Vestnik 1983 07 06

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Official Organ Of The Slavonic Benevolent Order Of The State Of Texas, Founded BENEVOLENCE Postmaster: Please Send Form VOLUME 71—NUMBER 26




to: SUPREME LODGE, SPJST, P. 0. Box 100, Temple, Texas USPS — 65848000

Eastfield College Received Donation


JULY 6, 1983

Scenes at Second Symposium May 29,

f ficials of Eastfield District HI Director Sid Pokladnik ret e n t I pre,0 College with a $500 SPJST contribution to be used to support their Czech language program. The college is producing a brochure to be distributed to potential Czech language students. A workshop class on Czech culture and traditions is also being considered. Those shown in the picture are: L to R: Colleen Townsley Hager, Program Development Specialist in Community Services Division; Director Sid Pokladnik; and Eleanor Ott, President of Eastfield College. n i si , ,


District III Director Sid Pokladnik of Dallas (left) greeting 92-year-old Brother John Stasa of Corpus Christi at the Symposium; behind Brother Stasa is Hilda Brtis of Buckholts. (Photos courtesy John Huber)

North Lake College Committed To Czech Language Program The Dallas Czech Concert Orchestra performing at Lodge 47 in Seaton during the Second Symposium held May 29th, under the direction of Brother Sid Pok I adnik. To your left is Calvin Chervenka from TJC as one of the speakers.

Charlotte Youth Has Received Outstanding Achievements

North Lake College continues to he supportive of their Czech language instructor, Libor Vane. This spring, NLC had 16 students registered in Czech I. In the fall, NLC will offer both Czech I and II Monday nights from 6-8 p.m. and 8-10 p.m. The fee will be $35. District III Director Sid Pokladnik recently presented the college with a $500 contribution from the SPJST to be used in the Czech language program. Those shown in the picture are L to R: Glen Bounds, Vice President of Instruction of NLC; James Hortin, President of NLC; Director Sid Pokladnik; and Nancy Kinsey, Assistant Director, Community Service.

Kay House the Sandra valedictorian. Sandra received the coveted Charlotte High School Miss CHS award for 3 years, an award that is indicative of successful participation in many activities. She was voted "Most Talented" and "Most Likely To Succeed" by her peers. She was named the Atascosa County 4-H Gold Star recipient, and the Charlotte YHT "Little Sister." She was the recipient of numerous academic awards including math, home economics, American History, social studies and the National Mathematics award. Sandra was a member and officer Sandy House of several clubs including the The 1983 graduating class of National Honor Society (president), Charlotte High School named

(Continued on Page 11)

2/VESTNIK- ednesday, July 6,1983



VESTNIK (USPS 658480) is published weekly except the second week of June and third week of August for $10 per year beginning July 1, non members only. Member's fee is paid as part of the insurance fee collected by Supreme Lodge SPJST, 520 North Main, Temple, TX 76501. Second-class postage paid at Temple, TX 76501. Postmaster, send address changes to Vestnik, P.O. Box 100, Temple, TX 76503.

Editor: R. J. Sefcik P.O. Box 85, West, TX 76691 Res. 1204 N. Davis St. Res. Phone: AC 817-826-5989 Publisher: Stillhouse Hollow Publishers, Inc., P.O. Box 769, 306 E. Adams, Temple, TX 76503


Office Phone: 817-773-1575 Home Phone: 817-985-2378


Office Phone: 817-773-1575 Home Phone: 817-778-3872


Office Phone: 817-773-1575 Home Phone: 817-778-3720


Office Phone: 817-773-1575 Home Phone: 817-773-2950



P.O. Box 5220 Temple, Texas 76503

DIRECTORS BEN F. TRCALEK DISTRICT I Home Phone: 713-272-8146 Route 3. Caldwell 77836

HENRY VITEK DISTRICT II Home Phone 512-859-2549 P.O. Box 67, Granger 76530


Office Phone: 214-741-1874 Home Phone: 214-824-8072 2924 Elm St.. Dallas 75226

STANLEY BROZ DISTRICT IV Home Phone: 915-442-3271 Lowake, Tx. 76855

LOUIS HANUS DISTRICT V Home Phone: 713-862-6866 2525 West T. C. Jester Blvd., Houston 77008

MATT S. VANEK DISTRICT VI Home Phone: 512-578-2687 1009 Northgate, Victoria, Tx. 77901

THELMA HRNCIR DISTRICT VII Home Phone: 512-241-3114 10610 StOnewall Blvd., Corpus Christi 78410-




Fraternal Affairs Section By Sister Thelma Hrncir

The SPJST Child Abuse and Neglect Project will be launched on a statewide scale when Burleson Lodge No. 180 hosts the lodges in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area at a program to be presented by the State Volunteer Coordinator, Thelma Hrncir, assisted by Ms. Betty Rowland of Region 5 Volunteer Services, Texas Dept. of Human Resources, three case workers from the area, and Sid Pokladnik, District III Director. The program will be presented on July 20 at 7:30 p.m. A special invitation is extended to the presidents, other officers and interested members and friends of the area lodges to attend this important and history-making event. Members of Lodge No 180 held a benefit dance at their lodge home on June 10 with funds to be used for the Child Abuse and Neglect project in their area. The music was furnished by the Heart of Texas Road Gang of Waco and was termed a success by those who attended. Recently named Fraternal Affairs Director for Lodge 180 is Mrs. Mydell Grochoske. She is assisted on her committee by Joyce Russell. She reports that other fund raising functions to benefit the Child Abuse and Neglect Project are being planned for the fall months. *** A number of staff people met at 5277 Old Brownsville Road on March 24 to discuss ways to prepare for the SPJST contacts within the communities. Those attending the meeting were Sylvia Flory, Supervisor, Sinton; Carla Boisvenue, Supervisor, Beeville; Dan Wilbur, Worker, Gonzales; Larry Nuckels, Supervisor, Cuero; Amelia Funari and Norma Dale, Volunteer Program representatives for Dick Wearden, Supervisor, Victoria; David Benham, Worker, Brownsville; and Susan DeWolfe, Citizen Involvement Specialist, Victoria. Mr. Wilbur represents Mr. Nuckel's unit; Mr. Benham, Mr. Artega's unit. One of the concerns expressed by Mrs. Hrncir in the SPJST meeting in Austin was that the local individual lodges might need some convincing of the problems staff experience locally. She feared that lodge members might feel that there was no, problem with abuse or neglect in their area Because of this concern, we felt we should "brainstorm" about questions that might arise in these meetings, and answer them. We also felt we should list needs we are aware of and possible volunteer solutions. We also encountered some questions which we felt should be cleared by the Region or possibly even State office (if you feel that would help) so that we would be presenting a united front, even though individual areas have some

specific needs of their own. The information we compiled follows. I. Questions That May Be Asked (These are based on common community questions often asked of staff.) A. Q. How many referrals do you get in a month in this county? What kind of referrals are they? A. We felt we could safely give statistical information on the number and types of referrals without violating anyone's confidentiality. B. Q. Who makes the referrals? A. We cannot give specific names, but we felt we could safely say that referrals come from schools, churches, medical_ sources, neighbors, relatives and friends. We felt we could interject the legal necessity of reporting abuse at this point. C. Q. What kind of injuries do children receive? A. Again, the concensus was that some injuries could be revealed in a statistical way without violation of confidentiality. It was also mentioned that all abuse is not physical, and that there has been a recent study on the number of abuse related deaths. D. Q. If you take people's kids, why don't you support them with state funds? Why do you need help? A. Foster homes and funds are limited. We felt we could safely point this out. We also thought we should mention that in many cases, children do not need to be removed, but the family as a whole needs help. We felt this might be a good place to say that the goal of Children's Services is not necessarily to separate families. E. Q. What do you spend money on? A. There was a list. First we felt we might say that foster children receive $7 to $8 per day for all their needs except those limited things covered by Medicaid. The medical things that are not covered by Medicaid were also mentioned. Among the needs mentioned were new and good used clothing, storage for the clothing; luggage and tote bags, field trips, summer camps, braces for teeth, school supplies, music lessons, graduation invitations, extra prescriptions, glasses, and other non-covered medical. We thought as long as we were at it, we might mention that available funds for these extras may or may not be available through county sources. Not all counties have boards. We also felt we should point out that many children's needs cannot be met by things, but must be met by people. So volunteers who can give time to individual children would be a most welcome resource. F. Q. What sort of good would it do us to volunteer or contribute to your program? A. We felt there were a number of rewards for volunteering and made a list of possible ones. 1. Job referrals and experience for merit system or private industry credit. Possibility of job opening eventually. 2. Feelings of being needed. Personal goal fulfillment. 3. Training in new experiences. 4. Recognition for a job well done. 5. Tax advantage for donations. G. Q. What ethnic and economic groups abuse children? A. Again, we felt that statistics

Wednesday, July 6, 1983-V ESTMK/3 could be provided. Some of the points we thought it might be wise to include were input about the stress related to survival struggle, the abuse statistics that indicate that there are problems across demographic lines, and the emotional abuse that may not show. H. Q. We know of a case of abuse that's been reported, but you didn't do anything. Why not? A. Several points were made in answer to this question. Among them were the following: 1. Did you make the referral? If not, don't assume that someone else did. 2. Don't assume that no action is being taken because the kids are still in the home. Our primary function is not to remove children. 3. Sometimes problems have grown through several years. It is unrealistic to assume that the family can solve them all instantly even with help. 4. We also thought it would be a good idea to outline our priorities and procedures. I. Q. Who are you to tell other people how to raise or punish their kids? A. The following points were made: 1. Parents have responsibilities as well as rights. 2. Children have the right to physical and emotional integrity. 3. Discipline is not the same as torture. 4. Community citizens would not stand by and let a neighbor's house burn because his garden hose was short or leaking. We have a responsibility to help children whose parents are having trouble raising them without violence. 5. Child injuries and deaths have caused there to be laws to help children. The need caused laws to be passed requiring intervention. Having dealt with the questions we felt might be asked, we turned to needs within the program for materials and volunteers. We felt we should give as many options as possible, because involvement may vary with interests. II. Needs: A. Material Things 1. Clothing and a place to store it. 2. Soap, toothpaste, cleaning products for clients who can't afford them. Also paper products and disposable diapers. 3. Toys and games. 4. Tote bags and luggage. 5. Music lessons, fees, band fees, instruments, sheet music. 6. Graduation invitation and fees. 7. Prom clothes. 8. Braces for teeth. 9. Camping places and equipment. 10. First aid equipment. 11. School supplies 12. Material, zippers, buttons, machines for sewing. 13. Gym and dance clothes. 14. Shoes. 15. Transportation - vehicles, gas. 16. Some sources for emergency funding. Questions arose from the discussion of needs, and we may need to have some clearances before these issues arise. 1. Where there is no board, can Children's Services accept donations in money and give receipts for tax purposes? 2. If, money tan the ,accePtecli is

there a ceiling on how much? What records should be kept? 3. If Children's Services cannot accept donations, can they be channeled through a source in the community other than a board? For example, could SPJST set up a fund from which we could call them to pay bills or expenses for a particular client need? 4. Can we accept land or vehicles as donations? How should this be handled? 5. If we can accept donations, can we give credit to the donor in the media? Are there problems or limitations we should anticipate in this area? We felt these questions should be dealt with before need arose to avoid possible legal problems or bad feelings. B. Needs for Volunteers 1. To collect, repair, wash, sort and store clothing. 2. To operate a clothing closet on a regular basis. 3. To obtain and store other needed supplies. 4. To sit with kids in the hospital. 5. To transport kids to school, day care, doctors. 6. To tutor kids having trouble in school. 7. To teach skills - sewing, carpentry, cooking, arts and crafts, dance, guitar, swimming, ball. 8. To serve as night duty assistants to workers to help when several children are picked up at midnight. 9. To help in the office with filing or telephone intake. 10. To take kids to camp or on field trips. 11. To let kids institutions come visit over weekends or holidays. 12. To collect, repair and store toys or bicycles. 13. To "big brother - or "big sister" a child. 14. To help give a party for kids. 15. To "adopt" a child for special occasions - birthdays, Christmas, etc. 16. To "adopt" a family for parenting skills or babysitting relief or just share information and visit. 17. To help line up other resources in the community. 18. To serve as "public educators" in the community and help to promote programs helping kids. It was suggested that volunteers must be screened like paid staff and instructed carefully about confidential matters, legal questions and office procedures. The need for training and instruction of volunteers will take some staff time. The cost in staff time must be measured against the staff time a well trained, competent volunteer may be able to save you later. It was suggested that in recruiting for the large time consuming and possibly difficult jobs, the volunteer be asked to take on the job for a specified amount of time One suggestion made was that a college student might donate a semester to working on a project, particularly if he or she is considering a career in social work. Those communities near colleges might consider checking with the school to see about class credit being given for volunteer work with TDHR. It was also pointed out that volunteers are paid in appreciation, which is certainly a cheap price for acjob wellcdone.

It was also brought up that some staff people are resistant to using volunteers. They are hesitant to I trust volunteers because of fears about confidentiality violations and legal problems. They must get client permission to let volunteers help, they must carefully screen and train 4 ((1 a volunteer when they may not have r( time and some fear that volunteers will take their jobs. The concensus of the group was that these individual problems would have to be dealt with as they occurred locally. It is possible that citizen involvement staff can help with training and time in some areas. District President Laddie Socha Casework loads keep increasing and it is generally felt that community called the 31st District IV meeting resources must be mobilized for to order at 2 p.m. in the Wall children in our program to receive Volunteer Fire Hall. After Greg Blankenship led the needed services. It is also felt that Pledge to the Flag, he recited the good communitylDHR relationships SPJST motto. Everyone followed by will probably ensue with exchanged singing "America". information and shared projects. Brother Socha welcomed I hope this input helps in planning everyone who was in attendance on the SPJST proposed venture. a beautiful Sunday afternoon. Sister -SPJSTElizabeth Walther of Lodge 49 responded by thanking Lodge 160 SUPREME LODGE for hosting the meeting. A memorial service led by Sister Lillian Holubec was held in honor of those members of District IV who deceased since our last meeting. Those lighting the candles were: Sister. Pauline Shiner for Lodge 49, Sister Debbie Hrncirik for Lodge 73, and Sister Holubec for Lodges 77, 85 and 160. After the candles were lit, a moment of silence was held for all the departed members. Before presenting the youth program, District Youth Counselor Mary Haisler made a plea to the lodges, which are not already doing so, to participate in the available youth activities. Then she introduced Debbie Hrncirik from Lodge 73 who sang "Louisiana Saturday night". Brother Socha read the names of the 50-year members from each lodge and then presented Alfons Holubec of Lodge 160 his pin since he was present. The roll call of officers was read. All were present except 2nd VP James Haisler. The results of the roll call of lodges is as follows: 13 present from Rowena No. 49, 11 from Seymour No. 73, 8 from Lubbock No. 157 and Joe L. Hurtik 30 from San Angelo No. 160. No one represented lodges nos. 76, 77, 85, 90 Joe L. Hurtik has recently been and 95. Lodge 134, Crowell has appointed as a Sales Representative merged with another lodge since our for Lodge 180 in Burleson. Mr. last meeting. The minutes of the previous Hurtik has been trained in helping you or your family with your meeting were read and approved. insurance needs. If you live in the District Director Stanley Broz Burleson area, give him a call at AC brought greetings from the 817-284-7218 and he will be happy to Supreme Lodge. He thanked Lodge be of assistance to you. 160 for hosting this meeting. He Fraternally, presented two checks from Supreme Bernard M.Gebala Lodge: one for $400 to the treasurer Vice President and one for $500 to the Youth Department. Getting into his report, Dir. Broz stated that SPJST had a good year considering the economy. Statewide 234 new policies were written with a net increase in insurance of $6,400,089. This represents an 8.27% increase over the previous year. Solvency increased from 130% to 131.88% ratio. Supreme Lodge has 56,803 certificates in force. He reminded all lodge secretaries that the activity sheets need to be completed and returned to SL. District IV received $7,683.24 in P r f-1MNT Ir011 11 44 *VIP. YecIr 19821

