Sport Structures 2015-2016 Annual Report

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Annual Report ©2016

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Contents 03 Foreword 04 What we do 05 Year in numbers... 06 Sport Business 12 Education 16 Employability 20 Marketing 21 ‘We Are Sport Structures’ Video Launch 22 Our Staff

, e u q i n u g n Deliveri


e v i t a v o n n i d n a e l flexib t r o p in S ©2016

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Foreword Simon Kirkland Managing Director

What a brilliant year we have had with some great new consultancy clients including Welsh Government and The FA. We are excited about welcoming a new client in Rounders England to our other NGB partners in educational delivery, where we saw an increase in the number of courses to nearly 500 courses, a 55% increase on last year with over 4300 learners. We also surpassed our target of 100 apprenticeships to 123 in learning at the end of the year an enormous 215% increase. Building on our sound base of consultancy work we undertook a review of secondary schools football for the FA, Gemau Cymru (The Welsh Youth Games) and continued our provision of the impact assessment of Sportivate by developing a mobile app and new improved dashboard. We came within a whisker of winning two awards we were nominated for in the U.K. Active training awards for large training provider and apprenticeship provider of the year. This is an exciting time for sport and activity and we want to be part of it. With the new strategy from government and the subsequent Sport England strategy we think we are well placed to offer the sector some cost effective options for the future. As funding appears to be tighter for our clients we are able to offer a genuine option to help sports gain more of knowledge of their customers and more efficient costs centres. Our out‐sourced coach education and club development services offer governing bodies low cost course and club support giving genuine financial returns in both royalties and increased membership. With the clear government objective of increasing apprenticeships we offer a sport based solution that builds on our knowledge to provide the sector with apprenticeships that can build the workforce. With the emphasis on knowing your customer we are starting to support organisations, governing bodies and alike to understand potential customers who have a profile similar to their current profile and how they can attract them into their sport. Our sport development knowledge is giving added value to provide genuine insight to the data collected. We are looking forward to another year of growth in supporting the sports sector with cost effective services. I hope you will join us in our journey in partnership to grow sport and physical activity. ©2016

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What we do Sports Business Making the business of sport more effective through solutions including; insight, governance, change bespoke management and strategic sports development.

Education and Training Working with sports organisations to provide an extensive coach and volunteer education programme through outsourced provision and development solutions.

Apprenticeships and Traineeships Working with employers to provide industry relevant apprenticeships and traineeships to develop and grow their workforce.

Employability Using sport as a means to positively change people’s lives through coaching and volunteering opportunities leading to increased employability.

Collective shared service Providing cost effective solutions through the collective provision of sport development ©2016

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Year in numbers...


Tutors that deliver our courses 28% open courses 72% in the last year closed

214 4640 11

We work in partnership with


to help administrate their Coach Education Programme

learners completed

our coaching courses



trained for the Skills Show

33 11





New Twitter followers

Sportivate portal managed with

149152 Young people registered ©2016

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Sport Business Highlights 1. Exercise Movement and Dance Partnership Governance 2. Gemau Cymru (Welsh Games) 3. Sportivate Impact Assessment and Insight 4. England Korfball Support 5. Football Association Schools Review 6. Primary School Sport Premium Review 7. FIBA Instructors Development ©2016

