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Tabata TimerAPP REVIEW

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Tabata Timer : Interval Timer


The app I am reviewing this month is “Tabata Timer “- a simple and well-designed app to plan and time your Tabata or HIIT circuit without a fuss. The COVID19 home isolation situation might all be history by the time this bulletin is published (fingers crossed!) but during this time I have found this an invaluable app for use with my family and patients.

What it is used for?

Seller: Size: Version: Category: Compatibility: Languages: Age rating: Copyright: Cost: Oleksandr Serhiienko 60.3 MB 3.5.3 Health & Fitness Requires iOS 10.0 or later. Apple and Android. English, Russian, Ukranian 4+ Alexander Sergienko Free. Or you can update to premium $4.99-6.99 per year.

The original “Tabata protocol” was developed by Dr Izumi Tabata and colleagues in a 1996 paper titled Effects of moderate-intensity endurance and high-intensity intermittent training on anaerobic capacity and ˙VO 2max. In this research article “Tabata training” is defined as training at the intensity that exhausts subjects during the 7th or 8th sets of 20 second exercise bouts with a 10 second rest between the exercise bouts (Tabata, 2019). Over the years however, variations of the Tabata Protocol seem to be indicated to provide increases in aerobic power that are similar to traditional aerobic training while being less time consuming (Viana et al., 2019).

Who would benefit from this App? The Tabata training protocol was initially used in cardio training and weight control for short track skaters, and over the years this protocol has been widely used to train elite athletes. In my experience however, this style of high intensity training is suited for most people due to its many advantages such as a time-saving training plan, high efficiency, and simple rules. As a result, many forms and variations of Tabata have appeared, and with this app you can design a programme for yourself or your patients using whatever equipment is available!


During the COVID19 lock down I have used telehealth video and phone consultations to assess and treat patients using education, advice, and most importantly exercise prescription. The overwhelming response has been that patients (as able) are keen for any variation to their rehab exercise plans and general daily exercise. I tend to pick 7-8 exercises (cycles) in a circuit set up and perform four sets. It is super easy to input your workout plan into the app and the workout is over in 14-16 minutes! My hope is that people continue to utilise this form of self-directed training once our lives go back to “normal”.

• This app does all the timings for you with cool sounds to let you know when to start/stop eg. whistle to start and bell to stop. • No fuss, super easy to use app with no annoying ads or promos to upgrade. • Big numbers and a 3 second count in and out of each 20second set.

No genuinely bad feedback online and I’ve had no issues at all with app. Muscle soreness the next day!


Tabata, I. (2019). Tabata training: one of the most energetically effective high-intensity intermittent training methods. J Physiol Sci, 69(4), 559-572. doi:10.1007/s12576-019-00676-7

Viana, R. B., de Lira, C. A. B., Naves, J. P. A., Coswig, V. S., Del Vecchio, F. B., & Gentil, P. (2019). Tabata protocol: a review of its application, variations and outcomes. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging, 39(1), 1-8. doi:10.1111/cpf.12513

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