Sport Structures Annual Report 2016-2017

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Structures Annual Report 2016-2017

Annual Report

2016 2017 ©2017


Structures Annual Report 2016-2017

Contents 2 3 4 5 6 12 16 20 21 22

Contents Foreword Our Vision & Ambitions Year in Numbers Sport Business Education Employability Marketing Staff Achievements Our Team Š2017


Structures Annual Report 2016-2017

Foreword Simon Kirkland Managing Director

Welcome to our Annual Report reflecting the year from April 2016 to March 2017. We have had yet another progressive year where we have lived our vision of ‘Delivering unique, flexible and innovative solutions in sport’. We are now entering our fifteenth year of operation and we continue to break new ground in our work. This year has seen some fantastic highlights including being asked to continue our innovative Sportivate impact assessment with now over 900,000 people registered on the Sportivate portal. Our insight and understanding of sport development has guided Sport England to make some quick decisions where to invest resources. The real time dashboard has also proved a hit with CSP’s when monitoring the programme. Our experience in this area led to us being successful in carrying out an impact assessment of the Swim England and RNLI Swim Safe programme which saw us travelling the country to measure the impact and also put in place a monitoring programme for the future years. The Sport Business team is much more than just research and insight, we have helped a number of sports in successful submissions for funding helping them secure an increase in funding, whilst others are being cut. Furthermore, we are now being asked to do embedded work within sports organisations. We have made a difference to Korfball where we manage the coach education, club development and membership services, EMD UK with their research and insight and EFDS to cover for regional staff. I have also extended our international development working with FIBA, the International governing body for Basketball. I have designed and developed the teaching and learning programme for National Referee Instructors in each of the 223 National Federations. So far I have delivered in Europe and the Far East with further opportunities to come.

assessor courses. We have some strong partnerships with governing bodies such as Rounders, Korfball and Bowls as well as long standing relationships with Basketball and Archery. This programme is evolving and we are receiving far more requests for closed courses in educational establishments. A particular highlight was to see Katherine Robinson winning the Coach Developer of the Year award for her work with Sport Structures on developing the coach education programme, her volunteer work in developing Korfball’s qualifications and as a coach educator for England Hockey. Much deserved for her excellent work. Our apprenticeship programme has extended this year even further with some strong new clients such as the Norwich City Sports Foundation and now over 40 employers across England. Coaches working in Schools have been much criticised but we have found the 1st4sport, AfPE endorsed, Level 3 in Delivery of PE and School Sport gives them an excellent grounding in understanding schools and how they operate. We are now extending our provision with Sport Development, Business Administration and starting in the new year, Digital Marketing. In 2008 we won a number of awards for our Coaching Communities programme and due to changes in funding it has taken until this year to gain funding to revise it through an ESF grant. The programme supports unemployed people into employment through coaching and leadership. The programme is currently funding the over 25’s and although challenging it is a programme we are very proud of. Internally we made some changes this year adding Lisa West and Katherine Robinson to the board and now we have an exceptionally strong leadership team.

Our education team have been busy at extending our offer to be broader than our successful coach education programme, to include volunteer and in particular tutor and ©2017


Structures Annual Report 2016-2017

Our Vision & Ambitions Vision Delivering unique, flexible and innovative solutions in sport

Sport Business Providing bespoke solutions that drive change and positively impact sports development Education and Training Be the leading provider of education and training development services in sport Apprenticeships and Traineeships Be the provider of choice for apprenticeship services in sport Employability Use sport as a tool to improve people’s self confidence and employability Š2017


Structures Annual Report 2016-2017

Year in numbers...


24% open courses 76% in the last year closed

Tutors that deliver our courses

181 NGB’s 4,667 11 learners completed

our coaching courses

55,738 Website sessions

We work in partnership with to help administrate their coach education programme





New Twitter followers


Sportivate portal managed with

915,499 young people registered Š2017


Structures Annual Report 2016-2017

Sport Business

Highlights 1. Evaluations: Sportivate, Swimsafe 2. Embedded Staff: EFDS, EMDP 3. Supporting National Governing Bodies: Korfball, Taekwondo, Shooting 4. International Work: FIBA

