SPJST Convention Book 2008

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30th SPJST Convention

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June 8 to 11, 2008 Killeen Civic and Conference Center Killeen, Texas

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30th SPJST Convention June 8 to June 11, 2008

Killeen Civic and Conference Center (KCCC) 3601 South W.S. Young Drive • Killeen, Texas 76542

12:30 to 4 p.m. 1 to 4 p.m.

3 p.m. 4 to 8 p.m.

7 to 8:30 a.m.

8:30 a.m.

10:30 a.m. to 12 noon 12 noon to 1 p.m. 1 to 5 p.m. 7 to 10 p.m.

7 to 8 a.m. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 12 noon to 1 p.m.

7 to 10 p.m.

7 to 8 a.m.

8 a.m. to TBA 12 noon to 1 p.m.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Delegate Registration—KCCC SPJST Home Office Open House 520 North Main in Temple • Complimentary light refreshments. SPJST Home Office Addition Ribbon Cutting Howdy Party—Lodge 80, Holland 12141 FM 2268 • Holland, Texas Complimentary snacks. Cash bar available.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Late Registration—KCCC Complimentary coffee and fruit juice. Assembly of Delegates Opening Ceremonies Delegates Picture Memorial Service Business Session The Muddcatts Johnny Mandell Lunch Sliced barbecue beef, sausage, or turkey sandwiches; chips; iced tea - $6.25. Business Session Barbecue and Concert—Special Events Center Suggested Attire: cool and casual Dinner—7 p.m. Cash bar available. Barbecue sausage, chicken breast, beef and trimmings, cobbler, iced tea - $9 Dance—8 to 10 p.m. • Music by the Muddcatts

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Complimentary coffee and fruit juice—KCCC Business Session—KCCC Lunch Sliced barbecue beef, sausage, or turkey sandwiches; chips; iced tea - $6.25. Convention Banquet—KCCC Suggested Attire: Semi-Formal Dinner—7 p.m. Cash bar available. Beef/Chicken, garden salad, steamed vegetables, mashed potatoes, and assorted desserts - $20 Dance—8 to 10 p.m. • Music by Praha Brothers

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Complimentary coffee and fruit juice—KCCC

Patriotic Program Business Session—KCCC

The Praha Brothers

Lunch Sliced barbecue beef, sausage, or turkey sandwiches; chips; iced tea - $6.25. 3

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A Message from our Supreme Lodge President

Brian Vanicek

It is my great pleasure to welcome SPJST delegates, members, and distinguished guests to the 30th SPJST Convention and to Killeen, Texas. I also extend sincere appreciation to our SPJST standing committee members for their dutiful job in laying the groundwork for this 30th Convention. Thank you, too, to everyone who contributed their time, energy, and ideas to the pre-convention process. As a result of these efforts, I hope that you find your convention experience both stimulating and rewarding. I also hope that you are able to take advantage of the social activities that have been planned for your enjoyment. Held every four years since 1912, the SPJST convention is a healthy and vigorous exercise in democracy. The convention represents a genuine partnership between members and management in matters of Society business. The democratic processes of our convention aim to preserve and promote the fundamental rights of the members, foster the economic and social development of the SPJST, and strengthen the cohesion of our fraternal order. Fraternalism — at its best — seeks to build and strengthen relationships. This is an idea that we can weave into every SPJST fraternal activity, meeting, training program, and operating procedure. With strong relationships come vitality, adventure, the freedom to strive and to create. Meaningful involvement makes men, women, boys, and girls happy in the work that they are doing. May we all, during this 30th Convention, keep these thoughts in mind as we strive to achieve a higher standard of performance and achievement. Warmest wishes to everyone for a successful convention. Fraternally,


Brian Vanicek, FIC

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A Message from our Supreme Lodge Chairman

Donnie Victorick

Welcome to our 30th SPJST Convention. May your time here in Killeen be heart-warming and worthwhile as we take on the task of charting the future of the SPJST. On behalf of the Officers, Directors, and Home Office Staff, I would like to say thank you for being a part of a very important endeavor which will make us stronger and more successful in the many years to come. With your knowledge and wisdom, this can be accomplished. I hope we can all walk out of here feeling that sense of accomplishment. We must be mindful of the fact that we are a large family which has been in existence for 111 years. Our forefathers have provided us with a great organization which is progressing and growing at a steady pace, and we must make sure that this continues. Today’s Society presents many challenges which we must face, and the only way this can be accomplished is for us to work together as a team and family to ensure an existence well into the future. We have a great opportunity to have an impact on the lives of the many members of our Society and its existence for many years to come. May this 30th Convention be one of vision and foresight. May we all look back in a few years and be able to say that we made a difference and had an impact on the future of the SPJST. It is only with your blessings that this can be done. God bless and may we do what is in the best interest for our Society. Fraternally, 5

Donnie Victorick, CFFM

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WHEREAS, SPJST was founded in 1897 to provide financial, social and leadership opportunities for a new generation of Americans; AND WHEREAS, SPJST has contributed countless volunteer hours and charitable donations to community service projects for schools and neighborhoods and programs to encourage patriotism;

AND WHEREAS, SPJST supports Czech heritage programs, benefiting their members and their communities; AND WHEREAS, SPJST is a strong supporter of the entire fraternal benefit system through its involvement in state fraternal congresses and support of events like Flag Day and JOIN HANDS DAY;

AND WHEREAS, SPJST is part of the 73 fraternal benefit societies that belong to the National Fraternal Congress of America (NFCA), the association of America’s fraternal benefit system; BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chair of the Board and President & CEO of the NFCA hereby honor SPJST during its 30th Quadrennial Convention and extend best wishes for many more prosperous years of patriotism, volunteerism and fraternalism;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chair of the Board and President & CEO of the NFCA proclaim the year 2008 as a year of celebration in honor of SPJST’s 30th Quadrennial Convention.

