October spts newsletter ezine

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It’s hard to believe it’s already fall! The year is winding down, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot going on. This is one of the busiest times of year for SPTS! National Student Conclave begins next week, October 30 to November 1 in Milwaukee, WI. Be sure to stop by the SPTS booth in the expo hall and connect with all your fellow members! As always, our Team Concept Conference will take place December 4-6 in Las Vegas. We are returning to the Green Valley Ranch Resort for this year’s event. Registration is open, and room reservations at a special price close on November 11. Registration and housing are open for Combined Sections Meeting in Indianapolis, February 4-6. Since this is the home town of the SPTS headquarters, there are lots of special events to enjoy! Check out the article in this issue. You can still fit in an Emergency Medical Responder Course in Las Vegas, December 1-3. Register online now! Have a story for the magazine? Submit to mwilkinson@spts.org.


Join us once again at the Green Valley Ranch Resort for Team Concept Conference 2014! Three full days of lectures, workshops, labs, presentations and networking events to help you hone your practice. Thursday, December 4 will be a full day of pre-conference programming. Thursday's educational courses will be focused on the ACL. Thursday's sessions are sponsored by Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach and presented by its editorial board. You won't want to miss this special event...and it's part of your registration fee!

ACL Day Agenda and Presenters: Current mechanisms of ACL injuries and epidemiological information Edward M. Wojtys, MD Comprehensive clinical musculoskeletal system examination of the knee George Davies, PT, DPT, Med, PT, SCS, LAT, CSCS, FAPTA Primer for orthopaedic MRI Hollis G. Potter, MD Evaluation of knee ligaments using MRI: native and reconstructed Hollis G. Potter, MD Early considerations of rehabilitation and therapeutic strategies for targeting arthrogenic inhibition in muscle rehabilitation

Riann Palmieri-Smith, PhD, ATC Panel Discussion for audience participation with Q & A (all presenters) Moderator: George Davies, PT, DPT, Med, PT, SCS, LAT, CSCS, FAPTA What should we do with the pediatric patient with an ACL injury? Edward M. Wojtys, MD The implication of post-traumatic osteoarthritis after an ACL injury Riann Palmieri-Smith, PhD, ATC What happens when the graft fails, reinjures, and a revision ACL is needed? Edward M. Wojtys, MD How imaging affects management of the athlete Hollis G. Potter, MD Functional testing algorithm for discharge and return to play George Davies, PT, DPT, Med, PT, SCS, LAT, CSCS, FAPTA Current graft shortcomings and the future with tissue engineering and the like for patients with ACL injuries Edward M. Wojtys, MD Panel Discussion for audience participation with Q & A (all presenters) The Theraband™ Launch Party and Welcome Event at Team Concept Conference TheraBand™ is proud to announce a completely new elastic resistance product, and they’ve chosen Team Concept Conference to introduce their new product line!


surgery HIP IMAGING dry needling meniscus EXAMINATIONACLon field CORE STABILITY hamstring foot REHABILITATION RETURN TO PLAY DECISION MAKING rotator cuff PECTORALIS functional testing alternative therapies SHOULDER

Hear firsthand from several members of the TheraBand® Performance Team on how they have been reinventing rehab with the new TheraBand CLX -- Sue Falsone, Tim Tyler, Mike Voight, Barton Bishop, Phil Page, and more! • Free Sample of TheraBand CLX • $2,000 in cash and prizes

“Rookies” and “Captains” will be paired for networking, conversation and mentoring on Thursday evening. Enhance your Team Concept experience and meet new sports physical therapists with interests like yours! Contact Jennifer Miller, PR Committee to register, at Jennifer.Miller@utoledo.edu.

Immediately following, TheraBand will sponsor the welcome cocktail and TeamMates event in the exhibit halls. All attendees are welcome to join our exhibitors for drinks and appetizers, compliments of TheraBand! Look for more information on the SPTS site and in upcoming e-blasts. You won’t want to miss this special event!

Friday and Saturday begin with breakfast at 6:30 am and instructional courses at 7 am, followed by a full day of programming, and ending with hands-on laboratory sessions. Breakfast, breaks and the conference handbook are all included in the registration fee. Registration prices remain the same this year: • Non-members: $545 (not a member of the APTA or IFSPT)

An educational session will be held at 5:00 pm, Thursday, December 5, in the conference hall, immediately following the ACL panel discussion.

