Spot'less Fashion Magazine - March 2021

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Aika Wauke -

Japanese Supermom Supermodel


al Model of the

Month - Rina from

D irty Nai ls to Fake Nai ls -


Maria Mont-

(Ex UK Army Soldier & Current Glamour Model)

Up & Close with

Amanda Hurley

(Maxim Model from Canada)


spotless fashion magazine 7$ ©spotless fashion magazine march issue 2021


©spotless fashion magazine march issue 2021

content Aika Wauke - Japanese Supermom Supermodel 1-3


The Art of Self Portraits -

Tithi Sarkar 17-18

Navya Sarjana - Vanya

Singh 19-20


Ehsaas Fir Muskurayega Up & Close with (Maxim Model from Can- India 21-22 ada) 4-7 Struggles of a Dancer Shefali Narang 23 Women Empowerment-


Nadita Kaushik (Miss Curvy) 8

Indian Model of the Month

rising stars 24-26 International Model of the Month - Rina from Ukraine

- Shreyja Mhatr


& Current Glamour Model) 13-14

Challenges of a Female Photographer - Manpreet

Princy Joyce Leonard Nayuma’s story11-12 29-30 A Cry for Help Foundation Dirty Nails to Fake Nails - Maria Montgomery (Ex UK Army Soldier Simran Rawat 31-33


Meetali Ohri - Female Model & Wildlife Photographer 15-16

Kamal Kaur 34-36 Holi Special -

Amaya & Ali 37-38

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©spotless fashion magazine march issue 2021

Aika Wauke -


Japanese Supermom Supermodel I

’m a mom. She lives in a small island country with his three proud twin sons. I will do my best to be a proud mother for my two sons. There are many mothers who give up on their own after giving birth, and many mothers who give up moving because of their busyness, but I wanted to prove that if I had the courage to act with strong feelings, I would be able to change. Even if only slightly. If you have a little time, It worked anyway. I carry the children on squats, and while the children are taking a nap, I listen and walk and run around the house. LOL I did my best to do what I could. The result is me now. I don’t think it’s perfect, but I like myself now. << I still haven’t given up >> With that in mind, I will continue to spend time with my children every day. Thank you for being able to hug the children surrounded by their smiles I will do my best today as well. [4/13, 6:52 PM] Shiw: And Model work that is worth my life. You can have various faces, you can express various things, It feels like it’s not real. << A color that only I can give. I have stopped making young people. Let’s accept me as I am. My smile, my expression May it lead to the courage of women for many mothers.

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©spotless fashion magazine march issue 2021


Up & Close with Amanda

Hurley (Maxim Model from Canada)

©spotless fashion magazine march issue 2021

Up close and personal with former Max-

im model Amanda Hurley Interviewed by Preacher Photography Toronto-native Amanda Hurley always dreamed about being a professional model, but unlike most hopefuls, her dream actually came true. In her early 20’s, she was sought after by popular magazines and distinguished photographers. Her star was on the rise — until she inexplicably walked away from everything. Now, at 34, she’s ready to recapture that dream and talk about why it’s been put on hold for so long. Preacher Photography: How did you get into modelling?

Amanda Hurley: I was working as a bartender and one of our regulars — he was an amateur photographer — asked if I would be interested in doing a lingerie shoot. If it was a stranger asking me, I would have dismissed it, but I knew this guy and I was willing to give it a try. I was 18 and very confident and comfortable in my own skin. He wasn’t pushy and didn’t try anything when we worked together. He was very serious about taking the best photos. He helped me build a modelling portfolio.

PP: And 4 years later, you were a Maxim model. How did that happen?

AH: A Maxim photographer discovered my portfolio online and reached out to me. It’s funny. He wasn’t the first Maxim photographer to contact me. The first one turned out to be fake. My mother called Maxim to see if he was legit. He wasn’t. The second Maxim photographer was real. My mother made sure of that. Shortly after, I was modelling with other girls for an MMA Expo hotties event. My photos appeared on Maxim Canada’s website and they published me in their magazine. That opportunity led to my American Curves magazine cover. It was a dream come true.

PP: What is your fondest memory during that time?

AH: Seeing my face on a magazine cover in bookstores. That was so cool. My friends told me they saw my magazine in a gas station. It was a big deal being in a magazine before the internet exploded. I bought 4 copies. I think my mother still has her copy. [Laughs]

PP: Then you walked away from modelling entirely. Why give it up when things we’re looking up for you?

AH: I had an unfortunate incident with a renowned boudoir photographer. During our shoot, he drugged and assaulted me. I don’t remember much about it. I remember passing out on the couch and waking up many hours later. I was wearing a different outfit than I had on. It was a meshed bodysuit that I didn’t own. It really scared me. My phone had like 80 messages from my family. They were very worried about me. I was feeling so out of it. I grabbed my stuff and ran out. That shoot changed me forever.

PP: How did it change you?

AH: I used to go around and flaunt my stuff and was very happy in my little bikini, but then I started to cover up more. For 5 years, I wore mostly sweat pants and sweaters. I didn’t want to show off my body anymore because I was scared to get noticed. Many


photographers still approached me to shoot, but I just ghosted them. I didn’t feel comfortable or safe in the industry anymore. I didn’t tell anybody about what happened. I blamed myself. Like “Why did I put myself in that situation? Why did I accept that drink? Why was I so stupid?” Now I’m able to talk about it. The Me Too movement has definitely helped me process everything. It wasn’t just me. Sadly, this happens to so many women. For the first time, I felt less alone. I’m happy to say that photographer got convicted years later. He did the same thing to a few other models and they bravely pressed charges. I wish I was strong enough to do something about it; however, I’m happy that enough brave women stepped up. I’m very proud of them.

PP: What made you get back into modelling? AH: It’s been 10 years now and the pandemic has given me time to reflect. I have a great support system in my life right now. My husband is extremely supportive of me and everything I do. Actually, he suggested that I get back into it. Before the assault, I really loved modelling. It was the best job that I ever had — so why wouldn’t I try it again? I can’t let somebody ruin my career because of something they’ve done. Last November, I started modelling again and I haven’t looked back. I’m having a great time. It’s definitely something that I want to pursue.

PP: Does your gut feeling alert you at shoots now?

