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with Raps of the Gavel

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late that in the event of more than one nomination for any one office, voting is by ballot. The nominee getting a majority of the votes is elected, but if there are more than two, one must get more than the other votes combined; otherwise, there must be a run-off between the two candidates with the highest number of votes. If there is a tie at any time, ballots are cast until the tie is broken.

The President Provides Direction with Raps of the Gavel

One Rap

Used to call the lodge meeting to order and for the members to be seated.

Means that the officers should rise.

Two Raps

Three Raps

Indicates that the members should rise.

Three Raps

Means that all officers and members should rise.

Want to Know More?

Please know that the 20 points that have been outlined represent the bare bones of protocol in conducting an organized meeting. Copies of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised are readily available at most book stores and online.

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