Splash September 2016

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Malacañang launches ‘Mula sa Masa, Para sa Masa’ tabloid M

alacanang launched a new tabloid, Mula sa Masa, Para sa Masa,

This was launched last August . Presidential Communications Office chief Sec. Martin Andanar said the tabloid will be distributed nationwide for free. The first 5,000 copies will be distributed in selected areas through the Philippine Information Agency (PIA). “It will be a bi-monthly tabloid produced by the Presidential Communications Office, covering topics on government policies and issues directly affecting the Filipinos. There is also has an entertainment section with blind items. The thrust of this tabloid is to keep the country informed on the directives of the President. “Mula sa Masa, Para sa Masa” is an offshoot of “Gikan sa Masa, Para sa Masa” TV program that Duterte hosted when he was still a mayor in Davao City. A TV show is in the works as the studio is still being prepared in Malacanang. The tabloid will also have an online version, which will be called “News for Change,” in the next weeks. (Article written from an original feature taken from GMA news and PIA)





Pinoy travelers can now carry P50k cash Travelers coming in and going out of the Philippines will now be allowed to carry up to P50k is cash, according to the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas


he new policy was issued by BSP officer-incharge Vicente Aquino through Circular 922 series of 2016 announcing the amendment of the rules on cross-border transfer of local currency. “A person may import or export, or bring with him into or take out of the country, or electronically transfer, legal tender Philippine notes and coins, checks, money order and other bills of exchange drawn in pesos against banks oper-

ating in the Philippines in an amount not exceeding P50,000 without prior authorization from the BSP,� according to the BSP chief. Amounts exceeding the limit would require prior written authorization from the BSP. The circular will take effect in September 2016. (with full attribution from material earlier published on Good News Pilipinas)



No more random checks of balikbayan boxes

he Bureau of Customs (BOC) will start implementing its new guidelines in dealing with balikbayan boxes.

for purposes of trade facilitation, Lina said the BOC may allow the full examination of the alerted shipments at the warehouse of the freight forwarder/ consolidator upon submission of an Affidavit of Undertaking.

BOC commissioner Alberto Lina gave assurance there would be no random checks of the packages and any Customs personnel in violation of the new guidelines would be charged appropriately. Lina signed the memorandum order “Revised Rules and Regulations on the Importation of Balikbayan Boxes” stating “balikbayan boxes of OFWs (overseas Filipino workers) shall not be subjected to random or arbitrary physical inspection. Instead they shall only undergo mandatory X-ray scanning.” Lina signed the order last Aug. 27 that became effective on 3 Sept. The order was implemented following public criticism on the random inspection of balikbayan boxes. Customs officials said the inspection of balikbayan boxes was to curb smuggling of contraband and illegal drugs.

The BOC said they would beef up security and acquire K-9 units apart from installing close circuit television (CCTV) cameras for the authorized inspection/examination areas. (with full attribution from material earlier published from Philstar)

The order stated the mandatory X-ray scanning of container vans with balikbayan boxes would be done by personnel of the X-ray Inspection Project (XIP) at the designated examination area for preliminary examination of non-commercial inbound consolidated shipment. In the event a shipment would be found suspicious, the XIP image analysis inspector shall identify the box with possible violations and recommend the issuance of an alert order.

Other balikbayan boxes with no violation BOC commissioner Alberto Lina would be seggave assurance there would be no regated and provisionally random checks of the packages released to and any Customs personnel in allow its conviolation of the new guidelines tinuous prowould be charged appropriately. cessing.

The policy was met by criticisms from various OFW groups, which said the BOC was barking up the wrong tree in its fight against smuggling.

The public backlash prompted President Aquino to order the BOC to suspend the inspection of balikbayan boxes and revise its procedures. The BOC said the new order simplified the procedures in dealing with balikbayan boxes and to protect the legitimate interests of OFWs sending packages to their loved ones.

