41 minute read
Lodge Section
from Vestnik 2021.07.26
SPJST Lodge Section
The deadline for all Věstník items is 5 p.m. on the first and third Mondays of each month. Send your news and photos directly to:
SPJST Věstník Editor Melanie Zavodny P.O. Box 100 Temple, Texas 76503 Fax: 254-773-8087 Email: vestnik@spjst.org Online: spjst.org/news/submitarticle-photo Questions? Call 800-727-7578
Lodge 4, Hallettsville meets August 8
Dear Members,
Lodge 4, Hallettsville will meet Sunday, August 8 at Hallettsville Chamber Meeting Room at 3 p.m. Door prizes will be given, and lunch will be served as usual. Members are cordially invited to attend. Fraternally, Patsy Zabransky, Reporter —SPJST—
Lodge 8, Weimar members excited to gather again
It was so good to see everyone again! It has been 16 months since we were able to be in a group.
Lodge 8, Weimar met on Monday, June 28, 2021, at Oakridge Smokehouse in Schulenburg, Texas. President Henrietta Veselka called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. Melvin Tobola led the Pledge of Allegiance. Carolyn Tobola led our prayer. A complimentary dinner from Lodge 8, Weimar was then enjoyed.
In attendance were 10 members and friends. All officers were present except Vice President Anton Machacek. We were honored to have District Six Director Annie Vahalik and Mrs. Annie’s sister, Patsy Zabransky, attend our meeting. Minutes of the February 24, 2020, meeting were printed in the April 13, 2020, Vestnik. Becky Jares made a motion, seconded by Arlene Marshall, to accept the minutes as printed in the Vestnik. Motion carried. Becky made a motion, Melvin seconded, to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Motion carried.
A memorial will be sent to the Czech Heritage Museum in Temple in memory of members who passed away since September 2019, namely Evelyn Lydia Post, Leo Jares, Betty Jean Stepanek, Paul Veselka, Joseph E. Pesak, Jr., and Annie Horecka Schilhab.
Henrietta reported two of our members received their 50-year membership pin, namely Craig Jon Tobola and Ron Darren Tobola. They were both issued a certificate of membership on March 24, 1971.
Fraternal Activities Coordinator Henrietta reported Junior Camp Session Two for Districts One, Two, and Six was scheduled to be held at Camp Kubena in Ledbetter, from Wednesday, July 14 until Sunday, July 18. State Youth Achievement Day will be held on Saturday, July 31 at Frank W. Mayborn Civic and Convention Center in Temple. The 33rd SPJST Convention will be held in Killeen on Friday, August 13 until Sunday, August 15. Anton is our delegate. For any further information on these events, please see the Vestnik.
Our heartfelt sympathies go to the families of Honorary SPJST Supreme Lodge Financial Secretary Jerry Mikulas and Janice Victorick, wife of District One Director Donnie Victorick, who passed away recently. May our Lord keep all their families in His tender loving care.
Henrietta gave her thank you to Secretary/Treasurer Carolyn M. Tobola for keeping us informed about our meeting dates, etc. in the Vestnik. She stated, “Thank you. Job well done.”
Director Vahalik reported on the District Six meeting which was held at Camp Kubena on Sunday, June 13. Annie reported there were 50 in attendance. She also reported Vestnik Editor/Director of Communication Melanie Zavodny is working on the convention souvenir book. She stated Vice President Delisle Doherty was doing a good job taking care of lodges.
A birthday in recent months was Melvin Tobola on March 9. Anniversary was Melvin and Carolyn Tobola - 62 years.
After no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Next Meeting—August 23
The next meeting will be Monday, August 23 at Oakridge Smokehouse in Schulenburg. The meal will be Dutch treat. Reminder to bring pull tabs to our November meeting. Carolyn M. Tobola Secretary/Treasurer —SPJST—
Lodge 9, Snook reports on July meeting
The Wednesday, July 7, 2021, meeting of SPJST Lodge 9, Snook was called to order by President Donnie Hejl at 7 p.m. Sheila Orsak led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call of officers was held. Minutes from the June meeting were approved. Hall manager and fraternal reports were presented.
At the youth club, they discussed camp. They will have a kolache baking demonstration on August 21 and a District One Swim Party on Sunday, August 1.
Under old business, we are still working on the pricing for new speakers, and the pipe has been installed at the entry to the building. Under new business, we received a plaque from the Little League team that we sponsored.
July birthdays include Josef Orsak on the 10th.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:23 p.m.
Next Meeting—August 7
The next meeting is scheduled for August 7 at 7 p.m. Fraternally, Hannah Kovar, Reporter —SPJST—
Birthday congratulations to Dorothy Lastovica of Lodge 38, Kovar! Dorothy celebrated her special day with her family. Dorothy’s children and grandchildren are all 100 percent SPJST members of Lodge 38, Kovar. LEFT PHOTO: She is pictured with daughter Sheri Holder and son John Lastovica. RIGHT PHOTO: Dorothy and grandchildren Ethan, Elizabeth, and Matt Holder. Best wishes to Dorothy for many more happy, healthy years.
Lodge 17, New Tabor reports on July meeting
Who would have ever imagined having to reschedule a lodge meeting in July because the roads were flooded? Well, Lodge 17 had to do just that! Because of the Fourth of July, we moved our meeting to Monday, July 5, but a couple of hours before our meeting, we got four inches of rain in less than an hour and all the roads from Caldwell to our lodge building were impassable. So we rescheduled to July 11.
