge 9, Snook District One
Cheer Squad
District One YAD crafts
Pictorial arts Ages 12 to 14
Hagan Sebesta Lodge 9, Snook District One
Tiger One Tank
District One YAD crafts
Pictorial arts Ages 12 to 14 1st place
2nd place
Dakota kienow
Hagan sebesta
Lodge 9, Snook
Lodge 9, Snook
District One YAD crafts
Pictorial arts Ages 15 to senior
District One YAD crafts
Pictorial arts Ages 15 to senior
Joshua green Lodge 9, Snook District One
Hunting, Faith & Fishing
District One YAD crafts
Pictorial arts Ages 15 to senior
Macy narro Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
District One YAD crafts
Pictorial arts Ages 15 to senior
Jada parks Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
District One YAD crafts
Pictorial arts Ages 15 to senior
Tatiana tates Lodge 9, Snook District One
Pour Paint
District One YAD crafts
Pictorial arts Ages 15 to senior 1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Macy narro
Joshua green
Jada parks
Lodge 17, New Tabor
Lodge 9, Snook
Lodge 9, Snook
District One YAD crafts
Science and education Ages K to 8
District One YAD crafts
Science and education Ages K to 8
Marley Kocurek Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
Making Sock Masks
District One YAD crafts
Science and education Ages K to 8
Emmy supak Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
The Solar System
District One YAD crafts
Science and education Ages K to 8 1st place
2nd place
Emmy supak
Marley kocurek
Lodge 17, New Tabor
Lodge 17, New Tabor
District One YAD crafts
Science and education Ages 9 to 11
District One YAD crafts
Science and education Ages 9 to 11
Bailen kocurek Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
What’s in a Burger
District One YAD crafts
Science and education 1st place
Bailen kocurek Lodge 17, New Tabor
District One YAD crafts
Sewing Ages K to 8
District One YAD crafts
sewing Ages K to 8
Marley Kocurek Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
Butterfly Quilt
District One YAD crafts
sewing Ages K to 8
Kyren Plachy Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
Magical Unicorn Pillowcase
District One YAD crafts
sewing Ages K to 8 1st place
2nd place
Marley kocurek
Kyren plachy
Lodge 17, New Tabor
Lodge 17, New Tabor
District One YAD crafts
Sewing Ages 9 to 11
District One YAD crafts
sewing Ages 9 to 11
Bailen kocurek Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
Patriotic Flag
District One YAD crafts
sewing Ages 9 to 11
Lila Supak Lodge 17, New Tabor District One
Cactus Doll Blanket
District One YAD crafts
sewing Ages 9 to 11 1st place
2nd place
Bailen kocurek
Lila supak
Lodge 17, New Tabor
Lodge 17, New Tabor
Congratulations to all participants!