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Lodge Meeting Order of Business
Call to Order by the Lodge President Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call of Officers Tribute to Departed Members Recognition of Guests
Old Business
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Requires a motion and affirmative vote to become the official record.
Treasurer’s Report
Does not require motion of acceptance; however, it should be placed on file for audit. Hall Manager’s Report (if any)
Reports on Events and Activities Since the Past Meeting. Reports by the President, Fraternal Activities Coordinator,
and any reports of special committees or organizers of said events. These reports do not require a motion of acceptance.
Additional Unfinished Lodge Business
New Business
Reading or Distribution of Correspondence Recognition of Members Reading of Names of Applicants for Membership Vote of Acceptance on New Members
Initiation of New Members (optional)
Recognition of Birthdays and Anniversaries Greetings to Visitors
Good of the Order This is a time set aside for members to offer comments or observations without formal motions about the lodge and its work. The Good of the Order is also the time to offer a resolution to bring disciplinary action against a member for actions inimical to the lodge. Program (if any) Games and socials are great for building camaraderie; and while they are encouraged, they are to be conducted outside of the framework of the lodge meeting. Election of Lodge Officers (at annual meeting)
Motion for Amending Local Lodge Rules and Regulations
(at annual meeting)
Announcements/Reminders of Upcoming Activities, Events Adjournment and Closing of Meeting
Requires a motion to accept and a second to the motion.