Uncorrected Minutes of District IV Meeting April 24, 1983

am..m.•■••■•• From the Vice President's Office

4/VESTMK—Wednesday, July 6, 1983 He urged the sales representatives to sell larger policies. Our district has 25 sales reps — 11 of these sold $880,000 of insurance in 1982. Fourteen of the sales reps had no sales at all during the past year. The Vestnik costs SL $6.31 a year for printing only for each household. Dir. Broz urged each lodge to undertake the project on Child Abuse and Neglect that SL has endorsed. There was a meeting of lodge presidents at SL to discuss the district family day. To date this year, $379,000 of insurance had been issued in our district. This amount was written by 4 sales reps. $428,000 was sold, by Leonard Jansa of Lodge 160 in one month. As of the time of this meeting not all of it has been processed by SL. An intensive sales seminar had been held in Temple for the sales reps in February. SL awarded 15 - $1000 scholarships in 1982. In the Fall of 1983, 20 more in the amount of $500 each will go to deserving high school graduates that qualify. Mary Hardin-Baylor College in Belton is choosing the recipients from the applications received. Continuing his report, Dir. Broz stated that the going interest rate on the real estate loans is 11%. Our district has an allocation of $200,000 for the present period. The loans are made for 20 years. The newest class of service provided by SL is known as annuities, but not all kinks have been ironed out to this date so the service has not been made available to the public. A competitor is approaching our members and urging them to cancel their permanent insurance with SPJST to buy term insurance from their company. Dir. Broz warned that we should not fall for their sales pitch. The computer at SL is doing a good job. What it needs is more business. Dir. Broz said that SL has the best bunch of officers and directors ever. He then handed out incentive checks to the sales reps that qualified for one. To begin her report, YC Mary Haisler thanked all her youth leaders for all their work. In 1982, 11 youth participated at YAD and out of these, 2 were state winners. One youth participated at State Royalty. The YC total expense on district level was $476.50. She reported that a Training Class for youth leaders was held at her home on April 9. SYD Jann Thomas showed the crafts that will be used at camp. A statewide YC class will be held at Val Verde on May 13, 14, and 15. In closing, YC Haisler reported that District IV YAD date has been changed from June 12 to June 5. Our youth will camp at Val Verde with District I on August 8-11. State YAD will be in Temple and State Royalty at Elgin on September 17. Treasurer Raymond Pavliska reported that there was a balance of $1,132.82. He also announced that the State Insurance Committee, of which he is a member, will meet the first Saturday in December. If anyone has anything to be considered, please let Brother Pavliska know about it. Rest Home Director Emil Havlak

reported that the RH directors had a meeting last weekend. There is still a waiting list at both homes. Our SPJST Rest Homes are rated the best in Texas. Sister Angeline Kristinek reported that the Publications Committee chairman resigned and she was chosen as chairman. Brother William Urbanek, cochairman of the By-Laws Committee, urges the members to send in any changes they want before the end of the year because the convention is coming up next year. There was a complaint aired by one person that letters announcing sales classes are sent out too late. Under new business the following officers were re-elected by acclamation to serve District IV for the following year: President-Laddie Socha; Vice President-Ernest Kristinek; 2nd VP-James Haisler; Secretary-Diana Pelzel; Treasurer-Raymond Pavliska; Youth CounselorMary Haisler; Asst. YC-Henrietta Pavliska; and Greg Blanken shipflagbearer. Brother Frank Simaichl volunteered Lodge 73, Seymour to host the 1984 District IV meeting on the 4th Sunday of April. Dir. Broz installed the officers for another year. Those present sang the song "Kde Domov Muj". Several door prizes were given before Pres. Socha adjourned the meeting. Youth from Lodge 73 Youth Club sold items of food and plants at the booth they had set up. Everyone enjoyed a social hour after which Lodge 160 sold plates of barbecue brisket and all the trimmings. Submitted by: Diana Pelzel District IV Secretary -SPJST-

Invitation To District V YAD


Dear Members: We officers of District V extend to each of you a special invitation to attend the District Youth Appreciation Day at Lodge No. 88 this Sunday. The YAD is the special day for our fine youth to let you see their talents and their achievements, and, by being there, you will show your support for them and their youth leaders. The day starts with registration of participants at 10 a.m. A good dinner will be served from 11:30 to 1:30, and the program will start at 1 p.m. All you good cooks, the Birthday Club will surely appreciate pastry donations. There will be a Country-Western dance from 5 to 9 p.m. with good music by the Country Boys. This will be FREE to all of you who attend the program; the tickets for others will be $3. We have a fine Youth Counselor, Dorothy Pflughaupt, and some mighty good lodge youth leaders who are working hard to make this a great youth day, and we need to be there and show our appreciation for all they do for our youth. They and we officers are looking forward to seeing you at Lodge No. 88 this Sunday! Fraternally yours, Tillie Helmcamp Dist. Pres. -SPJST-

NOTICE TO: SPJST MEMBERSHIP The SPJST Insurance Committee will meet December 3, 1983 in Temple, Texas. If any member has any suggestions regarding our insurance products and/or procedures, please notify the committee member from your applicable district so he/she may present your suggestion to the committee for appropriate action. Members of the Insurance Committee by District are: No. I Cecil Dickson 1308 Garden Lane Bryan, TX 77802 No. II Willie Kohutek Rt. 2, Box 320 Buckholts, TX 76518 No. III Ben Jarma 9512 Leaside Dr. Dallas, TX 75238 No. IV Raymond Pavliska 505 So. Cedar Seymour, TX 76380 No. V Helen Hegwood 6702 Lindy Ann Lane Houston, TX 77008 No. VI Jerome Hlavaty Box 174 Lolita, TX 77971 No. VII Roy Hranicky P.O. Drawer A Orange Grove, TX 78372 Fraternally, Ben Jarma Chairman Insurance Committee -SPJST-

Rest Home No. II Report S.P.J.S.T.

The S.P.J.S.T. Rest Home in Needville would like to say thank you to everyone for all the wonderful things you have done. In gratitude we wish to thank the ones listed below: AARP Chapter 1772 for the bananas Mrs. Anita Schmidt for cauliflower Della Beck for scraps for mending Ida Gasch for bibs Mr./Mrs. David Fink for flower arrangement Mrs. Thomas Sanchez for medicine cups Immanuel United Church of Christ Women's Guild for bibs Ray Willett for Reader's Digest Mrs. Jerry Fojtik for scrapbooks Mrs. Bruno Kubeezka for clothes/ magazines Needville High School for two flowers Bobby Jones for accordion entertainment Trinity Lutheran Confirmation Class for red/white gladiolas Graduating Class of "83" Needville for bouquet of mums

Sewing Ladies for all their time Juanita Henry for her time feeding & visiting residents John Davis for all the haircuts The following ladies for all the birthday cakes: Mrs. Zibberman, Mary Selig, Elsie Jine, Lydia Seiler, Adele Leissner, Dessie Lehmann, Viola Foss, Mrs. Frank Urbanek, Carolyn Smith, Dorothy Selig, Patsy Christian, Bethe Geise, Janet Ludecke, Mrs. John Stransky, Margaret Tombin. Contribution Acknowledgements SPJST Lodge 9, Snook SPJST Lodge 81, Needville SPJST Lodge No. 180, Burleson Slavonic Mutual Fire Insurance Association SVPS Lodge 30 Mrs. Rosie Kovar Phil Boyle, president Ben Bacica In Memory Donations Margaret Irwin by Mr./Mrs. W. R. Champion, Jr. Leddie Kadera by Mr./Mrs. W. R. Champion, Jr. Bess Sayers by Mr./Mrs. W. R. Champion, Jr. Edward Kadlecek by Mrs. Pearl Hanka, Mrs. E. E. Chernosky, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Dvorak, Janet Sinclair, John & Wilma Wallace, Mr. & Mrs. H. H. Finn, Mrs. Clara Adamick, Trudy C. Burgeson, Merdith Wilbourn, Julie Park Interest, Inc., Lodge 88 Houston Birthday Club Sisters, Oleta & Louis Hanus, Tim & Rosalee Kostom, John & Birdie Pech, Emil & Emily Bily, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Kelly and J. J. Kroulik. We are truly sorry if we missed anyone. Respectfully submitted by Harvey Marx, Administrator -SPJST-

28, East Bernard Sets Meeting Date


Dear Members: This is a reminder that Lodge Karel Jonas No. 28 will hold its July meeting the 10th at 2:30 p.m. in its hall building. The agenda will cover the same items as before with one or more special reports. The "Gathering of the Clan" will take place after the meeting. On a rather sad note, a lady and SPJST sister, this writer and his family knew and were associated with for many years has passed away at the golden age of 90 years. Although she was never a member of our lodge, Mrs. Karla (Kostka) Ctvrtnik-Kraft was known by many in our District V and District III for her association with and/or production of Czech stage plays. This writer always remembered and will remember her as Mama Ctvrtnikova for the theatrical group she was associated with called her by that name and in many ways she was just that. To those who did not know the Czech language well, she would teach them their play lines or part. She produced and directed many children's plays in Czech. This writer knows of five stage plays she had written in the Czech language. The most acclaimed one was "Lidice", which premiered in Houston and was played in California, Canada, Chicago and Detroit and in either New York or, New Jersey. She wrote a special

Wednesday, July 6, 1983—VESTMK/5

play for the Convention in the 40's in Taylor that depicted the beginning of SPJST Order. Of the five plays, this writer and his family were associated with four including the one about SPJST. She knew the great (President E. Benes of Czechoslovakia and Oskar Homalka) and many little people. She was a lady who put her life and soul into stage plays for many years; "A lady that should not be forgotten." Our condolences go to her family. To the faithful, see you on the 10th and this writer remains Fraternally yours, Joseph D. Nezval, President -SPJST-

Mechoslovakia, namely, Marie and Frantisek Krampota; they will stay two weeks and get-acquainted with their cousins before returning home to their daughter and son. Gus and Ann Urbanovsky visited in Waco, Texas for three days being housei guests of Bob and Margie Urbanovsky; next day the four went to Temple, Texas to visit with their oldest brother Ed who has been ill for quite some time now. Saturday, the three brothers Al, Gus, Bob and sister, Helen of Kingsland, Texas and niece, Doris Jean, spent the day together at the lovely home of sister, Millie, and brother-in-law, Joe Ondrej. On Father's Day, Sunday, they all attended the Urbanovsky Family Reunion at Lodge No. 54 in West with the largest turnout of Lodge 35, Elk To relatives than ever before, many not seen each other for years. Host Fall District III have Helen Fajkus and Johnnie Amalfi won a trip to Munich, Germany as Meeting first prize winners of the Polka Dear Members: Dance Contest held September 25, Our monthly meetings are still 1982 at the Astroworld and enjoyed held the second Sunday of the month their grand prize now. They flew at 3 p.m. I am sorry to say that there from here to New York and are only about 35 to 40 faithful Frankfurt, Germany, 14 June 1983 members who come to the meetings. and returned after 13 days of a We were glad to have Dave whirlwind vacation in Germany, Trussell from Fort Worth at our Bonn, the Rhine River, one June meeting. We always have good touring day in Hamburg, entered East food to eat and fellowship. Berlin, two days in Neuberg, toured There was a bus that took 30 Munich for days and the Alps; members to Six Flags Over Texas, the wholetwo trip will never be June 8th. forgotten, the taverns, polka music, June 26th, a busload of 37 singing and drinking beer with members went to Ennis to attend happy people all around. Helen is District III YAD, and we came home still in dreamland as this is to with the new King/Queen and happen only once-in-a-lifetime. Duke/Duchess; winners in royalty couple Elizabeth and Allen include; King-Donald Steinke, Another Vivial of Rosenberg, Texas Queen-Becky Crockett, Duke-Timmy accompanied them and enjoyed it as Pavelka, Duchess-Robin Breit- much as they did. kreutz. s Henry Olexa and wife, Della, We stopped at the Way-on-Wheels winged to Calgery, Canada, June 17, Restaurant and ate dinner. a non-stop flight. Henry made this We had first place winners in business trip for his company the crafts; namely, in Food, Hobby Kits, Continental Amsco Company, where which was a joyful day for all of us. he is employed, to attend a meeting On the sick list, Brother Jim with the American Petroleum Pavelka is in Marlin Hospital, They had the pleasure to Maydell Sulak and Wanda Sebik, Institution. enjoy one day at the Banff Resort. both had surgery. We hope you all Della enjoyed the trip and company are feeling better by now. of the other ladies present while Elk Lodge 35 will host the District their husbands attended the III Fall meeting, October 30th. meetings. They returned home Members, there will be a Cleanup safely Wednesday, June 22nd. Day, September 25th. Happy grandparents, John and Members, also remember that we Lolla Bueckner, welcomed their always give door prizes at our granddaughter Lynnsey, born 14 meetings, so I hope to see you at our June 1983 to proud parents, Ronald next meeting at 3 p.m., July 10th. and Donna Bueckner. The little Fraternally, princess is the pride of her two Dorothy Banik, Reporter brothers, ages 8 and 3. Lynnsey is -SPJSTquite a bundle weighing 8 lbs. 3 ozs. and is 21 inches (at birth). Congratulations! Lodge 88 Houston Lill Hinchman underwent surgery June 8 in Sam Houston Hospital; the News surgery was successful and Lill is Our Saturday night dance was doing fine and is at home now with music by the Hi-Liters enterRemember the Blue Room is taining the casually dressed guests featuring a Happy Hour every (that was the dress code for the Friday night from 7:30 to 9:30; come night, but there are always quite a out and enjoy your friends, Nat few ladies who love to come dressed Gonzales will be glad to serve you in long gowns to a dance and they do your favorite drink. look very nice. In charge of the Advance tickets for the Jan dance was Maxie Spaulding. The box office was served by Mary Garber dance for July 23 are on sale Schenburn. At the door, greeting NOW at the _office or on Saturday the arriving guests was Gladys nights at the dances in the lobby. Pulley with Pappy Spaulding and This is a dress-code dance. Tickets Dub Pulley taking care of seating are $10 per person or $11 the night the guests. at the box office, Family reunion of the Krampota family, of Iowa Colony, was held a Fraternally, month ago and now they are Frances Olexa preparing to welcome cousins from -SPJST -

Ladies' Circle, Lodge No. 92, Fort Worth Dear Members and Friends: The Lodge No. 92 Ladies' Circle met on Flag Day with Mary Powers, president, presiding and Florence Greer substituting as secretary for Clara Marchioni. Betty Billington of Alvarado read a lovely poem called "Our Flag" which was very appropriate. We were happy to have, as our guest, Jeanette, Corina and Eugene Tesar, grandchildren of Frank and Marie Tesar and Anita Slane. I was glad to receive a letter from Anne Polk who has already returned from a trip to California and plans to leave again in July for a Carribean Cruise. We wish you a "Bon Voyage", Anne. Do let us hear from you again soon. We also wish to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. William (Bill) Krivanek on their fortieth wedding anniversary and renewal of marriage vows at Saint Patrick's Cathedral after which a lovely reception was held at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Collier. We were very sorry to hear of the death of Mary Marek of West who passed away May 23, 1983. She was a sister-in-law to Eleanor Svacek. May God grant her rest in peace. We are happy to hear that Mrs. Bennie Bartek has had a successful operation on her eyes and is home again from Harris Hospital. We are also happy that Claudia Koci, wife of Rudolph Koci, Jr. is home from a successful operation at All Saints Hospital. "Happy Birthday" was sung to Bessie Prochaska, Rose Strnad, Eleanor Svacek, Betty Billington, Christine Zich, Frances Grizzard and Tillie Gillis. Door prize was won by Rose Zalesak. Betty Loyd will donate the door prize for the next meeting. This is a Special Column for the Ladies' proud grandparents: Rose Nieswiodony's granddaughter, Michele, a junior, won a scholarship to TCU and one week for music in Denton. At present she is working in the office at K-Mart. She will be a senior this coming school term. Esta Belle Hubenak's granddaughter, Staci, won a bronze medal for outstanding in Math. She is in W.C. Stripling Middle School. Frank and Marie Tesar are the proud grandparents of Jeanette Tesar, who has just graduated from Southwestern High School. Inez Krivanek's two grandsons, Scott and Brandon, are sons of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lackey. Scott won first place trophy for Boys Prose in Speech Tournament in Dallas, also, TFA in Waco, and performed in Drama Class for UIL Regional Competition Drama Arts, a four-act Czech Play, performed at Howard Payne University. Brandon, who goes to Keller Elementary, won a Super Citizen Award Certificate. Flora Koci's granddaughter, Sasha, attended Meadowbrook Middle School, but will go to Eastern Hills H.S. this coming term. She is a member of the National Honor Society and worked as a student assistant in the principal's office, She has been in several dance recitals at various places winning

several trophies and honors. She was in the Miss Fort Worth Talent Pageant, Starlight Pageant, and Stairway to the Stars sponsored by the Kiwanis Club. Mary Palachek's granddaughter, Mary Beth, has graduated from Westwood High School in Austin. She received the following scholarships: President's Scholarship Lockheed National Merit Scholarship, Chemistry Scholarship and the National Merit Scholarship, all from The University of Texas at Austin, where she is planning to attend next term. During the summer, she is working at the Balcony Chemical Co. Congratulations to all these students. Keep up the good work. We are all proud of you. Now for the new arrivals: Helen and Mike Paprskar are the proud grandparents of Dustin Thomas Gilcrease. Parents are Jimmy and Kristi Gilcrease. Flora Koci is the proud grandmother of Matthew Joseph Koci, born June 10, 1983. The parents are Billy and Connie Koci, Nashville, Tennessee. Hostesses for the July 11, 1983 meeting are Evelyn Spacek, Minnie Ruzicka, Bennie Hundle and Bennie Bartek. Don't forget to bring a covered dish. Be seeing you. Fraternally, Flora Koci Reporter -SPJST-

Meeting Scheduled For Lodge 133, San Antonio


Our regular lodge monthly meeting will be held July 17 at 1505 South Gevers Street in San Antonio, beginning at 2 p.m. We urge all members to attend this meeting. The June meeting was not held because of Father's Day being on the same Sunday. A lot of unfinished business needs to be discussed, and we do hope that we have a very good turnout, so come out and enjoy the afternoon with your fraternal brothers and sisters. Here is just a thought for all of us, entitled: BUT DIDN'T By Kathryn T. Bowsher Do you ever think at close of day Of kindly words you meant to say But didn't? Do you ever think when day is done Of errands, kind, you could have run But didn't? Do you ever think at daytime's leave Of flowers gay you meant to give But didn't? Do you ever think when skies are red Of hungry mouths you could have fed But didn't? Do you ever think at dawn of night Of letters kind you meant to write But didn't? Friend, do you think at life's set sun You'll think of deeds you could have done But didn't!? Let us not place ourselves in a position of "Didn't" and make the meeting July 17th. We will be more than happy to see all of you present. L':311