5. Non-consumer Research: Shooting, Triathlon, Para TKD ©2017


Structures Annual Report 2016-2017

Evaluations Sportivate National Impact Study For the sixth year we have carried out a full impact assessment of the Sport England Sportivate programme. We manage an online portal and database with over 900,000 participants, providing 6 and 12 month reporting. We track participants on a 3/6/9/12 month basis to identify change in behaviour and consolidated findings with qualitative case studies provides us with a rich source of data. This year considerable work has been put into improving reporting and the ability of CSPs to see not only real time data but visually see where they are against the new inactivity targets.

achieved against the target of getting more people active. Our core services have been: • • • • • • •

Portal analysis; Online survey analysis; Cross Tabulations Raw data Reporting with interpretation Year on year comparisons Case studies

We enter the final year with a real opportunity through the long term tracking to demonstrate some real behaviour change and demonstrate the huge benefit of the programme.

When decisions were made about additional funding, Sport England and CSPs could see clearly how well they had

Swim Safe Programme Evaluation You might have thought Sport Structures had taken to the seaside given the range of tweeted pictures and videos but no it's all in the line of duty!

tools and approaches to improve feedback on the outcomes of the programme in future years. Our evaluation was well received and shaped the future in measuring behaviour change.

We were contracted by the RNLI and ASA to evaluate the summer Swim Safe programme. Swim Safe is a nationwide programme aimed at informing children aged seven to fourteen of the key skills should they fall into open water either in the sea or in inland waterways, lakes or quarries. The programme is in its third year and we not only evaluated this years programme but proposed evaluation ©2017


Structures Annual Report 2016-2017

Embedded Staff English Federation of Disability Sport

Exercise, Movement & Dance Partnership

Last year The English Federation of Disability Sport commissioned the temporary services of Sport Project Executive, Jessica Skinner. The role was to cover the West Midlands and South West as the Regional Engagement Advisor from May until October 2016, 3 days a week. The role involved working with the County Sport Partnerships in the West Midlands and the South West, as well as other partners, to encourage and promote inclusive practice and positive engagement to ensure disabled people are active for life. The role required Jessica to advise, using EFDS insight, disability leads within CSPs on how they can support disabled people to get active and to promote to partners training to enhance their awareness of inclusive activity and communications. One of the key things Jess was promoting is the need to engage impairment groups who may not consider themselves disabled and the over 50s to ensure opportunities are available, something moving forward will be a key part of the sporting landscape.

In September 2016, Sport Project Executive, Colin Geenes started at Exercise, Movement and Dance Partnership to deliver their insight services until January 2017. During this placement he led the implementation of their participant and retention surveys in which participation and retention in group exercise will be monitored and used to inform partnership organisations of current participation and trends. Furthermore, we developed the evaluation model for the EMDP London GP Referral inactivity programmes, in which inactive people will be referred to group exercise by GPs as a method of recovery from a variety of different conditions including mental health conditions. The insight work was due to end in December, however we were asked to continue until March 2017! We continued developing a retention survey to resurvey participants on a 6-month basis to gain a longitudinal understanding of participants changing behaviour.

International Work International Basketball Federation (FIBA) We were contracted to develop a programme of education and training for National Referee instructors (FRIP) to be relevant to all nations across the FIBA international zones. Following a scoping meeting we agreed to develop a series of resources for the programme based on the Level 4 Education and Training. These resources included; •

An online learning guide to support the Home study pack to be held on the FIBA online learning portal A two day face-to-face delivery of teaching and learning to build on the home study pack and online learning.

Online learning assessment to test knowledge, understanding and application from the intense face-to-face session

The first course delivered to over 60 European instructors was a great success and the modified programme is being rolled out across each continental regional zone The evaluation of the initial FRIP level 1 programme has led to a Level 2 for International regional instructor and a Level 3 for Global instructor. ©2017


Structures Annual Report 2016-2017

Non-Consumer Research British Shooting We supported British Shooting in finding out about their nonparticipants.

These focus groups were targeted across different ages and gender as well as those from non-shooting backgrounds.

To find out about people’s perceptions we provided a series of facilitated workshops with people who don’t take part in Shooting to find out what their perceptions of the sport are. We worked with British Shooting to understand their current membership core market and as such identify who doesn't take part in Shooting. From this point we designed the semi-structured interview frameworks as a basis of the focus groups.

