April 2018 newsletter

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A P R I L FOCUS ON SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS: THE YOUTH ATHLETE SIG The Sports Physical Therapy Section is proud to offer its members the opportunity to focus on issues of specific areas of practice in the form of our Special Interest Groups (SIGs). We will be highlighting each of our SIGs in a new newsletter spotlight! This issue’s spotlight is on the Youth Athlete SIG. We were fortunate to spend some time chatting with SIG Chair Chris Kovacs, PT, DPT about the past, present, and future of the Youth Athlete SIG. The mission of the Youth Athlete SIG is trifold: 1) prevention, examination, and intervention of impairments in the child who participates in sports; 2) training and fitness guidelines for the child who participates in sports;

Teresa Schuemann: “It’s not just our role to promote physical literacy. It’s our duty.” Photos compliments of WebPT, a proud SPTS sponsor.

and 3) spreading information in the physical therapy community and beyond about the treatment of the youth athlete.

While some PTs may work in a youth specialized setting, others may see youth athletes but not have the resources and mentors available to best guide them in their treatment. In 1999, the SIG was formed and formally recognized with the goal of joining together physical therapists with a special interest in working with youth athlete. Over time, the SIG has connected its members through education, mentoring and resources – as well as engaged members and improved visibility. In a survey two years ago, members overwhelmingly indicated they wanted an improved social media presence as well as more journal clubs and webinars. In response to that survey, the SIG focused on becoming more active on social media,

sharing relevant journal articles and youth athlete recommendations to improve public awareness about issues facing the youth athlete.

confidence.” He says that the issues our youth face today around physical literacy stem from them not doing enough of anything related to movement.

Last year, the SIG hosted a webinar on the Pediatric thrower and are looking for more input on other topics to provide other interactive educational opportunities. Youth concussions and sports specialization were hot topics several years ago, and while they continue to gain traction in the media, Chris notes that this year, the Youth Athlete SIG also promoted the concept of physical literacy, or as he puts it, “moving with competence and

During CSM 2018, the SIG cosponsored an educational session entitled “Push to Play: The Rising Role of the PT in the Physical Literacy Movement” that highlighted the dangers of pediatric inactivity and the need to get all youth active. Future goals of the SIG include continuing to raise public awareness of issues facing the youth athlete and supporting grassroots member efforts for community education.

Members interested in getting more involved with the SIG are welcome to contact Chris with ideas for journal club article discussions (he can help you refine these ideas!), to volunteer to be a mentor for other clinicians, or to consider writing articles for a future Youth Athlete SIG Newsletter (which currently does not exist but has been discussed if there is enough member engagement). Chris will be sending a new poll find out how the SIG can best serve its members, so for all of the 362 Youth Athlete SIG members, look for it to come soon! We’d also love to have more members join us! Find the Youth Athlete SIG online: On Twitter: @SPTSYouth On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SPT S-Youth-Athlete-SIG189241684555154 To Join a SIG: Login with your member credentials to the SPTS website (https://spts.org). Important! SIG membership is limited to SPTS members.

Christy Zwolski: "Kids are designed to move. When kids move, good things happen."

Go to SPTS Members>SPTS Member Home in the black bar at the top of the site. This will take you to your personal page. Look for SIGs in the lower left corner. Use this drop box to select the SIGs you wish to join. That's it! You're in! For more information on the Youth Athlete SIG, contact Chris Kovacs: Christopher.Kovacs@cchmc.org-

CSM 2017 Youth Concussions

2018 ELECTIONS: OFFICIAL SLATE On April 1, 2018, the SPTS launched its election module for the 2018 election. The election will close at midnight, EST, on April 30, and results will be announced via e-blast and website on May 1. A few notes about voting: • Only graduate PT and PTA members may vote. Student members are unable to vote. • The election module is straightforward and easy to use. • You must be logged in as a member to vote. • Once logged in, proceed to your personal home page at SPTS Members>SPTS Member Home and click the link to vote. Alternately, you may click directly on https://spts.org/sptsmembers/spts-voting to be taken to the voting page. We hope for full participation from our graduate members. If you experience difficulty logging in, please email Mary