6/VE. STNIK—Wednesday, July 6, 1983 Although Fourth of July has passed since this is being printed, we do hope that all of you have enjoyed in the celebration of our National Holiday. So many of our holidays have lost their identity, and are so commercialized; for example in San Antonio (TEXAS INDEPENDENCE DAY) is hardly mentioned. They refer to this week of celebration FIESTA WEEK. I did have a tourist ask me what type of Mexican holidays are we celebrating. This is unfortunate, and, of course, a lot of the blame must be placed on the newspapers and news media, etc. Let us not ever forget OLD GLORY and what she stands for. For more than nine score years she has been the banner of Hope and Freedom for generation after generation of AMERICANS, so let us fly her HIGH and thank God every day •that we are AMERICANS. Fraternally, Dominic Netek


Social For Lodge 172 Members Free

Dear Members and Friends:

month. Also, the number of each member in your family, not just one. Your help and cooperation is important and appreciated. With summer vacations in full swing, drive carefully and have a good time. Fraternally, Vlasta Machann, Secretary


Choral Club News

Seaton Star Hall vibrated with the melodious singing of the Seaton Choral Club as it met in the last singing practice before their summer vacation. Those present and singing were: Otto Hanus, Annie Jakubec, Thelma Bartosh, Dorothy and Jerry Pechal, Georgia Sodek, Anne Krcha, Jerry Urubek, Mary Holick, Albina Mikeska, Della Psencik, Dorothy Morris, Helen Janacek, Martha Klusacek, Mathu and Elsie Cabla, Mary and Bob Vasicek. They were accompanied on the piano by Annie Jakubec. Della Psencik had as her guest, Josephine Shenkir, who was welcomed by the club members. President Dorothy Morris called the meeting to order and the secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting. After the president introduced and welcomed our guest, she invited all to hear the performance of the Seaton Brass Band on the evening of July 4 at the Temple Mall. Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned for fellowship and fun until August 23. Vesele prazdnini. Thelma Bartosh

Our meetings are interesting because there is always something going on toward the improvement of our lodge hall in Pasadena. There is plenty more to be done. Last month we bought a microwave oven for the kitchen with some of the garage sale money. We hope to have another garage sale in the near future. We also are going to have a food booth at the second -SPJSTAnnual Pasadena Family Festival sponsored by the Cultural Affairs Committee of the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce; this festival will be held in the Pasadena Town Square Mall from 1 p.m. until 6 p.m. COTTONWOOD HALL Sunday, October 9, 1983. (Last year WEST, TEXAS we cleared $363.13 from selling JULY 9, 1983 whole cakes ad kolache and coffee.) I 11:00 A.M. will keep reminding you of this One Day Only activity so all of you will make plans to bake a cake or two or kolache; Lodging: Old Main Lodge, 1-35 and some ladies made as many as 4 cakes Fourth Street, Waco, Texas (817) last year. We sold everyone. If all 753-0316, TOLL FREE 800 528-0316. our members will participate we can Socializing: 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. — accomplish a great deal with no real Bring your pictures — Bring your hardship on only a few people. scrapbooks. If you have any Please mark this on your calendar announcement to be made during now. The time goes by so fast that the Business Meeting, please advise the next thing you will know it will the President before the meeting starts so that time will be allowed. be October. PLEASE HELP! Our last two regular meetings For those who desire — help us float (May and June) went by happily and the keg — soft drinks also available. quickly. All regular reports were Lunch: There are not any provisions given; some were discussed a little for lunch at the Reunion. (We suggest you eat a late Brunch and for clarification but all were good. Get well cards were sent to arrive early). several members who were on the Games: 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. This is for sick list. Hope all of you will be back the kids. soon. Sister Rena Ordener is Business Meeting: 3:00 P.M. recuperating in a rest home after Election of Officers: Your President serious surgery. Sister Sophie has served for three years, as well as Baker is still in a convalescent home. most of the other Officers. Please At the June meeting the door be thinking of your NEW SLATE prize of $10 was reinstated, that is to OF OFFICERS TO BE ELECTED. be drawn from names who are Not being in the immediate area of West is not a reason not to serve. present at the meeting each time. The next free social for members Your help is NEEDED. will be July 17 starting at 1 p.m. Sale: We will conduct a Sale to help (Guests will pay $4 per person.) raise funds for the Reunion:Tickets Barbecue meal will follow by a will be .50,e or 3 for $1.00. For those dance, with music by Texas Brew who wish to donate a prize to the (country/western band). Donations Sale, we are soliciting your contriof pastries will be appreciated. I butions. We ask that each prize be of useful purpose and relatively inex hope to see you there! Please keep up your good deed pensive. recorded for the yearly report. Keep Auction: We will conduct a small a list of the activities mon"-by- Auction again this year We are also , .

Hrabal Family Reunion

•• • •

soliciting items to be auctioned. Please designate if your contribution is for the Auction or Sale. We have some GOODIES — Bring your checkbook. Grand Door Prize: We will conduct a Sale for this SUPER GIFT. Tickets will be $1.00 Prizes are donated by Ye Ole President. Dinner: Dinner this year will be catered. It will be a barbecue affair.. $2.50 per person Entertainment: The CB Club will sponsor a dance, time: 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. Sunday-July 10th—Pool side-Old Main Lodge. Coffee at pool side at about 8:00 a.m. Breakfast: 9:30 a.m. Dutch Treat Affair. Join us for your final goodbyes and farewells at the Sheridan Hotel across the street from Old Main Lodge on 1-35.

Retired Texas A&M Professor Joe Skrivanek (left) is listening to John Stasa's serious conversation.


Mathew Marak Family Holds Reunion Saturday, June 25, 1983, the family of Mathew Marak attended their second family reunion at S.S. Cyril & Methodious Catholic Church Parish Hall in Marak, Texas, with 161 family members attending. Cochairmen for this event were Raymond Peters of Keller and Jerry Sumbera of Arlington, and Johnny R. Marak of Cameron in charge of local arrangements. Registration began at 10 a.m. followed by a barbecue dinner at 12:30 p.m. Sister Mary Martin Haidesek of San Antonio said the prayer. Following the dinner, a meeting was held with Raymond Peters as Master of Ceremonies. Mary Marak Macha and Hattie Marak Pavlicek (both of Seymour, Texas), two living daughters of 9 children of the late Mathew Marak were recognized as honored guests and each presented with a corsage. Each family member of the nine Marak children — Mollie, John, Roman, Emil, August, Mathew Jr., Mary, Sophia, and Hattie were recognized and posters of family trees and a written family history were on display. Plans were made to hold a third family reunion in three years with time and place to be announced at a later date. An evening meal was served at 6 p.m. Family members attending were from: Seymour, Archer City, Rule, Arlington, Keller, Austin, El Paso, San Antonio, Corpus Christi, Brownsville, Houston, Pasadena, Odessa, Fort Stockton, Tyler, Conroe, West, Waco, Euless, Wichita Falls, Shreveport, La., Santa Anna, Calif., New Orleans, La., Colleyville, Bedford, Dale, College Station, Guymon, Okla., Hurst, Denton, Stephenville, Crowell, Cameron and Marak. Mrs. Johnny R. Marak



Keep the beneficiary designation current on your SPJST certificate.

Brother John Stasa is enjoying Janet Cabla Young's up-to-date family history.

My Fond Memories Of The Second Symposium

By John Stasa Dear Readers and Editor: I wish to let you know that I have changed the atmosphere for 13 days, with the assistance of my dear son-inlaw, Emil Mokry, his beloved daughter, Janet Markus, of Corpus Christi, and another dear son-in-law, John Huber, of Austin who made it possible for me to attend the second Symposium May 29 at Seaton, Texas. At 8 a.m. we started to travel. We stopped at the nursing home to visit my brother-in-law, Frank Poboril, who is making his home in the nursing home in Temple and one who is the last one living of the seven brothers-in-law; he is 84 years old. At the same time Miss Albina Bobalik, a patient of the same nursing home, visited Frank and she told me that she remembered me, my parents ginned cotton with you in Holland, Bell County, Texas in 1934-35-36. We also visited Mr. Hejl, age 80, son of the John Hejls; the Hejl family is known to me since 1906. There were three families of the Hejls: Frank, Vince and John; their parents had a one-room loghouse near the Vince Hejl home. The day of the Symposium, we registered at 10 a.m. in the SPJST Lodge No. 47 known as the Star Hall in Seaton, Texas. The name or emblem put up by the founders makes honor activities on the large and modern building; the parking lot is also up-to-date. There were many empty tables in the enlarged building, however, we took the nearest place to the stage for our seating location so I could put my cassette for recording part of the program and my son-in-law John Huber's camera, who uses 37 films. (I have some more material to put in the album stored in the SPJST and Sokol Library in the fireproof building.) The attendance was delayed for one hour so was the program. Our table and others as well were occupied in no time. There was a piece of paper on our table if

Wednesday, July 6, 1983—VESTMK/7 Temple and John Stasa of Corpus Christi, plus Miro Jurcik of Dallas, who is historian for the Sokol Southern District who have a history book. (I looked into the book and noticed that there is an error stating that the first Sokol competition and slet was conducted in 1924 at Dallas.

p Attending Second Symposium at Lodge 47 Seaton (Star Hall) on May 29, 1983. L to R: Bob Zvolanek, Huber, John Stasa and Miro Jurcik.

Longtime acquaintances meet again at Seaton Star Hall. L to R: Lillie Huber, Matilda Sefcik, Joe L. Sefcik and John Stasa. Afterwards, old friends, new we wanted to register. It was impossible for me to remember all friends and fraternalists came to our the visitors' names who came to say table to shake hands and Jerry "Hello, or Vitame Vas or Nazdar!" Mikulas, Supreme Lodge Financial When we registered at the table and Secretary/Treasurer and Leonard bought our admission tickets for Mikeska, Supreme Lodge Secretary/ $2.50 and meal tickets for $3.50, one Treasurer came also and I had the of the two ladies who sold the tickets honor of knowing their parents and grandparents who lived in the was Mary Popp. The first person we met was Otto Seaton and Cyclone communities. Hanus, curator of the Library/ (There were also heirs of the Archives/Museum in the SPJST pioneers who registered, but there Supreme Lodge Building in Temple, were no photos; the photographer Texas, with his worthy services who was not at the table at the same leaves us an indestructible time.) We also met Glenn Hutka, monument. While sitting at the table, Mr. Joe Supreme Lodge president of the Sefcik and his dear wife, Matilda, RVOS in Temple, Texas who has came to visit us and registered. been known to me since 1970 when These friends started in December, he was appointed by the Supreme 1906, grandparents Sefcik were a Lodge as secretary to assist the relationship to the Frank Poborils local appraiser for damage made by and near neighbors in the Seaton Hurricane Celia. Brother Hutka's Community. (There was a New family was well-known to me since Year's dance at the Sefcik's house 1907. Frank Hutka married one and Mr. Frank Poboril used his two- daughter of the Frank Barteks row accordion to furnish the music; parents who farmed in the it was the first dance for me in Zabcikville community. Frank Texas. I have signature and photos:) Hutka rented a farm which was Later on Henry Jindrich bought 300 owned by Frank Bartek, which was acres of farm land at San Paul, near located on the south side of Camp Sintona and moved there. When we Creek, a neighbor to Frank Poboril. were moved to Corpus Christi in In the older days when the weather 1940, we met again in the Sokol Hall. was nice, we the youth of the Cabla's family were members of Poborils, Hutkas, Lesikars, Hejis, Lodge 56 SPJST in Corpus Christi. Simeks, Mikulases, and Sefciks It was a pleasure for me to see some played ball and some other games. It of his children, Mrs. Levina Meeker, was a friendly group to meet at a nurse employee in a hospital; she Seaton Star Hall and Cyclone Flag has a son age 15 named George. (I Hall, also the local house dances sold him the first policy 16 May 1968 gave plenty amusement and for $1,000; since then seven more exercise. Frank Marek, son of the Joseph policies amounted to $12,000. Lodge 56 had listed: Jindrich Cabla, Ladis Mareks, married the oldest J. Cabla, Jr., Andela Cabla, Mary daughter Mary of John and Frances Agnes Cabla, and Robert Cabla, Zabcik who were the new owners of Zabcikville which was founded by M.D.)

CORRECTION: It was in Fort Worth, Texas. Those years the American Sokol organization, with main office in Chicago, Illinois, sent Professor Joza Havranek to Texas to reorganize the existing Sokol units and organize new ones. (That same year we bought a new Dodge car at Cameron, Texas which was the first auto that came on the market that was equipped with the balloon tires). The Sokol unit in Buckholts had A happy family poses for the photo- about 40 gymnasts in their classes. grapher in Kededy, Texas. L to R: Anton Hamusek was the men's Emil Mokry, Janet Markus and John director, John Stasa, assisted and was president; my dear wife, the Stasa. late Albina Stasa, was women's John Lugo and then was renamed director. Some gymnasts were Marekville. involved in the competition. John Stasa is also part of the Professor Havranek was in charge Frank Bartek family. My nephew of this undertaking. Ed Kadlecek, Frank Ladislav Hatla married gymnast and member of the local Frances Bartek, daughter of Ernest Sokol unit, was also a trained and Frances Bartek. The Barteks mechanic at Texas A&M in College and the Zabciks were owners of Station. He was promoted to State their homes and also had some rent University and was our companion farm properties. Immigrants got the and chauffeur. We were invited by first help from these generous the Svitak's family to take a families. temporary home with them while in Bob Zvolanek and his wife Anne Fort Worth. (Tupy) Zvolanek from Dallas, Texas Among some of the new friendregistered and were photographed. ship acquaintances, signatures and Bob Zvolanek is the oldest son of photos were added by: Vallie and Joseph Zvolanek, who was the Wesley Tupy of Dallas; Ben and owner of a shoe repair shop in Regina Zabcik from Zabcik's Temple, Texas, and had two farms community (Ben is a retired SPJST near Temple. Supreme Lodge financial secretary); When I resided, with my family, in John P. Marek of El Campo also Temple during 1937, Bob Zvolanek came to the table. made trips with us to Seaton Star Frank J. Houzvicka, age 71, of Hall to assist us in the Czech Fort Worth, Texas registered and National Dance "Beseda" was photographed. He is the oldest rehearsals, for the public exhibition son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank on the street next to the City Hall in Houzvicka, Sr., who was the Temple; the dance was a type of president of the Sokol unit and dance which was never seen before SPJST member. at Fort Worth for the public; it was a great success. many years. Mr. Houzvicka, who Stasie Marek, dear wife of Leo was a tailor, was known to me since Bruner from Thorndale, Texas 1924. registered and I have their photo; Don Steinman married Rosie this couple is also being added to my Milan, the daughter of Joe and Anna album as new dear friends. (In Bell Milan. (Anna Milan was an organizer and Milam Counties, there are too for the SPJST Lodge 154 in Fort many Mareks, therefore, I wish to Worth for many years.) Mr. and Mrs. have more time to ask which Marek Joe Milan (deceased) were the family she belongs to.) parents of Jerry Milan, the wellFormer Professor Joseph known men's director of Sokol unit Skrivanek of Caldwell, Texas came in Fort Worth. These named to shake hands, also registered and I families attended all Sokol have photos of him. Several years gymnastic competitions and slets in ago he and his twin brother, John Corpus Christi, other parts in Texas Skrivanek founded the Czech class as well in the United States. They of the Czech language at the Texas are also active in the SPJST circle. A&M University in College Station. Janet (Cable) Young is also a new He advised me that the Czech class friend whose signature and photo is not existing at the present time. has been added to my album. She is We, the Czechoslovaks and one of the Cabla families residing in Moravians are missing the Temple and around Temple. important object of the Czech class Hilda (Kuzel) Brtis is known to me not existing. He registered and was since the date of her birth. Her photographed with me. mother Anna (Mikulas) Kuzel was Marie Zvolanek from Temple known to me since 1906 at Seaton, registered and was photographed Texas and her father of Buckholts with me also with my dear daughter, since 1907. The last time I saw him Lillie Huber. Marie Zvolanek is one was 15 October 1977, the same day of the many regular writers to the when Banker and Mayor R. C. Czech newspaper "Hospodar" which Crowe, at Buckholts, proclaimed the is printed semi weekly in West, JOHN STASA DAY. (My dear Texas. I also have the signature and friend John Kuzel passed away 29 a photo of Vallie Tupy from Dallas, October 1977.) With the assistance also of her husband Wesley Tupy, of my dear, son Johnny and, his lovely Anne Zvolanek, Marie Zvolanek of wife, Elsie, and dear, Lillie, and John

