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april 2013
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CONTRIBUTORS Jo e B u t l e r, Ed itor/Wri ter S-R Media Marketing Department. Though he once made his mom cry when he first tried white bread and Twinkies and asked for more of each, Joe now l oves learning new ways to prepare healthy food.
Tr i s h M e r r y ma n, D esi gner S-R Media Marketi ng Department. Trish is an avid cycli st, a licensed massage practitioner and owner of l i n d e n r ü t e m a s s a g e w h e r e s h e offers organic & vegan creams.
C ou rt ne y D u n h a m , Writer Court ney is a writer, publicist, and director of Dunham Media Publicity & Development. She believes living we ll is time spent with her people, dogs, and t raveling. Follow her at n o t h i n g o n p a p e r. b l o g s p o t . c o m
Er ika P r i n s , Wri ter Erika writes, works at a vegan bakery, chairs Bike to Work S pokane and is training for her third marathon.
Ho l l y J o n e s , Writ er is an Emmy Award-nominated veteran of local te levi sion and nat ional advertising. The WSU grad enjoys motherhood and other creative endeavors and can be reached at
D a n We b s t e r, Wri ter Dan has been a journal ist since 1978. He worked for vari ous newspapers, most prominently The SpokesmanReview, and currentl y works as a freelance writer/edi tor and host of Spokane Public Radi o’s “Movies 101.”
S h a l l an Kn owles, Ph ot og r a p h er Shallan is a we b designer, photographer, yoga inst ructor, and owner of G l u t e n F r e e S p o k a n e . c o m , which covers glu te n-f ree dining options around the Inland Northwest.
D e rri c k K n owles , W r i t er Derrick is a hiker a nd founder of the Inland Northwe st Trail, a new long-distance hikin g t rail out of Spokane. w w w. i n w t r a i l . o r g
R e n ée Sa nde, W r i t er A Spokane native, Renée has spent 15 years in communications, from PR to p ub lishing, and is currently a freelanc e writer and designer who enjoys t rav eling and the greener side of thin gs. h t t p : / / r e n e e s a n d e c o m . c o m
J u l i e H umphreys, W r i t er Julie is a longtime reporter/TV anchor. She spent 22 years with KHQ, and now writes for various publications, produces videos, and works o n a local health initiative called S te p UP and Go. w w w. s t e p u p a n d g o . o r g
K i m An d er se n, W r i t er Kim has o ver 20 years of experienc e in health care marketing and c o mmunications and enjo ys writing on health topics.
Ma g g i e Wol cott, W r i t er Maggie is a writer, artist, and professor who writes the blog ahouseon ga and contributes to various local publications.
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Health care and health coverage working together.
At Group Health, cooperation is, and always has been the principle behind everything we do. We created a system where the business and economics of health coverage and the art and science of medicine work together with a shared goal—better health. By making patients everyone’s priority, Group Health Cooperative is able to raise quality, lower costs, and ultimately improve outcomes. Together we share One Goal. Group Health. To get started, visit
© 2013 Group Health Cooperative
L is a product of S-R MEDIA/ The SpokesmanReview
DIRECTOR SALES & MARKETING Kathleen Coleman SALES LEAD Todd Hogan SMALL BUSINESS WRITE-UPS Renée Sande Tricia Jo Webster LiveWELL is a product of Cowles Publishing Company, 999 W. Riverside, Spokane WA 99201 W. Stacey Cowles, President and Publisher Disclaimer: Though LiveWELL promotes many area medical-oriented businesses, it doesn’t make any health recommendations. Consult your personal health care provider for questions about your particular situation.
Advertising Supplement to S−R Media/The Spokesman−Review • Sunday, April 28, 2013 • Online & Mobile at
AH, SLEEP Getting Zzzz vital for our health
P 38
SMILE Orthodontic options less visible, less painful
OFF THE FIELD NWOS Surgeons help athletic injuries
P 18
BOUNTY OF BLOOD Spokane area needs donors
P 70
HEALTHY CLIMATE New WSU/Riverpoint medical campus
MASSAGE THERAPY Washington legislation touts health benefits
P 16
LOOKING WELL Technology has improved contouring choices
P 24
PEDAL POWER Including local cycling events
P 28
CUTTING OUT THE GLUTEN Growing resources for wheat-free & gluten-free diets
P 32
HEALTHY FOOD Hospitals whip up better tasting fare
P 34
table of
TOO MUCH TUBE TIME? Medical experts suggest limiting electronics time
P 46
THE VALUE OF CLINICAL TESTING Human trials move medicine forward
P 54
ATHLETIC ACCESS Schools respond to mandate for disabled players
P 58
CHAMPION OPENS BOXFIT Boxing gym geared toward everyone
P 66
PLANNING AHEAD Experts recommend wills and instructions
P 68
KEEPING FIT WITH FIDO Pilates workshop for people and their pups
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HEALTHY CLIMATE Medical campus just the “shot in the arm” Spokane needs Story by Renée Sande, LiveWELL Correspondent Photo by Cori Medeiros, WSU
jobs,” he said. Umbach’s study states that none of the other communities he has studied have Projected to become “America’s next the assets in place that are already here great academic health center,” Spokane’s in Spokane. As the largest medical center future is looking bright with construction between Seattle and Minneapolis, Spokane nearly complete on the Washington State is viewed as a very cost-effective location University Spokane’s Biomedical and to expand health sciences education and Health Sciences Building. research, as well as a learning-rich environment, with the area hospitals, clinics, physicians and related services available. While the pharmacy college’s third and fourth years of study for its Doctor of Pharmacy are currently on the Riverpoint Campus, the program’s first and second years have only been offered, up to this point, on the WSU campus in Pullman. This fall, consolidation will bring the entire program to Spokane, along with WSU’s pharmacology-toxicology program and pharmaceutical sciences programs, meaning nearly 300 students, staff, and faculty will relocate to The Riverpoint Higher Education Park campus is currently Riverpoint. under construction. When complete, it will house a four-year The 4-year medical school would medical school and the WSU College of Pharmacy. be a branch campus of the University of Washington Medical School, and a The $78.7 million, 125,000-square-foot collaboration of UW and WSU, with WSU building is the latest of construction providing instruction in the students’ first projects on the Riverpoint Higher two years, and UW providing staff for Education Park campus, and Phase I of a clinical education in third and fourth years. multi-phase research complex which will Until now, medical students could attend house a four-year medical school, as well as their first year at WSU Spokane, then the WSU College of Pharmacy. would have to transfer to the University of Paul Umbach, senior principal of Tripp Washington in Seattle for their second year. Umbach, a Pittsburgh-based consulting Third and fourth-year students could come firm that created an impact study for the back to Spokane or head to other eastern project in 2010, estimates the project’s Washington sites for some or all of their annual economic impact to the Inland clinical rotations. Northwest by 2030 is $1.6 billion, with the However, with only 100 residency potential to create 9,000 new jobs and positions throughout all of Eastern graduate 1,500 physicians. Washington, 81 of those in Spokane, the However, Umbach says the numbers of students returning to the “opportunities are even bigger.” Doug area were low. Now that number could Nadvornick, WSU Spokane spokesman, potentially increase to 250 within the next agrees with this assessment. decade. “This will not only come from bringing Dr. John McCarthy, UW School of in students but also from the researchers Medicine assistant dean for regional affairs and the doctors as well, who we hope will of WWAMI Clinical Medical Educationturn around and work with outside investors Eastern and Central Washington, in to spin off new companies and create new Spokane, is chairman of the graduate
medical education committee working to secure funding for the residencies to support the 4-year medical school. WWAMI stands for Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho, and provides students access to publicly supported medical education across the five-state region. Currently, Sacred Heart is maximized at the number of residencies it can offer, which is 70. However, discussions with other area hospitals are taking place. “Creating a doctor from a student is very expensive; it’s going to be a hard push, but looking at the long term, it makes total sense,” said McCarthy. According to the UW website, “over 30 years, 61 percent of graduating (WWAMI) students stay within the five-state area to practice,” often where they finish their medical education. As a result of the 4-year medical school, Spokane will see a great increase in the number of college graduates choosing to live and work in the area, as the impact study predicts that of every class of 120 students admitted, 46 students would choose to stay and practice in the Spokane area upon graduation. Tentatively scheduled for “move-in status” this November, the Phase I building is ahead of schedule, while future phases of the project are still conceptual, to be revealed later this year. “It will be somewhat of a crowded fall semester in our Academic Center and [existing] Health Sciences Building until classes begin in the new building January, 2014,” says Nadvornick.
Building Square Feet: 125,000 Cost of Building: $78.7 million Projected Economic Impact by 2030: $1.6 billion Potential New Jobs by 2030: 9,000 Physicians Graduated by 2030: 1,500 Pullman Transplants (students, faculty, admin) for Pharmacy Program: 300 Physician Residency Slots Compared to Before: 150 more Students Expected to Stay to Practice in Spokane, out of every class of 120: 46
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MASSAGE THERAPY WA legislation touts health benefits Story by Dan Webster LiveWELL Correspondent Photo by Shallan Knowles As a licensed massage practitioner, Laura Williams wants to stress one fact about her vocation:
“We are
health-care professionals,“ she declares. You can understand her concern. The term “massage” traditionally has had more than one meaning, especially when the modifiers “Asian” or “Oriental” are applied to it. For example, Nancy Lee, owner and founder of Spokane’s Northwest Noetic School of Massage, remembers when local attitudes toward massage were narrow to the extreme. Lee earned her massage therapy license in 1992, a time when Stateline, Idaho, infamously offered a full range of “adult activities” including massage. “I would get people making jokes about that,” she says, “and there was often some kind of sexual intimation when they found out what I did.” Lee rarely hears those kinds of remarks about massage therapy anymore. In fact, she says, “In the state of Washington, people expect it to be more medical.” Credit that change to evolving attitudes. Credit also the work of those many people, practitioners and patients alike, who understood just how key massage can be as part of an overall medical-care system. Credit, too, Deborah Senn, who, between 1993-2001, served two elected terms as Washington’s insurance commissioner. “She was very pro-massage,” Lee says, “and she definitely helped us get that taken care of.” The “that” Lee refers to involves the licensing requirements that are overseen by the Washington State Department of Health ( In short, the minimum requirements state that a massage practitioner “must show completion of a state-approved massage school or apprenticeship program” that includes 500 hours in such varied courses of study as anatomy and physiology, body mechanics, clinical/business practices, Red Cross first aid certification and HIV-AIDS training.
Debora Schilling, LMP, teaches hot stone massage techniques at Northwest Noetic School of Massage. Trish Merryman, LMP, and owner of Lindenrüte Massage, graduated from Northwest Noetic School of Massage and Education Center. “Northwest Noetic’s program requires 950 hours, nearly double the state’s 500-hour requirement. Those additional hours provide advanced anatomy and specialty courses, such as cranialsacral therapy, injury rehab, and hot stone massage. Courses are taught by health care providers who are expert in their fields and that gave me the advantage of increased preparation and confidence as a professional health-care provider.” The state of Idaho,, passed legislation in summer 2012, leading to formation of the Idaho Board of Massage Therapy, and requirements similar to Washington’s. As no national board oversees massage therapy licensing, requirements vary between states. Williams, who earned her license in 2000, defines massage therapy “as a complementary medicine modality.” Massage isn’t the only so-called “modality” that has had problems achieving mainstream recognition. “When I started working in the healthcare field 40 years ago, you didn’t say
the word ‘chiropractor,’ which today is recognized as a very important part of the integrated medical health-care system,” Williams says. Much the same is true, she adds, of alternative treatments such as acupuncture. How important is massage therapy? As evidence, Williams points to the insurance industry, which has never been accused of being liberal with its attitudes toward nonmainstream medical treatments. “Insurance companies have recognized the benefits that massage therapy can have for patients,” Williams says. “And so now we are able to be reimbursed by insurance carriers.” What kinds of services do massagetherapy practitioners offers their patients? Williams mentions lymphatic massage (“where you’re activating the lymphatic system,” she says), sports massage, infant massage, pregnancy massage, deep-tissue massage, reiki (Japanese style “energy work”) and various treatments that involve reducing stress and promoting relaxation. “Not to discount relaxation,” Williams says. “It’s very beneficial, too. But we have evolved over the decades to specializing in different areas in the health-care arena.” Studies have shown, she says, that massage therapy can help reduce blood pressure. “This may not be a permanent change,” Williams says. “You may still need to see your health-care provider for care and medication.” But, she adds, massage therapy “can help with your overall sense of well-being, to prevent injuries and to speed recovery from injuries.” Lee sees the aging U.S. population as a good market for massage therapy, given that it is a proven treatment for chronic pain, whether that pain is from arthritis, overstressed joints or merely worn-out muscles. She thinks that many who could benefit from its good effects haven’t tried massage. “It’s pretty amazing. It’s not the end-all and be-all, but it definitely helps.” She is happy about how massage therapy has transitioned into something meaningful to human health.
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SPOKANE509-327-7078 HEARING AID CENTER 1402 N. Division, Ste. B, Spokane OR Earlier this year, Valley Hospital was recognized for a second year as one of the nation’s top performers on key quality measures by The Joint Commission, the leading accreditor of health care organizations in America. The hospital was recognized by The Joint Commission for exemplary performance in using evidence-based clinical processes that are shown to improve care for certain conditions, including heart attack, heart failure, pneumonia, surgical care, children’s asthma, stroke and venous thromboembolism, as well as inpatient psychiatric services. Valley Hospital is one of only 620 hospitals in the U.S. to earn the Top Performer on Key Quality Measures distinction for attaining and sustaining excellence in accountability measure performance. The list of Top Performers represents the top 18 percent of more than 3,400 eligible hospitals around the country that reported data. Only 244 hospitals in the U.S. achieved the distinction two years in a row. Both times Valley was recognized for its excellence in surgical care and pneumonia. Furthermore, Valley is one of only six hospitals recognized in all of Washington State by The Joint Commission for attaining and sustaining excellence in quality of care “We understand that what matters most to our patients is safe, effective care. That’s why Valley has made a commitment to accreditation and to evidence-based care processes. We have earned this recognition through the dedication and skill of our medical staff, nurses and other clinicians who care for our patients each day,” said Dennis Barts, chief executive officer of Valley Hospital. To learn more about the Joint Commission or learn more about Valley Hospital’s quality and patient satisfaction measurements, visit the Joint Commission website at or the Department of Health and Human Services website.
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SHINY SMILES Orthodontic options less visible Story by Renée Sande LiveWELL Correspondent Photos by Shallan Knowles Faith Hill sported them at the Grammys; Tom Cruise was 39 before they helped make his smile even more dazzling. Bethany Hamilton—the now-pro, one-armed surfer— completely transformed her look with their help. These days, braces aren’t just for kids— or the famous, for that matter. Over the past two decades, advances in orthodontic technology have not only made aligned teeth a much more viable option for a wider audience, but have piqued more interest—young and old—with the added aesthetic value of better facial balance, including the appearance of fuller cheeks and lips, smoother and higher cheek contours and broader smiles.
Dr. Paul Damon and tech Andrea Falco from Damon Orthodontics examine patient Mykette McFarlane. Take Hamilton, for example, whose family was even considering jaw surgery to treat her severe underbite. Lucky for her, an orthodontist who used the Damon System— an orthodontic treatment that was created and patented in Spokane—contacted her and soon began her facial transformation with its unique, self-ligating system (meaning the brackets do not require special ties or elastic bands), avoiding any need for surgery. “After being treated with Damon Braces I couldn’t be happier. The results of having braces not only improved my smile, it boosted my confidence,” says Hamilton, on Damon’s website.
The uniqueness of the Damon System is that instead of relying on elastic bands to help move the teeth into position, its patented built-in “sliding door” holds the wire, but at the same time, allows it to move more freely to ultimately straighten teeth quicker and with less pain. “Dr. Dwight Damon wanted to create a treatment more biologically-in-tune with people’s bodies. What he founded was a system that applies such a light force that— compared to conventional braces—doesn’t hurt as much, therefore causing the body to respond more favorably,” says Kathleen Bayn, treatment coordinator for the South Hill office, one of three local Damon offices. The gentle pressure of the Damon System works with the body’s natural forces, not against them, allowing dental arches to develop the way they were meant to, naturally enhancing facial features. “Results are achieved in far less time with fewer appointments and with far greater comfort,” says Bayn. Dr. Joseph Paventy, of Paventy Orthodontics in the Spokane Valley, also offers a unique solution to conventional braces, called Sure Smile, a fairly new technology that uses software and an accompanying robot to create the patient’s braces. “After digitally scanning patients’ mouths, I can create a 3-D rendition of their mouth, then simulate tooth movement via the software to find the ideal treatment,” said Paventy. “A robot then creates the bends in the wire—by use of heat—that will be needed throughout the entirety of the treatment. What this means is the bends are much more precise than conventional braces, and that a softer more flexible wire is able to be used, therefore making it more comfortable for the patient and cutting treatment time down by approximately 40 percent, with 6 to 10 fewer visits.” Paventy says this technology is also appealing, especially to adults, as it can be applied to the back of the teeth, and thereby remain almost entirely invisible. Invisalign, an advancement in orthodontic technology since 1998, is a system which appeals primarily to adults for its low profile and versatility. Unlike a bonded system that’s attached
to the teeth, Invisalign works via clear aligners—similar to retainers—that a patient replaces approximately every two weeks. Since the aligners are able to be taken in and out of the mouth, it allows the freedom to brush, floss and eat easily, another perk for people of any age. As each aligner is replaced with the next in the series, the patient’s teeth move, little by little, week by week, until they have straightened to the final prescribed position. Office visits usually occur every six weeks to ensure treatment is progressing as planned with total treatment time averaging between 9 to 15 months. Dr. Jodi Funk and her team are one of the few offices in the area certified in Invisalign Orthodontics, and were distinguished as a preferred provider in 2011. “Traditionally, over the years, we’ve used wire, but it can create problems; Invisalign is much more gentle, which definitely works better for some patients,” said Greg Miley, CEO of Funk’s dental business. “Since every patient has different needs, we like to give them options.” Another certified provider of Invisalign and other options is Ellingsen-PaxtonJohnson Orthodontics in the Spokane Valley and the South Hill. “There are so many ways to move teeth these days, that are kinder and gentler, such as Invisalign, so getting braces is not just for kids anymore,” Dr Diane Paxton said. Paxton says many adults prefer Invisalign because the aligners are comfortable — there’s no metal to cause mouth abrasions, which means patients spend less time in the dentist’s office, getting adjustments. “While early evaluation is really important for kids, as it provides both timely detection of problems and greater opportunity for more effective treatment, it’s never too late to get braces,” she said. Area orthodontic resources include: (509) 448-2600 (509) 747-4242 (509) 926-0570 (509) 624-5208
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When considering orthodontics, what is important to you: appearance, results, comfort, cost, or compassionate care? All of these are available at Damon Orthodontics. Damon Orthodontics is a Spokane legacy established in 1968 by Dr. Floyd Damon. Dr. Dwight Damon, founder of the Spokane Valley office, is the inventor of the world-class Damon System, a unique orthodontic system designed for comfort that produces outstanding long-term results, while compassionately reducing permanent tooth extractions, palatal expanders, and headgear. You can trust the heritage and continued performance of Damon Orthodontics. Cousins Dr. Clay Damon and Dr. Paul Damon are passionate about delivering optimum patient care, taking into consideration how important it is that orthodontic treatment fits into busy changing schedules. This includes reducing treatment time and the number of appointments needed without compromising results. Also important is understanding how much force is needed to make orthodontic corrections. The Damon System uses light, far more consistent forces than conventional methods. While patients of all ages have enjoyed being a part of Damon Orthodontics, The American Association of Orthodontists recommends a screening exam at approximately age 7. Orthodontics is about more than enhancing a beautiful smile it is also about improving a bite that is not right. Left uncorrected a poorly functioning bite and crowded teeth can be a factor in the cause of damaged tooth structure and gum disease. The Damon System reduces the visibility of braces with its slim-sized brackets with smooth contours for enhanced patient comfort. Damon Clear braces are nearly invisible, making them an option for patients concerned with the appearance of braces. Damon Orthodontics has three convenient neighborhood locations. Schedule a free exam to discover how you may benefit from orthodontic treatment, how long it would take, and which payment options work best.