The boxes which have been placed under alert shall be subjected to a 100 percent physical examination at the authorized examination area by a customs examiner in the presence of the apprehending officers, freight forwarder consolidator, representatives of the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) and/or a designated officer of an OFW association. To avoid port congestion and

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Duterte accepts chairmanship of ASEAN 2017


resident Rodrigo Duterte accepted the chairmanship of the ASEAN Summit in 2017. In his acceptance speech, Duterte said that the Philippines’ chairmanship would highlight the association as a model of regionalism and a global player with the interest of the people at its core. The chairmanship will coincide with the 50th anniversary of the regional organization. “We will pursue initiative and enhance cooperation with global partners to ensure that the ASEAN citizens live in peace, stability, security, and growth all while remaining ASEAN’s unity and solidarity we will maintain for all

times,” Duterte said. It was one of the few instances when Duterte read a prepared speech. “The Philippines is ready and willing to see and guide the association, but crucial to the realization of our goals are cooperation and support from all the ASEAN member states and our dialogue partners,” Duterte said. The theme for the ASEAN Summit 2017 is akin to Duterte’s campaign motto, “Partnering for Change, Engaging the World.” President Duterte’s speech in full: “Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen. Prime Minister Thon-

gloun Sisoulith, please accept my sincere congratulations on your successful chairmanship of the ASEAN throughout this year. You guided us with the timely motto of “Turning Vision into Reality for Dynamic ASEAN community.” You ably did your part in deepening integration to move us towards the realization of a rules-based people oriented, people-centered ASEAN community. In the last two days of our meetings, I have benefited immensely from our discussions and exchanges, providing me with insights on how best to build upon Lao PDR’s efforts in community building. During the Philippines’ chairmanship, we will highlight ASEAN

as a model of regionalism and a global player, with the interest of the people at its core. We will pursue initiative and enhance cooperation with global partners to ensure that ASEAN citizens live in peace, stability, security and growth, all the while remaining ASEAN’s centrality, unity, and solidarity, we will maintain for all times. The Philippines is ready and willing to steer and guide the association. But crucial to the realization of our goals is the cooperation and support of all ASEAN member states and our dialogue partners. Towards this end, I invite you to be our dynamic and vibrant partners as we guide ASEAN in 2017. Our theme, “Partnering for Change, Engaging the World,” captures our resolve to consolidate our community for our peoples with a sense of togetherness and common identity, ready and able to take our rightful place in the global community of nations. The Philippines’ ASEAN chairmanship coincides with a historic milestone event, we will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of our association. It will be an occasion for us to set the tone for the next 50 years. Join us in making the commemoration of ASEAN’s 50th anniversary a success. With great honor and humility, I accept the chairmanship of the ASEAN from our excellent host, the Lao People’s Republic... Democratic Republic. I look forward to seeing you all in the Philippines in 2017. Thank you and Mabuhay!”

(with full attribution from material earlier published by GMA News)



OFW Tips: Want to return to PH earlier? Here’s what you should do T

here’s no doubt about it - remittances from Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) keep the economy afloat. But working abroad is not always easy. The increase in income often comes with vari-

ous risks and the pain of being away from family. According to Vince Rapisura, president of the Social Enterprise Development Partnerships, Inc, temporary economic migrants should make it a goal to be able to come back within 10 years. 3 stages of the migration process According to Vince, OFWs should ideally go through the following migration process: • Beginning stage (1-2 years) - For the first two years, the migrant should work on paying off the debts he/she incurred to be able to work abroad. (ie. money spent for plane tickets, processing fees, etc.) • Medium term (2-3 years) - During the medium term, the migrant’s focus should be to provide for his/ her family’s basic needs. • Long term (3-5 years) - The migrant’s last years, meanwhile, should be spent for their financial goals like being able to buy a house, open a business, among others.

Coming home earlier Then again, you don’t have to wait for 10 years to reach your financial goals. Vince says that for an OFW to be ready to come home earlier, he or she set clear financial goals before leaving.

Many OFWs fail to do this, causing them to overstay abroad. Before you start packing your bags, it’s important that you and your family understand why you have to leave and what you are trying to achieve. Just as important is being able to stick with your goals. “When they go there, initially they say, ‘I only want a tricycle as a business,’ and send my children to school.’ After 5 years and they’ve already attained that, the goal would shift somewhere else. Maybe the tricycle is now a jeepney, and sending the children to school is finished and now they want to put up a house,”Rapisura explained. Changing goals is not necessarily a bad thing, but having no definite end-goal contributes to OFWs overstaying abroad. Teach your family to be independent According to Vince, families also need to understand that reaching financial goals is

not the OFW’s burden alone. Ideally, the family left behind should be able to provide income and not just depend on the OFW’s remittances. The income that family members at home make should be able to cover the household’s basic needs and expenses while the OFW’s income funds their family’s ultimate financial goals – building a house, opening a business, or sending the kids to school. By doing so, families not only get to reach their financial goals faster, but are also able to maintain their lifestyle. According to Vince, many OFWs fail to save because their families suddenly change their lifestyle, ultimately increasing expenses. This happens when the OFW provides them with more than they actually need.

