Barbados Property News - April / May 2020

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Seaside Realty - Page 1

Harmony Hall Green - Page 5

Island Gold - Page 11

The Crane Private Residences


NEWS • April - May 2020 • Issue 128

Endorsed by the Barbados Estate Agents and Valuers Association Inc.


Shop our new spring arrivals. Potted Fern

Smilax Tree Potted 6.5'

Buddha Decor

Round Rustic Accent Table

Potted Foxtail White Phalaenopsis with Succulent Footed Pot

Visit our shooroom & choose a wide selection of home furnishings & accessories. Cotton Lumbar 24 x 14

Book your appointment with our design team today. White Phalaenopsis X4 with Boxwood Potted

Mixed Floral Basket

Ivory Rd Cushion

Williams Industries Complex, Warrens, St. Michael, Barbados Tel: 246 424 2661 Fax: 438 1248

Editor’s Comments Welcome to the GREEN issue of Barbados Property News at a turbulent time! We have exciting editorial on the various recycling efforts on island that YOU can take part in on a daily basis! It is something that in a small place, we seriously need to address. Our environment is beautiful but we need to keep IT and the waters surrounding us that way. We cannot leave this to other people – we as individuals have to learn to be responsible, recycle and economise! Of course, the world is in turmoil at the moment battling the Coronavirus – Covid-19. Most of us have never seen the like of this in our lifetime. Things are changing daily but one thing is for sure, this too shall pass. The world has been through two World Wars that killed millions and left cities flattened. Like a phoenix from the ashes, all was Pamela Hiles, Editor rebuilt bigger and better. This virus will do harm, there is no doubt about that but a vaccine will be developed and as the weather improves and summer approaches, cases will decrease and hopefully life will begin to return to something like normal. Our tourism industry has suffered a major blow but we are a fabulous destination with amazing people and we will come together and bounce back. At the time of going to press, our PM Mia Amor Mottley has led the way and put systems in place for the worse case scenario. She has been transparent and terrific throughout and we are so thankful for her strong leadership and communication skills. BPN is full of great properties as always! Remember we are also on line on as well as on face book and On the Cover: The Crane Instagram. Stay safe and positive!

Publisher – Hiltop Publications Ltd, 11 Cottage Ridge, St George, Barbados, BB19071 Tel (246) 228-9122, Fax (246) 228-0243 Email: Editor/Advertising – Pamela L Hiles Design and Art Direction – 809 Distribution – Hiltop Publications Ltd, Brian’s Print Brokerage Printing – Coles Printery The Material and editorial contained in this publication have been deemed accurate at the time of going to print. The views expressed as editorial are those of the Editor unless stated otherwise. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the consent of the permission of Hiltop Publications Ltd.

If you would like to advertise in Barbados Property News call Pam at 228-9122 or 232-0692

Standard expands in Wildey

Be prepared for a larger store with great choice in Standard Wildey. Known for it’s wide range of merchandise including small and large appliances, indoor and outdoor furniture, bedding and accessories – you can now enjoy this larger shopping experience with incredible choice. “Everything is now extremely centralised here” remarks CEO Katrina Newton.” You can come to Standard in Wildey and have the credit section just across the carpark, the store, the service area and the warehouse all in one area. It’s very efficient” Katrina is especially thrilled at the new bedding section. “People want to buy beds but sometimes they are put off by harsh lighting etc. They need to try the beds in a comfortable atmosphere,” she says,” With this in mind, we have created a dimly lit area that is peaceful and calm, and we encourage our


customers to lay down, relax and try out the beds before they select.” The kids have not been forgotten in the bedding section with creative play house beds that set the imagination on fire! These beds have a normal size mattress, so you don’t have to worry about changing it quickly. Standard also has a great range of modern, affordable and good quality furniture. The outdoor furniture is Aluminium based and long lasting. Very important in this harsh hot climate. To compliment the lovely furniture, they carry a wide range of beautiful prints and trendy accessories. Visit Standard in Wildey – there is plenty of choice and loads of parking! This great store has been in Barbados for decades. And looks forward to continuing to meet your housing needs!




PAY YOUR WAY! In our CGI office • Online • Surepay • By mail or via the phone.