Katharine E. Rounthwaite Chair of the Board


Joseph J. Annotti President & CEO

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H ONORING THE THE THIRTIETH T H IR T IE T H Q U A D R E N N IA L C ONVENTION OF OF THE THE HONORING QUADRENNIAL CONVENTION SLAVONIC OF THE OF TEXAS SLAVONIC BENEVOLENT BENEVOLENT ORDER ORDER O FT HE STATE STA TE O FT EXAS ********* ********* HON. CARTER HON. JJOHN OHN R. R. C ARTE R OF TEXAS OF T EXAS IN OF IN THE THE HOUSE HO USE O F REPRESENTATIVES R E PR E SE N TA TIV E S May May 55,, 22008 008 Madam M adam S Speaker, p eak er, Quadrennial I would would like like ttoo take take tthis his oopportunity pportunity to to recognize recognize the the Thirtieth T h ir tie th Q u a d r e n n ia l Convention Slavonic Benevolent which C onvention ooff the th e S la v o n ic B enevolent Order Order of of the the State State ooff Texas Texas (SPJST), (S P JS T ), w h ic h will For w ill be be hheld eld oon n JJune une 88-11, -11, 2008. 2008. F or 111 111 years, years, SPJST SPJST has has sserved erved aass a ffraternal r a te r n a l Czech oorganization rganization and and aann educational educational tool tool for fo r C zech immigrants immigrants to to llearn earn the the democratic d e m o c r a tic process, process, the the value value ooff free free sspeech, peech, and and tthe he iimportance mportance of of vvoting oting iinn their their nnewly e w ly aadopted dopted homeland. h o m e la n d . Today, Today, tthere here are are more more than than 47,000 47,000 members members ooff the the SPJST SPJST iinn 120 120 lodges lo d g e s Texas. SPJST tthroughout hroughout the the state state ooff T exas. IIn n recent recent years, y ears, S PJST has has expanded expanded to to iinclude nclude yyouth o u th aactivities ctivities and and ccommunity ommunity service service pprograms. rograms. As As a result, result, many many SPJST SPJST pprojects rojects and and members Congress m embers have have been been recognized recognized bby y the the Texas Texas Fraternal F r a te r n a l C ongress ffor or their their sservice ervice aand nd Texas. members ccontribution ontribution ttoo communities communities tthroughout h ro u g h o u t T exas. SPJST SPJST has has pprovided rovided its its m em b ers with w ith iidentity dentity aand nd support support tthroughout hroughout the the years. years. In In lodges lodges aall ll over over tthe he state state ooff Texas T exas members m embers are are committed committed to to hhelping elping tthose hose in in need need by by working working iinn hhospitals, ospitals, pproviding r o v id in g sscholarships, cholarships, and and ssupporting upporting ddrug rug aabuse buse pprograms rograms aand nd other other charities. charities. The The members m em b ers SPJST ooff S PJST hhave ave uupheld pheld tthe he ttradition radition ooff hhelping elping ppeople eople to to ccare are for for their their ffamilies amilies and and ttheir heir communities. communities. With With iits ts great great ccommitment ommitment ttoo iits ts members, members, ccommunities, ommunities, and and SPJST oorganizations rganizations tthat hat it it serves, serv es, S PJST eembodies mbodies tthe he value value and and tradition tradition of of tthe he great great state s ta te Texas. ooff T exas.



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April 22, 2008

Brian Vanicek Supreme Lodge President SPJST P.O. Box 100 Temple, TX 76503 Officers:

Katharine E. Rounthwaite Chair of the Board Independent Order of Foresters Barbara A. Cheaney Vice-Chair of the Board Catholic Life Insurance Jeffrey D. Pirmann Secretary/Treasurer Royal Neighbors of America Janice U. Whipple Immediate Past Board Chair Woman’s Life Insurance Society

Directors: Byron L. Carlson Modern Woodmen of America Joseph E. Gadbois Catholic Family Life Insurance David E. Huber Catholic Order of Foresters A nt hony T . Mr a vle KSKJ Life, American Slovenian Catholic Union

Teresa J. Rasmussen Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Mary H. Rausch National Catholic Society of Foresters Ja mes R. St ok er Greater Beneficial Union of Pittsburgh

On behalf of the membership, Board and staff of the National Fraternal Congress of America (NFCA), it gives me great pleasure to extend greetings and congratulations to the members of SPJST on the occasion of its 30th Quadrennial Convention, June 8-11, 2008. This meaningful celebration is a wonderful time to remember the many generations of society leaders, members and staff who helped make your society the outstanding organization it is today. Your founders had a grand vision, indeed, but it is the dedication and leadership of all SPJST society members over the years who have made this milestone possible.

The mission of fraternal benefit societies, like SPJST, has become more relevant and important with each passing year. As you and your members proudly reflect on your society’s many accomplishments throughout the years, also remember that you belong to a truly unique American institution — the fraternal benefit system — and that all you do furthers the system’s goal of joining hands to touch lives. Congratulations, again, and may good fortune and fraternal fellowship continue to embrace your society for years to come.

Robert C. Huxel Interim President & CEO

122nd Annual Meeting September 4-6, 2008 Washington, DC

A proud partner in

Dear Brian:

Sincerely and fraternally,

Joseph J. Annotti President & CEO

NFCA Headquarters: 1315 West 22nd Street, Suite 400, Oak Brook, IL 60523 Phone: 630-522-NFCA Fax: 630-522-6326 Web Site: www.nfcanet.org E-Mail: nfca@nfcanet.org


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In Memoriam

Stanley Broz

Louis Hanus

SPJST District Four Director January 1, 1973 to April 28, 2005 Date of Death — April 28, 2005

SPJST District Five Director January 1, 1977 to December 31, 2000 Date of Death — March 19, 2005

Dedicated to the memory of all our SPJST Members who have departed from this life. Gone, but not forgotten. 15

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Honorary Supreme Lodge Officers and Directors

Howard B. Leshikar Supreme Lodge President

Leonard D. Mikeska Supreme Lodge Vice President/Secretary-Treasurer

Sidney Kacir Supreme Lodge Legal Advisor

Frank Klinkovsky Supreme Lodge Director District Two

Willie E. Kohutek Supreme Lodge Director District Two

Jerry Prochazka Supreme Lodge Director District Five

Matt S. Vanek Supreme Lodge Director District Six

Thelma Hrncir Supreme Lodge Director District Seven


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Thank you, Brother Jerry Mikulas, for 48 years of dedicated service to SPJST.

He has our utmost admiration and respect. Brother Mikulas became a member of SPJST in 1941. He was hired by then Financial Secretary Raymond Urbanovsky as an accounting clerk on August 1, 1960. In 1961, he began working with Financial Secretary Ben Zabcik and in 1976, Brother Mikulas was elected Supreme Lodge Financial Secretary.

During Brother Mikulas’ tenure, SPJST assets increased significantly — from $11 million in 1960 to $192 million in 2007. During this same time period, total life insurance in force increased from $33 million to $889 million.

Throughout these many years, Brother Mikulas has skillfully navigated SPJST’s accounting and bookkeeping sections through a maze of regulatory and technical changes and innovations. In 1980, he was instrumental in integrating computer technology into the SPJST Home Office operations. Most recently, he played a lead role in working with SPJST’s software vendor, United Systems and Software, Inc., in upgrading SPJST’s new information technology system. Thanks to Brother Mikulas’ leadership, SPJST’s accounting and financial reporting procedures remain current and in compliance with all industry and regulatory guidelines. Jerry and his wife, Betty, who celebrated their 44th wedding anniversary in February, have three children and seven grandchildren.