• APTA or IFSPT members: $500

This latex-free consecutive loop resistance product delivers versatility and ease of use that increases exercise compliance to improve outcomes.

• Bring a friend options available again this year: both you and a friend save $50 off your registration fees when you register together!

• SPTS members: $425 • Students: $275

Haven’t attended a TCC before? Then you will want to participate in TeamMates!

Agenda details and information about special events may be found on the SPTS website at http://www.spts.org/education/ team-concept-conference You may now book your room at a special rate by logging in to the Green Valley Ranch SPTS site: https://aws.passkey.com/event/10 851958/owner/32023/home Register now at the link below and save your seat for the ultimate sports physical therapy event of the year! http://www.spts.org/sptsstore/team-concept-conference2014/tcc-registration-2014 There are still spaces available at the Emergency Medical Responder Course December 1-3! Register online here. Would you like to exhibit? Two exhibitor spaces remain. Contact Mary Wilkinson at 317.501.0805 or mwilkinson@spts.org to reserve yours!

Confirmed Speaker List: Physicians Brian Cole, MD Stephen Nicholas, MD Kevin Plancher, MD Richard Steadman, MD Physical Therapists George Davies, PT, DPT, Med, PT, SCS, LAT, CSCS, FAPTA Sue Falsone, PT, SCS, ATC, CSCS Bryan Heiderscheidt, PT, PhD Walt Jenkins, PT, DHS, ATC Dirk Kokmeyer, PT, DPT, SCS, COMT Dan Lorenz, PT, DPT, LAT, CSCS Rob Manske, PT, DPT, MEd, SCS, ATC, CSCS Erik Meira, PT, DPT, SCS, CSCS Luke O’Brien, PT Stacey Pagorek, PT, DPT, SCS, ATC Russ Paine, PT Rob Panariello, PT, ATC, CSCS Janette Powell, PT, DPT, OCS Mark Reinking, PT, PhD, SCS, ATC Mike Rosenthal, PT, DSc, SCS, ECS, ATC, CSCS Teresa Schuemann, PT, DPT, SCS, ATC, CSCS Stephanie Squitieri, PT, DPT Tim Tyler, PT, MS, ATC Kevin Wilk, PT, DPT, FAPTA Blaise Williams, PT, PhD


Silver Sponsor SPTS Supporter for over 20 years

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Silver Sponsor Titling Sponsor for TCC Welcome Event

Bronze Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

While Team Concept Conference is only six weeks away, CSM is only two months after TCC. The SPTS courses and events are in place, and it’s time to plan to register! Pre-conference Courses Register now for the SPTS preconference courses, to be held on Wednesday, February 4, 2015. Hurry! These courses fill up fast and are your opportunity for in-depth exploration of important topics. Functional Testing and Return-toSport Rehabilitation Progressions Intercollegiate/Professional Athlete and Sports Performance and Enhancement SIGs 8:00am – 5:30pm Carol Ferkovic, Gary Calabrese, Darrell Allen, Daniel Hass 8 hours = 0.8 CEU Pediatric and Youth Athletes: Medical, Physical, Emotional, Nutritional, and Conditioning and Training Considerations for the Sports Physical Therapist Youth Athlete and Sports Performance and Enhancement SIGs 8:00am – 5:30pm Cookie Freidhoff, Mark DeCarlo, Robert Panariello, Lindsey Blom, Mark Paterno, Michele Macedonio, Darrell Barnes, Nicholas Edwards 8 hours = 0.8 CEU The Roles of Gender & Maturation on Running Mechanics, Injury Incidence, Neuromuscular Control, and Rehabilitation Running SIG 8:00am – 5:30pm

Jeffery Taylor-Haas, Kathryn Hickey, Blaise Williams, Mitchell Rauh 8 hours = 0.8 CEU Shoulder Pathomechanics and Rehabilitation in the Overhead Athlete Intercollegiate/Professional Athlete and Shoulder SIGs 8:00am – 5:30pm Rafael Escamilla, Kevin Wilk, Kyle Yamashiro 8 hours = 0.8 CEU SPTS-sponsored courses The SPTS will sponsor 36 additional courses over three days at CSM Thursday, February 6, 2015 • Optimizing Rehabilitation for Safe Return to Sport After ACL Reconstruction • Upper Extremity Injuries of the Adolescent Throwing Athlete • Medical Tent: The Role of the Physical Therapist/Emergency Care for the Running Athlete • Surpassing the Challenges and Barriers in Developing and Promoting Residency Training in the Sports Realm • Acetabular Labral Tears Revisited: Understanding the Current Evidence and How It Shapes Our Interventions • Injuries in Football: From the Adolescent Athlete to the NFL • Anterior Shoulder Pathology in Athletes: From Micro to Macro • Advancing Sports Physical Therapy Through Clinical Research • Gait Retraining for Injured Runners: In Search of the Ideal • Elbow pitching biomechanics and UCL injury risk factors in adult and youth pitchers