Dr Clay Damon Serving Spokane since 1968
Creators of the World Class Damon System™ High Performance Orthodontics for Adults and Children
Call today to schedule a FREE exam SOUTH HILL
4102 South Regal St, Ste 104 Spokane, WA 99223 509-448-2600
4407 N. Division St, Ste 722 Spokane, WA 99207 509-484-8000
12406 E Mission Ave Spokane, WA 99216 509-924-9860
Dr Paul Damon
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ORTHOPAEDIC SPECIALTY CLINIC 785 E. HOLLAND ROAD, SPOKANE (509) 466-6393 Reconstruction, replacement and recovery should not be taken lightly. Especially when it comes to your body - you need the best! OSC Premier Bone and Joint Surgeons, comprised solely of sub-specialists, provides expert care, specific to your condition. Our surgeons have a deep focus on their area of expertise. This concentration on one area of specialty, combined with exceptional credentials, means higher success rates and faster recovery times. Our experienced, fellowship-trained physicians are supported by an expert staff that builds a comprehensive health care program to address your needs. From pre-operative education through post-operative care, OSC provides world-class excellence in Spokane. Patients can be treated for everything from broken bones and sports injuries to degenerative diseases and congenital deformities. Other conditions treated by OSC include: • Torn rotator cuffs or labral tears in shoulders • Damaged ACL and MCL in knees • Arthritis in the hip, knee, ankle, shoulder, hand, wrist or elbow • Hand injuries and carpal tunnel issues • Tendonitis and general tendon and ligament injuries or lacerations • Foot injuries such as flat foot or rupture of the Achilles tendon • Meniscal Tears • Cartilage Defect Therapy is an important component of the comprehensive care provided, which is why it’s integrated into our practice. We have on-site physical and occupational therapists to consult with our physicians to ensure that patients receive care that is coordinated and addresses all their needs. Orthopaedic Specialty Clinic of Spokane aims to provide the highest-quality specialty orthopaedic care to the Inland Northwest. We strive to be the premier, most progressive orthopaedic group within the region.
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(509) 926-0570 Spokane Valley: 12109 E. Broadway, Bldg. B Spokane South Hill: 2020 E. 29th Ave. Suite 120 There are a million smile quotes out there: “A smile is the curve that sets everything straight,” “A smile is happiness you’ll find right under your nose,” or “If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours.” Orthodontists are in the business of smiles and each day the beautiful smiles we are able to help create make us smile! While we often focus on the most obvious benefit of braces – straight teeth – orthodontic treatment offers more, including a real impact on patient health and well being. Straight teeth become easier to brush and floss which improves oral health and stems the tide against bacteria that can lead to gum disease and, as researchers are now discovering, overall general health. Wellaligned bites prevent tooth wear and reduce the need for extensive dental care in the future. That’s not to say the benefits of a beautiful smile should be overlooked! The improved self-confidence a beautiful smile gives is of immeasurable value. Ask anyone who has been teased about buck teeth or felt the need to cover their mouth when they smile. A great smile sets a person apart when meeting someone new, or when it comes time for a job interview. It help gives them the confidence to achieve their goals. Americans are obsessed with bright, beautiful smiles and blessed with improved orthodontic techniques and new technologies that have made achieving that beautiful smile a reality and an enjoyable experience. A smile is a lifetime gift many parents have given their children and it is wonderful to see adults now seeking orthodontic treatment and enjoying the benefits and gift of a wonderful smile themselves. “Share your smile – it will never wear out!”
WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE? A baby’s first smile, a child’s missing tooth grin, a teenager’s beaming smile the day their braces come off – these are some of the things that make a Mother smile!
In honor of Mother’s Day, Ellingsen-Paxton-Johnson Orthodontists would like to give a special mother something to really smile about – orthodontic treatment to add sparkle to her smile.
Mother’s Day Contest Send us a story about why you think your mother is that special lady, and why you think she should be the mother chosen for this Mother’s Day gift of orthodontic treatment.
Contest guidelines are available at our offices, on Facebook, and on our Website at ellingsen • paxton • johnson
orthodontics 509.926.0570 VALLEY: 12109 E. Broadway Ave, Bldg B SOUTH HILL: 2020 E 29th Ave, Ste 120
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CHILDREN’S HEALTH SOUTH HILL PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY Your child’s first dental appointment should be all about fun! Dr. Becky Coombs and Dr. Erin Johnson of South Hill Pediatric Dentistry know this through their specialized training in child psychology and behavior management. To make their little patients feel comfortable, Drs. Becky & Erin offer Little Explorer visits, which are a time for your
toddler to meet their staff, play with the toys, perhaps sit in the chair and look at the tools, and even watch other kids getting their teeth cleaned. For children ages 0-18, the focus here is on establishing relationships with the patient and the family for the best possible experience. (509) 315-8500.
THE KIDDS PLACE DENTISTRY Going to the dentist can be fun! The Kidds Place Dentistry wants kids to know that going to the dentist isn’t scary; rather it can be the exact opposite! Committed to familycentered dental care for children, infants, adolescents and special needs patients, The Kidds Place strives to make children and parents feel welcome and comfortable. The
compassionate and understanding staff, fun play area, and open communication help put minds and hearts at ease. Their doctors and staff maintain the highest standards in pediatric dental care and specialize in providing outstanding service. For more info, go to (509) 252-4746
GENERAL HEALTH CHRON’S AND COLITIS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA If you or someone you love have recently been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis or Chron’s disease, it’s important to begin learning as much as you can. The Chron’s and Colitis Foundation of America can help you develop a better understanding of these chronic diseases and be more prepared to manage their symptoms and live—or
help someone else live—a full and rewarding life. CCFA is a great resource for finding a doctor, support group or literature on these diseases. In addition, there are info specialists waiting to talk via phone, live chat or email. or call (425) 451-8455.
NATIVE PROJECT The mission of the NATIVE Project and Native Heart Clinic is to provide services that promote wellness and balance of mind, body and spirit for individuals, staff, families and communities. Balance and harmony can help combat drug and alcohol lifestyles, incorporate Native values, promote integration of healing paths, respect lifestyles that encourage
prosperity, and advocate education and awareness. The nonprofit offers medical, behavioral health, treatment, and children/youth services, including dental care and a CHAS pharmacy on site. The NATIVE Project and NATIVE Health offices are at 1803 W. Maxwell in Spokane. (509) 483-7535 and (509) 325-5502
JENNIFER MAYFIELD, M.D., M.P.H Get the individualized medical attention you deserve. Jennifer Mayfield, M.D., M.P.H, provides a medical home for all ages and health conditions in her north Spokane private practice. Dr. Mayfield is board certified in family medicine and preventive medicine and has a special interest in diabetes. Her whole-person approach is based on scientific evidence
and customized to your personal situation and preferences. Her goal is to provide an efficient, comfortable and private environment for your primary care needs. She has worked in Spokane since 2004. Call to schedule an appointment today (509) 413-2105
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WOMEN’S HEALTH OB/GYN ASSOCIATES OF SPOKANE For over 40 years, OB/GYN Associates of Spokane has been providing women’s health services—from adolescence through menopause—with comprehensive and compassionate care. With a staff of six board certified physicians who specialize in obstetrics and gynecology as well as three advanced registered nurse practitioners who have amassed years of experience in labor and
delivery, NICU and infertility prior to joining the practice, OB/ GYN Associates has helped keep Spokane residents healthy and happy through their services, which include ultrasound, surgery, infertility work-up and involuntary urine loss. Call (509) 455-8866 or visit
ONLINE RESOURCES FOR SPOKANE WOMEN Women are natural caregivers. But all too often women get so busy taking care of others that they neglect their own wellbeing. Valley Hospital has created a helpful resource where even the busiest ladies can quickly find hints, practical tips and information about caring for themselves. The Healthy Woman website is an online community to help women make informed healthcare decisions for themselves and their families. Women
can access healthy recipes, a calendar of local health-minded events and even a personal Heath Tracker – a one-page document that keeps important health checkups and reminders in one place. The Women’s Health Corner offers direct links to good health and well-being articles, and don’t forget to sign up for free Healthy Woman email alerts – they’re a great reminder to take time for you!
AUDREY’S BOUTIQUE Feeling good about yourself and your body image post-mastectomy is often difficult. Audrey’s Boutique’s highly-trained staff is sensitive to this emotional time, and skilled in meeting the physical needs of their clients and instilling that self-confidence again in your feminine figure. Offering a full range of superior quality breast prosthetic
products, Audrey’s provides an alternative to breast reconstruction. As well, it offers unique and stylish evening wear,day & resort wear. Winner of the 2011 CVB Retailer Award Audrey’s Boutique handles most insurance and is a Medicare Accredited Facility. Call today for your appointment (509) 324-8612
ESSENTIAL WOMAN BOUTIQUE Women with breast cancer have special needs. The Essential Woman Boutique helps women who have undergone surgery and who are now ready to take the next step in their journey though life. With certified mastectomy fitters ready to assist in choosing the breast form unique to each individual, their goal is to help each woman on her way to regaining self-confidence. In addition
to mastectomy wear and products, the boutique also offers fashionable head wear, hairpieces, lingerie and swim wwear, as well as skin-care products. Medicare and private insurance are accepted; full insurance billing services provided, with no money required upfront. (509)363-0100 www.essentialwomanboutique. com
SPOKANE PLASTIC SURGEONS Is it time for a new and improved you? Whether you’re thinking about breast augmentation, body contouring or reconstruction, Dr. Edwin Chang of Spokane Plastic Surgeons can help. Dedicated to providing the highest quality plastic surgery and aesthetic procedures in a safe and friendly setting, Dr. Chang believes that careful listening, good judgment, expert surgical
skill, and the selective use of only the best surgical technology and aesthetic procedures are essential. He is a certified member of the American Board of Plastic Surgery, a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and has been practicing in Spokane since 2008. (509) 484-1212 www.spokaneplasticsurgeons. com
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Is your life controlled by drugs or alcohol? Take charge of your life. Call 1-800-939-CARE today. New Vision is a hospital-based medical stabilization service offering crisis intervention, assessment, screening, hospital admission, stabilization and discharge planning. The average length of stay is three days.
PROVIDENCE ROBOTIC TELEMEDICINE BRINGS STROKE EXPERTISE TO COMMUNITY HOSPITALS Inland Northwest community hospitals can now provide a higher level of care to patients experiencing a stroke because of a new robotic telemedicine program offered by Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center. The program links Sacred Heart’s nationally certified, award-winning stroke center with physicians at participating community hospitals throughout the region, allowing access to neurologists any time of day. “Our goal is to bring expert stroke care to community hospitals, allowing patients to remain under the care of their primary physician and close to home whenever appropriate,” says Tena Cramer, Providence Sacred Heart director of neuroscience services. “When a higher level of care is needed for more seriously ill patients, transfer to Providence Sacred Heart is seamless. Because patients have been evaluated by a neurologist and treatment plans prepared prior to arrival, patients receive more efficient and cost-effective care.” Within moments, a Providence specialist can interact with a patient, family, physician or nurse through live, two-way audio and video. The specialist maneuvers a robot to view vital signs on monitors and charts, and assesses the patient as if they were in the same room. “Currently, our community partner physicians take a thorough stroke assessment when the patient arrives in their Emergency Department,” said stroke expert Madeleine Geraghty, M.D. “That detailed evaluation is then relayed by telephone to the Providence neurologist; management decisions are made jointly between the two doctors.” She said sometimes, the nuances of an atypical examination or the subtle finding on a CT scan are difficult to describe verbally. “An experienced ER physician may be instinctually aware that a potentially dangerous inconsistency has arisen, but quantifying that gut feeling is difficult without the face-to-face encounter,” she said. “The ability for the consulting stroke neurologist to participate in the examination as if they were at the bedside with the community ER physician—is invaluable in detecting stroke mimics and in differentiating ‘bread and butter’ strokes from potentially catastrophic strokes.” Lincoln Hospital in Davenport is the first to benefit from the program, with several regional hospitals prepared to implement within the next few months.
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With spring in full swing and summer coming, Spokane-area residents want to look their best in clothes that show off more than their heavy winter wardrobes did. Is it time to consider body contouring? Standard liposuction is the oldest, best-known fat removal procedure, but two options have recently become popular: SmartLipo® and CoolSculpting™. SmartLipo® laser-assisted liposuction is a less invasive, safer and gentler procedure than traditional plastic surgery. It uses local anesthesia, smaller incisions and oral medications. Patients experience excellent results, skin tightening, and shorter recovery times. SmartLipo® can take 45 minutes to a few hours. You can go to work the next day, but a few days of rest are recommended. Ideal candidates eat well and exercise regularly, but have stubborn localized fat deposits that won’t respond to a healthy lifestyle. People who don’t want the short downtime associated with SmartLipo® may prefer CoolSculpting™, a non-invasive body procedure which delivers a precisely controlled cooling to the treatment area. Localized fat is frozen, protecting the surrounding tissues, and resulting in localized reduction of the fat layer. Treatment lasts an hour. The procedure is comfortable so patients can read or use a laptop. No anesthetic is needed, and patients can continue with their normal lifestyle. Ideal candidates seek long-lasting spot reduction for specific areas, but not necessarily surgery. People with questions can contact Dr. Kevin Johnson, M.D., FACS, a board-certified general surgeon with interest in nonablative aesthetic laser medicine, minimally invasive treatment of varicose veins, and laser assisted body sculpting and liposuction. He’s the founder and owner of Advanced Aesthetics, which focuses on incorporating and developing safe, effective cosmetic technologies and procedures that require minimal downtime. Johnson also trains other doctors in the aesthetic application of lasers and laser safety. Losing stubborn inches is not as dangerous, difficult, or painful as it used to be. Call Advanced Aesthetics at (855) 375-3846 for a free consultation.
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LOOKING WELL Technology has improved contouring choices Story by Erika Prins LiveWELL Correspondent
procedures offer patients a trade-off. Liposuction remains the most dramatically effective option, but is an invasive process with a weeks-long recovery time. Some of the newer methods come with less trauma and a shorter healing period. As patients wade through the sea of options, local cosmetic professionals are always happy to help clarify the benefits and drawbacks of each type of procedure – beginning with whether body contouring is the best course of action to meet the patient’s health goals. This requires establishing realistic expectations. Liposuction Photos Courtesy Advanced Aesthetics and other body contouring techniques Advanced Aesthetics offers a variety of cosmetic procedures to are not intended as weight loss Spokane-area residents. tools, a common misconception that sometimes means disappointment for patients seeking a simple solution. Body contouring, a polite way to discuss “If you look at somebody’s abdomen, methods to get rid of love handles or bulges you can only address the fat that’s between that remain even after improving diet and the skin and their abdominal muscle,” exercise, no longer has to mean nipping, says Dr. Edwin Chang of Spokane Plastic tucking or permanent scarring. Surgeons. “Obese people will have fatty These days, ‘having work done’ can deposits elsewhere.” simply mean a visit to the doctor’s office, Patients with fatty deposits inside their some local anesthesia and a few days’ abdominal cavity will not appear thin after bruising in the affected area. It may leave liposuction, he says. “The only way you’re a tiny scar or no scar at all, depending on going to lose that is just by losing weight.” the goal and the chosen procedure. “I think the future of cosmetic surgery Instead, is less and less invasive procedures,” said Dr. Kevin Johnson from Advanced Aesthetics in Spokane and Coeur d’Alene. Modern cosmetic procedures offer a buffet of choices, each promising a similar outcome: a body more like the svelte ones appearing in advertisements. There have been great advances in laser – like treatments, fat-freezing methods and lowon the lower abdomen and sides – that impact ultrasound fixes. persist even as a patient nears his or her But there’s still a demand for traditional, goal weight. familiar plastic surgery methods like Spokane Plastic Surgeons specializes in liposuction, which removes fat, or traditional plastic surgery methods. abdominoplasty – better known as a At Advanced Aesthetics, Johnson “tummy tuck,” in which fat and loose skin offers less-invasive treatments called are surgically removed. CoolSculpting and Smartlipo, which aim to These traditional and the newer address lingering fat deposits.
body contouring is most effective in removing stubborn deposits of fat
He said some patients above their desired weight seek body-contouring procedures. He tries to give them a realistic perspective. “It’s still possible to gain weight after liposuction. There are some myths associated with that: One is if you get liposuction you’re going to gain weight in weird parts of your body. The other is that if you get liposuction in an area, you’re never going to have fat in that area again.” Body contouring procedures can remove fat, but patients must work to maintain that weight. “It disappoints me if they come back later on and they’ve gained weight back in that area. We’re very cautious about talking to people about that,” says Johnson. To avoid a discrepancy between expectations and results, doctors spend time educating and counseling patients before scheduling the procedure. The key is communication about what a procedure will and will not achieve. “Some patients can be smaller than [a person at her ideal weight] or some patients can be larger than that, but have effective results,” says Johnson. “It’s really important that we educate patients properly, that they have realistic expectations for their outcome.” Although contouring shouldn’t be thought of as a cure-all for patients experiencing weight problems, body contouring procedures can help to address some self-image problems. Large amounts of excess skin after substantial weight loss can be removed surgically with abdominoplasty. Both traditional and less-invasive procedures can help improve the appearance of stretch marks, fat deposits and flaccid skin resulting from pregnancy. Patients with nagging areas of fat who are averse to surgery can undergo the fatfreezing process of CoolSculpting to address the problem without any surgery at all. But those procedures still do not achieve the same dramatic results as traditional liposuction surgery. “Non-invasive procedures are always compared against liposuction and
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liposuction is clearly still the best,� Johnson says. “Liposuction is still the gold standard, but the fact is, people would rather trade that kind of result for a non-invasive procedure.� Smartlipo patients undergo sedation and localized anesthesia. The process tightens skin, but doesn’t leave a long, permanent scar on the lower body as abdominoplasty does. “The laser does three things,� says Johnson. “It melts fat, it helps coagulate blood vessels, and it tightens the skin.� Blood vessel coagulation means less bruising and faster healing. Patients weighing Smartlipo against CoolSculpting must
choose between a method that yields greater results and a noninvasive process. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It all depends on [the patientâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s] tolerance for surgery,â&#x20AC;? he says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re a good candidate for surgery, then weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to recommend liposuction because itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a superior procedure.â&#x20AC;? Though less effective, CoolSculpting attracts patients who otherwise would not consider body contouring because they do not want to undergo surgery. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They both have a niche. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s deďŹ nitely a need for both, and thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s why we have both options for people,â&#x20AC;? Johnson said.
Who should perform
YOUR SURGERY? In addition to trying to decide if a contouring procedure is what they truly need, patients also have to decide who they want to perform the work. Plastic surgeons are a ďŹ rst choice for many, but other physicians with surgery experience can also perform many common procedures. Dr. Edwin Chang of Spokane Plastic Surgeons said surgeons who arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t board certiďŹ ed may still be competent for contouring procedures, but said the extra Dr. Kevin Johnson marks a patient experience, training and certiďŹ cation from the American Board of Plastic Surgeons may be a wiser option. where surgery will be performed. In addition to medical school and a general residency, Chang said plastic surgeons may choose either an accredited fellowship in plastic surgery or substituting general residency for a ďŹ veto seven-year-long integrated plastic surgery residency â&#x20AC;&#x201C; followed by written and oral board examinations separated by over a year of collecting experience with which to supplement the oral examination. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The main issue is, if they have a complication [while performing a procedure], whether they can ďŹ x it.â&#x20AC;? says Chang. The American Board of Plastic Surgeons also examines its membersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; facilities, equipment and stafďŹ ng, further ensuring a consistent standard for patient safety. Dr. Kevin Johnson, a board-certiďŹ ed general surgeon from Advanced Aesthetics, says plastic surgery is only one of many specialties in the ďŹ eld of cosmetic surgery. â&#x20AC;&#x153;For about 40 years, plastic surgeons have â&#x20AC;&#x201C; unsuccessfully, mind you â&#x20AC;&#x201C; tried to restrict other specialties of cosmetic surgeons. There are all kinds of specialties that do cosmetic surgery and do it well,â&#x20AC;? he says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think the future of cosmetic surgery is less- and less-invasive procedures.â&#x20AC;?
