17 minute read
Czech Culture
from Vestnik 2021.04.26
Slovanská Podporující Jednota Státu Texas
Česká Část
ROČNÍK 109 ČISLO 8 26.duben.2021
Podpora ★ Lidskost ★ Bratrstvi´
Uředni orgán SPJST ★ Založené roku 1897
Učme se česky Let Us Study Czech
Lekce čtvrtá Lesson 4
Read the following out loud. Get your parents, grandparents, relatives, or friends to help you with the pronunciation; do them together. Clip and save each lesson; compile them into notebook form.
Kam jdete? - Where are you going? Žák není doma - The pupil is not at home. Mám hlad. - I am hungry. Co je to? - What is that? Co je toto? - What is this?
Slovníček - Vocabulary
zahrada - garden péro - pen žák - pupil kde - where (no action involved) kam - where to (whither - with action) ne - no mapa - map hlad - hunger tabák - tobacco banka - bank mladá - young (f) stará - old (fem.) a - and ale - but škola - school doma - at home pojď sem - come here jsem - I am 2. Memorize the conjugation of býti - to be. 3. Classify the nouns that are given in the vocabulary as to their gender. 4. Place the correct demonstrative adjective tento, tato, toto, before each noun in the vocabulary.
Mluvnice - Grammar
1. Conjugation of the verb býti - to be:
1st person jsme - I am 2nd person jsi - you are 3rd person je - he, she, or it is
Plural 1st person jsme - we are 2nd person jste - you are 3rd person jsou - they are
2. The Demonstrative Adjectives The demonstrative adjective “this” is translated in Czech by ten, to, tato, and toto. Tento is always used with masculine nouns; tato with feminine; and toto with neuter nouns.
3. The Personal or Subject Pronouns
Singular 1st person já - I 2nd person ty - you 3rd person on - he ona - she ono - it
1st person my - we 2nd person vy - you 3rd person oni - they (masc.) ony - they (fem.) ona - they (neuter)
1. Copy the expressions and vocabulary into a notebook and memorize them. S S S
Read the following verse. See if you can translate it:
Proč maminko, se chvěje ta bříza bílá? Poslouchá, co si ptáci povídají. Co, matko, sí ptáci povídají? Jak pod večerem je víla postrašila. A jak je víla postrašila? Honila bílou holubičku v háji. Byla by se jí v tůni utopila. Jak by se jí tůni utopila? Chtěla tam zobnout hvězdu spadlou z nebe. Zdaž, matičko, tu hvězdu vylovila? To nevím, dítě - ale když zas k líci ta víla tiskla bílou holubici, tu zlíbala jí tak, jak teď já tebe!
~ J.V. Sládek —SPJST—
Czech Heritage Museum in Temple hosts “The Bonfire of Liberties” exhibit through June
The Czech Heritage Museum and Genealogy Center’s temporary exhibit, “The Bonfire of Liberties: Censorship of the Humanities,” an exhibition by Humanities Texas, the state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities will continue through June.
This exhibit includes Czech themes on censorship such as Charter 77, the document Vaclav Havel wrote in 1977, protesting the arrest of the rock band “Plastic People of the Universe.” Easily understood books on Charter 77 are available for sale by the Museum.
A video from the Library of Congress is available on the Museum’s home page which features Gábor Demszky, a Hungarian sociologist dedicated to the plight of the Roma, who was punished for signing Charter 77 by having his research license suspended. He continued his dissident writings and published them through the samizdat method of underground publication. He speaks on the topic of samizdat.
“The Bonfire of Liberties” gives an overview of censorship in its various guises over time. It examines the struggle between those who want to censor difficult, controversial, and revolutionary material from sensitive viewers and those who want to protect the freedoms of all people to read, view, and think for themselves.