Wilkinson at mwilkinson@spts.org. Please do not call the toll-free number as your inquiry will be delayed. Email is the quickest way to get a response on website issues. Congratulations to all who are running for positions! Those elected will be part of the SPTS Executive Committee. The members of the committee not running for office: Bryan Heiderscheit, Treasurer, Professor in the Departments of Orthopedics & Rehabilitation and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin(UW)Madison. He is the Director of the Runners’ Clinic through the UW Sports Medicine Center and a staff clinician.


Walt Jenkins, PT, DHS, ATC, L-ATC Incumbent Professor, Physical Therapy Nazareth College Rochester, NY

Stacey Pagorek, former physical therapist at the University of Kentucky and now a clinician at University of Michigan. Mark DeCarlo, Executive Director, Director of Education and Research for Team Rehab, LLC, with a clinical practice specializing in complex knee pathology.

President (elect): David Logerstedt, PT, MPT, PhD, MA, SCS Assistant Professor, USciences Philadelphia, PA



Nominating Committee

Blaise Williams, PT, PhD Incumbent Senior researcher for Sports Performance Insights, Nike Sport Research Lab, Beaverton, Oregon

Mitchell Rauh, PT, PhD, MPH, FACSM Incumbent Professor & Director, Doctor of Physical Therapy Program San Diego State University

William (Sandy) Quillen, PT, DPT, PhD, FACSM Professor, Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Sciences University of South Florida

Sue Falsone, PT, MS, SCS, ATC, L-AT, CSCS, COMT, RYT Owner, Structure & Function Education and Consulting

Phil Page, PT, PhD, ATC, CSCS, FACSM Global Director of Clinical Education and Research for Performance Health

Tim Sell, PT, PhD Associate Professor, Duke University

NOMINATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED FOR 2019 AWARDS CEREMONY AT CSM An important reminder: Award Nominations are accepted all year for the next year's awards ceremony! Don't wait until the last minute to nominate an SPTS member you feel deserves recognition. You may nominate any time until October 31, 2018. Find information about each award, descriptions and how to submit at this link: https://spts.org/about-spts/awards/award-descriptions

FROM SPTS TO AMERICAN ACADEMY OF SPORTS PHYSICAL THERAPY: NEXT STEPS TO A NEW IDENTITY At Combined Sections Meeting 2018, the SPTS membership voted to change the name of the Sports Physical Therapy Section to the American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy. So why hasn’t the name been changed? That’s a question that has been posed by many members over the past several weeks. “It’s an extended process to make a name change,” according to Walt Jenkins, SPTS President, “that only begins with the approval of the membership. “A name change is also a legal process,” Walt continues, “requiring APTA review, filing the amended Articles of Incorpora-

tion with the Indiana Secretary of State, as the Section's home office is in Indiana. We also provided notice to the Internal Revenue Service of the amendments and the name change. and approval of the by-laws.” While waiting for the legal process to continue, the Executive Committee is working on putting in place all the changes that must take place with any corporate name change. “First step is to develop a new logo and corporate identity for the Academy,” says Mark DeCarlo, Executive Director. “Once that is put in place, all communication media must be changed.

This includes the website, social media, letterhead, and changes to our partner journals.” This process is underway but can take 90-120 days to complete once the name change is approved. “Until we have approval, we will continue to be SPTS and use our current corporate identity,” says President Jenkins. “It’s served us well for many years and will serve us well just a bit longer.” For any questions about the name change process, please contact a member of the Executive Committee.