Our meeting started at 2 p.m. with all officers present. Macy Narro led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. The minutes from the June meeting were read by Secretary Betty Suehs. Minutes were approved as read. Betty also read a thank you note from Francis Sefcik Hargrove for sending an SPJST pin to her since she was unable to attend the presentation. Betty also reported that she received the invitation letter and the pin as undeliverable as addressed for John Langham.
Kyle Skrabanek gave the treasurer’s report.
Holly Narro gave the fraternal activities coordinator’s report. She reported on the spring meeting and that tournaments for tarok, 42, and dominoes would be held soon at the Home Office. Holly also gave the youth report. Although the youth haven’t been as busy as in past years, they are still very involved. She reported good attendance at the spring meeting and participation in the decorated rock contest. She reported that we now have 31 active youth members. She reported that District One Youth Achievement Day (YAD) was held virtually, and that Macy Narro was selected as District One Queen. Her duchess is Brylee Chmelar. They will be participating at State YAD on July 31 in Temple. Holly also reported that Lodge 17 had three first place winners in the Flag Day Essay Contest. Marley Kocurek won the kindergarten to 8 years division, Bailen Kocurek won for ages 9 to 11, and Macy Narro won for ages 15 to high school senior as well as winning the overall contest. We had five youth attend LIT retreat, and it was a lot of fun for all. She has 24 youth and two chaperones signed up to attend District One camp. The youth will have a swim party on August 1 at the Caldwell pool.
Susan Skrabanek gave the hall report. Rentals are picking up, and the grass is needing to be mowed once a week due to the blessings of rain all summer. The lodge hosted a teen dance in June, and it was well attended.
Under old business, the perimeter of the hall still needs to be dealt with to keep varmints from digging under the hall. Under new business, a monetary donation was given to Queen Macy and Duchess Brylee to help with expenses for State YAD. District One Director Donnie Victorick spoke to those present thanking Lodge 17, New Tabor for all they do in the community. He announced that there will be a District One delegates’ meeting on Thursday, July 22 at 6:30 p.m. at Sargentos, and he hoped to see all of our delegates there.
There was no more business, and the meeting was adjourned.
Next Meeting—August 1
The next meeting will be at 2 p.m. on Sunday, August 1 . . . “Good Lord willing and the creeks don’t rise!” Fraternally, Susan Skrabanek, Reporter —SPJST—
The water in front of Lodge 17, New Tabor on July 5, 2021. The photo was taken by FAC/Youth Leader Holly Narro who did not have to cross a creek to get to the hall that day!
Lodge 24, Cyclone is planning an End of Summer Reverse Drawing fundraiser for Flag Hall on Saturday, August 7, 2021. All the fun begins from 5 to 6 p.m. during registration and the social hour. Dinner is at 6 p.m. and catered by Oscar Store. Starting at 7 p.m., the drawing of prizes and even more fun begins! Snacks and open bar will be available. There will also be a few prizes to win and a silent auction to peruse, bid, enjoy. Tickets for this wonderful event are $125 per couple for dinner, a chance
Lodge 49, Rowena Welcomes Large Crowd at Dance with Jody Nix and the Texas Cowboys
Jody Nix and the Texas Cowboys played at the SPJST Hall in Rowena on Saturday, July 10, 2021. A large crowd attended, and everyone had a wonderful time visiting and dancing.
—Becky Wood, Secretary/Reporter
at the great prizes (a mulligan is included, too), and an evening of fun! Grand prize is a Gravely 52-inch ZTR mower; second prize is a guided fishing trip at Belton Lake; and third prize is a flat top grill. Other amazing prizes will be given out in the final 10. It will certainly be an evening to remember.
All proceeds go to Lodge 24, Cyclone for upkeep and maintenance for the hall. We want to keep this fantastic hall open and available for the community and for all of its needs . . . whether it is a SPJST event, community event, wedding, reunion, Quinceanera, group fundraiser, or other type of event.
If you are interested in purchasing a ticket or tickets, please contact Cathy Bruggman 254-493-7039, Linda Wilde 254-985-2258, or Shirley Hoelscher 254-541-7950. We so appreciate your continued support of Flag Hall - SPJST Lodge 24, Cyclone. Thank you!
See you soon at Flag Hall! Shirley Hoelscher Vice President/ Fraternal Activities Coordinator —SPJST—
Lodge 24, Cyclone met on a soggy night after heavy rain during the day. The corn fields are showing some signs of maturing. The rain will help some for the corn. The cotton is opening and it’s not a good time.
President Daniel Wilde called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. We had a silent prayer for the deceased members including Ann Green. Shirley Hoelscher read the minutes in Brenda Maddux’s absence. Linda Wilde gave the treasurer’s report. Shirley Hoelscher gave the fraternal activities coordinator’s. The District Two youth camp was canceled for covid precautions, and the 100 pennies is active. The new Member Services Directory that will be available on the spjst.org website was announced. Businesses are encouraged to submit their listings by visiting spjst.org. Blessing bags is a possibility in the coming months. The District Two delegates’ meeting will be held at Flag Hall on Monday, July 26 at 6:30 p.m.
Lodge 24 members voted to donate $200 to the Czech Moravian Benevolence Fund through the SPJST Foundation.