AH: Not at shoots, but usually from requests to shoot. I might get a weird feeling and I listen more to my intuition. They might have good intentions, but when my gut tells me something, I’m going to go with it. If that offends anybody, then I’m sorry. I don’t like receiving requests to shoot BDSM or any overtly sexual themes. That’s a huge trigger for me.

PP: What kind of reactions are you getting on Instagram and what do your followers want to know about you the most?

AH: I’m getting a lot of positive reactions from friends, co-workers and strangers. It’s overwhelming. I get the odd critic asking me: “What are you doing? Your photos are little bit provocative.” But I’m not going to allow them to judge me. It’s my life and I’m going to keep doing me. Some of my followers want to know about my personal interests; which is really nice. I do get some sexual comments, but that’s to be expected. If any get too aggressive, I block them. I’m a no-crap kind of person.

PP: How important is social media to you?

AH: It’s gaining more importance. It used to have zero importance in my life because I didn’t understand it. It’s great for networking and building my career. Right now, it’s extremely important to me because I’m trying to re-establish myself in the industry. I really like that I can control what I’m doing with social media. Whereas before you take photos and they’re out there and you don’t really know what’s going on with them. I have control over my photos now and I’m grateful for that.

PP: What impression do you want people to have of you when they look at your Instagram page?

AH: I want people to see that I’m confident and comfortable in my own skin. That is my main objective. I really like shooting a variety of themes and being creative. I want to stand out. I’m a fierce and confident woman and I hope my female followers see that.

©spotless fashion magazine march issue 2021

PP: You and your husband are gamers. Does that mean you guys are highly competitive with each other? If so, what does that do for your relationship?

AH: [Laughs] That’s such a great question. Yes, we are extremely competitive — so our way around it is we only play games where we’re on the same side. Even when we play Mario Kart, we’re at each other’s throats because we’re both very good at it. The best solution is to take turns playing, and try to beat time trials instead. What can I say? We’re both cranky little bitches when it comes to competing against each other.

PP: During this pandemic, a lot of people have turned to subscription-based platforms like Patreon and Only Fans to supplement their income. What are your thoughts about that growing trend?

AH: I think that it’s a great idea. Like I said before, having control over your content is crucial. With Patreon and Only Fans, you really do control what you put out there. And if you can get paid for the content that you’re creating, then why not do it? I’m all for it. I know there’s a stigma around it. People associate Only Fans with porn, but if you really do look at it, there’s a lot of other things that you can do on there. Jobs are scarce now and having these subscription platforms is a great alternative. Now, will I do it? We’ll see. [Laughs]

PP: What’s the biggest misconception that people have of you?

AH: People assume a lot of things because of the way people look. A lot of people assume that I’m a pornstar; which I don’t like. There’s not really much you can do about the way you look. I know the photos that I put out there can be sultry, but I believe they’re creative. I enjoy modelling and other people’s opinions are mattering less and less to me these days. PP: What did you learn the most about yourself during the pandemic lockdown? AH: I learned a lot about myself. I learned that I’m not mentally strong as I thought I was. Just being at home is difficult — especially after losing my job. I felt a little useless at first; however, modelling has been a great outlet. The pandemic has taught me that life is very short. It’s open my eyes to do what I want to do and really live my life.

PP: What advice do you have for young women who aspire to have a career in modelling? AH: I would say be confident in yourself and love your body. I know that these things are really easy to say and hard to do, but believe in yourself. Also, if you’re ever uncomfortable in a situation, remove yourself. And if anything bad ever happens to you, remember: it’s not your fault. That’s so important. I wish someone had given me that advice when I was younger.

PP: What is making you happy these days?

AH: My husband. He’s awesome. He’s keeping me sane. We have a strong relationship and we love each other very much. We’ve worked through a whole bunch of stuff together throughout this pandemic. It’s great having somebody who supports me unconditionally. That really makes me feel powerful.

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©spotless fashion magazine march issue 2021

8 Women Empowerment-

Nadita Kaushik (Miss Curvy) S

o here is my take on women empowerment, as the word itself has power attached to it which means talking about authority, ownership. So on similar lines women empowerment deals with the realisation and giving the opportunities to the females to take and own their decisions & realise their self worth, while talking about power it shouldn’t just about physical power , but also it includes mental and financial powers . Over the years our Indian culture demonstrate the concept of treating women as less likeable to take any decisions which holds the power either it could be family related or professional decisions. Now as the time is changing we should start to give and create equal opportunities to all the genders specifically to women. Instead of treating her as a weaker gender one should realise the power lies within , it’s just about giving the equal platforms . Unfortunately if a female dare to step up or take the driving or hot seat of her life , our dear society expects her to follow the instructions that’s how they wanna see women , but to bring this change and breaking this myth , women needs to step up and start support

ing, endorsing & understanding each other , when two strong forces come together , there is nothing which can stop them . Having said that about women empowerment, and imbibing it in our culture , we should also focus on bringing the concept of how this change needs to be accepted by the males of our society. What if we only focus on women empowerment but our males are not ready for these empowered women, so in my view women empowerment is not just a movement or a fight against a particular gender but it’s a culture and mindset change concept which needs to be addressed and understand properly. Our females should realise their own power , their authorities and start taking ownership and feeling confident about their decisions, to bring and to understand this concept, education plays a vital role in bringing the awareness, which not only give wings, wisdom But also gives the strength and confidence to take and make their own decisions. Whereas our males needs to understand the fact that they should respect ,& treat equal their female counterparts instead of playing some superiority games.

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Indian Model of the Month -

Shreyja Mhatr I

am born into a musicians family, my father being a singer and an artist I always loved to express myself in front it the camera. And ofcourse sing. I started modelling after doing Miss Navi Mumbai pageant when I was in my 2nd year of college and began participating in fashion shows. Subconsciously I was always a model, good with expressions and poses but these shows gave me confidence, groomed me to become a professional model. My aim was to work with brands. After completing my bachelor’s in mass media from Jai Hind College of Mumbai, I began auditioning daily. It was a hard task to get work. When you are a new in the industry it teaches you how to communicate deal with industry people, make contacts to work further. I slowly started getting work. From Digital ads to prints I’ve been blessed to have been worked with popular brands like, Zomato,Canon, Everyuth, FBB, Central, Whisper Choice, Godrej, Curly tales, Rento mojo, Gleamberry and many more such amazing brands. I even worked in music albums and was able to grab as one of the main leads in a Zee 5/ Alt Balaji webseries known as Hum, Tum and Them. In future I’m looking forward to Singing and composing my own music and making my own music albums as an indipendent singer/actor, collaborating with International artists and also directing music videos, web series and films.And I wish to travel the world.