AWARDS COMMITTEE APPLICATION DEADLINE IS APRIL 30! Are you interested in serving our Section on the Awards Committee? The Awards Committee is an exciting team responsible for all aspects of the annual SPTS Awards Recognition Ceremony. The committee works closely with the other committees of the Membership Services Team (Membership and Public Relations) and Marketing, thus allowing for creative projects and new ideas. The preferred applicant should have a minimum of five years' experience as a physical therapist in the SPTS.

Responsibilities include: - Review SPTS awards nominations each year on a timely basis (generally between 09/15 and 11/15 of each year) - Participate in 1-2 conference calls each year - Assist with the solicitation of award nominations each year - Review existing awards and policies each year - Assist with the promotion of the awards program - Assist with the development of potential new awards

- Assist with the Awards Recognition Ceremony If you would like to volunteer for the Section in this capacity, please submit your name, curriculum vitae, and your potential contributions to the committee to Jen Miller by April 30, 2018. The SPTS Executive Board will then select a member from the list of volunteers.


REGISTER NOW! APTA LINK: http://www.apta.org/next/

NEXT 2018: BE SURE TO CHECK OUT SPTS MEMBERS PROVIDING PROGRAMMING Programming featuring SPTS members: What Would You Do? Knee and Rotator Cuff Speaker(s): Gary Calabrese, PT, DPT Walter Jenkins, PT, DHS, ATC Terry Malone, PT, EdD, ATC, FAPTA Rob Manske, PT, DPT Jimmy McKay, PT, DPT All speakers at this session are SPTS members...don’t miss it! Linking CoHSTAR Research Activities to Priorities of the Physical Therapy Profession

In its mission to transform society, APTA is working with Shoes4Kids to provide underprivileged children with brand new athletic shoes and socks. Many of these children do not ever receive brand new shoes and socks; this is like Christmas for them. APTA and Shoes4Kids are offering NEXT attendees the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of children in Orlando!

Medical Screening for the Practicing Physical Therapist: Acute Care and Outpatient What Would You Do? Tactical Athletes/Management of LBP Following C-Section Transforming Health Care Delivery: Case Presentations A Systematic Approach to Achieving Personal and Professional Mastery Musculoskeletal Pain: Relevance of Myofascial & Acupuncture Meridians eSportsMed: Developing a Sports Medicine Program for Collegiate Gamers A Head Case: Injury to Integration Innovative Approach to Health and Wellness for Students With Disabilities Overcoming Obstacles: Nothing Is Impossible Bridging Injury and Performance Training in the Military Tactical Athlete, Part 1 Bridging Injury and Performance Training in the Military Tactical Athlete, Part 2 Advocacy and Leadership in Physical Therapy: Successful Methods for All Levels

Shoes4Kids http://www.apta.org/NEXT/S hoes4Kids/ SPTS will have a booth in the expo hall, so come by and say hello! If you're attending and can spare an hour in the SPTS booth, contact Mary Wilkinson at mwilkinson@spts.org. See you in Orlando!


While the Team Concept Conference planning committee is not quite ready to release all the details of the conference agenda, we are able to share some of what you have to look forward to November 29-December 30, 2018 at the Westgate Resort! FIRST DAY: THURSDAY SPECIALTY SYMPOSIUM This year’s specialty topic is Sports Physical Therapy for Tactical and Combat Athletes: Here it’s not a game! Current sessions include Military, Law Enforcement, and Firefighters: Here it’s not a game!; Tactical Athlete Injuries and Recovery: Are they “athletes”? ; How to Develop Opportunities: Can you work with Tactical Athletes? ;

and Martial Arts, MMA, and Combat Sports Athletes. Speakers will include physical therapists from the military, fire departments and police departments, as well as those specializing in the care of tactical and combat athletes. Also on Thursday will be a recognition ceremony for Sports Certified Specialists at 5 pm, followed immediately by a welcome reception in the expo hall. FRIDAY: LOWER EXTREMITY KEYNOTE SPEECH, AOSSM EXCHANGE LECTURE, AND SPECIALTY BREAKOUTS On Friday, we will hear from our