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Exercise Movement and Dance Partnership Governance change We have worked in partnership with RSM to facilitate the Exercise Movement and Dance Partnership through the High Performing NGB Model. This has enabled EMDP, through a diagnostic approach, to drive forward to high performing. The support has taken place between December 2015 and June 2016 and focused mainly on the direction of EMDP. The process began with a Board away day based on the needs identified by the Chair and CEO to review and redefine the organisation’s market, vision and mission. A key outcome of the day being to bond the working relationship of the Board and to ensure the Board were able to think strategically together as a team. This involved Senior Management Team and enabled the Board and staff to work together. By the end of the day there was real clarity on how EMDP can benefit a wider market to include group exercise which in turn lead to a new and agreed vision. All involved were briefed on the HPNGB model and its process, which led onto Board and staff members feeding into the diagnostic system. The diagnostic enabled a root cause analysis and a focus on the high and low performing areas. In consultation with the Chair and CEO, we designed and delivered a workshop based on their needs around organisational alignment and board composition. Through our flexible approach, we supported EMDP to agree their mission and to align behind this mission going forward. An alignment working group was formed and this group have driven forward the high level action plan into deliverables. There have been many positive outcomes for EMDP on the back of this model and our facilitative approach. The organisation has a new vision and mission, a wider reach in the market place and are aligning behind this new focus.

Gemau Cymru (Welsh Games) We were contracted by the Welsh Government’s Sports Division to conduct an independent evaluation of Gemau Cymru. The review was conducted over a two‐month period; October to November 2015. We undertook a mixed method approach including desk research and online surveys of participants and the event workforce. We also carried out over 20 interviews with the key stakeholders including Welsh Government, Sport Wales, Commonwealth Games Wales, national governing bodies of sport (NGBs) and the Urdd (the event management company). We sought to establish;


The positioning of the event within NGB Competition Frameworks and Performance Pathways.


Successes of the event impacting on the sporting pathway or individuals and any obstacles.


The broader impact of the multi‐sport experience and athlete village to athlete development.


What do stakeholders wish to gain from the event? We consulted further through two workshops with the event steering group and NGBs. Finally, we constructed recommendations based on;

  

The sporting pathway The funding and delivery Added benefits

"The process was excellent in challenging our Board to critically think about where we want to be in the next five years and whether we truly understand how best to utilise our strengths and work on our biggest challenges to get there.” Ross Perriam, CEO EMDP ©2016

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Sport Business Sportivate Impact Assessment and Insight We have been contracted by Sport England to continue with the impact assessment of the Sportivate programme for 2015‐2017. We added a number of innovations including the use of an App to register participates and a newly constructed portal dashboard to show CSPs progress against key targets of inactively. Furthermore, we added further tracking of participants’ behaviour. We have used cutting edge qualitative and quantitative evaluation methods to create a number of case studies within the previous year. These have included case studies on how CSPs have responded to the new performance measures, best practice in reaching inactive young people, a video case study showing best practice for engaging and sustaining female participants within Sportivate projects, and the start of a series of case studies investigating the impact of Youth Personalities on Sportivate delivery. We have enabled informed decision making through qualitative and quantitative data. We have streamlined our reporting and increased its regularity as well as providing a live online dashboard. This has included a new look infographic and shorter 6 month and annual report. We provide quarterly reports with interactive data and new NGB interactive annual reports. ©2016

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Sportivate Dashboard We have worked closely with Sport England and Nemisys to develop new charts that illustrate the cumulative sustainability of the Sportivate programme across year 5 and year 6 f the programme. This gives CSPs instant access to their progress against targets.

The above charts are for illustrative use only and do not reflect the data of any CSPs.’ ©2016

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Sport Business England Korfball Coach, Club Membership & Support We have worked in partnership with England Korfball over the last six years to deliver key functions;

    

Developing and administering their annual coach education programme Providing an ‘office’ function to support England Korfball membership and Board administration Managing and delivering the club development programme through the brand name ‘England Korfball Inspired’ Providing business development support, working closely with the England Korfball Chair. Developing qualifications, courses and resources to support education and participation programmes.

The highlight of our work with England Korfball over the last year has been the establishment of England Korfball Inspired (EKI). EKI is a sport specific NGB led club accreditation programme that enables clubs to grow their own way. The programme offers 5 different accreditation types; recognising that all clubs are different from social style clubs to clubs that have multiple team and coaches and performance players. The scheme is also licensed with Sport England’s Club Mark for two of the club types. Club demand for EKI has been high with 27 clubs (37% of all affiliated clubs) registering their interest since September. So far, 3 clubs have already achieved accreditation and a further 15 are actively working their way through the framework.