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©spotless fashion magazine march issue 2021

11 Nayuma’s story


once learned, in order for a glow stick to glow, it has to break. And I will forever live by that. I am Nayuma Rai, a 20 year old, aspiring model from an enchanting city of hills, Gangtok, Sikkim. Before I begin with who I am am, I would like to share where I come from. I come from a family of single mother, who is not just a mother but a warrior. Her support and inspiration has played a great role in me becoming the person I am today. I have always been a studious child, who was often given a tag line of nerd. Discipline and hard work has always been an utmost priority to me and it will always be. Being a studious child, no one expected I would ever step in the world of Fashion and modelling. Albeit it is nobody’s fault. Our society has a stereotype that career can be flourished only through streams like science and commerce. Therefore, one out of many goals behind my passion in the fashion and modelling industry is to break this stereotype and broaden the perspective of as many people as possible. A child who was used to the comfort and warmth of family suddenly felt like being thrown out in the cold empty street when my parents has a conflict leading to their separation later followed by my father’s death due to a disease that couldn’t be cured. A father, the pillar of house, a shield of a protection to a child and a ray of hope and trust, A suddenly departure of him left a great impact in my life and all the responsibilities that I suddenly was burdened with, led me to a traumatic experience in an early age when I hadn’t even

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reached the age of maturity. Their were people I considered as my hope for living and future, but as rightly said, Everything has a price. And I had no penny to pay for any of it. When a shield of support system was snatched away from me, I faced situation that 90% of the woman across the world are facing yet I had to gulp it all down quietly even though it was burning down my throat. While I was learning to love my life despite of the odds, people started body shaming me for my chubby body and facial structure that does not really fit as per the beauty standards set by our very own society. When I was a child, my father used to ask me questions regarding general knowledge, but when it included questions regarding fashion and modeling, I used to go blank. With time when I saw so many young girls opting for modeling, it hit my heart in a way I never guessed to be possible.I asked myself, if them, why not me? This is how my journey began, and how my weakness turned into my greatest strength. And the journey fueled my passion. My mother appeared like a knight in the shining armor supporting me in every step I took, actually even better than that. I participated in many pageant , even though I didn’t win the top position, every competition taught me something or the other. Today I might not own a crown but I own much more precious thing and that is knowledge and experience. With this, I have been invited to many places as a judge, choreographer and a groomer. Sharing what I have learned to others as always been the most beautiful thing to do. Throughout, the journey to fashion and modeling experience, my past also has impacted my vision in a positive way. The traumatic experience I went through during my early age, affected my mental health yet just like turning the ashes into beauty, the pain into power, My passion for pageantry beholds a vision of being a voice of the unheard. When I say unheard here, I mean the people who are struggling with mental health issue yet cannot open up to people about it which is very crucial for the treatment of the same because of the fact that majority of our society considers mental health as a taboo. However, I myself am a witness of the mental sickness, and also a survivor. Now that I have rescued myself from that bondage, I want to help rescue others. I have always loved being a model, but I have always prioritized being a role model. Helping and uplifting others is always the greatest and kindest deed. I am fully aware, there is a long way to go, to be where I want to be. Yet, here I am taking baby steps. Small but consistent. Life told me, ‘I am tough’. I told life,’I am tougher’.

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D irty Nai ls to Fake Nai ls -

Maria Montgomery Soldier & Current Glamour Model)

(Ex UK Army

From Dirty Nails to Fake Nails... My Journey first began on a typical cold Bolton morning when I was just 19 years old. Seeking and thriving an adventure something that I could throw myself into, and see the world through a different pair of eyes. I set my sights on the British Army, I began my intensive fitness regime, to get myself body and mind physically ready for the 14 week intensive Army Basic Training. After successfully completing my 14 Week Basic Training, I then progressed on to a further 16 weeks Phase 2 Training, that is where I would become a combat HR specialist. Yes the training was mentally hard and there where times when I really didn’t think I had the mental strength to finish it. I had never felt sleep deprived like it. I physically felt sick with how drained I was. With the support from my mum and sisters, I pushed on successfully completing both parts of my training where then I went into my first Regiment as a Soldier. My 8 Years in the Army provided me with lessons that will forever help me through out my life. And still help me today with modelling.Punctual and Reliable are just a few to mention. Throughout my Army Career I never wore makeup, my hair was in a bun and I literally felt like a boy most days, I used to dream of the days I use to look and feel glamorous. I truly thought them days were over. I remember a time I was down on a regimental exercise, attached to a Tank Regiment, living in a field for 5 days at a time. Being the one of very few females there. Didn’t stop me getting my hands dirty digging out the mud off the Tank Tracks with my bare hands, dreaming of the days my hands had Fake Nails and be all nice and clean.

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After my Army Career was over I moved back to Bolton Area to be close to family. My close friend was currently doing modelling at the time, and she asked why didn’t I do modelling. I laughed at her and said you must be joking I’m far to old and I’m no where near model material. Being very conscious of my body I never give it a thought. A few weeks later I met back up with her and she egged me on to go for it. Giving it all I had I went on and had a modelling shoot. I was more nervous in front of the camera than I was firing a Rifle for the first time. When I got accepted with 3 different agencies I couldn’t believe it. From there it really spiralled out of control where I would be doing 3/4 shoots a week. My biggest achievement in my modelling so far is being published in Magazines here in the UK and also USA. It just goes to show you can be who ever you want to be. A Soldier or a Glamour Model the world really is in your Hands.