8/VRSTNIK—Wednesday, July 6, 1983 Huber of Austin made it possible for me to make the trip to Buckholts that time. (Hilda is a widow since December 1982. She has two sisters, Lorrine and Irene; one brother, Emil and two daughters.) I have her signature and photo. My marriage was gifted with two sons, Stanislav (Stanley) who passed away at the age of 14 months of a disease. Johnny is living; and three daughters living; namely, Lillie, Olga and Ann. Sid Pokladnik came to shake hands, also, and I have his signature and address plus photo. He is wellknown person not only in Texas, but also in other states. Brother Pokladnik is one of the seven SPJST district directors and he represents District III very well. He is also one of the members serving on the Board of Directors for our two S.P.J.S.T. Rest Homes; one in Taylor and the other in Needville. Besides his other activities, he is the conductor of the Dallas Czech Concert Orchestra, and prosperous owner of the Rudolph's Market & Sausage Factory in Dallas. We need more Sid Pokladniks! In the northwest corner of the Seaton Star Hall, the dressing room was used for display of the important literature dealing with Czechoslovak-Moravian emigrants. Also there were imported articles for sale. My daughter and I stopped by the display table to observe some of the articles which were displayed by the well-known Tuzex company. The lady in charge by the table shook hands with us and we learned that her name is Mrs. Naizner; her former name was Mann. (When we farmed some land near Buckholts, in the Bryant Station community, we were invited by Mr. and Mrs. Mann to attend their wedding anniversary. We accepted the invitation. Their celebration was in their farm house. Leo Majek, Sr. furnished music on his two-row accordion. She also named a few guests and remembered that accordion music since she was a little girl. Now, her parents are resting in eternal peace in Granger cemetery. I got a lot of signatures and photos of many new friends, even Mrs. Vallie and Wesley Tupy of Dallas; one unfortunate thing, I didn't get to shake hands with Mrs. Annie Jakubec, daughter of Steve and Annie Hruska, who farmed in the Seaton community. Her father was a musician, also his brother, John and both played trumpets in the Charlie Simek Brass Band in 1916; I also took part in the band. Names of the musicians in the band were: Charley Simek, band leader, two Hruska brothers, three Ondrasek brothers, Charley, Tom, John, Frank, Frank Mikeska Sr., Frank Mikeska, Jr., Joe Heji, a Mr. Divis, and John Stasa. When the new four-room schoolhouse celebrated the opening, we furnished the music. This schoolhouse was built by Architecture Joseph Tydlacka from Temple. The Symposium assembly had an opportunity to hear several speakers about the Czech Pioneers' History. The program started late because people were arriving late. The meat was tasty and, to make all happy, the Dallas Czech Concert Orchestra, under the direction of Sid Pokladnik, who provided popular concert numbers and &Is° waltzes

and polkas; some of the numbers played by the orchestra put some dancers to dancing to the good music; one very kind lady made me an offer to dance with her, however, regrettably, I had to decline because two years ago I had an accident of a leg injury and this keeps me off the dance floor. Since the Seaton Choral Group, under the direction of Annie Jakubec, was the last number on the program, we missed the singers. There are many persons who are known to me for many years. The weather was wonderful. I recorded some numbers on my cassette and photographed 37 films. My albums will have some more added pages. The attendance at,the Symposium could have been better, it consisted of middle-aged people. The young generation has no interest in such programs; their priority is sport's amusement. Some of my friends asked me, why don't we hear more of our mother language? This answer depends on the Program Committee. What we have is the Czech songs and music. Societies and other leaders neglect this important part in our lives. I have received many compliments on my letters printed in the Vestnik, Hospodar and Nasinec. I was asked to write more. My sincere thanks to you for your real fine friendship. One week later (June 5th), I was invited to attend a house warming at my dear granddaughter Nancy Huber's in Austin, Texas. It was a generous gift from her loving parents and at the same time, Father's Day was also celebrated, which was one of the wonderful moments. My visit ended June 8th and I was ready to return to my "Sweet Home." The day before I left for home, my dear granddaughters, Paula (Huber) Nichols and Nancy Huber came to say "Lucky return home." The 3 friendly dogs, deer, birds, squirrels gave me a wonderful entertainment while visiting with my daughter and son-in-law. Before departure, we embraced with my son-in-law and dear Lillie was ready to take me home. While traveling along the countryside between Austin and Corpus Christi, everything was pretty and green; the crops looked in good condition, so did the pastureland, including ranches and dairy farms. The fields around Sinton were under water; Corpus Christi received their part. At 9 a.m. we took our places in the car seats and at 1:30 p.m. we arrived at my home. June 10th my son, Johnny, came to mow the grass. My sincere thanks to my dear children for looking after me. I have pleasant memories of the 37 pictures taken by my son-in-law, John Huber, who was a student at the State University in Austin and who also had photography for a hobby. In 1942 he served in the U.S. Navy and was stationed at the Naval Air Base in Corpus Christi. - SPJST-



CHARTER CEREMONIES FOR LUFKIN LODGE Newly-organized East Texas Lodge No. 191 will hold their chartering ceremonies Sunday, July 24th. The lodge was officially organized (election and installation of officers) in Lufkin on April the 11th. The lodge is growing rapidly and meeting with good success and enthusiasm among the members who have joined. Other details will be published soon.—NAM. ***

MARKER DEDICATION AND UNVEILING IN LA GRANGE Unveiling and dedication ceremonies of the historical marker commemorating the founding and organization of the SPJST will take place on the courthouse grounds in La Grange at 3 p.m. Sunday, July 10th. The general public and especially SPJST members across the state are cordially invited. This occasion will commemorate the founding and organization of the SPJST and the First Convention, both held in the second-floor District Courtroom of the Fayette County Courthouse, the first organizational meeting being held there December 28, 1896, and the First Convention the following June 20, 1897. See article elsewhere in the Vestnik. — NAM ***

LODGE 183 "MID-CITIES", ARLINGTON The officers and members of Lodge 183 "Mid-Cities", Arlington plan to hold an open house and dedication of their newly-acquired building in their city Saturday, July 30th. All members of the SPJST in neighboring and distant lodges are invited to attend. There will be additional details in the coming weeks.— NAM ***

25TH ANNIVERSARY OF S.P.J.S.T. TAYLOR REST HOME Observance of the 25th Anniversary of the opening of the S.P.J.S.T. Rest Home in Taylor will take place at the Rest Home Sunday, July 31st. The public and membership of the SPJST especially are invited. The remarks and ceremony will be brief. An open house will be from 2 to 4. —NAM *** TEXAS FRATERNAL CONGRESS The 1983 Texas Fraternal Congress will meet in Temple, Oct. 21, 22, and 23, at the Ponderosa Motor Inn on South 31st (just down from Scott & White Hospital). District III Director Sid Pokladnik is president of this year's TFC. SL President Nick Morris is chairman of the Legislative Committee and in charge of publicity for the Vestnik and Bell County area newspapers. SYD Juin Wilson is secretary-treasurer of the Youth Section. Other details about this year's program will be published as they become available.

The Elzner family reunion will be held July 9, 1983 at the SPJST Lodge No. 142 Hall at 5508 Nolda St. in Houston, Texas. All descendants are urged to make plans to attend. It will begin at 11:00 a.m. with food provided and a dance in the evening with music by the Country Lovers. Everyone should be receiving a newsletter soon and we hope everyone is planning on attending. Peggy Elzner Tepera 1218 Stratton Dr. Corpus Christi, Texas 78412 ***

NOVAK REUNION The 20th annual Novak reunion will be held Sunday, July 10, 1983 at St. Philip Parish Hall in El Campo. Please bring enough food for your family and/or guests, so all of us can enjoy a basket lunch. Ella Novak ***

BARTEK-FOJTASEK REUNION The Annual Bartek-Fojtasek Reunion which will be held Sunday July 10, 1983, at Seaton Star Hall, Seaton, Texas. Registration will be at 11 a.m. Covered dish luncheon will be served at 1 p.m. ***

VICHA-GAJDICA REUNION The Vicha-Gajdica reunion will be held Sunday, July 17, 1983 at the St. Joseph's CCD Center at Elk, Texas. A noon meal will be served. Please bring food for your family and guests. Drinks will be available. Doors will open at 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information contact Gene Gerlich at (817) 799-5140 (Waco) or Rosie Wood at (817) 8635247 in Axtell. Eugene A. Gerlich 603 Scarlett, Waco, TX 76705 ***

JEZEK-KOTRLA REUNION The Jezek-Kotrla reunion will be held Sunday, July 17 at the SPJST Lodge No. 47 in Seaton. Registration will begin at 10 a.m.; a meal will be served at 12 noon and each family is asked to bring a covered dish of meat, vegetable and dessert for his/ her family plus guest(s). The plates and napkins will be furnished for the meal, and contributions toward the expenses of the hall, etc., will be appreciated at the reunion. Pres. Georgie Kotrla, VP Billie Lawrence Sec. Ruth Janacek, Treas. Shirley Franklin

Have you had a name change? If so, make sure your SPJST certificate has been updated.

Wednesday, July 6, 1983--VESTNfK/9

.....••■••■••••mob YOUTH SECTION 1111111111•11111■11=111•1111111 STATE COMPETITION-1983 State YAD—Sunday, August 21st Temple High School. State Royalty—Saturday, September 17th, hosted by Lodge No. 18, Elgin; music by Bubba Cox & Easy Goin' of Austin *** DISTRICT YADS Dist. II—July 17 at Lodge 24, Cyclone. Dist. V—July 10—Place to be designated Dist. VI—July 17—Lodge 40 El Campo-Hillje Dist. VII—July 10—Lodge 185 New Braunfels *** CAMPING DATES Dist. III—Sat., July 23, arrive for lunch and depart after lunch on Tues., July 26th. Break 1/2 day Dist. V & VII—Tues., July 26 (arrive for supper)—depart July 30 after breakfast. Break 1/2 day Dist. II—Sun., July 31—Jrs. arrive for supper Wed., Aug. 3—Jrs. depart after lunch Wed., Aug. 3—Teens arrive for supper Sat., Aug. 6—Teens depart after lunch Break 1 day (Aug. -7, Sunday) Dist. I & IV—Mon., Aug. 8, arrive for lunch and depart after lunch on Thurs., Aug. 11th **

From the District Youth Counselors DISTRICT III YAD RESULTS The Youth Achievement Day of District III was held in Ennis, Texas at Lodge 25 June 26, 1983. We had 230 entries. It was a very enjoyable day. On behalf of Eddie Banik and Rosemary Banik and Bessie Petr, I want to thank each and everyone who contributed to the success of this day. Thanks to all the leaders, parents and participants. Our thanks to the Tabulating Committee under the supervision of our District III Director Sid Pokladnik, and a very special thanks to our judges who devoted a full day to our project. Our thanks also to Lodge 25 who so graciously accepted having the YAD at their lodge this year. We certainly appreciate all you have done to make this day a success. I also want to thank Brother Rudy Sefcik for taking pictures. My special thanks to Eddie Banik, Rosemary Banik and Marilyn Sykora for their assistance. Royalty King-Donald Steinke (35) Duke-Timothy Pavelka (35) 1st Runner-up-King Richard Andreason (84) 1st Runner-up-Duke Brandon Andreason (84) 2nd Runner-up-King Terry Hykel (6) 2nd Runner-up-Keith Hykel (6) Queen-Becky Crockett (35) Duchess-Robin Breitkreutz (35) 1st Runner-up Queen-Karen Hykel (6)

1st Runner-up Duchess-None 2nd Runner-up Queen-Michelle Connor (84) 2nd Runner-up Duchess-Cheryl Hubik (84) Beseda 1st place: Juniors (6-12)-Lodge 84 1st Place: Teens (13-17)-Lodge 84 Individual Talent (6-12) 1st Place: Michelle Zapletal (25) 2nd Place: Amber Ondrusek (84) Individual Talent (10-12) 1st Place: Stephanie Becan (84) 2nd Place: Michelle Shelton (66) 3rd Place: Staci Hubenak (92) Individual Talent (13-14) 1st Place: Leanne Parma (130) 2nd Place: Lisa Reznik (84) 3rd Place: Vicki Gerlich (84) Individual Talent (15-17) 1st Place: Darrin Banik (35) Group Talent (6-12) 1st Place: (Lodge 84) "Peter Pan"; Stephanie Becan, Brian Becan, Richard Kopecky, Debbie Pokladnik, Carl Ondrusek, Amber Ondrusek, Keri Andreason, Tara Andreason, Brandon Andreason, Bryan Wolfe 2nd Place: (Lodge 84) Barbara Reznik & Cheryl Hubik 3rd Place: (Lodge 35) Melissa Burney, Robin Breitkreutz & Tracy Brietkreutz Group Talent (13-17) 1st Place: Janice Stanislav & Donna Stanislav (66) DISTRICT III YAD CRAFT WINNERS Pictorial Arts (6-9): 1st Place: Richard Koecky (84) 2nd Place: Holly Hubenak (92) 3rd Place: Chris Owen (66) Pictorial Arts (10-12): 1st Place: Kim Macalik (25) 2nd Place: Melissa Burney (35) Pictorial Arts (13-14): 1st Place: Gail Docekal (130) 2nd Place: Paul Manak (84) 3rd Place: Amy Macalik (25) Pictorial Arts (15-17): 1st Place: Becky Crockett (35) 2nd Place: Sally Manak (84) 3rd Place: Debbie Docekal (130) Home Arts (6-9): 1st Place: Amber Ondrusek (84) Home Arts (10-12): 1st Place: Tara Andreason (84) 2nd Place: Kim Macalik (25) 3rd Place: Melissa Burney (35) Home Arts (13-14): 1st Place: Gail Docekal (130) 2nd Place: Kathleen Rejcek (25) 3rd Place: Shirley Dobecka (6) Home Arts (15-17): 1st Place: Sally Manak (84) 2nd Place: Becky Crockett (35) 3rd Place: Lisa Rejcek (25) Foods (6-9): 1st Place: Kevin Owen (66) 2nd Place: Melanie Kudrna (25) 3rd Place: Kevin Dobecka (6) Foods (10-12): 1st Place: Melissa Burney (35) 2nd Place: Tracy Breitkreutz (35) 3rd Place: Barbara Reznik (84) Foods (13-14): 1st Place: Richard Burney (35) 2nd Place: Shirley Dobecka (6) 3rd Place: Vicki Gerlich (84) Foods (15-17): 1st Place: Janice Stanislav (66) 2nd Place: Becky Crockett (35) 3rd Place: Lisa Rejcek (25) Science & Educational (6-9): 1st Place: Melanie Kudrna (25) 2nd Place: Kevin Dobecka (6) 3rd Place: Keith Hykel (6) Science & Educational (10-12): 1st Place: Sharon Rejcek (25) 2nd Place: Barbara Reznik (84) 3rd Place: Laura Pottkotter (130)

Science & Educational (13-14): 1st Place: Richard Burney (35) 2nd Place: Eugene Reznik (84) 3rd Place: Lanette Hykel (6) Science & Educational (15-17): 1st Place: Larry Brem (66) 2nd Place: Debbie Docekal (130) 3rd Place: Terry Hykel (6) Constructed Items (6-9): 1st Place: Kevin Owen (66) Constructed Items (10-12): 1st Place: Laura Pottkotter (130) Constructed Items (13-14): 1st Place: Shirley Dobecka (6) Constructed Items (15-17): 1st Place: Darrell Uptmor (6) 2nd Place: Terry Hykel (6) 3rd Place: Karen Hykel (6) Hobby Kits (6-9): 1st Place: Kevin Dobecka (6) 2nd Place: Robin Breitkreutz (35) 3rd Place: Brian Becan (84) Hobby Kits (10-12): 1st Place: Michelle Shelton (66) 2nd Place: Sharon Rejcek (25) 3rd Place: Kim Macalik (25) Hobby Kits (13-14): 1st Place: Lisa Reznik (84) 2nd Place: Lanette Hykel (6) 3rd Place: Shirley Dobecka (6) Hobby Kits (15-17): 1st Place: Larry Brem (66)

2nd Place: Lisa Rejcek (25) 3rd Place: Karen Hykel (6) Handicraft (6-9): 1st Place: Keith Hykel (6) 2nd Place: Chris Owen (66) 3rd Place: Carl Ondrusek (84) Handicraft (10-12): 1st Place: Tracy Breitkreutz (35) 2nd Place: Sharon Rejcek (25) 3rd Place: Staci Hubenak (92) Handicraft (13-14): 1st Place: Kathleen Rejcek (25) 2nd Place: Vicki Gerlich (84) 3rd Place: Donna Stanislav (66) Handicraft (15-17): 1st Place: Karen Hykel (6) 2nd Place: Sally Manak (84) 3rd Place: Cathy Pokladnik (84) Jann Wilson, our State Youth Director, was on hand to pass out the point system checks with the help of Brother Sid Pokladnik. Thanks to both of you, our children accepted their checks with a smile. I'm hoping to see each and everyone of you at State YAD, especially the first place winners. (YAD Photos in next issue—Editor) Bessie Petr, District III DYC


District VI Campers. This group of happy campers from District VI camped at Bastrop State Park the week of June 27th-30th. District VI has been camping at Bastrop for a number of years now. Over fifty campers and half a dozen chaperones camped this year. District VI youth counselor is Janet Marek.—Photo by NAM


These three ladies were in charge of food preparation for the District VI campers. They are, L to R, Elsie Brdecka (former District VI YC), Georgia Henderson, and Rose Mondrik. I can vouch for the "home cooking touch" of these three ladies. They were also ably assisted in the kitchen by some of the older campers. The campers and parents are very appreciative of these ladies' efforts and assistance.—NAM