The four-foot by eight-foot signs will be mounted together and put up on FM 485 and the road to the hall. Storage tanks for the septic system will be installed. This is so nobody falls into septic tank when the top caves in.
Sadly, we lost Ann Green. Justin Everett and Anton Vrazel are on the sick list.
The lodge needs your support for the fundraiser on August 7. Please contact a lodge member for a ticket or call Daniel or Bobby for a ticket. For the Lodge, Bobby Hoelscher, Reporter —SPJST—
Dear Readers,
Lodge 25, Ennis met Thursday, July 8, 2021, beginning with sharing a meal prepared by Betty Macalik. Everyone enjoyed pork roast, dumplings, sauerkraut, and desserts. The meeting began at 7 p.m. Reports were read and approved. On the sick list was Gladys Zapletal, Elizabeth Krajca, and Haley Langley. New member approved was Travis Wayne Baker, great-grandson of Betty Macalik. Sales agent is Margaret Krajca.
Rita announced that the youth club will donate a Czech flag with stand to the lodge. Decision was made to donate $250 toward the Czech Moravian Benevolence Fund in support of those who suffered from the damaging tornado in Czechia. The new floor tiles and the upcoming 50th anniversary party on November 13 were discussed. We also decided to have a gun prize drawing fundraiser. Tickets are $50 each, and 30 guns will be given away in 30 days in
Scenes from Lodge 84, Dallas Lakeside Picnic
Sunday, July 18, 2021 • Submitted by Anne Cowan, Reporter
Lodge 84, Dallas members enjoyed socializing and a delicious meal at the lakeside picnic held Sunday, July 18, 2021, at Lodge 84 President Justine Yeager’s lake house. TOP LEFT and TOP RIGHT PHOTOS: Delicious smoked meats, left, and desserts served at the picnic. TOP PHOTOS 2 and 4: Neal Andreason (photo 2) enjoys a plate of the delicious barbecue served for lunch as his daughter Isabel Andreason (photo 4) nibbles on a rib. PHOTO 3: Adult and youth members play and swim in the lake. BELOW: Members enjoy fellowship throughout the afternoon.
August. If anyone would like to support this effort, contact any lodge member or stop by the hall on Wednesday night to purchase tickets.
Those celebrating birthdays that attended the meeting were Charlie Jurcik and Brad Jones.
Next Meeting—August 12
The next meeting will be held Thursday, August 12. We hope to see you all then!
Fraternally yours, Margaret Krajca, Reporter —SPJST—
On Wednesday, July 10, 2021, President Ronnie Rieger called the meeting of Lodge 29, Taylor to order. He led the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence for the departed. Officer roll call showed Tammy Cannon absent. The June minutes were read and approved.
Linda Pospisil gave the treasurer’s report. Vice President Sharon Kaderka informed us that Lodge 48, Beyersville will be hosting an auction fundraiser in August. Jesse made a motion for Lodge 29 to purchase a ticket, and Frankie seconded. The motion passed.
Jesse Pospisil discussed the fund Brian Vanicek has set up at the Home Office for the storm damage done in the Czech Republic. Sharon Kaderka made a motion for Lodge 29 to donate $200, and Frankie Pustejovsky seconded. The motion passed. Jesse stated he will match that amount as district director.
Ronnie discussed the upcoming barbecue cookoff on September 24 and 25 and asked members to think about sponsors. The barbecue appreciation dinner will be in August. We would appreciate if members can bring desserts for the meal. Members were also informed that items will be needed for the silent auction at the cookoff, and they will be deeply appreciated. Baked items always do well.
Members celebrating birthdays in July include Norris Schroeder, Joyce Patschke, Linda Pospisil, Kara Kaderka, Evelyn Simcik, Pierce Miller, Kylie Wiegand, Cody Voigt, Kylee Halbrook, Hayden Dewbre, Emma Dewbre, Taylor Buzan, and Melanie Pasemann.
Bobby and Laverne Eulenfeld celebrated their wedding anniversary in July.
Door prizes were furnished by Ronnie and Lyn Rieger. Scott Kaderka volunteered to bring them in August.
The meeting was adjourned.
Next Meeting—August 11
The next meeting will be on Wednesday, August 11 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting was adjourned. Fraternally submitted, Linda Pospisil Secretary-Reporter —SPJST—
Lodge 49, Rowena meet August 4
Lodge 49, Rowena,’s quarterly meeting will be Wednesday, August 4, 2021, at 5:15 p.m. Please note the time change. We invite all members to come to our meeting. Thanks, Laura Pospichal President —SPJST—
Lodge 79 Corpus Christi changes meeting to August 22
Lodge 79, Corpus Christi has changed its August meeting date from August 15 to Sunday, August 22, 2021, due to our lodge delegates attending the SPJST Convention in Killeen. Please make a note of this change. Fraternally, Virginia Rebecek, Secretary —SPJST—
Lodge 81, Needville plans August 20 grand reopening dance
The July 2021 meeting of SPJST Lodge 81, Needville was held on Sunday, the 18th. Before the meal, everyone sang, “Happy Birthday” to Winnie Susan, who turned 98 years young. At 12 noon, a prayer of thanks was given by President Vincent Newman, and ev-
Lodge 88, Houston and Swim Club Bring Back Splash Day
Saturday, July 17, 2021 • SPJST Lodge 88, Houston • Submitted by Dorothy Pflughaupt, Board Member
eryone enjoyed hamburgers grilled by Special Funds Chairman Marion Morales. Side dishes and desserts were brought by the members.
