Ping-Chun, Shih 23212059

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Ping Chun Shih

在行走經驗裡,反覆出現的大尺度設備,夾雜在巷弄間。 巷弄裡,過於單一水平延伸的物件,在視覺上顯著標註著 遠方的街景,在主觀感受上,好似帶了強烈引導性,這對 於常態認為產生迴避性的巷弄或建築產生反思。

帶著巨大設備的街巷是城市的後場,是一連續的背面,引 導著街巷、功能於建築,是也彰顯著一些正面、背面下的 正面。


Shih Ping Chun

Birth: Location:


As a nature enthusiast, I relish the ambiance in the mountains and rivers. To contribute to environmental protection, I volunteer with the Fazi River Guard Team, which is part of an environmental organization called the Society of Wildness.

During this unforgettable experience, I had the opportunity to interact with many participants in river cleanup efforts. We shared eco-friendly tips for daily behaviors, discussed government policies for improving the river, and shared some historical stories about the area.

Currently, I view architecture as a means to address the complex relationship between humans and nature. With the use of generative design and robotic manufacturing automation, aspire for a harmonious collaboration between human-made structures and the natural environment, ultimately resulting in a post-nature state, where both coexist in balance.


Society of Wildness

Fazi river is the first river attempted Ecological engineering methods in Taichung Taiwan. And, there is an influential party called 'Fazi river Guard Team' which focuses on holding river clean up activity in Fazi river upstream, assisting participators with separating trashes and sharing environmental knowledges.

Oct.2020 - Now

Volunteer in Fazi river Guard Team belonging to an environmental organization, The Society of Wilderness.

used my painting skills to establish an plant sketching class which attracts more river conservation volunteers through free courses; through this promotion class, my colleagues and found that it is a efficient way to gel new participators to our party.

Dec.2021 - Now

Teaching plants sketching in the Fazi river Guard Team


Jul.2020 - Aug.2020

開務聯合建築師事務所 KEYWOW ARCHITECTURE (managing an acrylic model via laser cutting)

Jan.2022 - Feb.2022

自然洋行建築事務所 DIVOOE ZEIN ARCHITECTS (absorbing perspectives preceiving nature and building)


AUTOCAD 4.5yrs

RHINO 4yrs


REVIT 3yrs




PYTHON 0.5yrs


26 Sep. 1999

Taoyuan, Taiwan

+886 0920889265




Department of Architecture,Tunghai University

Sep.2013-Jun.2016 Class of Art, Taoyuan junior high school

Sep.2016-Jun.2019 WuLing senior high school

Sep.2019-Jun.2021 Department of Architecture, THU

Sep.2021-Jun.2023 super_b_studio based on digital generative architecture

Department of Architecture, THU


Research Research video

2016 Western painting of the City Student Art Competition - First prize 2020 FJU landscape competition - Great work

2021 (intermational) Bauhaus Campus 2021 (intermational) The Last Nuclear Bomb Memorial 2022 (intermational) Microhome though losing the competitions, learn a great cooperated experience

Digital Design

Sep.2020-Now experience of cases operation and analysis 2022 assisting one of an art work in the exhibition, 'The Shape of Hope' 2022 interactive design camp in THU (based on ARDUINO)


guitar/music -amateur song writer sketching/watercolor-holding art class for promoting Fazi river protecting prose -award in THU Literary Award

climbing -Advance Hiking-the famous 7 mountains in Guguan, Taichung

IG artwork art class recording for SOV

3 2 CONTENT 1st grade competition2nd grade school-competition-3rd grade school-competition4th grade schoolcompetitionPinion stop 1/1 chair Laterite and shade villa Tend coworking space New bauhaus campus compus coworker : Lee Tsung, Li Chieh, Lin Bo Yan, Chi Wei Zhe Trace public toilet coworker : You Bo Kai Tuku Stream Chronicle exhibition space Ring art museum G.S.R.B.S nuclear test memorial coworker : Gu Nian Xuan, Du Bo Han, Chen Yan Rong Urbosurtum urban arboretum congregating house microhome portable house coworker : Chi Wei Zhe 4 8 10 14 15 16 20 22 26 35 44
E-Mail: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: Research
: Speaking 6 Writing 6.5 Reading 7
Listening 6



P8 Laterite and shade

The viewpoint of this project starts from the silhouette of camphor shade which makes the unique texture on the landscape and protects the farmer under the hot sunshine; thus, the building respond to the shade with the outstanding arrangement of the public space.


Tend - coworking space

With searching different types of coworking space, I realize the hierarchy in cooperation model. Overall, in the final proposal, three groups connect each other through three main void spatial series.


Bauhaus campus design

A case finished by the other students and I, we separate education groups in different zone and connect them with some trivial incidents.


A case cooperated with a student major in landscape. Around the site, some history ruins exist in danger. The concept is focused on mixing the experience of history with daily life.

3rd \ junior\ urban

P16 Water exhibition

There has been a big gap on the site which happens after the establishment of the rail facility and the college. I use the space under the bridge to rebuild the connection of the land texture.