Budgeting your money About half of OFWs claim that they save, but only 1 out 5 save for emergencies adequately. Vince also shared that OFWs do budget, but their budgeting is focused mainly on immediate consumption, not on investments or other financial goals. As a guide, Vince suggests that OFWs follow the 5-1520-60 budgeting rule, with 5% of income going to insurance premium, 15% to savings, 20% to investments, and 60% to expenses. Effective budgeting means being able reach your financial goals faster and ultimately, being capable of returning home for good. (with full attribution from material earlier published by Don Kevin Hapal from Rappler)




UK rules out points-based immigration system T

heresa May has ruled out a points-based immigration system supported by the official Brexit campaign, while promising a more effective way of bringing “some control” over the number of people coming to the UK. She was accused of backsliding on promises made by Vote Leave after she cast doubt on the effectiveness of a system admitting people on the basis of their skills and refused to commit an extra £100m to the NHS. May insisted that she opposed a points-based system because it did not give the government enough of a say over who comes to Britain. Shaking her head at the claim that she was going soft on controlling immigration, the prime minister said: “What the British people voted for on 23 June was to bring some control into the movement of people from the European Union to the UK. A points-based system does not

give you that control.” In an attempt to illustrate her point, May said Heathrow staff had told her and David Cameron that immigrants were abusing student visa rules through a points-based system. “But because they met the criteria, they were automatically let in,” she said. “That’s the problem with a points-based system. I want a system where the government is able to decide who comes into the country. I think that’s what the British people want.” No 10 sources said May was still intending to honour the essence of what people voted for by bringing in a system that would be more effective at curbing immigration than the Vote Leave and Ukip idea. Theoretically, this could include a work permit or visa system, restrictions on entry to those with job offers, a quota system or an emergency brake. However, the prime minister has given no details about

how this might be done and has not answered the crucial question of whether the government could give preferential access to EU citizens over those from the rest of the world. The dilemma for May is that a number of EU states have indicated that the UK will not get preferential terms for trading without accepting at least a degree of free movement for EU citizens. May also stressed that she


had not yet set a date for the triggering of article 50, despite calls from prominent Brexit campaigners for an immediate start to talks with the EU about leaving. “What I’ve said on triggering article 50 is that I won’t be triggering it before the end of the year. I haven’t set a date for when it is going to be triggered,” she told the press conference. (with full attribution from material earlier published by Rappler)



Tesla-Meralco talks for an expansion in ofw corner OFW tips: How to savethe on gas and electricity bills Philippines T