President Vincent Newman called the business meeting to order at 1 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all members. All officers answered the roll.
Secretary Willie Mae Kuykendall read the minutes, and they were approved as read. Bradley Stavinoha presented the treasurer’s report, and it was approved as read. Special Funds Chairman Marion Morales read his report, and it was approved as read.
Under old business, Treasurer Bradley Stavinoha said that he has sold almost all of the ad space for the backdrop of the stage area. Special Funds Chairman Marion Morales mentioned that with this money, he would like to install a snap-lock dance floor for our hall. Marion also stated that he will install two double-locking doors for the back storeroom so renters can use the front storeroom refrigerator and storage for decorations, personal items, etc.
Under new business, Assistant Youth Leader Krystle Bender gave information on the youth going to camp and enjoying themselves. Also, youth did really well in the Youth Achievement Day by placing on their projects.
It was announced that the lodge has cushioned chairs they would like to sell so they can make more room in the big storage area in the back of the hall.
Under other business, Treasurer Bradley Stavinoha informed everyone that our lodge will have a free grand reopening dance on Friday, August 20 from 8 to 11 p.m. Music will be provided by The M&M Playboys. The youth will be selling Chick-fil-A sandwiches, sodas, snacks, ice, desserts, and set-ups; BYOB. There will be a silent auction as well.
Door prizes were won by Shirley Meyers, Willie Mae Kuykendall, Karen Rust, and Winnie Susan. Additional door prizes provided by Dan Pavlas were won by Gloria Wood and Pam Labay. Congratulations to our lucky winners!
Next Meeting—August 15
For the next meeting on Sunday, August 15, the youth will provide fixings for sandwiches. Members, please bring a dessert. See you at the next meeting! Fraternally, Jeanette Newman, Reporter —SPJST—
Happy 98th Birthday, Winnie Susan!
Congratulations to Winnie Susan of Lodge 81, Needville! She celebrated her 98th birthday recently and was recognized and honored with cupcakes at the lodge’s meeting on Sunday, July 18, 2021. Best wishes for many more years of health and happiness. —Submitted by Jeanette Newman, Reporter
Lodge 84, Dallas members gather for summer picnic
Dear Readers,
Lodge 84, Dallas held its monthly meeting on Sunday, July 18, 2021, at the lake house of President Justine Yeager. President Yeager brought the meeting to order at 2:40 p.m. Flag Bearer Lynda Novak led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence for departed members, troops serving our country, and those affected by the pandemic. President Yeager welcomed everyone and especially the youth who were joining the mother lodge for their meeting. Secretary Cherri Petr read the minutes from the last meeting and correspondence from the Home Office. Sunshine committee reported that a sympathy card was sent to the family of Sister Estelle Smith and a get-well card was sent to Jennifer Ruzicka and to Sister Sadie Liska. We hope you both feel better soon!
Fraternal Activities Coordinator Vicki Sims reported that the convention is approaching soon. She reminded everyone that a delegates’ meeting is scheduled to be held at Lodge 25, Ennis on Sunday, July 25.
Youth Leader Lynda Novak welcomed the youth and thanked them for joining the mother lodge for their meeting. She acknowledged that the youth had submitted their YAD projects on time and were waiting for results of how they did. She also noted that the youth were staying on course with submitting their Vestnik projects monthly. State YAD is going to be held in Temple on Saturday, July 31, and Lynda will let the youth know what time the event will take place. Sister Lynda then gave her reports on Fraternal Council and Czech Culture Society. Plans are continuing to be worked out for the Czech Culture Day celebration in October so please keep an eye out for details as they evolve. In the meantime, mark your calendars for the spaghetti dinner and bingo day at Sokol Dallas next month on Sunday, August 22. See the article that follows for more details. Please make plans to come and join us for an afternoon of fun, fellowship, and food. Don’t forget to RSVP by Monday, August 16! Treasurer Jim Liska then gave his report.
Before adjourning our meeting, President Yeager again thanked the youth and adult members for coming out and enjoying our annual lakeside picnic. She wished everyone a safe trip home and reminded everyone about the spaghetti and bingo event on Sunday, August 22 at Sokol Dallas.
The meeting was then adjourned, and we all continued the tradition of enjoying an afternoon svacina! Fraternally, Anne Scott Cowan, Reporter —SPJST—
Lodge 84, Dallas will host a spaghetti dinner and bingo event at Sokol Dallas on Sunday, August 22, 2021. The address is 7448 Greenville Avenue in Dallas, Texas 75231. Doors will open at 11 a.m., and lunch will be served at 12 noon.
Please mark your calendar to join us for a delicious spaghetti dinner prepared by Bessie’s Catering and an afternoon of bingo to follow.
Please RSVP no later than Monday, August 16 to Vicki Sims 214-763-0341 or Lynda Novak 972-948-4456. Fraternally, Anne Scott Cowan Reporter —SPJST—
Lodge 92, Fort Worth hosts Paprskar Memorial Tarok Tournament IX this Saturday
The Paprskar Memorial Tarok Tournament IX will be held this Saturday, July 31, 2021, at SPJST Lodge 92, Fort Worth - National Hall, 3316 Roberts Cut Off in Fort Worth (Lake Worth). Registration and snacks will be served from 8 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. Six one-hour rounds begin at 9 a.m. Meal is included at noon break. Trophies will be awarded for the top four scores. Cash will be awarded for the top four scores. Registration is $25 per player.