• The Many Faces of Sports Physical Therapy • Sports Platforms: Advances in Sports Therapy Friday, February 6, 2015 • I've performed a running analysis…now what? • Lower Extremity Injury: A Modern, Preventative Approach • Sports Platforms: Sports Residency Research • Exercise Progression for the Upper and Lower Extremity: What does the EMG say? • Sports Concussions in Youth: The Role of PTs for a Surging Patient Population • Complicated Patient - Sports Edition • Sports Platforms: Prevention and Intervention Strategies for Shoulder/Knee/Ankle Injuries • My Patient is Out of Visits: What Do I Do Now? • Advancing the Science of Plyometrics for the Shoulder: The Biomechanics, Kinematics, Kinetics, Recommended Volume Dosage, and Examples of Clinical Applications • Management of Patellar Instability: Conservative and Post-operative Guidelines • Sports Platforms: Excellence in Research Award Saturday, February 7, 2015 • Pearls for Problem Solving the Tough Ones • The Female Triathlete: Considerations across the lifespan • Integration of STEM with Physical Therapy: The Future of Sports Medicine

• Sports Platforms: Emerging Strategies For Running Rehabilitation • Socratic Debate: Rotator Cuff Rehabilitation-Early (Accelerated) vs Delayed (Decelerated) Programs. What method is best for which patients? • Crash, Bang, Boom: Injuries and Rehabilitation of Contact and Tactical Athletes • Understanding the Unique Management Approach to Concussions in Female Athletes • Sports Platforms: Emerging Research: Shaping Knee Rehabilitation Strategies • Management and Prevention of Knee Injuries in the Young Athlete • Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome: Antalgic Hips in an Active Population with Athletic Aspirations • A Kinetic Chain Approach to the Overhead Throwing Athlete • Sports Platforms: Factors Impacting Return To Sports After ACLR SPTS Special Events Move 4 PT Thursday, February 4 The Sports Physical Therapy Section is proud to present the inaugural Move 4 PT along Indianapolis’ beautiful central canal downtown. Only two blocks from the convention center, Move 4 PT is the perfect way to get your exercise in after a full day of

conference attendance. The route is handicap accessible, allowing everyone to participate. • Rain, snow or shine...the run is on! • Site registration begins at 4:30 pm • Shotgun start at 5:30 pm • Goodie bags and tee-shirts for all participants • Timing provided • Benefits the Foundation for Physical Therapy and the SPTS Legacy Fund Sign up on the APTA CSM Registration site http://www.apta.org/CSM/ Registration/ $25 through November 5 $30 through December 17 $35 through January 31 TeamMates Thursday, February 4 7:00 PM $10 per person Snacks and cash bar provided All members are invited! Location TBD TEAMMATES is a networking initiative of the Sports Physical Therapy Section of the APTA. The purpose is to help new and experienced members of the SPTS connect for discussions, introductions, and networking opportunities at conferences. You may participate as a "rookie" or a "captain." Rookies are new SPTS members, student members, or first time CSM attendees. Captains should

be experienced SPTS members, willing to meet new or first time members and foster introductions between other SPTS members. To participate in the TeamMates program, please RSVP by Friday January 29. After that date, we will no longer formally match participants, but we still encourage you to drop by to meet us! If you are interested in participating, or have questions about the program, please contact Jennifer Miller. Register Now! SPTS Annual Business Meeting Friday, February 5 6:30 PM Location TBD SPTS Awards Ceremony Friday, February 5 7:00 PM Location TBD SPTS Homecoming Event Friday, February 5 8:00 pm to Midnight Lucas Oil Stadium (connected to the convention center) Open bar, cocktail hour hors d’oeuvres, dinner, special program. More information to come...but save the date! SIG Meetings Special interest group meetings and times will be shared as soon as they are available. Watch the website and your inbox for further information.