Best Wishes, Brother Mikulas, on your retirement. We’re going to miss you! 17

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SPJST Supreme Lodge Officers

Brian Vanicek President

Lanita Anglin

Gene McBride


Vice President

Drew Popelka

Jerry Mikulas

Financial Secretary


Legal Advisor

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SPJST Supreme Lodge Directors

Donnie Victorick

Bobby Wuensche

District One and Chairman

Johnnie Krizan District Three

District Two

Billy Rollwitz District Four

District Five

Bob Bayer

Michael Ahlstrom

District Six and Vice Chairman

Larry W. Pflughaupt


District Seven

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Vestnik Editor and Director of Communication

Melanie Zavodny 14 Years

SPJST State Field Personnel

John Hoelscher

State Youth Director 4 Years President’s Department

Chester Jenke, Sr.

State Fraternal Activities Coordinator 3 Years President’s Department 20

Philip McBee

Field Operations Manager 4 Years Vice President’s Department

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SPJST State Field Representatives

Jim Wiest

Bill Orsak

State Training Coordinator 15 Years Vice President’s Department

Hiram Dixon

District One 6 Years Vice President’s Department

Johnny Wiseman, III

Bobby Davis

District Two 2 Years Vice President’s Department

District Three 2 Years Vice President’s Department

District Four 1 Year Vice President’s Department

Ricky Peralta

Karen Kaspar

Hector Garcia

District Five 2 Years Vice President’s Department

District Six 8 Years Vice President’s Department 21

District Seven 6 Years Vice President’s Department

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SPJST Home Office Staff

Peggy Brewer

Margaret Campbell

Receptionist 5 Years Secretary-Treasurer’s Department

Executive Secretary 4 Years Secretary-Treasurer’s Department

Janie Coakley

Rudy Constancio

Assistant to the Sec.-Treasurer 2 Years Secretary-Treasurer’s Department

Debbie Dohnalik

Data Manager 32 Years Financial Secretary’s Department

Maintenance Manager 3 Years Secretary-Treasurer’s Department

Sandra Dubcak

Assistant to the President 11 Years President’s Department 22

Peggy Sue Chastain

Assistant to the State Youth Director 12 Years President’s Department

Lori Coots

Accounting Clerk 2 Years Financial Secretary’s Department

Karen Franklin

Insurance Technician 6 Years Vice President’s Department

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SPJST Home Office Staff

Doug Galler

Fraternal Department Assistant 2 Years President’s Department

Jennifer Hounshell

Ruth Hanusch

Fraternal Department Secretary 31 Years President’s Department

Cynthia Hutka

Secretary 10 Months Secretary-Treasurer’s Department

Executive Assistant to the Vice Pres. 22 Years Vice President’s Department

Lisa Kirby

Debbie Klinkovsky

Assistant Data Manager 16 Years Financial Secretary’s Department

Legal Assistant 4 Years Legal Advisor’s Department 23

Frank Horak

Assistant to the Vice President 2 Years Vice President’s Department

Linda Johnson

Assistant to the Fin. Secretary 32 Years Financial Secretary’s Department

Frank Klinkovsky

Fraternal Department Assistant 18 Years President’s Department

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SPJST Home Office Staff

Faith Koliha

Underwriter 2 Years Vice President’s Department

Katherine Morris

Tammy Martinez

Fraternal Services Specialist 8 Years President’s Department

Ann Paruzinski

Communication Assistant 10 Years Editor’s Department

Mortgage Loan Processor 31 Years Secretary-Treasurer’s Department

Doni Powell

Marissa Salinas

Underwriter 8 Years Vice President’s Department

Annuity Specialist 2 Years Secretary-Treasurer’s Department 24

Sue Moore

Imaging/Accounting Clerk 4 Years Financial Secretary’s Department

Jennifer Potter

Customer Service Representative 1 Year Vice President’s Department

Margaret Santana

Certificate Servicing Specialist 3 Years Secretary-Treasurer’s Department

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SPJST Home Office Staff

Susan Shofner

Customer Service Representative 8 Years Vice President’s Department

Doris Tyroch

Certificate Issue Technician 42 Years Vice President’s Department

Dorothy Stuchly

Accounting Clerk 42 Years Financial Secretary’s Department

Carol Wolf

Mortgage Loan Clerk 1 Year Secretary-Treasurer’s Department

Dorothy Tomasek

Claims Specialist 56 Years Secretary-Treasurer’s Department

Donica Zabcik

New Business Technician 4 Years Vice President’s Department

SPJST Home Office 520 North Main Street Temple, Texas


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Best Wishes from the Membership of SPJST Lodge Moravsti Bratri, No. 6, Cottonwood

President Milton Peterson First Vice President Ray Perez Second Vice President Don Urbanovsky Secretary/Fraternal Activities Coordinator Barbara Jean Hykel Treasurer/Youth Leader Peggy Dobecka Financial Secretary George Straten Flag Bearer Georgie Soukup Reporter Dorothy Kucera Assistant Youth Leader Pat Dieterich 26

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Congratulations and Good Luck, SPJST, for a Great Convention!

2008 District Two Officers

Seated, left to right, President Ray Nelson, Vice President/FAC Ruth Hanusch, Secretary Lyn Rieger, and Treasurer Linda Johnson. BACK: Flag Bearer Ryan Festa, District Youth Counselor Patsy Koslovsky, Assistant DYC Janet Lyon, Assistant DYC Carol Tallas, and Flag Bearer Zoe Edwards.

Best Wishes for a Successful Convention

Best Wishes for the 2008 SPJST Convention


~ In Memory ~

Lodge 4 Hallettsville

Frank & Adella Zabransky


From Patsy and Helen Zabransky Annie and Philip Vahalik Nicholas, Elizabeth and Jonathan

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Best Wishes for a successful Convention! Lodge 17, Novy Tabor President Randy Gaas Vice President Wilfred Hildebrand Fraternal Activities Coordinator Holly Narro Secretary Ben F. Trcalek, Jr. Treasurer Stanley F. Mrnustik Reporter Lisa Blum Youth Leader Mabrey Dowell Sales Agent Susan Skrabanek Meetings are held the first Sunday of every month at 2 p.m.

Best Wishes for a successful 30th Convention

Best Wishes for a Successful Convention

Officers and Members of

SPJST Lodge 9, Snook

Lodge Karel Jonas No. 28

Proud to have one of the largest Youth Clubs in the state!

Chartered March 19, 1898

Vitame Vas and Best Wishes for a Great 30th Convention from the Officers and Members of SPJST Lodge Komensky No. 20 Granger, Texas

President/Reporter Joseph D. Nezval Vice President Jeanette Kaminsky Treasurer Anton J. “Tony� Kelner Secretary/FAC Helen Ann Kelner Sales Agent Glenn Kaminsky, FIC Sales Agent Joseph D. Nezval, FIC and Members

Meetings are the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. Come see us!