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OFF THE FIELD Area surgeons help active & athletic injuries Story by Dan Webster LiveWELL Correspondent Photos by Shallan Knowles
tendons that literally wears out over time,” says Dr. Michael Kody, 54. “That’s one of the primary arthroscopic surgeries that we do.” How do you know whether you need surgery? Well, it turns out that many people have at least partially torn rotator cuffs. But that doesn’t necessarily mean
can’t do the activities they like to do.” When surgery is indicated, advances in the field now allow doctors who specialize in sports medicine to, more so than ever, When the term “sports medicine” comes utilize what Kody refers to as “less invasive up in conversation, what almost always techniques” – even when it comes to fixing follows is talk about left-handed relief rotator cuffs. pitchers, sure-handed wide receivers, high“Twenty years ago we looked in the scoring power forwards and shoulder and did a lot of things the million-dollar contracts arthroscopically, but we weren’t they all typically command. that good at repairing rotator And, yes, those athletic cuffs,” he says. “But now we can superstars certainly are part do all that arthroscopic.” of the sports-medicine market. “The goal in sports medicine But to five doctors whose is to have the fastest, most sports-medicine emphasis complete recovery,” Kody says. at Northwest Orthopaedic “And that is something that will Specialists involves fixing continue to improve.” ailing shoulders, the range Speed, particularly in sports of patients they see can, medicine, is key. Arthroscopy, and does, include just about which allows doctors to make anyone. smaller incisions, “has really To Dr. Tycho Kersten, 43, pushed the forefront of what you and his colleagues, a potential can do,” says Dr. Soren Olson, patient includes “anybody who 36. “We’re very much on the is active.” forefront of trying to see what “It’s a 75-year-old who can’t you can accomplish through kayak because his shoulder smaller incisions, quicker rehab.” hurts,” Kersten says. “It’s a Besides accomplishing the 12-year-old who can’t throw a goal of getting people back to ball. It isn’t just the millionfunctionality – or further, as dollar athlete. Sports medicine Olson puts it, “getting them back is all of us. Anybody, really, to a high level of competition” – who is active.” the less invasive techniques not And anyone who is active, only save money by reducing (or whether that means throwing eliminating) hospital stays, they the occasional bowling ball or help patients avoid the threat of The team at Northwest Orthopaedic Specialists includes, from left, Drs. Matthew competing in a triathlon, is liable serious post-operative infections. Wallace, Soren Olson, Michael Kody, Tycho Kersten and Russell VanderWilde. to injure a shoulder. “We like to think it’s because “Shoulders are complex,” we’re pretty good,” Dr. Russell Kersten says. “They don’t always do that surgery is indicated. Or needed. VanderWilde, 54, says of the lower exposure perfectly well, and we’re always trying to Kody says that the theory he and his risk. “But it’s because we don’t have sick make people better.” colleagues operate from is that “if the people who are on antibiotics laying around The range of shoulder problems is tendon is more than halfway torn, it’s going breathing these superbugs.” almost as vast as the patients seeking to be hard to get it to heal by itself.” If it’s If the worst occurs and a shoulder joint treatment for them. And treatment can partially torn, though, “sometimes more needs replacing, the patients likely will vary from a cortisone shot and physical conservative things work.” have to face limitations. “Raising the arm,” therapy to a complete joint replacement. The determining factor, in the end, is the Olson says. “That’s essentially what you The most typical problem involves the symptoms each patient is showing. And the can do. You’re not strong. You can basically rotator cuff, that cluster of muscles and level of activity they want to maintain. use the arm again.” tendons that act as the shoulder’s base of “Some people can’t sleep at night,” Kody So, the doctors agree, any talk about stability. says. “Some can’t raise their hand above sports medicine has to include preventive “And the rotator cuff is a series of their shoulder. They have weakness. They tips. And that conversation is part of the
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educational process that they all emphasize. “We would always rather see an athlete never get hurt and never have to have surgery than have to reconstruct things,” Kody says. Better training techniques, started earlier, are important. “And I think we’ll see more and more of that,” he says. “I think the best way to lower the cost of health care is to try to avoid having to institute it as much as you can.” One thing the five doctors have in common is the interests they share with their patients. As Dr. Matthew Wallace, 37, says, “(W)e are all athletes. We like to be active. And when you’re active yourself, you can relate to the patient. And when they talk to you about how it hurts when they work out, you can understand and help them through the rehab.” And, too, they all feel lucky to be working in a field they love at a time when advances in that field – such as the possibility of regenerating instead of merely repairing tissue, and manipulating genetic codes to,
as VanderWilde explains, “make cells do things that they aren’t doing naturally any longer” – are progressing faster than ever. “I think the future is really bright,” VanderWilde says. “Every time you go to a meeting, there are new things coming up, new technologies evolving.” “It’s a really good time to be a patient,” Kersten adds. “There’s a lot of good stuff out there.”
Drs. Michael Kody and Russell VanderWilde look at a variety of surgical tools (left). Dr. Tycho Kersten says there are a lot of options for active patients (above).
Dr. William Faloon
Columbia Orthopedics and Sports Medicine is now available at: Providence Sacred Heart | Doctors Building 105 W 8th Avenue - Suite 7060 | Spokane, WA 99204 Phone: 509-777-1900 | Fax: 509-777-1902
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CANCER CARE NORTHWEST (509) 228-1000 Founded more than 35 years ago, Cancer Care Northwest has grown into the Inland Northwest’s premier cancer center. While we have seen significant change, we have remained committed to our vision of becoming the region’s leading provider of integrated, comprehensive cancer care services. At Cancer Care Northwest, you don’t just get a doctor. You get a completely integrated team of cancer and hematology specialists, including surgical oncologists, radiation oncologists, medical oncologists, hematologists and other cancer specialists, all working closely together to ensure the best possible care and outcomes. You also get sub-specialists in GYN oncology, breast surgery, medical oncology, patient navigator, nutrition, social services and counseling. We are the only privately owned, fully integrated cancer center in the Inland Northwest and one of a handful of community-based cancer centers in the nation with a comprehensive approach to treating cancer.
We are actively engaged in research to improve cancer treatments and to ultimately find a cure. Through our dozens of clinical research trials, we not only advance knowledge about cancer, we give patients access to emerging treatment options—right here. We’re currently in the process of building a $15 million stateof-the-art facility at 1204 N. Vercler Road in Spokane Valley. This will allow us to better serve Spokane Valley and Northern Idaho residents. We will be adding radiation therapy and imaging to our full-service chemotherapy and support service teams. Our new office has a scheduled opening in fall 2013. We have four clinical offices and one administrative office in Spokane; 601 S. Sherman (South); 12615 E. Mission, Suite 200 (Valley); 605 E. Holland, Suite 100 (North); 910 W. 5th, Suites 102 & 130 (Downtown); 5105 E. 3rd (Administrative) plus we serve seven outreach clinics in Moses Lake, Ritzville, Grand Coulee, Davenport, Newport, Colville and Chewelah.
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EVERGREEN FOUNTAINS SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITY “WHERE LIVING WELL IS A WAY OF LIFE” 1201 N. EVERGREEN ROAD If you or a loved one is a senior looking for a flourishing environment for active independent living, assisted living, or cottage home living, look no further. Evergreen Fountains is dedicated to offering enhanced senior living in a community environment while encouraging our residents to enjoy their own independent lifestyle centered on personal wellness: physical, mental and spiritual health. Locally owned and operated by the Arger family, Evergreen Fountains is minutes from the Valley Hospital, Valley Mall, and Interstate 90. This progressive, active retirement community is designed to offer you the utmost in convenience, comfort, security, and social opportunities. Evergreen Fountains offers a variety of amenities including: Wellness Center, Gourmet Chef, Vasi’s Bistro, Movie Theater,
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Library, Chapel, Scheduled Transportation, Weekly Housekeeping, Activities, Social Events and much more. The main feature of the dynamic Wellness and Fitness Center is a beautiful 88-degree swimming pool, in which we have daily water classes. The exercise equipment is specifically designed for seniors and a personal trainer is available to help develop a program to meet each resident’s individualized needs. The Health N` Motion program inspires residents to have fun, be more active, improve their health and enjoy life to the fullest extent possible. The proof of an excellent wellness program is in what our resident, Betty, had to say: “Swimming is something I so love to do and look forward to each day. It has helped me regain my strength and move from Assisted Living to being independent once again. This program has given me the opportunity to enjoy and live a normal life”. For more information and tours, please contact Kathie Walker or Gene Arger at (509) 922-3100.
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South Hill Foot and Ankle Clinic & The Walk Shoppe Story by Holly Jones LiveWELL Correspondent Photos by Shallan Knowles It’s hard to imagine a child saying, “When I grow up, I want to be a podiatrist,” but that’s exactly how Spokane’s South Hill Foot and Ankle Clinic began. When Dr. Borys Markewych was a youngster, he experienced a foot problem on the soccer field. A podiatrist helped him recover with minimal injections and very little pain, which made quite an impression on the young boy, who went on to become a podiatrist himself. In fact, he now owns the only podiatry clinic in the area to feature minimallyinvasive foot and ankle surgery (MIS), which allows patients to experience the same quick recovery and minimized pain that inspired him in the first place. This boyhood inspiration still shines through. “I definitely like the MIS part,” says Markewych. “More importantly, I like just seeing people coming in with pain, and a lot of them leave pretty quickly without pain.” He’s able to accomplish much of the minimally-invasive surgery with a flouroscan machine originally developed by NASA for use in X-ray astronomy. Markewych uses it to see bone structure during surgical procedures, which allows him to perform procedures through an eighth-inch incision, rather than a larger one. This means patients experience faster recovery times, are able to walk around immediately after a procedure, avoid internal hardware like screws or pins, and can return to their daily lives much faster than alternatives. Markewych stresses the importance of foot and ankle health, pointing out that several systemic diseases can be seen with symptoms or signs in the feet, and a lot of conditions begin to show themselves first in the feet. For example, some of the first signs of diabetes can show up during a foot examination. Markewych said this is also a good reason to have an examination with a
podiatrist in addition to a regular physician. Podiatrists complete a four-year professional course, with most hours spent studying the foot and ankle specifically, and so they’re better trained to identify these signs. Spokane has been home to Dr. Markewych since 1985, and he has been practicing on his own since 1987. In 2011, he moved his practice to the South Grand Professional Building, on the corner of East 37th Avenue and Grand Boulevard. A
Dr. Borys Markewych, owner of South Hill Foot and Ankle Clinic, says proper footwear does more than just give you comfy toes. It can benefit your foot and ankle health, improve your overall stability and reduce pain. year and a half ago, the business became a family affair, as Dr. Markewych and his wife Clarisa opened The Walk Shoppe. The Walk Shoppe is an extension of the South Hill Foot and Ankle Clinic, and features scarves, jewelry, purses, socks, slippers, and shelves of shoes as stylish as they are comfortable and functional. This was important to the couple, especially Clarisa, The Walk Shoppe’s shoe buyer. “We got tired of sending people for shoes to various stores that didn’t have style and
comfort as both criteria for selling shoes. These places were putting people in shoes where people would come back and say, ‘I just can’t wear this, it’s just not…me,’” he said. “We did our homework, and we started venturing into the shoe business. We’ve found that there are a lot of choices that are very beneficial for both comfort and style to accommodate all types of people and feet.” Prior to coming to Spokane, Dr. Markewych studied in Chicago, where he was born and raised. He is a first-generation American whose parents came from the Ukraine. He is fluent in both Russian and Ukrainian, which puts a lot of recent immigrants to the Spokane area at ease. “They’re at peace when they find out I can understand their language.” Whether it’s the language abilities, the medical practice or the stylish footwear and accessories, Spokane’s South Hill Foot and Ankle Clinic has a good reputation in the community. An online reviewer named Sylvia even posted on the business’ site, “If there are 6 stars to give, I would give them!” Dr. Borys Markewych, South Hill Foot and Ankle Clinic and The Walk Shoppe , can be found at 3707 S. Grand Blvd., Ste A or online at www. or (509) 747-0274.
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Deer Park Physical Therapy & Fitness Center Our professional and friendly staff has earned the community’s trust since 1981. Offering Physical Therapy, Massage Therapy, Personal Training, Fitness Classes, and More. Make an appointment TODAY! Physical Therapy 276-8811 Massage Therapy 991-2914 24 Hr Fitness Center 590-4187
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We have performed thousands of these procedures with state-of-the-art technology A new technique utilizing small incisions under fluoroscopy guides small instruments to allow for less trauma and faster healing times.
Pain, tingling, numbness, cold or burning feet? We offer new therapy for
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PEDAL POWER Bike advocates search for ways to get people riding Story and photo by Joe Butler LiveWELL Editor
Ah spring! Time to get going on yardwork and all that spring cleaning that has been patiently waiting since the last snow drift melted. There are flowers to plant, lawns to mow, garages to clean, windows to wash. Or, how about a bike ride instead? Warmer temperatures and gradually brighter days create unequalled opportunities to take our trusty two-wheeled transport out of the garage and plan some routes around town, or at least around the neighborhood. There are also more options and events for area cyclists. “I was in Chicago for the last couple of years, and since I’ve come back, I’ve seen a lot more movement and growth in cycling here,” said Kate Burke, an Americorps/ VISTA volunteer with Second Harvest. She’s also in charge of communications for this year’s Bike to Work Week, a spring program in Spokane and Coeur d’Alene in which businesses are asked to invite employees to try alternate forms of commuting. Though the Inland Northwest hasn’t quite reached urban cycling mecca status like Portland, San Francisco or Seattle, some impressive public and private improvements have been made in recent years, including more trail systems, more bike racks, and increased advocacy to include bicycle options in traffic studies and future transportation/mobility needs. “We have a lot of people here who are very serious about cycling,” Burke said. “What Spokane still really needs is for more people to find out that cycling can also be something fun.” That’s one of the goals of the SpokeFest Association, a non-profit that organizes cycling events through the year, sponsors Bike to Work Spokane and also funds grants promoting bicycle education and safety. Past grants have paid for bikes for schools, helped create curriculum for PE classes and helped service clubs equip kids with helmets. The association’s signature annual fall event, SpokeFest, is designed to appeal to
all levels of cycling skills and interests. If you’re up for a good workout, you can follow a 47-mile loop around Spokane. If you’re new to cycling or prefer a calm, low-impact family outing, there’s a 1-mile scenic loop around Riverfront Park. There are two other medium-sized loops, and whatever path you take, your path will take you back to the park afterward for SpokeFair, an event with music, food and a mini-trade show with local fitness and wellness resources. Another “everyone is welcome” cycling project is Belles and Baskets, a women’s riding group. Founder Betsy Lawrence says that you don’t need a fancy bike or fancy bike attire to participate – anyone can join the group’s semi-monthly ride through town that usually ends with ice cream or a similar treat. Lawrence, an English instructor, started the club as an alternative to the more serious, athletic-oriented clubs she saw in town, so she and friends decided to create something casual and fun with a social component. Today, dozens of riders come out each month. (Info: bellesandbaskets) Lawrence loves telling people considering getting into cycling that you don’t have to go all in and bike all the time, in good or bad weather. When talking to people, she says most of them don’t mind the idea of taking a ride around the block or to the park on a
sunny day, but most newcomers have second thoughts about trying to navigate Spokane’s busy hills in heavy snow. Her response is simple – you don’t have to bike everywhere. “You can even put your bike on the bus if you need to,” she said. Erika Prins, coordinator of this year’s Bike to Work Week, has also heard similar objections from people who like the idea of riding their bikes a little more, but are concerned that they’re obligated to make a larger commitment to instantly become hardcore riders. Her answer, like Lawrence’s, is that you don’t have to deck yourself out in Spandex to get around town, and you don’t have to ride the busy arterials during rush hour. She’s part of Spokane’s bicycle advisory board, and has been involved in discussions to improve accessibility for cycling. She likes the increased focus on adding bike lanes and thinking ahead on a master plan, and is encouraged by discussions about adding “Green Ways,” or bike-only zones, and enjoys seeing more women like herself getting involved in policy discussions. Prins believes the simplest way to make things more comfortable and safer for cyclists is for there to be more of them out there. More riders will hopefully make drivers more aware of and familiar with bikes around them. More less-hardcore cyclists on the roads The 2013 Bike to Work Spokane committee includes, from left, Rebecca Smith, Roger will become part Schramm, Stephen Fortunato, Erika Prins, Kate Burke (below), and Betsy Lawrence. of the roadway landscape. “Bike lanes are great, but don’t necessarily work for kids or people wanting to bike for health reasons,” she said. “When you invite more casual cyclists to participate, everyone is going to be more comfortable.” Along with getting car drivers more familiar with cyclists, cyclists need to be a little
more confident in their abilities and vehicle laws. For instance, some newcomers to cycling want to stay on the sidewalk and avoid the roadway, but this is dangerous for pedestrians. Some newcomers aren’t even sure whether to ride with or against car traffic. Burke said it might be a challenge to get started and make cycling part of your weekly routine. But eventually, you’ll figure out ways to get to your destination faster by cycling, lose weight, pay less on bike maintenance and supplies than car repair and be in better shape. Prins agrees “you have to do it.” “I think Bike to Work embodies the points we want people to understand – you don’t need to have the mentality of ‘I must ride 100 percent of the time. “We tell people it’s OK to think a little smaller and get comfortable first with things like riding in the road.”
May 13-19, Bike to Work Week
July 28-30, Spokane Valley Cycling Celebration
The week is designed for people to try different commuting options vs. driving. Organizers always come up with fun incentives for businesses that encourage their employees to participate. In Spokane, the week’s activities are organized by Spokane Bikes, which is planning a kick-off pancake breakfast. The schedule also includes another pancake breakfast provided by the City of Spokane Valley; a Ride of Silence to remember cyclists killed on the road; and the Commuter Challenge, which invites participating businesses to try to beat others in terms of total participation and miles ridden. New activities this year include new cyclist clinics the week prior to make sure bikes are ready; asking if businesses would like to offer free or discounted perks or services for riders; and the planting of a Susie Tree in memory of a local activist. Coeur d’Alene also offers Bike to Work Week programs starting May 13 with a critical mass ride.
Riders of all abilities and ages are invited to explore three routes along the Centennial Trail starting at Mirabeau Point. There’s Hills Around the Valley, 50 miles; Adventure Ride, 25 miles; and the 10-mile Family Friendly Ride. This event is organized by Valleyfest which decided to add a summer event.
June 19, Summer Parkways For a couple of hours, some of the roads in the Comstock/West Central neighborhoods will be closed to vehicle traffic, giving an opportunity for residents to come outside and bike, walk, jog or skate without worrying about sharing the road with cars. The idea came from Colombia, where there are regular events called Ciclovias, when certain public roads are occasionally closed to vehicle traffic and residents are encouraged to celebrate community and promote fitness. The Ciclovia concept has spread to other cities worldwide, including Spokane, which began the Summer Parkways programs two years ago. People participating can also learn about and watch demonstrations of local practitioners of fitness activities like Zumba, fencing, dancing, and martial arts. Participants can also bring their own games, hobbies and costumes along to increase the fun of the event. For more details or ways to sign up or volunteer, visit
By Joe Butler, LiveWELL Editor
Sept. 8, SpokeFest The first rule of SpokeFest is that it’s not a race – it’s the cycling equivalent of a fun run, where individuals, couples or families are welcome to visit downtown Spokane for a few hours of fun exercise and enjoy a ride. Typically held in early September, when a little summery weather remains, SpokeFest invites riders to choose from a variety of planned routes, from an easy loop around Riverfront Park to a more advanced trek up into the hills and back. Following the riding, participants are invited to return to Riverfront Park for a big party that includes live music, food, information booths and more fun. For details on the sixth annual event visit
Sept. 22 Valleyfest Part of the community celebration includes the Spokane River Centennial Trail Bike Ride. Riders start at Mirabeau Point and take their pick of four routes, which go from 6.8 miles to 13.5 miles.
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FAMILY MEDICINE LIBERTY LAKE 2207 N. MOLTER ST., 203B, LIBERTY LAKE (509) 928-6700 Susan Ashley, M.D., is Spokane’s only board-certified AntiAging and Regenerative medicine physician. She practices family medicine with a holistic approach, and specializes in the following: Bio-Identical hormone replacement for men and women; BioMedical treatment approach for autism and ADHD; IV Nutritional therapy; chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia; thyroid disease and adrenal fatigue; obesity and weight loss; dementia and memory loss with specialized neuro-cognitive testing and treatment; food allergies and sensitivities; thermography; energy medicine with measurement of magnetic energy fields; and anti-aging medicine. Family Medicine Liberty Lake combines traditional medicine with scientifically-based, cutting-edge alternative medical practices. That means we don’t just focus on a patient’s illness – we treat the person. Our goal is to discover and treat the root cause of your ailment so you can take charge of your health and get your quality of life back. Through the use of scientific laboratory testing, detoxification protocols, nutritional counseling and performance testing, we can dramatically improve your life by identifying things that are impairing your body from being functional and healthy. Family Medicine Liberty Lake will provide you with the strategy and partner support necessary to realizing your best health. Our comprehensive evaluation, including nutritional, metabolic, physiological, and genetic testing – are all geared toward removing interference, supporting deficiencies, and allowing your body to function without concentrating on drugs as the only option. By doing so we hope to remove pain and discomfort from your life and prevent recurrence so that you can concentrate on what matters, that is -- living life to its fullest! Why wait to feel great?!
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HUCKLEBERRY’S NATURAL MARKET SUPPORTS GMO PRODUCT LABELING 926 S. MONROE, SPOKANE (509) 624-1349 Huckleberry’s Natural Market has been providing Spokane with the best in natural and organic living for over 17 years. Huckleberry’s changed the face of the grocery industry in Spokane by boldly becoming the first to offer a full selection of natural and organic produce, seafood, meats, dairy products and pre-packaged foods. Since 1996 Huckleberry’s has set the standard for offering expert advice, working with local farmer/vendors, and truly helping customers live a healthy lifestyle with natural supplements and body care products. It continues to lead the way on Fair Trade and environmental issues and fully supports local growers and producers. Recently, concerns regarding Genetically Modified labeling have grown as consumers seek answers about the wholesomeness of foods. “Huckleberry’s Natural Market supports the consumer’s right to know. What you put in, and on your body is important, and our consumers deserve to know about the make-up of products,” said Don Whittaker, director of Huckleberry’s Marketing and Operations. While a current state initiative proposes GMO labeling within two years, Huckleberry’s believes the process will take additional time. “We have a goal of removing all products with GMO from our shelves within the next five years,” says Whittaker. “The 5-year window is key to allowing smaller vendors and manufacturers time to make the necessary changes and spread associated costs over a longer period so they can remain in business. We will also continue to source products that do not use GMOs, and work with our suppliers as they transition to GMO-free ingredients.” Huckleberry’s currently supports and labels certified organic products, which must be GMO-free. Customers buying certified organic products at Huckleberry’s can be assured they are not consuming GMOs. Huckleberry’s also supports vendor partners who source products without GMO ingredients. Huckleberry’s is headquartered in Spokane, with 13 satellite locations in Washington, Oregon, Montana and Idaho.