Circulation (an art museum)

The proposal is followed by the texture on the site. Texture represent the synchronic incidents of the history, and plants demonstrate the diachronic property. As a result, art museum mix those with art works together into daily life.

7 6
\ sophomore\ environment The proposal of public toilets
part 1- overall introduction
8 9
11 10
13 12


惠來遺址,位於台中市七期重劃區,最早可達可推到史前繩紋時代,最晚達清末, 時間軸上涵括將近四千年的生活記憶,遺址分布範圍則估計至少在15公頃以上。

在發展定位上,我們將惠來公園視為串聯周遭綠地休憩空間、 地標性建築的中繼站,以及歷史空間的起點,利用重新定義廁 所的方式,帶動大眾重新認識歷史的契機,落實環境友善的目 的,扮演著大眾停留於公園內,帶動重新與地景互動的可能性。


在服務層面上將公園視為外 部流動空間之中繼站。

惠來公園,坐落於遺址的邊界上,設立一牆面向遺址內翻,作為一城市邊界破口, 將動線及視線帶入,並柔化了原先公園邊界的起伏跌宕。

透過建築與地景共構,以及使用者之空間友善、 陽光綠意、環境體驗為底蘊,並結合歷史文化, 在概念上以惠來遺址邊界特色做為發想,落實陽 光公廁美意,啟發大眾對於歷史文化的認知。

惠來公園占地約2ha,服務半 徑約500m,從服務族群可以 看出陽光公廁之必要性。

廁所及性別友善廁所, 對所有使用族群達到歡 迎。

對於向遺址內部的曲 牆,不同尺度的開口透 露著外部城市的資訊。 將大部分機能沿著曲牆 設立,期望對於使用者 在駐足時,透過採光及 植生牆的襯搭,能達到 一種對於歷史遺跡向內 的隱喻。

綠地做為戶外開放性流動空 間,被賦予空間串聯的使命, 因此公廁的建置上必須符合 空間屬性。

基地分析 -空間節點分析 -服務半徑人口分析 -綠地串聯 國家歌劇院 惠文高中 台中市政府 惠文國小 捷運線 陽光公廁理念落實與回饋 B-B'剖立面圖SCALE=1/100 A-A'剖立面圖 細部設計S=1/10 無障礙空間
一層樓平面圖 SCALE=1/100 文心一路
惠來路一段 入口設置等待空間 內部休憩空間 對外開口使陽光進入私密空間 敘寫歷史的矮牆 敘寫歷史的矮牆 植生牆 遮蔭空間 小來公園 文心森林公園 惠順公園 新市政公園 公一之三公園 C A A' E B B' D C E D 惠誠公園 配置 歷史文化 陽光綠意 空間友善 環境體驗 開放式綠地廣場 無障礙坡道 綠牆及座椅 無障礙廁所 廁所位置 飲水機 敘寫歷史的矮牆 女廁 性別友善廁所 無障礙廁所
綠牆 男廁 內部洗手台 市民洗手台 親子廁所 統計截至民國110年6月 有效人口:62690人 性別比:88.541% 漫步花園空間 設計說明 配置構想 採光屋頂 構架 +250 +150 公眾層級 內部層級 求救鈴 背包掛環 置物平台 置物區 中介面 築跡,面相開放於惠來
公眾到隱密的層級,並 設立無障礙廁所、親子
楓香 地錦
與 文化遺跡再構 台中市 西屯區 惠來里
20 21


Forth grade

P26 \URBOSURTUM \urbanXabsurdumXarboretum

Terrazzo flooring is a type of stone material made from shattering and restructuring gravel stones. It has stood the test of time, remaining in place through the comings and goings of human beings. Over time, seeds, dust, and water brought by birds, wind, and rain have allowed plants to take root and flourish in the ruins, cracking the stone into fragments once again.

This proposal aims to create an arboretum constructed from both plants and ruins, highlighting the coexisting relationship between nature and artifacts. In this way, ruins become a new form of nature and redefine the relationship between human-made structures and the natural environment.

The ultimate goal of this project is to turn the city into a large ecosystem, with units called "re-nature" that connect artificial structures with the natural environment, ultimately leading to a state of "post-nature."

The project will follow a specific arrangement, using techniques such as pseudo-randomness and Perlin noise to respond to the environment's texture. The state of "island hopping" will be employed to maintain some of the terrazzo flooring (for the privacy of homeless and citizens) while deconstructing others back to the earth. The organic structure of "re-nature" will connect upper artificial plants with lower natural plants, forming tree roots and providing serenity to the entire arboretum.

P35 \URBOSURTUM \congregating house

In the future, the site is planned to be developed into a congregate housing complex. This development must consider how to coexist with the natural environment and the relationship between nature and human-made structures in a post-nature state.

After the war, Taiwanese architecture for living has followed the principles of modernism, characterized by rational and economic building methods. In this modernist module, parking space dominates the structure system of the congregate housing, and the arrangements are also made in an economic way. This is the current state of architecture in Taiwan.