Over the past 12 months, we have been responsible for the monitoring and achievement of specific targets relating to office functionality, clubs working towards sport specific accreditation and coach development as well as monitoring active players, clubs and teams.

Primary School Sport Premium Review We were contracted by the Black Country Consortium (BCC) to undertake a review of the Primary Schools Sports Premium (PSSP) in the partnership area, covering Wolverhampton, Sandwell, Dudley and Walsall. To do this, we consulted with a broad range of people and organisations including; Head Teachers, Primary School PE Leads, Coach Providers and coaches working in the schools. The outputs from the project included a database of coach providers, along with clear recommendations regarding communication with schools. We developed a coach register and Training Needs Analysis for coaches working in the Black Country. ©2016

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Football Association Schools Review We were contracted by the FA to undertake a review of secondary school’s football in England. To do this we have consulted with a broad range of people and organisations including the FA, the English Schools Football Association, Independent Schools Football Association, the Premier League, Football League, County Football Associations, County Schools Football Associations, private coaching providers and County Sport Partnerships.

in different areas of provision. This has led to an uncoordinated approach to out of school competition in particular. We have found that the interest in football is not wavering for both girls or boys but opportunities for girls are still more limited than boys. We also found further opportunities could be provided for disabled young people, both in and out of school. Our recommendations seek to provide football in schools with a way forward to recognise tradition and provide an exciting offer to those in secondary schools. Our recommendations will give greater opportunities for boys and girls, and disabled young people in secondary schools to gain access to the right format and opportunities to satisfy their footballing needs.

We used a range of methods including:


A desk based review of the substantial research and insight undertaken by the FA


Coordinated focus groups with key bodies such as the ESFA and ISFA.


Discussions with the Premier League and Football Leagues and other key partners in delivery.


An online survey with all County Football Associations and undertook follow up telephone calls with an agreed sample of rural and urban associations.

We concluded that football in schools is still vibrant but in many different forms. We found that the current structures and competition does not always meet the demands of young people. In the last twenty years, the provision of competition and opportunities for young people has changed significantly and the education sector as a whole is also changing rapidly, with direct funding to secondary schools now the norm rather than the exception.

FIBA Instructors Development We were contracted by The International Basketball Federation (FIBA) to develop a world‐wide development and qualification programme for their National, Regional and World referee instructors. We developed a variety of resources including online learning, home study and hard copy materials as well as developing an intensive weekend of workshops. In addition we delivered training for four European Federations, France, Italy, Germany and Turkey to first level referee instructors. The Erasmus Plus programme was delivered in Rome which built on previous tutored sessions for national referee instructors from FIBA's 52 European member national federations.

We found an extensive workforce working in and around schools and disparities in the levels of support ©2016

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Education Highlights 1. Archery Instructor Courses & Renewal Process 2. Qualification Development with England Korfball 3. Partnership with the University of Worcester 4. Workshop Provision 5. Social Media Workshop Delivery 6. Customer Service Analytics ©2016

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Key Statistics


28% open courses 72% in the last year closed learners


our coaching courses Tutors that deliver our courses 94% courses in England 3% courses in Scotland 3% courses in Wales

214 11

We work in partnership with


Figure shows the number of courses that have taken place in each region/country

to help administrate their Coach Education Programme


Qualifications on offer for Coaches Apprentices Volunteers Assessors Tutors Verifiers ©2016

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Education Archery Instructor Courses and Renewal Process

Partnership with the University of Worcester

We currently have a partnership with Archery GB to manage the delivery of their Archery Instructor Award throughout the UK. Instructor courses have proved very popular over the last year, with over 200 courses being run between April 2015 and March 2016, compared to 146 delivered in 2014/15;

Over the last 3 years, we have developed a close relationship with the University of Worcester (UoW).