East Bernard, Texas


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The Members of Lodge 24, Cyclone Express Best Wishes for a Productive Convention

Founded in 1897 with 20 members, Lodge 24, Cyclone was one of SPJST’s original charter lodges. The lodge became known as Flag Hall because of the flags that were periodically raised to make area residents aware of various community happenings and events. The lodge hall remains an important and popular area meeting place. Members invite you to join them for a good time. Popular annual events include the Texas Spring Gala, Mother’s Day Barbecue in May, and New Year’s Eve Dance in December.

2008 Lodge Officers

President Daniel Wilde Vice President Jason Hoelscher Secretary Margaret Mikeska Treasurer Barbara Macek Reporter Shirley Hoelscher Youth Leader Joan Vanicek

Electric Supply

Best Wishes for a Fruitful and Successful Convention

5120 South General Bruce Drive Temple, Texas 76502

from SPJST Lodge Nova Morava No. 23, Moravia

Office (254) 778-4271 Fax (254) 778-6055

Best Wishes for a Successful Convention

Lodge 25, Ennis

from the Officers, Sale Agents,and Members


Serving Bell County Since 1948

2008 Officers President Eugene Dolezal Vice President Jim Holahan Secretary Patricia Fowler Financial Secretary/FAC Kay Lynn Kovar Treasurer Cathy Krajca Youth Leader Margaret Krajca Sergeant-at-Arms Victor Trojacek


Sales Agents Eugene Dolezal • Ernest Haskovec • Linda Jurik Kay Lynn Kovar, FIC • Margaret Krajca

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2008CLodgeCOfficers PresidentCRonnieCRieger ViceCPresidentCSharonCKaderka Secretary/ReporterCLindaCPospisil Treasurer/AssistantCYouthCLeaderCTammyCWhatley YouthCLeaderCCristyCGirod




PropertyC CommitteeCMembers JesseCPospisil,CChairman FrankieCPustejovsky BobbyCEulenfeld ErwinCMeiske LeonardCKaderka

AnnualC Events FebruaryC—CSuperbowlCSundayCFestivities MarchC—CAnnualCAuctionCFund-Raiser SeptemberC—CAnnualCBarbecueCCook-Off WeeklyC Events FridayCNightCDancesC(7:30CtoC11:30Cp.m.)C—CLiveCbandsCandCfreeCadmission! MonthlyCEvents FirstCWednesdayC—CSeniorCCitizensCDominoes ThirdCThursdayC—CBunco HallCRentalsCforC SpecialC Events: Upstairs—$600;CDownstairs—$125 ForC LodgeC 29C hallC bookingsCorC information,C callC (512)C 352-9139 HoursCofC Operation: MondayCandCTuesday—Closed WednesdayCthruCSunday—OpenC3Cp.m. 30


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SIN 19 C E 73

ur to us... urfamily familyisisimportant important to us . . . ur family is important to us... and so is and soyours. is yours. andyou. so is yours. We’ll be here for We’ll be here for you.


c 1S9I7N e C 3 19 E 73

We’ll be&here you. ~ Albin Elainefor Machu

~ Albin~and Elaine Machu Albin & Elaine Machu

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Congratulations and Best Wishes for a Successful 30th Convention from SPJST Lodge 30, Taiton Officers, Members and Youth Club

2008 Lodge Officers

President Yvonne Marcaurele Vice President Karen Kaspar Secretary/FAC Wanda Dorotik Treasurer/Youth Leader Lisa Bubela Reporter Marjorie Treumer


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Wishing the Best to the Delegates at the 30th SPJST Convention!

SPJST Insurance Department

Serving Our Members and Agents . . . Our Number One Priority.

Best Wishes for a Successful Convention!

from SPJST Lodge 32, Victoria We support our troops! 32

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The Members of Lodge 40, El Campo-Hillje Express Best Wishes for a Successful 30th SPJST Convention

SPJST Lodge 40, El Campo-Hillje Hall Hillje, Texas


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Greetings and Best Wishes for a Very Successful 30th SPJST Convention from the Members of

SPJST Lodge Hvezda Texasu No. 47, Seaton “Second Largest Lodge in Texas”

Located Seaton Star Hall on Highway 53 East of Temple 2008 Officers

President........................................................................Dolores Skrabanek Vice President/FAC........................................................Frank Klinkovsky Secretary/Reporter........................................................Adeline Kohutek Financial Secretary..........................................................Amanda Greger Parliamentarian.............................................................James Skrabanek Youth Leader..........................................................................Melanie Regan Flag Bearers....................................................................................Youth Club Edwin Pechal, Vice Chairman Patsy Koslovsky, Secretary

Board of Trustees Woodrow Marek, Chairman Leroy Dana Lucy Mihatsch 34

Calvin Skrabanek James Skrabanek

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Pro u dly S alu tin g o ur Cz e ch an d S PJ S T He rit age

I n L o v i n g M e m o r y o f O u r P a r e n t ^s a n d G r a n d p a r e n t s N ick A . a n d D o rot hy Li ska M orri s

SPJST Supreme Lodge President 1/1/1969 - 12/31/1984 Vestnik Editor 12/1/1962 - 12/31/1968

10/23/1926 - 12/27/1997

Katherine Morris Michael Morris Joshua, Jason, and Victoria Smith

9/13/1935 - 5/3/1989

Best Wishes for a Great Convention in 2008!

Best Wishes for a Successful 30th SPJST Convention

In loving memory of Mr. Joe B. Hejny and Mr. Bernie Gebala

Ruth Hanusch

SPJST Lodge 47, Seaton Congratulations and Best Wishes for a Successful 30th Convention

Patsy Koslovsky

Honorary District Two Director Willie E. and Adeline Kohutek SPJST Lodge 47, Seaton

District Two Youth Counselor and SPJST Lodge 47, Seaton Sales Agent Home: (254) 985-2396 Mobile: (254) 718-1606 Email: p_koslovsky@yahoo.com 35

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Best Wishes for a successful 30th Convention from the Officers and Members of SPJST Lodge 48, Beyersville 10450 FM 619 • Taylor, Texas 76574 ~ Organized October 18, 1903 ~ For hall bookings, call Bonnie (512) 365-3733

Remembering our members who have passed on since the last convention:

Trona L. Zucknick Irene Kolinek Eugene A. Sladek Elaine L. Tramp Louis G. Chalupa Calvin Mikulencak Edna M. Strmiska

Edmund L. Urbanek Richard Batla Annie Svoboda Mariam L. Trayler Bertha L. Teltow Alma Klaus Leroy Kubala

Pearl R.L. Bernhardt Ross Cloud Glen W. Trayler Leroy J. Mehevec Rose Lee Weise William Wayne Chalupa Gilbert D. Ging

Best Wishes for a Successful 30th Convention and the Continued Growth of SPJST

Bobby L. Wuensche District Two Director

Sales Agent Lodge 48, Beyersville 36

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Be st of Lu ck for a S u c c e s s f u l C o n v e n t i o n! D is t ri ct Fou r D ire c t or Billy R ollwitz, FIC, CFFM and Sylvia R ollwitz, FIC Lodge 49, Rowena Sales Agent

Best Wishes for a Successful Convention!