The focus groups drew out external perceptions of the sport and how the sport could engage with communities who presently don’t engage with the sport. From the research we fed the outcomes into British Shootings plan which enabled British Shooting to extend its offer with its Sport England submission.

Triathlon England We were commissioned to provide an insight into the perceptions, motivations, barriers and needs of current nonparticipants and in particular individuals from underrepresented groups. The aim being to enable Triathlon England to achieve their aspiration of growing the sport and respond with confidence about their contribution to the Sport England and DCMS priorities. 1. We conducted desk based research to gain a better understanding of the sport, who is currently not participating and who may be the potential target audiences. This involved reviewing Triathlon England and interpreting external reports and documentation.

2. We created and managed an online survey to discover the awareness, attitudes and perceptions of triathlon amongst new potential consumers. 3. We conducted six focus groups of non-participants from a variety of demographic and geographic backgrounds. Triathlon England were presented with a report, SWOT analysis, supply and demand analysis, and a summary document that outlined triathlon England key targets groups based on the research. Triathlon England are currently reviewing the recommendations and using the insight to inform their development going forward in line with the DCMS strategy and Sport England’s NGB funding guidelines.

Para TKD Sport Structures were commissioned by British Taekwondo back in November 2016 to provide insight into the current Para-Taekwondo landscape. Investigations were required into why disabled people do not participate, the barriers and perceptions of the sport along with establishing the needs, motivators and enablers. There was also a requirement to explore the key partners and stakeholders in disability sport to understand the most effective route to market. The aim of gaining the above insight was to create an action plan for Para-Taekwondo in order to encourage growth in Taekwondo participation amongst disabled

people. This action plan was created based on information gathered through focus groups (with current participants, non-participants, and instructors), disability sport stakeholder interviews, an online survey of instructors and desk based research. Each of the methods provided a variety of views and opinions that helped to shape the key objectives needing to be met by the action plan. The findings clearly highlighted the need for increased awareness of Para-Taekwondo both internally and externally, as well as coach education for those instructors who currently have disabled athletes and those wanting to open their doors to all. This was reflected in the action plan that was created for the next 4 years and will shape the progression of ParaTaekwondo moving forward. ©2017


Structures Annual Report 2016-2017

Supporting National Governing Bodies It has been a fun and successful year supporting our NGB clients. We have been flexible in our approach and created bespoke solutions to respond to the differing needs of each sporting body. The work has ranged from governance to insight. We were delighted to support two of our NGB clients in successful submissions to Sport England for Core Market investment.

British Shooting

We supported British Shooting in their submission to Sport England for funding. They achieved a 4% increase in funding in comparison to the Whole Sport Plan 2013-17 cycle. We started the journey of support with them back in June to understand the contribution that shooting and their organisation can make to the DCMS outcomes and Sport England strategy. Facilitated support and insight enabled British Shooting to have the clarity in and justification for their strategic decisions and therefore investment. We supported the scoping meeting phase and the writing of the submission. Subsequently, we have continued our support with British Shooting with advice and guidance around commercial planning.

Taekwondo Organisation Ltd.

We were commissioned by Taekwondo Organisation Ltd to write the submission to Sport England for core market investment. This involved desk based research, project specific consumer insight, facilitated discussions and understanding the needs of the constituent Taekwondo organisations. After putting the puzzle pieces together, we enabled a clear direction on how TOL, British Taekwondo Council and British Taekwondo could successfully engage and retain their core market through effective resourcing of Sport England investment. We provided additional information to Sport England ahead of receiving an indicative range letter and subsequently we wrote the submission on TOL’s behalf.

“Sport Structures provided us with great support developing and preparing our funding submission to Sport England. They helped us to understand our strengths, challenged our thinking and even conducted insight work on our behalf to ensure that thinking was robust. We ended up with a positive outcome for our sport and organisation and look forward to working with them in the future” Liz Davidson, British Shooting ©2017


Structures Annual Report 2016-2017

England Boxing

England Korfball

Last summer, we worked with England Boxing to support them to tell the successful story of their Satellite Club programme funded by Sport England.

We have continued to support England Korfball as their outsourced provider for operations, development and coach education.