keynote speaker, Lynn Snyder-Mackler, PT, ATC, Sc.D, SCS, FAPTA, entitled Don’t Ever Give Up! Dr. Snyder-Mackler will speak on the subject of her journey as a physical therapist with a spouse suffering from ALS. She is an Alumni Distinguished Professor at the University of Delaware Physical Therapy Department, a longtime SPTS member and a Ronald G. Peyton Awards winner, along with the recipient of many other honors from the APTA and other Sections.. Another feature on Friday will be the popular student meet and greet for all student attendees of TCC. The conference welcomes students not only with deeply

provided by speakers will be available on the Team Concept Conference app. The Team Concept Conference experience is enhanced by extra evidence-based presentations at sponsor booths in the expo hall daily, along with the Friday and Saturday morning and Friday afternoon breakout sessions. These sessions allow attendees to tailor their education to what they are most interested in.

discounted registration fees, but the opportunity for students to meet Section leadership in a fun and casual setting.

post-concussion syndrome, the NCAA-DOD Concussion Consortium, head supported mass, case studies and more.

Kevin Wilk will present a Traveling Fellowship success story before the general session returns to the lower extremity topic.

As always, morning breakfast, a mid-morning break and mid-afternoon break are all included in the registration. All handouts

Friday evening the TeamMates dinner will be held at the hotel. This event allows student, early career and first-time attendees to meet seasoned SPTS members over cocktails, dinner and networking time. It’s a sellout every year! SATURDAY:UPPER EXTREMITY AND HEAD AND NECK CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE CONTACT ATHLETE Saturday kicks off with our popular breakout sessions, followed by a morning of upper extremity programming. After lunch, we swing into the head and neck programming, featuring sessions on shock to the cervical spine,

SPTS is also pursuing the Evidence Based Practice certification through the NATA Board of Certification for up to ten hours of EBP education. This is a benefit for our dual-credentialed members as well as the ATCs who work alongside our members every day. More information to come on this process. We welcomed over 500 people to Team Concept Conference last year and have plenty of room for more! Save the date and join us!

DEADLINE APPROACHING FOR KEVIN WILK TRAVELING FELLOWSHIP FALL 2018 CLASS There’s no question that residencies and fellowships help develop sports physical therapists’ abilities for advanced competencies in the field. These programs allow professionals to develop their skills under the mentorship of a recognized clinical expert. Residencies and fellowships require the dedication of many hours of time toward the program...something that can be difficult to arrange in the post-graduate world. The SPTS is pleased to announce the creation of the SPTS Kevin Wilk Traveling Fellowship. Fellows will spend a single week traveling to three educational sites, spending one to two days each with noted leaders in our

field. At each site, fellows will be involved in various activities: • Observation of the host therapist in the clinic • Surgery observation • Didactic component • Social activities to expand the fellows’ professional network The SPTS Traveling Fellowship is funded by SPTS and corporate sponsor DJO Global, which will allow two SPTS member classes to participate each year. If you have any questions regarding the fellowship or the application process, please contact Rob Manske at robert.manske@wichita.edu. Applications for the fall 2018 class are now being accepted.

Fall 2018 Sites, Dates TBD Cleveland, Ohio Gary Calabrese, host Cleveland Clinic Birmingham, Alabama Kevin Wilk, host Champion Physical Therapy New York, New York Tim Tyler, host Pro Sports PT Applications for the fall 2018 Kevin Wilk Traveling Fellowship are now being accepted until June 30. For more information and application forms, follow this link: https://spts.org/education/sptstraveling-fellowship

COURSES April Emergency Medical Responder for physical therapists Full and/or recert and/or challenge options Dates: course - April 19-20, testing - April 21 Location: Des Moines University, Des Moines, Iowa Contact person: Natalie or Jeanne at mail@iowaapta.org Link for registration: http://www.iowaapta.org or http://www.cvent.com/d/vtq51h