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CUTTING OUT THE GLUTEN Growing resources for wheat-free & gluten-free diets Story by Derrick Knowles LiveWELL Correspondent Photos by Shallan Knowles
Imagine not being able to eat anything that contains even small amounts of gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye and many other foods made with these grains. A growing number of people have had to leave cookies, pizza, pasta, bread and even beer behind because they have either been diagnosed with celiac disease or an intolerance to gluten. Celiac is an auto-immune disease that causes damage to the small intestine plus poor nutrient absorption when gluten is consumed. According to the Celiac Disease Foundation, symptoms include digestive problems plus other health ailments including depression, fatigue, joint pain, and migraines. Gluten intolerance can cause similar symptoms, although it is not an auto-immune disease and doesn’t cause the same intestinal damage faced by those with celiac disease. Symptoms can include bloating, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, headaches, lethargy, attention-deficit disorder, hyperactivity, muscle weakness and joint pain. “It can be difficult to diagnose celiac disease because of all the different possible symptoms that can show up throughout the body, but doctor awareness has improved significantly because more patients have started bringing the possibility of celiac disease up with us,” said Dr. Michael Kerkering, a Spokane physician. Recent statistics estimate that 1 out of every 133 people in the United States has celiac disease and should be following a gluten-free diet. There is not good data on how many people in the U.S. actually suffer from gluten intolerance, but many experts believe that there may be more people with intolerance than the 3 million estimated to
have celiac disease. Common items on the do-not-eat list for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance include bread, buns or rolls; pasta; most beers; and dozens of other items, usually in the form of wheat flour or hiding in seemingly safe sauces and seasonings.
first, she now avoids gluten at all costs and therefore no longer has digestive problems and anemia. “I would never go back,” Knowles said. “It’s so much easier to steer clear of gluten in Spokane now than it was five years ago, and the benefits of feeling like a normal, healthy person are worth the occasional hassle of not being able to eat something that everyone else is having.” Those who can’t eat gluten still can enjoy a healthy, nutritious diet with fresh meats, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, rice, corn, potatoes, nuts and soy products. Many other whole foods are naturally gluten free, unless some form of gluten has been added. Kerkering said it’s easier for physicians to diagnose gluten intolerance and testing for celiac thanks to increased public awareness. Testing for celiac is now as easy as a simple blood test. However, there’s no easy method currently to test for gluten intolerance or sensitivity other than by eliminating gluten from the diet for a sufficient period of time and observing if symptoms decrease or disappear. Alanna Trout from Fusion Flours speaks to members of the Gluten Intolerance Group of Spokane. The group meets monthly at Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center.
While giving up gluten-laden foods may sound like a major life change, it’s the prospect of relief from uncomfortable, even painful symptoms of celiac disease and gluten intolerance that can drive people to get diagnosed. Spokane resident Shallan Knowles lived with symptoms of celiac disease Non GMO & for nearly 30 years Hormone Free! before she was Fresh & Ready to Use e diagnosed in 2008. It was a life-changing High Quality Freeze Dried Foods! moment, and even Huge Variety & Extended Shelf Life though the transition Use for Emergencies & Everyday Cooking to a gluten-free diet was difficult at
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Not everyone with celiac or gluten intolerance wants to prepare their own meals all the time, but Knowles was disappointed to find that many restaurants didn’t know or didn’t have the time to learn about gluten-free preparation, which includes avoiding cross-contamination at all costs. Support group Even if a meal is cooked without any gluten ingredients, it still The initial transition to a gluten-free diet can be difficult, may absorb them if placed on a surface where items containing which is what led to the creation of the Gluten Intolerance Group gluten are prepared. of Spokane. “I struggle to cook a meal without burning it and know The group formed around 10 years ago to provide support and better than to even attempt baking, so the prospect of not being resources for people who can’t eat gluten. Members have access able to eat out after I was diagnosed with celiac disease was to a resource library and speakers at meetings. devastating,” Knowles said. Members schedule When she started gluten-free potlucks at blogging five years ago, regular meetings on the there weren’t many third Saturday of every restaurants on her month in the Avista recommended list, but room at Sacred Heart now she says Spokane Medical Center, and has a thriving gluten-free also get together for restaurant scene. other social events and She also has been able outings. to connect with other “It’s great to have an diners seeking similar opportunity to connect dining experiences, and with others who have restaurants have even the same issues with contacted her wanting gluten as you do,” said to get the word out Deann Lund, one of the to her readers about group’s organizers. healthy changes and More details about employee training they’ve the group can be found implemented. at http://gigspokane. Portland and Seattle have similar gluten-free online resources. Online help Glutenfreeportland. The support group’s org is written by Dr. goal of helping people Samantha Brody, a licensed learn to live without naturopathic physician Huckleberry’s Natural Market has one of the larger gluten-free sections of area stores. gluten encouraged and acupuncturist. She is local yoga instructor, planning several updates photographer and celiac sufferer Shallan Knowles to create a to the site to keep up with what she describes as an explosion of blog, interest. She initially focused on reviewing local restaurants to let “The gluten-free restaurant scene in Portland is booming,” visitors know how committed they are to providing gluten-free Brody said. “A good portion of restaurants are now identifying menu selections. their gluten-free items on their menus and some even have distinct menus of gluten-free only items.” Brody is working on expanding her restaurant listings to &RDFK·V 3L]]D LV D ORFDO IDPLO\ RZQHG SL]]HULD include places that can accommodate celiac patrons who can’t Our hand tossed crust, fresh shredded cheeses risk the potential for cross-contamination. She also plans to add a and vegetables are prepared daily fresh to order! kids’ corner with video reviews by kids plus other improvements. People living with celiac disease or gluten intolerance in the Spokane area today have more resources available to make life easier and more enjoyable that didn’t exist or were difficult to find even a few years ago.
Gluten-Free! We teamed up with Fusion Flour to bring quality gluten-free crusts and bread sticks that we are proud to serve.
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Spokane Valley
Shopping At least some gluten-free products are available at most grocery stores, but some specialty items like a wider selection of gluten-free brands and baked goods and baking supplies can require extra effort to track down. Sometimes they can be found at area bakeries, sometimes at specialty grocery stores like Huckleberry’s Natural Market, sometimes at health food stores. offers a list of many of these locations.
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HEALTHY AGING COMMUNITY COLLEGES OF SPOKANE Retired and ready for Act 2 of your life? If you’re looking to fill up your time and keep in shape, then Community Colleges of Spokane has the program for you. CCS’s ACT 2 fitness program for seniors offers a variety of fun classes for the 55 and older crowd, such as aerobic dance (including Bollywood and belly dance style), water aerobics, balance
classes, Pilates, yoga, strength training, swing dance, line dancing, Tai Chi, and Zumba. There are even classes on clogging, facial muscle toning, and yoga for men. Classes are taught primarily at senior centers throughout Spokane and surrounding areas. Register today. (509) 279-6027
WESTERN MEDICAL SPECIALTIES Since 2001, Spokane-area residents have had a new source for medical equipment, especially those wanting to be active but may lack medical insurance or health benefits. A company called Wheelchairs and More, which later joined Western Medical Specialties, offers easy access to wheelchairs, power chairs, scooters, hospital beds and
more. The location at 202 W. Indiana offers a one-stopshop for equipment, bath aids, disposable gloves adult diapers and more. There’s even an on-site repair shop for people needing help maintaining their equipment. For more details or information call (509) 489-6879 or
SPOKANE HEARING AID CENTER Untreated hearing loss can mean not only missing spoken words but important life moments as well. Michael Pointer, hearing specialist at Spokane Hearing Aid Center, wants people to know this, and that he—a hearing aide wearer himself—knows first-hand how hard losing one’s hearing can be. With deep compassion, over 17 years, Pointer has
worked diligently to provide personalized care so his patients can get on with their life—words and all. Services include hearing aids, audio-logical testing, counseling, assistive listening devices and education. Located on North Division. (509) 327-7078 or email him at SpokaneHearingAidCenter@
HOSPICE OF SPOKANE Nationally recognized as experts in helping people handle end-of-life issues with grace, dignity, comfort, and peace of mind, Hospice of Spokane is northeast Washington’s only non-profit hospice serving Spokane, Ferry, Stevens and Pend Oreille counties. With the comprehensive knowledge, reputation, and trust of the community that only comes
from decades of experience and dedication to providing the highest quality care, hospice care is a holistic approach to addressing the medical, emotional, psychological and spiritual needs of the terminally ill person and their loved ones, no matter the age or terminal condition. Call (509) 456-0438 or visit
COURTLAND PLACE If you’re over 55 and ready to relax, it’s time to consider Courtland Place. This residential retirement community located in the center of Spokane Valley boasts all groundfloor units, each with its own washer/dryer and full kitchen, plus private patios and grassy areas. Don’t feel like cooking? Head to the community dining room for dinner!
Take advantage of the community’s exercise room, game room and craft room, or take a load off and be pampered in the on-site beauty shop. Independence, comfort and privacy are at the top of the list, but socializing takes the cake. 1309 N. Evergreen Rd. Spokane Valley. (509) 928-9197
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CEDAR SUMMIT ESTATES No mowing, shoveling or maintenance in this 55 and older community on the South Hill! Cedar Summit Estates invites you to drop by for a tour of their full service and completely maintenance-free duplexes. Starting at just $535/ month, this payment includes property taxes, insurance and water, as well as on-site security, fire and medical alert alarm. Living amenities include vaulted ceilings, kitchen
skylights, walk-in closets, dishwashers, air conditioning, washers and dryers. Community amenities include spacious inner courtyards, fitness center, pool, BBQ areas, garages, carports and storage. They even give you a monthly gift certificate towards a meal at Northern Quest Casino. Call for a tour (509) 456-5561.
INTERLAKE PHARMACY North Idaho residents know that Interlake Pharmacy is the place to go when they want quick, caring and committed customer service. The staff has lived by the motto “Caring for you and about you” for more than 25 years, and regulars have come to trust the personal consideration and attention to detail that’s part of the program here. For patients who need a little help keeping track of complicated medication regimens there’s an individual compliance
packaging program, and if you’re too sick to walk up to the counter, there’s a delivery service and a convenient drivethru. In addition to customized compounded medications and biodentical therapies, you’ll find diabetic and ostomy supplies. Insurance co-pays are the same no matter which pharmacy so visit a full-service pharmacy. 700 Ironwood Dr., Coeur d’Alene (208) 664-6664. InterlakePharmacyHealthMa
DIET & HEALTHY YOU SOLE SOLUTIONS For the perfect pair of shoes you need the perfect pair of attributes—style and comfort. All of Sole Solutions’ footwear, in Spokane Valley, is reviewed by local foot doctors to ensure they not only look great, but also will provide you the comfort and support you need. The store carries a huge selection from some of the best brands
around the world , such as Finn Comfort, recognized for its superiority in durability and fit. As well, many of their brands can accommodate orthotics and other arch supports and insoles, if needed. Other brands include Brooks, Naot, MBT, Dansko, New Balance and Keen. (509) 252-0633
RISE ‘N THRIVE Is grocery shopping becoming too tedious? If so, consider contacting Rise ‘n Thrive Foods where Kevin and Janiene Rise can educate you and help you purchase Thrive Food products—innovative freeze-dried options of fruits, veggies, meats, beans, grains and dairy. Naturally preserved with an extended shelf life, Thrive Foods make it easy to keep
your pantry stocked and life convenient. When you need an ingredient for one of your daily recipes, simply select the THRIVE product and add it to the mix— just like you would with fresh ingredients. For more info, call Kevin & Janiene Rise (509) 990-9076 or
COACH’S PIZZA Looking for a gluten-free pizza that tastes good? Look no further than Coach’s Pizza in Spokane Valley. Serving up regular and gluten-free pizzas, dessert pizzas, calzones and breadsticks, prepping areas and utensils are kept separate to ensure no cross-contamination for gluten-free clientele. Coach’s Pizza keeps it as fresh and local as possible with
businesses such as Valley Produce, Alpine Bakery and Fusion Flour and also offers salads, wings and baked sandwiches (not available in gluten-free). Limited seating but take out or delivery is available. Located on 32nd Avenue, across from University High School (509) 922-2626
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HEALTHY FOOD Hospitals whip up better-tasting fare Story by Derrick Knowles LiveWELL Correspondent Photo by Shallan Knowles
American and global cuisine prepared predominately from scratch.” Popular items at the Kootenai Cafe could easily appear on the menus of many Several major medical centers in Sherman Avenue restaurants: Chicken the Inland Northwest are taking steps to change a lingering assumption that hospital Calvados, Asian Pork Loin, Eggplant Parmesan, Whole Roasted Chicken, Steak food must be terrible. San Marzano, Fish Tacos, Flank Steak, Fresh Salmon and homemade soups. Deaconess Medical Center in Spokane has also been doing its part to shift stereotypes about crummy hospital food. Last year, the kitchen staff caught the attention of many local foodies by being the only non-restaurant to win a firstplace award at Spokane’s Epicurean Delight dinner. The Roasted Sweet Potato Cheesecake blew away many visitors to the annual benefit for the Inland Northwest Blood Center. Director of Nutrition Services and Chef Marcellus Kennedy said that Deaconess likes to go the extra mile to give patients the same meal options that anyone can order in the café while ensuring that patient Paul Elken is part of the kitchen crew at Deaconess Hospital. A growing meals meet high standards for minimally processed foods with number of medical centers are trying to increase the quality of their low sodium, low fat, and low menus for patients, staff and the public. sugar content. “We offer patients and family members True, one of the last things on a hospital the opportunity to order off our hotel-style patient’s mind is the quality of the culinary room service menu so that they can eat experience, but mom’s chicken soup has together,” Kennedy said. “We serve good also taught many of us that good tasting food for both so we don’t need two separate food that’s also healthy can truly make menus.” people feel better. Kennedy credits the talented cook So a decent meal can go a long way in staff, many of whom have multi-cultural helping the healing process, or in some backgrounds, as one of the reasons the food cases, provide an affordable, nutritious at Deaconess receives such high ratings option for non-patients. from patients and the public. “We do have a number of (outside) “We give our cooks a lot of creative people who come in to eat at our café,” said Cathy Boysen, nutritional services manager freedom, and that’s why we have things like Cajun dishes, comfort foods, and in-house at Kootenai Medical Center in Coeur smoked ribs,” he said. “People actually d’Alene. “The menu changes seasonally and encompasses a wide variety of regional pre-order our ribs and take them home with
them.” At Valley Hospital, which is affiliated with Deaconess, Food Nutrition Director Justin Hilsabeck said the center’s smaller size allows the staff to offer room servicestyle menu choices for all patients, including those on special diets. “We’re working to add expo-style cooking in our café where guests can order different fresh entrees cooked to order right in front of them,” he said. “We’re planning to rotate different options like omelets, different pasta dishes, various styles of stirfry and other dishes.” Hilsabeck also said that the staff continues to add new items that they think are culinary trends in other kitchens. “Items like our gouda tomato bisque soup in a bread bowl, chicken wild rice, and our salmon, cod, Pollock Florentine and other fresh fish have been really popular and they’re healthy too,” he said. Sacred Heart Medical Center and Holy Family, both of which are Providenceaffiliated medical centers, have also been taking steps that the staff believes are achieving the right balance between food quality and nutrition. The food services at both locations are managed by Sodexo, a food services and facility management company responsible for the recipes and the patient room service program. David Strasser, Providence Holy Family Hospital Food and Nutrition Services, said all food is prepared on-site for patients and visitors. Patients can order room servicestyle meals that are cooked to order, but these adhere to stricter dietary guidelines due to dietary restrictions. Strasser said popular patient items include Grilled Salmon with Mango and Roasted Corn Salsa, and Chicken Milano. “The Chicken Milano is a pasta dish with sun-dried tomatoes, mushrooms, fresh basil and garlic in light cream sauce,” he said. “The Asian Stir Fry, which is actually steamed veggies and char broiled chicken breast with a lower sodium sauce, is also really popular.” Strasser said Sodexo uses as many local and sustainable vendors as possible and
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that all food is prepared on-site with as many items prepared from scratch as possible. At Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center, patients are also offered made-to-order items and the same meal choices available in the Café and the same strict patient dietary guidelines that Holy Family has. “One of our patient’s favorite dishes is a fresh lemon and rosemary chicken, made with low fat marinade of fresh lemon, fresh rosemary over a chicken breast,” said Carolyn Holley, Director of Food and Nutrition Services. An especially popular entrée is the made-to-order Fall Salad with raisins, dried cherries, romaine, crumbled bleu cheese and broiled chicken breast with a homemade Dijon dressing. “It is so popular that we now sell at least 130-150 of a pre-made version daily,” she said. There’s an excellent salad bar full of fresh fruit, veggies and low-fat protein alternatives. She said there are plans to start a rooftop garden to grow fresh herbs and produce. With more attention focused on eliminating unhealthy food options for patients and the public at hospitals, it’s fair to assume that the taste of hospital food that already has a bit of a lingering bad reputation might also suffer. Inland Northwest area hospitals, however, seem to be finding a good balance between serving up food that is healthy and tastes good.
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Health advocacy organizations in the U.S. have been ramping up the pressure on hospitals to improve the health of the food they serve patients, staff and the public. Groups like Partnership for a Healthier America, which just last year convinced more than 150 hospitals to ditch deepfat fryers, stop promoting junk food, and offer more fruit and vegetables; and Corporate Accountability International, a group that recently called on hospitals to give fast-food chains like McDonald’s the boot; have been successful at persuading many large hospitals to use their food services to help promote a culture of wellness. Major medical centers in the Inland Northwest seem to be ahead of this trend to replace unhealthy foods with healthier options. “We have not had a deep-fat fryer since mid 2004,” said Cathy Boysen, nutritional services manager at Kootenai Medical Center in Coeur d’Alene. “Menu items served out of our grill, such as French fries or chicken strips, are oven baked.” All of the other area medical centers were happy to share many steps they have been taking to improve the nutrition and health of their food services offerings. Local centers also all cook their own food in-house and don’t face the same challenges of many hospitals in larger U.S. cities that are now facing criticism from health advocates for having fast food chain restaurants operating out of their facilities.
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TOO MUCH TUBE TIME? Medical experts suggest limiting electronics for families Story by Julie Humphreys LiveWELL Correspondent Photos by Shallan Knowles
The American Academy of Pediatrics has long discouraged TV and other media use by children under age 2 and advocates limiting total screen time(educational and Remember when the only electronic non-violent programming only) for older device we were supposed to “screen” our children to less than an hour or two a day. children from was the TV? Despite the warning, children and Today, limiting TV time may be the teenagers age 8-18 still least of our spend nearly six hours a worries. We’re day in front of TVs and up against other screens outside computers, cell of schoolwork, reports phones, iPods the Kaiser Family and iPads, video Foundation. games and untold Almost a third of future gadgets American children ages to make us 2-19 are overweight or more informed, obese, as are more than entertained, and two-thirds of American efficient, and adults, according to more than likely, 2012 numbers from fatter. the American Heart Health Association. It’s a experts say the daunting picture, but proliferation of not a hopeless one if electronic media you’re willing to power is literally killing down, even for a few our children and hours. us. Barbara Brock, an If you think Eastern Washington that’s overstated, University recreation consider that management study after study professor, is the author finds direct of “Living Outside the correlations Box: TV-Free Families between excess Health experts say that exposure to electronic devices, Share Their Secrets.” screen time and from phones to tablets to traditional TVs, can be She and her family obesity. Obesity detrimental to health. They can lead to people sitting for is directly linked long period of time and not watching what they’re eating. haven’t owned a TV in 30 years. to diabetes, heart In 1999/2000 she spent disease, and other her sabbatical studying what TV-free chronic illnesses, which can lead to death. families do with the extra 4 ½ hours in Those are just physical health effects. their day, which was then the average time There is plenty of research on harmful American families spent watching TV. mental, behavioral, and social effects of Brock sent a questionnaire to parenting and excess screen time. family publications and was astounded at In the case of obesity, it’s not the actual the response. electronic devices that are the problems. As many as 500 families said they either It’s that we are sitting, sitting, and sitting in didn’t have TV or watched it less than an front of electronic screens and not moving. hour a day. Those families from all over the While we are sitting, we’re exposed to food country became Brock’s research subjects. and drink commercials that studies show One question she asked was what percent encourage us to eat more junk food.
of people in the TV-free families were overweight. Just 7 percent reported being 10 or more pounds overweight. In fall 2012, Brock began a follow-up research project with the children of these original families, who are now adults and continue to watch very little TV, about 1-3 hours a week. She posed the same question, and preliminary findings showed that 13 percent of respondents say they are more than 10 pounds overweight. That 6 percent increase pales in comparison to the increase in the national obesity rate in the same timeframe (20002010) as reported by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources. Adult obesity rates rose 17 percent and 22 percent for children. Other findings from Brock’s original research speak volumes to overall health and wellness: “Imagine what people would pay for a ‘pill’ that would strengthen family bonds, help reduce weight, improve reading skills, promote interest in the environment, and encourage social interaction. That is exactly what happens when we turn off our screens. It’s simple, manageable, and very compelling. In fact, it’s almost too easy perhaps that’s why more of us do not take it seriously.” When she first released her findings, people around the country became interested in learning more about families who actually lived without TV. Brock was interviewed on NBC’s Today Show and in Time magazine. She still likes to highlight these defining statistics: *70 percent reported their children got along better *80 percent felt their marriages were stronger *90 percent said they never regretted their decision to turn off their TVs Some wondered if the children of TVfree families revolted when they became adults and deliberately tuned in more to make up for lost time. So far Brock says most report they still don’t watch much, if any, TV. She’s also finding that many of the children have still become technology-
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savvy; they own computers but don’t linger on them. Parents still tell her, “Living without TV was the single best decision in my parenting.” Ten years ago, Brock organized a pilot study called “30 Days Live” in three local public schools. This was in wake of a national movement then called TV Turnoff Week where millions of Americans voluntarily gave up TV for a week to focus on family and health. Brock’s upped the timeframe to a month, and challenged children to not just go without screens but encouraged them to spend the equivalent of their TV watching time taking part in physical activity. The children were accustomed to twofour hours of TV daily. Brock said the study was a huge success, especially among teachers. It was repeated two years later and again in 2009 and 2010 through a University of Washington grant. One second-grade student said, “I really didn’t like turning off the TV except I noticed my grades went up and I was in a good mood all week.” Results at the end of the TV-free month, nearly 60 percent of students had lost weight.