RE YOU wasting

3. Fill up your washing machine,

tumble dryer and dishwasher. cash onisyour currently encompany has been esla One full load uses less energy ergy bills? It onlysignifi- holding talks with expanding than two half loads. Wash your takes 20 minutes cantly its presence Tesla and that comclothes at 30ºC and don’t use to check, and it in Asia could aheadsave of the the tumble dryer if you can you start pany executives are of Modelmore 3 production. avoid it. than £200 a The planning a visit by 4. Don’t boil more water than year. You could save company hasevena more growing the end of the year. you need. Making a cup of tea? by being efficient with your gas Japan Panlilio says presence in China and Just boil enough for a cup of and electricity usage. since 2014, but in 2016, the that they want to tea. explore a “potential automaker also expanded in 5. Use energy saving light bulbs. Best ways to save on gas and partnership” to disTaiwan and South Korea. They last up to 10 times longer electricity than ordinary bulbs and don’t EnergyThe bills can be expensive, company has been tribute Tesla’s enercost much more. Using one can but there area a few few things you mar- gy storage products, eyeing other save you around £55 over the can do to keep your costs as kets for expansions in the something Meralco lifetime of the bulb. low as possible. now “pushing Singapore 1.region, Switch. like Changing energy and is for growth theyourPhilipvehicles in the Philippines. Malaysia, now it looks hard”, says the execStrugglingin to pay energy supplier is easybut and can knock hundreds pounds off your Meralco and the FilipiThe car market in the pines,bills? like theofPhilippines is also a utive. The electric utility ofIf you can’t afford energy bills. It doesn’t to matter if you a new fers net metering solutions are your looking Philippines is still a small no government contender become bills, talk to your supplier. They rent or own your home, you incentives to atmarket for both its electric for households with solar one, but its one of the fast- at creating can help you work out exactly should be able to switch. to the installations and it wants est growing in South East tach electric vehicles and itsIt’s‘Tesla what you vehicles owe and might be 2. Pay by direct debit. usu- 4.EnMake your home more eco- We’ve picked out five of the year. into the car market. Asia. Only 168,000 cars growth to offer energy storage opergy’ division. able work out a repayment ally cheaper and means you friendly. Better insulation, a new Energy Saving Trust’s top tips 2. Turn off the lights when you scheme. won’t In have to worry about were 2010, but the tions, such as are Tesla’s Powerinterviews last week, boiler, solar panels… There leave a room. to help you on your way. sold They in missing payments. market wall,out to there its customers. Alfredo S. Panlilio, Senior lots of options which all have a big impact, so even ifgrew to 324,000 3. Use less. It sounds obvious, could help you save up to you just do one of them, you’ll Additionally, Panlilio units in 2015. Car sales are (with full attribution from Vice President of Meralco, but the less energy you use the £250 per year. Read on to see still be better off. says that they need to dis- expected to easily reach material earlier published the your country’s lower bills will biggest be. There elecThis page is brought if you’re eligible for a govern- 1. Turn down your thermostat. by Fred Lambert from cuss the charging infra- 500,000 units by 2020. tric utility are plenty of tipsand and the trickssole you powment grant. Just reducing it by 1°C could to you byElektrek) can to cut yourinconsumpAs several automakers the er use provider metro Ma- structure neededcutfor 10% off your heating bill – tion. We’ve listed some below.thatUsing are £55 eyeing deployment of it usually electric nilla, told reporters his less energy saves around per the opportunity


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11 3



PH is 20th

happiest place in the world — report


he Philippines has ranked 20th happiest place in the world, according to the Happy Planet Index (HPI) report of think tank New Economic Foundation (NEF) which was released recently. The Philippines got an HPI score of 35.0. The HPI was obtained by considering the well-being (where residents were asked on how they feel about life overall, on a scale from zero to ten); life expectancy (average number of years a person in each country is expected to live); inequality of outcomes (“the inequalities between people within a country, in terms of how long they live, and how happy they feel”);

and ecological footprint of the citizens of the country. The Philippines’ HPI score totaled to 35.0. To break it down, the country got five points for well-being, 1.1 global hectares per person for its ecological footprint and 26 percent for inequality of outcomes. The average life expectancy of Filipinos is at 67.9 years, which has been recorded by the United Nations. For this year, 140 countries were included in the report. Contrary to popular belief, first-world nations are not as happy as most people think they are just because they are paragons of success. These countries usually rank low in the annual list.

For 2016, Costa Rica was hailed as the happiest place on Earth, ranking first in the list with an HPI score of 44.7. It has previously been considered the happiest place in the world in 2009 and 2012. Following Costa Rica are Mexico, Colombia, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Panama, Nicaragua, Bangladesh, Thailand, Ecuador, Jamaica, Norway, Albania, Uruguay, Spain, Indonesia and El Salvador. Aside from the HPI, there are other happiness polls in which the Philippines got a

better ranking. In 2013, the country placed fifth in Gallup’s Positive Experience Index with a score of 80. Created by Nic Marks, the HPI was also first introduced in the NEF a decade ago. According to the think tank, the HPI was created to show “how well nations are doing at achieving long, happy, sustainable lives” and measures how these nations sustain well-being for all its citizens. (Planet Philippines original article)


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DTI readies program


he Department of Trade and Industry has forged a partnership with the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (Owwa) to come up with entrepreneurship programs for Filipinos who were repatriated from the Middle East. Trade Undersecretary Zenaida Maglaya noted the unfortunate situation of OFWs, especially those who were displaced from Saudi Arabia after they were retrenched due to the oil crisis. This partnership would thus not only support the national government’s reintegration program for OFWs, but would also dovetail with the trade department’s thrust to advance entrepreneurship. “It’s good that we have partnered with Owwa because what we really want to happen is that they would still be able to help their families, be able to get a good and decent job, without leaving the country,” Maglaya said. Under the Enterprise Development and Loan Program (EDLP) memorandum of understanding, the DTI and OWWA will jointly implement convergent programs, projects and services for overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) and their families who intend to set up their own micro, small or medium