©spotless fashion magazine march issue 2021


Meetali Ohri - Female

Model & Wildlife Photographer Curiosity and learning instincts can lead you to discover the actual you! I believe every word of it because it helped me find the

real me and the search is still on People say stick to one skill, master it and you will thrive but I say learn new skills, master it and thrive in those fields. Initially even I used to follow this mantra of mastering one or having one skill that you can depend on but now it doesn’t work that way, the world is upgrading then why can’t you? We not just need to upgrade our skills but ourselves as well, trust me it helps! My curiosity pushed me to travel from one field to another. From Engineering to Marketing, From Modeling to Wildlife Photography, From Voice Over/Reader to Podcasting, I think my list will go on! For me, life has been an unending roller coaster ride where in as soon as you feel that you have found your way, life will place another way in front of you and all you have to do is walk the right path and that’s what I did and doing. Besides facing various challenges and changes, three things were absolutely constant for me and that was my love for music, nature and of course creativity! It always surprised me, music played a very important role in my life specially uplifting my spirits whenever in need, from rock classics to country, from pop to vocal it was more like a therapy, took me to a world of changing emotions. Nature gave me freedom, inspired me, made me fell in love with it and creativity gave me a voice of expressing literally anything, it broadens my horizon of thoughts, mind, emotions, feelings, connections. It is creativity that inspired me to dive into the world of modeling which is also my first passion (by the way my list of passion is never ending). Being a model is great responsibility because all the communication is done by expressions, experimentation, poses, feelings, creativity and love without uttering a single word! Modeling is a powerful industry and my journey as a

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model has been such a learning experience, it taught me a lot specially when it comes to expression, communication, how to work in a team, how to be open to new ideas, experimentation etc. Every shoot helped me grow as a model, as a person. I was very fortunate to be a part of Maxim India Magazine shoot, various concept shoots like op art or so. I am very grateful and thankful to every person who helped me in my modeling journey. And it’s modeling that discovered my love for photography. I still remember how I used to photograph plants whenever I got the opportunity, even at work I used to find some time to click them. This photography instinct grew inside me and I started capturing images of dogs, cats etc and then I came across an ad saying wildlife photography tour to Bandhavgarh National Park. Inside me a spark lit up, an urge to attend this workshop ignited and finally after attending this workshop I decided to know more about it. I feel very lucky to be featured in Explore Wild India Magazine, few features in Pune Mirror and various digital features. Wildlife Photography is not just photographing animals, or trees, or landscapes, it is about experiencing wildlife, breathing into it, respecting the forest and forest department who have dedicated their lives to it, gaining more knowledge about these mind blowing creatures, following their progress and more. I believe, we as photographers should work more towards encouraging people to be aware about wildlife, be conscious about our environment, act carefully and responsibly because we share mother earth with them, do not disturb them, let them live in peace and most importantly be their voice. We human beings are very privileged and there’s nothing wrong in being kind and loving! Thank you for taking out time in being a part of my artistic journey ;) I am also currently running my podcast named as “Self Talk Show” which helps in empowering and transforming one-self, you can follow the same on Spotify, Anchor,, Breaker, Radiopublic, Googlepodcasts, Pocketcasts.

Image: Flamingos Shot, ISO: 250 Aperture: F6.3 Focal Length: 600mm Shutter Speed: 1/1000 Image: Choti Tara, ISO: 400 Aperture: F6.3 Focal Length: 600mm Shutter Speed: 1/500 Image: Tigress Maya, ISO: 1000 Aperture: F5.0 Focal Length: 150 Shutter Speed: 1/800 Image: Spotted Owl, ISO: 200 Aperture: F5.6 Focal Length: 500mm Shutter Speed: 1/500

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The Art of Self Portraits -

Tithi Sarkar

I started clicking my own pictures when one of my friends told me that my pictures looked good because they were clicked by camera. Initially I used to take my own pictures wherever possible after my music class or at my balcony. In lockdown I watched more videos on self portraits and tried to come up with new hacks to get good pictures with less effort. My first video on self portrait went viral because it had ideas which was not found in other videos and that is when I realised that I would work more on it and try to take this forward. So this journey started from that point and I feel proud of myself when I look back to the time I started. Well I still try and look for different ideas and work towards making my content unique and different yet having a touch of my own aesthetic to it.

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I am not a professional self portrait artist but learning every single day from my experience. So here are few tips I keep in mind while clicking these self portraits. 1. Make sure the place you are clicking has good lighting. It plays an important role , if lighting is bad pictures won’t turn out that good. 2. Think of a concept before hand and arrange the outfit beforehand so that not a lot of time is wasted in handling it. 3. Keep a shutter button with you, it will save you a lot of time while clicking pictures. 4. In case you don’t have a tripod, keep your phone on a box or arrange it in a place from where you get the best angle suitable for your pictures. These are the few things I keep in mind while clicking.

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Navya Sarjana -

Vanya Singh

“We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty”. Mother Teresa Name VANYA SINGH Father’s Name Sh. Ranjeet Kumar Gender Female Email DOB 2005-06-01 Phone Number 9868358596 Current Status Profile Studying in class Tenth and running a dance studio also choreographs for special kids and kids from slum area. Working on education of slum kids who are not going to school. Provide free classes in my studio with help of senior teachers. Actor/Model/Dance/ Social Activist 1. Miss Junior India Runner-up 2017 2. Miss Teen AIPC 2016 by Governor of Meghalaya 3. Brand Ambassador IFTV 3. Brand Icon CBE model

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20 • Done TVCs, Video shoots, Print Shoots, Online Shoots for many Brands • Worked with many TV Channels • Done 10 shorts films as lead • Doing Bollywood movie # ehsaas • Done 250 Stage Show as Dancer • Done around 35 stage show as a Model • Got 250 Awards n 300 certificate • Running her own dance academy for Slum/Poor Girls • Got Award in social field 1. Bharat Gaurav 2. Tejwasni Award 3. Social Media Award 4. Humanity Achievers Award 5. Young Achiever Award 6. Pride of Delhi Award 7. Pride of India Award 8. Awarded by Shirdi Sai Sansthan 9 Kishori Award, Luknow 10. Social Pride Award Best Dancer Award By Home Minister of Mumbai 11. Country Pride Award Winner 12. Pride of Delhi Award Many more Done many performance for TV Channels Worked with NDTV, Star Plus, Many News Channels, Done 20 episode of Gali Gali Sim Sim on POGO Channel Done 30 national level shows as classical dancer in different states of India Social Media Links Facebook Page Page of my last event Facebook : vanyakanchansingh 873601182672326/?ref=your_pages


I am involved in upliftment of underprivileged children, special kids (mentally challenged) and senior citizen who are really unwanted and unloved. I am helping them through my shows, I have provided platform for the underprivileged children and special kids (mentally challenged) to perform and shows their hidden talent to the bigger and wider audience.