ATTENDING NSC? SPTS NEEDS YOU! At National Student Conclave (NSC), you can begin to build your nationwide network, expand your knowledge by attending unique and cutting-edge lectures, and utilize resources to ease the transition from student to professional. While you are there, spend an hour in the SPTS booth and share the reasons why you are a member with other students! It’s fun. It’s easy. It’s even simple to register. Just go to http://vols.pt/zjYtiq and sign up for your hour. See you in Milwaukee!

Volunteer for the SPTS Booth! October 30-November 1 Milwaukee, WI



Run, walk or roll 2.5 miles on 2/5/15 at the first annual Move 4 PT to benefit the Foundation for Physical Therapy and the Legacy Fund!

The Sports Physical Therapy Section is proud to present the inaugural Move 4 PT along Indianapolis’ beautiful central canal downtown. Only two blocks from the convention center, Move 4 PT is the perfect way to get your exercise in after a full day of conference attendance. The route is handicap accessible, allowing everyone to participate. • Rain, snow or shine...the run is on! • Site registration begins at 4:30 pm • Shotgun start at 5:30 pm • Goodie bags and tee-shirts for all participants • Timing provided • Check out the full race route and more details at http://www.spts.org/education/ combined-sections-meeting/ move-4-pt • We are looking for sponsors! Contact Mary Wilkinson at mwilkinson@spts.org for more information


Sign up on the APTA CSM Registration site: http://www.apta.org/CSM/Registration/

Cost to run: $25 through November 5 $30 through December 17 $35 through January 31 Beginning February 1, register at the SPTS Store, http://www.spts.org/spts-store

Packet Pickup!

• Thursday, February 5, 2015 • SPTS Booth, Expo Hall, Combined Sections Meeting, during unopposed hours on Thursday, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm or at the Start/Finish line between 4:30 pm and 5:00 pm. • No bags will be checked at the start/finish line.

Come join the fun!


Know someone who has made a difference in Sports Physical Therapy? If so, recognize their efforts by nominating them for a Sports Section Award. Each year, the Section highlights the accomplishments of those who have made significant contributions in the area of Sports Physical Therapy. If you know a clinician, educator, researcher and/or student worthy of an award, submit an electronic nomination today so that they may be conisdered for an SPTS award at CSM 2015!. Nominations must be received by October 31, 2014. No submissions will be considered after this date. All nomination forms may be found on the SPTS website at http://www.spts.org/about-spts/sptsawards Submit nominations electronically to Barb Sanders, Awards Committee Chair at barbsanders@txstate.edu, and Tammy Jackson, SPTS executive assistant at tjackson@spts.org.

Awards • Outstanding Student Award • New Horizon Award • Excellence in Education Award • Lifetime Excellence in Education Award • Lynn Wallace Clinical Education and Professional Development Award • Outstanding Service Award • Jack C. Hughston Sports Physician Award • Ron Peyton Award • Outstanding Special Interest Group Chair Award • The Turner A. Blackburn Hall of Fame/Lifetime Achievement Award Help the SPTS honor those who contribute the most to sports physical therapy. Submit your nominations today.

WHAT IS THE FOUNDATION FOR PHYSICAL THERAPY (AND WHAT DO THEY DO?) We all know that the Sports Section, along with the other APTA components, supports the Foundation for Physical Therapy through donations and fundraising efforts. But what does the Foundation do? The mission of the Foundation for Physical Therapy is to fund and publicize physical therapy research that determines the scientific basis and value of services intended to optimize physical functioning by physical therapists, and to develop the next generation of researchers. The vision of the Foundation for Physical Therapy is to change the face of healthcare by providing a society that thrives on mobility with the innovative research needed to optimize physical functioning. Established in 1979, the Foundation has awarded more than $14 million to launch and fund the research careers of more than 500 physical therapists around the country in scientific, clinical, and health services research. Foundation alumni have gone on to leverage their grants to secure an estimated $725 million from other funding sources in order to produce groundbreaking evidence of physical therapy’s crucial role in such areas as: • Recovering from stroke, injury, and accidents • Improving mobility for children with cerebral palsy • Offering pain-free movement in patients with low-back pain. Goals for 2014 Goal 1: Research Portfolio Identify and advance innovative research priorities that will have high impact on society

Goal 2: Centers of Excellence Develop Center of Excellence research networks. Goal 3: Awareness Expand awareness of the Foundation and the value of its funded research. Goal 4: Fundraising Increase funds to support innovative research. Goal 5: Organizational Stability Develop and implement plans to create a self-sustaining and efficient organization that perpetuates its legacy. Funding Opportunities The Foundation for Physical Therapy offers a number of funding opportunities to support physical therapist researchers. SCHOLARSHIPS Florence P. Kendall Post-Professional Doctoral Scholarship A 1-year, $5,000 scholarship to support physical therapists or physical therapist assistants with outstanding potential in their first year of a post-professional doctoral degree program.

