Programme for Sustainable Urban Solutions Conference

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CONFERENCE 23 MAY 2018 Location: Odd Fellow Mansion Copenhagen



Sustainable Urban Solutions Conference

The City of Copenhagen, the Nordic Council of Ministers and the organising partners hereby welcome you to the Sustainable Urban Solutions conference! Leading cities around the world are searching for new and lasting solutions to the major sustainability challenges they face. To solve these challenges innovative solutions involving both the private and public sector are required. The conference is highly relevant platform for action-oriented collaboration that has attracted Nordic and international partners via showcasing leading Nordic solutions and facilitating co-creation of solutions to city challenges. You can look forward to inspiring keynotes and have the opportunity to directly engage with key city representatives in 12 parallel workshops where cities will present concrete challenges.

With warm regards

Frank Jensen, Lord Mayor of Copenhagen

Dagfinn Høybrüten, Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers


Content Programme.................................................................................... 5 Keynotes........................................................................................ 6 Cities Driving the Green Transition.................................................. 7 Innovative Partnerships and Solutions............................................. 8 Panel Debate: Developing solutions the public-private way..............9 Themes Building the everyday resilient city................................................ 10 Energy solutions for the built environment.................................... 11 Visualization tools for multivariate data........................................ 14 Mobility as a service...................................................................... 16 Workshops Helsinki......................................................................................... 18 Hamilton....................................................................................... 20 Singapore......................................................................................22 Bærum...........................................................................................24 Malmø............................................................................................26 Tampere.........................................................................................28 Umeå............................................................................................. 30 Vejle............................................................................................... 32 Stavanger...................................................................................... 34 Copenhagen...................................................................................36 Unep.............................................................................................. 38 Athens...........................................................................................40 Evaluation.....................................................................................42 Partners.........................................................................................45 4

Sustainable Urban Solutions Conference

Programme 08:30



Welcome Host: Katja Pantzar Writer, Editor and Broadcast Journalist


Cities as demand drivers for the green transition Mark Watts Executive Director, C40: Role of Cities’ commitment to drive the green transition Anne Skovbro Chief Philanthropic Officer, CPO, Fostering knowledge sharing between cities Anders Wijkman Chairman, Climate-KIC: A Nordic perspective on how to drive green change

10:00 - 10:30 10:30 - 12:00

Break City Challenge Presentations Thematic 1 Building the everyday resilient city Thematic 2 Energy solutions for the built environment Thematic 3 Visualization tools for multivariate data Thematic 4 Mobility as a service

12:00 - 13:00


13:00 - 13:15

Innovative Partnerships & Solutions Hans Jørgen Koch Executive Director of Nordic Energy Research: Nordic Cities - today and in 2050 Oras Tynkkynen Senior Advisor, Sitra: Harnessing the Potential of Nordic Climate Solutions Globally

13:15 - 14:00

Panel Debate: Developing solutions the public-private way Mirella Vitale Senior Vice President of Rockwool Heli Antila Chief Technology Officer at Fortum

14:00 - 16:15

16:15 - 18:00

Exploring New Solutions and Collaborations Helsinki












Closing remarks, awards and networking reception Wrap-up by Katja Pantzar

Clean Energy Hack Award by Rockwool

Networking Reception and Entertainment 5


Host Katja Pantzer Writer, editor and broadcast journalist Raised in Canada, with stints in New Zealand and the UK, Katja is currently based in Helsinki. Her newest book Finding Sisu: In Search of Courage, Strength and Happiness the Finnish Way - has just been published in the UK, with Germany and the US to follow, along with 13 other territories later during 2018. The book takes readers on a journey to Finland and explores simple and sensible ways to boost wellbeing inspired by the Nordic lifestyle ranging from winter swimming and cycling to the Nordic diet – all through the special Finnish concept of courage and resilience called sisu.


Sustainable Urban Solutions Conference


Cities Driving The Green Transition The way cities are built and developed has great implications for how we mitigate climate change, improve economic vitality and for our well-being and sense of community. More than half of the world’s population already lives in cities, and another 2.5 Billion people are projected to move to urban areas by 2050. That is why cities are crucial demand drivers in the green transition. The Nordics have become known for their innovative solutions in liveability, resilience, design and a collaborative approach to a sustainable transition. However, can this Nordic approach be workable globally and how can cities from around the world learn from the Nordic region? We will kick off the day by looking at what global cities are doing to meet the Paris Agreement and how public-privatepartnerships and support is driving change not only in the Nordics but also globally.