The exhibit includes information on Venus of Dolní Věstonice, one of the oldest known ceramic articles in the world. The Venus was found near Brno, Moravia, and is dated to approximately 30,000 BCE. The Venus of Dolní Věstonice suffered censorship by an East Texas newspaper in the not-so-distant past. Susan Chandler Czech Heritage Museum Executive Director —SPJST—
Czech Heritage Museum, Temple expresses thanks
The Czech Heritage Museum and Genealogy Center in Temple would like to thank the members of SPJST Lodge 160, San Angelo and SPJST Lodge 107, Floresville for these recent memorial gifts:
In memory of Joyce Pelech by SPJST Lodge 107, Floresville In memory of George Zidek by SPJST Lodge 107, Floresville In memory of Stanley Hejl by SPJST Lodge 160, San Angelo
Susan Chandler Museum Director Czech Heritage Museum and Genealogy Center —SPJST—
Taylor Czech Chorus scholarship deadline is May 1
More than 10 years ago, Taylor Czech Chorus proudly established a $500 scholarship that is awarded to a graduating senior of Czech descent. The selected recipient will have the scholarship paid to the accredited college or university of their choice.
Requirements are:
1) Be a graduating senior in the 2020-21 school year. 2) Have a minimum high school GPA equivalence of 3.0 on a 4-point scale. 3) Provide documentation of Czech heritage. 4) Include a 300- to 400-word essay, typed, double-spaced defining why you feel you should be selected for this scholarship, how your Czech heritage has influenced you, and what your heritage means to you. 5) The recipient must live no farther than 25 miles from Taylor, Texas [exception: a relative of a Taylor Czech Chorus member]. 6) Recipient must be willing to attend a meeting of Taylor Czech Chorus in Taylor, Texas, to receive the award. 7) Submit a completed application and all necessary documentation on or before Saturday, May 1, 2021. Late applications will not be considered.
Applications are available at local high school offices, can be downloaded from Taylor Czech Chorus Facebook page, or by contacting Betty Zimmerhanzel 512-352-6823. Monica Stojaník Lodge 20, Granger —SPJST—
TCGS offers cookbook
The Kitchen is the Heart of Every Czech Home
Texas Czech Genealogical Society (TCGS) is pleased to announce its newest cookbook Cooking with Czech Recipes. Filled with time-treasured Czech recipes preserved from generation to generation to recipes served at Czech gatherings and family get-togethers, we know deciding which recipe to prepare first will be a hard decision.
You have read about cookbooks advertising recipes from soup to sandwiches. Within its 300-plus pages, Cooking with Czech Recipes contains recipes from appetizers to vegetables, with an added bonus of family tributes. When the holiday season rolls around later this year, recipes found in the “Holiday” section of the cookbook will add to your families’ delight.
Everyone loves colored photos, and TCGS offers a special feature which opens the “Czech Recipes” section – A progressive photo section showing the process of making a Countess Dessert recipe in color. The dessert, prepared by Petra Lesikar of Tatenice, Czech Republic, is filmed by her husband Jiri. As unique as this recipe and its presentation is, you will find many such items throughout the entire cookbook. Czech proverbs, inspirational thoughts, poems, and Biblical scriptures add additional reading pleasure throughout the cookbook.
The 325-plus recipes in the cookbook is currently being offered for $32 plus free shipping and handling for the limited time period of April 26 to May 30, 2021. Pre-order now to receive your copy in time for Mother’s Day. To place your order, please send your check for $32 per book to Nancy Machu, 3337 Bianco Terrace, Round Rock, Texas 78665. Should you wish to charge your order, please call Nancy at 512-971-4284 and leave a short message for a callback. Shipping will begin on May 1. —SPJST—
Czech Heritage Museum; Beltonian Theatre present Miloš Forman film May 11
Czech Heritage Museum and Genealogy Center and The Beltonian Theatre will present two showings of the 2009 film Miloš Forman: What Doesn’t Kill You on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, at 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. The films will be shown at the historic Beltonian Theatre, 219 East Central, Belton, Texas - just off the courthouse square in Belton.
