March 2018 newsletter

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COMBINED SECTIONS MEETING SLAYS RECORD: 17,000 ATTENDEES! The 2018 Combined Sections Meeting was another huge success. A record 17,000 participants attended the conference this year from February 21-24 in New Orleans, Louisiana. With only a brief walk from the convention center to the famous French Quarter, New Orleans offered an exciting venue for education, food, drink, entertainment, and culture. The SPTS educational activities kicked off with a pre-conference session by Rafael Escamilla, Kevin Wilk, and Kyle Yamashiro. The focus of the session was on the epidemic of UCL injuries in youth and adult pitchers. The

By Brooks Klein and Colin Tempelis

President Walt Jenkins greets attendees at the 45th anniversary celebration at Combined Sections Meeting.

speakers addressed UCL tear risk factors, pitching mechanics, treatment options, current rehab techniques, and case studies. Programming continued with the Section’s popular early morning educational series. Previously named Coffee and Cases, the Section has changed the name to Morning Sports Rounds and increased the number of sessions. These sessions offer a more intimate setting to promote discussion and engagement with speakers. Topics included return to play after ACL injury, hip rehabilitation, return to play for pediatric patients, and shoulder evaluation.

Sports platform presentations included the return of the “Science Meets Practice” series. These sessions combined research platforms and clinical application. Researchers presented their studies in short 10-minute intervals and expert moderators presented afterwards to discuss practical applications of the research for the duration of the allotted time. The annual section business meeting at CSM on Thursday evening was eventful as the membership voted to change the section name from the Sports Physical Therapy Section (SPTS) to the American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy

(AASPT) to be more aligned with other sections making this transition. As President Walt Jenkins explained, “The name change also reflects our focus on education and the development of our field of practice. An academy is, by definition, a society or institution of distinguished clinicians, scholars, artists,or scientists, that aims to promote and maintain standards in its particular field as well as aplace of study or training in aspecial field. Both fit our organi-zation to a tee.” The business meeting was immediately followed by the much-

anticipated awards program, which honors SPTS members who have made an impact in the field of sports physical therapy as well as the section. A full listing of the award winners along with photographs are included in this issue of the e-newsletter. On Friday night, the Section celebrated the 45th anniversary of the founding of the Sports Physical Therapy Section. The celebration began with introductions by SPTS President Walt Jenkins, followed by a look at the past, present, and future of the Section. Three founding members were acknowledged for their contributions to the Section,

SPTS President Walt Jenkins, left, and Kevin Wilk, former SPTS President, right, flank Dr. James Andrews, the winner of the President’s Award at the 45th Anniversary Celebration at CSM 2019

Russ Paine, Hall of Fame inductee, Steve McGee, Friend of SPTS Award Winner, Sue Heins, representing Keith Kleven, and Kevin Wilk, former SPTS president and Hall of Fame inductee, share a laugh at the 45th anniversary celebration.

Louie Greenwald, Clem Eischen, and Keith Kleven. Next, Dr. James Andrews was honored with the SPTS President’s Award, and Steve McGee was honored with the Friends of the SPTS Award.

After the celebration, the event transitioned to the TeamMates meeting. With over 6,000 students in attendance at CSM, the SPTS continues to welcome new members and students be more involved in the Section. TeamMates paired Section “Rookies” with “Captains” to provide

students and early career members with guidance in Section involvement, member benefits, educational goals, and career advice. We look forward to seeing you at the next CSM in Washington, DC, from January 23-26, 2019!

Terry Malone, Barb Sanders, and George Davies share stories about the early days of SPTS, and about the founding members honored that evening. Their reminiscences were backdropped by a collection of photographs from SPTS events of the 70s, 80s and 90s. The presentation may be found on the SPTS YouTube Channel.

SPTS ANNOUNCES 2018 AWARD WINNERS The Sports Physical Therapy Section, APTA, is pleased to announce its 2018 award winners. The awards ceremony took place at the Hilton Riverside New Orleans during APTA Combined Sections Meeting on Thursday, February 22, 2018.