for displaced OFWs

sized enterprises (MSMEs). Maglaya said the partnership would help the OFWs and their families start a business. They would be given the option to either pursue it and remain in the country for good or continue working abroad and leave the business to their families or relatives. The DTI will package MSME business models for promotion among prospective OFW-entrepreneurs or investors; facilitate

or assist in the provision of resource persons for Owwa-organized entrepreneurship development training and related activities, and provide technical assistance to prospective and current OFW-entrepreneurs through the Negosyo Centers and network of mentors or experts both from the government and private sector. The Enterprise Development and Loan Program, formerly the P2-billion OFW Reintegration Program, would be the most important component of the project, according to Owwa Administrator Rebecca Calzado. Calzado said the partnership would help provide options for the OFWs to pursue business over overseas employment. “This is what the MOU is all about—for returning OFWs who wish to find an alternative to overseas employment. These are programs that the government can offer,” Calzado added.

In coordination with DTI, Owwa will also sustain the promotion of MSMEs as part of the entrepreneurship development component of the Reintegration Program for OFWs and refer OFWs or their families who intend to venture in businesses to DTI for access to training; make available its business loan program for OFW ventures, and ensure the support of its regional and overseas offices in the promotion of MSMEs among prospective OFW-entrepreneurs. The DTI and Owwa also agreed to develop and distribute MSME materials as well as information and procedures on starting a business; holding of caravans and seminars in target areas locally and overseas, and project monitoring evaluation, counseling and mentoring of OFW-entrepreneurs, and improvement of MSME operations. (with full attribution from material earlier published by Amy Remo from Inquirer)


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PLDT, Smart to install free Wi-Fi in nation’s 18 airports P

LDT and its wireless unit Smart Communications will be installing free high-speed Internet at 18 major airports and other publictransport hubs in the first 100 days of President Duterte, an official of the country’s leading telecommunications firm and multimedia-services provider said. Eric Alberto, PLDT EVP and ePLDT president and CEO, said the PLDT Group has an initial investment of P1 billion earmarked this year for the first phase of the nationwide deployment of Smart Wi-Fi, which will have a minimum backhaul of 1 gigabit. Alberto said they will also install Wi-Fi at two major seaports, three lines of the Light Railway Transit (LRT) and the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (Naia), the country’s major gateway and the busiest. Next month, it will put Wi-Fi at the Mactan-Cebu International Airport, which had 7.78 million passengers in 2015. Alberto said: “The Aquino administration had always been supportive of the PLDT Group. However, let me be very candid. It’s only in this regime and leadership of [President] Duterte that we managed to get a very clear direction and ease of access to be able to provide in public places like this airport [Clark], without much bureaucracy in nature.” “And we welcome this kind of welcome development, by which private sector and government can partner in interest of serving the public,” he said. Alberto said PLDT, which also controls Sun Cellular, would

like to take part in the vision of the Duterte administration to improve Internet services, particularly its speed, for the benefit of the Filipinos. Even before he assumed his post on June 30, Mr. Duterte had been vocal in his desire to improve Internet services in the country. Mon Isberto, PLDT Smart’s head of Public Affairs, said: “This position is entirely consistent with the fact that the telecommunications industry has been liberalized and open to competition since the mid1990s. More important, it will help improve Internet services in the country and benefit businesses and consumers, especially those in rural areas.” Soon, Smart Wi-Fi will also be reinforced in all four terminals of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport, as well as in the

airports of Cebu, Dumaguete, Kalibo, Caticlan, General Santos, and Laoag. The airport in Clark was identified by the DOT as one of 21 key transport hubs for installation of Smart Wi-Fi as outlined in a landmark agreement signed last month by Tugade and Pangilinan to strengthen data connectivity in airports, seaports, railways, train stations, and bus terminals across the country. More high traffic areas such as city halls, schools, hospitals, and malls, among others, will be covered by the service over time amid the increasing demand for more public Wifi hotspots in the country.