%12 )1(%1 &.0 ! 3##%11&3+ .-4%-2).(!-* 6.3 &.0 6%!01 .& 13//.02 ')4%- 2. 2(%

Lodge 49, Rowena Lodge Officers President Beverly Teplicek Vice President Sylvia Rollwitz Secretary Nancy Schwertner Treasurer Laura Pospichal

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Best Wishes for a successful 30th SPJST Convention from the Members and Officers of Lodge 54, West

Officers President Wilburn Willis Vice President Freddie Kaluza Recording Secretary/English Reporter Anne Emery FAC Jean Maler Treasurer Mary Lou Mynar Czech Reporter Jan Vaculik Youth Leader Lisa Darnell Assistant Youth Leader Jana Vaculik Sales Agents Wilburn Willis, FIC Freddie Kaluza Janice Kaluza Carol Reed Jaclyn Zabcik Delegates Wilburn Willis Jean Maler Mary Lou Mynar Jana Vaculik 38

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Best Wishes for a Successful Convention!

S.P.J.S.T. Rest Homes/Assisted Living Board of Directors

Seated, left to right: Treasurer Billy Rollwitz, Rowena; President Donnie Victorick, Snook; and Secretary Lonnie Lostak, Danbury. BACK: Vice President George Pauling, Waco; Jerry Sijansky, Corpus Christi; Charles Bucek, East Bernard; and Howard Leshikar, Temple.

Best Wishes for a Successful Convention from the Members and Officers of Lodge 63 Sweet Home

Wishing You a Successful 30th Convention from Mike and Kathy Ahlstrom District Six Director

B e s t W i s h e s F o r A S u c ce s s f u l 3 0 t h C o n v e n t i o n ! Fr om T h e S t a t e F r a t e r n a l A c ti vi t i e s C oo rd ina t or始ss Of fice S t a t e F A C C h e s te r J e n k e a n d F r a t er na l S er v ic es S p ec ia l is t T a m my M a r t i n e z 39

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SPJST Lodge 66, Waco Welcomes the Delegates to the 30th SPJST Convention 2008 Lodge Officers

President Michael Galler Vice President Mary Alice Langlotz Secretary Dana McAdams Treasurer Darlene Engelke Reporter Dorothy Veselka Youth Leader Debbie Galler Guide Dorothy Gerlich


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Best wishes for a Successful Convention from the Members and Officers of SPJST Lodge 76 Wichita Falls Organized July 4, 1908 Celebrating 100th Anniversary in 2008

Vanguard Contractors, LP General Contractor and construction Management

Welcome Delegates and Visitors BEST WISHES FOR A SUCCESSFUL CONVENTION! P.O. Box 80 7606 N. General Bruce Temple, TX 76503 Phone: 254-778-2223 Fax: 254-778-3323 www.vanguardcontractors.com 41

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Congratulations on the 30th SPJST Convention from SPJST Lodge 79 Corpus Christi

2008 Lodge 79 Officers

Seated: Secretary Virginia Rebecek and President Marcus Rebecek. Back: Vice President Jerry Sijansky, FAC/Youth Leader Marcia Rew, and Treasurer Frank Sacky. 42

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SPJST Lodge 80 Holland Organized in 1909

The members of SPJST Lodge 80, Holland wish the delegates of the 30th SPJST Convention a successful experience. We will see you at the Howdy Party in Holland to kick off your convention activities. Board of Trustees Lodge Officers Danny Hendrix President Doni Powell Michelle Ivicic Vice President Rita Spinn Janke Frank Pajestka, Jr. FAC Paula Weir Helen Pajestka Secretary Linda Hill Risa Pajestka Treasurer Jewel Wolf Barbara Taisler-Hill Reporter Estelle Coker Curtis Wolf Youth Leader Heleana White Sales Agents Kristi Davis • Linda Hill • Joe Liles • Janet Lyon Thomas McNutt • Frank Pajestka, Jr. • Vicki Slye • Jim Wiest The members of Lodge 80 extend a warm welcome to anyone who wishes to visit us on Thursday nights for a great hamburger, cool beverages, and fun and fellowship on Game Night.


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Congratulations and Best Wishes for the 30th SPJST Convention

SPJST Lodge 81, Needville

Page 44

All occasion music including accordion, piano, or organ by

Home of the Friendly People (979) 793-3411 • (979) 793-6288

Regina Peevey 254) 593-9206 (2 Reasonable rates.

Embroidery • Shirts • Caps Trophies • Plaques • Banners Vinyl Lettering • Custom Embroidery Custom Engraving

Shirley Cockrell, Owner 2413 West Avenue M Temple, Texas 76504 (254) 774-8001 Fax (254) 774-9938 email: kingpin@hot1.net 44

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Welcome, Delegates! SPJST Lodge Pokrok No. 88, Houston

1435 Beall Street Houston, Texas


2008 Officers

2008 Board of Trustees

President Patricia Bruce First Vice President Marceil Malak Second Vice President Jo Ann Buri Secretary Mary Granberry Youth Leader Barbara Gonzales Guide Josephine Pflughaupt Sergeant-at-Arms Johnny Broz Parliamentarian Mildred Holeman Chaplain Sydney Jurchak

Chairman John Broz Vice Chairman Lynn Pflughaupt Secretary Carol Havemann Carolyn Filipp Beseda Clara Broz Carol Globke Donald Havemann Lowrina Lindemann Dennis Roeder


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Best Wishes for a Successful 30th Convention Secretary-Treasurer’s Department Lanita Anglin, Secretary-Treasurer Ann Paruzinski • Margaret Campbell Janie Coakley • Peggy Brewer • Marissa Salinas Jennifer Hounshell • Carol Wolf • Margaret Santana Dorothy Tomasek • Rudy Constancio

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Thanks to the lodges and members for helping to reach our goal.

Best Wishes for the 2008 SPJST Convention from Lodge Czecho-Moravan No. 106, La Grange President Clarence R. Matula Vice President Dan Hegar Secretary/Treasurer/FAC Charlie H. Ripper Reporter Mike Miesner

Best Wishes for a Successful 30th SPJST Convention from the VESTNIK and Communication Department! Melanie Zavodny

Editor and Director of Communication

Katherine Morris


Communication Assistant

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Congratulations and Best Wishes!

SPJST Lodge 107 Floresville, Texas On behalf of Lodge 107 Officers and Members Congratulations to the 30th SPJST Convention!

Hats Off to a Great 2008 Convention! from the SPJST Publication Committee Chairman Jarolyn Popp District Seven Vice Chairman Bessie Petr District Three Secretary Helen Kelner District Six Floyd Kostelka District One Tammy Whatley District Two Sharon Hohmann District Four Lorenda Baldwin District Five

Bob Bayer

District Seven Director 47

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Congratulations and Best Wishes for a Successful SPJST Convention!

