2 minute read

Issue 4

British Journal of Sports Medicine April 2020; Vol. 54, Issue 7



Does soccer headgear reduce the incidence of sportrelated concussion? A cluster, randomised controlled trial of adolescent athletes (14 May, 2019)

Timothy McGuine, Eric Post, Adam Yakuro Pfaller, Scott Hetzel, Allison Schwarz, M Alison Brooks, Stephanie AKliethermes

Does disallowing body checking in non-elite 13- to 14-year -old ice hockey leagues reduce rates of injury and concussion? A cohort study in two Canadian provinces(6 September, 2019) FREE

Carolyn Emery, Luz Palacios-Derflingher, Amanda Marie Black, Paul Eliason, Maciek Krolikowski, Nicole Spe ncer, Stacy Kozak, Kathryn J Schneider, Shelina Babul, Martin Mrazik, Constance M Lebrun, Claude Goulet, Alison Macpherson, Brent E Hagel

Time before return to play for the most common injuries in professional football: a 16-year follow-up of the UEFA Elite Club Injury Study(10 June, 2019)

Jan Ekstrand, Werner Krutsch, Armin Spreco, Wart van Zoest, Craig Roberts, Tim Meyer, Håkan Bengtsson

Few training sessions between return to play and first match appearance are associated with an increased propensity for injury: a prospective cohort study of male professional football players during 16 consecutive seasons (29 August, 2019)

Håkan Bengtsson, Jan Ekstrand, Markus Waldén, Martin H ägglund


#Time2Act: Harassment and abuse in elite youth sport culture (18 March, 2020) Margo Mountjoy

#REDS (Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport): time for a revolution in sports culture and systems to improve athlete health and performance (10 January, 2020) Sports concussions: can head impact sensors help biomedical engineers to design better headgear? (6 December, 2019)

Lyndia Wu


International Olympic Committee consensus statement: methods for recording and reporting of epidemiological data on injury and illness in sport 2020 (including STROBE Extension for Sport Injury and Illness Surveillance (STROBE-SIIS)) (18 February, 2020)

Roald Bahr, Ben Clarsen, Wayne Derman, Jiri Dvorak, Car olyn A Emery, Caroline F Finch, Martin Hägglund, Astrid Junge, Simon Kemp, Kari m M Khan, Stephen W Marshall, Willem Meeuwisse, Margo Mountjoy, John W Orchard, Babette Pluim, Kenneth L Quarrie, Bruce Reider, Martin Schwellnus, Torbjørn Soligard, Keith AStokes, Toomas Timpka, Evert Verhagen, Abhinav Bindr a, Richard Budgett, Lars Engebretsen, Uğur Erdener, Kari m Chamari

Improved reporting of overuse injuries and health problems in sport: an update of the Oslo Sport Trauma Research Center questionnaires (14 February, 2020) FREE

Benjamin Clarsen, Roald Bahr, Grethe Myklebust, Stig Haugsboe Andersson, Sean Iain Docking, Michael Drew, Caroline F Finch, Lauren Victoria Fortington, Joar Harøy, Karim M Khan, Bill Moreau, Isabel S Moore, Merete Møller, Dustin Nabhan, Rasmus Oestergaard Nielsen, Kati Pasanen, Martin Schwellnus, To rbjørn Soligard, Evert Verhagen


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