Our independence enabled effective and objective assessment about the programme and to draw out the programme’s critical success factors. Our experts in field research utilised club visits and semi -structured interviews to understand the programme through the eyes of the club coaches and participants. The case study enabled England Boxing to demonstrate the impact and need of the boxing satellite club programme and share best practice throughout the boxing community.

In the last year, this has involved supporting 25 clubs on their path toward accreditation via the England Korfball Inspired (EKI) programme. We are delighted to have enabled 8 clubs to have achieved accreditation. We have also created the new Korfball Activator course, and delivered coach education courses for 87 level 2 coaches and 26 level 1 coaches. Coach education has been enriched with the annual workforce day and CPD workshop. Furthermore, we have supported governance developments for the governing body which has included the recruitment of a new chair, restructure of the international committee and the updating, action and promotion of policies and procedures.

“Quick meeting explained the brief that Sport Structures picked up and ran with very quickly. Costs and processes agreed within a week. Some of the research was difficult to pin down. However diligent perseverance by Sport Structures staff ensured that the agreed report was delivered on time” Ron Tulley, England Boxing. ©2017


Structures Annual Report 2016-2017


Highlights 1. Scottish Rugby Social Media Workshops 2. British Gymnastics Tutor Training 3. Rounders England Education Research 4. Bowls Development Alliance Coach Education ©2017


Structures Annual Report 2016-2017

Key Stats...



24% open courses 76% closed learners in the last year


our coaching courses Tutors that deliver our courses

181 11

We work in partnership with


Figure shows the number of courses that have taken place in each region/country


Qualifications on offer for Coaches Apprentices Volunteers Assessors Tutors Verifiers

to help administrate their Coach Education Programme

When asked,

100% of course organisers said they would recommend us! Š2017


Structures Annual Report 2016-2017

Case Studies Scottish Rugby Social Media Workshops After delivery of our Social Media Strategy workshop for Sport Scotland, we were approached by Scottish Rugby to deliver and develop social media training for their rugby clubs. We met with Scottish Rugby to understand the rationale for the training and the current levels of social media engagement through the club network. To ensure we developed the relevant content, we undertook consultation with clubs to determine current strengths, weaknesses and areas of interest in using social media at club level. We analysed the results and developed the content for the training. We delivered four Social Media for Your Club workshops based at rugby clubs in Perthshire, Edinburgh, Melrose and Scotstoun. Club representatives had the opportunity to share best practice and explore ideas for future engagement. Feedback from the workshops was very positive and all clubs left with actions to further enhance their social media. “We used Sport Structures to deliver a series of Social Media workshops for our clubs. The workshops were a huge success with both the content and the learning outcomes perfect for the attendees. Kath did a brilliant job in presenting and in adapting the workshop depending on the audience. She also put a lot of effort into the content and used relevant examples from Scottish Rugby and developed the content from workshop to workshop to make it as relevant as possible. The clubs found the workshop extremely helpful and it has led to a much greater digital presence across most our clubs, some of the variety and quality of content I am now seeing is excellent and mainly in part to the work done by Sport Structures” Scottish Rugby

Rounders England Education Research

Through our partnership with Rounders England, we recognised that there has been a change in the market over a 12 month period in relation to the number of closed courses booked. We were keen to understand the reasons for this and therefore undertook market research with course organisers who had previously booked in a course, to identify how the suite of coaching and leadership courses could become more accessible. We developed two online surveys; one for course organisers that had recently booked in a course and another for those that had not re-booked a course in the last year. An incentive was offered to encourage organisations to provide feedback. The findings have enabled Rounders England to understand;

the reasons why organisations run a course

the barriers associated with organising a course

the factors that influence accessibility of education

Respondents were also given the opportunity to provide qualitative feedback which provided rich information. Rounders England are now using this valuable insight to shape their coaching and leadership offer moving forward. Please rate the following 6 5 4

3 2 1 0 Booking Process

Tutor Excellent

Format/Duration Good


Resources Poor

Value of course

Very Poor ©2017


Structures Annual Report 2016-2017

British Gymnastics Tutor Training We were contracted by British Gymnastics to train a cohort of new tutors and assessors for their coach education workforce.

were modified in line with tutoring and assessing requirements for coaching courses delivered through the governing body.