What makes me different

I am promoting the kids from Slum area. They are same kids who are unwanted and unloved by the society. Me and my Choreographers spend lots of time with them and made their performance up to mark. Our designers prepare the special dresses for them which we gift them after our show.

Specific initiative/s

I am celebrating my birthday and festivals with special kids in their school. After every celebration I feel a self-satisfaction which is very difficult to explain. I want to spend my maximum time with these kids. Even I shot my first film (Udan Ke Pankh) with these kids.


On every stage I find new challenges and difficulties but with the help of determination / dedication I overcome from all the challenges. After completing every challenge I felt myself more and more strong. I always ready for the new challenges. Leadership Quality I am a team player, strongly believe in my team. I believe in “we” not I. I have a very strong team which is always ready to act. I am the best because I have the best team. Few words from my side to every one The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.

©spotless fashion magazine march issue 2021


Ehsaas Fir Muskurayega India

We are pleased to introduce ourselves as “Navya Sarjana”, a team actively involved in uplifting of underprivileged children, special ability kids (mentally challenged) and senior citizens who today feel unwanted and forsaken by their children. We are organizing shows since 2013. Through our shows, we have provided platform for these children to perform and showcase their hidden talent in front of a big to the bigger and wider audience. Top performers are given awards and certificates. Navya Sarjana sanstha organized “Ehsaas Fir Muskurayega India” on 21st February 2021 at Arya Auditorium, New Delhi. The main objective of this program was to bring special kids, slum kids, disabled, blind and common children together on the same platform. Navya Sarjana Sanstha has been organizing such programs for the last several years, in which children participate in the program ramp walk, dance and painting. Awards are also held in this program, which is awarded to talents who work in different fields. This year the event had a number of themes - White Cane Walk, Mr. and Miss Wheelchair, Shades of India, Kids Fashion Walk. The White Cane Walk was organized in Delhi for the first time in which all blind Models performed on the ramp. In this program, the children of Navya Sarjana and the children of Child Home (orphanage) also gave dance performances. Here the painting competition was also based on the theme of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao by the Government of India. Municipal Corporation Mayor Anamika Singh Ji, Deputy Mayor Subhash Bhadana were the chief guests of this program. Guest of Honor of this program Mr. Bharat Dhuper (National executive member Beti Bachao Beti Padhao), Mr. OP Rajpurohit ji (Assistant Director, Doordarshan), Team of Rotary Club of Delhi Shahdara (Mr. Vikas Srivastva (President), Mr. Himanshu Verma (Ex. President),Mr. Ravi Sehgal General Secretary), Mr. Gaurav Sharma ji, Ms. Neelima Thakur ji (ARK Foundation), Ms. Meenakshi Chaudhary, Ms. Meenakshi Sukumaran, Mr. Yogendra Yadav, Mustaq Ansari, UNICEF Delegates from different states Dr. Suresh Babu, Dr. Sattapati Annapurna ji, Mr. Tapas Das ji (Fashion Mentor), Mr. Anavya Pathak ji (Photographer, Mentor E Commerce ). The awards for this program were distributed by Ms. Rajni Subba ji (M.D. of Top Model India) who was also the jury member of this program among others like Mrs. Kavita Arora ji (Designer and Social activist), Mr. Nakkul Gandhi ji Designer and Managing Director of Welvet Bags ‘N’ More), Ms. Ishika Bana (Model) , Tarannum Sheikh (Beauty Queen), RK Foundation, Rotary Club of Delhi Shahdara, R. I. D.

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3012 (Rotary International District) , Child Home, Youth World, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao are associate partners of this program. Dress designing partner Nantam designed by Ms. Pallavi Gupta and Ms. Vandana Gupta, Mehwish Dresses, JK Designers. The gift partners of the program were Welvet Bags ‘N’ More, Mansi Sports, BK Creations. Makeup partner Mr. Nanne Khan ji, Mr. Gulshan Kumar ji, Ms. Usha Kumari ji, Mr. Yash Kunwar. Ms. Simul Sharma and Star of Navya Sarjana Abhivandan Vij became the brand ambassadors of Navya Sarjana. Young Talent Vanshika Sharma and Aaditya moderated the program. Team Navya Sarjana Mrs. Vandana Talwar, Mr. Harshavardhan Singh, Mr. Chandan Kunwar, Mr. Randhir Kunwar, Mr. Tahir Hussain (Photography Partner), Mr. Salman Ansari (Photography Partner), Bilal Siddiqui (Cinematography partner), Mr. Vishal Sharma ji (Programme filed coordinator) and all parents and children from Navya Sarjana and Child home . The program was conducted by Navya Sarjana’s director Vanya Kanchan Singh, founders Ranjeet Kumar and Kanchan Singh. A Message from Team Navya Sarjana “We thought about the society and we got the opportunity to give a chance to the blind models, the especially abled children and provided a stage to the wheel chair models. 60% ratio of the participants were from underprivileged societies like slums. We hope top continue the same efforts in the upcoming future. “