IJSPT ACHIEVEMENT OF DISTINCTION CASE REPORT MANUSCRIPT AWARD Return to Running Following A Knee Disarticulation Amputation: A Case Review Angela R. Diebal-Lee, Robert S. Kuenzi, Christopher A. Rรกbago

JOSPT EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH AWARD Presented by George Davies The Effect of Visual Feedback of the Neck During Movement in People With Chronic Whiplash-Associated Disorders: An Experimental Study. Sanneke Don, Margot De Kooning, Lennard Voogt, Kelly Ickmans, Liesbeth Daenen, Jo Nijs

LEGACY FUND GRANT AWARDS Presented by Chuck Thigpen Functional and biomechanical outcomes after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in pediatric patients. Karen Thatcher The Ohio State University, Laura C. Schmitt, Mentor

JOSPT GEORGE DAVIESJAMES A. GOULD EXCELLENCE IN CLINICAL INQUIRY AWARD Presented by George Davies Increasing Recreational Physical Activity in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Pragmatic Controlled Clinical Trial. Noa Ben-Ami, Gabriel Chodick, Yigal Mirovsky, Tamar Pincus, Yair Shapiro

SPTS EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH AWARD Clinical and Return to Sport Outcomes by Graft Type After Completion of a Secondary ACL Prevention Program. Smith, Angela H., Capin, Jacob J., Zarzycki, Ryan, Snyder-Mackler, Lynn

IJSPT ACHIEVEMENT OF DISTINCTION OUTSTANDING ORIGINAL RESEARCH MANUSCRIPT EXCELLENCE AWARD Presented by Barb Hoogenboom, Senior Associate Editor, IJSPT Retention of Movement Technique: Implications for Primary Prevention of ACL Injuries Wouter Welling, Anne Benjaminse, Alli Gokeler, Bert Otten

OUTSTANDING STUDENT AWARD Presented to Keith Knurr NEW HORIZON AWARD Presented to Joseph Hannon EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION AWARD Presented to David Logerstedt LIFETIME EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION AWARD Presented to Kevin Wilk JACK C. HUGHSTON AWARD Presented to John Wilckens, MD HALL OF FAME TURNER A. BLACKBURN LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Presented by Tab Blackburn to Timothy Tyler Russell Paine 2018 RONALD G. PEYTON AWARD Presented to Robert Manske Please join us in honoring all our award winners! SPTS Executive Committee Walt Jenkins, PT, DHS, LATC, ATC, President Blaise Williams, PT PhD, VicePresident Bryan Heiderscheit, PT, PhD, Treasurer Mitch Rauh, PT, PhD, MPH, FACSM, Secretary Stacey Pagorek, PT, DPT, SCS, ATC, Representative at Large

Rob Manske, Ronald G. Peyton Award Winner, at the podium.

Mark S. DeCarlo, PT, DPT, MHA, SCS, AT Ret Executive Director

LIFETIME EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION AWARD, George Davies, Kevin Wilk. Tim Tyler, Hall of Fame inductee, and Tab Blackburn, for whom the award is named.

George Davies and Rob Manske, Ronald G. Peyton Award Winner.

Russ Paine, Hall of Fame inductee, and Tab Blackburn.


JACK C. HUGHSTON AWARD, Shelly Weinstein, Dr. John Wilckens, Andrew Naylor.


OUTSTANDING STUDENT AWARD, Keith Knurr, Dan Cobian, nominator.


LEGACY FUND GRANT AWARD, Chuck Thigpen and Karen Thatcher.

EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION AWARD, Dave Logerstedt and Shelly Lewis, nominator.

NEW HORIZON AWARD, Joseph Hannon and Craig Garrison, nominator.

45TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION AND TEAMMATES EVENT Outside of the historical presentations, and the awards given, the 45th anniversary celebration was an opportunity for members to meet and mingle. In addition, the evening featured the popular TeamMates event, which pairs student or early career members with seasoned professionals for networking, mentorship and social engagement. The evening was a success, hosting over 400 attendees and over 200 TeamMates participants.

MORE PHOTOS... MORE INFORMATION! Ready to see more photos from CSM’s annual meeting, awards ceremony and the 45th anniversary? There’s lots more on the SPTS website. Go to wards-and-csm-social-events/ and look for you and your friends.