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“With a bandwidth of up to 1 gigabit per second, Smart Wi-Fi users will get to enjoy a seamless digital experience whether surfing the web for their favorite sites, or keeping connected with home and office while travelling,” said Kat Luna-Abelarde, FVP and Wireless Consumer Operations Head at Smart. “The sustained deployment of Smart Wifi in key gateways like the Clark International Airport forms part of our commitment to bring the digital experience to more Filipinos by way of high-speed internet,” PLDT said. (with full attribution from material from Business Mirror)

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Tourism dept’s 2-day showcase event a success


TRAVEL showcase of the beautful Philippines in the heart of multi cultural society of London - a travelogue of fun, music, places, food and Filipino culture... a great place to be... It’s more fun in the PHILIPPINES! The two-day event was held in Potters Field Park, right beside the iconic Tower Bridge. The Philippine Department of Tourism deemed the event a resounding success. This is the third in a series of campaigns by the Department of Tourism in London, the first two being in Waterloo and King’s Cross stations.

According to Philippine Embassy Consul General Senen Mangalile, the event aims to raise the British and other nationalities’ awareness about the country. The United Kingdom is the largest source of tourism arrivals in Europe and is the 8th worldwide, so there are a lot of opportunities and potential to boost tourism, he added. With 45,000 attendees over the the two day event, visitors were taken on a virtual and interactive trip around seven magical islands, with each area of the event showcasing the different cultural pleasures associated with each feature region.

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Low airfares in PH seen as tourism come-on


ITH THE Philippines offering one of the lowest airfares in the world, tourism stakeholders should take advantage of this and be more aggressive in promoting the country. Edilberto Mendoza, president of the Cebu Association of Tour Operators (Cato), said airfare rates in the Philippines are relatively lower compared to other countries especially when booked from outside of the country. “The Philippines is already a great destination by itself. We have a lot to offer. We just need to be more aggressive with our promotions like what our Asian counterparts are doing,” he said. A survey conducted by kiwi. com, an online travel agency that uses algorithms to combine flight itineraries in the vast and fragmented commercial aviation sector to uncover big savings for its clients, showed that it is relatively cheap to fly in the Philippines. According to the agency’s 2016 Aviation Price Index, the Philippines ranked 9th out of 75

countries that offered “the best value flights.” India topped the list of value flights while United Arab Emirates (UAE) emerged as the most expensive. The Philippines made it to the roster of top 10 countries offering value flights with an average of $7.76 per 100 km of travel. Legacy carrier Philippine Airlines and two budget carriers, Cebu Pacific Air and Air Asia Philippines, are the country’s three carriers. Based on its survey, kiwi.com came up with $5.23 per 100 km as its average low-cost airline fare for domestic routes and $8.26 for legacy carriers. For international flights, it was $3.93 for low cost airlines and $13.61 for legacy airlines per 100 km. With an average flight cost $3.25 per 100 km of travel, India emerged as the country with the most “value” while UAE, which was calculated to offer $105.71 per 100 km of travel, came out as the most expensive. Since 2012, the Department of Tourism (DOT) has been using the slogan “It’s More Fun

in the Philippines” to promote destinations in the country, but Tourism Secretary Wanda Corazon Teo recently decided to use something more in tune with the Duterte administration’s thrust for “change” starting next year. Aside from becoming more aggressive in promotions, Mendoza said the Philippine government should also look into the improvement of tourism infrastructure. “Widening of roads, decongesting traffic by looking for alternative routes, proper waste management and segregation to control floods during the rainy season (should be the priority),” he said. Mendoza added there should also be more tourism-related seminars in local government units to increase public awareness on the industry. He also cited the need to address safety and security issues in the country. DOT Central Visayas officer in charge Judy Gabato, for her part, said the DOT welcomed the survey, noting that it would be an opportunity to market the country as a destination for


all. “This will really help a lot. Not only those who can afford can come here, but even those who are on a budget because of our relatively cheap airfare rates,” she said. Gabato stressed the need for closer partnership between the government and private sectors to achieve the tourism industry’s short-term to long-term goals. “We also have to consider accommodations as well as destinations, among others, and make sure these are maintained, regardless if they are maintained by the LGU or a private entity,” she said. The Philippines welcomed 5.36 million foreign and domestic tourists in 2015, most of whom came to Central Visayas, which logged 4.5 million arrivals. More than half of the number, or 3.3 million, headed for Cebu. For this year, DOT targets 6 million tourist arrivals and 12 million by the end of 2022. (Full attribution from material earlier published from Cebu Daily News)



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EMBASSY OUTREACH - EDINBURGH The Embassy will hold its next Consular Outreach Mission for 2016 in: Date/Time: 24 SEPTEMBER 2016 (Sat), 9AM - 5PM Venue: Destiny Church Gorgie Centre, 52 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh EH11 2NB Contact Persons : Alex and Marjorie Chong 07597102094 scotlandoutreach@yahoo.com Applicants are advised to check the documentary and other requirements at www.londonpe.dfa.gov.ph and to download the application forms in advance from the same website. The Embassy looks forward to serving you at the Consular Outreach Mission in Edinburgh.