For more information or directions, contact John Paprskar 817-480-3480. Late entries will be accepted if player slots are available.
To register by mail, send name, address, and phone number by July 23 to John Paprskar, 905 Venice Street, Hurst, Texas 76053. Fraternally, John Paprskar —SPJST—
The monthly meeting of Lodge 142, Houston was held on Sunday, July 18, 2021, at Lodge 88, Houston. Our social and lunch at 1 p.m. was hamburgers, chips, and dessert. Thank you to Dennis and Keith and our kitchen staff.
President Dennis Hermis called our meeting to order at 2 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Flag Bearer Zac Coleman. A moment of silence was held for our departed member Dorothy Tumis.
Roll call of officers showed all officers present except Sales Agents Connie Carter and Alexis Scott. We had 44 members and two guests present.
Secretary Elizabeth Hermis read the June minutes. J.R. Coleman moved to approve the minutes as read, seconded by Chris Schleider. Minutes were approved.
Financial Secretary/Treasurer Keith Kieschnick read the June financials. Callye Schleider moved to approve the treasurer’s report, seconded by Karole Coleman.
Youth Leader Amanda Muzny reported there were seven youth and two guests who enjoyed camp and had a great time. She stated the beach cleanup day will be in Galveston on Saturday, July 24. YAD winners were Ryleigh Combrelle - first place in one category, and Brielle Combrelle, who won second places in two categories.
Fraternal Activities Coordinator Pat Schleider reported that four delegates J.R. Coleman, Kerry Herrington, Pat Schleider, and Dennis Hermis - will be at the SPJST Convention on August 13 to 15. A delegates’ meeting was scheduled for July 19 at Lodge 88, Houston.
Sick Committee reported Mike Schleider doing better and was present at our lodge meeting today. Mary Wunderlich was in the hospital for a few days, and she is home now doing much better.
Member/insurance transfer from Lodge 172, Pasadena is Thad Lang. Welcome!
Under old business our Labor Day lodge family outing will not take place, as there was not enough member interest in this event.
Sales Agent Kerry Herrington spoke regarding how District Five is doing great in all categories.
New business was discussed. J.R. Coleman made a motion to make a donation to the Czech Moravian Benevolence Fund for rebuilding. This was seconded by Debra Ngo. All were in favor.
Birthday celebrants were Kerry Herrington on the 1st, Rachel Ngo on the 1st, Kaylee Kieschnick on the 2nd, Pat Schleider on the 7th, Doug Coleman, on the 26th, Dennis Hermis on the 27th, Ryder Butura on the 31st. Happy birthday!
Anniversary was Zachary and Natalie Lerner 15 years on July 2. Happy anniversary! Congratulations!
Our quarterly door prize winners were Kyle Herrington (2), Kerry Herrington, and Barbara Linney-Gonzalez. Additional door prizes were awarded.
The meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m. with a motion by J.R. Coleman, seconded by Mike Schleider. Next Meeting—August 8
The next meeting will be Sunday, August 8 at 2 p.m. with lunch served at 1 p.m. in the dining area at Lodge 88, Houston. Fraternally, Elizabeth Hermis, Secretary —SPJST—
Lodge 160 San Angelo meets August 5
SPJST Lodge 160, San Angelo will hold its quarterly meeting on Thursday, August 5, 2021, at 5 p.m. at Los Panchitos Restaurant, located at 34 West Avenue D in San Angelo. Note the change of meeting location from previous meetings. Please RSVP to Sandra at 325234-1339 if you plan to attend. We hope you will be able to join us! Fraternally, Sandra Jansa, President —SPJST—
Lodge 191, Lufkin hosts July 30 dance
Lodge 191, Lufkin will host an SPJST Dance on Friday, July 30, 2021, from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. The cost is $8 for members and $10 for guests. For information, call George Scogin at 936-8752867. Bring snacks for your tables if you wish to.
Alma Breazeale, Secretary —SPJST—
Live Music Returns to Lodge 88, Houston
After more than a year without live music due to COVID-19, dances are back at SPJST Lodge 88, Houston. Lodge 88 kicked off its dance schedule with local band, the Fab 5, on Friday, July 9, 2021. A well-known 60s and Beatles tribute band, the Fab 5 has played and delighted fans for more than three decades. What began in the 1990s at Scoma’s Italian Restaurant in The Woodlands for $100 and all-you-can-eat pasta has grown to a fanbase of over 26,000 worldwide. The Fab 5’s most notable attributes include their energy, costume changes, and their attention to detail. They pride themselves in providing an immersive performance that transports guests back to the 60s with their colorful clothing, mop top and long, geometric hairstyles, and musical instruments that originate from the specific time period.
During the Friday night concert and in front of over 430 guests, members of the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas Legislature honored the Fab 5 for their contributions to Houston’s cultural scene. “I can’t think of a greater feeling than to be honored by the state of Texas. We were incredibly humbled by the award and are excited to continue our contributions to Houston,” stated Joe Baiardi, singer, guitarist, and bass player for the band.