Number of courses: 206


Number of candidates: 2223


Pass rate: 96%

In addition, we oversee the administration for the renewal process of Archery instructors. As part of the process instructors must complete an online test which is completed on our online site Coaching with Balls ( Instructors take this test by logging into the site and completing 25 multiple choice questions which is then automatically marked by the system and calculated at the end of the test. This year alone over 2000 instructors have successfully renewed online.

Qualification Development with England Korfball Over the last 12 months, Sport Structures have worked closely with members of the English, Welsh and Scottish Korfball Associations, to develop the new 1st4Sport Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Korfball. This is the first ever ‘qualification’ offered by Korfball and will support the development of club coaches within the sport. We have developed the learning programme, qualification requirements and associated resources. Additionally, we have supported the workforce to work towards nationally recognised qualifications.

In 2015/16, we;


Supported 56 students through the 1st4Sport Level 2 Award in Multi‐Skills Development in Sport to enhance their future deployment opportunities. Feedback from the course was positive – 82% rated the course as ‘excellent’ and the remaining 18% rated the course as ‘good’.


Supported UoW staff with workforce development training. 11 staff have either completed the 1st4Sport Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement and / or the 1st4Sport Level 4 Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice. This benefits the University in terms staff development but it also benefits the students as they can attend accredited courses during their lecture time by people they are familiar with.

“We have worked closely with Sport Structures over the last 3 years to develop multi skills coach education opportunities for our students and tutor/assessor development opportunities for our staff. We have always found Sport Structures staff extremely supportive and highly professional. They offer an excellent service and we will continue to work with them moving forward as we enhance and further opportunities for our students here at the University” Feedback from L2 Multi‐Skills Development in Sport Course

“Sport Structures have supported us to develop our coaching system to meet our workforce needs as well as our aspirations for growing our sport. Their approach has been flexible and solution focused” Craig Gosling (Chairman, England Korfball) ©2016

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Workshop Provision

Social Media Workshop Delivery

Over the last three years we have been working in partnership with Sport Birmingham to deliver an annual programme of minimum of standards workshops throughout the city. From April 2015 to March 2016, we delivered 16 workshops, including First Aid, Safeguarding and Protecting Children and Marketing.

Over the past year, we have delivered a number of social media workshops to support NGBs, clubs, national sports organisations and local businesses.

“We have engaged with Sport Structures to deliver a programme of minimum standards workshops that meet the needs of coaches in Birmingham. The service that learners receive is excellent and Sport Structures continually look at improving the service and support for us as an organisation”

“the trainer was friendly, approachable and knowledgeable”.

Adam Warden, Sport Birmingham Coach and Volunteer Manager

These workshops have focused on developing social media strategy and basic principles for engaging with audiences. Feedback has been positive; “the training provided gave me the skills and confidence to use them”

60% of delegates were ‘extremely likely’ to recommend the workshop to a friend.

Customer Service Since October, we have been measuring our customer service in order to provide a better customer experience; Indicator



Performance vs Target





Average first reply time

4 hours

5 hours

+1 hour

% reply within 24 hours




% of tickets resolved within 3 days




Below are a few examples of feedback received from customers, course organisers and clients;


"A professional service offered by supportive and engaging personnel. You and your team are quick to respond to questions and queries and I feel assured as a course organiser when working with you."


“The information was both current and detailed. I am very satisfied with the response and the speed of the reply.”


“Really helpful and got straight to the point of what of needed to know”


“Really good value for a fab course”

Action for 2016: increase customer satisfaction and response time ©2016

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Employability Highlights 1. Apprenticeships 2. Traineeships 3. Quality Assurance 4. The Skills Show 2015 ©2016

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Key statistics Volunteers


trained for the Skills Show

33 11

employers trainees ©2016

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Employability Apprenticeships We have seen significant increase in our apprenticeship provision this year, with a 215% increase to 132 young people in learning. To do this we have worked with 33 employers at an increase of 135% on last year. These employers included private coaching providers, schools, Professional Football clubs and other small businesses. Building on our solid foundation from previous years we have ensured our standards of tutoring and assessing remained high and that both our apprentices and their employers were supported throughout the apprenticeship journey. We primarily provide PE & School Sport apprenticeships although a number of our employers are now seeing the benefit of employing a Business and Administration apprentice. Similarly, this year we have also seen a rise in the number of Sport Development apprentices who have played a vital role in supporting their employer’s business to grow and develop.