PREPARING FOR CSM 2019: SUBMISSION DEADLINE MARCH 21 and clinical application of current research.

Interested in submitting programming ideas for CSM 2019? Submissions are DUE March 21st!!!

Format for these SMP sessions: The format can be best understood by reviewing the tightly organized, fast-paced schedule which drives the unique nature of these sessions:

The Sports Physical Therapy Section (SPTS) puts on two types of educational sessions at the annual Combined Sections Meeting (CSM): Traditional Educational sessions and "Science Meets Practice" sessions. Traditional Educational Sessions: Traditional Education (TE) sessions are the classic two-hour sessions that are the backbone of CSM programming. They cover a wide range of topics taking advantage of the full two hours to provide a general overview or to take a more in-depth look at a particular concept.(recommended to have a panel of four speakers per session for these 2hour Traditional Education sessions). Those wishing to submit a proposal for a session SHOULD FIRST DISCUSS their submission with the Special Interest Group (SIG) chair that their topic would fall under (Sports Performance, Tactical Athlete, Running, etc). Once the SIG gives their feedback, go to the Scholar One system for CSM submissions. Submit as a 2hr Educational Submission. Select the SIG that you would like to formally review your submission. Fill out the required content as per Scholar One guidelines.

00:00 - 00:05 Overview of session format 00:05 - 00:29 Presentation of 4 short platforms 00:29 - 00:35 Moderator led Q&A 00:35 - 01:00 Moderator led case study integrating platforms Review/Selection Process: The SIG will review and rank TE submissions, but the SPTS Education Committee makes the final selections based on SIG reviews and overall schedule considerations. Audience Available room sizes for SPTS vary from 150 to 1,500 seats meaning that we will require a range of both niche and broad topics for TE sessions. HOPEFULLY COMING BACK FOR 2019!!! . . . "Science Meets Practice Sessions" Science Meets Practice (SMP) sessions are a unique combination of platforms and clinical application content being provided by the SPTS at CSM. At CSM 2018, ALL Sports Section platforms were presented in this format to maximize exposure

01:00 - 01:22 Dialogue #1 01:22 - 01:44 Dialogue #2 01:44 - 02:00 Moderator led Q&A/Summary of session For platform presenters, the platform is very brief (6-8min). Basically a quick summary. Questions asked will be quick and to the point. The case study is the opportunity to expound in more detail. You will be asked how your research might apply to the case. How to Submit: FIRST - discuss with the appropriate SIG chair. Platforms should be submitted through the usual channels via Scholar One as Abstracts. The Research Committee will review

and select platforms through their usual process. Those wishing to submit a proposal for a dialogue should first discuss their submission with a SPTS Special Interest Group (SIG) that relates to the proposed topic. Once the SIG gives their feedback, go to the Scholar One system for CSM submissions & submit as a 2 hr Educational Submission. Select the SIG that you would like to formally review your submission. Fill out the appropriate objectives, description, references, and biographies of the two speakers being proposed. In the schedule enter the following content, replacing [the content in brackets]: 00:00 - 00:05 Overview of session format 00:05 - 00:29 Platforms 00:29 - 00:35 Moderator led Q&A 00:35 - 01:00 Moderator led case study integrating platforms 01:00 - 01:22 [Title of Dialogue #1] 01:22 - 01:44 [Title of Dialogue #2] 01:44 - 02:00 Moderator led Q&A/Summary of session Sample Dialogue Titles Used Previously Sample 1: Accelerated Rehab After ACLR (#1) Delayed Rehab After ACL (#2) Sample 2: Focus on Injury Prevention in Runners (#1) Focus on Treating Injuries in Runners (#2)

Sample 3: Return to Sport After ACLR: Strength/Biomechanical Considerations (#1) Return to Sport After ACLR: Psychological Considerations (#2)

Female Athlete Carol Mack

Review/Selection Process: SIGs will individually review and rank SMP submissions by topic and the SPTS Education and Research Committees make the final selections based on SIG reviews and overall schedule considerations.

Hip Mike Reiman

Final Session Assembly: Once the dialogues and platforms are selected, the Education/Research Committees will assign platforms and moderators to relevant dialogues in order to finalize the SMP session. Audience: Available room sizes for SPTS vary from 150 to 1,500 seats meaning that we will require a range of both niche and broad topics for SMP sessions.