Visit https://thefab5.net/ to learn more about the Fab 5 or stay up-to-date with their schedule and upcoming performances.
SPJST Lodge 88 is ecstatic to open its door to the public for live music and dances after a year-long hiatus. Join us for our next dance on Saturday, August 28, where the Czechaholics will provide guests with live polka music and a good time. To view our full dance schedule for 2021, visit https://www.lodge88.org/special-event. —Submitted by Kinsley Fisher —SPJST—
Lodge 219, El Paso invites members to a summer social on Friday, July 30, 2021, from 5 to 10 p.m. at Western Playland Amusement Park, located at 1249 Futurity Drive in Sunland Park, El Paso, Texas. The first 100 members who call or text will receive their admission to the park. Please call Aracely at 915-9992062 to reserve your place. We look forward to seeing you there! Fraternally, Aracely Quiz, President —SPJST—
TCGS July Book of the Month: Lee County Czechs
Thanks to Cyndy Kristinek of Lodge 157, Lubbock for sharing this photo of past SPJST Youth Leaders. We are seeking our readers’ assistance with identifying the year of the photo and the individuals pictured. If you can identify anyone in the photo, please send an email with the number and the name. FRONT, left to right: 12-Mary Haisler 3-Angeline Kristinek 456-Maxine Pavliska 7-Wilma Nesuda BACK, left to right: 8910-Elsie Brdecka 11-Emily Mikeska 1213-Lillie Matejka (O’Shields) 1415-Jerlene Balusek 1617-James Janousek (past State Youth Director)
Lee County Czechs, written by Reverend John R. Gantt, is the Texas Czech Genealogical Society’s Book of the Month for July 2021 and is a very valuable genealogical record of the small number of Czech people who settled in Lee County, Texas, after immigration in the 1800s.
The book describes the history of Lee County in the early days, beginning with the Tonkawa Indians and progressing to the time when the Czech people arrived. The physical setting of Lee County made it appealing for the Czech people to settle there. Many of them had been farmers, cottagers, or day laborers so the fertile black land was a real drawing card, and Lee County was not as crowded as Fayette County at that time.
Extensive research was done on the tax records of 1900 and 1910. That information is included, along with the census extractions of Czech people for 1900, 1910, 1920, and 1930.
Lodge 219, El Paso Sales Agents Attend Classes
SPJST Vice President Delisle Doherty hosted a sales agent meeting and continuing education classes in El Paso on Tuesday, July 13 and Wednesday, July 14, 2021. Members/sales agents of Lodge 219, El Paso participated in the classes. RIGHT PHOTO: Vice President Doherty, far right, visits with the agents.
As research was being done for this book, many individuals and couples with ties to Lee County came forth with photos which they eagerly shared for inclusion in this book. The large amount of photos led to a wonderful chapter entitled “Lee County Scrapbook.”
Lee County Czechs is fully indexed, making research very easy. The book is available for $32 for orders received on or before July 31, 2021. After that date, the shipping charge of $10 will be added. The book may be ordered by sending a check, payable to TCGS, and mailed to Nancy Machu, 3337 Bianco Terrace, Round Rock, Texas 78665. To pay by charge card, please call Nancy at 512-971-4284 with your credit information. Submitted by Nancy Machu Lodge 29, Taylor —SPJST—
lodge 49, rowena
Continued from Page 1.
for Jody’s regular drummer, Terry Thompson). For more information on Jody Nix, visit: jodynixmusic.com.
My first official stop was to meet Jody and the band at 4:30 p.m. for supper at the Lowake (pronounced LOwakey) Steakhouse. Being that this was my first time in a long time there, I wasn’t certain of exactly where it was, so I kept my eyes peeled for a sign. Spying Jody’s shiny bus sitting in the parking lot adjacent to Highway 67 told me all I needed to know – I was at the right place.
Entering the establishment, I was greeted with the comforting scents of home cooking wafting from the kitchen. Just a few steps inside the entryway and I was surrounded by the many pictures on display; each one evoking the historic glories of the restaurant and the surrounding communities.
As I made my way to the dining room, I received a hearty greeting from Jody and his entourage then we quickly got down to business ordering food. Before our meals arrived, the small talk consisted of the usual topics that musicians kick around; cobbled together around some random Andy Griffith Show and Bonanza quotes and storylines.
When the food arrived, my large chicken fried steak was most excellent – fork tender and riding astride a thick pool of cream gravy. A side dish of green beans was a fine complement. The remaining orders around the table
Lodge 47, Seaton member hosts grief art gallery
Lodge 47, Seaton member Sabrina Young, owner of Young’s Daughters Funeral Home and Bereavement Center in Temple, hosted the first grief art gallery as a co-host to Artist 2 Artist Showcase. Artists local and afar came out to display their pieces in the Kaverly Chapel. Many pieces were bought at the show. TOP LEFT PHOTO: This artist takes gowns and wedding dresses and makes burial shrouds, and infant to toddler burial gowns. A matching bracelet set is given for baby and parent. BELOW LEFT PHOTO: The crow, the symbol of death, is holding a pure white rose to show life. The hand was painted with colors this artists reflected of hurt and pain, and the sickness. BELOW RIGHT PHOTO: This piece of art is in honor of Ronald J.Portugal made from mosaic pieces of earth/cremated remains to bring the 4D image to life. The artist is Heide Hatry from Icons in Ash. Mr. Portugal’s obituary stands next to his photo. This type of art is truly impressive. For more information, contact Sabrina N. Young, CFSP at 254-401-1302 or visit www.youngsdaughters.com. were steaks and hamburger steaks, of which I heard no complaints. There was little conversation during the meal as everyone worked on their heaping portions which left not a single one of us room for dessert.