Hip and Knee: Complex Understanding for Simple Solutions April 21-22, 2018 Elite Motion Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Pasadena, CA (Los Angeles Area) Approved for 1.2 CEUs by California Physical Therapy Association: #16-324 Presenter: Erik Meira Description: This two-day course will include lecture and lab demonstration to explore the complexity of the hip and the knee. Topics including femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), acetabular labral and chondral injuries, gluteal/psoas/patellar tendinopathies, ligamentous injuries, meniscal tears, and patellofemoral pain (PFP) will be discussed. There will also be extensive exploration of postoperative management and return to play strategies for common procedures such as anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR), femoroplasty, and labral and meniscal repairs. Registration: http://thesciencept.com/courses/hip-andknee/pasadena-ca/ Children's Hospital of the Kings Daughters, VA Beach Full EMR From 8am until 5pm Friday April 27, 2018 through Sunday April 29, 2018 at: CHKD Health and Surgery Center at Landstown 1924 Landstown Centre Way Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456

When the Foot Hits The Ground Everything Changes April 28-29 | Boston, MA Registration: https://www.whenthefeethittheground.com/course-registration May When the Foot Hits The Ground Running Course May 5-6 | Kenosha, WI Registration: https://www.whenthefeethittheground.com/course-registration When the Foot Hits The Ground Everything Changes May 19-20 | Jacksonville, FL Registration: https://www.whenthefeethittheground.com/course-registration June Full EMR Course from 8am to 5pm on Friday, June 1 through Sunday, June 3, 2018 at Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Dan Abraham Healthy Living Center 565 1st St SW Rochester, MN 55902 EMR Recertification from 8am until 5pm on Saturday, June 2, 2018 at Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Dan Abraham Healthy Living Center 565 1st St SW Rochester, MN 55902 Full EMR Course from 8am to 5pm on Friday, June 1 through Sunday, June 3, 2018 at Cleveland Clinic Independence Family Health Center 5001 Rockside Road Independence, Ohio 44131 EMR Recertification Course from 8am to 5pm on Saturday, June 2, 2018 at Cleveland Clinic Independence Family Health Center 5001 Rockside Road Independence, Ohio 44131 Registration June 1-3, 2018 Emergency Medical Responder Course: Sidelines Care Instructor: Matthew Owens, PT, DPT, SCS, ATC, CSCS Location: Children’s Office Park, 1680 Tullie Circle, Classroom 3, Atlanta, Georgia Target Audience: Physical Therapists

seeking a Specialist Certification in Sports (SCS) or requiring certification for on-field coverage of sporting events Sponsor: Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Contact: michelle.moore@choa.org or online brochure at www.choa.org/therapisteducation When the Foot Hits The Ground Everything Changes June 2-3 | San Diego, CA Registration: https://www.whenthefeethittheground.com/course-registration Certified Running Gait Analyst Level 1 June 9th and 10th, 2018 Philadelphia, PA Course Description If you've been looking for a systematic evidence based approach for working with runners, you've found it! Learn the essential skills and knowledge to simplify running and provide running specific interventions to get excellent results. This is a hybrid course with an online pre-requisite and two day live lab based portion that is all about giving you everything you need to analyze and improve running gait. You will learn: - Why Runners Get Injured - The 5 Categories of Running Gait Impairments - Corrective exercise programs including gait retraining for each of the 5 Categories (~20 page handouts for each category included!) - The ACE Running Movement screen designed specifically for runners - Corrective exercise programs for each of the ACE Running Movement Screen Sub Categories - Running Gait Analysis procedures in 2D and 3D (Lab based, you will actually use 2D and 3D during the course!) - And much more! Spots are limited to allow for high class participation, so register early. Sports Section Members get a $100 discount by entering code SPTSRunners (applied at checkout) Email Admin@LearnWithACE.com for questions and/or to learn about training your whole team by hosting a course at your facility. You can also take the online portion as a separate course if you cannot attend a live course yet! Register: https://learnwithace.com/downloads/certified-running-gait-analyst-level1/