Promotion of Doctoral Studies (PODS) I Scholarship A 1-year, $7,500 scholarship to support individuals in the coursework phase of post-professional doctoral studies. Promotion of Doctoral Studies (PODS) II Scholarship A 1-year, $15,000 scholarship to support individuals in the postcandidacy phase of post-professional doctoral studies. FELLOWSHIPS New Investigator Fellowship Training Initiative (NIFTI) A 2-year, $78,000 post-doctoral fellowship intended to fund a mentored research experience in continuation of the development of recent post-professional, doctorally prepared physical therapist researchers. New Investigator Fellowship Training Initiative—Health Services Research (NIFTI-HSR) A 2-year, $78,000 post-doctoral fellowship intended to fund a mentored research experience in continuation of the development of recent post-professional, doctorally

prepared physical therapist researchers as they investigate and assess broader issues relating to the provision of health care and how it impacts the quality of health care provided. GRANTS Research Grants Research grants intended to fund emerging investigators to promote scientifically-based and clinicallyrelevant research related to the effectiveness of physical therapist practice. Center of Excellence A 5-year, $2.5 million grant for training physical therapist researchers in health services/health policy research. How to Help At CSM 2015 in Indianapolis, the Sports Section is sponsoring Move 4 PT to raise funds for the Foundation for Physical Therapy and the SPTS Legacy Fund (see box to right). You may register as part of your CSM registration...it’s right on the registration form! The Miami-Marquette Challenge is another fun way to participate. Learn more at this link. You may also donate to the Foundation for Physical Therapy through their website. Want to contribute in a bigger way? You can do that, too. Follow this link for more information.

For over thirty years, the Sports Physical Therapy Section (SPTS) has provided a forum for physical therapists with an interest in sports physical therapy. Its focus on performance enhancement,recognition and management of active sports injuries, and the treatment, rehabilitation and research of these injuries has led the SPTS to grow to the third largest component of the APTA. Because of an increasingly active population — and one that begins playing sports at a much earlier age than in past generations — sports physical therapy is a rapidly growing specialty within the physical therapy profession. The future of sports physical therapy will lie in the discoveries of clinical investigators and academic researchers.These professionals have the knowledge and expertise to conduct quality research studies for the advancement of sports physical therapy. However, these studies require funding to make important advancements possible. THE LEGACY FUND In order to assure the continuation of essential sports physical therapy research, the Sports Physical Therapy Section has established The Legacy Fund. The name describes the purpose of the fund — to leave a legacy of excellence and continuity of advancement within the profession that has seen so much progress in the past thirty years. The Legacy Fund is managed by a committee of five Sports Physical Therapy Section members. This group of volunteers

has the experience to successfully oversee and direct the operations of the Fund, including long term planning, fundraising, and business development. The management committee is also responsible for evaluating applications, as well as monitoring the ongoing progress of each project. The committee is solely accountable for both the fiscal and research aspects of the Fund. ENSURING SUCCESSFUL OUTCOMES The Legacy Fund is committed to obtaining the maximum return on investment from grant expenditures. Grant awards are given in six-month installments, with the grant recipient required to prove accountability and progress in their project before the second half of the grant funds are released. In addition, awardees are required to submit a report at the end of the funding period, and must agree to submit one and two year follow up reports. Publication submissions are also a part of the follow up process.Awardees will be recognized each year at the SPTS Research Forum during the APTA Combined Sections Meeting. MAKE A DIFFERENCE. We invite you to make a difference in the future of sports physical therapy. Your contributions will provide necessary funding for essential research that can revolutionize the way sports injuries are treated and lives are restored. Leave a legacy you can be proud of...send in your pledge to The Legacy Fund today. To contribute to the Legacy Fund, link here! For larger donations, please contact the SPTS office by phone at 877.732.5009.