Going Green by Lucy Agace, Sustainability Consultant Contributor These are unprecedented times. As I write this article we find ourselves in uncharted waters as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic raging across the world. I feel a need to mention this because Covid-19 is the first thing most of us think of as we wake up each morning, it is hard not to. I want to take this opportunity to send well-wishes to all the readers and to keep loved ones safe. We are united in our solidarity. Perhaps at times like this, when we are asked to stay home and isolate ourselves to stop the spread of the virus, we have the opportunity to consider how we can “Green Up” our properties or make them more sustainably run. In doing this we help ourselves, save money in the long run, and help the community. We don’t need to sit idly and wonder what is going to happen, no one can predict that, so why not put energy into making positive changes into how we live. In this Going Green edition I discuss potential ways people can easily improve the “greenness” of their property and with the help of some local suppliers and services, ways to make properties more efficient. Whether we live here full time, part time or own a buy-to-let property, we would be well advised to run it in a more responsible way. By harnessing the bountiful natural resources

of the Caribbean we can reduce bills and help protect biodiversity and natural habitats. By protecting the environment around us we provide habitat for nature (plants, insects, birds, animals) to grow, flourish and produce. Without a healthy environment we cannot live vibrant healthy lives. In the last two issues respectively I wrote about how to reduce the use of water, an under protected natural resource, and how we can reduce energy bills (probably the biggest bill). I have included a recap of those suggestions and ideas in this article. Barbados had two distinct seasons, the dry season and the hurricane season (the wet season). When people don’t have enough water they complain and when they have too much they complain. Nowadays no one can predict how much rain will fall or when, especially as weather patterns (resisting the urge to write climate change) are changing all over the world, not just here in Barbados. We need to adapt to these changes and take responsibility for our own patch of land/property and do what we can to be part of the solution. I believe, one of the most effective ways home owners can make their property greener and more sustainable, in a way that leads to multiple positive outcomes, is to prioritise water catchment. Why do I say this? Let me explain. By installing large enough water tank(s) to service a property the positive effects will be• Less water flows down the road • You have free water for the garden, washing cars etc • You have reduced water bills because you are using caught water • During hosepipe bans you still have water (for free) for various activities Taking the first point above ‘Less water to flow down the road’, let’s look at why this is important. Excessive rain cannot be soaked up by the ground fast enough so it creates rivers and flooding, causing damage to roads, gardens and fields. This huge flow of water captures litter on route and from the fields and gardens harmful fertilisers and pesticides. The water has nowhere else to go but out into the sea. The litter has a high plastic content which breaks down over time to micro plastic pieces and this is eaten by fish, entering our food chain. Harmful pollutants like fertilisers and pesticides are partly responsible for the cause of ocean acidification (among other causes). The high ocean acidity means more algae grows suffocating our coral reefs and making the ocean environment a harder place for marine life to flourish. We should protect



coral reefs because they are a massive asset to the economy of Barbados. Another negative effect of flooding is the amount of earth that’s taken from gardens and fields which blocks drains and a lot of the time ends up in the sea. It turns the inshore sea brown, reducing visibility and coming to rest on corals, which can cause the coral to die. A new kind of strategy is required island wide to rebalance these effects into positive ones. Probably the second most important factor in adapting your home to be more green is to install solar power. To cut Carbon Emissions the biggest impact is power sourced from fossil fuels, so reducing our use of electricity is highly important. Solar power has become more achievable with many more providers and services at hand. It goes without saying, ’green energy’ is the way forward at every level because the less we depend on fossil fuels the cleaner our air will be, the healthier our environment will be and in the long run (aside from maintenance costs) it is cost effective. I believe smaller domestic wind turbines are also soon to be available on island. I would also like to mention 99% of vehicles on Barbados are powered by fossil fuels but that electric powered cars, vans and SUVs are now available to rent and purchase.

WASTE MANAGEMENT Past and present governments have realised that waste management is a key issue on a small island, especially one with pretty high development and large tourism numbers.

Recycling is an important part of island life, it should be integrated into our lives at every level. Contrary to some old rumours Barbados does send it’s plastic bottles (PET) off island. B’s Recycling, Barbados’ largest recycling facility, also redistributes glass bottles back to original producers such as: Mount Gay & Banks. B’s also takes a variety of plastic items such as: empty clean bottles (detergent, drinks, oil, shampoo etc), yogurt pots, soap dispensers. Plus they take: tins, cans, car bumpers, cardboard, metals and old appliances. Scrap Man manages waste and recycling, providing domestic and commercial bins for collection services. They take electrical items, scrap metal, the same types of plastic products as B’s

Below is a list of improvements and areas for you to self-assess your property: WATER


a)Reduce the mains water ‘in-flow’ (where water pressure is high enough) b)Turn down flow to individual taps c)Install dual-flush toilets d)Install aeration shower heads e)Install water catchment and use it on the garden/plants f) Add an adjustable handle nozzle to all garden hoses g)Try turning the tap off whilst brushing your teeth h)If you have to run the tap to get the hot water why not fill a watering can or pot and save it for later or water plants with it i) Take shorter showers j) Do not over-fill the kettle, only boil the amount of water you need for the requirement

a)Install solar panels b)Install LED light bulbs c)Motion sensor outside lighting d)Check fridges/freezers are on their most economical setting e)If not resident for long periods turn fridge/freezer to low or on holiday setting f) Pool filtration system - reduce run time whilst away and not in use