EMBASSY OUTREACH - LIVERPOOL The Embassy will hold its next Consular Outreach Mission for 2016 in: Date/Time: 22 October 2016 (Saturday), 9:00am to 5:00pm Venue: Lee Valley Millenium Centre, Childwall Valley Road Liverpool L25 2PR Contact Persons : Tricia Ferriol 01512284506 07841658744 Applicants are advised to check the documentary and other requirements at www.londonpe.dfa.gov.ph and to download the application forms in advance from the same website. The Embassy looks forward to serving you in Liverpool.



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New boats put an end to the world’s wettest school run IT MAY have been the world’s wettest school run – but this term children on five islets in the Philippines will no longer have to swim through the sea to get to school, thanks to the arrival of new boats provided by UK charity Sailors’ Society. The two motorised boats, which carry up to 30 school children each, will dramatically improve the prospects of children attending Sulangan Integrated School, who until now faced the risk of being washed out to sea just to get to their lessons. Sailors’ Society, which has its headquarters in Southampton, funded the boats for the seafaring community in Sulangan, as part of its mission to help seafarers and their families around the world. Before the boats arrived Ramie Aronales, 16 – who has disabilities including breathing difficul-

ties – and his siblings Rose Marie, 12, Marvin, 8 and Marvy, 6, had to wade through the sea from their home on the tiny islet of Biagayag to get to the school two kilometres away. Their father, Ramone, would carry Marvy on his back at low tide – and at high tide the children were sometimes unable to get to


school at all, or trapped at school for hours until Ramone was able to borrow his neighbour’s boat to collect them after class. Ramie’s parents were unable to finish their education, but Ramie is determined to finish school so that he can support his family in the future. He says: “The school boat project

brings us, and other families like us, so much joy because at last we won’t be late and won’t miss going to school ever again. “This will serve as a stepping stone for me to become a seafarer someday.” Sailors’ Society has more than 100 chaplains and ship visitors working across 87 ports. They support seafarers and their families and are transforming their lives with everything from building new homes to providing computers for schools. Sandra Welch, deputy CEO and director of programme for Sailors’ Society, says: “The worst thing most of us face on the school run is a bit of traffic, so it’s hard to believe that there are children who have to swim through the sea just to get an education. (with full attribution from the Sailors’ Society)

COMMUNITY 24-25 Sept 2016

Filipino Martial Artists Venue: Immortal 365 Unit 3 Milnyard Square Orton, Southgate, Peterborough, PE2 6GX Time: 10am-4pm FB: https://www. facebook.com/ groups/34028052561/

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Lot for sale 333 square metre in Tungkil, Minglanilla, Cebu City and 137 square metre in Garland Compound Kawit, Cavite. Affordable house and lot for sale! Location: Simplex Subdivision, Lapu Lapu, Cebu City, Philippines. Serious buyer only! Contact tel no 07436706237 for inquiry

Great prospects for PH tourism PHILIPPINE tourism has been in the news lately, highlighted by reports that plans are well underway for the holding of Miss Universe 2017 in Manila in January, 2017. The first time Miss Universe was held in Manila was in 1974, at the Cultural Center of the Philippines, followed 20 years later in 1994 at the Philippine International Convention Center. The Department of Tourism, headed by new Secretary Wanda Teo, has also reported good news on tourist arrivals in the country which reached 2.9 million foreign visitors for the six-month period from January to June this year. This is 13 percent higher than the figure for the same period in 2015. At the start of the new administration, the Department of Tourism said it is now considering replacing “It’s More Fun in the Philippines” with a more appealing slogan, one that reflect the aura of change in the country. The target for the whole of 2016 is six million foreign and local tourists. With a new marketing slogan, the DoT may be inspired to boost its efforts so that tourism can become a principal pillar of the Philippine economy. The forthcoming Miss Universe pageant should be a major boost to our tourism program. As in all recent competitions, Philippine beauties will be competing for the title in the coming Miss Universe pageant. But even without a win, our hosting it will draw the world’s attention to our country, our people, the beauty of our islands, and our rich history. Truly, we can all look forward to a great future for Philippine tourism. (Tempo)

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