Spotlight Sister Magazine January Edition 2021

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From the Editor’s Desk A Look Back Over 2020 If you are anything like me, you might have expected the dawning of 2020 to bring forth an amazing year. It was, after all, the beginning of a new decade—one of perfect vision (20/20) and clarity. At least, that is what I believed. Instead, what I witnessed was a year of enlightenment, teachable moments, and life-changing perspectives. Alas, 2020 was not the year I anticipated. It seems as if I spent more time waiting IN anticipation… The year started out great. I was excited about what was sure to be countless new beginnings. Then, the unexpected happened: COVID-19 (Coronavirus)! A global, deadly pandemic came into our lives that drastically changed our norm. In just three months into the year, Coronavirus showed up on the scene, causing the U.S. to experience a shutdown unlike anything I’ve ever encountered in my lifetime. Immediate stay-at-home orders were put in place. Masks were mandated, coupled with 6-foot social-distancing measures and constant handwashing. Hospitalizations rose so fast, they were running out of rooms and personnel to care for the patients. Businesses had to close shop to keep from spreading the virus. Unemployment skyrocketed, causing families to struggle to make ends meet. The most devastating part of the pandemic is that hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives—and we’re still counting. What in the world is going on?! My curiosity began to rage. I needed to know more about Coronavirus, so I began to research…and this is what I discovered:

Dr. Cheryl Peavy | Editor in Chief Dr.Cheryl Peavy is an international bestselling visionary & author, transformation coach and speaker who provides women with self-development tools to smack fear in the face, step into their purpose and achieve their inner desires of their heart. Her coaching style of love, encouragement and support results in an abundance of personal growth & transformation. As founder & CEO of Cheryl Peavy, LLC, her purpose and passion is to help women facing life-traumatic situations heal within in. Her style of coaching, guides, educates and inspires women to show up in their greatness and create the life of their dreams. She created a social media movement, “She Is You, I Am You”, encouraging and motivating women to see themselves through God’s eyes and not the worlds.

Coronavirus is a virus of RNA (ribonucleic acid—as in living cells) variations that is a disease in people. That “explanation” made no sense to me, so I had to dig deeper. In my prayer time with God, I outright asked Him, “What is going on?” Oh, how Cheryl’s proudest moment is being a mom I love how God brings revelation! I was reminded of the story to her wonderful & talented son, Christian and when she’s not serving her clients, of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Bible. God’s answer to my Spotlight she Sister Magazine January 2020 and 3 playing enjoys bowling, dancing question was, “A shift is happening.” Then, I thought back to Pac-man. the one word He spoke to me in 2019: “SHIFT.” I didn’t

From the Editor’s Desk - Cont’d understand what that meant until 2020 came and the pandemic started. It doesn’t end there, though. Just as all humanity was learning to adapt to a new routine, other underlying societal issues were exposed, including the roots of racism and social injustice. A noticeable number of

African Americans were being killed at alarming rates at the hands of white police officers. Although it has been going on for years, it was in 2020 when their transgressions were revealed in a big way! That very revelation brought me hope for justice. Victims like Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, and Breonna Taylor lost their lives but became heroes of hope for justice. All the commotion, social media voices regarding each injustice, and the continual news coverage appeared to me like we were reliving the Civil Rights Movement. (I wasn’t born during that time, but the recordings of footage I’ve seen was a clear indication that history was, indeed, repeating itself.) I began to feel that what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. worked so hard to accomplish was being destroyed right before my very eyes. What became of “All men are created equal”? It looked like Racism 2.0 to me…up close and personal. What happened to the United States of America being the “Land of The Free,” where people came from other countries looking for a better life? For so long, I believed the U.S. was growing and getting better! I have since realized that racism is an open wound that salve just didn’t help heal. In 2020, the whole world came together to stand for BLM (Black Lives Matter). COVID-19 didn’t mean a thing. People of all races and ethnicities protested and came together to take a stand and say, “RACISM IS WRONG!” and “BLACK LIVES MATTER!” At that moment, it felt as though a change was going to come. Basketball teams, baseball teams, most sports teams, and even celebrities started to speak out and take a stand. I was inspired and believed that FINALLY, people understood why BLM. Oh, but wait… Later in the year, there was a Presidential Election held that will go down in history as “one for the books.” There was voter suppression, accusations of widespread voter fraud, calls to stop the count, the Supreme Court's involvement, numerous lawsuits…and the list goes on and on. I cannot fail to mention witnessing history in the making when Kamala Harris was the first African American woman elected to the Office of the Vice-President of the United States! Wow! What an amazing feeling to see that a woman—an African American one, at that—can hold such a high position and who is more than capable and deserving of the job. Kamala has made women of color feel that they can do anything they put their minds to do. Imagine my disappointment when I learned 55% of white women voted against Kamala Harris. Again, I say: Wow! As we head full throttle into 2021, it appears as if 2020’s tribulations are on “fleek.” Various legal battles are underway, including those who are trying to revoke Kamala Harris’ Vice-Presidency. COVID-19 vaccine trials and distribution have begun globally. We are awaiting the court trials for those who murdered Arbery, Floyd, and Taylor.