Miloš Forman, What Doesn’t Kill You is an award-winning documentary about director Miloš Forman, who directed One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Amadeus, Hair, The People vs. Larry Flynt, Man on the Moon, and more. This film follows Forman as he returns to his home in the Czech Republic and explains how his experiences there informed his films. For example, in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, he saw the character of Nurse Ratched as communism. Rather than casting an older, harsher woman as was called for, he cast a woman who appeared tender and nurturing, which he felt characterized communism’s appeal as a caretaker masking the character’s “ratcheting” control of the patients, accruing in almost undetectable increments. (English and Czech audio, English subtitles.)
For more information about this film, see CzechHeritageMuseum.org/events; or visit the Czech Heritage Museum Facebook page.
Tarok Card Parties
Tarok Card Parties are held twice monthly - every first and third Tuesday night at 7 p.m. - at the Czech Heritage Museum, located at 119 West French Avenue in Temple. Taroks is a 15th century card game that is still popular in central European countries and in Texas. It is simple enough to learn in one night, while challenging enough through strategy and skill to keep it intriguing for years. While there are serious tournaments to be found just about every weekend across Texas, the CHM card parties are relaxed, fun atmospheres for learning and fellowship. All ages and anyone interested are welcome, and there is no admission or fee. Jimmie and Carolyn Coufal are award-winning tournament champions who not only teach beginners, but also help experienced players increase their skill. Susan Chandler Museum Director —SPJST—
This is the 30th year for the Czech Kolache Klobase Festival scheduled for Saturday, June 12, 2021, at Riverside Hall in East Bernard, located about 45 miles southwest of Houston on Highway 90-A. This event brings people together to enjoy good music, good food, and to celebrate ethnic heritage and culture. Beginning at 10:30 a.m. and continuing nonstop until 8 p.m., this year’s festival again features a first-rate lineup of entertainers – Ennis Czech Boys, Czech and Then Some, Dujka Brothers, Red Ravens, Al Sulak and Country Sounds, and Blue Denim. The three-band concert at 4:30 p.m. inside the hall will feature Czech and Then Some, Dujka Brothers, and Red Ravens. Dancers are also on the program this year – students from A Time to Dance Studio under the direction and choreography of Morgan Fritz will perform in the pavilion at 3:30 p.m.
Festival admission is $8 per person. Children 12 and under are admitted free. The admission fee covers all entertainment and music provided by bands and entertainers in the hall and outdoor pavilion. Parking is free and there are plenty of handicapped parking spaces. Massive water fans will cool the pavilion to provide a more comfortable setting for dancers and spectators. Arts and crafts booths will be located both inside and outside the hall. Crafts and goods of every kind will be available for sale. This is a good opportunity to shop for all types of hand-crafted items, jewelry, and clothing. Win something sweet in the cake walk, buy prize drawing tickets to win great prizes including beautiful handmade quilts. Show your love for kolaches in the Kolache Eating Contest sponsored by the KJT State Office scheduled for 12:30 p.m. in the pavilion.
A plate lunch will be available for purchase featuring sausage, barbecue chicken, sauerkraut, and other trimmings. The sausage and chicken will be prepared on-site the morning of the festival by society members assuring a fresh-cooked meal. Serving begins at 11 a.m. Drive-thru plates-to-go will be available from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Of course, there will be hundreds of kolaches for sale throughout the day. Hamburgers and sausage sandwiches will be available for purchase in the afternoon.
The Festival Committee welcomes and encourages the wearing of Czech costumes to add a festive atmosphere and to further promote the preservation and celebration of ethnic heritage. The Po.L.K. of A. are also urged to attend in their “red and whites” and to join in the spirit of fun and appreciation of the happy sounds of polka and waltz music. A moving flag tribute is scheduled at 3 p.m. and will recognize attending armed services veterans. This will be followed by a grand march featuring the Czech and festive costumes on parade.
For information about game or arts and crafts booths, call 979-531-9747 or email srdujka@gmail.com. For general information and band schedules, call 979-335-7907. Visit the festival website at www.kkfest.com for further information. See more information in the May 24 Vestnik.