If you have raised your children “outside the box” with no or minimal TV, you can be part of a study of
TV-Free Kids at until May 1, 2013. Families wanting details about TV Free Kids, to be considered for future studies or questions about TV use can contact Dr. Barbara Brock, a professor of recreation management at Eastern Washington University at Step UP and Go is a free community resource encouraging people to be more active and to eat healthy. See for this local resource and for information on 85210, a campaign reminding you to get 8 hours of sleep, eat 5 fruits and vegetables, no more than 2 hours of recreational screen time, 1 hour of physical activity and 0 sugary drinks daily.
alternatives to tune out TV If studies showing the link between being overweight and television/screen time have been taking place for decades, why aren’t more of us unplugging? Eastern Washington University’s Dr. Barbara Brock has been researching this subject extensively, and thinks the psychological addiction is more prevalent than we realize. “We’ve found that the reason most children have a TV in their rooms is not because the child wanted one, but because mom and dad want to watch their own programs. Many adults do not want to hear this. Of course, childhood obesity and adult obesity are partners here.” Local nurse practitioner Katie Jones, who specializes in behavioral pediatrics, concurs. “Part of the reason the message is stalled is the cultural backlash to turning off TVs. Food and drink advertisers don’t like it and parents, under increased work and time demands, are hard-put to plan and execute other forms of entertainment for their children.” Jones adds, “Doctors and health care providers are very much sensitized to the issue of too much screen time and its link to obesity and learning and behavioral problems. We are better today at discussing it with parents and children when they see us. But it is hard to convince parents that something that is so pervasive in their homes should be turned off or at least minimized and monitored.” Brock and Jones encourage everyone to simply evaluate their choices and habits. If that evaluation prompts you to change, here are some suggestions to help your children and family “live outside of the box,” starting with six from Brock, plus others from the Harvard School of Public Health and other sources. 1. Take photos of your kids doing something creative and fun, then put them on your refrigerator as a reminder when they are bored. 2. If you can stand 20 minutes of whining, your child WILL find something to do. 3. Make a list of things you never have time to do, then start marking them off when you give up at least an hour of TV. 4. Remove your TV from the living room and put in its place a large pile of beautiful wooden building blocks. 5. If your husband watches too much TV, curl up beside him wearing a feather boa! 6. Stock up on audio books. It’s a great way to encourage reading, acting, and imagination. 7. Let children suggest a favorite activity. Try a new one each week. 8. Substitute free reading time for TV. Let children enjoy appropriate books and magazines. If the library is within walking distance, go for a family stroll. 9. Plan arts and crafts projects and let children make their own placemats or water bottles. 10. Play music and DANCE. 11. Bring back board games. 12. Set TV limits with certain hours or days. During the summer for example, don’t let the TV go on between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. Mealtimes should always be screen-free. 13. Don’t allow TVs, cellphones, or iPads in bedrooms. 14. Define “too much” for children. For example, more than an hour on weekdays or two hours on the weekends. Have consequences for non-compliance. 15. Be a role model. What you do sends a much more powerful message than what you say. 16. Challenge yourself and your family to more quality time and better health. The 2013 TV Turnoff Week is April 28-May 4. Unplug and enjoy!
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Step UP and Go is a community campaign encouraging people to be more physically active and to eat healthy. We are dedicated to reducing overweight and obesity numbers in the Inland Northwest using community mobilization, education, and collaboration. The Step UP and Go team is working to create a region where everyone enjoys and participates in healthy living, and where the community supports and celebrates healthy lifestyles for all. We are a volunteer advisory board, including a full-time AmeriCorps worker, partnering with local health organizations to carry our message to the community. We are YOUR FREE resource! On our web site you will find local physical activities and healthy eating/cooking events to participate in. You can also track your physical activity and watch your steps add up. Join others connecting about healthy lifestyles on our Facebook and Twitter pages, get health news on our blogs including success stories from local people, and be part of this LOCAL, healthy lifestyle movement! What are you waiting for, challenge yourself to better health! Step UP and Go’s work is made possible thanks to our dedicated sponsors who believe in healthy people and healthy communities; Premera Blue Cross, Inland Northwest Health Services, Providence Medical Center, Spokane Cardiology, Spokane County Medical Society, YMCA of the Inland Northwest, as well as the American Heart Association and KLCrane Associates.
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COULEE MEDICAL CENTER GRAND COULEE DAM LEADS TO COULEE MEDICAL CENTER In 1934, thousands of people flocked to a rural area on the banks of the mighty Columbia River in north-central Washington to build what would become one of the largest concrete structures on Earth: Grand Coulee Dam. Bustling communities of workers and their families sprouted up around the construction. The dangers of the job and a rapidly growing population called for quality health care and emergency services. In response, Coulee Medical Center was born. Nearly 80 years later, the community hospital in Grand Coulee, Wash., has transformed into a first-class 25-bed trauma level IV critical access medical center. And just as the Grand Coulee Dam
powers the electricity demands of a nation, Coulee Medical Center serves the health care needs of a region, providing personalized services to an area that spans hundreds of square miles. In 2011, Coulee Medical Center heightened its level of care with the completion of a new 66,000-square-foot facility. The modern center features a sophisticated electronic medical records system and new equipment in its inpatient and outpatient clinics, emergency room, 24-hour walk-in clinic, surgery suites, labor and delivery unit, and long-term care unit. The hospital also provides on-site radiology, pharmacy and lab services. With its comprehensive services and employment opportunities, Coulee Medical Center is not only a valuable asset to the immediate Grand-Coulee community, it is also a boon for the nearby Colville Reservation and for residents of the surrounding five rural counties, including Grant, Douglas, Okanogan, Lincoln and Ferry counties. Additionally, Coulee Medical Center’s providers offer quality health care to Eastern Washington communities at a family clinic in Coulee City and Columbia Orthopedic and Sports Medicine in Spokane.
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AH, SLEEP Getting our Zzzs vital for our heatlh Story by Kim Andersen LiveWELL Correspondent Photos by Shallan Knowles How do you feel when you have a good night’s sleep? How about when you can’t sleep? We spend almost a third of our lives sleeping. It’s not surprising then that our waking hours go much smoother when we get a good snooze. “Our bodies need seven to nine hours of sleep in a 24-hour period,” says Gregory Belenky, M.D., research professor and director of the Washington State University Sleep and Performance Research Center in Spokane. “What’s important is total sleep time, not how much REM—Rapid Eye Movement— sleep we get, or, even that we get seven to nine consecutive hours of sleep. Naps are good. Nap early, nap often.” There are many reasons we may not get enough sleep. Some are our own doing, others a little harder to control.
in our 24/7 society, when more individuals need to be awake and working at anytime day and night? Belenky and his colleague, Hans Van Dongen, Ph.D, research professor and assistant director of the Sleep and Performance Research Center, leads teams at the Center to study the effect of extended
WHAT KEEPS US AWAKE? In an increasingly “wired” society, we stay awake watching TV, surfing on our tablet and playing on the Xbox. We relax, catch up on news and interact with friends. Often, we do these fun activities at the end of the day, cutting into sleep time. Some studies also show that the glow of blue light from a screen – much like a blue sky – can trick our biological The Washington State University Sleep and Performance Research clock into thinking it’s day time, making Center includes a driving simulator to test how people’s driving it harder to go to sleep. abilities and coordination are affected by sleep or lack of it. Research Our biological clock is our body’s subjects are monitored round the clock, including their brain patterns. internal mechanism that tells us when to eat, sleep and wake. It also controls body temperature, hormone levels, blood work hours, night and shift work on sleep. pressure and heart activity. You may be a “We study sleep and wakefulness in morning person who goes to bed readily at people whose schedules often require work night and wakes up at dawn. Others aren’t at night and where consequences can be ready for sleep until later, and if they had very deadly if they’re sleep deprived,” the choice, they would sleep to the crack of says Van Dongen. “The public safety and noon. Maybe you’re somewhere in between. transportation industries fit that bill – we do many research studies with truckers, pilots, THE EFFECTS OF SHIFT WORK ON police officers and the military.” SLEEP The night shift is particularly tough on Our bodies are wired to sleep when it’s individuals as it runs opposite biological dark, not when it’s light. So, what happens,
clocks. People are working when their biological clocks say to sleep, then, they’re trying to sleep when their biological clocks say be awake. An average night shift worker gets five hours of sleep in a 24 hour period, resulting in a typical 2-3 hour-a-day sleep debt. “What happens is, when you are sleep deprived, you become fatigued. A fatigued brain is not reliable,” says Van Dongen. “It works most of the time. It tricks people into thinking they’re OK. All it takes is attention to lapse for a couple of seconds and accidents happen. We tell people in shift work not to rely on themselves to judge when they’re fatigued. It’s really hard to know.” A SLEEP, WAKE AND WORK FACILITY The WSU Sleep and Performance Research Center on the Riverpoint campus houses a sleep research laboratory and a simulation laboratory. Together, they form the only sleep, wake and work facility in the world. The sleep laboratory has four bedrooms, a central observation room and a large common area with a kitchenette. It becomes home to participants in studies lasting four to 16 days. The performance laboratory has tools and equipment to simulate environments and critical tasks performed by public safety, transportation and other personnel in 24/7 operational jobs. It contains two high-fidelity driving simulators, work stations to test cognitive performance and deadly force simulators for measuring judgment and decision making skills in violent and non-violent encounters. “When I work with personnel in these fields, we look at what’s unique and what they can control in their environment,” says Van Dongen. “For example, the airline determines the schedule. Can airlines create schedules a better way?” The Federal Aviation Administration announced new rules two years ago that limit the maximum number of hours a pilot can be scheduled to be on duty. The rules take into account the time of day a pilot begins their first flight and time zones crossed. Airlines place longer duty hours in
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the day when people are most alert. “Another remedy possible,” says Belenky, “is to build a nap into the schedule. Fed Ex does this for their pilots who fly into Memphis. They increase the duration of the night shift and plan a sanctioned, on-the-ground, onshift nap between flight segments. Even a 20-minute nap is good; two hours is ideal.” THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF SLEEP MEDICINE OFFERS THESE ADDITIONAL SLEEP TIPS FOR SHIFT WORKERS: • If you work rotating shifts, ask your manager to schedule a clockwise rotation. This means that your new shift will have a start time that is later than your last shift. It is easier to adapt to this type of rotation because it is easier to stay up late than to go to bed early. • Arrange for someone to pick you up after a night shift, or take a bus or cab home. Drowsy driving can put your life and the lives of other drivers at risk. • Try to keep the same schedule on work days and days off. Keeping a routine helps your body know when to be alert and when to sleep. • Plan ahead for a major change in a shift work schedule. Begin to alter your sleep time a few days in advance. This will make it easier for your body to adjust. • Use moderate amounts of caffeine to help you stay alert on the job. Stop drinking coffee in the later portions of your shift so that it does not disrupt your sleep when it is time to go to bed. • Avoid exposure to sunlight if you need to sleep during the day.
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WANT TO SLEEP BETTER? Wear sunglasses if you must go outside. • Make sure others in your home are aware of your work schedule. They should keep the home quiet when they know that you need to sleep. “All of us, shift worker or not, have to actively manage sleep,” says Van Dongen. “It’s important to pay attention to sleep just like diet and exercise. Take extra time on weekends to catch up on sleep. Chronic sleep deprivation – where you lose sleep on a regular basis and can’t catch up – fundamentally changes your brain. You can recover, though, it takes many, many days.
• Go to bed and get up at the same time every day, even on days off. • Don’t go to bed hungry or stuffed. Nicotine, caffeine and alcohol can affect quality sleep. • Create routines and rituals to help your body wind down, like listening to soothing music, taking a warm bath or reading a book. • Create a room conducive for sleeping: somewhere cool, dark and quiet. • Naps can help you catch up but too long of naps especially later in the day, can interfere with nighttime sleep. • Getting your body moving can help you fall asleep faster and enjoy deeper sleep. • De-stress by giving yourself permission to take a break. Laugh. Jot down what’s on your mind and set the list aside for tomorrow. • Consider a new mattress.
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Taking your wellness to heart
TROUBLE SLEEPING? WHEN TO SEEK HELP Story by Kim Anderson LiveWELL Correspondent KEEP A SLEEP DIARY A sleep diary can track when you go to bed and wake How do you know when your sleep problems are symptoms up; how long and how well you sleep; when you wake of a sleep disorder that during the night and for how require further attention? long; how much alcohol and WebMD suggests that caffeine you consume; what having at least one of the following areas can indicate a else you eat, drink, and when; emotions or stress you are sleep disorder. • Falling asleep while driving experiencing; and, any drugs or medications. • Struggling to stay awake If you’ve tried self-help when inactive (watching TV, remedies and they’re not reading) working, talk to a doctor. • Problems paying attention If you or a bed partner at work, school, or home are experiencing gasping, • Performance problems at stopping breathing, restless work or school legs during sleep or daytime • Often told that you look sleep attacks, seek medical tired help from a family practice • Memory problems or internal medicine doctor • Slowed responses who can discuss your • Difficulty controlling symptoms, review your sleep emotions diary and consider a referral • Wanting to take naps to a sleep specialist – a almost daily physician who specializes in TYPES OF SLEEP neurology, pulmonology or DISORDERS sleep medicine – or undergo There are 80+ different kinds additional tests, such as a of sleep disorders. The four sleep study. most common are: Depending on your health INSOMNIA: difficulty going to insurance plan, you may sleep or staying asleep self-refer to a sleep specialist. SLEEP APNEA: a serious disorder that, when untreated, Your insurance plan may offer online tools or causes a person to start and assistance finding a nearby stop breathing repeatedly sleep specialist. during sleep A sleep study typically RESTLESS LEGS involves a short stay at SYNDROME: a near a sleep center. A sleep irresistible urge to move legs technologist observes and or arms when lying down or measures sleep patterns, resting brain waves and heart rate NARCOLEPSY: a disorder through non-invasive, painless that may cause sleep attacks monitoring devices attached while talking, working or to the body. A treatment plan driving. can be created from the data. Most sleep disorders can be treated effectively.
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HEART ATTACK AND STROKE PREVENTION CENTER AIMS TO HELP 100 PATIENTS IN 2013 Spokane clinic looks at factors in innovative ways to get a good look at Judd’s artery walls with a special ultrasound test called a Carotid Intima Media Thickness test (IMT). Conventional tests looks only at blood flowing through the artery. The Center’s Dr. Jeff Emery explains the significance of the IMT. “The importance of looking at the artery wall and not just blood flow is it allows us to identify if you are at future risk of a heart attack or
we can develop a very comprehensive treatment model to stabilize that process and to prevent further plaque development down the road.” IMT testing has had the backing of the Most people know that cardiovascular American Heart Association for more than disease is the No. 1 killer of Americans. We a decade. But it’s generally not covered know some key disease risk factors and how by insurance (costs, less than $200), a to avoid them. Exercise, eat healthy, don’t frustration for Doneen who says it’s a smoke, and keep your cholesterol and blood valuable tool in the diagnosis and treatment pressure low. plans offered at the center. So we make an effort to be Health care providers there use physically active, consume more the patented Bale/Doneen Method fruits, vegetables, and whole grains of identifying and preventing and monitor our cholesterol and blood heart attack and stroke risk which pressure regularly. goes beyond the current standard Amy Doneen, nurse practitioner of care. Doneen is considered and medical director of Spokane’s an international leader in the Heart Attack and Stroke Prevention prevention of heart attacks and Center says the current standard strokes and speaks to medical of care is based on a risk factor providers around the world. paradigm that considers our age, During February, American our gender, our smoking status, our Heart Month, Doneen and cholesterol, our blood pressure and we Emery kicked off the “100 Hearts are thrown into a calculation. Campaign with a goal of saving “If our calculation tells us we are 100 new lives in 2013. OK, the assumption is we are. But the Patients are encouraged to reality is that calculation misses the refer one person they care about majority of young, healthy, fit women for an evaluation this year. As a who may be at tremendous risk,” thank-you for their help in sharing Doneen said. the message about prevention This includes women like 34 methods, patients get a $150 check. year-old Mandy Judd of Spokane, a The center is also offering free Amy Doneen, director of the Heart Attack and Stroke Prevention Center, uses personal trainer who exercises, eats 20-minute evaluations with a doctor a variety of methods, including genetic testing, to predict -- and prevent -- the well, and doesn’t smoke, so her stats or nurse practitioner to determine likelihood of a stroke or cardiac event. look good. if IMT testing and other diagnosis Judd was shocked to learn her stroke. This is not just a calculated risk but or treatment may help save your life. arteries were 12 years older than her an actual risk.” “In the last 10 years I’ve yet to have biological age. IMT can identify the presence of plaque anyone call me and say ‘Amy I think I’m “I’m really into prevention. But for in the artery walls plus a thickening of the developing fatty streaks in the wall of whatever reason, I think you just get in artery walls which serves as an indicator my artery.’ But they do say, ‘I’ve had a your head that you’re in your early 30s of future risk of plaque development and heart attack or stroke or I have no kidney and you aren’t really thinking about heart cardiovascular events. function.’ I wish I’d seen them much attack and stroke.” says Judd. “You can “Once we identify plaque we look for earlier.” says Doneen. look very fit and very healthy and not know the root causes for why that plaque has Judd is forever thankful that her risk what is going on inside your body.” developed or why the artery wall is not was identified early. Medical providers at the Heart Attack healthy in appearance,” Emery said. “Then and Stroke Prevention Center were able
Story by Julie Humphreys LiveWELL Correspondent Photo by Courtney Dunham
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R‘nR RV CENTER 1 (866) 328-2057 (LIBERTY LAKE) 1 (866) 213-2089 (AIRWAY HEIGHTS) Wouldn’t it be great if your doctor could prescribe a couple of aspirin and a new RV for what ails you? RV owners will happily tell you that their rigs, while not necessarily what the doctor ordered, have easily become excellent sources of happiness and well-being, which of course, translates to better health and better living. Your RV offers all the comforts of home but also lets you take that home wherever the road takes you. Pack up your fishing gear and hit your favorite lake. Grab the camera and the grandkids and head to the mountains. Drive away from the big city and visit those national parks you’ve been wanting to visit for years. Take a journey anywhere you choose, enjoying the freedom of the open road, knowing you’ll always have your own comfortable place to lay your head at the end of the day. You don’t have to worry about hotel reservations or crashing on a friend’s couch; all you do is find an affordable or free campground. R’nR RV Center, Eastern Washington’s largest RV dealer, wants to help make your transition from the busy life to the RV lifestyle as easy as possible. With an extensive selection of new and pre-owned RVs, from campers to motorhomes at locations in Liberty Lake and Airway Heights, R’nR RV is always eager to help you discover the advantages of RV ownership and how simple it is to get started. R’nR RV’s commitment to service doesn’t end when you drive off the lot. The Liberty Lake location offers 40 service bays and many certified and master certified technicians. There are also 10 overnight sites with full hook-up capabilities for out-of-town customers by appointment. Customers can also benefit from a 1,200-square-foot RV camping store with useful parts and accessories. People wanting to know more about getting started can call or visit our web site.
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MATTRESS CENTER 13524 E. SPRAGUE, SPOKANE (509) 891-4072 WHAT DO YOU OFFER TO HELP PEOPLE LiveWELL? We offer quality mattresses from Englander, Serta’s Five Star Line, Spring Air Back Supporter Series, and an entire line made in Spokane. We offer pocketed coil beds, Memory Foam mattresses, latex mattresses, Gel Memory Foam mattresses and adjustable beds. We have a new line of pillows to help customers get better sleep. From firm to ultra-plush, we can help everyone get the sleep they want and deserve. With over 50 mattresses available, we can match anyone’s comfort and budget. We are locally owned and operated; nearly all of our mattresses are made in Spokane or Washington. We guarantee the lowest price and comfort to make sure customers are getting the best bed. HOW DID MATTRESS CENTER BEGIN? Five years ago, a couple of mattress salesmen with 10 years-plus in the business said, “Why aren’t we doing this on our own?” We were tired of what we saw in the industry -- companies only driven by profit, pushing the most expensive beds, not necessarily what’s best for customers, and other gimmicks and tricks that don’t have the customer’s best interest. At Mattress Center, we strive to have the best quality beds at the best prices. No gimmicks, no negotiating. We find the best mattress that fits the customer, not our bottom line. Our philosophy is to help customers get better sleep, period. ANY ADVICE FOR CHOOSING THE BEST MATTRESS? Find one that’s comfortable and supports your body. Getting better sleep will make you feel energized, more focused, and less stressed. Countless studies have linked better sleep to weight loss, improving memory and creativity, reduced stress and easier injury recovery. We have special box springs that raise heads to help stop snoring and acid reflux. Adjustable bases offer proper circulation, healthy posture, and customized support. We have many mattresses that will help back problems, and pillows that support necks.