Golf and Golf Performance Ross Brakeville

Knee Bart Bishop Physically Challenged Athlete Katie Hickey Lucas Residency and Fellowship Airelle Hunter-Giordano Running Kari Brown Budde Shoulder Marisa Pontillo Sports Performance Enhancement Dan Lorenz

If you have ANY questions about CSM 2019 proposals, contact a SIG leader.

Tactical Athlete Rich Westrick

SIG leadership emails may be found below or on the SPTS website under About SPTS at Leadership Directory

Youth Athlete Chris Kovacs

SIG Leaders: College, Uiversity and Professional Sports Jill Thein-Nissenbaum Emergency Medical Responder Laura Schmitt

2018 ELECTIONS: OFFICIAL SLATE On April 1, 2018, the SPTS will launch its election module for the 2018 election.

We hope for a large turnout for this election, and full participation from our graduate members.

The election will close at midnight, EST, on April 30, and results will be announced on May 1.

If you experience difficulty logging in, please email Mary Wilkinson at

A few notes about voting:

Reminders will be sent weekly and just before the close date of the election to all members.

• One must be a member of SPTS on March 28 in order to be loaded into the voting module. This means members must be listed by the APTA in their downloadable roster at that time. New members joining after March 28 will not be included in the voting process. • Only graduate PT and PTA members may vote. Student members are unable to vote. The election module scans for membership status (PT, PTA and STU) which is part of the APTA roster upload. • The election module is straightforward and easy to use. It also registers when a member votes so multiple votes are not possible.

President Walt Jenkins, PT, DHS, ATC, LATC Incumbent Professor, Physical Therapy Nazareth College Rochester, NY President (elect): David Logerstedt, PT, MPT, PhD, MA, SCS Assistant Professor, USciences Philadelphia, PA Vice-President Blaise Williams, PT, PhD Incumbent Senior researcher for Sports Performance Insights, Nike Sport Research Lab, Beaverton, Oregon

Sue Falsone, PT, MS, SCS, ATC, LAT, CSCS, COMT, RYT Owner, Structure & Function Education and Consulting Secretary Mitchell Rauh, PT, PhD, MPH, FACSM Incumbent Professor & Director, Doctor of Physical Therapy Program San Diego State University Phil Page, PT, PhD, ATC, CSCS, FACSM Global Director of Clinical Education and Research for Performance Health Nominating Committee William (Sandy) Quillen, PT, DPT, PhD, FACSM Professor, Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Sciences University of South Florida Tim Sell, PT, PhD Associate Professor, Duke University Please see complete bios and platform statements on the SPTS website.

INTRODUCTION TO EFFORTS OF THE NEWLY ESTABLISHED COUNCIL, FRONTIERS IN REHABILITATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (FiRST) Overview The incorporation of innovative medical technologies and approaches into clinical care promises to expand the scope of physical therapy practice towards new frontiers. Sensing technologies and Robotics offer individuals with disabilities exciting new possibilities for communicating, moving and interacting with their surroundings. Regenerative medicine aims to treat and cure a host of injuries, diseases and age-related tissue declines through the development of cellular therapeutics and tissue engineering technologies. Accordingly, in the not-so-distant-future, precision medicine will allow physical therapists to prescribe rehabilitation programs that are targeted and specific, according to the patient’s genotype.

Finally, telehealth will allow individuals in even the most remote areas of the country to receive access to state-of-the-art treatments. This is just the beginning. Building on the Physical Therapy and Society Summit (PASS), APTA’s Board of Directors established the Frontiers in Rehabilitation Science and Technology Council to help prepare its members for the future.

overall goals. This may include physicians, bioengineers, geneticist, researchers, developers, etc.