KJT Society No. 40, the festival sponsor, is a non-profit organization and has been in existence in East Bernard since 1905. The society participates in a program of charitable works including scholarships, social welfare, and civic support. KJT Society No. 40 would like to extend a special invitation to everyone to come out and enjoy the festival. —SPJST—
Potato Pancakes Czech Bramboráky
There is a different name for bramboráky in almost every Czech region křapáče, vošouchy, kramfleky, or cmunda.
This is a basic traditional recipe for Czech bramboráky. Once you manage to make it, you can modify potato batter as you like. The most usual thing to add to the mixture would be smoked meat cut into cubes, mushrooms, or you can replace a part of the mixture with grated cabbage or zucchini. Ingredients 2 pounds starchy potatoes, raw, peeled 2/3 cup all-purpose flour 1 egg 4/5 cup, milk (hot) 5 cloves garlic, freshly minced 2 Tbsp marjoram, dried 1/2 Tbsp caraway seeds, minced 1 Tbsp salt pork lard (for frying)
Peel potatoes and finely grate them. Leave stand for a moment then strain excess water out of mixture. Meanwhile, heat up milk until it gets hot. Peel and mince garlic. Pour hot milk onto grated potatoes. Mix everything together. Add minced garlic, flour, eggs, marjoram, caraway seeds and salt. Mix well. Batter will be semi-liquid. Melt lard in pan on medium heat. Place mixture in the middle of the hot pan. Flatten mixture with a spatula or flat side of a spoon. Spread mixture to about 6 inches wide and about 1/4-inch thin. Fry about 3 to 4 minutes until crust turns golden brown. Flip and fry other side until it turns golden brown and crispy - about 3 to 4 minutes. Serve bramboráky as quickly as possible, while they are still crispy and taste the best.
You can spread bramboráky with cottage cheese. You can also add cabbage or zucchini in order to make bramborák lighter.
https://www.cooklikeczechs.com/czech-bramborak-potato-pancake —SPJST—
Texas Czech Heritage and Cultural Center (TCHCC) is pleased to open a beautiful new display, Texas-Czech Wedding Apparel and Traditions, of wedding dresses, associated apparel, and information on early wedding traditions in the main Museum.
The exhibit includes 10 dresses that have been donated by our members and are from weddings that occurred from 1883 to 1946. Although many things have changed in the modern era, many wedding ceremonies and their traditions have endured.
Take a walk back in time and view these fragile mementos and leave with an understanding of Czech culture and traditions that are still alive today. The exhibit opened March 16 and will close November 15, 2021. TCHCC is located just north of La Grange on US Highway 77 adjacent to Fayette County Fairgrounds. Hours are Tuesday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information, call 888-785-4500 or visit the website, www.czechtexas.org. —SPJST—
C z e c h C u l t u r a l C a l e n d a r
Tuesday through Saturday Czech Heritage Museum and Genealogy Center, 119 West French Avenue, Temple. Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. To arrange a private small group tour, contact the Museum czechheritagemuseum@gmail.com; or leave a message 254899-2935. Exhibit through June: “The Bonfire of Liberties: Censorship of the Humanities,” an exhibition by Humanities Texas, the state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Every First and Third Tuesday Evenings Tarok Parties—at Czech Heritage Museum, Temple, 119 West French. All ages and anyone interested are welcome. No admission or fee. Jimmie and Carolyn Coufal are award-winning tournament champions who not only teach beginners, but also help experienced players increase their skill. For information, call CHMGC 254-899-2935; find them on Facebook; or on the web at https://czechheritagemuseum.org.
Monday through Saturday Czech Center Museum Houston, 4920 San Jacinto Street in Houston, Texas 770045719, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Visit revamped exhibits. Experience the culture, art, music, and stories of many Czechs, Slovaks, and people of all cultures who left their country to seek liberty and democracy in America. For info, call 713-528-2060; or visit czechcenter.org.