©spotless fashion magazine march issue 2021

Struggles of a Dancer -


Shefali Narang Since childhood i wanted to be a dancer. I remember my first dance performance was in nursery. My mother was lil scared as i never danced at home, but my teachers were really confident about me. Since then the performing life started, i hardly use to sit in classes, i remember entering school, spending time in rehearsal halls for annual functions, and all the dance performances, picking up my bag from class after last period and coming back home. Learned classical and folk dance forms in school time. The real journey started from my college time when i was doing MCA. One of my senior started dance society and introduced me to dance institute and professional training. I was doing my internship after college placement. I use to sneak out from office, do body conditioning and come back, sneaked out for solo dance competitions too, as that was the last year for me to have a valid college id to participate. Was always crazy about performing. I left my first office because that company dnt offered any work. And the funniest part was , the gym where i use to go regularly, the owner of the gym came to me one day and offered dance instructor job in her gym. That was the first time i realised that i m made for dancing instead of corporate world. I started teaching in an institute after leaving my first office. Then i joined second office as an associate software engineer. I tried to settle myself there, but my soul wanted to dance, i use to take weekend classes, but that was not enough, i use to watch dance videos in office, do warm up in washroom, bug my colleague that i want to dance, n deep inside i knew it that one day il be a dancer / Choreographer only. I never wanted to be financially dependent on my parents specially after MCA. So i started phasing into wedding Choreographies during my office time. I use to visit clients place after office hours. One fine day i just got uo from my seat, went directly into country managers room and said i m gonna leave office. They were very supportive as they understood that dance was my calling. I was given a wonderful farewell by them. Every person has a calling, a thing for which that person is born / made for, i feel every individual should explore himself/ herself and find out his/her calling to live in peace. One should always do that thing for which your soul asks. This was the best decision of my life to quit job at the age of 25, with such a huge risk with career. But i had trust on me and my talent. Then i focussed on my professional training. Got trained from Big Dance Centre and Banjara School of Dance. Belly dancing is my fortey. Got trained for around 5 years. Then i explored all the sectors and opportunities in dancing. Its really really tough for an artist to survive in this industry. The pay scale of a dancer is very low. And there is no such rules and regulations like Mumbai. The chain via an artist gets paid is really corrupt. And its all about your links and networks in this field. So yeah since then i am into wedding Choreography, corporate choroegraphy, fashion choroegraphy. And i keep switching role of a dancer and choreographer. I keep doing movie shoots/ shows to be dynamic and active learner. I like to do different dance forms. Versitality has always been my aim. Then i started judging in schools/colleges / events. Was a co judge with Mrs Saroj Khan too in an event. Have performed in lot of shows abroad and with celebs. Life is beautiful when you dance. My only Medicine is dance. Its the best gift god has bestowed on me. I just wanna dance my heart out whole life. I so wish to die on stage or while dancing. I can leave anyone and anything in life but never dancing. Its life. Its love. Its the way i breathe.

©spotless fashion magazine march issue 2021



Hi everyone ! My name is Akanksha. I am 24 years old. I am a hotelier by profession. I completed my graduation from IHM Faridabad in 2020. I was born in New Delhi and brought up in Ghaziabad, U.P. I used to be very introvert then in my childhood but nonetheless, I always loved to pose in front of camera. Being a single mother, my mom always supported me. She motivated me in achieving milestones I ever dreamt of. After being told by many that I have a photogenic face, my mom was quite convinced to let me try my hands in modelling. “A model require a fit body, taller height, sharp featured face and even tone complexion”. After hearing this, I was quite hesitant to try at first because I never had a fit & sculpted body that a model has. Lekin main bhi toh struggling parents ki daughter hun toh itni jaldi haar maan leti? Then I took a step forward to this modelling industry. Somehow, I came in contact with Tapas Sir’s modelling agency in March 2021. We fixed the date for the shoot and just did it. To be honest, it was a thrilling experience for me because I did something out of my comfort zone. So here I am, a budding/amateur model. I am looking for collaboration shoots with as many people as I can to stay connected with this not-so-easy industry.

Tanvi Model- Tanvi Age- 23 Height- 5’3 (160.02 cm) Vitals- 32-30-32 Eye colour- Brown Hi I’m Tanvi From Delhi. I have completed my studies from Delhi University. I Love to pose During college days I used to click pictures whenever I got chance and I always manage my Instagram Accont with good pictures. and one day I got a BRIDAL MAKEUP SHOOT in Lakme Academy and I did that...That was the awesome feeling. After sometime I got 2 more shoots and then I gained more intereste in modeling. In lockdown I started self portrait shoot at home... And then I got one more Bridal Shoot. That was the day I decided to try my luck in modeling... Because “it’s never too late to follow your dreams and there is no time like the present to start” portfolio is very important when it’s come to modeling. I have done mine portfolio from DCT.. I hope to get success in this industry. Thank you Lots of Love to all Tanvi.

©spotless fashion magazine march issue 2021


Ritika Narula Name- Ritika Narula City - Delhi Height - 5”3 Weight -52 Bust - 32 Waist -28 Hips -34 Skin Tone - fair Eye Color - Black Hair Color & Hair type - Black Shoe Size - 7

Preet I am Preet Indian model n actress . I carved a place for myself in the upcoming indian talented model. I always impressed the audience with my beauty, effortless acting and pleasant charm on the Instagram reels. I have been a big fan of Madhuri Mam , Aishwarya Mam ,Priyanka Chopra mam and Deepika Padukone mam all of them inspired me lot. I am very hard working and after such struggle i am becoming a upcoming Indian model n actress. Prior to this. I am one of those who is not just a pretty face but beauty with brain. I have completed my graduation from Delhi University in Delhi. I am very polite and very calm in nature. I always make help for others and try to give them a smile on there face. The last but not the least i always stand for my confidence level which always encourage me to do the task with enthusiasm and in perfect manner. I hope i will get the chance to do more and more better in future.

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Hi, I am Avni kr (Neetu) sister of Yatharth Kumar and I am giving his introduction here as he can’t type best words and he don’t know many things about anything in this industry. He is 16 years old and he is in 10th class now.. Basically it’s mine dream to go in this industry but sometimes I get scared coz of my family condition and family financial problems that’s why I move forward and I take my brother in this industry. I m grateful that I met with Tapas sir and I m thankful to God especially Radhakrishna ji and shivjiparvati ji becoz of them and becoz of my hardworking I m here and I will succeed and my brothers will also succeed when I am here for him. He can’t listen n speak properly but I know that he can do anything as my mother believes in me that I can do anything in my life..

Anshika Verma Name - Anshika Verma Height -5’6 Vitals 32 ,28,32 City - Delhi

©spotless fashion magazine march issue 2021


International Model of the Month -

Rina from Ukraine HOW I BECAME A MODEL

I was 15 years old and never even considered working as a model. I did a couple of professional photoshoots but just for fun. My plans for those photos didn’t go beyond getting pretty pictures to post on Instagram. One day, someone reached out to me on social media, inviting me to participate in a local beauty pageant. Out of curiosity, I agreed. As in any standard beauty pageant, there were 3 appearances, a jury, an audience. Somehow, I ended up winning first place. It wasn’t any serious pageant but for little 15-year old me, it became the start of my career. First, I was gifted a certificate for a photoshoot with one of the photographers in the Ukrainian city of Dnipro, so immediately after the pageant, several photographers reached out to me, inviting me for photoshoots. That’s how I got started. Honestly, I didn’t do so great in the first few shoots. Posing is a skill I acquired over time. Then I got really into it. I was a model for make-up artists and worked with photographers. I came up with interesting ideas for shoots and dreamed of flying out somewhere on a contract. In the end, I built a good portfolio, gained a lot of experience, and began flying out to different places on modeling contracts. My first contract was in China. Now I’m happy that I work as a model. It’s a profession in which I have found myself.