SPJST Lodge 130, Dallas and The Texas Czech Beseda Dancers, Dallas, Texas 2 008 Lodge Of fi cers President John Vrla Vice President Sonseearay Vrla Secretary Stanley Vrla Treasurer Teresa Boylan Reporter Susanne Vrla Beseda Director Martha Vrla

Best Wishes from SPJST Lodge 135, Ennis Officers President Evelyn Novotny • Vice President Jerry Chudej Secretary/Treasurer Sylvia Laznovsky Sales Agents Jerry Chudej • Larry Laznovsky • Nathan Vyers

Best Wishes for a Successful Convention! 48

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Greetings from SPJST Lodge 133 San Antonio

President/Reporter Jarolyn Popp and Vice President/FAC Vicki Reese

2008 Lodge Officers

President/Reporter Jarolyn Popp Vice President/FAC Vicki Reese Secretary/Treasurer Michelle Click 49

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Lodge 139, Danbury Congratulates the 30th SPJST Convention

In Memory of our Brothers an d Sis ters

Shirley Ann F ilipp Pau la Folle tt Thomas B rowning D elma Ray Alford Fred Arthur Rath M arcial Knapp Frank J. Kulhanek Emil E. Kadera Ora Faye Wilson Leon Ansylem Ranly Velmae Boyd Eugenia Heiman Mary Zap alac N ancy Jane Francis Je rr y C . St ef ka, Sr . Vince nt J. He chler Leona Mae Zwahr Tommie Harold Lostak

Page 50

Hospodar was founded in Lincoln, Nebraska, by Jan and Marie Rosicky to assist arriving immigrants with agricultural techniques in their new home. Currently published in West, Texas, by the Vaculik family, it is only one of two newspapers entirely written in the Czech language in the state of Texas.

Best Wishes for a Successful SPJST Convention

Translators of Czech and Slovak documents: genealogical research, books, letters, articles, legal documents

Jan and Marcela Vaculik Publishers and Editors of Hospodar P.O. Box 301 • West, Texas 76691 Phone: (254) 826-3838 Email: jan_vaculik@hotmail.com

Best Wishes for a Successful and Beneficial Convention We are proud to serve on the Finance Committee for the 30th SPJST Convention Killeen, Texas

SPJST Finance Committee

Seated, left to right, Stanley Mrnustik (District One), Secretary Rita J. Vanek (District Six), and Marceil Malak (District Five). BACK: Edwin Pechal (District Two), Roy Haag (District Seven), Chairman Herman D. Weise (District Four), and Vice Chairman Michael Galler (District Three). 50

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Best Wishes for a Great Convention! from the Members and Officers of SPJST Lodge Stefanik, No. 142 President Keith Kieschnick Vice President Sidon Tumis FAC Karen Owens Secretary Alice Jochen Treasurer Mary Ann Kieschnick Youth Leader Catherine Manchack

In Memory of All Our Departed Members Since the 2004 Convention 51

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SPJST Lodge 154, Fort Worth Expresses Best Wishes for a Productive Convention 2008! Jo in in g Han ds to To uch L ive s Fraternalism for the Family and Our Nation. 2008 Lodge Officers

President Jerry Milan Vice President Rose Steinman Second Vice President/FAC Tal Milan Secretary Mary Steinman Treasurer Anna Johnson Youth Leader Sheri Humphreys Assistant Youth Leader Sheila Cornell


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Best Wishes for a Great Convention!

SPJST Lodge 177, Academy Located off Highway 95 in Academy, Texas Large Dance Floor Bingo Every Tuesday and Friday at 7 p.m. Kitchen and Bar Open For rentals, call Otis Beck (254) 982-4530 53

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Best Wishes for a Successful 2008 Convention

Page 54

Best Wishes for a Successful Convention

SPJST Lodge 151, Wharton Officers, Sales Agents and Members

President Gerald Macha Vice President/FAC Charles Bucek Second Vice President Ray Pilgrim Secretary Rita Vanek Treasurer Carolyn Bucek District Six Cemetery President David Bucek District Six Rest Home Director Charles Bucek

SPJST Lodge 185 New Braunfels

SPJST Lodge 187 Round Rock Texas

Best Wishes for a Successful Convention! 54


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Lodge 200 Bruceville-Eddy

Lodge Officers

President Allen Trigg First Vice President Dan Ferguson Second Vice President Ted Tatum Secretary/Treasurer Monica Ferguson Reporter Leonard Mikeska

Sales Agents Dan Ferguson Leonard Mikeska Corinne Popelka Sandra Unberhagen 55

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Our best wishes to all Convention delegates, officials and visitors. We look forward to seeing you again and renewing old friendships.

Leonard and Dorothy Mikeska


Hey, SPJST! Have a great convention in Killeen, Texas!

from SPJST Lodge 202 Jourdanton

President Lloyd House First Vice President Jeff Barta Second Vice President/FAC Mary Ann Barta Secretary Bettie House Treasurer Valerie Barta Youth Leader Regina House Assistant Youth Leader Sandra Hoggard

Best wishes!


Sales Agents Janice Favor • Jesse Huizar Chester Gail Lee • Linda Ramey Sandy Vasquez

SPJST Mascot


My name means “eagle” in Czech!

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Best Wishes for a Successful Convention!

SPJST Lodge 204

2%/(%-4)++% )#.

President/Treasurer Norman Kneschk, FIC Vice President Gracie Kneschk Secretary/FAC Sandra Pierce

Meetings held at the Koffee Kup Restaurant in Hico, Texas, on the third Sunday of each month at 3 p.m. except June (to be announced) and December (Christmas party on the first Saturday of month). Bring a guest and maybe we can make him/her a member! 57

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Congratulations, SPJST, on 111 years!