April 27 Czech That Film: The Droneman—Drive-in screening at Pioneer Farms Drive, Austin, Texas 78754-5415. Gates open at 7 p.m. Movie starts at 8. Seating is limited. Get tickets at pioneerfarms.org.
May 1 Taylor Czech Chorus Scholarship Application Deadline—Completed application and all documentation must be submitted on or before May 1, 2021. Late applications will not be considered. Applications available at local high school offices, can be downloaded from Taylor Czech Chorus Facebook page, or by contacting Betty Zimmerhanzel 512-3526823. Submitted by Monica Stojaník, Lodge 20, Granger.
May 11 “Miloš Forman, What Doesn’t Kill You.” (English and Czech audio, English subtitles.) Czech film screenings are held at The Beltonian Theatre in downtown Belton, 219 East Central Avenue, 3 and 6 p.m. For a complete list of films, visit the Museum’s website https://czechheritagemuseum.org/ and click on the link at the top; or click the Event tab. For information, call CHMGC 254-899-2935; find them on Facebook; or on the web at https://czechheritagemuseum.org.
May 16 May Fest—on the grounds Texas Czech Heritage and Cultural Center, 250 West Fairgrounds Road on US Highway 77, La Grange: 10:30 a.m. - ceremony paying tribute to all Czech-Texas immigrants; 11:30 a.m. - fried chicken meal; music; May Pole Dancing; antique car show; demonstration at Zapalač Saw Mill; Czech Village, museum, and historic SPJST Lodge 19, Velehrad hall tours. For information, call 888-785-4500; 979-968-9399; or email info@czechtexas.org. Visit TCHCC Facebook page or www.czechtexas.org.
May 21 Ted Lange and Mollie B and Squeezebox Dance—at Lodge 24, Cyclone Flag Hall, 411 FM 964, Cyclone, Texas: doors open at 6 p.m.; sausage plates and cold beverages available; dancing from 7 to 11 p.m. For information or tickets, call Linda Wilde at 254-9852258.
May 28 to 30 National Polka Festival—in Ennis, Texas. Friday - Opening dance featuring polka music and the King and Queen Dance Contest (sponsored by SPJST), where participants and non-participants are encouraged to wear traditional Czech kroj (costumes). On Saturday at 10 a.m., SPJST State Royalty ride the float through historic downtown Ennis in the parade. Experience Czech traditions, religious customs, dancing, taste, sights, and sounds on Saturday and Sunday at three spacious air-conditioned halls (KJT, Sokol, and SPJST) and in downtown Ennis.
June 12 30th Kolache Klobase Festival—at Riverside Hall in East Bernard (about 45 miles southwest of Houston on Highway 90-A.), 10:30 a.m. and continuing nonstop until 8 p.m.: polka/waltz music, food: plate lunch - serving begins at 11 a.m; drive-thru plates-to-go, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.; hundreds of kolaches; hamburgers and sausage sandwiches available in the afternoon, 12:30 p.m. - Kolache Eating Contest; 3 p.m. - flag tribute followed by a grand march featuring the Czech and festive costumes; 3:30 p.m. - dance student performance; 4:30 p.m. - three-band concert inside the hall; arts and crafts booths; cake walk; prize drawing; massive water fans in the pavilion; Czech costumes - kroje encouraged. For information about game or arts and crafts booths, call 979-531-9747; or email srdujka@gmail.com; general information and band schedules, call 979-335-7907. Visit www.kkfest.com.. KJT Society No. 40, the festival sponsor, is a non-profit organization.
June 13 SPJST Lodge 47, Seaton Annual Picnic—at Star Hall, 10842 State Highway, 5 miles east of Temple: Drive-thru or dine-in food plates served 11 a.m. till sold out - fried chicken, sausage, cole slaw, potato salad, dessert, pickles, onions; 1 to 3 p.m. - polka jam; 3 p.m. - live auction; food/bake sale; games; bounce house; train ride for the youngsters; prize drawing. For information, visit seatonstarhall.com. —SPJST—