©spotless fashion magazine march issue 2021

28 КАК Я СТАЛА МОДЕЛЬЮ ⠀ Мне было 15 и я даже не думала работать моделью. У меня было только пару профессиональных съёмок и то, чисто для себя. Из разряда фоточки для инстаграмма. И вот как-то мне написали, в социальной сети, с приглашением на местный конкурс красоты, и ради интереса решила поучаствовать ⠀ Как в стандартном конкурсе, было 3 выхода, жури, зрители. И сложилось все так, что я получила 1 место. Это не был какой-то очень серьезный конкурс, но для маленькой 15-летней меня это стало моим стартом в карьере. ⠀ Во-первых, мне подарили сертификат на съёмку с одним из фотографов Днепра, так же сразу после конкурса мне написало несколько фотографом и пригласили на съемки. В итоге я начала пробовать фотографироваться. ⠀ Честно сказать, на первых съемках у меня все получалось не очень хорошо. Позировать я научилась со временем. ⠀ Я очень загорелась всем этим. Ходила моделью к визажистам, сотрудничала с фотографами. Придумывала идёи для съёмок и мечтала полететь куда-то по контракту. В итоге я наработала хорошее портфолио, получила опыт и начала летать по модельным контрактам. И первый мой контракт был в Китай. Сейчас я счастлива, что работаю моделью. Это профессия, в которой я нашла себя.

©spotless fashion magazine march issue 2021


Princy Joyce Leonard


rincy Joyce Leonard ( aka Cynthia Roxane ) She is Goan Anglo-Indian By Birth to a Christ Believer Protestant Christian Family. A Medical Graduate , Gynecologist by Education and Passionate in Fashion , Modeling , Acting & Performing Arts. She is a Trained Kathak Dancer ( Honors Senior Diploma – Jaipur Gharana ) From Prayag Samiti , Allahabad. An Ardent Lover of Craft , Social Work , Philanthropy ,Education & Women Health Projects . Currently Holding a ISO Chair – International Service Organization Chair Person for Inner Wheel Club Of India Dist 301. She is Holding a Folio of Fashion Model for Gujarat Textile( Surat ) , Deb Photography ( Bangalore ) , Platonic Moviez( Hiren Amin Ahmedabad ), Raj Sharma Classic ( Delhi ) , Ramani Photography ( Mumbai ) , Rahul Gujarati Production ( Rajkot- Gujarat ), Babelicious Life Style ( Hyderabad ) , Alpesh Chauhan , BJ Photography , Calendar Shoot – Star Light Photography Mumbai – Regional Gujarati Cinema RS Productions & Dev Pagli Goswami , Bridal Shoots – MUA Shoots – Ajay Kapoor Advertising – Surat , Short Movie & Christian Bride – Ravi Joshi Photography – Pune, Product Launch with Rasheesh Studio – Mumbai and Few More. Awards – Felicitation Host – Anchor on International Inner Wheel Day & ISO Meet – Dist 301 Chief Advisor for NIMA Women Forum for Doctors - Faridabad Chapter. Senior Level Kathak Diploma Holder from Prayag Samiti Allahabad in Jaipur Gharana. Secured Honors ( 83% ) Crash Course in Acting , Phonation , Dialogues & Performance – Mr. Mahesh Raiyyani ( Gujarat ). Winner of Performing Art & Main Danseuse with ISO Event . Awardee for Fashion & Glamorous Modeling by Chirag

©spotless fashion magazine march issue 2021

30 Foundation – 2019 Awardee – El’dano Models – IFIA India Fashion Icon Awards – Jaipur – 2019 Awardee – Planet Group – Special Jury Awards for Fashion & Media Industry - 2019 Recipient of ISO Award for Case Study on Women Health & Nutrition in Dist 301 - 2019. First Award Winner for a Write up Compilation on Women Chores in Dist 301 - 2018 Awardee - Woman of Excellence –By Unchi Udaan & Metro Super Specialty Hospital – Faridabad – 2021. Awardee Beautiful Bride Competition by IWC Faridabad Central Dist 301. Her Passion is to Pose , Present , Perform and practice a Good Virtue for poor & Marginalized Society. Favorite Color – Red , White & Black Favorite Make up – Lip Gloss & Eye Liner Favorite Attire – LBD Little Black Dress with Stilettoes Favorite Fashion Icon – Gigi Hadid , Sophia Loren , Jennifer Lopez & Sonam Kapoor Favorite Destination – London Favorite Food – Fish & Chips Favorite Music – Bollywood Favorite Sports – Gym Workout

©spotless fashion magazine march issue 2021


A Cry for Help Foundation -

Simran Rawat

Our Beginning ACFH started in 2013 in DPS Gurgaon. Then we successfully conducted workshops in several schools like Ryan International, Sohna Road; Scottish High and SN Sidheshwar school as well as organised awareness initiatives in public places like Galleria and events like Raahgiri Day. As part of our awareness initiatives, we performed various flash mobs and a few street plays. Our first major collaboration was with Teach For India to mentor children from Delhi’s most underprivileged government schools.

Organisation Profile We work with children from the ages of 10-21 to help them tackle issues like self harm, suicide, bullying, substance abuse and more. ACFH adopts a 3 step model of conducting workshops, training student leaders and providing peer counselling to help students. We also tackle taboo topics like sexual health, mental wellness and more through informal and interactive means. Our model is currently being implemented in schools across Delhi NCR. The USP of the model is that it is by young people for young people, empowering the youth community to give and seek help from each other. We’ve impacted over 5000 children in schools like Pathways, Tagore International and DPS, as well as government schools. We’ve also reached out to hundreds of teachers and

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parents to help them best support children with these issues. With a unique and innovative model, we’re able to help children overcome issues in their adolescence, before they become permanent problems in adulthood.