FiRST Council The FiRST Council is composed of any APTA member in good standing. One does not have to be a member of any specific section or component. The council also welcomes “Council Partners” to join. Council Partners are individuals ineligible for APTA membership, but with an interest in helping to achieve FiRST’s

• Component Leaders: Deborah Larsen, Neurology; Bob Latz, HPA; Dan Malone, CVP; and Gary Chelburn ACAPT

The leadership team of the FiRST Council include the following • Co-Chairs: Steve Wolf and Colleen Kigin • Content Leaders: Alan Lee, Allon Goldberg, Randy Trumbower, Fabrisia Ambrosio

• BOD Representative: Sue Whitney Four Areas of Focus The first four major areas of focus were developed in response to the primary suggested

action areas identified during the Physical Therapy and Society Summit (PASS), but were also recognized as not the only areas of innovation and advancement for the profession. Other areas will be considered as this effort progresses. Regenerative Rehabilitation. Led by Fabrisia Ambrosio, PT, PhD, members from this focus area have organized numerous national and international meetings/sessions on the topic of Regenerative Rehabilitation. Members have also developed a number of Regenerative Rehabilitation educational modules and resources, including two Independent Study Courses offered through the Orthopedic Section as well as a special series in the Physical Therapy journal. Ongoing efforts will further promote interactions with the regenerative medicine community with the goal of optimizing the synergistic effects of rehabilitation with regenerative medicine technologies for enhanced patient outcomes. Rehabilitation Telehealth. Led by Alan Lee, PT, PhD, DPT and members from this focus area have has been very active in assisting telehealth rehabilitation advocacy, education, research, and practice. Efforts include educational modules and resources,

including American Telemedicine Association's principles for delivering telerehabilitation services, an Independent Study Course offered through the Orthopedic Section, two learning center webinars, several Physical Therapy journal papers, and assisted with the FSBPT's telehealth regulatory resource guide. Genomics. Led by Allon Goldberg, PT, PhD and Catherine Curtis PT, EdD has focused on assisting educational programs on incorporation of genomics background and value to the profession. The group has been working on generating research and resources focusing on direct application to clinical practice, namely the importance of family history and genetic factors not only to risk and progression of rare diseases but also common chronic conditions and response to exercise interventions. The era of personalized medicine is here bringing with it greater emphasis on prevention, an area where physical therapists have an important role. Sensors and Robotics. Led by Randy D Trumbower, PT, PhD and members from this focus area are working to build research and teaching resource for clinicians, students, clients, caregivers, and researchers, to stay current on the emerging trends and concepts of sensing technologies and robotic interfaces. The team believes our profession will be vital in the design, development, and implementation of sensing technologies and robot interfaces. The goal of this group

is to highlight the every-expanding possibilities of interfacing sensing technologies and robotics with physical therapy to evaluate, treat, and monitor complex interactions within the human movement system following disease or injury. In other newsletters, more detail regarding each focus area will be highlighted. We encourage those interested in one or multiple areas to become part of the FiRST community. Get Involved APTA members in good standing can get involved by visiting APTA Communities and selecting “Frontiers in Rehabilitation, Science and Technology (FiRST)”. If you would like to become more involved with the Council, select “Sign Up”. This will insure that you receive notification of activities related to FiRST. If you are aware of individuals that would like to be a FiRST Council Partner, please have them contact We will keep you apprised of upcoming meetings for the council.

THE TRAVELING FELLOWSHIP EXPERIENCE; AND YOUR CHANCE TO PARTICIPATE The Spring 2017 Kevin Wilk Traveling Fellowship, sponsored by the SPTS and DonJoy, was an incredible opportunity for both personal and professional growth. There is really no good reason not to apply and experience this opportunity to travel and meet some of the most well recognized Sports Physical Therapists in the country. I was interested in the Fellowship for the primary reason that I was stuck in a rut with my career. I’ve been a practicing therapist for ten years and reached the point where I began to wonder “What’s next, what else is out there?” It is safe to say that I was not disappointed. The Traveling Fellowship met and exceeded all of my expectations and renewed some of the

By Michael Gaddini enthusiasm I had as a new therapist. Meeting and seeing amazing people doing incredible things at fantastic institutions was inspiring. From Ben Hogan Sports Medicine in Texas, to ATI in South Carolina, and finally the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, each location had so much to offer. Our hosts were all giving and completely vested in having us learn and experience all they had to offer. We got a taste of everything, from research to teaching to patient care, all in a very collaborative environment. It was a chance to see Sports Physical Therapy at its best.