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ROTTLES CLOTHING AND SHOES 226 EAST MAIN STREET AUBURN, WASHINGTON (253) 833-2750 Rottles Clothing and Shoes will take you back to the quality and service that most people haven’t experienced in years. Established in downtown Auburn, Wash., in 1939 by A.J. Rottle, it’s one of few remaining family-operated stores around. Rottles has thrived with a simple philosophy: “provide a quality product and treat your customers with respect.” Being family owned and operated means that shoppers will be cared for like many other retailers used to.
Over the years, the store has become a pillar in Auburn because of its unique quality of products and service. The business continued to grow under the direction of A.J.’s son, Donald, until his retirement in 1997. Today, the store is managed and operated by a third generation, Donald’s twin sons, Jim and John. “When you do something like this for as long as I have, it gets in your blood,” Donald said. Name brands featured include Brighton, Tommy Bahama, Tribal, Pendleton, Cutter & Buck, Ecco, SAS, Born and more. In addition to many customers from around the Auburn community, the store has such a well-known reputation over the last 74 years that it regularly attracts customers from around the state – it’s not uncommon to have visitors from the north and south parts of the state plus Eastern Washington. Please stop in and enjoy the feel of friendly down home customer service – come see for yourself!
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Three Great Spokane Area Communities:
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AFFINITY LIVING COMMUNITIES 30,000 SQUARE FEET OF EXTRA LIVING SPACE CONTRIBUTES TO A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE A new living concept is available for people who are age 55-plus: AfďŹ nity Living Communities, now open in Coeur dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Alene and the South Hill and Mill Road neighborhoods in Spokane. The communities are designed and built for people who want to be active and simplify their lives. With new AfďŹ nity facilities in Spokane and Coeur dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Alene and two more soon to open in Washington state, there will be seven AfďŹ nity complexes opened in Washington, Idaho, and Colorado since 2011, when the ďŹ rst facility began operating in Walla Walla. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We created AfďŹ nity to ďŹ ll a need in the housing market for
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active adults looking to downsize and simplify their lives. And for people who currently live in a rental and just want to live by other people their age,â&#x20AC;? said AfďŹ nity Director of Operations Cecil Rinker. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The AfďŹ nity communities have been met with public enthusiasm and ďŹ ll up fast when they open.â&#x20AC;? With 30,000 square feet of shared spaces, AfďŹ nity residents have many places to be active. The community pea-patch gardens where people can plant their own vegetables and ďŹ&#x201A;owers, lots of patio spaces including an outdoor barbecue area where people gather, a pool house with a full-size swimming pool and hot spa, a workshop, art room, yoga studio, theatre and even their own pub where free happy hours are included with the rents. Residents have plenty of ways to be active within steps of their homes. Just one rent check is all AfďŹ nity residents have to think about and thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not â&#x20AC;&#x153;buy inâ&#x20AC;? required. Monthly rent includes cable T.V., wireless Internet service, all utilities (even electricity) and twicemonthly light housekeeping. Rents start at just $995. To check out AfďŹ nity Living Communities visit www.AfďŹ
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THE VALUE OF CLINICAL TESTING Human trials move medicine forward, boost knowledge Story and photo by Erika Prins LiveWELL Correspondent
Dr. David Scott from OSC says clinical trials help his research and benefit future patients. Three metal objects lay on the table in front of Dr. David Scott, along with a small stack of papers. He is dying to talk about them. As he does, his face lights up like a child opening a present. The objects are variations on hip replacement hardware ––one a new product he is helping to study ––and the papers comprise an article he cowrote, soon to be published in “The Journal of Arthoplasty.” Scott’s enthusiasm for hip replacement technology and treatments drives him to dedicate enormous amounts of time to clinical research in addition to running a private orthopedic practice in North Spokane in which the majority of his patients are not clinical trial participants. His peer-reviewed article represents five years of clinical research, countless hours of data analysis and writing, and even more
hours spent revising drafts of the article. “The hours add up,” he says. “I devote at least one full day every other week, but a lot of the time is at night and over the weekends.” His dedication, and that of other local researchers, offers Spokane-area patients who participate in these trials the opportunity to benefit from reduced medical costs and close monitoring of their care – while helping to advance medical knowledge. All of the studies conducted at the Spokane Joint Replacement Center, located at the Orthopaedic Specialty Clinic in north Spokane, relate to hip and knee research. Some, like the subject of Scott’s Journal of Arthroplasty article, test the efficacy of new drugs. Others test new hip or knee replacement products. Most participants in Scott’s trials come to the Orthopaedic Specialty Clinic as regular patients. If he or another doctor identifies the patient as a potential candidate for participation in a trial – which means the patient fits the criteria articulated in the study’s literature and does not have other health issues that may skew test results – he or she is walked through a carefully regulated and documented process to ensure full awareness of what the trial involves. Finally, if the patient consents, treatment begins. Although the very word “trial” suggests experimentation, which might be daunting to patients, Scott says there is almost no risk involved for trial participants. “The levels of regulatory oversight are pretty intense in the research field,” he says. Medications also undergo several phases of testing for safety and efficacy before being tested on large populations – for finetuning dosage in some cases, or to learn about how they affect a certain population group. Pharmaceutical companies conduct tests on drugs already approved by the
Food and Drug Administration to test them for use in different circumstances than those for which they were originally developed. Participants in clinical trials are monitored closer than patients receiving regular treatment. Taking part in clinical trials comes with a number of benefits, the most measurable being reduced cost of care. At Dr. Alan Unis’ office, families who take part in a study receive free medical care for their child who may be suffering a behavioral health problem. “The biggest benefit is that your assessment and your clinical care is provided without cost to the subject,” says Unis, medical director for research at Kootenai Health. Trial sponsors – usually pharmaceutical companies – pay for the research and provide the medication. Some trials also include a small stipend for participants to compensate them for travel and evaluation time, which is often greater than if they were receiving treatment not associated with a trial. However, researchers take care to ensure trial participants do not feel overly enticed by the financial break. Unis studies the effects of medication for bipolar disorder, depression and schizophrenia on children – and since his patients are children, the ethical requirements for verifying patient consent are high. “We spend a great deal of time with all the kids and their parents before offering them enrollment in the trial so that they understand what will be required of them,” he says. “We have to be extremely careful about how we compensate families who have to travel to participate to make sure that we’re providing a fair reimbursement for their time and their trouble and their gasoline costs, etc. – but at the same time, not creating a situation where the kid might be feeling coerced because of a monetary reimbursement,” he said.
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The greatest benefit to participating in trials isn’t so easily measured: the opportunity for kids to receive well-monitored treatment for disorders that often go untreated indefinitely. “Mental illness is common and it is a source or a cause of great suffering and disability,” says Unis. Parents struggle with the stigma of mental illness or feel responsible for their child’s suffering. “There are many things that are attributed as causes of mental illness that are complex in nature and we can’t predict who gets sick and who doesn’t,” he said. “Kids shouldn’t have to suffer with the burden of mental illness if we have the adequate resources available for treatment.” The drugs Unis tests have already been approved by the FDA, but until recent years, were only tested on adults. The FDA is correcting this problem and now requires pharmaceutical companies to research their drugs’ effects on children as well. Antidepressants, for example, metabolize differently in children than adults. “There are very few antidepressants that have been found to be useful in children and adolescents,” says Unis. The drugs more commonly affect children adversely. The Kootenai Cancer Center research specializes in researching drugs to treat sarcoma, a rare form of cancer with a high mortality rate. “There comes a point in treating any cancer disease where the doctor might just not have anything else in their arsenal,” says regulatory coordinator Shae Owens. Some patients choose to participate in clinical trials knowing they may not recover from the disease. Although their recovery may not be likely, patients can still benefit personally from participating in a trial – and help advance treatment options for future patients. “Can we increase their survival time? Can we increase their quality of life? Can we increase our knowledge about this disease by comparing a proven treatment with a newly developed treatment?” says Owens. Trials for cancer drugs require that patients have a life expectancy of a number of years – Owens used 10 as an example – but may be open to patients of a wide age range. “When you are a 70-something-year-old patient and have this disease, you may want to find some purpose in that disease,” she says.“They are wanting to move science forward and help the next patient with leukemia. They’re understanding that, you know, maybe this won’t help me, but maybe it will help my granddaughter.”
Phases of Drug Testing By the time a drug is tested on a large population, it has already been deemed safe. Phases 2, 3 and 4 test for efficacy, dosage and short-term side-effects.
PHASE 0: Exploratory study. Very limited human exposure to the drug, with no therapeutic or diagnostic goals (for example, screening studies, microdose studies).
PHASE 1: Studies to learn how a drug is metabolized, and its most frequent and serious adverse effects. Conducted with healthy volunteers.
PHASE 2: Studies that gather preliminary data on effectiveness to treat a certain disease or condition – the drug is either tested against a different treatment or a placebo. Safety continues to be evaluated, and short-term adverse effects are studied.
PHASE 3: Studies that gather more information about safety and effectiveness by studying different populations and different dosages, and by using the drug in combination with other drugs.
PHASE 4: Studies occurring after FDA has approved a drug for marketing, to gather additional information about a drug’s safety, efficacy or optimal use. These include studies legally required or agreed to by the sponsor. Source:
Clinical trial sponsors pay for study-related drugs and medical care – but in some cases, like cancer care, patients must receive additional care. Most states legally require insurance companies to cover additional care for patients participating in clinical trials, but neither Washington nor Idaho have such legal reuirements. Shae Owens, research coordinator at Kootenai Cancer Center Research, would like to see that change. “We’ve had more than one patient that has wanted to write a letter to their legislator,” says Owens. Many legislators, she says, are not aware of the issue. “Unless you’ve had cancer, it’s not a door that’s been opened.” Medicare covers its trial participant patients, and the Affordable Care Act promises to require all states to cover clinical trial patients. In the meantime, researchers whose patients will require non-study care must pre-approve the patient’s medical coverage to ensure they are not denied coverage for additional care as a result of participation in a study. “There is hope on the horizon,” she says. “But as with any forthcoming healthcare policy, nobody holds their breath on that.”
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SPOKANE EYE CLINIC Since 1955, Spokane Eye Clinic has offered the highest quality eye care in the Inland Northwest. As the region’s leading eye care center, we have a reputation for delivering advanced, specialized treatment and services. We continue to build on a tradition of excellence by investing in the future to serve the needs of the community. One way we have accomplished this is with an active clinical research department. Spokane Eye Clinical Research is dedicated to safe and scientific patient-oriented clinical research. Research widens treatment options for patients, demonstrates our leading edge approach to clinical medicine, and provides physicians with the opportunity to learn about emerging medical technologies. Spokane Eye Clinical Research’s primary responsibility is to protect the privacy, safety and welfare of the patients participating in research. We comply with all U.S. regulatory requirements related to the protection of human research participants specifically 45 CFR 46, 160 and 164; 21 CFR 50, 56, 312 and 812. Spokane Eye Clinical Research also complies with the Guidelines of the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) Good Clinical Practice (CGP) guidelines. Spokane Eye Clinic is currently involved in 11 clinical studies ranging from inherited eye diseases and implantable devices for the treatment of glaucoma to diabetic macular edema and pediatric hyperopia and extropia. For more about clinical trials visit www. and look under the “Resources,” tab or call Eileen at (509) 623-9768. Spokane Eye Clinic has 14 Ophthalmologists and six Optometrists who apply years of training and experience - and the newest surgical and clinical trial techniques – for the highest quality care available. In addition to clinical trials, Spokane Eye Clinic offers general and specialty eye care services. We perform approximately 9,000 surgical procedures at our outpatient surgery center annually, including iLasik, PRK, and cataract surgeries. We also offer a fullservice optical shop and contact lens departments at our three locations in Spokane.
HAVE YOU HAD GLAUCOMA SURGERY IN THE PAST BUT ARE STILL STRUGGLING TO LOWER YOUR EYE PRESSURE DESPITE TAKING EYE DROPS? Doctors at the Spokane Eye Clinic are conducting a clinical trial to evaluate the AqueSys Implant– an investigational device designed for treating glaucoma. This procedure uses a soft, natural gelatin implant which is about the width of a human hair. This micro-implant is designed to create a permanent channel for excess fluid to move out of the front part of the eye. This helps to manage elevated pressure inside the eye and help preserve vision in patients with open-angle glaucoma.
Would the study be a good fit for me?
This study might be a good fit for you if you: • Are 45 years of age or older; • Have been diagnosed with glaucoma; • Have had previous glaucoma surgery and are currently on a number of glaucoma medications; • Are willing to comply with the follow-up visits If you are interested in this research and feel you may be a good fit, please contact Eileen Dittman, RN at 509-623-9768 The AqueSys procedure has been performed in hundreds of patients in clinical evaluations outside the United States. Within the U.S., the AqueSys Implant is an investigational device which means that is has not been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This study is registered with
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WELLNESS & BEAUTY EXPO FEEL GOOD, LOOK GOOD AT THE WELLNESS AND BEAUTY EXPO (509) 434-0133 or Find your personal balance in mind, body and spirit at the second-annual Wellness and Beauty Expo. Our vendors will be set up the weekend of June 22-23 to offer you the best in goods and services in all areas of wellness and beauty. The highlight of the event is FREE wellness checks and $3-$5 mini spa & beauty treatments! If you buy a Five-Pack ticket for $15 you can pick five treatments from a variety of choices. For example, you could have: one chair massage, one facial, one hand scrub; one eyebrow wax and one spray tan, all for just $15! Or get just one service for only $5. In addition, you can have a free bone scan, blood sugar and blood pressure test, nutritional screening, body fat and weight analysis and a special photo taken to check your face for sun damage plus many other tests and valuable information about you and your family’s health. Come for: • activities • shopping specials • fashion show • free samples • demonstrations • FREE wellness checks • $3 - $5 mini spa & beauty treatments • concessions • hourly prizes • or be the lucky winner of our Grand Prize! The Expo is 10 a.m.-7 p.m. June 22 and 10 a.m.-5 p.m. June 23. ADMISSION $7 adults; Half-price seniors & students; FREE for military & kids under 12. If you bring 2 non-perishable food items for NW Harvest and pay just $5. LOCATION Spokane County Fair & Expo Center There is much more to come, so please check out our website for special discounts -- we will see you at the Expo!
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Elder Services 12th Annual
CAREGIVER CONFERENCE to Resources for Caregivers June 5, 2013 8:45 am – 4:00 pm Lincoln Center 1316 N. Lincoln St., Spo., WA
“Unpaid Caregivers Free” Professionals: $30 Paid Caregivers: $30 Students: $30
Lunch Provided 509-458-7450
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SPOKANE MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCES FOR CAREGIVERS Caregiving can exact a heavy emotional, physical and financial toll. Twenty-two percent of caregivers are assisting two individuals, while 8 percent are caring for three or more. Almost 50 percent of all caregivers are age 50-plus, making them more vulnerable to a decline in their own health. There are five basic types of services available to caregivers: • • • • •
Information about available services, Assistance in gaining access to the services, Individual counseling, support groups, and caregiver training, Respite care Supplemental services
These services work collaboratively with other state and community-based services to provide a coordinated set of supports. Studies have shown that these services can reduce caregiver depression, anxiety, and stress and enable them to provide care longer, thereby avoiding or delaying the need for costly institutional care. For local resources: Elder Services at (509) 458-7450. For Washington State resources: 1-800-422-3263 or access caregiving For national resources: visit Administration on Aging’s website Index.aspx#Adults Please join us at Elder Services 12th Annual Caregiver Conference June 5 at the Lincoln Center. It’s free to unpaid caregivers. For information call (509) 458-7450.
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GAMMA KNIFE OF SPOKANE The Gamma Knife of Spokane serves patients and physicians of Eastern Washington, Idaho, and Montana. It is the ‘Gold Standard’ for precision radiosurgery for brain tumors (metastatic tumors, gliomas, meningiomas, acoustic neuromas) and AVMs (arteriovenous malformations). GK Spokane also treats functional disorders including trigeminal neuralgia, and movement disorders such as essential tremor and Parkinsonian tremor. This non-invasive brain surgery tool isn’t a knife at all - it uses precisely guided radiation to destroy tumors or block transmission of pain and tremors. Unlike other forms of radiation delivery, it has a fixed focal point and moves the head with computer-aided precision, thereby delivering sub-millimeter accuracy (.3 to .5 mm) for each target. This spares healthy tissue while delivering a precise dose of radiation to the target. Opening in 2002, the center has delivered over 1,700 treatments with the same treatment team over the last 10 years. No single radiosurgery program in the state has this kind of continuity and experience. And no stereotactic radiation center in the West had published more clinical research in the last three years than Gamma Knife of Spokane: 19 published articles and four invited book chapters. We have documented clinical outcomes that the medical community values and refers to as they make health care decisions. There is no delivery of radiation that is more precise than the Gamma Knife – and the benefit of this precision is two-fold: • It can treat a tumor or target in one day • It spares more healthy brain tissue than does any other radiation equipment. And research is clear – whether it is a tumor or errantly placed radiation – both have seriously negative effects on healthy brain tissue. No other center in the region offers more accuracy, produces better outcomes nor has more experience than the team at Gamma Knife of Spokane. We welcome the opportunity to discuss your needs. We offer the best possible combination of high tech and ‘high touch’ in our approach to managing your brain tumor, trigeminal pain or tremor issues.
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Treating Brain Tumors,Trigeminal Neuralgia and Essential Tremors since 2002.
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ATHLETIC ACCESS Local schools responding to mandate for disabled players Story by Julie Humphreys LiveWELL Correspondent A federal mandate signed at the beginning of this year may open doors for more children and teens with disabilities to participate in school sports. That, says Teresa Skinner, an occupational therapist and member of the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee, could mean hundreds of local students would enjoy “the life-changing experience of competitive sports and being part of a team.” Skinner has worked for decades to improve and incorporate sports opportunities for children with disabilities in the Inland Northwest. She has successfully coordinated and implemented adapted and wheelchair sports programs in area school districts and with organizations like St. Luke’s Rehabilitation Institute. The U.S. Education Department mandate says students with disabilities must be given a fair shot to play on a traditional sports team or have their own leagues. For their part, schools must make “reasonable modifications” to accommodate these students and “provide those aids and services that are necessary to ensure an equal opportunity to participate.” Activists cheer the mandate saying it will do for students with disabilities what Title IX did for girls and women athletes 40 years ago. While thrilled about the mandate, Skinner says Washington schools have already done a nice job integrating athletes with disabilities. “In some ways Washington is not a state that needs the new mandate. We already have athletes integrated in tennis, swimming, basketball, track and field, and more,” she said. “What the mandate will hopefully do is open the eyes of school officials and coaches to the fact that 90 percent of children with disabilities are not participating in anything sports related.” Retired Riverside School District coach Bill Kemp echoes that sentiment. “The mandate can remind coaches to encourage children with disabilities to join sports teams. There are a whole lot of kids
out there missing a great opportunity. They are great kids who work hard, if not harder than able bodied kids,” he said. Kemp says the problem is many coaches will see the mandate as one more thing they must do.
Amberlynn Weber, 19, graduated from Central Valley High School last year and competed in the 100, 400 and 800 meter races in the London Paralympics. She has a spinal cord injury secondary to a tumor found on her spinal cord at 6 months old. “Many coaches are already understaffed and overworked and don’t necessarily have the time or training to work with children with disabilities,” he said. But the rewards for coaches, say both Kemp and Skinner, can be as big as for athletes. The two were instrumental in 2007 in getting the WIAA (Washington Interscholastic Activities Association) to award points and medals to athletes with disabilities when competing at the state level. Prior to that they could only compete in exhibition and their scores did not count toward a school’s total.