About The Team Simran Rawat is the co-founder and Trustee of A Cry for Help Foundation, a charitable trust working in the area of adolescent mental and sexual health. She is the Regional Leader- India for clubs under the UN Foundation’s Girl Up campaign. She has conducted over 30 workshops and directly reached out to over 1500 students. Simran is especially passionate about topics such as feminism, sexuality and consent and also gave a TEDx Talk on the same at only 18 years of age. Her sexual health workshops are highly sought after by the students, as they are relatable, honest and informative. She has received coverage for her social work in several publications like the Times of India, Femina and Hindustan Times. She is has a degree in Journalism from Lady Shri Ram college, Delhi University. Pritish is the Managing Trustee and Facilitator at A Cry For Help. He has conducted over 25 workshops in four countries and directly reached out to 1200 students. He is passionate about topics such as bullying and mental health. Having been bullied at a young age himself, he started A Cry for Help when he was only 16 years old. Students find him extremely relatable and honest. Parents have found his workshops to be extremely useful as well. Pritish has worked with Lebenshilfe, the biggest Mental Health organization in Germany, in a program sponsored by the German Government, to gain experience in helping people dealing with severe Mental Health issues. He is very passionate about social entrepreneurship and is a member of numerous global communities of social entrepreneurs. About the International Collaboration project with HeartSpace, China • In collaboration with HeartSpace China, we took a group of 6 selected students, accompanied by 4 adults, to China to work with Chinese students. The students participated in team building exercises, workshops & sessions together, culminating in the creation of a self-synthesised manual that deals with all the aforementioned issues that both these organisations aim to tackle. • This is a one of a kind model created by adolescents, for adolescents. • This unique initiative was also a step towards fostering better Indo-China relations & creating a global network of social entrepreneurs. • The model is open source and can be implemented in schools all over the world. Our goal in India, would be to implement the model in as many schools all over the country in order to persuade the HRD Ministry to issue a guideline making it mandatory for schools to work on mental health issues. • We visited Xi’an, China from 23rd to 30th May 2018, where the Social Innovation and Youth Entrepreneurs Summit was conducted from 25th to 27th May. • The project was supported by ChangemakerXChange, a unique community of Global Changemakers and the Ashoka Foundation, a global organization that identifies and invests in leading social entrepreneurs - individuals with innovative and practical ideas for solving social problems. • We received funding from the Robert Bosch Foundation, a charitable institution which is one of the leading private foundations of Europe that is known for its promotion of natural and social sciences, including public health and science, education, society and culture, and international relations.

Impact of The Project The project helped the Indian and Chinese students realise just how similar their education systems and societies are and how adolescents in both nations suffer with these issues due to extra emphasis on academics and not the holistic development of children. Despite the language gap, the students learnt how to communicate their ideas effectively and work together, learning the value of team work and collective ideation. The students learnt the importance of social innovation, coming up with several unique and offbeat ideas of their own like using virtual reality and creating a television program to sensitise the general populace. The students learnt to step out of their comfort zones and build their ideas into actual implementable models. It helped sow the seed of social innovation in many young minds as well as create greater mental health awareness. All the participants with in depth understanding of the aforementioned issues and a passion to bring about change to the status quo. The conference also helped in cultural synthesis as the students learnt from each others’ experiences as well as those of the experts who taught them. For the six Indian students, it was a life changing moment as they all come from very poor financial conditions and to participate in a project of this scale in another country was a dream come true. It offered them exposure that their economic conditions otherwise severely constrain and helped them grow in confidence. The students eagerly imbibed all they learnt and are very enthusiastic to be student leaders who mentor their peers in this field. Several ideas that the students came up with are viable solutions and these ideas are being implemented by these young leaders themselves in schools across India and China. The students learnt leadership, organisation and ideation. The project was a pioneering effort in the field of mental health awareness with the collaboration being written about in several Indian media outlets.

©spotless fashion magazine march issue 2021


©spotless fashion magazine march issue 2021


Challenges of a Female Photographer

- Manpreet

Kamal Kaur

My journey has been quite interesting, i have never thought of becoming a photographer, it just happened and im really glad and happy about it now. Its been five years now, I was in delhi and was quite low and disturbed when i lost my job and therefore one of my friend gave me his dslr for two months as he was going abroad for a course. I wasnt keen but he really forced me as he wanted me to be occupied with something. I literally didnt took the camera out for the first month, then one day i just randomly clicked some pictures so there should be something that i can show when my friend will be back to take the camera. When i was doing street photography i really felt something which i never felt before, the feeling was getting intense with time. I started asking my friends to pose for me and be my muse. Then i got interested in learning more about photography and editing and then i started searching youtube. Youtube plays a vital role where im i today, its has been my only mentor. It felt good but even then i never thought of taking it professionally as its very expensive profession. When the camera was taken back from me i felt little bit of emptiness and i somehow managed to get my camera. Even then i never thought of taking it as a profession, it was just a travel partner and mood fixer for me. As i was out of my job so i shifted back to chandigarh and in chandigarh i did some modelling assignments and there i came across many models who were interested in collaborating for a photoshoot. I was never a professional model but yes i used to take some assignments whenever given a chance. Gradually with time i got more interested in photography and which ended up by setting up a small studio with basic lights and i was soo passionate about my work that i kept watching youtube tutorials. Apart from my passion, i do need a paycheck so i started wedding photography and seriously it has been a roller coaster ride. I remembering me clicking for free at my friend’s events or their friend’s events just to get some content. My journey hasnt been smooth as being a girl i wasnt welcomed in this man dominant industry plus being a self learner i was being told that i need to go and learn as i cnt learn technicals just by youtube and i wasnt being taken seriously. But im glad i could break the stereotypes and come out to be more stronger. I was often heard people saying about continuing modelling or doing makeups or opening up a boutique like doing girly stuff for my livelihood which i can enjoy easily. But i never took a step back even though there was zero support and i continued my journey and even till date i face challenges but its fine i will fight till i win. Im glad apart from soo many incidents that should bring me down, i kept fighting and im glad that i didnt changed my profession otherwise how would have i got to know my interest of cinematography. I want to get in to movie making someday but for the time being im happy to make short movies.

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37 Holi Special Amaya

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38 & Ali

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The Art of Self Portraits - Tithi


Indian Model of the Month - Shreyja

Mhatr A Cry for Help Foundation -

Simran Rawat

Challenges of a Female Photographer - Man-

preet Kamal Kaur Women Empowerment- Nadita

Kaushik (Miss Curvy) Navya Sarjana Vanya Singh

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