Traineeships We are using this fantastic opportunity for young people who have little or no work experience and are more practically minded and act as a pre‐apprenticeship programme. The programmes provide learners with a chance to develop their maths and English skills whilst also offering valuable volunteering placements within a sports. Our main target has been to work with our high performing apprentice employers to provide traineeship opportunities. This year supported 13 trainees during the year. All had successful employment or training outcomes.

Our apprenticeship and traineeship provision was the subject of an SFA audit through our prime contractor ‘The IOS’ in May 2015. The result came back with a 0% error score showing the high standards we try to maintain throughout our apprenticeship and traineeship provision.

Employer Case Study ‐ Soccer Coaching 2000 “Following guidance from AfPE, the need to find a training provider became important to the Soccer Coaching 2000 staff development. We asked Wolverhampton Council Sport Development staff if they could recommend any providers and they said Sport Structures. Following a phone call and meeting we felt Sport Structures would be able to offer a reliable, professional and high quality service”

“Tutors are flexible,

supportive and knowledgeable. The course gives apprentices the tools to be able to work in a primary school setting”

“Sport Structures made

regular contact with us to ensure that apprentices were happy with the standard of training being provided”

“We believe that “The demand for Soccer Coaching 2000 coaches has apprentices are the increased and by future of our business employing apprentices we and bring fresh ideas and have been able to provide enthusiasm that is increased availability and valued by all” satisfy demand” ©2016

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Quality Assurance Our apprenticeship and traineeship provision was the subject of an SFA audit in May 2015. We were delighted with a 0% error score reported on our work which demonstrates the high standards we strive to maintain throughout our apprenticeship and traineeship provision. Our standards of provision were also recognised by the Skills Funding Agency as we meet the requirements to be on the Register of Training Organisations. To ensure we can formally recognise our quality service we have undertaken quality assurance accreditation. During the year we were awarded the Matrix standard which is the quality assurance mark for apprenticeship providers. We are building on this success through actions to improve our service further based on the assessor development actions. This demonstrates our commitment to develop and grow our employability services to not only increase our provision but also to provide a high quality customer service.

The Skills Show 2015 We were delighted to be contracted for the for the fourth year running to provide the Volunteer Development programme for the Skills Show. To deliver this programme we have worked closely with Job Centre Plus and the Department of Work and Pensions to identify and support unemployed learners through a structured education programme on Event Volunteering to enable them to gain valuable experience and volunteer at the NEC based Skills Show. This is a programme that reflects our core values in supporting economically inactive individuals to develop and become more confidence through an accredited training programme leading into the exciting opportunity of volunteering at The Skills Show. We have built a real expertise, knowledge and passion that ensures that the participants of the programme receive one‐to‐one support and guidance. In the end we provided 10% of the volunteer workforce at the event and also saw people who have been through our programme before volunteering for a second and third year without the help of our programme. Based on the learner exit interviews, 100% of volunteer learners felt that they had upskilled and believed that they were in a better position to volunteer and progress onto education, training or employment. ©2016

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547 Followers last year

47 % Increase in followers

96 Subscribers

Last year... 31 subscribers 10 New Videos 53,023 Views


1154 New

20 % Increase in followers



31 New likes last year

2% Increase in likes

72,116 website sessions

306,883 page views 48.73% first time visits 45,217 Search engine referrals ©2016

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Video Launch Last year we worked with Jack Brodie of JAKINB Media to plan, film and edit a video showcasing everything we do with footage, case studies interviews and photographs. Jack was great to work with and gave us a lot of guidance and flexibility to create the video. After a year of filming and editing the finished video. ’We Are Sport Structures’ was launched in January. Visit our YouTube channel to view it. ©2016

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Our Staff Simon Kirkland Managing Director Simon manages the company, its staff and also seeks new business. He directly leads many of the projects within the company. Simon has responsibility for governance and leadership and has in depth knowledge of strategic planning, workforce, equality and coach development. Simon ensures that all of those involved in the organisation are aware of its commitment to high quality services in a framework of striving for equality.