As we were about to depart, I learned that supper had been bought for us by Dennis and Terri Holland of Christoval, Texas. They are long-time friends and supporters of Jody’s, and it was a treat to share dinner with them. Incidentally, Terri is the organizer of the San Angelo Cowboy Gathering; an annual two-day festival celebrating our Texas-style of country and western dance music and accompanying lifestyles. For more information, visit sanangelocowboygathering.com.
After jumping back on my horse –excuse me, climbing back into my van – it was but a short drive to the hall. Winding our way through Rowena, we passed the beautiful and stately, St. Joseph Catholic Church. Judging by the large number of vehicles clustered around the church’s exterior, each fighting for a bit of shade, it was evident that Saturday evening Mass was underway.
Then just around the bend, the hall came into sight. Standing alone in the middle of a prairie . . . a proud beacon of the community . . . beckoning folks inside. The metal exterior walls now hide the wooden planks that I remember from years past, but that was only a small portion of the most important upgrade the hall has recently experienced. As I hauled in my drums through the side door, I felt the refreshing rush of . . . ahhhhh . . . air-conditioning! *Lodge 49, Pokrok - pronounced POHK-rohk (progress) in Czech - was organized on May 2, 1904, and the original lodge hall (building) was completed that same year. A new hall was built in 1927 (to replace the older one) largely by the fundraising efforts of the newlyformed, Komensky Club. Although the Komensky Club owned and operated the hall, SPJST Lodge 49, RVOS Lodge 17, and the local Sokol organization were granted free use of the hall for their meetings and functions. In 1946, the Komensky Club sold the hall to SPJST Lodge 49.
Photos from the walls of Lowake Steakhouse. *A History of the SPJST . . . A Texas Chronicle, 1897 – 1980. Nick A. Morris, compiler.
Lodge 49 stalwart Beverly Tepliček welcomed us as she was on site making final preparations for the evening’s festivities. We made eye contact, hugged then shared some time catching up with one another after more than 20 years!
Among the many elected and appointed positions that she’s held, Beverly currently serves the SPJST as secretary on the state By-Law Committee and on the S.P.J.S.T. Senior Living Centers Board of Directors.
Beverly was kind enough to unfurl and show off the main “curtain” onstage. It is a well-maintained, canvas banner adorned with deeply colorful artwork depicting a wide array of businesses and people who, at one time, were vital to the area’s commerce and trade. It’s a “must-see” when you visit the hall!
After I’d finished setting up, I spent a few minutes strolling about the room taking it all in. I was pleased to see the many pictures, plaques, and certificates displayed; each one harkening back to the hall’s historic heyday.
As the hall filled to near capacity, I slipped on my boots, crisp white shirt, straw cowboy hat then took the stage just before 8 p.m.You could feel the energy welling up in the crowd because the hall had not hosted any “live” events in quite some time. At 8 p.m. sharp, we kicked off with a two-step favorite from Lee Harmon, “Two Empty Glasses” . . . the Bob Wills’ classic, “Faded Love,” soon followed . . . we even worked in the “Cotton-Eyed Joe” and a schottische in our final set. Needless to say, Jody “did his thing” and kept ‘em on the floor all night long.
Folks came from miles around to enjoy the evening: the Krejči sisters and their spouses from Olfen, the Dillards from San Angelo . . . the Hamiltons from Abilene . . . and the Parras came all the way from El Paso; now that’s dedication! There was one couple in particular who danced all night long, helped us load out, and even gave each band member a freshly baked pie to take home! Mine was cherry, and it did not disappoint.
The large and enthusiastic crowd pushed the HVAC system to its absolute limits. So much so that the doors and windows had to be opened to pull in some fresh air (or let some heat out, I can’t be sure). I was very grateful to have brought my own Lasko (brand) floor fan to keep cool onstage. In the warmer months, I rarely play without it. Fittingly, Lasko means love, in Czech.
Judging by all of the smiles and laughter throughout the evening, it was once again proven that the signs above the doors inside don’t lie: Hezký čas je dobrý čas! . . A fine time is a good time!
We encourage you to support and thank your local SPJST lodge when it hosts its next public event. After all, that’s why they exist, right?
Hope to see y’all down the road somewhere! Musically and fraternally yours, Michael Morris Lodge 47, Seaton —SPJST—
Krejči sisters and spouses.
Expression of Sympathy In Memoriam
Expression of Sympathy
We, the members of SPJST Lodge 151, Wharton, wish to express our sincere and heartfelt sympathy to the family of
AMELIA VERA SABLATURA, age 92, who passed away Sunday, July 11, 2021, in Spring, Texas. She was born July 30, 1928, in Hillje to Anton and Amalie Kocurek. Amelia was raised in the Catholic faith and worked as a manager in a gift shop until retirement. Her favorite pas- Amelia Sablatura times were traveling and playing dominoes.