With the advancement of robotic manufacturing automation and generative design, there are more possibilities for architectural design. Topology optimization presents a strong suitability between load and support, freeing the constraints on the system in modernism. With its emergent properties, it could play a role in helping establish a post-nature state.

This project aims to utilize the flexibility of structure to maintain the ground state while also building a new layer on top. Inside, the project hopes to change the reality where structure dominates the space and reconnect people and structure, space and function.

part2-overall introduction
28 29

Load (practical weights)

Field (structure and void)

Support (base)

Sensitivity filter (branches width)

changing support site

Optimius iteration (multiloading) higher value higher porosity

Topology optimization present an strong suitability between load and support, emancipating the constraints on the system in Modernism. With the technology on robotic manufacturing automation and generative design, structural analysis give architects design freedom to perform form finding on the basis of topology optimization. Whats more, this cave-like performance gives biomimetic tactile impression. Its a chance that makes structure for both human and nature and redefine the state of relationship of human and nature.

operation steps

void cutting

side diagram topo system hanging the loading

generative structure defining new terrain surface

artificial decision on field (cutting void)

artificial decision on support (focusing on one part)

iron sheet to loading keeping ruins and plants

keeping factory texture

optimization the synchronization of structure and void
35 34
Urban Absurdom Arboretum with Congregate housing

Working Framework


elevation transform demand-following space emergent properties customized biomimetic range of using furniture

encompassing privacy space


-generating a route of strength to be suitable for parking car

System A Problems

inappropriate for new demands choas in constructing and selling process


-people hanging around with no clear direction get some tactile feeling with this new ground surface including some plants growing natively or deliberately

merging units

According to the Regulations on Urban Land Use Control, one of a congregate housing unit is about 150m2 Still controling the void space in different furnitures or demands, but its more flexible and feasible to do transform in a short period of time.

Pre-construction Process

marketing research/custumor reservation

span renovation

decision to the type of a residing span

Building Process constructed

new owner/lifestyle changing/family members adding

limit in 150m2

System B

Initial Prototype
1/100 1F PLAN 38 1/100 2F PLAN
1/100 3F PLAN 40 1/100 7F PLAN


1/50 SECTION 1/200 section
cave-like void built by cement printer attached plants serving as first layer the space enlosed with semi-open or closed glasses center part is the private space


Nowaday, the 21st century, shelters in our environment are too enough to be replaced by new one .

The corner hidden in the concrete ruins give us a chance to parasite on it. A portable and flexible microhome is the main purpose to approach. owing to the possibly different outer environment, a cave among meandering canyons or a forest far away from the urban, we strenghen its outside performance with the soft and changeable linen material.

While the microhome relies on artificial and nature structure. It is ironic that human beings still can not live without some specific mechanical equipments, which supply us fresh air, clean water & electricities as daily requirement.

Nevertheless, once we minimize the necessities and consider them as not equippment but environmental life sustaining system, the rest part of space could surround center dynamicly.


For the reason that the original constructions offer the funtion of shelter. We consider that all the microhome need is to utilize the structure and tackle the interface between outside and inside. Still, we try to emancipate the traditional inside plan. As a result, various activities could be holded inner the interface.


All the outdoor units are set in the box, solar panel, rain gutter, water storage, sewage storage.

For instance, holding the main life-sustaining equippment into combined modules comprising in 83*150 units maximize the space of activities. Such as the furnitures, the hinge arti culates make inner space more flexible.

To indicate the transform between layers, the equippments would be installed by a artificial blue sky, which flourish the inner plants. As a consequence, different interfaces demons trate the same crucial idea of flexibility. We do not need permanent construction anymore, since the high development of environment.

Structure Wooden framework & steel cable brace system is chosen for its light, simple & eco friendly. Portable &
Furnitures fit with Membrane to Create Flex ible Experience Intake & Exhaust system Outdoor unit Indoor unit Exhaust fan Cooker hood Water Supply system Rain gutter Water Storage Water filter Water Softener Water heater Pump Drainage system Defecation pipe Sewage pipe Sewage Storage Power Supply system Solar panel Battery Transformer box Switchboard Cable rack Mechanical Equipments Each mechanical units are well settle down on the frame work sy stem, exposed in the air sincerely. Decorations Wooden floor & shutters fill up intervals of frames. Living Box Toilet Foldable dinning table Foldable bedroom laundry Kitchen facilities
Foundation The footing of the framework system, installed appropriate for the different terrain.
Flexible inside Inner
Outer environment Outer environment
Membrane Flexible inside
44 45


Ping Chun Shih

在行走經驗裡,反覆出現的大尺度設備,夾雜在巷弄間。 巷弄裡,過於單一水平延伸的物件,在視覺上顯著標註著 遠方的街景,在主觀感受上,好似帶了強烈引導性,這對 於常態認為產生迴避性的巷弄或建築產生反思。

帶著巨大設備的街巷是城市的後場,是一連續的背面,引 導著街巷、功能於建築,是也彰顯著一些正面、背面下的 正面。


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