THE KNEE: ADOLESCENCE THROUGH THE ACTIVE ADULT Education regarding diseases of the knee is some of the most sought-after information our members request. In response to these inquiries, the SPTS is proud to present our latest home study course, The Knee: Adolescence through the Active Adult.

Chapter 2 Pediatric Knee Injuries Laura C. Schmitt, PT, PhD Mark V. Paterno, PT, PhD, MBA, SCS, ATC Chapter 3 An Update on Risk Factors and Management of Patellofemoral Pain John D. Willson, PhD, PT Richard W. Willy, PhD, PT, OCS

Edited by Lori Bolgla, PT, PhD, MAcc, ATC, this course will provide participants with the ability to

Chapter 4 Iliotibial Band Syndrome Nicholas Hagen, PT, DPT, SCS, CSCS

1. Identify knee pathologies unique to skeletally-immature individuals 2. Develop appropriate interventions to address impairments, functional limitations, and participation restrictions in skeletally immature individuals with overuse knee dysfunction 3. Understand factors that impact the management of ACL injury in skeletally immature individuals 4. Develop an evidence-based approach for the management of patellofemoral pain 5. Develop and implement interventions based on the interrelationship between faulty trunk

Chapter 5 Management of an Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury in the Skeletally Immature Athlete Mark Paterno, PT, PhD, MBA, SCS, ATC Alyson Filipa, PT, DPT, SCS, CSCS Laura C. Schmitt PT, PhD

and hip function and iliotibial band stress syndrome 6. Understand the unique features that impact the management of individuals with patella tendinopathy Chapter 1 An Evidence-Based Approach for the Management of Patellar Tendinopathy Kathleen J. Pantano, PT, PhD

Purchase and download on demand on the SPTS website at http://www.spts.org/sptsstore/home-study-courses/the-kneeadolescence-through-the-active-adult

CHECK OUT OUR OTHER TITLES! • The Female Athlete: 2014 • Current Concepts in Shoulder Rehabilitation: 2014 • Running

• Rehabilitation of Articular Cartilage Injuries of the Knee

• Rehabilitation Concerns for the Female Athlete (2005)

• The Spine in Sports

• Current Concepts in the Rehabilitation of the Knee (2004)

• SCS Exam Preparatory Course

• Injury Prevention in Sports Medicine

• Pediatric and Adolescent Sports Medicine

• Rehabilitation of the Aging Athlete

• Rehabilitation of the Knee (2011)

• Current Concepts in the Examination and Treatment of the Shoulder

• Rehabilitation of the Hip

• Emergency Response for the PT All courses are available for immediate purchase and download at http://www.spts.org/spts-store


Accelerated Rehabilitation is currently growing its Sports Physical Therapy Residency Program and is excited to announce that application process for February 2015 will open this November. The Program began as a Credentialed Sports Physical Therapy Residency at Ohio’s Burkam and Associates and recently transferred to Accelerated Rehab’s Illinois market. The Accelerated Rehab Residency is now in its first year in Illinois and currently has two Residents. This Sports Physical Therapy Residency boasts several unique opportunities for Residents. Accelerated Rehabilitation has a Hip Preservation Team that meets quarterly and specializes in treating patients after hip arthroscopy. There is also an Overhead Throwing Program for Baseball Players, utilizing cutting-edge technology to analyze pitching mechanics in healthy and injured athletes. This program has several research projects pending in conjunction with local teaching hospitals. A unique and research-based return to play program after knee injuries has recently been developed and there are research opportunities available for Residents as well. Other specialty programs at Accelerated Rehabilitation include • Astym® • Concussion • Dry Needling • Functional Movement Screen • Golf • Headache Rehabilitation • Running Program • Sproing® • Vestibular Rehabilitation • Interactive Technology • Mens/Women’s Health Many of these programs incorporate Dartfish® software to provide comprehensive interventions ranging from injury prevention through return to play.