New Braunfels Lodge 185 will be the scene of our 1983 Youth Achievement Day. (Refer to Youth Leader Sara Schandau's letter for directions to the St. Peter & Paul Catholic Church annex.) Registration will be from 11:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. Talent will begin shortly after 1 p.m. followed by Royalty. There will be a break after Royalty. Point awards will be passed out by our District VII Director Mrs. Thelma Hrncir and any other Supreme Lodge officials present. Introduction of judges by Youth Leader Sara Schandua of Lodge 185, followed by awards for craft, talent and royalty by Bob Bayer, Maxine Pavliska and Polly Bayer. Those ladies working with registering are asked to be present by 11:30 a.m., PLEASE! I am looking forward to seeing all of you district youth clubbers, your families and your leaders. We will try to re-set our district outing that was cancelled. A special invitation to all members and friends! Maxine Pavliska, DYC

10/VgSTMK—Wednesday, July 6,1983

From the Youth Leaders LODGE NO. 25, ENNIS Dear Members: The Ennis lodge has been very busy the last few months with the Polka Festival, and summer. June 12th we went to Sandy Lake Amusement Park and enjoyed it very much. With the YAD being held at our lodge this year, we were busy getting everything ready. I would like to thank the following for their support and help with the YAD: Dolfie Hrabina, Wilma Nesuda, Emil Martinek, Raymond Zapletal, Pat Zapletal, Louis Kudrna, Dorothy Kudrna, Johnnie Krajca, and Margaret Krajca. Without their help and support, I would have had a much tougher job. Thank you. I would also like to thank the following youth members for their help in getting the hall ready for YAD: Lisa Rejcek, Kathleen Rejcek, Sharon Rejcek, Amy Macalik, Kim Macalik, Gail Macalik, Kevin Kudrna, Michael Honza, Michelle Zapletal and Andrew Zapletal. All your help was deeply appreciated. The next youth function will be a swimming party July 19 at the Sokol Hall from 6:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. We will be going to Six Flags soon, but everyone please remember the rule we set down for this event. Also, on the agenda for summer activities, will be a volleyball game between the youth and the adult lodge. Let's get busy and really practice. Fraternally, Adell Rejcek - SPJSTLODGE 39, BRYAN

PARTICIPATES IN DISTRICT I YAD Dear Readers, The District I YAD was held Sunday, June 26, 1983 in Caldwell. I am awaiting the arrival of my first baby, and due to doctor's orders, I was not able to attend this terrific event. However, I would like to thank all the supporters from our lodge who attended the YAD. I know all our youth benefited from your encouragement. Our club brought back the following winnings: First Place (6-9 Crafts): Hobby Kits-Denise Holubec Foods-Jennifer Kubin First Place (Junior Group Talent): Jennifer Kubin & Brian Faust Second Place (6-9 Crafts): Hobby Kits-Jennifer Kubin Science/Educational-Denise Holubec Pictorial Arts-Diane Luza Home Arts-Jennifer Kubin Second Place (6-9 Individual Talent): Jennifer Kubin Second Place: Scrapbook Third Place (6-9 Crafts): Hobby KitsScott Wilson Third Place (10-12 Crafts): Home Arts-Brian Faust Congratulations to all of you! For many of you, this was your first YAD; indeed, your participation was a vital part of the day. I'm so proud of all of you, not only for winning, but most importantly, for doing your best! A "special" thank you to my sister and assistant, Linda Faust, who so willingly has helped 'me over and

*over this past youth year, and has taken over the role of youth leader during my absence. She's done a terrific job! Thanks also to the mothers who helped out at rehearsals, YAD and various activities throughout the year. All of 31-ou have helped make our first year together a real success. I have briefly outlined our upcoming events: July 10th — Youth meeting and adult meeting with flag presentation July 16th — Bowling party at Pooh's Park, 2 p.m. August 8th-11th—District I Camp at Val Verde August 14th — Youth meeting and adult meeting August 28th — Swim party at TAMU Annex, 2 p.m. Come join the fun! Fraternally, Renea Macik, Youth Leader - SPJST-

From the Youth Members NEW TABOR LODGE 17 YC HOLDS SUCCESSFUL ANNUAL EVENT Dear Readers, Well, our annual barbecue was a success. Our Youth Club had a talent show, cake auction and a dunking booth. We all worked hard, but had a good time. We also had a country store where each of us brought handmade crafts that we made. Fraternally yours, Holly Suehs (9) (6-28-83) - SPJST-LODGE 25, ENNIS YC HAS

During the time we worked on our scrapbook, we had refreshments brought by the Macalik family and Vicki Martinek. Our refreshments consisted of punch and many different kinds of cookies. Fraternally, Kathleen Rejcek (6-27-83) -SPJST-



Dear Readers, Our June Teen meeting was held June 6th. We discussed our upcoming summer activities and we had our election of officers for the 198384 year. New officers are as follows: President-Richard Andreason, Vice President-Vicki Gerlich, SecretaryLisa Reznik, Treasurer-Paul Manak, District III Reporter-Larry Petr. With all these newly-elected officers, we plan to have a fun-filled 1983-84 year! Fraternally; Lisa Reznik, Secretary (6-29-83) -SPJST-



Dear Readers, The SPJST Youth Club went to Sandy Lake, 17 June 1983. There were 25 members and guests who attended this function. We rode rides and swam from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Members who attended at Sandy Lake Park were: Lisa, Kathleen and Sharon Rejcek, Missy, Amy, Kim and Gail Macalik, Karen, Michael, Robert, Arlene Honza, Sheila Trojacek, Kevin Kudrna, and Vicki NEW OFFICERS & Martinek. COMMITTEES Guests included Adell Rejcek, Clem Rejcek, Betty Macalik, Linda Dear Readers, We had our monthly meeting and Sandra Trojacek, JoAnn Svehlak, Jenny Martinek, Ted and June 7, 1983 at 7 p.m. Julie Zapletal, Annette Honza; and New officers were elected and they are: President-Lisa Rejcek, Sherrie Dixon. All of us had a lot of fun swimming Vice President-Karen Honza, Secretary-Amy Macalik, Treasurer- and riding rides. We all were getting ready for Kathleen Rejcek, ReportersMichelle Zapletal, Gail Macalik, YAD and so many worked hard on Melanie Kudrna; Sergeant-at-Arms- their projects. We have also challenged the big Missy Macalik, Vicki Martinek. lodge to a volleyball tournament. Then, we discussed our trip to Sandy Lake Park that was planned We don't know the exact date but for June 17, which is known to be a we are ready for a great game. It was nice seeing so many of you lot of fun. Afterwards, we made up our com- at YAD. Fraternally, mittees in the youth club. They are: Kathleen Rejcek Social-Karen Honza, Amy Macalik; (6-27-83) Publicity-Kathleen Rejcek, Brandi -SPJSTCollard; Refreshments-Missy Macalik, Michelle Zapletal; Sunshine-Sheila Trojacek, Lisa Rejcek, Arlene Honza, Sharon Rejcek, Gail Macalik; Membership- LODGE 84, DALLAS YC NEWS The entire Youth Club; Historians- Dear Readers, Sunday, June 26, 1983 my family Lisa Rejcek, Karen Honza, Amy and I went to Ennis for District III Macalik, Vicki Martinek, Missy YAD. This was my first time Macalik, Kathleen Rejcek, Kevin Kudrna, Michael Honza, Andrew attending and participating. What Zapletal; Photographers-Vicki fun I had! I won first place in Pictorial Arts. Martinek, Missy Macalik, Kim Macalik; New Ideas-Gail Macalik, My Lodge won first place in Junior Amy Macalik, Kevin Kudrna, Beseda, Teen Beseda and Junior Group Talent. Melaine Kudrna. I am looking forward to State After we finally finished with our YAD. committees, we did the finishing Fraternally, touches on our scrapbook. We have Richard Kopecky (7) really worked hard on our scrapbook. We were wishing to win (6-30-83) -SPJSTfirst place.


PLANS MANY SUMMER EVENTS Dear Readers, June 25th, the Robstown Youth Club held its regular monthly meeting at the Scout Hut. The meeting was called to order at 1 p.m. by President Edwin McDonald. Refreshments were brought by Joe and Laura Landin and Jennifer Marek. Our next meeting will be July 16 followed by a movie trip. A lot of things have been planned for the summer; so, if you don't want to miss out on all the fun you need to attend the meetings and bring a friend to join in the fun. Fraternally, Donald Marek (11) (6-29-83) -SPJST-

LODGE 179 GOES TO YAD We took a total of 20 to YAD at Caldwell Sunday, June 26th. We had a very nice enjoyable day. Entries in 6-9 were Michele Vierus in individual talent, craft, handicraft and cooking-placing second, and Kristina Klump being duchess,' needlecraft and home arts placing third. In 10 to 12 we had Rhonda Oltmann and Staci Schoenst in group talent. Rhonda also entered in pictorial art, handicraft, food placing 2nd and home art placing first. Staci entered in food, hobby kit, handicraft and home art placing second. Sammy Key entered in pictorial art, food, group talent and education placing 1st. In 13-14 entry was Russell Klump placing first in constructed items and 3rd in food. In 15-17 we had Ann Margaret Harper winning 1st with piano talent. Anna Key was our entry for Queen. She also entered in group talent, food, home art, hobby kits placing 2nd and education placing 1st. George Key placed 1st in constructed, 3rd in hobby kits and entered food. Sue Schoenst entered hobby kits, home art, food for 1st place and also first place in handicraft. Events planned were July 2nd campout, July 3 trail ride, rodeo and dance and July 4th we work at the Round Top parade and feast. Schoenst and Klump had the parade shift starting at 9 a.m.; Harpers at the Hall from .12 to 4 and Rhonda Oltmann and Eckermann from 4 till closing. See you then. Remember July 11th swimming party. Fraternally, Staci Schoenst (6-30-83) -SPJST-


DISCUSSES YAD Dear Readers, Our Youth Club held its monthly meeting June 1st. At this meeting we elected officers for the 1983-84 year. For our craft we made folders for our point sheets and talked about what we were doing for YAD. Fraternally, Barbara Reznik (11) (6-29-83) -SPJST-

Wednesday, July 6, 1983—V STNfli/11

ROUND ROCK YC ACTIVITIES DISCUSSED Our monthly meeting was held June 19, 1983 in the Youth Room in Round Rock. Vice President Eddie Giarrusso called the meeting to order. For a special treat on Father's Day, we had all the fathers write their names on a piece of paper and put it into a bucket; then, we drew out a name and Fred Claus was the lucky father to win $25.00. A report was made about YAD which will be held July 17 and the forms should be turned in June 27th. For information you need to get in touch with your youth leader. We discussed SPJST Camp at our last meeting; Junior Camp begins July 31st through August 3rd; Teen Camp begins August 3rd through August 6th. Those eligible for camp must have attended 7 youth club meetings and paid their dues. For our July social we decided to go swimming at Mr. and Mrs. Holman's house; it will be held July 20th, from 2 to 6 p.m. Those of you who plan to attend must have a permission slip before they swim. For directions and more information please call 846-3333 or 255-8983. For our August Social we plan to take a trip to Astroworld or Waterworld, August 11th. Any member who has not attended five meetings or more cannot go or you pay your own way in. We elected officers and our new youth club officers for 1983-84 are: President-Joe Giarrusso, Vice President-Kevin Reed, SecretaryCindy Giarrusso, Treasurer-Valorie Giarrusso, Reporter-Lori Nelson. Congratulations! Fraternally, Lori Nelson, Reporter (6-28-83)


LODGE 117 YC PREPARES FOR DISTRICT VII YAD Dear Readers, The Robstown Youth Club has been very busy. June 11th, they went to the movies; June 18th, we went to the beach and on June 25th, we had our regular monthly meeting, which was held at the Scout Hut at 1 p.m. After refreshments were served, eight youth club members, one guest and two adults went bowling. This was a lot of fun. We are all busy working on our YAD entries. I hope to see a lot of you there. Fraternally, Jennifer Marek (7) (6-29-83)


RESULTS OF LODGE 179 PARTICIPANTS AT YAD Dear Members, I wish to thank the Caldwell lodge for hosting YAD on the 26th of June. The fried chicken dinner was most delicious. We had a good representation for YAD and have a number of our members representing District I at State contest. Those placing first are Rhonda Oltmann in home arts, Sammy Key in education, Russell Klump in constructed items, Anna Key in education, George Key in constructed items, Sue Schoenst in food and handicraft and Ann Margaret Harper in individual talent.

Our scrapbook entry placed 3rd. Those winner points for Junior were Staci Schoenst, Rhonda Oltmann, Sammy Key, Kristina Klump. Senior winners were Sue Schoenst, Anna Key, Russell Klump, Rhonda Eckermann and George Key. Anna Key represented us in the Queen's contest with Kristina Klump as her duchess. We look forward to visiting with all of you at Temple. Fraternally, Sue Schoenst (6-30-83) -SPJST-

FEATURES Engagement Announcement

CHARLOTTE(Continued from Page 1 Future Homemakers of America (president, historian, treasurer), Business Club (vice president), Charlotte 4-H Club (president, secretary, treasurer), and Atascosa County 4-H Council (vice president). She was a 3-year letterman on the basketball team and was selected first Team All-District and Honorable Mention. She also competed in track for 3 years. In the school band and several stage bands, she played saxophone. She was a majorette and received two 1 ratings at District. In 4-H she competed in the State Fashion Show (3 years), placed first one year; State Food Show (2 years), and State Method Demonstration Contest (2 years). She competed in District UIL number sense (4 years), placed first (2 years), and competed at Regional (2 years). Sandra was listed in Who's Who Among American High School Students (3 years), and the Society of Distinguished American High School Students (4 years). In the fall, Sandra will be entering Texas A&M University to study agricultural economics. She is the recipient of 12 scholarships which include the SPJST, Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, Texas A&M Freshman Opportunity Award, Texas A&M College of Agriculture, Elks National Foundation "Most Valuable Student" Award, State Valedictory, Atascosa County A&M Women's Club, Atascosa County Cattlemen's Association, Charlotte PTO, Cloth World, Inc., Jourdanton State Bank, and Ronald Tschirhart Memorial. Sandra and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd House of Charlotte are members of La Parita Lodge No. 161 as is her brother, Richard, of Uvalde and her maternal grandmother, Tillie Valchar of Pleasanton. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jim L. House of Jourdanton. (Editor's Note: On behalf of the SPJST Society our congratulations are extended to this young lady for her numerous achievements. It is also a good feeling to know that she is among one of the SPJST Scholarship recipients who earned it so well) SPJSTAn


SPJST members and friends are cordially invited to attend the unveiling and dedication ceremonies of the historical marker commemorating the organization of our Society on the courthouse grounds, Fayette County Courthouse, in La

**. Mr. and Mrs. Charles "Chili" Hodges of Crockett wish to announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Jennifer Lee to Russell Lynn Bond, son of Mrs. Peggy Bond of Trinity and Mr. Maurice Bond of Crockett. An August 5th wedding is planned in the First United Methodist Church of Crockett. Jennifer and Russell were very active in the Lovelady SPJST Lodge 74 Youth Club for a number of years and each won honors at local, district and state levels. Jennifer and Russell, along with their families, are members of Lovelady SPJST Lodge No. 74. (Information submitted by Sister Creola Wilcox, Reporter) Grange, Texas, at 3 p.m., Sunday, July 10th, 1983. President Morris, former Director John Kubena, and Fayette County Historical Commission Chairman Walter Freytag will deliver short remarks. Local dignitaries will be introduced. Come witness this historic occasion. All SPJST members are invited to attend, especially those lodge members residing in the FayetteLavaca-Lee-Bastrop-Washington Colorado County areas. Fraternally, Supreme Lodge, SPJST invitation and other This announcements that have appeared in the Vestnik and other news media will constitute the only invitation extended.) ***

Marker Dedication And Unveiling In La Grange "The Birthplace of the SPJST" Unveiling and dedication ceremonies of the historical marker commemorating the founding and organization of the SPJST at the Fayette County Courthouse in 1897 will take place on the Courthouse lawn in Ioa Grange at 3 p.m. Sunday, July 10th. The marker is an official State Historical Marker appvved by the Fayette County Historical Commission and the State Historical Commission. Brief remarks will be

made by President Morris, former Director John Kubena and son of one of the charter founders of the SPJST, and Walter Freytag, chairman of the Fayette County Historical Commission. The general public and especially SPJST members across" the state are cordially invited to witness the ceremonies. Invitations will also be issued through La Grange area newspapers. It is expected that the courthouse and the second-floor District Courtroom will be open for viewing for those who attended the ceremonies July 10th. Those interested should plan now to make the excursion to La Grange and witness this historic occasion — 86 years and 10 days after the SPJST was officially organized. The historical marker commemorates the founding and organization of the SPJST and the First Convention of the SPJST, both held in the second-floor District Courtroom of the Fayette County Courthouse. The first organizational meeting was held December 28, 1896, when 25 Texans of Czech descent met for the purpose of organizing a new benevolent Society in the State of Texas. The First Convention of the new organization was held the following June 20th, 1897. At that convention the delegates selected the date of July 1st as the official date of organization of the SPJST. Fraternally, Nick A. Morris President

