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Procedure for Handling Lodge Request to Meet Quarterly or Every Other Month

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Procedure for Handling Lodge Request to Meet Quarterly or Every Other Month

Routine, well-planned, well-publicized lodge business meetings are a catalyst for success in driving a lodge forward. In the event that a lodge that meets monthly expresses a desire to meet quarterly – or every other month – the following procedures will be followed:

(1) A resolution shall be passed by a two-thirds majority of members voting during a regular lodge meeting, stating it is the desire of the membership to meet quarterly or every other month.

(2) Notice of the resolution shall be mailed to the office of the President/CEO for consideration at the next regular meeting of the Executive Committee.

(3) The Board of Directors shall consider and act on the request.

(4) In the event that a majority of the Board of Directors votes to accept the lodge request to meet quarterly or every other month, the following guidelines and/or stipulations will apply:

All incentives, as outlined in that year’s current membership incentive program shall remain applicable. Lodges that meet quarterly or every other month will be subject to the same qualifying standards as those lodges that meet monthly. As such, lodge leadership and members will want to familiarize themselves with the membership incentive program. Lodges that hold business meetings on a quarterly or every other month basis may find it advantageous to meet more frequently outside their regularly scheduled business meetings for lodge socials, service projects and/or special called meetings and/or fraternal activities.

Upon receiving authorization for the lodge to hold business meetings quarterly or every other month, it will be necessary for lodge officers and/or members to meet with the office of the President/CEO and/or State Fraternal Activities Coordinator to conduct a strategic planning meeting to discuss and identify the lodge’s goals and objectives moving forward.

The decision to permit a lodge to hold business meetings quarterly or every other month shall be initally extended for a period of one year. After one year, the progress of the lodge will be reviewed by the Executive Committee at which time a determination will be made by the Executive Committee on whether or not to allow the lodge to continue to meet for business meetings on a quarterly basis or every two months.

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