Krystle Horton, now 23, benefitted greatly from being part of her school’s sports program. She has scoliosis and restricted lung disease and had braces on her back as a child. She used a wheelchair but not full time so she didn’t think she qualified for adaptive sports. Besides, this self-admitted “really, really shy” youngster said she despised sports because she was never really good at them. “I really hated basketball because I couldn’t shoot well,” Horton said. When a local wheelchair basketball coach approached her in junior high and encouraged her to play Horton said she was excited but terrified. The first time she participated she made her mother get in a wheelchair next to her. But it wasn’t long before she got over her fear and realized she could enjoy basketball and be good at it. That experience gave Horton enough confidence to join the track team at Central Valley High School. She was the first athlete with a disability ever for the team but she never received special treatment. “The coach did not let me slack off. It was a learning experience for them and they were welcoming and eager to learn,” Horton said. She first competed before the WIAA decision to provide medals to disabled athletes, but the lure of a prize did help her motivation. “Once I realized there was a medal it increased my speed, there was something to gain. I think it’s important to offer medals to kids. Before medals I was just racing against my own time. With medals I was racing against others,” she said. Horton went on to graduate from Montana State University where she took part in local 5K road races. Without her high school sports experience she says she never would have attempted such races. She hopes the new mandate will inform students with disabilities that there are opportunities for them. “I’m 99 percent sure every school has at least one person who would qualify for adaptive sports. I think they should try even if they are scared because it opens up a lot of doors,” she said. Overall, Horton appreciates that she could travel with sports competitions, be part of
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a team and enjoy the camaraderie, “which helped me to mature and become more confident.” Skinner and other activists say the most important outcome of the new mandate is raising awareness. She understands that schools are put off by “yet another federal edict with no money attached,” and there will certainly be questions about what
the mandate means and how to put it into action. But really, advocates say it’s simple: coaches and teachers must learn to identify and reach out to students who qualify for adaptive sports. Currently Skinner says there are 300 children with disabilities in the Inland Northwest from preschool through 12th
grade, and only four are in integrated middle or high school sponsored sports. “I’m excited for what the mandate can do. I think it changes the perspective of the schools in that it’s something schools now need to do and allows schools to look at students with disabilities in a different light, to look at them as athletes.”
Austin Pruitt, 18, graduated from Central Valley High School last summer. He has cerebral palsy and competed in the 100 and 200 meter races in London.
Local Athletes Look to 2016 Inland Northwest athletes with disabilities can strive to compete in the next Paralympics, which will be held just after the next Summer Olympics at the same facilities in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Last summer 4,200 Paralympians from all over the world competed in London, also following the Olympics. Four contenders were from the Inland Northwest, the most from any community in the US. Teresa Skinner, a Spokane-area occupational therapist and member of the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee, accompanied our local athletes to London, and enjoyed the experience. “When you see the competition at its highest level, it’s so powerful. Witnessing it let me see how competing in the Paralympics is truly sport and striving for that athletic excellence is what changes people’s lives,” she said. Over the past 16 years, the Inland Northwest has sent 15 athletes with disabilities to international competition or to the Paralympics. Activists for athletes with disabilities say the earlier athletes are exposed to sports in their schools the sooner they begin to learn and develop the competitiveness and skills needed to train for the Paralympics. Just one more reason, says Skinner, that integrated sports in our schools are a win for everyone.
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Freedom from joint pain begins with our free seminar. Locally trusted. Nationally recognized. Valley Hospital is the first and only hospital in the Inland Northwest to receive The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval® for Hip and Knee Replacement.* To find out more and to register for a free orthopedic seminar, ”Hip & Knee Pain Causes and Treatments,” please call 509-473-5755 or visit *As of March 2013
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WEST PLAINS RELAY FOR LIFE MEDICAL LAKE HIGH SCHOOL (509) 863-2775 Join us at 6 p.m.- 9 a.m. May 17-18 at Medical Lake High School for an overnight fundraiser walk to fight back against cancer. Relay for Life is a team event that keeps one person on the track all night. All money raised fights cancer and pays for research and patient services. To find out more or register visit westplainswa or email HOW DO YOU HELP PEOPLE LIVE WELL? The American Cancer Society and the West Plains Relay for Life offer programs and information to help quit smoking and using smokeless tobacco. We provide information on how to eat healthy and stay active, be safe in the sun, and facts about carcinogens that are linked to cancer. We also provide information on the importance of getting tested early for cancer and recommeded screening guidelines. Early detection means a higher rate of surviving cancer. The West Plains Relay for Life started in 2002 at Eastern Washington University. It is run by volunteers including Peter Baltes, Event Chair; Jenny McCauley, Event Co-Chair; and Margie Scammell-Renner, ACS Staff Partner. Our mission is to eliminate cancer as a world-wide healthcare concern by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer through research, education, advocacy, and service. ANY ADVICE FOR ANYONE SEEKING BETTER HEALTH OPTIONS? There are several programs available through the ACS to help you live a healthier, longer life. Relay for Life helps to spread the word and supports some of these programs with the money raised at our events. ANYTHING ELSE PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT RELAY FOR LIFE? It’s a family event, with activities ranging from music to cake walks to bingo and volleyball. We do not focus on one type of cancer; we work to cure all forms.
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CHAMPION OPENS BoxFit Boxing gym geared toward everyone Story and photos by Courtney Dunham LiveWELL Correspondent
Chauncy Welliver is on a mission to change the image of boxing. Heavyweight boxing champ Chauncy Welliver hopes to change the rough-andtumble image some have of the boxing world, starting where future fighters can begin their training. In February, he and his fiancée Sarah Grant opened BoxFit in Spokane, a place where you can spar with other possible contenders or simply have a good work-out. If you’ve always wanted to become as fit as a boxer but not necessarily take a pounding in the ring on a regular basis, this might be the perfect gym for you. BoxFit is also a way for Welliver, once ranked as the fifth heavyweight in the world before stepping away last fall, to help his hometown and provide for his family, which includes Sarah and their four children. Although he says boxers never really retire, Welliver thought it was time to hang up his gloves for now and use the cash from his last fight to launch this business. “So often boxers, including me at times, get their fight money and blow it,” he says. “Sarah is my life, and needs to come first. There would be no gym without her.” BoxFit is the first gym of its kind in Spokane. Although it does sport a ring for boxers in the center of a bright and shiny 6,300 square-feet facility, other highlights include an circuit-style boxing workout with 12 stations, group classes, private one-onone training in a private studio, and a 2,300 square-feet space dedicated to building “explosive power and agility.” That entire space is covered in a padded artificial turf for maximum results. Welliver has trained top boxing trainers, who will work with all ages and fitness levels in-group classes or one-on-one. Grant, who painted the gym with her art, is especially excited about offering
something else unique: Bridal Boot Camp for women – a training regimen designed for both the bride and her wedding party to get into shape before the big day. She also helped picked the gym’s location at 3117 N. Division St. because it was in such a well-lit and safe area. “It doesn’t get much handier and safer than being located right next to the bridal center and Pounders Jewelry,” she says. “We really want to focus on women and circuit training to show them that boxing isn’t just for guys. It’s important to us that they feel safe and at ease working out here.” BoxFit has intro classes every Saturday at 11 a.m. “There is no cost or obligation – just our way for you to see if it’s for you,” Welliver said. “We also have a all-women’s intro class called “Girl Power: Boxing 101” at 1 p.m. If you’ve ever wanted to learn some basic boxing skills but have been intimidated, now is your chance!” Opening BoxFit is one of many plans Welliver has to give back to the community. Along with helping women learn how to defend themselves, he’s also passionate about helping kids. “I want to go into schools and talk to kids about bullying and then teach them how to defend themselves,” he said. “I was a fat kid growing up and would have been lost without my family and boxing. The least I can do with my success and experience is to help others.” Unfortunately, he also knows too well the downside of the sport he so loves, and watched his older brother Dumont “Dewey” Welliver rise and fall. Dewey is a former world and national amateur champion. At only 17 years old, he had the world at his fingertips, said Welliver, and unfortunately all the drugs he wanted for free too. “He was my hero and had much more athletic talent that I ever did,” he said. “He had everything, and he lost it all.” Welliver is candid when discussing the
Chauncy Welliver, nicknamed The Hillyard Hammer, and the 10th ranked heavyweight fighter in the World Boxing Organization, hung up his gloves last fall and opened BoxFit, a gym where people can train for fighting or improve their fitness. trials and tribulations that he and his wellknown family have experienced in and out of boxing. With much sadness in his eyes, he talks about Dewey’s natural talent, but adds this time how much the sport and drugs took in return. “It hurt his brain a lot. He’s not able to pass a brain scan. If he were sitting here talking to you right now, you wouldn’t be able to understand a word he was saying,” Welliver said. “The fascinating thing is, though, if he’s in the ring training someone, you can understand him clearly. He still has it. The Wellivers would not have a name in this town without Dewey.” Ray Frye, who worked with both of the brothers, chimed in with that same gutsy honesty. “Chauncy has all of the smarts, and Dewey had a lot more natural ability – he had all of the goods,” Frye said. “If Dewey had Chauncy’s brains, he’d have 100 million dollars in the bank now. It just breaks my heart.” Instead, Dewey now lives in a small rented space and has nothing. Welliver recalls something that his big brother said one time about his former lifestyle and money. “He said, ‘Saturday, I had $30,000. Wednesday I had nothing left, and on Saturday, I finally went to bed.’”
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Welliver said he remembers it all and learned what not to do from watching what happened to Dewey. “I’ve never done one drug nor will I ever do any drugs,” he said. “My brother was a great example in many ways.” Welliver plans to keep the family tradition going, pulling Dewey back into the picture and what he does best. “Oh, he’ll be here in the ring too training people. Like I said, when he’s in there, he’s still a champion and my big brother. I want to pay it forward to him. I wouldn’t be a boxer if not for Dewey.”
BoxFit is located at 3117 N. Division St. There is $99 one-time registration fee to join. It costs $39 a month for a twice a week membership and $55 for unlimited use. Hours of operation are 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and open again from 3-9 p.m. Monday through Friday, Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Sundays from 1 to 3 p.m. For more information about intro and other classes, call (509) 703-7183.
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FINDING THE RIGHT FITNESS Classes, devices evolving at local clubs and focus more on body conditioning rather than repetitive workout routines with expensive equipment. For instance, a hooping workout can take place at home, in the gym, or at a park, and performed solo or in group settings. Diversified group workouts, especially in smaller settings, are attracting more interest than the larger group classes. Here, members can receive more personalized attention from trainers and also become part of a stronger network of support – the sense of community also becomes another draw. Jamie Utesch started taking Zumba classes three years ago and has been an instructor for the past six months. The camaraderie created by this group class can drive members to even higher performance. “The atmosphere at a Zumba class is addictive – there’s lots of whooping and hollering and lots of smiles,” said Utesch. Lynette Ryan from Gold’s Gym South Hill teaches a fitness “I have not only seen a transformation in class. The gym is one of several fitness centers that offer new and my body, but a newfound confidence that I traditional group programs including Zumba and Body Pump. think I had once but has been hidden for too long.” When she first started with Zumba, it Simply running on a treadmill or lifting weights, both long thought foundational to a was more about finding something new, a way to get out of the house and meet good workout, have been losing momentum more people. The group dynamic of Zumba as primary exercise strategies in the classes provided that outlet for Utesch quickly-changing world of fitness. along with a culture that led to her pursuing Expensive home equipment is also certification as an instructor. out. Bulky machines can’t always adapt Zumba isn’t the only new fitness to diverse workout needs and can cost as program that’s seeing increased popularity. much or more than a gym membership. Spokane has seen a sharp rise in workout These days, fitness programs are programs like The Bar Method, hooping, focusing on using one’s own body weight and Aerial Fitness, with new locations as the primary weight source, and simple opening around the city. equipment like hula hoops, exercise balls, Spokane Aerial Performance Arts and various free weights. opened in September 2011. Its focus is body The dependence on simple tools vs. conditioning combined with gymnastic pricy hardware means that workouts performance art, plus extra benefits can be more flexible and even more from the community that is created when engaging. Throw in high-energy music and participants explore challenges together. dance-inspired, upbeat movements that The classes offered at Spokane Aerial simultaneously engage several muscle groups to create complete workout routines, Performance Arts include all levels of aerial fitness, aerial yoga, hoop classes, and suddenly the dullness of old-school and belly dancing. The unique aspect of the calisthenics disappears. While some shy away from group fitness program is the potential for performance, adding careful choreography to the skills programs, individuals are still looking for learned and practiced in classes. workout routines that hold their interest Story by Maggie Wolcott LiveWELL Correspondent Photo by Shallan Knowles
At the heart of these workout trends is building core strength. More than simple sit-ups and crunches, core strength trains your abdominal, pelvic, lower back, and hip muscles to work together, aiding in balance and overall strength. Body-elongating and muscle-shaping are key elements of The Bar Method and other ballet-inspired workouts. Using the body’s own weight and a ballet bar, the workout alternates between intense aerobic energy and deep stretching inspired by dance conditioning. Established gyms are also creating a stronger focus on bodyweight training and core strength through class offerings and personal trainers that follow these trends. Fusion workouts that combine muscle toning, stretching, and weight work are also on the rise. Gold’s Gym offers classes that include a combination class of CXWORX, a workout that melds personal training with group workout dynamics, and RPM, a musicbased indoor cycling workout. Zumba, Yoga, and Bodypump are also frequent offerings. The variety of classes is key for the gym. CrossFit is another example of a lasting fitness trend that focuses on core strength and competency through movement and workouts that condition the body. The focus of the program is enhancing body conditioning for a many of physical tasks, rather than focusing just a few aspects of personal training. The variety of the workouts is ever-changing and the atmosphere created is one of mutual support. The culture of these fitness programs is focused, not only on the workout itself, but also on the atmosphere created by group dynamics and varied activity, and this experience is the center of current fitness trends. Just ask Utesch, who enjoyed the feeling right away. “The energy and the atmosphere that my first class created was seriously amazing. It made me feel great about myself and made me want to come back, learn more, and get better,” she said.
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STUDIO PILATES AND PHYSICAL THERAPY 5915 S. REGAL SUITE 301 (509) 413-2564 WHAT DO YOU OFFER TO HELP PEOPLE LiveWELL? Posture misalignment is the hidden culprit in loss of function, musculoskeletal pain and disability. If we create symmetry in our body we efficiently have set it up to accept load, execute power and avoid injury. Each client is evaluated using a 14-part full-body screening. Faulty movement patterns are identified and suggestions made so the client can avoid injury, pain and loss of participation. All of our physical therapists and movement practitioners have completed the Polestar comprehensive teacher training program and have at least one college degree. HOW DID YOU BEGIN? We started in October 2006 in an 850-square foot studio. We soon needed a larger space, and we are now in a 2,100 square foot location in the Ben Burr Building at 5915 S. Regal, which opened November 2011. Owner Sue Walther is a Certified Physical Therapist whose philosophy is to promote intelligent movement employing scientific principles. ANYTHING ELSE YOU WANT PEOPLE TO KNOW? We offer mat and equipment classes, in private, semi-private and group settings. We’re proud to be a Polestar Pilates Teacher Training Site, and will be offering a new teacher training class soon. We also have programs for all age groups and performance levels, including preventative programs for young athletes. These include an evaluation of static posture, and identifying faulty movement patterns. Suggestions are made to avoid injury, pain and loss of participation. Other classes include Pilates and osteoperosis, Align and Stretch, and sport-specific classes to improve performance in running, biking, skiing and golf. WE’RE THE STUDIO FOR YOU IF: • You have neck, shoulder, back, hip, knee or ankle problems and want a full-body evaluation. • You’ve tried other traditional treatment interventions and are still having problems. • You’ve tried Pilates before and injured yourself • You have spinal stenosis and want to avoid surgery
Is this for you? Suffering from a sports injury? Trying to get in shape but are being prevented by pain? In training for Bloomsday, Hoopfest, or other favorite event? Recovering from surgery?
We can help! • Whole-body approach from rehab to fitness! • Optimum alignment for injury prevention or treatment • All skill levels & ages • Most insurance accepted. • Mat classes, groups and 1-on-1 All our instructors are Polestar trained.
(509)413-2564 5915 S. Regal St. Suite 301 Spokane March 29, 2013 I first went to Sue for physical therapy. I have since learned so much about the human body, proper alignment and posture. I have made progress in my spine’s mobility, reduced my headaches and enjoy the camaraderie of the pilates classes. I know that with Sue’s help in her classes, I will age more gracefully and with more balance and mobility. – Betsy Godlewski
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DIET & HEALTHY YOU NORTHWEST BEDDING Northwest Bedding has been helping Spokane residents sleep well since 1966. It offers retail locations at Division and Francis and in Spokane Valley at 14102 E. Sprague, plus a manufacturing and warehouse facility at 6102 S. Hayford Road, where products are built and shipped around the Northwest. It offers five collections of quality mattresses: The Spokane Collection; Vi Comfort
Visco/Gel Collection; an adjustable power base collection; the Ultimate Life Collection; and Chiropractor Collection, designed in cooperation with a group of Spokane-area chiropractors. These mattresses offer a very conforming spring system with a firm base. Customers can also check out a full range of bedroom furniture. For more info visit
CONSCIOUS CHOICE WELLNESS COACHING Looking for a healthier and happier you? Jane Joseph, R.D., of Conscious Choice Wellness Coaching, is ready and waiting to help you on your path to discovering that person. A trained dietitian, Jane was a chef for many years before becoming interested in helping people lose weight. Now she uses her experience to help her clients focus on mindful eating and exercise, and
ultimately creating a new relationship with food. A true believer that consciously making choices throughout our day positively influences our health and happiness, Jane is ready with guidance and encouragement to help you find yours! Call (509) 953-9097 or
A AMERICAN CLEANING BOB’S Time for spring cleaning, that means carpets, floors, drapes and upholstery too! In business since 1948, A American Cleaning Bob’s is proud to provide IICRC (Institute of Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Certification)Certified technicians who know how to use the right cleaning method with the right product to retain the life and beauty of your carpet and upholstery. Using
only environmentally-safe products with a soft-water rinse (no residue) and truck-mounted extraction, AAmerican Bob’s promises speedy drying time and 100 percent satisfaction. They also clean natural stone floors and countertops, tile, showers, auto, boat and RV carpet and clean and reseal grout. For more info (509) 926-1112 or
RIVERWOOD COUNSELING Chronic pain affects all dimensions of life. Patty Bullick, MSW, LCSW, at Riverwood Counseling, specializes in chronic pain and illness, depression, anxiety, stress, relationships, and grief and assists individuals, couples and families to increase the quality of their relationships, mental health, and life by using proven clinical techniques in a safe, compassionate environment. Her Chronic Pain Reduction Program is an 8-week group therapy
program which teaches chronic pain patients to fully utilize proven, researched-based techniques to lessen the negative physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual effects of chronic pain. Sessions meet weekly for 90 minutes at Kootenai Medical Center in Coeur d’Alene. Call (208) 765-4795 or go to
OCTAPHARMA PLASMA Did you know donating blood plasma helps to create lifesaving medicines? So what is blood plasma? It’s the liquid portion of the blood that serves as a carrier for red and white cells, and is made up mostly of water and dissolved proteins, including antibodies. Octapharma Plasma, Inc., a U.S.-based company and industry leader for 25 years, with donation centers
worldwide, including Spokane, collects human plasma for further manufacture into these life-saving drugs. As the only plasma products manufacturer licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, its development of patient therapies are utilized by thousands of patients around the world. Call (509) 484.7001 or go to
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FITNESS COULEE MEDICAL CENTER - COLUMBIA ORTHOPEDICS DR. WILLIAM FALOON Orthopedic care, like any other kind of care, should be personalized, caring, and supportive. Columbia Orthopedics physician William Faloon, M.D., focuses on individualized and compassionate treatment throughout their wide spectrum of both operative and non-operative orthopedic services, including total joint replacement, sports medicine, foot and ankle surgery,
hand surgery, and fracture care. Columbia Orthopedics serves patients in Spokane and rural Eastern Washington from offices in the Sacred Heart Doctor’s Building. The staff of exceptional healthcare professionals provides a high level of personal, physical, emotional and spiritual care to the community. www. or (509) 777-1902
SPINAL DIAGNOSTICS An aching back can be a real pain in the neck. Dr. Arthur S. Watanabe is an expert in finding the underlying causes of spinal and joint pain, then treating them. After reviewing your medical history and records, Dr. Watanabe creates a treatment plan that could very well lead to the end of your pain. In addition to steroid injections, joint and nerve blocks, and non-surgical remedies for osteoporosis fractures, Spinal
Diagnostics also features open MRI technology. This scanner is the only machine of its kind in the Inland Northwest; it affords ample headroom, and instead of being fully inserted inside a tube, patients slide through a 4.5-foot-deep scanner, which means even if you’re a big guy, there’s plenty of room to move, and no need to panic. 528 E. Spokane Falls Blvd, Suite 14. (509) 455-6736
HEART ATTACK & STROKE PREVENTION CENTER Cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death and disability for U.S. men and women. At the Heart Attack & Stroke Prevention Center, it’s believed that such tragedies can be prevented so life can be lived to its fullest potential. Instead of standard risk assessments that may provide incomplete information, this clinic relies on the Bale-Doneen Method, which
uses cutting-edge cardiovascular disease detection techniques including genetic testing, state-of-the-art ultrasound, high-tech heart scans, insulin resistance tests and personalized treatment strategies. Hidden risks are identified and lives can be saved in the process. 507 S. Washington Suite 170, Spokane (509) 747-8000 or
COLONIAL CLINIC Chemical dependency affects not only the individual, but also everyone who is a part of their life. For this reason, Colonial Clinic provides individualized treatment with a comprehensive approach that addresses clients and their families. With the primary goal to promote long-term recovery through self-awareness and personalized knowledge of the addictionrecovery process, Colonial Clinic stresses the individual’s
ability to change his/her behavior to overcome chemical dependency. Most sessions are held in the evening and mornings to ensure no interruption of employment. Types of treatment include: Intensive Outpatient Services, DUI and Legal Evaluation, Family Education and counseling, Relapse Prevention Therapy and Couples and Group Therapy. For more info: or (509) 327-9831
DEER PARK PHYSICAL THERAPY Recovering from an injury or aiming to reach a higher goal? Deer Park Physical Therapy wants to help. With a focus on individualized care in a time- and cost-efficient manner, Deer Park Physical Therapy strives to do so in a fun, friendly, compassionate atmosphere. Employing the newest equipment available, their innovative therapy techniques are aimed at
helping you to get and stay healthy, as well as providing you the tools and encouragement to maintain that level of health and reclaim your lifestyle. Types of therapy include sports training, women’s health, injured workers, orthotics, massage therapy, Kinesio Taping, Lymphedema and incontinence. (509) 276-8811
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PLANNING AHEAD Experts recommend having will & instructions in place Story by Holly Jones LiveWELL Correspondent
Author D.H. Lawrence once wrote, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The dead donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t die. They look on and help.â&#x20AC;? While thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a lovely sentiment, when it comes down to brass tacks, our dearly departed arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t going to really be much help in handling his or her former estate if they didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t make plans ahead of time. An estate without a will or other ďŹ nal instructions can be a lot for family to wade through after the fact â&#x20AC;&#x201C; taxes, trusts and everything between. Before you start getting too deep into what plans you should make before you pass on, perhaps you should ďŹ rst consider when estate planning should begin. The consensus about when to begin is â&#x20AC;&#x153;as early as you can,â&#x20AC;? since very few of us can predict how and when weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll pass on. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s never too soon,â&#x20AC;? said Dennis Hession of Spokane law ďŹ rm Murphy, Bantz & Bury, P.L.L.C. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s important for anybody to consider that if you die without a will or some other form of transferring your property, then the statutes of the State of Washington take over and dictate to whom your property will be transferred to in death. Statistics would say that about 2.5 million people die every year, and many of them die without a will. In fact, thinking youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re â&#x20AC;&#x153;too youngâ&#x20AC;? for a will is one of the most common misconceptions people have about estate planning, Hession said. Someone once said this to him, in fact, to which he responded, â&#x20AC;&#x153;what does that mean!?â&#x20AC;? Sure, you may not die from old age in your 30s or 40s, but unexpected death is precisely that: unexpected. If you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have a plan in place, no matter what your age, the potential exists to affect the rest of your family adversely. Estate planning is about more than passing on assets. Living wills or advance health care directives can help to outline your medical preferences should you become unable to communicate your wishes. Remember the Terry Schaivo case
in 2005? (If not, you may be too young, but youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re still not too young for an estate plan. Look the case up online, and youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll understand why.) That was a great example of why a living will is important for everyone, proving that if no one is designated to make decisions on your behalf if you arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t able to, it can snowball into a much larger problem, even going so far as to tear a family apart. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also important to
can sometimes â&#x20AC;&#x153;go outside the will.â&#x20AC;? For example, when a bank account has â&#x20AC;&#x153;joint tenancy with right of survivorship,â&#x20AC;? which essentially means that if multiple people have ownership of the assets, even if you have a very speciďŹ c amount of those assets that you wish to leave for your heirs, the other owner in the joint tenancy could be given the right to all of the assets, regardless of what your will says. Issues like Washington Stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s community property statutes and whether or not you should make considerations to avoid probate are also important things to consider. Few people may realize that probate isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t necessarily expensive or something that must be avoided, provided there arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t any other major issues youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re dealing with. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s why itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s so important to talk with professional, legal counsel about your estate plan to make sure that all of these little details donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t turn into larger issues later. A legal ďŹ rm like Murphy, Bantz & Bury, P.L.L.C. can help you to prepare documents and advise you with regard to issues you may not even be aware of, like how to handle Washingtonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s community property statutes or probate. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d like to learn more about estate planning or the full range of services offered by Murphy, Bantz & Bury, P.L.L.C., visit, or call (509) 838-4468. Its ofďŹ ces are located downtown Spokane at 818 W. Riverside Ave, Suite 631.