back not only feeling like a more confident therapist, but more mature and professional as well. I was placed in situations that were definitely out of my personal comfort zone, but completing the Fellowship, although tiring, was truly rewarding. Whether you are a new therapist looking to gain experience, or a more seasoned therapist searching for new perspective and growth, I highly, highly recommend considering the SPTS Kevin Wilk Traveling Fellowship. Applications for the fall 2018 Kevin Wilk Traveling Fellowship are nowing being accepted until June 30. For more information and application forms, follow this link:

I felt like this trip helped me grow personally as well. I came

In the Minnesota Twins’ dugout with Mayo Clinic’s Corey Kunzer.

Target Field!

COURSES March Hospital for Special Surgery 12th Annual HSS Sports Medicine Symposium March 23-24, 2018 The 12th Annual Sports Medicine Symposium will provide clinicians with guidance on how to care for surgical and nonsurgical patients among the sports medicine population. Topics to be discussed include the athlete’s elbow, shoulder instability, rotational athletes, adolescent athletes, and the hip. The best available evidence and state of the art information from the rehabilitation staff, surgeons, and physicians of Hospital for Special Surgery, along with guest lecturers, will provide participants with clinically relevant information through live surgery, didactic lectures, panel discussions, case presentations, workshops, and Q&A sessions. Information and Registration: Full EMR Course from 8am to 5pm on Friday, 23 March through Sunday, 25 March, 2018 at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland Outpatient Center Basement Conference Rooms 744 52nd Street Oakland, CA 94609 EMR Recertification from 8am until 5pm on Saturday, March 24, 2018 at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland Outpatient Center Basement Conference Rooms 744 52nd Street Oakland, CA 94609 April Applied Strength & Conditioning for Rehab Professionals April 7-8, 2018 Catalyst Sports Medicine Hudson, WI (Minneapolis Area) Contact Hours 12/CEU 1.2 (WPTA pre-approval submitted) Presenters: Erik Meira and Scot Morrison This will be a two-day course focused on exercise prescription to maximize therapeutic programs in the rehab setting. The course will be comprehensive and include biomotor/mechanical considerations,

needs analysis, programming, and application of concepts such as dosage, load monitoring, energy system development, and using feedback to drive the manipulation of relevant variables. Application to specific diagnoses will be explored. Register:

extensive exploration of postoperative management and return to play strategies for common procedures such as anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR), femoroplasty, and labral and meniscal repairs. Registration:

Full EMR From 3:30pm until 8pm on Friday April 13, and From 8am until 5pm Saturday April 14 through Sunday April 15, 2018 at Star PT Midtown East 160 E 56th St NY, NY 10022

Children's Hospital of the Kings Daughters, VA Beach Full EMR From 8am until 5pm Friday April 27, 2018 through Sunday April 29, 2018 at: CHKD Health and Surgery Center at Landstown 1924 Landstown Centre Way Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456

EMR Recertification From 8am until 5pm Saturday April 14, 2018 at Star PT Midtown East 160 E 56th St NY, NY 10022

Children's Hospital of the Kings Daughters, VA Beach EMR Recertification From 8am until 5pm on Saturday April 21, 2018 at: CHKD Health and Surgery Center at Landstown 1924 Landstown Centre Way Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456

Emergency Medical Responder for physical therapists Full and/or recert and/or challenge options Dates: course - April 19-20, testing - April 21 Location: Des Moines University, Des Moines, Iowa Contact person: Natalie or Jeanne at Link for registration: or Hip and Knee: Complex Understanding for Simple Solutions April 21-22, 2018 Elite Motion Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Pasadena, CA (Los Angeles Area) Approved for 1.2 CEUs by California Physical Therapy Association: #16-324 Presenter: Erik Meira Description: This two-day course will include lecture and lab demonstration to explore the complexity of the hip and the knee. Topics including femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), acetabular labral and chondral injuries, gluteal/psoas/patellar tendinopathies, ligamentous injuries, meniscal tears, and patellofemoral pain (PFP) will be discussed. There will also be

