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Guidelines Governing the Purchase or Sale of Lodge Property

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Prior to the sale or acquisition of any lodge property, there shall be a resolution stating the terms of the sale or acquisition submitted by the lodge officers, trustees and/or property committee at a regular or special called meeting of the lodge.

Notice of the meeting must be given to each adult member of the lodge by U.S. mail. The notice of the meeting date must also be posted at least two times in the Vestnik. Discussion and voting on the proposed sale or acquisition shall take place at the time, date and location specified in the notice. Voting on the endorsement of the resolution by proxy, mail and/or any other form of absentee ballot shall not be permitted.

The members may vote to (1) approve the proposed transaction according to the terms of the resolution or (2) authorize the officers to modify the terms and conditions of the proposed transaction. For the measure to pass, the number of affirmative votes must be a simple majority of adult members voting.

The decision by a lodge to buy or to sell a property is an important decision and prior to any such transaction, the lodge is required to first secure a written appraisal from a licensed TALCB (Texas Appraiser Licensing & Certification Board) appraiser. A listing of certified appraisers in Texas can be found on the asc.gov website https://www.asc.gov/Pages/SearchResults.aspx. A licensed real estate agent cannot perform an appraisal unless they are also a licensed appraiser.

Following the sale — after the payment of all legally binding debts — the remaining assets and funds of the lodge, if any, shall never inure to the benefit of any member of the lodge and no funds or property of the lodge shall be distributed among or revert to any member. Proceeds generated from the property sale shall be retained in the SPJST Lodge Funds Management account. Any variation from the guideline shall require the written consent of the Executive Committee.

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