Speakers Mark Watts Executive Director for C40 Cities: Cities’ commitment to drive the green transition Mark Watts serves as the Executive Director for C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group. Since joining C40 in 2014, Mark has led the growth of C40 from 63 member cities to 91, with the majority of cities now from the global south, along with significant growth in C40’s staffing and operations. Mark has brought an additional focus to C40 on inclusive climate action saying that: “combatting climate change requires a really concerted focus dynamic and systemic change across our cities”.

Anne Skovbro Chief Philanthropic Officer, CPO, Fostering knowledge sharing between cities Anne Skovbro has been Chief Philanthropic Officer at Realdania since 2015. She has a Ph.D. from Aalborg University, Department of Architecture and Design, and has a long history of working with and within cities. Anne is a part of Realdania’s initiave klima100. Realdania sent out a call to for action to all Danish municipalities to find the 100 best climate solutions. The best solutions are published in Klima100 where Danish municipalities showcase everything that the municipalities do to become more climate friendly.

Anders Wijlkman Chairman, Climate-KIC: A Nordic perspective on how to drive green change Anders Wijkman is Chair of the Governing Board of Association Climate-KIC, Europe’s largest public-private partnership addressing climate change through innovation to build a zerocarbon economy. Climate-KIC is supported by the European Institute of Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union. 7


Innovative Partnerships and Solutions Public-private partnerships are a very important aspect of sustainable urban development, processes as well as funding for projects. In the Nordic region co-operation between public and private actors is high on the agenda. However, there are challenges to implementing public-private partnerships. We will look at how cities can ensure development that is both economically, environmentally and, socially sustainable, benefitting both parties.

Speakers Hans Jørgen Koch Executive Director of Nordic Energy Research: Nordic Cities - today and in 2050 Hans Jørgen Koch will present some of the key findings from Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2016. The findings includes, current and future use of energy in Nordic cities, according to the Carbon Neutral Scenario developed to meet Nordic climate and energy targets by 2050. Hans will also highlight some key achievements in Nordic cities related to urban energy systems, energy efficiency and low-carbon transport solutions.

Oras Tynkkynen Senior Advisor, Sitra: Harnessing the Potential of Nordic Climate Solutions Globally Sitra’s Senior Advisor Oras Tynkkynen will present the results from joint studies on how Nordic climate solutions can help in cutting emissions. The talk will focus on latest results from Green to Scale and Nordic Energy Research, showcasing the potential of Nordic solutions for further climate action across the globe.


Sustainable Urban Solutions Conference


Developing solutions the public-private way Leading cities around the world are searching for new and lasting solutions to the major sustanability challenges they face. To solve these challenges innovative solutions involving both the private and public sector are required. But why is it important for companies to engage with cities? How can innovative partnerships between companies as well as the public sector develop the best solutions and business to solve the challenges?

Panelists Mirella Vitale Senior Vice President of Rockwool Mirella is the Global Marketing and Communication Executive at Rockwool. she has a diverse experience leading global teams, marketing initiatives and strategy across 5 continents. Mirella’s focus is on building strong collaborative partnerships and deliver innovative campaigns, demonstrating the creativity, flexibility and commercial astuteness.

Heli Antila Chief Technology Officer at Fortum In Fortum Heli’s main focus is to capture and develop technology enabled business opportunities. The framework for these new business opportunities is defined in Fortum’s vision of Solar economy. Thus the future technologies of interest are all carbon-free and mostly renewables, e.g. bioeconomy, wave and solar power as well as flexible energy systems and advanced customer solutions.