Survivors include her husband of 35 years, Adolph E. Sablatura; children Mary Ann Dittert, Raymond Sablatura, and Donald Sablatura and wife Beverly; daughter-in-law, Penny Sablatura; stepchildren Ronnie Sablatura and wife Kathy and Reneau Gold and husband Ronnie; nine grandchildren; 16 greatgrandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her parents; son Robert Sablatura; stepgrandson Coby Sablatura; son-in law Charles Dittert; first husband Raymond J. Sablatura; second husband Edward G. Faler; and seven siblings.
Amelia was a member of SPJST Lodge 151, Wharton.
The family received friends on Monday, July 19 from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Chapel at Davis Greenlawn Funeral Home in Rosenberg.
A rosary was recited at 10 a.m. before mass on Tuesday with Father Charles Dwomoh officiated.
Funeral mass Tuesday, July 20 at 10:30 a.m. at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Hungerford with burial following in St John’s Cemetery.
Tributes and words of condolence may be left for the family at www.davisgreenlawnfh.com. Arrangements were under the direction of Davis-Greenlawn Funeral Home in Rosenberg, Texas. Fraternally, Janie Bucek Secretary/FAC —SPJST—
The Resolution Committee of Lodge Karel Havlicek, No. 4, Hallettsville in behalf of our entire membership, wish to express our sincerest and deepest sympathy to the family of our departed lodge brother, LADDIE KURTZ, age 82, of Shiner, who passed away Thursday, June 22, 2021. He was born on July 30, 1938, in the Charlottenburg community in Shiner to Rudy and Veronika Mikes Kurtz. He was a graduate of Saint Ludmila Academy in Shiner in 1956, and Metropolitan Technical Institute in Dallas. He married Rita Dornak Laddie Kurtz on April 23, 1961, at John the Baptist Catholic Church of Koerth.
Laddie was a surveyor all his working life. He starting out by surveying cotton fields for Lavaca County extension office, moving to Victoria in 1960 to work for Brown and Root. He also worked for the Victoria Fire Department. In 1963, he moved to Dallas to attend night school and continued surveying with road construction companies. In 1967, he moved to Houston and worked for several bridge companies. He was instrumental in building parts of West and South Loop 610 and the ship channel bridge. In 1993, his company was bought out by a firm in Eddie, Texas, which had him traveling all over central Texas surveying and building bridges until his retirement in 2004.
Laddie was born with music in his blood and heart. He loved music. He started playing drums with the Shiner Hobo Band when he was 17 years old. A couple of years later, he joined his dad’s band, Rudy Kurtz Orchestra. After moving to Victoria, he played drums with Weldon Hirschhauser’s band, Jimmy Placker and Lue Parsley, and several other bands in need of a drummer. After moving to Dallas in 1963, he played drums with the SPJST Czech Concert Orchestra at Lodge 84, Dallas; The Johnny Mensik Band; and with Leo and Willie J Rejcek. Moving to Houston in 1967, he joined Max Krchnak band “Swinging Strings Orchestra” for several years while also sitting in with several other bands in need of a drummer. He also belonged to the SPJST Lodge 88 Czech Concert Orchestra, the Jim Rodhe band; and J&S Playboys band. After moving to Hallettsville in 1989, he rejoined the Shiner Hobo Band. He was the booking agent for the Hobo Band for the past 10 years. He played drums most of his life but changed over to keyboard in the last few years.
During his 22 years living in Houston, he was an active member of St. Benedict Catholic as an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, men’s club, and booth chairmen at the annual festival. He was a member and officer of Anderson Road Civic Club and the Windsor Village Civic Club. He was also Scout Master, Cub Master, and Webelo den leader in Troop 291. In retirement, he was an active member of Saints Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church in Shiner where he sang in three different choirs before his illness. He loved to sing. He was also an active member of the Knights of Columbus Council 2433 in Hallettsville; member and past vice president of KJT Society 20, Shiner; SPJST Lodge 4, Hallettsville; KJZT No. 5, Shiner; and Catholic Life Insurance in Shiner.
He is survived by his wife of 60 years, Rita Dornak Kurtz; sons Michael Kurtz and wife Patricia, Darrell Kurtz and wife Sherri, and Kenneth Kurtz and wife Deborah; grandchildren Madalyn Martinez and husband Oscar and Maximilian Kurtz; and great-grandchildren Elliot and Isaiah Martinez.
Laddie was preceded in death by his parents; daughter Suzanne Marie Kurtz; son Russell Kurtz; sister Helen Shimek Malick and brothers Edward, Rudy Jr., Daniel, and Ernest Kurtz. Visitation was at 5 p.m. on Friday, June 25 at Kubena Funeral home in Hallettsville. Rosary was recited at 7 p.m. Funeral mass was celebrated at 1 p.m. on Saturday, June 26 at Saints Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church in Shiner. Reverend Bryan Heyer officiated. Burial followed at 5 p.m., Saturday, June 26 at St. John the Baptist Catholic Cemetery in Koerth.
Memorials may be made to Saints Cyril Methodius Catholic Church, Shiner Catholic School, or charity of donor’s choice.
May our departed brother rest in eternal peace. Resolution Committee Victoria Zak Gayenell Chudej —SPJST—
Bronze SPJST CemeteryMarkers
Bronze SPJST cemetery markers are available for purchase through the Home Office for $20 a piece. Price includes shipping and handling. The markers measure three inches in diameter and include a fourinch threaded post for mounting. To purchase or for more information, call the Home Office at 800-727-7578 and ask for Sandra.