2 minute read
New Member Initiation
SPJST Ceremonies
New Member Welcome
WELCOMING OFFICIAL: Brother (Madam) Secretary, will you please read the names of all the new members in this lodge.
SECRETARY: Brother (Madame) President, the following new members have joined our lodge and by their presence today demonstrate an interest in being active in the lodge. They are: (Secretary reads names.)
WELCOMING OFFICIAL: Will all new members of this lodge please gather before me?
WELCOMING OFFICIAL CONTINUES: My friends, I am gratified to know that you not only recognize the benefits of our Society, but that you have shown an interest in making a positive difference in our lodge and the community that we serve.
Fraternalism and fraternal life insurance are founded upon the principle that every individual is his “brother’s keeper.” This spirit of “doing good for each other” was expressed in the loosely organized and semi-religious societies of ancient Greece which provided financial aid to their members in time of sickness and death.
These early societies and guilds recognized the social need of human beings for companionship and provided a way for people to meet at friendly gatherings. The Slavonic Benevolent Order of the State of Texas — Slovanska Podporujici Jednota Statu Texas — was founded in this spirit by Texas pioneers of Czech descent in 1897.
WELCOMING OFFICIAL CONTINUES: Your willingness to share both your time and your talent by volunteering with SPJSTsays a lot about each of you as human beings. Your willingness to give selflessly to help others speaks to both your strength and the quality of your character.
When you volunteer, you are making a commitment to share that most precious of resources – your time – to make life better for those who are in need. While I know that you choose to be here today without expectation of being recognized or rewarded, today I wish to do just that. I want to let you know just how much your membership and dedication is appreciated.
Words can hardly express the gratitude that we wish to convey. Please know that your membership and active presence is recognized and deeply appreciated. On behalf of the officers and members of (name of lodge), I thank you, welcome you, and look forward to continuing to work with you in the future.
WELCOMING OFFICIAL CONTINUES: Would those of you gathered here today please show your acceptance of these new members with a round of applause!.