Building the everyday resilient city Thematic 1 The cities of today are experiencing extreme conditions and events in terms of waste, flooding and extreme heat. This puts enormous amounts of stress on their system. Cities all over the world are looking for urban production models to increase resilience and decrease their reliance on outside sources. A resilient city in the modern age needs to take multiple aspects into account to design strong and flexible multifunctional urban spaces that addresses future challenges. FACILITATORS CLEAN


Sustainable Urban Solutions Conference

City challenges from: TAMPERE

Circular Economy, Building Intelligent & Versatile Energy Infrastructure Tiina Sahakari

VEJLE City water resilience Jette Vindum

SINGAPORE Urban farming and renewable energy Mr. Tan Szue Hann

ATHENS Reducing the Urban Heat Island effect Elissavet Bargianni


Energy solutions for the built environment Thematic 2 Our need for sustainable and renewable energy and to make our cities more inclusive and safe, is increasing. Estimates show that by 2050, 66% of the world’s population are expected to live in urban conurbations. Innovation is needed to re-think old urban models and create more holistic solutions based on design, environmental and social consciousness, and include robust technical solutions.



Sustainable Urban Solutions Conference

City challenges from: HAMILTON Retrofitting of social housing Edward John

MALMร Renewable energy and solar power for all Asa Hellstรถm

UNEP Colombian district cooling network Celia Martinez Juez


Visualization tools for multivariate data Thematic 3 Data is everywhere! Visualization of digital solutions can improve not only efficiency, but also enable citizens engagement and government transparency. The Nordic countries are the most digitalized in the world, they have lead the way in showing how climate data from Nordic countries can help bring together practitioners, public authorities and private actors. By displaying data models, actors are able to understand their roles better in implementing sustainable urban solutions. FACILITATORS Innovation Norwary


Sustainable Urban Solutions Conference

City challenges from: BÆRUM Digital interaction and zero emission society Anne Kristine Feltman

COPENHAGEN Innovative usage of energy data Theis Hybschmann Petersen

STAVANGER Smart Data for Cities Harald SĂŚvareid


Mobility As a Service Thematic 4 Mobility as a service is a key aspect of sustainable urban development. Cities need to provide safe and clean transportation alternatives to benefit both the environment and people’s health. Accommodating those requirements, while the population is increasing, is an incredible task. In order to meet these challenges, we need to think innovatively about how to utilize the urban spatial structure to encourage citizen’s mobility choices and travel behaviour, towards green choices. FACILITATORS Business Finland


Sustainable Urban Solutions Conference

City challenges from: HELSINKI Future mobility services Kaisa Spilling

UMEĂ… Digital mobility services Carina Aschan




Sustainable Urban Solutions Conference


Future Mobility Services CITY REPRESENTATIVE


Kaisa Spilling

Business Finland

Challenge Description Helsinki is looking for new innovative services to enable the sharing of vehicles. This is in supports the city’s CO2 reduction goals, to cut emissions by 20 percent by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. The city understands that mobility is at the core of our everyday work and leisure time and is therefore looking for new and smart models for mobility. Solutions should empower citizens to easily move around the city through access to smart and sustainable transportation, anywhere, anytime!

Helsinki wants to: Overcome interoperability between different mobility providers (car sharing, e-charging, bike sharing and parking services). Set up pilot areas including work commuting and other needs for residents. Find new solutions to obstacles such as lack of charging stations, alternatives to traditional car rentals.




Sustainable Urban Solutions Conference


Retrofitting of Social Housing CITY REPRESENTATIVE


Edward John


Challenge Description Hamilton is experiencing a massive growth burst, turning the city from a heavy industrial area to a post-modern city. This puts tremendous pressure on the city’s social housing sector where its buildings are in need of energy retrofitting. Hamilton’s goal is to improve the quality of life and the economic resilience of their public housing tenants. Local authorities, thereby, hope to obtain long-term returns in form of social inclusion and citizens’ wellbeing.

Hamilton wants to: Adopt new “Deep Retrofit” perspectives towards the city’s process of building renovation. Include future housing prospects and how to best accommodate. them with a near zero-carbon strategy through a scalable approach . Receive proposals that focus on enhancing the building renovation process and create strong co-creation between suppliers.




Sustainable Urban Solutions Conference


Urban Farming and Renewable Energy CITY REPRESENTATIVE


Mr. Tan Szue Hann


Challenge Description Singapore is a global commerce, finance and transport hub. However, there is limited space available for the production of food and energy. Therefore, Singapore is looking to become more self-reliant and sustainable within its city limits. Singapore plans to do this by combining urban farming and increase the uptake of solar energy in public housing. Singapore is seeking ideas and solutions that can both help provide food security and meet Singapore’s energy needs.