plus: paper, card, steel and aluminium cans. All items must be clean. Some recycle centers will pick up for a small fee, or you can simply drop off to their depots. Due to my sustainable tourism auditor training with Green Globe and my training with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) I have compiled a list of useful responsible practices for the home and in some cases the workplace. This list actually comprises the tasks I lay out to attain a Responsible Rental Solutions Certification, so if any reader wishes to get certified please get in touch ( Responsible property list of standards: • Reuse - If you replace a Fridge/Bed/Table sell the old one or give it away rather than taking it to landfill • No more buying bottled water. Consider installing a water filter or reusable Glacial Water dispensing bottle (at home or workplace). • Use bio-degradable bin liners • Supply a Sustainable Seafood Buying Guide Barbados available from Slow Food • Use environmentally friendly cleaning fluids • Use only Reef Safe sunscreens such as: Ocean Potion, Clarins, Soltan, Reef Safe • Reduce the use of pesticides and fertilisers in the garden

• Reduce vegetable food waste in landfill by installing a simple Earth Chimney in the garden. available from Slow Food • To reduce the carbon footprint of your food consumption buy from a local grower - Slow Food produce a Buyers Guide Barbados

• Take your garden waste to the recycling center SBRC where drop off is free

• Grow your own food

• Or set up a small composting area in your garden

• To reduce your carbon footprint try to buy local products, this cuts transportation emissions of CO2 and builds the local economy.

• During the turtle nesting season reduce bright lighting on the beach • Use an outside drying line not a tumble-dryer as much as possible • Properties near a beach should make sure the sewage system is NOT seeping into the ground, because this will pollute the sea and kill marine life


If you are building a new property, sourcing local products is limited but not impossible. Many items need to be imported such as; blocks, timber, roofing tiles, panels and a variety of glass. There is a wide variety of building products these days so please do your best to buy a sustainable source of those products. Changing our habits and routines does not happen over night, especially during a period of uncertainty, but bare-inmind that when a lot of people do a small thing it makes a big difference.

B’s Recycling Family with a passion for recycling!

Paul Bynoe has worked in the recycling business since 1997 – long before it became good business to deal in rubbish, but now it’s a necessity as Barbados plays catch-up in the global movement to be Green. Paul started in Eagle Hall, St Michael with collecting plastic pep bottles and glass. However, B’s Recycling grew to such an extent that he needed a larger warehouse in St Thomas and now he needs to replace this one with a new, purpose built facility. He’s just waiting on the procedures to be put in place for the upgrade. Getting Bajans to buy into recycling over the years has not been an easy task. Paul claims there is only one solution – “We need a NATIONAL POLICY!” he exclaims over and over again. “The campaign of saying no to plastics will not solve the problems alone. Illegal dumping, littering, changing the mindset of people has to be done via a national policy! People need to understand the damage being done throughout the island.” B’s recycling runs a collection service from hotels, schools, businesses and some switched-on neighbourhoods. And of course, people can deposit recyclables at either Eagle Hall or St Thomas. This small company cannot do it alone throughout the island, and everyone needs to play their part. Many people don’t know what happens after you dump the rubbish. Paul explains... “The material is shredded, compacted and then loaded into containers and shipped around the world to various recycling plants. Amazing, it can be distributed from as far as China to Brazil and Trinidad. This is an important service for a small island.” Paul’s wife Joann and his daughter Antoria work diligently in the business, as Paul travels all around the world, visiting recycling plants and getting new ideas for Barbados. He insists his greatest help in this business would be a Government policy that makes people responsible for their rubbish and forcing them to do the right thing. Let’s hope the politicians are on board, and our people play their part to ensure our island is a better place to live. B’s Recycling is playing their part! We need the others to step up to the table. 25

Solar PV Solutions from Williams Solar Williams Solar (the trading name of Williams Evergreen Ltd.) today ranks as one of the most experienced developers of solar photovoltaic (PV) projects in Barbados and the region, having installed over 10MWp of solar PV to date. The long list of solar generation systems successfully engineered, procured and constructed by Williams Solar ranges from modest residential projects to large-scale commercial properties, including banks, offices, shopping complexes and factories, in Barbados and the wider Caribbean. As a subsidiary of the well-respected Williams Industries Inc. Group of companies, Williams Solar is able to draw upon over 40-years of group experience to provide clients with tried, tested and proven quality in engineering, procurement and construction. Recognizing that the longevity of their systems provides even greater value for their clients, Williams Solar also focuses heavily on mitigating any potential risks to preserve the life of the system for twenty-five years and beyond. Williams Solar is fully-equipped to offer complete turnkey Solar PV solutions, individually tailored to meet each customer’s specific needs. This includes design, project management, installation and maintenance. Williams Solar is currently constructing a number of projects which are 100% locally owned and financed through internationally certified green bonds. Once again, Williams Solar, a Williams Group Company is powering a sustainable future for Barbados. Contact us at 425-2000 to find out how Williams Solar can provide you with a solar PV solution.