British Gymnastics were conscious of needing new tutors and assessors from a broader range of disciplines as well as being more geographically spread. We delivered the 1st4Sport Level 3 Award in Delivering Learning as well as the Level 3 Award in Assessing Vocationally Related Achievement in a range of locations across the country. The learning programmes

Bowls Development Alliance Coach Education As part of our outsourced education service, we support the Bowls Development Alliance with the delivery of their coach education programme.

two remaining regions and identify ways we can target a young demographic.

Over the last year, we have been responsible for the coordination of 1st4Sport Level 1 Award and the Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Bowls courses. Our responsibilities include; organising courses nationally, learner & workforce administration, qualification & resource administration and quality assurance. In 2016/17, we delivered a total of 26 level 1 courses and 5 level 2 courses, a 32% increase from 2015/16. Overall, 311 people attended a level 1 or 2 course within 7 out of the 9 regions of England, as identified in the map on the right. In terms of demographics, 69% of learners were male and 31% were female. 89% of learners were over the age of 50. There has been significant growth in the past 12 months which has been very pleasing. Our focus for 2017/18 is to explore further development opportunities in the Š2017


Structures Annual Report 2016-2017


Highlights 1. Continuous Apprenticeship Growth 2. Jack’s Journey 3. Norwich City Community Sport Foundation 4. BBO Bridges Coaching Communities Programme ©2017


Structures Annual Report 2016-2017

Key statistics


Where are our apprentices..?




Age Group of Apprentices Adult


16-18 years

7 7




41 42

2 5 20



How many apprentices on our frameworks?

76 61 4 4

Supporting Teaching & Learning in PE and School Sport Activity Leadership Business and Administration Sports Development

No of Apprentices

East Midlands




Greater Manchester




North East


North West


South East


South West


South Yorkshire


West Midlands

42 Š2017


Structures Annual Report 2016-2017

We are pleased to announce that we have continued to grow our apprenticeship provision over the past year and had a total of 144 apprentices in learning from April 2016 – March 2017. These apprentices supported a variety of organisations including sports clubs, private coaching providers, schools and other businesses predominantly working in the sports environment. The renewal of the matrix standard once again showed the high standards we strive for in our provision and acceptance at the first attempt onto the new Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (RoATP) has given us the opportunity to build our services moving forward. We’re looking forward to the year ahead and continuing to support businesses in their training and development.

Jack’s Journey Jack Mee started on his 12 month apprenticeship with First Grade Sports in February 2014. The framework Jack was on was the Intermediate Level Apprenticeship in Activity Leadership: PE & School Sport pathway Last summer we visited First Grade to sign up up a new apprentice, Matthew, and we were really pleased to see that Jack was still working for First Grade Sports and he was mentoring Matthew on his apprenticeship! Jack told us he now had a permanent position with First grade and he is now looking after his own group of schools where he runs sessions and holiday camps. Jack is a fantastic example of how successful our apprentices can be and Jack is an inspiration to future apprentices. We interviewed Jack at the start of his apprenticeship in 2014 and then again last year when we went back., you can really see the difference in Jack’s confidence and professionalism and how he has developed. Watch the video below, just click to open...

Norwich City Community Sports Foundation Partnership We were pleased this year to announce a partnership with Norwich City Community Sports Foundation which includes the training and development of staff, with the first stage including the upskilling of 27 of the community education workforce. The foundation enrolled 27 staff onto the Advanced Level Apprenticeship in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Physical Education and School Sport which will help them with the knowledge and understanding of the national curriculum and physical education for them to work successfully in their local schools. Each apprentice is assigned a designated tutor who provides support and guidance throughout their apprenticeship journey with Sport Structures. We are also providing 5 of the senior staff in the management team with training through the City & Guilds Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training which will enable them to become more effective trainers to their staff and also allow them the opportunity to deliver qualifications in the future. ©2017


Structures Annual Report 2016-2017

BBO Bridges Coaching Communities Programme In September 2016 Sport Structures began the delivery of their National Award-Winning Coaching Communities Programme in all four areas of the Black Country; Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton. This programme gives participants the opportunity to become more employable, by gaining valuable, transferable skills to take towards numerous career paths. The programme does this by offering participants the opportunity to gain qualifications in; Safeguarding and Protecting Children, First Aid and Level 1 Principles of Coaching. We also support each participant in a ‘Get Job Ready’ and ‘Get Hired’ Workshop, to improve their Covering Letters, CV’s and Interview Techniques. We can also help participants find voluntary sport coaching work if required. All aspects of our programme contribute to developing each participants’ work readiness, from gaining skills in confidence and communication to team work and leadership.