Singapore wants to: Design a module that can be used for solar harvesting and shading crops. Create a scalable plan for urban farming that can overcome the challenges of limited land and solar intermittency. Look into behavioural strategies to get more Singaporeans involved in community gardening.




Sustainable Urban Solutions Conference


Digital Interaction and Zero Emission Society CITY REPRESENTATIVE


Anne Kristine Feltman

Innovation Norway

Challenge Description Bærum and its suburban municipality, Fornebu, are looking for digital communication platforms to create real time data and visualize the city’s pilot projects, FutureBiultprogram and ZEN (Zero Emissions Neighborhoods). The area seeks to create awareness with the purpose of mobilising people to help build and conceive Fornebu as a zeroemission area by 2027.

Bærum wants to: Create a platform that communicates well with different age and target groups such as elderly citizens, businesses and tourists. Think of new ways to make citizens interact digitally with their city environment with the least disruption to everyday life. Come up with innovative ideas on how to work with new and up-coming technologies to communicate and create awareness leading to more climate friendly behaviour




Sustainable Urban Solutions Conference


Renewable Energy and Solar Power for All CITY REPRESENTATIVE


Asa Hellstöm


Challenge Description Malmö has undertaken the task of turning Segepark into a leading example of sustainable urban development and innovation in solar energy and energy supply. This initiative is a part of Malmö’s goal to become 100% renewable by 2030. Malmö is looking for holistic approach to create and promote better and smarter technical solutions for local production and consumption of energy.

Malmö wants to: Segepark to reach a target of 50% local affordable solar energy decrease the residents living costs. Develop different business models and look for partnerships between different energy suppliers to increase innovation. Bridge the gap between energy solutions and citizens .




Sustainable Urban Solutions Conference


Circular Economy, Building Intelligent & Versatile Energy Infrastructure CITY REPRESENTATIVE


Tiina Sahakari

Business Finland

Challenge Description Heidaranta in Tampere has the goal of becoming the world’s first city district based on a truly circular economy society by 2050. The city is looking for change makers to show how the future of circular economy should look like and how to involve companies and citizens in the process. The city is looking for companies whose R&D efforts can join the 20 ongoing pilot and development projects in the area.

Tampere wants to: Create new methods on how to build and plan a complete circular economy . Understands logistical aspects such as timetable management, decision making and legislation and financing. Create design and behavioural changes that can help create a conscious mind switch for actors to get involved with the new area and ways of operating.




Sustainable Urban Solutions Conference


Digital Mobility Services CITY REPRESENTATIVE


Carina Aschan

Eze System

Challenge Description UmeĂĽ is looking for ways to provide better and more modern modes of transportation that will improve the air quality in the city centre and support their goal to become climate neutral by 2035. The solution should be based on human-centred design, using smart innovations and new data technologies that ensures people to see the new transport solutions as the most convenient and affordable one.

UmeĂĽ wants to: Combine solutions that can make the sustainable transport modes more attractive. Apply human-centred design to ensure that new mobility services are attractive for all commuters in all aspects of their lives. Use new digital solutions and interactive design.




Sustainable Urban Solutions Conference




Jette Vindum


Challenge Description The city of Vejle wants to ensure its resilience to rising sea levels and increasing cloudbursts caused by climate change. The city is looking for solutions within re-greening and re-naturing that is compatible with the infrastructure of the city. The city is looking for people to take part in one of their current projects called ‘the climate boulevard’, which is a ‘green’ and ‘blue road to help transport rainwater.’

Vejle wants to: Secure traffic and waterways to make both flow in a sustainable and efficient way without disrupting normal traffic patterns. Reduce congestion and at the same time create a greener and safer city with infrastructure for all. Find new smart and intelligent solutions involving the use of sensors and water management.




Sustainable Urban Solutions Conference




Harald SĂŚvareid

Innovation Norway

Challenge Description Increased amount of data hosted from sensors and other sources in the modern city has a great potential to offer better decision support for public governance and multistakeholder partnership. By using the data that is all around the city, Stavanger has a great potential to help public governance work even better for its citizens.