Harris’ New Award-Winning, No-Odour Paint is Top for Health and Safety. Leading local brand Harris Paints once again introduces innovative, advanced new technology which delivers exceptional safety levels when sprucing up interiors. New certified Ulttima Plus Pure provides premium colours that create the interior looks you love but without odour or VOCs. Never heard of a VOC? We break down the benefits for you. We’re all familiar with that new paint smell that can sometimes linger from a day or two to a week or two depending on the paint type used and the ventilation available. For some people this can have effects on health especially those who have sensitive respiratory conditions. That’s why contractors often need to build in downtime before spaces can be safely reoccupied. This undesirable effect is caused by chemical components that are called ‘volatile organic compounds’ or VOCs. Charles Kirton, Vice President of Technical Services & Innovation at Harris Paints explained that many everyday consumer and hardware products such as new furniture, carpet, adhesives, household cleaners and even hairspray contain VOCs which dissipate into the atmosphere. However, VOCs can become trapped in indoor environments and build up to levels that can trigger health conditions such as allergies or respiratory difficulties. Harris Paints is the first regional paint supplier to introduce VOC-free interior paints. Their new Ulttima Plus Pure interior paint

contains zero VOCs (no odour) and can be tinted to virtually any colour with VOC-free colourants. The new products have been internationally tested by an accredited US laboratory and awarded the Green Wise certification, which is the highest available rating for paint safety. Ulttima Plus Pure is an extension of Harris’ established premium quality, low-VOC Ulttima Plus line. “Ulttima Plus offers customers a high quality 100% acrylic, water-based paint that is safe and easy to use” explains Kirton. “The new Pure interior paints have been formulated with advanced ecological resins that deliver all the richness and colour quality of Ulttima Plus but with an even higher safety rating. It’s an excellent option for individuals susceptible to respiratory triggers including allergy and asthma sufferers, momsto-be, newborns, infants and the elderly.” Home decorators and commercial organisations can benefit from the new eco paint that is ideal for quick turnaround projects. Ulttima Plus Pure is available in two high quality, easy to use finishes - Flat and Eggshell (low sheen) - and is also available from leading retailers.



SHORT, MID & LONG-TERM RENTAL Greetings to All, Here we are in Spring of 2020 facing the multiple uncertainties and anxieties resulting from the emergence of COVID19. The rapid response of our Government to advise and inform the Public on how to minimize their risk and their swift action to set up quarantine facilities and to mitigate financial fall-out, has been extraordinary! Kudos to all concerned and may we all do our part by following the rules stringently, responsibility and unselfishly. You ‘know the drill’ so I will not repeat. God bless and keep us one and all and we pray that ‘this too shall pass’ sooner rather than later. On a lighter note, I thought I would provide some clarity on the different types of residential rentals offered so here we are.

WHAT IS SHORT, MID & LONG-TERM RENTAL When it comes to residential property, what do short, mid and long-term rentals mean and how do they impact rental rates? Long-Term Minimum means minimum 6-months but mostly 12months or longer. Long-term rental rates do not include utilities. Pool & Garden Maintenance for villas, may or may not be included. Short-Term generally refers to holiday rentals of a few days to a


few weeks and such rentals attract a higher/nightly rate, inclusive of utilities, particularly if they are coastal or within walking distance of beaches and popular, hospitality, shopping and other amenities. High Season (Dec-Apr) rates are often double that for Low Season (May-Nov) Mid-Term generally refers to rentals of 2-5 months and will reflect a rate 20-40% higher than the Long-Term rates and may include or exclude utilities – rates will also vary depending on whether or not the term spans High Season (Dec-April). Most properties are not offered mid-term rather this type of offering evolves if a landlord has a gap in their bookings. N.B.

Landlords are at liberty to vary the terms on which they offer their property - the above are general industry guidelines.


This is a Land Tax Valuation year – Notices of Assessment will start being issued by the end of this month should you wish to lodge an objection, the objection Form can be downloaded from the BRA/Land Tax Website be filed within 30 days of the tax assessment issue date accompanied by a Report from a Professional Valuer (See search-valuers)


A five bedroom, four bathroom approx. 5,000 sq ft home with an additional self contained granny flat, double garage, storage rooms, office and swimming pool in the highly accessible area of Cottage, St George. The house is fully tiled with porcelain and ceramic tiles, all bathrooms and kitchen have been refurbished, wrought iron throughout and security system. High ceilings and open plan living areas make this lovely property cool and bright. Fully fenced with gardens, the land is approx. 14,000 sq ft. Price $1.3 mil Bdos. For further information call 2320692.

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