12/VESTMK-Wednesday, July 6, 1983

EXPRESSION OF SYMPATHY We, the undersigned members of the Resolution Committee of Lodge F. B. Zdrubek, No. 112, Guy, Texas, in behalf of our entire membership, wish to express our most sincere sympathy to the bereaved family of our departed lodge sister, FILOMENA SITTA WALCIK, age 84, who passed away May 26, 1983, in the Polly Ryon Hospital in Richmond, Texas. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m., May 28, 1983, at the Immanuel United Church of Christ in Needvine, with the Rev. Richard Avery, officiating. Burial was in the Guy Public Cemetery under the direction of Garmany-Cardin Funeral Home. Sister Walcik is survived by two daughters: Margaret Haas of Lake Jackson and Adeline Bacica of Guy; a sister-Pauline Mikeska of Guy; two grandchildren, three great-grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. May our departed sister rest in eternal peace. Olga Mikeska Vlasta Surovec SPJST

EXPRESSION OF SYMPATHY We, the Resolution Committee of Lodge Pokrok Dallas No. 84, in behalf of our entire membership, wish to express our sincere sympathy to the bereaved family of our departed brother JOHN G. BUBAK, who passed away May 31, 1983 at the age of 91. Brother Bubak was an attorney for over 60 years. He helped start Czech Day at the State Fair of Texas in 1928. After joining the U.S. Army during World War I, he received his law degree from the University of Texas. He was a member of SPJST Lodge No. 84. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Annabelle Bubak of Dallas, Texas and several nieces and nephews. Services were held June 2nd at the Lamar and Smith Funeral Chapel, with interment at Grove Hill in Dallas, Texas. May our departed brother rest in eternal peace and his memory live among us forever. Resolution Committee: Evelyn Salac Linda Coker Joseph Ondrusek -SPJSTEXPRESSION OF SYMPATHY We the Resolution Committee of Lodge Pokrok Dallas No. 84, in behalf of our entire membership, wish to express our sincere sympathy to the bereaved family of our departed brother GERALD E. SMITH, who passed away June 5th at the age of 58. Brother Smith was a member of SPJST Lodge No. 84. Survivors include a son, Philip Ray Smith of Wylie, Texas; daughters, April Ellen Smith of Sasche, Texas, Genefer Elizabeth Smith of Dallas, Texas; mother, Lena B. Meadows; brother, Rogert T. Meadows, both of Romoland,

Calik ..,and sister, Genevia Joyce Jump of Windsor, Calif. Services were held June 7th at the Restland Memorial Chapel. Gravesite services were at the Hillcrest Cemetery in Weleetka, Oklahoma. May our departed brother rest in eternal peace and his memory live among us forever. Resolution Committee: Evelyn Salac Linda Coker Joseph Ondrusek -SPJSTEXPRESSION OF SYMPATHY We, the members of the Resolution Committee of Lodge Hvezda Jihu No. 30 of Taiton, Texas, on behalf of our entire membership, extend our deepest sympathy to the family of our departed lodge brother LADDIE VACEK, age 32, who passed away suddenly Sunday, June 5, 1983. A rosary was recited at the Triska Funeral Chapel Monday, June 6 at 7 p.m. Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, June 7 in Taiton, Texas, with Msgr. J. A. Petru officiating; interment followed in the Taiton Catholic Cemetery. Brother Vacek is survived by his wife, Betty Lou Vacek; one daughter, Betty Lou; and two sons, Dennis and Justin Vacek, all members of Lodge 30; also parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vacek of Needville; two sisters, two brothers plus many other relatives. May our departed brother rest in peace and may his memory remain with us forever. Resolution Committee: Lottie Krutilek Dorothy Srubar Cyril Mrnustik - SPJSTEXPRESSION OF SYMPATHY We, the Resolution Committee of Lodge No. 88, on behalf of the entire membership, wish to express our sincere sympathy to the bereaved family of RUBY JANE GROHMANN, 48, who passed away on June 10, 1983 at Hermann Hospital in Houston. She was a social member of SPJST Lodge No. 88. Sister Grohmann was born in Floresville on February 13, 1935. She moved to Houston where she married Weinart A. Grohmann in 1969. She was employed in the office of Cameron Iron Works for 22 years. Her survivors are: husband, Weinart A. Grohmann; mother, Mrs. Fay Grant; step-son, Curtis J. Grohmann; sister and brother-inlaw, Josephine and Dee W. Foerster of Houston; nephews, Keith and Bobby Foerster. Funeral service was held at the Heights Funeral Chapel on Monday, June 13, 1983, with Rev. Richard Irvin officiating. A graveside service, was held at St. Michael's Cemetery at Weimar with Rev. Charles Carolan officiating. May Honor be given her memory now and forever. Tillie Helmcamp Gladys Havemann Florena Taake -SPJST -

EXPRESSION OF SYMPATHY We, the Resolution Committee of Lodge No. 88, on behalf of the entire membership, wish to express our sincere sympathy to the bereaved family of

LYNN G. COCKRILL, 59, who died on June 11, 1983. Born in Luling, Texas, Mr. Cockrill served in the Naval Air Corps during World War II. He worked as a Systems Technician with Southwestern Bell for 38 years. Brother Cockrill was a member of the Pioneer Club at Southell, the Baptist Church in Porter, Texas, and SPJST Lodge No. 88. He had been active on several committees connected with the Blue Bonnet Bowl. His survivors are: wife, Tessie Cockrill of Porter; three daughters, Dina Allen of Dallas, Phyllis Knowlton of New Jersey and Mary Angelo of Houston; two sons, Gary Cockrill of Lake Charles, Louisiana and James Brown of Houston; ten grandchildren. Services were held Monday, June 13 at the Settegast-Kopf Chapel. Graveside services were held at Bethel Cemetery at Bethel, Texas. May Honor be given his memory now and forever. Tillie Helmcamp Gladys Havemann Florena Taake -SPJSTEXPRESSION OF SYMPATHY We, the Resolution Committee of Lodge No. 88, on behalf of the entire membership, wish to express our sincere sympathy to the bereaved family of CHARLES F. STRAMBLAD, 69, who died on Wednesday, June 15, 1983. He was a Houston resident for 45 years and was previous owner of Charles Butane, Inc. He was a veteran of World War II, serving in the Army. He was a member of SPJST Lodge No. 88. His survivors are: wife, Dorothy Stramblad of Houston; daughters and sons-in-law, Lynda and Eduardo Valseca of Mexico City, Karen and Randy Brown and Conie and Larry Kintz of Houston; sister, Dorothy Haltom of Houston; brothers, Paul Stramblad of Dickinson and Ted Stramblad of Bacliff; grandchildren, Alex Brown, Aurora and Eduardo Valseca. Services were held Saturday, June 18, at Woodlawn Chapel of Memories with Rev. William Becerra officiating. Interment was in the Woodlawn Garden of Memories. May Honor be given his memory now and forever. Tillie Helmcamp Gladys Havemann Florena Taake

went to work for Ashbrook Corporation in Houston as shipping clerk, retiring in 1981. His survivors are: wife, Mrs. Valeria H. Jolley of Houston; brother, Alfred Jolley; -sisters, Nellie B. Cross and Lucille Cross, all of Manhattan, Kansas, Kathryn Whitley of Leonardville, Kansas, Minnie Cunningham of Topeka, Kansas and Opal Wuckowitsch of Pomona, Kansas and numerous nieces and nephews. Funeral services were Monday at the Settegast-Kopf Chapel with Dr. D. Orval Strong officiating. Members of American Legion Post No. 77 were pallbearers. Burial was at Houston National Cemetery. May Honor be given his memory now and forever. Tillie Helmcamp Gladys Havemann Florene Taake -SPJST -

EXPRESSION OF SYMPATHY We, the undersigned Resolution Committee of SPJST Lodge No. 87, in behalf of the officers and entire membership, wish to express our deepest sympathy to the family of BEN CUBA, age 81 of Temple. He resided at 814 South 45th Street. Ben Cuba was born in Taylor and had lived in the Temple area most of his life. He was in the grocery business, was a building contractor, and a local businessman until his retirement several years ago. He was a member of the Mo: Brethren Church. Services were held at HarperTalasek Funeral Home with Rev. W. A. McCann officiating. Burial was in Bellwood Memorial Park. Survivors are his widow, Patricia (Machalek) Cuba of Temple; three sons, Benjamin J. Cuba of Temple, Pat Cuba of Austin and Don Cuba of San Antonio; two brothers, Victor Cuba and Aaron Cuba, both of San Angelo; three sisters, Cornelia Cuba of Washington, D.C., Albina Loika of San Angelo and Juliette Sladek of Anton; eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild. The family requested memorials to be made to the American Heart Association or the Perinatal Center of Scott & White Memorial Hospital. He was a member of SPJST No. 87, Temple. May he rest in eternal peace.


EXPRESSION OF SYMPATHY We, the Resolution Committee of Lodge No. 88, on behalf of the entire membership, wish to express our sincere sympathy to the bereaved family of JAMES E. JOLLEY 74, who died Friday, June 24, 1983. He was a member of First United Methodist Church of Houston and SPJST Lodge No. 88. Born January 22, 1909 in Manhattan, Kansas, Mr. Jolley retired as a Master Sergeant in June, 1953, after serving 25 years in the United States Army. He trained English Jumping Horses for the U.S. Olympic Team, and, after retirement, he taught English riding at academies in Culver, Indiana and Houston, Texas and at the Deerwood Country Club in Jacksonville, Florida. In 1969 he

Resolution Committee: Mrs. Dorothy Chervenka Mrs. Georgia Navratil Sidney Kacir - SPJST-


Old Sokol Items (For Sokol Museum) Call or Write: Jerry B. Milan 6208 Lakeside Drive Fort Worth, Texas 76135 Phone: (817) 237-4237




etedni organ Slovanske Podporujici Jednoty Statu Texas, zaloiene roku 1897 6. eervence 1983


Oddil Dopisovatelii Tak Vgelicos — Aneika Houdkova. MinulY tyden jisty elovek v Irving, Tx., mel nemocnou tenu v nemocnici ktera mela zapal plic, cukrovku a jegte vynagi, ze ma i rakovinu jater. Tak on si fekl, ze to 72. leta tena nerna nadeji na vyleeeni a tak dal Vge do potadku, zaplatil V§echny ftety, dal uspat naveky 16. leteho psika a napsal psani. Pak jedno brzy rano kl pesky 3 mile do to nemocnice se podivat na nemocnou, a klyt videl, to hodne zkoug tak vzal pistol a sttelil ji do hlavy a zabil ji. Pak si lehl k jejf posteli na zem a stfelii se tet; a kdyt okttovatelky pfi gy se podivat co se stab, tak je nagy oba mrtvi. Rodina byla velmi spoiadana a sousedi je velmi chvalili, to vtdy radi pomohli katdernu, ale sami nikdy nikoho neobtetovali. Je to smutne a tragicke, ano? Take jistyr 30 lety elovek Wayne Jones §el do domu sveho stryce a tety a pistoli je donutil aby sedli do auta a vzali ho do Ft. Worth k druhemu strYci a tete. Cestou je stra gl, to je zabije jestli mu oni dobte nevysvetli jak to bylo s majetkem po jeho babiece, ktera loni zerntela. Kdyt tam piijeli tak ten stryic z Ft. Worth ;lit eekal pied domem a nechtel synovce pustit dal. &kali se h g..dat a stryc vzal zbrari a synovce zabil. Policie fika, to bude soud, ale ze mysli, to vae dobie dopadne nebot' obe ty rodiny meli jit dlouho nesnaze se synovcem ate tedy to bylo v sebeobrane. Take se to nemuselo stat kdyby lide jednali rozumne a klidne. V dobrote se VSe urovna ale ye zlern nice Velice jsem byla pfekvapend eisti ye Vestniku zpravu o mladem krajanu p. Ronaldovi Gajdicovi, to graduoval z Texas A&M. university a a to ma vyznamenani velmi pekne. On je totit intenyrem petroleje a nyni jit je zamestnan firmou Teneco Oil spoleenosti v Lafayette, Louisiana. Mel nejvag znamky z cele jeho tfidy a byl deasten ve mnoho organizacich a obliben. Jeto syn p. Laddie a Heleny Gajdicovych z Plano, ktere zname. Matka je rodaeka z Ennis, Texas a znali jsme jeji rodinu tam velice dobte. Gratulujeme mladiku a pfejeme v§e to nejlepg. Velmi me zaujal elanek v nedelnich novinach o Ce gch a nese titul "The Czechs in Texas". Pisatel se jmenuje William A. Owens, a toto je vyilatek z knihy kterou sepsal a kniha se jmenuje "Tell Me a Story, Sing Me a Song". Pisatel opravdu napsal moc pekne o krajanech nagch proe sem do cizf zeme. Ilekl to pravdive, to byly tii pfieiny a co na g lide zkusili v Evrope kdyt Nernci je chteli donutit, aby mluvili jen nemecky a aby byli Nemci. Pak psal o jejich zaeacich a jak se snatili udrtet sve dedictvi v Americe. Chvalil N g; ze jejich kneti ueili eesky ye kolach. Take ee§ti novinati a spolky pasobili tolik, piece eeskou kulturu si podrteli. Hraly se Ceske divadla a potadaly razne zabavy a tak vk g o dobe a pH tom naa ceskY lid byl vtdy dobrYm obeanem teto svobodne Ameriky a

pomohl ji svou pilnou vybudovat. Jiste pekny clanek, ano? V Brazili zas se na§el velkYr 80. liberni kousek zlata, cot je nejvetg dosud nalezeny. Loni pry naafi 72. liberni kus tet. Nyni jak se zprava roznesla tak tisice lidi odeV§ad se tam pustili do to "dtungle" hiedat nejake to zlato, nebot' ma nyni dosti dobrou cenu. Dnegrf noviny pfinesly elanek o jedne mlade mexicke &vale ktera ma jen 13 let a ut je vdand a za 7 megcu eeka, rodinu. Mantel je 22 roku start' a mu g pracovat i v noci aby je utivil. Jeji matka se vdavala ye 14. letech a ma jege. 8 jinych deti mimo ni. Brzy se vdavaji a mail' pino MI a pak je tetko mritou utivit a kdyt jsou nemocni tak musf zadarmo do nemocnic a drug daneplatei to za ne plati. Myslfm, ze by to fitady nemely dovolovat aby takove "deti" se brzo vdavali a tenth a pak druzi to ne odnesli. Obzvla-Ste v dne§ni dobe je to myslim hloupe zbyteene pftsobit takove starosti. Jeptieky "BosYrch" Karmelitskych f akin pry mini postavit klaAter v megte Arlington, Tx. Stavba bude stat tti miliony dolara a zapoene se pry prfstf mesic. Stavba bude miti dve poschodi a celkem bude mfti 42 tisic etvereenich stop na 55. akrech pozemku a 13 jepti§ek se tam pfistehuje vlete 1984. Na dosavadnim miste nemaji dost mista pro Vge co konaji. Rada bych vyslovila svou uptimne citenou soustrast mantelam Frank VytopilovYm z Bryan, Tx., nad odchodern jejich syna Jaroslava po deli nemoci. Velice jich lituji nebot' je to smutne kdyt rodiee se mu g divat de-tem do hrobu, a toto ut je druhY syn ktereho ztratili. Zesnulemu pfeji tichY spanek po trampotach tivotnich, necht' odpoeiva v pokoji. Na televizi nam sdelovali o torn pHpadu ye kterem jista Lena unesla holeieku z nemocnice, to jisty elovek privatne vyktfoval vSe a nyni pry vynakl, to v tom byly dye teny — druha byla tena mexicke narodnosti ktera, mela auto a tenu s ditetem piibrala k sobe. On se vyslovil, to pajde po tech "stopach" ate doufa dite brzy nalezti a §fastne jej navratit rodierim. Jiste katdy bude tomu rad a &tete. rodiee nejvice V San Antonio, Tx., meli v nedeli pravod mestem ti Ku Klux Klanove a to podruhe ye dvou mesicich, kterY se sice odbyl bez praeky a poraneni nekoho, ale ut to tamni mayor nechce aby po tfeti se to opakovalo. Pry 'nest° muselo zjednat 450 dalgch policista aby &tell potadek a take to stab pry 40 tisic dolart. Nae vyhazovat penize na takove veci zbyteene? Oni ti Klanove vykfikovali pry "bile viteztvi", "bila, sila", cot ov§em bylo proti eernochign a mexikanrim a to V§e dela jen zlo. dallaske fitady se nyni take boil, aby zde nebyla nejake neptijemnost at ti Klanove zde pujdou pravodem 16. eervence. Zde je tet hodne eernocha a mexikana a lehce by se mohlo nee° pfihodit. MinulY tYden Ede ruske narodnosti, kteti byli jiste protestantske Wry a

chteli po mnoho let obdrtet povoleni odjeti do Israele, koneene mohba cela rodina jeti. Tykalo se to Petra Vaknko, jeho mantelky Augustiny, snachy Ludmily a tet jejich vlastnich 12 deti, odjeti do Rakouska kde na ne eekala druha dcera Lidka. Sedm z techto lidi tilo po 5 let ye sklepu na americkem vyslanectvi v Moskve. Tito bide yeti it dle bible a jelikot v Rusku se jim nedostalo svobody viry, tak chteli do Israele ale Rusko to nedovolilo. Celkem tedy bylo osvobozeno 15 Menu. to rodiny, a mohou odjeti kam chti. Zprava z Egypta udava, to potapeei francouz§ti a egy-p§ti nagli ye vodach poblite btehu Alexandrie potopenou lod' Napoleona Bonaparta, ktera se jmenovala L/Orient. Lod' naafi pet mil od Abu Kir a ma, prY 120 kanona na ni. Jisty elovek p. James J. Delaney ze San Antonio, Tx., se vyslovil, ze on mini koupit pole ye severnim Irsku kde se konala v 1690 bitva a kde dosud protestanti a katolici se nenavidi. Tech 30 akra pozemku bude ho stat pry 65 tisk dolara, a chce tam zatidit museum a kulturni stiedfsko aby ty dye strany trochu sblitil. Doufejme, to se mu to podati. Vetici episkopalni Wry koneene si zvobili arcibiskupa at z Floridy a bude tidit zdej g diocisi. Vzalo jim to dlouho net se shodli na kandidata ale nyni je to vyfizeno. —SPJST-