Stavanger wants to: Create services that are able to combine data for better services. Enhance services for the citizen as well as a base for value creation from third party actors. Build a data exchange platform based on competencies from external data sources to build a better city.




Sustainable Urban Solutions Conference


Innovative Usage of Energy Data CITY REPRESENTATIVE


Theis Hybschmann Petersen


Challenge Description Copenhagen has for the last 5 years increased its focus on consumption and operational data and combined it with traditional facility management data. The goal is to use real-time data to meet the Copenhagen goal to reduce energy consumption with 40% compared to 2010. Copenhagen wants to know how this data best contributes to the process on integrating new technology features and infrastructure into its urban strategies.

Copenhagen wants to: Know how to use increasing centralized data gathering . Ensure even more efficient and smart operation of technical installations in the future. Improve the efficiency of urban system and reduce energy consumption using smart management and support from data.




Sustainable Urban Solutions Conference


Colombian District Cooling Network Bogotรก, Bucaramanga, Cali, Cartagena, Medellin CITY REPRESENTATIVE


Hilda Cristina Mariaca Orozco, Ministry of Environment of Colombia


Challenge Description The Ministry of Environment of Colombia, together with United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) will present the challenge of five Colombian cities, Bogotรก, Bucaramanga, Cali, Cartagena, Medellin, that are looking to substitute traditional standalone cooling systems by a more efficient district cooling network to reduce carbon and refrigerant emissions in their cities. The Colombian cities are interested in developing a set of initiatives, policies and tools to offer more sustainable solutions.

UNEP wants to: Reduce demand and shift to supply sources and means that are consistent with their global climate and energy ambitions. Accelerate the transition to a low-carbon solutions within district cooling in compliance with the Kigali agreement. Reduce emissions of ozone depletion substances and high environmental impact substances.




Sustainable Urban Solutions Conference


Reducing the Urban Heat Island effect CITY REPRESENTATIVE


Elissavet Bargianni


Challenge Description During the period 2005-2014, Athens experienced an average of 32 days per year with a daily maximum temperature over 35°C. Heat waves are becoming more intense and frequent, with average summer temperatures projected to increase by 2°C over the coming decades. This is coupled with an anticipated reduction of the total amount of rainfall whilst an increased frequency of flush floods. Athens is interested in understanding the possibilities of climate resilient and green solutions that can improve the city’s microclimate.

Athens wants to: Exploit the most optimal, climate resilient and sustainable solution (green spaces, green roofs, open water features, nature-based solutions, use of suitable materials and bioclimatic design) for municipal owned areas. Reduce the overall energy consumption (in cooling and heating needs by greening most of the free space). Improve the city’s overall microclimate and reduce the impact of rising temperatures and alleviate the urban heat island effect.


Evaluation Thank you for participating!


Sustainable Urban Solutions Conference

Please fill out this evaluation slip to help us improve + follow up the wonderful progress we have made today.

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Please put your email here ______________________ - or stay mysterious What did you think about the conference? During the conference you listened to different keynotes, what was your overall impression? 1. not at all satisfying

2. Slightly satisfying

3. Moderately satisfying

4. Satisfying

5.Very satisfying

4. Satisfying

5.Very satisfying

4. Satisfying

5.Very satisfying

Next up was the city presentation, what did you think about them?

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2. Slightly satisfying

3. Moderately satisfying

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2. Slightly satisfying

3. Moderately satisfying

Finally yet importantly, what is your overall experience of the conference?

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1. not at all satisfying

2. Slightly satisfying

3. Moderately satisfying

4. Satisfying

5.Very satisfying

4. Satisfying

5.Very satisfying

Was the event useful in terms of meeting potential partners? 1. not at all satisfying

2. Slightly satisfying

3. Moderately satisfying

Any other information or input you would like us to be aware of?


Thank you! Thank you for coming, we hope you have enjoyed your time at the conference! We can not wait to see what will come out of this very productive day. For all us in the partner group, we look forward to seeing you again


Sustainable Urban Solutions Conference


Strategic Partners

Financed by Financed by Nordic Innovation as a part of Nordic Prime Ministers’ Initiative: Nordic Solutions to Global Challenges




Sustainable Urban Solutions Conference



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