Vestnik 1983 07 06

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Take time to enjoy to shore to love

as a family !

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Official Organ Of The Slavonic Benevolent Order Of The State Of Texas, Founded BENEVOLENCE Postmaster: Please Send Form VOLUME 71—NUMBER 26




to: SUPREME LODGE, SPJST, P. 0. Box 100, Temple, Texas USPS — 65848000

Eastfield College Received Donation


JULY 6, 1983

Scenes at Second Symposium May 29,

f ficials of Eastfield District HI Director Sid Pokladnik ret e n t I pre,0 College with a $500 SPJST contribution to be used to support their Czech language program. The college is producing a brochure to be distributed to potential Czech language students. A workshop class on Czech culture and traditions is also being considered. Those shown in the picture are: L to R: Colleen Townsley Hager, Program Development Specialist in Community Services Division; Director Sid Pokladnik; and Eleanor Ott, President of Eastfield College. n i si , ,


District III Director Sid Pokladnik of Dallas (left) greeting 92-year-old Brother John Stasa of Corpus Christi at the Symposium; behind Brother Stasa is Hilda Brtis of Buckholts. (Photos courtesy John Huber)

North Lake College Committed To Czech Language Program The Dallas Czech Concert Orchestra performing at Lodge 47 in Seaton during the Second Symposium held May 29th, under the direction of Brother Sid Pok I adnik. To your left is Calvin Chervenka from TJC as one of the speakers.

Charlotte Youth Has Received Outstanding Achievements

North Lake College continues to he supportive of their Czech language instructor, Libor Vane. This spring, NLC had 16 students registered in Czech I. In the fall, NLC will offer both Czech I and II Monday nights from 6-8 p.m. and 8-10 p.m. The fee will be $35. District III Director Sid Pokladnik recently presented the college with a $500 contribution from the SPJST to be used in the Czech language program. Those shown in the picture are L to R: Glen Bounds, Vice President of Instruction of NLC; James Hortin, President of NLC; Director Sid Pokladnik; and Nancy Kinsey, Assistant Director, Community Service.

Kay House the Sandra valedictorian. Sandra received the coveted Charlotte High School Miss CHS award for 3 years, an award that is indicative of successful participation in many activities. She was voted "Most Talented" and "Most Likely To Succeed" by her peers. She was named the Atascosa County 4-H Gold Star recipient, and the Charlotte YHT "Little Sister." She was the recipient of numerous academic awards including math, home economics, American History, social studies and the National Mathematics award. Sandra was a member and officer Sandy House of several clubs including the The 1983 graduating class of National Honor Society (president), Charlotte High School named

(Continued on Page 11)

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