Piked 100 lety zerntel

spisovatel Alois V. ginilovskS, (1837-1883) s kolsky profesor Spisovatel a sttedo S Alois Vojtech gmilovsky, vlastnim jmenem Alois Schmilauer, se narodil 24 ledna 1837 v Mlade Boleslavi, kde jeho otec mei obchod s myrdlem a byl elenem mestske rady. Wady gmilovsky tu studoval gymnasium, ktere dokoneil v Praze. Po absolvovani filosofickych studif na pratske universite zlskal mfsto suplenta na gymnasiu v Klatovech na gumave, kde brzy pak byl profesorem ee§tiny a ptirodopisu. Behem sveho pobytu v Klatovech se velmi aktivne zileastnil spoleeenskeho narodopisne kulturniho tivota a tu tet napsal tadu basni, romana a povidek. V roce 1873 byl pfeloten na gymnasium do Litomyele, kde v pfletim roce 1874 zaeal vyueovat mlady 24 lety sttedo§kolskY pozdej§4 tvarce Ceske historicke beletrie, Alois Jirasek,Alois Vojtech Smilovsky byl pro sve pedagogicke zasluhy jmenovan v roce 1877 okresnim §kolnim inspektorem; bohutel zahy-po §esti letech-zemtel, uprostfed plodne prace, v mladem veku pouhYch 46 let. Alois Vojtech Smilovsky zil ye velmi polinute dobe. Kdyti mu bylo 30 let, tak v rakouskem cisatstvi-po prohrane valce s Pruskem- yznikl v roce 1867 dualismus, ktery v Ptedlita ysku dal moc Nemcam a v Zalitaysku Mad'aram. Probouzejici se eesky narod byl zklaman timto Ary'vojem a protesty chtel od Habsburka docilit uznarni historickYch pra y eeskeho kralovstvi. Velike easto se opakujici,

narodni manifestace byly vyrazem yule eeskeho lidu, ktera byla representaene vyjantena jiz z jara 1867 protinemeckYrm projevem vadat eeskeho poselstvi na narodopisne vystave v Moskve, Palackym a Riegrem. Brzke pak ohnive projevy Palackeho, Siadkovskeho a Jos. M. Hurbana pti velkolepe slavnosti polo2enf zakladniho kamene k Narod. Divadlu v Praze roznecovaly narod stejne tak jako hromadna pout' k Husove hranici do Kostnice ve NTSr. carskti. Franti§ek Ladislav Rieger, po Palackem politickY naroda, sforrnuloval tehdy s 'deny eeske §lechty statopravnl deklaraci, ktera neuznavala dualismus. Narodn1 strana eesko, pak, v3rifiivajfc vYhod spoleovaciho prava prosincove tistavy z roku 1868, uspoi-adala dle husitskeho zpilsobu pamatne tabory lidu, z nichi shromazdeni na pamatne hote ftipu melo vie jak 30,000 deastniku. Na techto taborech se hlasite ozyval duch odporu proti vyrovnanf s Mad'ary a proti potlaeovani ostatnich narodir v habsburskern imperiu. Odezva z rakousko-uherske strany nedala na sebe dlouho eekat; nastalo prondsledovani a v Praze bylo vyhla,kno stanne pray°. Dalg yyvoj situace se stab nemilYm ptekvapenim c.k. policejnim organam; katdy chtel totit trpet za spravedlivou vec a i neodsouzeni se houfne hlasili do vezeni. V tuto dobu narodnich manifestaci (a pronasledovani tehdelg vlady) se ohlasil i v literature odpor proti dosavatnimu kosmopolitismu navratem k slavne minulosti rodne vlasti. Mezi literaty vznikla nova narodni drutina s revoluenimi a osvobozovacimi hesly, ktera v roce 1868 - na pamatku zaloteni Narodniho divadla - vydala almanach Ruch. Jeho redaktorem byl Josef Vaclav Sladek, hlavnimi eleny Svatopluk Cech a Eli§ka Krasnohorska. Tato drutina, pojmenovana ‘Skola narodni, se zapalern hlasala lasku ke svobode, k narodni samostatnosti, obnovovala 2ivy zajem o slovanskou vzajemnost, latkou eerpanou ze slavne Ceske minulosti ktisila a posilriovala pokleslou pfitomnost. Od roku 1871 byla hlavnim easopisem akoly narodni Osvet y , jeti pestovala umelecky nacionalismus ye smeru slovanskem a proti kosmopolitismu bojovala za narodni idealismus. Redaktorem Osvety byl Vaciav Vleek (1833-1908), profesor, spisovatel spoleeenskych i historickYch rornana a dramatik. Hlavnfmi spolupracovniky vedle Eligcy Krasnohorske byli kritikove Frant. Zakrejs a Ferdinand Schultz (1835-1905), profesor a pratsky redaktor, spisovatel historickych a spoleeenskYch povidek (na pfiklad Latinskg, babieka). VYznaenym spolupracovnikem Viekovy Osvety byl tet Alois Vojtech g milovskY, kteremu — k 100 leternu vyroei jeho rimrti - je venovan tento elanek. Alois V. g milovskY psal, jak jit zmineno, nejprve basne, potom romany a povidky. Z obsahle tvorby tohoto YYznamneho basnika a spisovatele t. zv. §koly narodni zaslouti zminku jeho lyrika z lidoveho prosttedi, syYrrn

14/VESTNiK-6. tervence 1983 stylem podobna basnim Celakovske-Rad Rozkvet c.172 ho a Erbena. Nektere z techto basni Pasadena zalstaly v rukopisu, jine se doekaly Valene sestry, broth a ptatele: velkeho ohlasu. Ze znamYch dil, Nage schaze vylooru se dobre vesmes zpevoher, je to Rekav sen vydatila ve stkedu od 7:30 do 9:15 (1864), balada , vanda duclak (1865), hodin veeer. kterou zhudebnil J. L. Zvonat, text k Den tatinkil 19. eervna nedeli u nas v foratoriu Pohteb na Kanku (1867) a 'Wu C. 172 se dost dolote vydatil, teplo text k Zvonatove opefe Zaboj. Sem i jasne bylo a po cele obloze, ale v naSi path te2 bachorka Vila polabska a autobiograf. List z knihy srdce. sini bylo brzy moc chiadno, tak nektere Sbfrka Drobne basne byla vyclana chladiee jsme museli zastavit pro nak knane v rode 1874. Z velkeho zajmu o taneeniky. Meli jsme dve zapadni kapely pod divadlo gmilovsky sepsal 9 veseloher jmenem Texas Brew a Rudy Kurtz, obe a 4 tragedie, z nichi nektere byly kapely nam velice peknou muziku vytiSteny v letech 1891-1905 Fr. dodali; delcujeme. Baekovsky'm a J. Luka yskym ye Vkm, ktetf se dostavili na den sbfrce Pozustala dramata. Hlavnf vYznam prace Aloise V. gmilovskeho tatinka; lidi byli u nas az z Rowena, spoelva vSak v jeho rornanove a Texas, Crosby, Humble, Dallas, povfdkove tvorbe. VetSina jeho Baytown, La Porte, Beaumont, prozaickYch del byla otiStena v Winnie, Pearland a Friendswood a z Osvete; 8milovskY tez vtak prispival vice jinYch mist; diky vsem kteti se do Hudebnich lista, Matice lido, dostavili. Den 17. eervence budeme mit u nas Kvett, Svetozoru a Lumfra. Jeho den spoleeensky veefrek a zveme povidky z malornestskeho a venkovskeho prosttedf jsou pine ptibuzne a ptatele. Budeme mit hovezi 2,ivota posta,vami sveraznych starca, a peeeni na ro'tni a cena je $4 za porci a lidovYch mudhanta, a jazykem jadrn- na tanec Ifstek je take $4. Za poene se lidova, tee, ping alslovi, ktera Vge o 1 do 3 hodin obed a male SmilovskY horlive sbfral. Ze sendviee, kava, eaj a jine napoje; tanec vzpominek na mladoboleslayske za poene od 3 to 7 hodin; muzika bude prosttedi vytvotil roman Stary zapadni Texas Brew a nato v sobotu varhanik (1871); vetSina daiSf prace je 25. eervna ,jsme meli dost mnoho ze Suma yska a jen par del je z nolvStevnika z mnoho okoli a rozdilnYch litomySlskeho 2ivota. Skoro vSechny tan; diky vsem co se k nam dostavili romanove a povidkove spisy provazi vytaneit pti muzice Henry Repka a moralizaenf tendence, nejvfce jeho Music Kings. Bratr Josef Tanecka, slavil jeho pronikajici v romanu Kmotr rola& narozeniny 25. eervna v sobotu Rozumec. Smilovsky s oblibou povahy a Slechetnost hia,vnich postav i sestra Nora Newton je ji snad ze 39 to a bratr Frank Shribera a manzelka sv ych ' pracf; v tomto aseko jeho tvorby ptedev gim vynika Setnik slavili sve man2elske vcroef. Take jsme meli p. a pi. Henry Tannenburger, p. a Dtevnicky, Martin Oliva, Parnalie (kterou zdramatisoval P. Rudolf), pi. Wilsonovi od radu Herman Sons, Starohorsky filosof, Nebesa, Procul bratra a sestru Raymond ' It.rabainek z negotiis, Na eerstvem vzduchu, Bez Jacinto City. Nagi hoste u dveti byli bratr Herbie a lasky a Krupa"' KleofaS. Nejznamej-Si sestra Evelyn Kimmons a bratr Hans a a umelecky nejzdatileigf je — die sestra Sylvia Hugo; take snad byli povolanYch kritika povidka Za ptedseda Albert Risinger a manzelka, rannich eervanka popisujicf ovzdugi Tommie i mistoptedseda Jaroslav C. zaeatkal narodnfho obrozeni s Dressler a sestra Vicki, sestra Viasta episodou pobytu Josefa Dobrovskeho, Machann, bratr Josef Machann, bratr patriarchy tohoto iasilf, na Joseph Ktenek a sestra Henrietta, Chudenicku. bratr a sestra Tommie a Helen Narodni Skola — dru2ina umelca Wallacovi a vY-pomocni v nalevne byl bratr Norman Taffte a v kuchyni byla nezistne pracujicich na roli dediene — sestra Amalie Taffte s vYrpomocni ztratila ptedeasnou smrtf Aloise sestrou Viasta Machann. Vojtecha Smilovskeho jednoho ze Taneenika bylo podlaha pina kado svych nejlepSich spolupracovnfka. krate, kdy2 nam Henry Repke a jeho .milovskeho plodne i kdyt kratke usili yydatne ptispelo vSak k celkove praci Music Kings pane hraii. Druheho eervence jsme meli country vlasteneckych literata, zametene k western (zapadni) muziku Eddie vSeobecnernu narodnimu uvedomeni Marshall to bylo v sobotu od 9 hodin do v rodne vlasti. jecine rano v ta,'du 6. 172 Rozkvet. Den 9. eervence budeme mit zapadnf Narodni uvedomeni podobneho muziku Legends take country-western; druhu je nezbytne v naSi krajanske ptivezte si svoji 'Z'enusku nebo milenku vetvi k zachovanf naSeho narodniho a vasi BYOB; jine napoje jsou v dedictvf tu v Texasu. Mluvfme-li o nadevne a nase pochutky jsou v kuchyni narod. uvedomeni anebo o vYznamu naSeho narod. dedictvi na rtznych jako ka va, eaj, kukutice a jine slavnostech anebo propa,gaenfch smai'enk3r k pochutnani. Den 16. dervence bude i muzika Dixie podnicfch zabYvajicich se osudy naSi Kings a 23. eervence budeme mit zde krajanske vetve tu na jihu Spoj. Lee Roy Matochu a jeho kapela z State, tak po2adujme aby pid Fayetteville, Texas. Tak chystejte se k zminenYch phleiitostech byly hrany nam na den 23. eervence. tez esl. statni h3rInny, byl to prapor DoslYchame se, 2e Renea Ordener se anebo vlajky stare viasti a proslovy uz lepe cfti po operaci; doufame, ze teenika byly tez v eeskem jazyce. Budou-li navStevnici cestinu na brzy bude mezi narni v tadu C. 172 a techto vYznamnych slavnostech vsem co jsou kde a zde nernocnf. sly-Set, tak bude posileno jejich Prejeme vsem Stesti, zdravf a brzke narodnf uvedomeni a budou pak -- uzdravenf a vsem zesnulym lehke bez ostychu — vesme g sami eeStinu odpoeinutf. Tak zveme vSechny k nam do pou'ilvat. Narodni uvedomeni, Pasadena, Texas. znalost a pouEvani eeskeho jazyka jsou nejhlavnej gf prvky k zachovani S pozdravem od tadu. 6.172 nakho narod. Dedictvf. a pozdrav od, J.J. Karas z Houstonu. bratra Jan T. Mikeska --SRIST--SPJST-

Slovanska Lipa eislo 66. Waco


bratru a sestte Otto lianusoN/rn, bratru a sestte Frank Kofnovecovym, bratru a sestke Anton GlatterovYm, bratru a sestte Weldon GallerovYm, bratru a sestte Arthur Langlotzovym a bratru Ira Niswanger; doufame, ze jsem nekoho nevynechal. DalSf dary jsou vitany. Sestra Dorothy Shilling nam povedela, 2e nayStivili nage museum a ze se to neda alstne podat co zde mame a 2e je to nejeistejSi museum co videla. Dekuji! Narozeniny v eervnu meli tito: Darlene Engelke, Raymond Voleik, Ashley Locke a James Yates. Dort ptines1 James Yates, kterY byl velice hezky. Zazpivali jsme jim "Happy Birthday" a moho dalSich. PH losova,"ni pro otce roku vyhral Ray Orsag, druhy- William Warren a tteti Allen Ashley. PH losovani v klubu miacie2e to dopadlo takto; prvni byl: bratr Arthur Langlotz a pak postupne tito bratti: Bennie Engelke, Raymond Voleik, Charlie Mueller, Ira Niswanger, Frank Parma, Emil HanuS, Walter Grams, James Locke, B. J. Vernetti, Daniel Nors, James Pavlieek, Weldon Galler, George Shilling, Alfred Pankonien, Emil Barak, Frank LeSikar, Louis Machu a Frank Nors. Bratr James Pax-ilea fined daroval svoji vy'hru do Libby Parma Trust Fondu. Dvetraf cenu vyhrala sestra Gloria Locke a jeliko2 schilze se ukoneila a my jsme s maminkou jeli domil po dobre schazi. Bratti a sestry nezapomerite, vase naarSteva v kaide schazi je vitana, je to vas tad a kazda yak navSteva ho posili, tak vas prosim aby jste se dostavili do eervencove schaze kde bratr Johnny a sestra. Polly nam podajf zpravy o jejich cestovani po Evrope. S bratrskYm pozdravem, Otto HanuS, &sky zpravozdaj.