June Full EMR Course from 8am to 5pm on Friday, June 1 through Sunday, June 3, 2018 at Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Dan Abraham Healthy Living Center 565 1st St SW Rochester, MN 55902 EMR Recertification from 8am until 5pm on Saturday, June 2, 2018 at Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Dan Abraham Healthy Living Center 565 1st St SW Rochester, MN 55902 Full EMR Course from 8am to 5pm on Friday, June 1 through Sunday, June 3, 2018 at Cleveland Clinic Independence Family Health Center 5001 Rockside Road Independence, Ohio 44131 EMR Recertification Course from 8am to 5pm on Saturday, June 2, 2018 at Cleveland Clinic Independence Family Health Center 5001 Rockside Road

Independence, Ohio 44131 Registration June 1-3, 2018 Emergency Medical Responder Course: Sidelines Care Instructor: Matthew Owens, PT, DPT, SCS, ATC, CSCS Location: Children’s Office Park, 1680 Tullie Circle, Classroom 3, Atlanta, Georgia Target Audience: Physical Therapists seeking a Specialist Certification in Sports (SCS) or requiring certification for on-field coverage of sporting events Sponsor: Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Contact: or online brochure at Certified Running Gait Analyst Level 1 June 9th and 10th, 2018 Philadelphia, PA Course Description If you've been looking for a systematic evidence based approach for working with runners, you've found it! Learn the essential skills and knowledge to simplify running and provide running specific interventions to get excellent results. This is a hybrid course with an online pre-requisite and two day live lab based portion that is all about giving you everything you need to analyze and improve running gait. You will learn: - Why Runners Get Injured - The 5 Categories of Running Gait Impairments - Corrective exercise programs including gait retraining for each of the 5 Categories (~20 page handouts for each category included!) - The ACE Running Movement screen designed specifically for runners - Corrective exercise programs for each of the ACE Running Movement Screen Sub Categories - Running Gait Analysis procedures in 2D and 3D (Lab based, you will actually use 2D and 3D during the course!) - And much more! Spots are limited to allow for high class participation, so register early. Sports Section Members get a $100 discount by entering code SPTSRunners (applied at

checkout) Email for questions and/or to learn about training your whole team by hosting a course at your facility. You can also take the online portion as a separate course if you cannot attend a live course yet! Register: July Certified Running Gait Analyst Level 1 July 28th and 29th, 2018 Chicago, IL Spots are limited to allow for high class participation, so register early. Sports Section Members get a $100 discount by entering code SPTSRunners (applied at checkout) Email for questions and/or to learn about training your whole team by hosting a course at your facility. You can also take the online portion as a separate course if you cannot attend a live course yet! Register: September Certified Running Gait Analyst Level 1 Sep 22nd-23rd, 2018 Minneapolis, MN This is a semi-private course with only 5 spots available, so register early. Sports Section Members get a $100 discount by entering code SPTSRunners (applied at checkout) Email for questions and/or to learn about training your whole team by hosting a course at your facility. You can also take the online portion as a separate course if you cannot attend a live course yet! Register:

October October 27-28 Kahn Auditorium University of Michigan Biomedical Science Research Building 109 Zina Pitcher Place Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Hotel availability at special rates

Running is a demanding physical activity performed by millions of persons worldwide. Given the repetitive high-impact nature of running, many individuals who engage in this form of exercise experience pain or become injured. For the professional or avid runner, this pain and injury can cause frustration and loss of running time. For the sports medicine clinician, managing the injured runner can be challenging as the cause(s) of running injuries are often multifactorial. The Science of Running Medicine brings together three of the leading clinical researchers involving running mechanics and injury. With a combined 75+ years of clinical practice and 350+ publications, the faculty is committed to providing health care professionals and the running community with evidenced-based strategies to advance running injury management. The Science of Running Medicine recognizes that not all runners are created equal, and neither are the injury prevention and recovery methods. By combining science and practice, successful approaches can be individualized for you, your patients and your clients. Information and Registration: November SAVE THE DATE! Team Concept Conference 2018 November 29-December 1 Westgate Las Vegas Resort and Casino EMR Courses identified in this color are Sponsored by SPTS and presented by CogentSteps. These courses offer discounts to SPTS members. Information about EMR courses may be found here:

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