consider who will become the guardian of your children if theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re still minors. These are all broader concepts that should be considered in estate planning. Steven Schneider, also of Murphy, Bantz & Bury, P.L.L.C., said the Spokane ďŹ rm works with clients to look at how property is held prior to LEGAL SERVICES TO PROTECT death, and based on FAMILY, WEALTH, AND PROPERTY the clientsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; wishes, it may be advisable that they change the %STATE 0LANNING s 7ILLS AND 4RUSTS s "USINESS 4RANSITION way it is held, â&#x20AC;&#x153;so 0LANNING s #ORPORATION ,,# AND 0ARTNERSHIP thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nothing out &ORMATION AND $ISSOLUTION s 'IFTING AND 4AXATION there that defeats the purpose of estate $ENNIS 0 (ESSION * $ , , - planning.â&#x20AC;? Schneider adds that there are MURPHY, BANTZ & BURY, P.L.L.C. designations that 818 W. Riverside Ave., Suite 631, Spokane 509.838.4458
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SOUTH HILL SENIOR LIVING (509) 838-1797 WWW.SOUTHHILLSENIORLIVING.COM South Hill Senior Living is a retirement community in the heart of Spokane’s downtown medical community. The building was previously named the Cooper George after the original builders Mr. Cooper and Mr. George. It opened in 1952 as an all independent senior apartment building, the first of its kind in Spokane. In June 2012, it was purchased by Sapphire Health Services, LLC, and renamed South Hill Senior Living (SHSL). It offers assisted and independent living choices to people 55 and older. The apartments are spacious and the spectacular views are unrivaled. The building is currently undergoing a complete remodel, both structurally and cosmetically. All apartments have been or will be completely remodeled before a resident moves in. In our independent apartments, new move-ins can pick the paint and flooring of their choice. Utilities, cable TV and weekly housekeeping are included in the rent. Three nutritious, dietitian approved meals are served daily to our assisted living residents. Meal plans are available for purchase to our independent residents. South Hill Senior Living offers daily activities that include mind and body exercise, crafts, card games, trips to stores and fun excursions. South Hill Senior Living has its own 15-passenger bus that can be used for transportation to doctor’s appointments and activities. South Hill Senior Living offers studio apartments that start at 400 square feet and one and two bedrooms up to 1,100 square feet. SHSL accepts private pay, long-term care insurance and Medicaid in the assisted living choice. The independent apartments are modestly priced and ready to move in. If you’re looking to retire in the downtown area, look no further than South Hill Senior Living. Tours are offered daily. Call (509) 838-1797 to schedule your tour today.
SOUTH HILL Senior Living 707 W 5th Ave Spokane WA
• Affordable luxury in downtown Spokane • Assisted living – all rooms newly renovated • Independent Living apartments with spectacular views • We accept private pay, long term care insurance and Medicaid
Call for a tour today
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FIT WITH FIDO Pilates workshop for people and their dogs love for her dog, Mysti, who started having trouble with arthritis in her later years. “I wanted to spend more time with her where we were both able to stretch and relax together,” she said. “The whole concept and reason behind why we started it was as a preventative and pro-active approach to wellness.” Mysti passed away in 2012, but Shaylah, Philbin’s newly adopted rescue dog, has continued her legacy.
Pilates’ allows for different exercises to be modified in range of difficulty from beginning to advanced. Intensity can be Dog owners know that no matter increased over time as the body conditions how bad of a day you have, your furry and adapts to the exercises. companion will be there to greet you when Philbin said it all comes down to alignment you walk in the door, ready to love you and breathing – something that most of unconditionally. us are out of balance with because of our Dogs are great companions, whether hectic lives. they join you on walks or simply take it “You’ve probably noticed that dogs are easy together. often stretching – it’s the first thing they Add “do Pilates” together to this do in the morning, so who better list, thanks to a new fitness program to take time to do it with than Pilates Plus 4 Pooch and You. them?” she said. A lot of people have trouble finding While you are doing stretches and breathing, such as a child time in their day to exercise, much pose, you then give a hands-on less take their dog for a good walk too. massage to your pet. That’s why Sandy Philbin created this “It’s therapeutic and relaxing program. to both of you simultaneously,” “It’s a great way to share more Philbin said. time and bonding together, plus get After the walk warm-up, Philbin healthier at the same time,” Philbin encourages owners to do a trick said. with their dog, and then she’ll Research has shown that living begin the class with posture and with pets provides many health breathing exercises. Dogs remain benefits such as lower blood pressure, on the leash at all times and lay less anxiety, and boosted immunity. between their human’s legs for A study at the Center for the most of the class. Human-Animal Bond at Purdue “This will only strengthen the University School of Veterinary heart-to-heart connection that Medicine found that when people you already have,” Philbin said. interact with dogs, they actually get Benefi ts for the dogs are a drop in blood pressure – a true learning how to settle better plus relaxation response. increased strength and mobility More recently, researchers in in their hind legs, which are often Japan found that dog owners who Sandy Philbin, founder of Designer Fitness Total Wellness Design and Training stricken by weakness and arthritis were bonded to their pets experienced a Center, has created a program where dogs and their people can exercise together. as they age. Much like humans, a lot spike in oxytocin – a neurotransmitter of dogs are overweight too, so taking the that helps us cope with stress – from simply The workshops consist of Pilates basic time to exercise with them will extend their meeting their dog’s gazes. So what better mat work, strength training, cardio, and life as well. breathing relaxation. Sessions begin with way to achieve that relaxation and coping Participants must be 18 years or older the owners taking their dogs for a walk to with stress than doing exercises with the and their dogs must be friendly and nonloosen everyone up. one who likely relaxes you the most – your confrontational. Your vet has to clear your The person sits down on a yoga mat dog. dog to participate and be current on all with the dog next to them holding the As the president and founder of shots. Then all you need are a yoga mat leash. Then the Pilates begin, which is a Designer Fitness - Total Wellness Design and water for both of you. For those who body conditioning routine that helps build and Training Center, Philbin brings more can’t make it to a workshop, the Philbins flexibility, muscle strength, and endurance than 30 years of experience in the health sell a Pilates Plus 4 Pooch and U fitness in the legs, abdominals, arms, hips, and and fitness profession. She is passionate kit, with an instructional booklet with back. It puts emphasis on spinal and pelvic about health and wellness and inspiring illustrated exercises, a yoga mat, Petalignment, breathing, and developing others to achieve an optimal state of wellO-Meter to measure both of your steps, a strong core or center, and improving being and living life to the fullest. collapsible dog bowl, sports bottle, and coordination and balance. She started the Pilates workshops out of gratitude journal. Story and photo by Courtney Dunham LiveWELL Correspondent
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For more information or to sign up for classes or workshops, contact Sandy or Barry Philbin at (509) 230-1100 and (509) 435-6257 or visit Pilates Plus 4 Pooch and U will have an upcoming presentation at the Spokane Humane Society June 1, 11 a.m.-noon. The workshop will be “Five Creative Ways to Ensure a Long and Healthy Future for You and Your Dog.” Proceeds support the Spokane Humane Society. Call the above numbers to register and for more information. Philbin will be confirming some potential workshop days with SCRAPS at its new facility and an upcoming fundraiser. There are several workshops scheduled at Diamonds in the Ruff, and Philbin will be scheduling Pooch Camp Circuit Training classes and Walk Away the Pounds with Your Hound classes this spring/ summer. “I would love to invite people to contact us if they would like to schedule a workshop especially vets, puppy day cares, pet stores, etc,” Philbin said.
Story by Courtney Dunham LiveWELL Correspondent
Now that spring has sprung, it’s time for local dogs and their people to head outside. This can mean visiting a neighborhood dog park, where pooches and people can freely enjoy nature. Spokane County’s first official dog park, the Patricia Simonet Laughing Dog Park, opened in 2006, a collaborative effort between SCRAPS and the county’s Parks and Recreation Department. The fenced 3 1/2-acre portion of Gateway Regional Park was named after a former Spokane County Animal Protection Services program coordinator, whose research identified a sound dogs make to initiate play – the “dog laugh,” the breathing exhalation that’s similar but distinct from panting. Elsie Brown thinks this noise is exactly what her 2-year old pup Charlie does. “It still kills me that he can literally smell (the park) from miles away,” Brown said. “He starts panting really heavy and crying and when we pull up, I know he breaks into that laughter.” Brown and Charlie have been coming here since he was six months old. She owns a house with a decent yard, but the park provides better experience than just walking or playing at home. “He’s never happier than when running free, and I’m never happier when he’s exhausted and wants to sleep the rest of the night,” she said. “I love him to pieces, but he has a lot of energy. I love to see him so happy – it always makes my day.” Nearby, Dave Edson and his dogs, Kevin and Levi, were having another visit. “We love coming out even with it’s snowing like crazy,” Edson said, as his two “boys” wrestled. “We prefer summer and fall, though, since our springs tend to be chilly.” To reach the park, head out on Interstate 90, take State Line – Exit 299. Drive towards the Spokane River following the blue ‘Visitor Info’ signs north then east to Spokane Bridge Road and the parking lot. If that’s too far, check out SpokAnimal Dog Park at High Bridge, the city’s first dog park, created in 2010 with support from SpokAnimal C.A.R.E. and the City of Spokane Parks and Recreation Department. SpokAnimal donated $40,000 for the park’s development, including fencing. Suzanne Jones and her partner Heidi Roth live just a 10-minute walk away, which is perfect since they sold their car last year – they were close to downtown. Plus, they’ve found health benefits from the switch.
“We both lost about 20 pounds in the first six months just walking everywhere,” Jones said. “Our dog Muffin was getting pudgy too, so we try and bring him everywhere. The fact that we can all walk here, and then relax and talk about our day while he romps makes for a perfect day.” They especially appreciate that there are designated play areas for all sizes of dogs. To reach the park, take Riverside west from downtown. Look for A Street and turn left. From Government Way, turn east on Riverside; look for A Street and turn right. SCRAPS has provided this info about Highland Park. • Open year-round, dawn to dusk. • Restrooms for people and drinking fountain for dogs (not in winter). • Double gated park entrance and 6-foot chain link perimeter fence. • Grassy area for playing and a wooded, natural area for walking. • Wheelchair Accessible paved path surrounding the grassy area. • Bags for cleaning up after your pet are provided. • Picnic tables. • Ample parking. These parks were so successful that some South Hill residents helped put together a park especially for their area, an off-leash park west of Mullan Elementary and north of the landfill. One entrance is at 63rd & Altamont, one off 65th near Mt. Vernon, and one off Crestline near Martin. Two dog parks can be found in Coeur d’Alene. The 1.8-acre Central Dog Park is at 3889 Nez Perce Road, on the northwest corner of Northshire Park. From I-90 take NW Boulevard South, turn right on Seltice Way, right on Atlas Road and left on Nez Perce Road. Cherry Hill Dog Park, a .68-acre park, is located at 1718 N. 15th Street. From I-90 take 15th Street north, turn right into the park immediately following the Fire Station. In addition, hot dogs are also welcome at Spokane City pools once a year for the annual Doggie Dip. On the final day of summer schedule, dogs can paddle around Comstock, Shadle and Hillyard aquatic centers. A suggested $10 donation raises funds and awareness for the High Bridge Dog Park. Doggie Dip days for 2013 are Aug. 25 at Comstock, Aug. 26 at Shadle and Aug. 27 at Hillyard.
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A BOUNTY FOR BLOOD Spokane area always seeking donors Story by Renée Sande LiveWELL Correspondent
Photo courtesy Inland Northwest Blood Center
up 35 percent of their donor pool. However, during certain holidays, the need for other donors to step up and offer their veins grows greater. “Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas are very ‘high-need’ times for us as these regular blood donors go on vacation and just aren’t here to donate,” said Giles. “Summer is an extraordinarily difficult time for blood collection.”
Every two seconds, someone needs blood. That means, in the Spokane area alone, hundreds of blood donors are needed daily, and often, there isn’t enough to go around. “It’s a continuous struggle,” said Elizabeth Giles, marketing and communications officer for the Inland Northwest Blood Center. “Every day, INBC needs an average of 200 blood donors; with each of those donors, comes the potential to help three people.” Giles says there’s often the misconception that blood is only needed in the most extreme cases like intensive surgeries or car accidents. In reality, blood transfusions are used daily for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or patients suffering from kidney failure, anemia or congestive heart failure. While whole blood is the most common form of donation, there are other categories a donor can contribute to, depending on patient need and the Mike Ayers is a longtime donor of multiple blood components at donor’s qualifications, including double INBC’s Spokane location at 210 W. Cataldo. red cell, platelets, and plasma. The process for giving whole blood is Some might think the biggest impetus fairly simple and takes approximately an behind students donating is that they can hour. Every donor is required to complete a make a little bit of money, but with the health history, followed by a mini-physical INBC at least, the only payment they’re (includes hemoglobin check, blood pressure and temperature) before being approved for allowed to give is gratitude. And maybe a couple of cookies. the actual donation—which takes less than “INBC is regulated by the FDA, 10 minutes. Specialized donations, such as double red cell, are an additional 20 minutes which means we have to adhere to strict guidelines. One of these guidelines is the or longer and platelets are an additional 1 regulation to not pay for a product—such as ½ hours. an organ, blood, tissue, etc., which will be Upon completion of donation, the donor transfused to another human,” said Giles. is urged to enjoy a light snack and drink Donors can be part of the Hero in Me in order to replenish fluids lost during Rewards Program, which allows donors donation. to view their donation history, make As the only supplier of blood and blood and review appointments, see their total products to more than 35 hospitals and cholesterol results and earn points to medical centers in the area, INBC largely redeem online for thank-you gifts. relies on area college students, which make
However, there are options in the Spokane area to make a bit of money by donating blood plasma to one of two biopharmaceutical companies. Octapharma Plasma, Inc., a U.S.-based company and industry leader for 25 years, with donation centers worldwide, is the only plasma products manufacturer licensed by the FDA. It is located in Spokane on East Francis Avenue. CSL Plasma, a multi-national Australian company, owns two blood donation centers in Spokane, one in Spokane Valley on East Sprague and the other— Spokane’s oldest plasma donation site—is located downtown on Third Avenue. Each company allows eligible donors to donate twice in a seven-day period; donors are compensated $15-40 per visit. Many different types of products are generated from the collection of human plasma which helps control bleeding and infection. These life-saving products are used for both treatment and disease prevention, such as treating hemophilia patients, burn victims and children with primary immunodeficiency disorders. Plasma—more than half of a human’s blood volume—is a clear, pale yellow mixture made up of 90 percent water, and the rest proteins and salts. Its function is to carry the blood cells, nutrients, enzymes and hormones throughout the body. The process of donating blood plasma is called Plasmapheresis and is similar to donating blood, except that your red cells are returned to you and only the plasma is retained. For this reason, the body quickly replaces plasma removed during the donation process. Donors who give “whole blood” however, must wait eight weeks in between donations so that the body can regenerate a healthy supply of blood. While there are certain requirements that need to be met in order to become a blood donor, Giles says that there are other ways in which people can volunteer or donate. Organizing a blood drive in your community or at your place of business is a great way to donate your time,
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while financial or in-kind donations are always welcome to help INBC support, modernize, and expand its services to the Inland Northwest. If you’re interested in donating blood, Giles says that hospitals are increasingly requesting O-negative blood types. “As the universal blood type, O-negative blood can be used for any patient in an emergency or if there is not time for blood typing.” Inland Northwest Blood Centers are located in Spokane at 210 W. Cataldo Ave., in Coeur d’Alene at 405 W. Neider Ave, and in Lewiston at 1213 21st St. There are weekly blood drives with area hospitals in Moses Lake, Spokane Valley, Moscow and Pullman. Mobile blood drives are held throughout our community at businesses, churches and schools. Octapharma Plasma is located at 510 E. Francis Avenue, Spokane, WA 99208; (509) 484-7001 or www.octapharmaplasma. com. CSL Plasma is located at West 104 3rd Avenue (509) 624-1252 and at 9621 East Sprague Avenue, (509) 926-1881
Donate Plasma Today & Be Somebody’s Hero For Life. From burn treatment to immune system disorders, your donation can save a life.
510 E. Francis Ave. Spokane, WA 99208 (509)484-7001
• • •
Remember to bring your donor card, driver’s license or two other forms of ID. Avoid fatty foods and instead eat iron rich foods, such as red meat, fish, poultry, beans, spinach, iron-fortified cereals and raisins. Drink an extra 16 ounces of water or nonalcoholic fluids before the donation. (For Whole Blood) Weigh at least 110 pounds (16 and 17 year old donors must weigh at least 120 pounds and be at least 5 foot 4 inches tall). Anyone under the age of 18 must complete the Minor Donor Consent. Be cold/flu symptom fee. Get a good night’s sleep. If you are a platelet donor, remember that your system must be free of aspirin for two days prior to donation.
TO BE ELIGIBLE to Donate Blood through the Inland Northwest Blood Center, donors: • • • •
Be at least 16 years old (16 and 17 year old donors need to complete INBC Minor Donor Consent form). There is no upper age limit. Be in general good health including free of any cold or flu virus symptoms. Wait six weeks following pregnancy (including delivery, miscarriage, or abortion). Not have participated in activities that would put them at risk for infectious diseases, such as hepatitis or HIV.
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