“The sessions were informative and relevant, I received help with information regarding coaching and support in the understanding of the programme” (Chris Dixon, Sandwell Participant, 2017)

Our apprentice employers... ©2017


Structures Annual Report 2016-2017








new followers

new followers

12% increase in

10% increase in





27 new videos


Website 55,000 website sessions 149,008 page views 70.9% new visitors Traffic Organic Search (34,974) Direct (10,538) Referral (7627) Social (2598) Š2017


Structures Annual Report 2016-2017

Staff Achievements Kath wins Coach Developer of the Year at UK Coaching Awards We are so proud of our Director Kath Robinson for winning coach developer of the year at the UK Coaching Awards 2016. Kath is dedicated to the development of coaching in her numerous roles as club coach, coach manager, education manager and coach education developer. Over the last 12 months, Kath has developed the 1st4Sport Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Korfball, supported the development of the Korfball Activator award along with the 1st4Sport Level 1 Award for Activators (Multi-Skills) and delivered a variety of coach and volunteer courses. Kath also supports several National Governing Bodies with development of their coaching systems.

Staff Members Complete Tutoring Qualification Our staff are encouraged and supported in their development and we enrol all members of staff onto a Level 3 Award in Delivering Learning as a minimum standard for our team.

The qualification qualifies staff as tutors so that they can tutor on relevant workshops and courses that we deliver. Last year we had 6 members of staff complete the qualification: Samantha Corbett, Alice Green, Leah Brown, Leah Evans, Jobeth Hamilton and Sophie Darby

Birmingham Business Games Victory 2016 We were really chuffed and slightly shocked to be crowned CHAMPIONS of the Birmingham Business Games on 13th July 2016 at Alexander Stadium. 20 teams took part in the event and tried activities in Softball, Athletics, Volleyball, Tri-Golf and Bowls. Our best event was Bowls where we finished 1st, followed by Volleyball and Softball. We have re-entered to 2017 and we are looking forward to retaining our title! Š2017


Structures Annual Report 2016-2017

Our Team Directors Simon Kirkland Managing Director

Simon manages the company, its staff and also seeks new business. He directly leads many of the projects within the company. Simon has responsibility for governance and leadership and has in depth knowledge of strategic planning, workforce, equality and coach development.

Katherine Robinson Director

Lisa West Director

Kath is responsible for leading the education department, managing the education Service Level Agreements we have with clients as well as developing new continual professional development courses and business opportunities and also leading on marketing and customers.

Lisa leads the Sport Business team. She works with a range of clients to understand their needs, produce detailed proposal documents and conduct and analyse research as required for the project. Lisa produces high quality final reports, addressing and challenging the outcomes identified.

Ross Szabo Business ManagerEmployability

Alice Green Business ManagerEducation

Rebecca Gibson Senior Sports Business Manager

Ross is the Employability Business Manager at Sport Structures. His role includes managing the employability department including overseeing the apprenticeship, traineeship and employability funded projects.

Alice’s role at Sport Structures is the Business manager of the coach education department. Her primary roles include the management and monitoring of all sport education courses, whilst communicating with the delivery executives to ensure courses are running successfully.

Rebecca’s role is Senior Business Manager of the Sport Business team. Rebecca has worked on some interesting projects including the impact assessment of Sportivate, a review of Gemau Cymru, non-participant consumer research for Triathlon England and many others.

Business Managers Š2017


Structures Annual Report 2016-2017

Other Staff

Leah Brown

Nadia Bacciochi Dan Jones Sport Employability Executives

Leah Evans

Jessica Skinner

Colin Geenes Sports Project Executives

Jobeth Bastable

Sam Corbett Course Delivery Executive

Natasha Miles Marketing Executive

Linda Hunt Finance Executive

Mel Cuthbert Tutor/Assessor

David Kirkland Admin Assistant

Gillian Prince Tutor/Assessor Š2017


Structures Annual Report 2016-2017

Suite 8 The Cloisters,

12 George Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 1NP Š2017

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