Amy Heppingstall Director

Katherine Robinson Director

Lisa West Director

Amy leads the Employability team who provide traineeships and apprenticeship programmes throughout England and award winning Employability programmes. As a Director Amy has the responsibility of identifying and researching new business and programme

Kath leads the education department, managing the education Service Level Agreements we have with clients. She is responsible for developing new continual professional development courses and business opportunities. Kath also leads on marketing and customers.

Lisa leads the Sport Business team. She works with a range of clients to understand their needs, produce detailed proposal documents and conduct and analyse research as required for the project. Lisa produces high quality final reports, addressing and challenging the outcomes identified.

Ross Szabo Business Manager‐ Employability

Alice Green Business Manager‐ Education

Rebecca Gibson Senior Sports Business Manager

Alice’s role at Sport Structures is the Business manager of the coach education department. Her primary roles include the management and monitoring of all sport education courses, whilst communicating with the delivery executives to ensure courses are running successfully.

Rebecca’s role is Senior Business Manager of the Sport Business team. Rebecca has worked on some interesting projects including the impact assessment of Sportivate, a review of Gemau Cymru, non‐participant consumer research for Triathlon England and many others. ©2016

Ross is the Employability Business Manager at Sport Structures. His role includes managing the employability department including overseeing the apprenticeship, traineeship and employability funded projects.

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Natasha Miles Marketing Executive

Linda Hunt Finance

Tash’s primary role is to assist with marketing tasks across all departments. She manages the Sport Structures social media accounts and is responsible for designing and producing promotional material such as posters/flyers & infographics. As well as this Tash leads and sends out all company newsletters.

Sports Project Executives Jessica Skinner

Colin Geenes

Jessica is part of the Colin uses qualitative Sport Business team and and quantitative data is responsible for analysis techniques implementing National to analyse, interpret Governing Body and and report on data County Sport Partnership provided to suit the projects as per our needs of the contractual agreements. organisation. Colin Jessica also supports uses SPSS and with delivery and Mapping Software to assessment of ensure reporting is apprenticeships. reliable and visual.

Jobeth Bastable

Jobeth provides high quality research analysis and is an expert in fieldwork focus groups and facilitation. She works with a range of clients to produce research methods that truly meet the needs of the sporting organisation.

Course Delivery Executives Sophie Darby Sam Corbett Louis Fazey

Sophie's primary role is to organise and implement coach education courses. Sophie is currently sport lead for archery, tchoukball, korfball, tenpin bowling and workshops.

Sam’s primary role is to administer the different aspects of the education courses such as facilities, tutors and resources. Sam is Sport lead for handball, rounders, multi‐skills and

Louis’ role is to organise and oversee the administrative side of the coaching courses. Louis is currently the sport lead for basketball, baseball/softball and bowls.

Linda is responsible for all the finances within the company. She deals with all invoices, purchase orders and online payments, making sure everything is up to date.

Leah Brown Sport Employability Executive

Leah is the Sport Employability Executive at Sport Structures. Her role includes assisting with the management of the apprenticeship and traineeship programmes. She is involved in the recruitment of apprenticeships and ensuring all apprenticeships and traineeships meet required qualification standards.

David Kirkland Administration Assistant

Dave’s role is to assist across all departments with administrative tasks such as data entry, post, printing and copying and also social media posting. ©2016

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Sports Structures ©2016

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