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Happy New Year! From the Editor’s Desk - Cont’d

And so, we wait with bated breath as the events of the upcoming year before us unfold. Will 2021 be a year of waiting for systemic racism and the pandemic to end? Will unemployment and food insecurity become a thing of the past…a distant memory? Will justice ever be served in the African American community? Those questions and more are ones for which I will be seeking an answer. I am prepared for whatever reality comes my way, and it is my sincere prayer that you, too, will embrace, fight against (when necessary), and live up to your 2021 realities as they are served.

Happy New Year! Dr. Cheryl Peavy

Spotlight Sister

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Spotlight Sister JANUARY 2021

Contents Regular Feature Letter from the Editor

Article Contributors Dr. Cheryl Peavy Evelisse Jones Dr. Clara Peters

Andrea Merriman Kimberly Collins Laquita Hogan Sherry Wrugler Teresa Perkins

Beverly Leonard Rita Oliver Marnina Reid Dr. LaTarsha Holden

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Special Thanks to the advertisers who support this publication!

Evelisse Jones Spotlight Sister Magazine January 2020 7

Evelisse Jones

“Inspire to be a leader, not a boss” Known

as “The Princess of Networking,” Evelisse Jones is a woman to keep your eye on. Founder of the Women Leadership Network of Atlanta, Leadership expert, Connect Strategist, and Motivational Speaker. Evelisse followed her call to leadership by joining the military in 1996. She received a Commendation Medal for her performance and leadership services. She was Woman of the year by ACHI Magazine in

2017. Her skills and expertise are invaluable. Her passion is to help people connect by utilizing her networking skills. Her legacy is for everyone to Win! I had the pleasure of interviewing this Rising Star.

Can you share with the readers who is Evelisse? I am a believer, a daughter, a mother, a friend, a connector, and your biggest Spotlight Sister Magazine January 2020 8

winning accountability partner. I am very passionate about meeting people, and I love supporting business visionaries. I am the Editor in Chief of Connect 365, a monthly newsletter where we promote small businesses and entrepreneurs from around the country. I am also the Founder and President of The Women Leadership Network of Atlanta, where my mission is to mentor and assist women to find their purpose in leadership. A lot of women want to become entrepreneurs, how did you decide that this was something you wanted to do? Where did you start? We’ve all known of the importance of finding your purpose, but I feel the most important thing is to do what makes you happy and pursue any gift you may have until, you find the best match for yourself. I didn’t receive any special training on how to become an entrepreneur. I lost my full-time job years ago, and at that time, I realized that I needed to focus on Eve. I decided to take the jump and start exploring the entrepreneurship world. What is your New Year’s Resolution? Many people asked me that question and my answer remains the same. I do not set my goals in life in the form of a New Year’s resolution, instead, I set daily goals throughout the year.

What are the new beginnings for your business this year? CONNECT

365 has been in business

for over a year now, and I would have never thought we would have been able to reach so many people especially from all over the states. I am definitely looking forward to continuing to reach out to more entrepreneurs in order to continue to support all small business dreamers. I would also love to grow our team and be recognized one day for our passion in order to promote and support businesses. How do you handle difficult challenges in your personal life and business? I am a pretty normal type of girl despite my strong look. I get mad, I cry, and I get frustrated but when that's done and over, I come back stronger and more determined than ever! I believe in working hard while having a good balance in life. I enjoy the great outdoors, my family, friends, and traveling. You must take care of yourself in order to give others the best of you. As a Leadership Mentor, what is the most important part of becoming a leader? I strongly believe in born leaders and just pursuing your calling. We must make a difference and assist others, Spotlight Sister Magazine January 2020 9

especially, our young women. We must overcome the gap in leadership and the stereotypes for women in leadership roles. I strongly believe we have come too far to stop now, so we must continue to promote leadership, mentorship, and continue to stay active in this area. What advice would you give a woman who is stuck in their business and personal life? My advice to them will be to get uncomfortable and get out of their comfort zone. Step out on faith and believe in their gifts. They should look for advice and assistance, and put an action plan in place. Stop waiting for the right time and make it a priority now. Choose to live the life you deserve and continue to move forward no matter what the current circumstances are. Also, be open to be diverse and connect with all groups of people. We all have something good to share, believe me, when I say, I have encountered pain and losses in my life as well but nothing can stop a warrior.