SPJST Lodge 246, Morgan’s Point Officers and Members

President Charlie Herendon Vice President/Treasurer David Nauert Secretary James Lee, III Reporter Marissa Salinas Youth Leader Trish Konkler Best Wishes for a Successful 30th SPJST Convention from the Officers, Members and Youth Club of SPJST Lodge 258, Seguin

Lodge Officers


Youth Club

President Chester Jenke • Vice President/Youth Leader Curry Jenke FAC Stephanie Mills • Secretary Henrietta Lowak Treasurer Colleen Jenke • Reporter Carrie Origas • Youth Leader Lori Petty 58

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Allen Bailey & Associates, Inc. specializes in providing products and services to meet the specific needs of life and health insurance companies and state regulatory agencies. We are extremely successful in providing these services on time and on budget. Our firm offers the following services: Actuarial Consulting x Asset adequacy analysis/cash flow testing/gross premium valuation. x Assistance in the process of negotiating and analyzing reinsurance contracts and other specialized reinsurance needs. x Valuation and financial reporting for statutory and GAAP statements. x Financial analysis (specializing in profitability and expense analysis). x Individual health insurance product development (including major medical, Medicare supplement, long term care, home health care, cancer, and many more). x Universal life product development. x Excess interest whole life product development. x Traditional life product development (whole life, term, preͲneed, burial, etc.). x Annuity product development. x Software to calculate statutory and tax reserves for UL and A&H business. x Software and services to assist in the management of data associated with A&H claim liabilities and loss ratios. x Advice in the field of mergers and acquisitions. x Assistance in compliance with insurance department regulations. x Small group legislation pricing and compliance. x Illustration Actuary Software development and related actuarial certifications. Software Services Allen Bailey & Associates, Inc. provides software services to many of its actuarial clients. Our systems work has included: x Life & Annuity Proposal System. A windowsͲbased agent illustration system which complies with the NAIC Life Illustrations Model Regulation and is customized in accordance with product definition. Supports all life and annuity products. x Inforce Illustration System. Combines the history and accuracy of an administration system with the flexibility of a PointͲofͲSale system to conserve inforce business. Supports universal life, participating whole life and annuity products. x Group Quoting System. This system provides the capability of calculating premiums for both groups and individuals for products such as major medical and term life x ULͲCRVM Valuation System. This system reports both the statutory and tax reserve requirements on universal life business. x Traditional Life & A&H Valuation System. This system reports statutory and tax reserves for traditional life and A&H business. GAAP benefit and expense reserves are also included. We have blended the essential skills, experience and expertise in our consulting staff to provide a completely balanced team of professionals. 8310 Capital of Texas Highway North • Suite 370 • Austin, Texas 78731 • (512) 502-8800 • Fax (512) 502-8638 Website: www.allenbailey.com • Email: contact@allenbailey.com 59

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The Czech Center Museum Houston In the Museum District

4920 San Jacinto Street Houston, Texas 77004 Telephone: (713) 528-2060 email: czech@czechcenter.org - www.czechcenter.org - www.receptionshouston.com


Art Exhibits







Corporate Events

Private Parties


Group Tours Performances We welcome your visit to one of Houston’s 18 Fine Museums

We wish our fellow members and friends at

SPJST’s 30th Convention a successful gathering and another fruitful year of good works!

Effie M. Rosene Chairman/CEO For the Board of Directors Volunteers and Staff Incorporated in Texas March 8, 1996, as a 501(c)(3) Non-profit educational cultural arts organization. EIN 76-0496649 61

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Best Quality Meats and Sausage Shop

2610 South General Bruce Drive Temple, Texas 76502-1677 • (254) 899-0202 Tuesday - Friday 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. • Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Your quality choice for meat, sausage, and deer processing.

We cater all events! Buffet style to full service. Traditional barbecue Fresh barbecue daily. to turkey dinners. Your Quality Choice for a Great Lunch! Barbecue Beef, Sausage, Ribs, and Chicken Plates Fresh meat sliced and seasoned while you wait or phone in your order! Specialty cuts available on request. Quality Freezer Boxes available in 15- to 68-pound boxes. Custom sausage prepared by Slovacek’s in Snook. Congratulations, SPJST Delegates, Members and Visitors! Wayne Orange, Owner and Member of SPJST Lodge 246, Morgan’s Point 62

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Congratulations and Best Wishes, Delegates and Members, for the 30th SPJST Convention!

Johnnie Krizan

SPJST District Three Director and Lodge 6, Cottonwood Sales Agent 11500 Heritage Parkway • West, Texas 76691 254 826-5882


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Perry P err y O Office f f i c e Plus P l u s is i s proud p r o u d of o f our o u r long-standing l o n g - s t a n d i n g relationship r e l a t i o n s h i p with w i t h SPJST. S P J S T. Here’s H e r e’s to t o many m a n y more m o r e successful s u c c e s s f u l years. ye a r s.

Office O ffice S Supplies u p p l i e s & Furniture Fu r n i t u r e TEMPLE T EMPLE B BELTON E LTO N W WACO ACO KILLEEN K I L L E E N BRYAN/COLLEGE B R YA N / CO L L E G E STATION S TAT I O N

Free F ree D Delivery e l i ve r y L Local ocal O Ownership wnership

www.perryop.com www .perryop.com

1-800-234-6605 1 -800-234-6605 64

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At RVOS, we’re Texans first. We say what we mean and do what we say. It’s that simple. And who has time for insurance companies that won’t do the same. At RVOS we understand what Texans want from an insurance company, because, like you, we value honesty and integrity. So if you’re ready for straight talk, competitive rates and friendly agents, give us a call or visit us online.



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Best Wishes for a Productive and Successful 30th SPJST Convention!

Doni Powell Lodge 80, Holland

I appreciate your support and the opportunity to serve you as SPJST Secretary-Treasurer


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Congratulations to the 30th SPJST Convention from the Honorary Consul General of the Czech Republic For the State of Texas Ray Snokhous

and wife Clarice Marik Snokhous P.O. Box 8 West, Texas 76691 Czechconsul.tx@earthlink.net (254) 826-3004



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© Estate of Vince Lombardi c/o CMG Worldwide

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“Success demands singleness of purpose.”

Vince Lombardi • ESPN “Coach of the Century”

Working together, the sky is the limit. Let’s rally at this 30th Convention and make the SPJST Education and Nature Center a reality! Thank you for your kind and continued support and for your vote of confidence.

Best Wishes for a Successful Convention Supreme Lodge President Brian Vanicek, Joan, Stephanie and Sam 69

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It is Up to You, 2008 Convention Delegates — Can We Celebrate ’08? For more than 40 years, our membership has dreamed of an SPJST camp and recreation center.

In 1968, the Supreme Lodge established a Standing Committee consisting of three longtime members to look into building the SPJST family recreation center. In 1972, the Standing Committee gave its report at the convention. They were commended for their efforts; however, no action was taken. In 1976, the Standing Committee was turned over to the Youth Committee for further study. In 1980, the delegates gave approval to the Supreme Lodge to make a study and acquire by either purchasing or leasing a site that would be adequate for youth camping, family camping, sales seminars, and for committee meetings before the next convention. In 1984, the Supreme Lodge had not fulfilled the motion to acquire a camp, so no action was taken. In 1988, a motion was made at the convention to establish a committee to purchase land and begin construction of a recreation facility. The delegates discussed that a similar committee was set up at the 1980 convention but somehow, it was forgotten by the 1984 Convention. No action was taken. In 1992, the Supreme Lodge still had not acquired a site for a camp. A motion was made requesting the Supreme Lodge set aside $35,000 each year for a recreation training area. This motion failed. In 1996, the Supreme Lodge had not fulfilled the motion to acquire a camp, so no action was taken. In 2000, the delegates at the convention approved that a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Education and Nature Center (ENC) be established. In 2004, no action was needed.