terif brotri a sestry: Nagi eervnovou schazi zahajil nas mfstoptedseda bratr Ray Orsag nebot' nas ptedseda bratr Johnny a Polly GaiduSek se jeSte toulali po Evrope ale snad se tento tyden vratf dome. Schaze byla zaeata v 2:30 odpoledne za ptitomnosti 68 *Mena a ttech navStevnika sice pan a part Gladys a James Yates a pi. Linnie Johnson z Breckenridge; doufame, nas navStfvf brzo zase. VSichny altednici byli na svem miste mimo nakho ptedsedy bratra Johnny GaiduSka a sestry Polly. Viajky nastolili broth James Yates a Christ Owens a bratr Jimmy Warren nas vedl pti oktikanf best vlajee a nage ' spolkove hesia. Sestra Bonnie Pruitt pteeetla protokol z minute schaze, kterY byl ptijat tak, jak byl napsan. Sestra Darlene Engelke pteeetia naSe dopisy a day, ktere se vytfdiiy die potteby mezi nimi byl take dopis od GaiduSkovych z Nemecka, kde jejich dcera a rodina bydli. Ptikroeilo se ke zpravam vy'boru a za na' e teditele pteeetla zpravu sestra Darlene Engelka, ktera byla zajimava, a take dobra, naSi teditele dobte pracujf. Za zabavni vy- bor podala zpravu sestra Dorothy Shilling povedela nam, ze dnes budou ucteni naSi tatfekove, a 2e v noSi eervencove schazi budeme mit zmrzlinu a dorty tak se ui na to teSte kdo mate radi cukrovinky. Za rrilade2 podala zpravu sestra Barbara I3rem, ze rnladei udelala dobte pri tak zvanem, "Cake Walk" a rnlade2 darovala 50 dolart do Libby Parma Trust Fondu za jim srdeene dekujeme a pfejeme jim mnoho daiSich zdara. Za dobroeinny v3r-loor podala zpravu sestra Jeanette Smith, pfeeetla —SPJSTnekolik dekovnYch dopis y od tech, kterYm jsme darovali peneEtou V ANTARKTIDE pracuje nyni vypomoc a doporueila, aby jsme dali daigl dary ternto: Willie RejekovYm sedm sovetskych vyzkurnnych stanic. jejich synek ma nesnaze ze zubama, Mimo jine vysilaji do Sovetskeho druhy Velebnernu Panu Theodore svazu aldaje o poeasi, ktere jsou Greese, ktery trpi deli bas na chilehte pro sovetske rybarske a rakovinu, fret rodine Ben Norsove Vzkumne lode. *** pri tragicke ztrate jejich thieteho syndeka, etvrty bratru Ray Talsma, kterY take trpfja dlouho na rakovinu. Odhlasovali jsme kadernu 50 dolara, Za nemocensky vybor podala zpravu sestra Libby Parma, 2e slykla ze bratr Jerry Valchat je va2ne nemocen, coz jsem vyrovnal nebot' jsem bratra Jerry navStivil den pied schazi a vypada, dosti dobte, jenom2e ma nesn O ' w se srdcem a pozdeji bude Lodge Na 172 mit operaci; pfejeme mu aby byl, alpine zdravy. Dale, 'Ze poslali bratru Pat Pinterovy pozdravnf kartu, doufarne ze uz je zdravY jim July 17, 1983 obema od srdce pfejeme. Pak jsme phjali nasledujici no-ve Bar-B-0 elegy: Alicia Nesioney, Steven 1:00 P.M.-3:00 P.M. Stanislav, Jose J. Alonza, Johnny Amara, Marie Alanza, Bennie L. Dance Harris, Shirley a William Winkle, 3:00 P.M.-7:00 P.M. Michael Ray Hajek, Susan Schroeder, Justin W. Tardy, Marvin Music By MatuS (si ptibral dalS1 pojistku), Sue Texas Brew Sweet, Maryla A. Thompson a Jason $4.00 Per Person Wayne Berger. Doufarne, 2e se jim u nas bude libit a 2.. e budou navStevovat (Includes Meal & Dance) nak schilze. Free To Lodge No. 172 Bratr James Pa ylieek podal zpravu Members ohledne Libby Parma Trust Fondu, 3609 Preston ze rnlade2 darovala 50 dolara a nas Pasadena, Texas tad daroval a dali dary byly udeleny Phone: (713) 487-3297 temto elenam: bratru a sestte Silas Smithovym, bratru a sestke James deszEMNIINIMIIMMIIIC


Wednesday, July 6, 1983-VESTMK/15 Lodge No. 88, Houston


Lodge No. 4, Hallettsville Sunday, July 10-Lodge Meeting at Grant Bldg., 2 p.m.; Birthday Celebrants will be honored; Refreshments/Lunch will be served, also ***

Lodge No. 6, Cottonwood Friday, July 8-Social Night Saturday, July 9-Hrabal Reunion during the day; and at night CB Club Public Dance; music by Ed Reinke & The Swingsters, 8:30 to 12:30 Sunday, July 10--Radke & Sommberg Reunion Friday, July 15-Social Night Saturday, July 16-Work Day at the Hall Sunday, July 17-Lodge No. 6 Annual Picnic Monday, July 18-Cleanup Time Friday, July 22-Social Night Saturday, July 23-Makovy Reunion Sunday, July 24-Jansky Reunion Friday, July 29-Social Night Saturday, July 30-Krizan Reunion Sunday, July 31-Hoover Reunion

*** Lodge No. 13, Dime Box

Saturday, July 9-People's Choice Saturday, July 16-Southern Wave Sunday, July 17-Monthly Meeting Saturday, July 23-Texas Unlimited Friday, July 29-Lee Roy Matocha Sunday, July 31-St. Joseph's Church Bazaar (Band to be announced)


Lodge No. 15, Buckholts (Lodge meeting every 2nd Wednesday of each month, 7 p.m. Game night every Tuesday, 7:30 P.m.) ***

Lodge No. 18, Elgin Tuesday, July 12-Regular Lodge Meeting (Date changed this month)


Lodge No. 24, Cyclone Saturday, July 9-Jerry Haisler & Melody Five Sunday, July 10-Fritz Schneider Reunion, 10 a.m. Saturday, July 16-Doggett-Zarosky Wedding; Sterling Country Sunday, July 17-Hosting District II YAD, 10:30 a.m. Saturday, July 23-Fojtasek-Dodd Wedding; Horizons Saturday, July 30-Sebek Reunion, 10 a.m. to p.m. Saturday, July 30-Sterling Country

*1* Lodge No. 28, East Bernard

Sunday, July 10-Lodge Meeting, 2 p.m. (Date changed due to July 4th Weekend)


Lodge No. 32, Victoria Wednesday, July 6-Regular Monthly Meeting at Citizens National Bank, 8 p.m.; Youth Club Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Sunday, July 10-6th Annual Czech Festival, Community Center, lots of entertainment including entertainment throughout the afternoon. 2-2:30-The Victoria Czech Singers, 2:30-3-Country Kloggers, 3-3:30 South Texas Czech Heritage Singers. Dinner will be served 4-5:30, $3.50 per plate. Dance 6-10:00 p.m., music by Plain Country, Vanek Polka Band

Lodge No. 40, El Campo-Hillje Sunday, July 17-Youth Club Meeting (Monthly meeting every 3rd Wednesday of each month at El Campo-Hillje Hall, 7:30 p.m.) ***

Lodge No. 47, Seaton

Tuesday, July 5-Lodge & YC meeting 7:30

p.m. Saturday, July 9-J. C. Whatley Sunday, July 10-Bartek-Fojtasek Reunion, 11 a.m. Tuesday, July 12-No Choral Rehearsal (vacation until August 23rd) Sunday, July 17-Jezek-Kotria Reunion, 10 a.m. Tuesday, July 19-Trustees' Meeting, 7:30 Saturday, July 23-Fritz Hodde & The Fabulous Six Sunday, July 24-Free Dance (Mo e Details Later) Saturday, July 30-King of Swing Saturday, Aug. 6-The Polka Dots Saturday, Aug. 13-Jerry Haisler Saturday, Aug. 20-Eric Honza Saturday, Aug. 27-Wence Shimek ***

Lodge No. 54, West Saturday, July 9-Wedding Reception/Dance Sunday, July 10-Marak RVOS Annual Family Day Tuesday, July 12-Sokol West Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, July 16-Dunbar Alumni Saturday, July 23-Wedding Reception Saturday, July 30-Lulac Dance Saturday, Aug. 6-Wedding Reception/Dance Saturday, Aug. 13-Ernest Cineks' 50th Ann. Saturday, Aug. 20-Lulac Dance Saturday, Aug. 27-Wedding Reception! Dance ***

Lodge No. 66, Waco Saturday, July 9-RVOS Party for Members & Families; Public is invited at 8 p.m.; music by Country Light Saturday, July 16-Billy Uptmor & The Makers Sunday, July 17-Lodge Meeting, 2:30 p.m.; ice-cream & cookies to be served afterwards Saturday, July 23-Wedding Dance; Public invited at 8 p.m.; music by Jodie Mikula Saturday, July 30-Cherokee Rose Saturday, Aug. 6-Country Drifters Sunday, Aug. 13-Dallas Saturday, Aug. 20-Billy Uptmor & The Makers Saturday, Aug. 27-Cherokee Rose

*** Lodge No. 74, Lovelady

Saturday, July 9-George Self & Amarillo Express Saturday, July 16-Cimarron Band Saturday, July 23-Next Generation Saturday, July 30-Night Time Friends Saturday, Aug. 6-Heart of Texas Road Gang Saturday, Aug. 13-Dennis Ivey Saturday, Aug. 20-Gary Josey & Lone Star Express Saturday, Aug. 27-Music Masters ***

Lodge No. 80, Holland Saturday, July 9-Debonaires Sunday, July 10-Lodge Monthly Meeting, 2 p.m. (Date changed due to Fourth of July Weekend) Saturday, July 16-Casuals (Game night every Thursday, 7 p.m.) ***


Lodge No. 81, Needville

Lodge No. 35, Elk

Tuesday, July 12-Lodge Monthly Meeting, 7:30 p.m.

Saturday, July 9-Roy Robbins & The Availables Sunday, July 10-Lodge Meeting, 3 p.m.; Youth Club Meeting, 2:30 p.m. Saturday, July 16-Cherokee Rose Saturday, July 23-Starlites Saturday, July 30-Country Drifters

*** Lodge No. 39, Bryan Sunday, July 10-Meeting/Social/Supper Saturday, July 30-Fabulous Six Saturday, Aug. 6-Lee Roy Matocha Sunday, Aug. 14-Meeting/Social/Supper Sisturday, Aug. 20-Next Generation


Lodge No. 84, Dallas Saturday, July 16-Princess Dance; Czech Harvesters Monday, July 18-Lodge Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 6-Country Boys Polka Band Saturday, Aug. 20-Jodie Mikula Polka Band Sunday, September 18-Czech Fest at Lodge 84 (More details later)

*** Lodge No. 87, Temple Friday, July 8-Lodge Meeting, 7 p.m.; Light Refreshments will be served at the Social Hour

Wednesday, July 6-Birthday Club Sisters' Games Party/Luncheon Saturday, July 9-Vrazels (Casual Dress Code) Sunday, July 10-Hosting District V YAD; Registration, 10 a.m., dinner from 11:30 to 1:30; Program starts at 1 p.m.; C/W Dance, 5 to 9 p.m., music by The Country Boys; Free to those who attend the Program; others pay $3. Ladies are asked to bring pastry Wednesday, July 13-Birthday Club Sisters' Game Party/Meeting/Luncheon Friday, July 15-Texas Brew (Casual Dress Code? Saturday, July 16-The Knights of Dixie (Dress Code) Monday, July 18-Lodge Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, July 23-Special Dance, featuring Jan Garber Orch. (Dress Code Enforced) Saturday, July 30-Hi-Liters (Casual Dress Code) (Social night every Thurs., 7:15-EB; & 7:30RG)


Lodge No 92, Ft. Worth Sunday, July 10-Lodge Meeting, 2 p.m. Saturday, July 16-Henry Rejcek Saturday, August 13-Dance-Henry Rejcek Sunday, August 14-Lodge meeting, 2 p.m. Sunday, September 11-Lodge meeting, 2 p.m. Saturday, September 17-Dance-Bill Kucera Saturday, October 8-Dance-Henry Rejcek Sunday, October 9-Lodge meeting, 2 p.m. Saturday, October 22-Dance, Bill Kucera, Saturday, October 29-Dance-Bill Kucera (Every Friday night ballroom dancing: Dress Code)

*** Lodge No. 130, Dallas & Sokol Zizka

Saturday, July 9-Harold Strand (Annual Hawaiian Dance) Saturday, July 23-Czech Harvesters Saturday, Aug. 6-Jodie Mikula Saturday, Aug. 20-Czech Mates


Lodge No. 133, San Antonio Sunday, July 17-Lodge Meeting at 1505 S. Gevers, San Antonio, 2 p.m.; your attendance will be urgent


Lodge No. 142, Houston Sunday, Aug. 7-Lodge Meeting, 2 p.m.

*5* Lodge No. 154, Ft. Worth

Sunday, July 10-Monthly Lodge Meeting Saturday, July 23-C/W Dance with Jerry Max Lane Sunday, Aug. 14-Lodge Meeting Saturday, Aug. 27--C/W Dance, with Jerry Max Lane (Bingo Every Friday, 7:30 p.m.) *5*

Lodge No. 172, Pasadena Saturday, July 9-The Legends Saturday, July 16-Dixie Kings Sunday, July 17-Free Social for members starting at 1 p.m. (Guests $4.00 per person) music by Texas Brew Saturday, July 23-Lee Roy Matocha Saturday, July 30-Neal Hart Saturday, Aug. 6-The Vaneks Saturday, Aug. 13-The Legends Saturday, Aug. 20-Dixie Kings Saturday, Aug. 27-Heart of Texas Czechs (Lodge meetings the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m.)


Lodge No. 177, Academy Saturday, July 9-The Roadrunners Saturday, July 16-The Gentres Saturday, July 23-The Hickory Creek vs Bill Waits Goodtimers (Every Tuesday Game Night; Doors Open, 6 p.m.; Games start at 7:30 p.m.) * **

Lodge No. 178, Longview-Kilgore Saturday, July 9-Larry Stanley Saturday, July 16-Noonday Express Sunday, July 17-Business Meeting Saturday, July 23-Wind River

*** Lodge No. 180, Burleson

Saturday, July 9-Starlites Saturday, July 16-Ramblin' Rhythm Saturday, July 23-Gentres Saturday, July 30-Rhythm Reunion Saturday, Aug. 6-Horizons Saturday, Aug. 13-The American Sunrise Saturday, Aug. 20-Ramblin' Rhythm Saturday, Aug. 27-Gentres Sunday, Aug. 28-5th Anniversary Celebration of Lodge 180; Math Sladky of Nebraska playing (PAW) music (Lodge meeting every 3rd Tuesday of the month, 7:30; Board Meeting every 1st Wednesday of the month, 7 p.m.)

*5* Lodge No. 183, Mid-Cities

Saturday, July 9-Dance with music bey Last Call (C/W) No Cover Charge, 9-1; the Dance will be at our lodge's new location: 3100 Pleasant Lane, Arlington

Sunday, July 10-Lodge Meeting, 6:30 p.m. Saturday, July 30-Dedication & Openhouse Celebration, 3-4 p.m., Dedication/RibbonCutting; Dinner, 5.9 p.m.; Dance, 5-1, music by Rejcek Polka Band, The Melody Masters, & The Panther City Polka Boys Saturday, Aug. 13-Dance with music by Polka Patriots (Cover Charge) Sunday, Aug. 14-Lodge Meeting, 6:30 p.m. (Bingo every Tuesday & Thursday, 7:30; on Sunday, 2 p.m.)

*** Lodge No. 185, New Braunfels

Thursday, July 14-Lodge Meeting at Eagles Hall, 7:30 Saturday, July 16-Sixth Annual Hill Country Polka Fest, sponsored by SPJST Lodge 185; dancing from 9-1 with music by Litt'l Fishermen Orch. of New Braunfels, at Eagles Hall; Admission $3.50 per person; food & drinks available Sunday, July 17-Continued Hill Country Polka fest, sponsored by SPJST Lodge 185; dancing from 3-9 with music by Ellinger Combo of Fayetteville, and The Hi-Toppers of New Braunfels at Eagles Hall, New Braunfels *5*

Lodge No. 187, Round Rock (Game Social every Tues. night, 7 p.m.; Lodge Meetings 3rd Sunday, each month-covered dish dinner)

*5* Lodge No. 188, Centerville

Saturday, July 9-Chuck Jennings & The Travelers Saturday, July 16-Amarillo Express Monday, July 17-Lodge Meeting, 7:30 Saturday, July 23-Dennis Ivey Saturday, July 30-Jodie Jay Saturday, Aug. 6-Gary Jose & Lone Star Express Saturday, Aug. 13-Firewater Monday, Aug. 15-Lodge Meeting, 7:30 Saturday, Aug. 20-Heart of Texas Road Gang Saturday, Aug. 27-Doc Wooley


Item of Interest

Button Batteries A Hazard To Children COLLEGE STATION -Progress is not without its hazards- especially to small children. The so-called "button" batteries, which power everything from electronic wrist watches to hand calculators and toys, are being swallowed accidentally by an increasing number of small children says Dr. Mary Ann Shirer, a health education specialist with the Texas Agricultural Extension Service, Texas A&M University System. "Each year, between 500 and 800 button batteries are swallowed because of improper handling. In the case of toddlers, sheer fascination with something so small makes it a candidate for a taste test," she adds. Many batteries make it non-stop through the body's digestive system and little harm results. But those which aren't passed and remain in the body are a threat to health and even life, S hirer says. Leakage of alkaline electrolytes from a battery can cause chemical burns and internal bleeding, she notes. Young children can become very ill and some deaths have been recorded. Shirer recommends treating button batteries like you would old medicine when it comes to disposal. Wrap and discard them where they are not likely to be found by little hands.

16/VESTNIK—Wednesday, July 6, 1983

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Being big didn't save the dinosaur. '11


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Apparently, some insurance companies assume bigness will be the key to their survival. In our opinion, that's a faulty assumption. Witness the dinosaur. Being big didn't save him. In fact, it probably hastened his demise. For the dinosaur grew too large for his limited brain. As a result, signals took too long to get from one part of the body to another. In the end, he simply couldn't respond quickly enough to change. The real issue — then and now — is flexibility. Adapting to a changing, often confusing, environment.


Slavonic Benevolent Order of the State of Texas P.O. Box 100 Phone AC(817) 773-1575 Temple, Texas 76503

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