The Sproing is a soft-surface interval trainer that is utilized for Accelerated Rehabilitation’s Running Program. This program combines training on the Sproing with Dr. Romanov's Pose Running to improve running mechanics, treat current injuries and prevent others. Potential Residents have multiple options in the Program to fit any specific interests. Due to Accelerated Rehabilitation’s large number of high school and club sport contracts, there are several evidence-based screening and prevention programs already in place, with multiple opportunities for further development of these programs. Accelerated Rehabilitation also has good relationships with several top orthopedic clinics in the Chicagoland area who offer opportunities for observation of surgery or patient rounds. The Accelerated Sports Physical Therapy Residency is open to all Accelerated employees in the Chicago-land and Northwest Indiana region. Currently, mentors are in Naperville, Oak Park, Libertyville, Aurora, and Lincoln Park. The Resident travels to mentors for the in-clinic mentoring component. The majority of on-field hours are completed with an athletic trainer at a contracted high school in the Resident's region. Any Accelerated employee is welcome to apply to the Program after working for the company for a minimum of six months. The Residency Program is geared toward the relatively new graduate. An additional separate mentoring program is also available, however, for veteran therapists who would like to obtain SCS certification without the commitment of the Residency Program. Applications will be due on December 1. For more information, please contact Anne Marie Bierman, PT, DPT, SCS at 630.428.1503 or anne.bierman@acceleratedrehab.com.

If you are motivated to achieve a higher level of training and expertise in your physical therapy profession, then the Accelerated Sports Physical Therapy Residency Program may be for you.This intense and rigorous program includes clinical and classroom training in the art and science of sports physical therapy practice. Designed to enhance experienced clinicians’ skills and to encourage high-level clinical competency for new graduates, the primary mission of Accelerated Rehabilitation Centers Sports Physical Therapy Residency Program is to provide the resident with advanced educational and clinical opportunities. The environment will foster immediate application of evidencebased knowledge and skills gained from a variety of learning experiences and develop leaders and clinicians with advanced knowledge, skills and professional behaviors that will shape the future of sports physical therapy. “It is Accelerated’s commitment to provide the same excellence and enthusiasm to the residency program that we apply on a daily basis to our clinical setting,” according to Scott Zeller, PT, Human Resources. “The Accelerated team of highly respected employees is empowered, educated, and enthusiastic. We support our colleagues professionally and personally with competitive compensation and a comprehensive benefits package. A large percentage of our employees have been with Accelerated for more than 10 years. In fact, we consistently maintain one of the highest retention rates amongst Physical Therapy providers—98%. This employee loyalty, along with our demonstrated success, is testimony to the dedication and diligence Accelerated will invest in your career. Contact us today and discover how Accelerated Rehabilitation Centers can advance your career!”


Elite Rehabilitation Solutions Online Courses Information and Registration

Evidence in Motion Online and Live Courses Residency and Fellowship Practice Management Information and Registration

Gawenda Seminars and Consulting Information and Registration

Information and Registration

Medbridge Education Online Courses and Home Exercise Programs Information and links to registration

October Strategies to Perfect Upper Body Rehab Outcomes with Aquatic Therapy October 29 1:00 pm-2:00 pm Free Webinar, compliments of Hydroworx! Presented By: Barry Lippman, MS, ATC, NASM-PES, Associate Athletic Trainer/Rehab Coordinator for Coastal Carolina University Register here National Student Conclave Sponsored by APTA October 30-November 1 Milwaukee, WI Site November Functional Analyses & Interventions for the Running Athlete Presented by Virginia Commonwealth University Sponsored by OOL RUN November 8-9 Richmond, VA Registration The Rotational Athlete: Rehabilitation, Performance and Return to Competition Sponsored by Hospital for Special Surgery and IMG Academy November 15-16, 2014 Location: IMG Academy, Bradenton, FL, and also offered as live streaming webcast Registration December EMR Course SPTS Sponsored December 1-3 In conjunction with Team Concept Conference Henderson, NV | Registration

Team Concept Conference 2014 Sponsored by SPTS December 4-6 Henderson, NV Green Valley Ranch Resort Registration | Housing February Combined Sections Meeting February 4-7 Indiana Convention Center Indianapolis, Indiana Pre-conference courses Feb. 4 Register now! See article in this newsletter for SPTS pre-conference courses Hand Rehabilitation Section Pre-conference Course Prefabricated Orthoses for Disorders of the Elbow, Wrist and Hand Also sponsored by the Hospital for Special Surgery February 4 See detail on SPTS website for more information and flier. February 5 Move 4 PT: 5:30 pm TeamMates: 7:00 pm February 6 Business Meeting: 6:30 pm Awards Ceremony: 7:00 pm SPTS Homecoming: 8:00 pm More details online at http://www.spts.org/education/ combined-sections-meeting

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