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In 2008, Can We Celebrate ’08?

Since its inception in 2000, the ENC has conducted extensive research in gathering the information needed to locate, purchase, and operate a functional Education and Nature Center. Since 2005, the ENC has researched and developed two different proposals. One was the Lake Granger project and the other was the Canyon of the Eagles project. Both of these projects have a lot of merit and member support.

In many 501(c)(3) groups, the founding organization has donated at least half of the funds for the project to take off and also so other groups will see merit in the 501(c)(3)’s mission. To date, SPJST has not made a substantial donation, signed a lease, nor co-signed any loans for the ENC.

The ENC Board recommends that this project be changed to become an asset of the SPJST. The ENC proposes that the current 501 (c)(3) be dissolved. In its place, a committee is formed with the purpose of building an Education and Nature Center for its members and for other public groups to raise awareness of the SPJST and to further the SPJST’s mission of doing well for each other. This committee will report to the Supreme Lodge. ENC’s current board members would like to be the founding members of this committee.

The ENC would like to further ask that the Convention delegates authorize SPJST to move forward with an Education and Nature Center project. The ENC asks the delegates to reaffirm the 1980 vote to authorize the Supreme Lodge to acquire—by either purchasing or leasing—a site that would be adequate for youth camping, family camping, sales seminars, and for committee meetings before the next SPJST Convention in 2012.

We believe that SPJST has the resources and the support to take on this project and to make it a success. Currently, we have the people in place to take this project and make it a wonderful financial and member profit center for our organization. SPJST needs an Education and Nature Center to attract new members and a fun, safe place for the current members to enjoy with their families and loved ones.

Let’s Celebrate ’08! 71

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Congratulations and Best Wishes for a Successful 30th SPJST Convention!

SPJST Insurance Committee proudly serving SPJST and its Sales Agents

Seated, left to right, Helen Hegwood (District Five), Chairman Susan Skrabanek (District One), and Jerome Hlavaty (District Six). BACK: Leonard Jansa (District Four), Dolores Skrabanek (District Two), Wendy Pruski (District Seven), and Daniel Roznovsky (District Three), pictured with SPJST Supreme Lodge Vice President Gene McBride.


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SPJST Delegates, Members and Friends Best Wishes for a Successful SPJST Convention!

State Training Coordinator Jim Wiest, FIC, CFFM; District One State Field Representative (SFR) Bill Orsak, CFFM; District Two SFR Hiram Dixon, FICF, LUTCF; District Three SFR Johnny Wiseman, III, FICF; Supreme Lodge Vice President Gene McBride, FICF, CFFM; District Five SFR Ricky Peralta, FICF; District Six SFR Karen Kaspar, FIC, CFFM; District Seven SFR Hector Garcia, FIC, CFFM; and Field Operations Manager Philip McBee, FICF, CFFM. Inset: District Four SFR Bobby Davis, FICF, CFFM.

Coming together is a beginning; Keeping together is progress; Working together is success!

Thank You for your Continued Support! Fraternally yours, SPJST Supreme Lodge Vice President Gene McBride, FICF, CFFM and SPJST Sales Team 73

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In Honor of

My Parents Albert and Helen Kubala Active Members of Lodge 92, Fort Worth during the 1950s to present

My Grandfather John F. Kubala District Three Director Lodge 5, Pilot Point-Tioga during the 1940s

My Grandparents Charlie and Mary Hejney Organizers of Lodge 5, Pilot Point-Tioga during the 1930s

I am proud of my family’s deep roots in SPJST and District Three and our Czech heritage and family tree. Wishing the 2008 Delegates an Enjoyable and Productive Convention.

Fraternally yours, Sherrie Kubala Watkins, FIC SPJST Lodge 92, Fort Worth 74

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CUS TOM PRINTING Professional Quality. Outstanding Service. Delivered With Pride! No matter what kind of printing you're interested in, TDT Custom Printing can provide you with the right format for the job, whether itÂ’s for flyers, brochures, booklets, newsletters or company newspapers. We offer services that will add impact to your marketing. As a division of the Temple Daily Telegram, we have access to one of the most extensive mailing lists in Central Texas. Blanket the area, or just one neighborhood, with an effective direct-mail campaign. If you want to save on postage, insert your printed material into the newspaper. Need help with creative design, copywriting or production? Our experienced creative artists and support team are ready to consult with you to deliver the highest quality, professionally printed materials.

To request a bid or place an order, call Dave Burr: 254/778-4444, ext 243


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Thank you, SPJST, for your generous sponsorships and excellent working relationship toward a common goal!

Mission of The Texas Polka Music Museum The Texas Polka Music Museum is dedicated to honor and preserve the history of Texas polka bands, musicians and DJs of European (Czech, German, and Polish) ancestry who are continuing to spread our culture and heritage all over Texas and the world.

Contributions to TPMM are tax-deductible. TPMM is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Web site: www.texaspolkamuseum.com Phone: (979) 589-2600 Address: 7088 Creek Shadows Drive Bryan, Texas 77808

Bands of Texas Volume 2 available after April, 2008.

Board Members and Officers

President Glen Chervenka - Bryan Vice President Herbert Schneider - Cypress Treasurer Roy Haag - New Braunfels Secretary Freda A. Chervenka - Bryan Bernard Rychlik - Caldwell • John Dujka - Brenham Richard Pavlasek - Austin • Jodie Hermes - Kyle Mark Hermes - Hallettsville • Lou Zaeske - Bryan • Frankie Kocian - Schulenburg 76

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Best Wishes for a Successful Convention from Southern District American Sokol

Seated, left to right: Third Vice President Mary Karlik, Treasurer Mary Steinman, Secretary Rhonda Liska, and Educational Director Sylvia Laznovsky. Back: Director of Men Rome Milan, Fourth Vice President Shane Bivins, President Robert Podhrasky, First Vice President Larry Laznovsky, Second Vice President Ronnie Marecka, and Public Relations Jerry Milan. Not pictured: Director of Women Lori Laznovsky 78

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Greetings and Best Wishes for a Great 2008 Convention!

We thank you for your support and your service to SPJST. Vestnik Editor and Director of Communication

Melanie Zavodny and husband David Nauert 80

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Well Wishers and Memoriams

Best wishes for a successful convention from SPJST Lodge 26, Skidmore Wishing the best to Justin Benner from SPJST Lodge 89, Rosebud

Best wishes for a successful convention from Anna Johnson

Best wishes for a successful convention from Kent Johnson Congratulations and Best Wishes for a successful convention from Bob and Ruth Martinak In Memory of Stanley Broz from Billy and Sylvia Rollwitz 81

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Autographs and Keepsakes


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Insuring and Enriching Lives Since 1897 SPJST Home Of-ice 520 North Main Street • Temple, Texas 76501 (800) 727-7578 • www.spjst.org

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