Certified Running Gait Analyst Level 1 July 28th and 29th, 2018 Chicago, IL Spots are limited to allow for high class participation, so register early. Sports Section Members get a $100 discount by entering code SPTSRunners (applied at checkout) Email Admin@LearnWithACE.com for questions and/or to learn about training your whole team by hosting a course at your facility. You can also take the online portion as a separate course if you cannot attend a live course yet! Register: https://learnwithace.com/downloads/certified-running-gait-analyst-level1-jul-28-29/


Open Full EMR Course from 8am to 5pm on Friday, August 24 through Sunday, August 26, 2018 at BodyCentral Physical Therapy 1991 E Ajo Way, Suite 149 Tucson, AZ 85712 September

Certified Running Gait Analyst Level 1 Sep 22nd-23rd, 2018 Minneapolis, MN This is a semi-private course with only 5 spots available, so register early. Sports Section Members get a $100 discount by entering code SPTSRunners (applied at checkout) Email Admin@LearnWithACE.com for questions and/or to learn about training your whole team by hosting a course at your facility. You can also take the online portion as a separate course if you cannot attend a live course yet! Register: https://learnwithace.com/downloads/certified-running-gait-analyst-level1-sep-22-23/

October 11-13, 2018 Providence, RI www.apta.org/NSC

October 27-28 Kahn Auditorium University of Michigan Biomedical Science Research Building 109 Zina Pitcher Place Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Hotel availability at special rates Running is a demanding physical activity performed by millions of persons worldwide. Given the repetitive high-impact nature of running, many individuals who engage in this form of exercise experience pain or become injured. For the professional or avid runner, this pain and injury can cause frustration and loss of running time. For the sports medicine clinician, managing the injured runner can be challenging as the cause(s) of running injuries are often multifactorial. The Science of Running Medicine brings together three of the leading clinical researchers involving running mechanics and injury. With a combined 75+ years of clinical practice and 350+ publications, the faculty is committed to providing health care professionals and the running community with evidenced-based strategies to advance running injury management. The Science of Running Medicine recognizes that not all runners are created equal, and neither are the injury prevention and recovery methods. By combining science and practice, successful approaches can be individualized for you, your patients and your clients. Information and Registration: http://scienceofrunning.net/?page_id=57

November SAVE THE DATE! Team Concept Conference 2018 November 29-December 1 Westgate Las Vegas Resort and Casino EMR Courses identified in this color are Sponsored by SPTS and presented by CogentSteps. These courses offer discounts to SPTS members. Information about EMR courses may be found here: https://spts.org/education/study-courses/emr-courses--mg/upcoming-emr-courses

The Back Institute 1275 Clement Forsyth, IL 62535 Sat May 19 2018 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Sun May 20 2018 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM Sheraton Baltimore North Hotel 903 Dulaney Valley Road Towson, MD 21204 Sat Jun 02 2018 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Sun Jun 03 2018 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM Hilton Garden Inn - Chicago O'Hare Airport 2930 South River Road Des Plaines, IL 60018 Sat Jun 09 2018 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Sun Jun 10 2018 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM Institute for Physical Therapy Education at Widener University 1606 Walnut St Chester, PA 19013 Fri Jun 15 2018 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Sat Jun 16 2018 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM A. T. Still University-Physical Therapy Dept. 5850 E Still Circle Mesa, AZ 85206 Sat Jul 14 2018 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Sun Jul 15 2018 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM Drake University-Occupational Therapy 3003 Forest Ave Des Moines, IA 50311 Sat Jul 28 2018 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Sun Jul 29 2018 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM Omni William Penn Hotel 530 William Penn Place Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Sat Aug 18 2018 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Sun Aug 19 2018 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM Register for all courses at this link: http://www.grastontechnique.com/Clinicians/M1_Trainings

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