Why are connections important in business? I think this is my favorite question‌ as you all know, I am who I am today, because of the amazing connections I have established and the circle of people surrounding my life. I believe networking and connecting with people is how we grow and become stronger. How can people connect with you? I love social media and I’m a big fan of where technology has taken us. Everyone can find me under Evelisse Jones on Facebook, and The Connect Strategist on Instagram. My website is and email I look forward to connecting with each of you soon! Spotlight Sister Magazine January 2020 10

Evelisse Jones

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Let it Go and Walk into your NEW admitting that you have an issue from your past that is causing you to go forth in your future. You will not receive what’s ahead if you do not let what’s behind you go. That from your past, there may be something that you are not proud of but, you must let it go, forgive yourself for it and forgive others that may have also been key to letting it go.

Dr. Clara Peters (Isaiah 43:18-19) “Remember not the

former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” We all have a past and there is something in that past that may not be that good that is making it hard to let go and start anew. Well, God does not want you to hold onto those things, He wants you to release those things and do according to Him. It’s time for you to live and live the life that He has designed for you. Lean on the word, it will help you. There are some steps you must take and the most important one is

Some people keeps talking about the past, stop talking about it, unless you are doing so to encourage, warn, or let others know that there is another way you do not have to take this route. Once you close that chapter of your past, you will be able to walk by faith in a way that you thought was impossible. It’s time for you to enjoy your life and have all that GOD said you could have; peace, joy, happiness, love, and much more.

Remember, you need to take your life into your hands and let GOD lead you in the way you should go. When you truly let the negative go, you will be able to have that life you desire. You will never forget it but, you must let it go as you walk into your Spotlight Sister Magazine January 2020 13

new. One major thing you will need to do is change not just the trajectory of your life, but your mind as well. Why? Because, it will help you walk into your new. No matter where life takes you, you will continue to evolve and let things go, so always keep a positive attitude. I will leave you with this, as stated in (Jeremiah 29:11) “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.� In order for Him to give you what He has for you, you must make the decision to stop

allowing things that mean you no good to dictate your now, your present, and your future.

You have the POWER over your life, so make a wise decision for the betterment of YOU. - Dr. Clara L. Peters

Let it Go and Walk into your NEW

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The Birthing of a

New Season Andrea Merriman Life displays as seasons of growth and birth. It continues to present that way with each milestone. Have you ever birthed a child or remember the time you completed your first menstrual cycle? With each came pain, fear of the unknown, and beauty of accomplishment. This next season is no different. The pains of 2020 prepared you for the birthing of something extraordinary. The time has arrived for your business, career, family, or new space for yourself to manifest. Be forewarned, though: It may not be exactly as you envision.

However, that is the joy of faith and transformation! Walk with me a moment down memory lane… In the summer of 1990, I was planning for my second child's birth. I had taken Lamaze classes because I wanted to do everything “natural.” It took a while to talk my husband into participating. He was not convinced a woman needed to take classes to give birth. His philosophy was that women had been doing it for years without classes. Nonetheless, he agreed, and we attended the courses in Spotlight Sister Magazine January 2020 15

preparation for the big day. During that time, I learned to breathe correctly, and they talked to my husband about support and what to expect from a woman in labor. We received our “Certificate of Completion” and were packed and ready to go. Let me pause here. Are you in the planning stages of your life? Are you trying to get a business off the ground? Have you been working on something in anticipation of the birth of a beautiful child? Well, keep working. You may have to depend on support from someone who does not see the vision as it was given to you, but do not let that stop you. Know that your vision belongs to you and will be manifested if YOU keep the faith. The funny thing about our Heavenly Father is this: If He gave it to you, it is for you, and He expects you to do the work. Do not give in to the fear. Lean into your gifts! When you embrace fear as it

arises and identify the source, you can use it as fuel to empower other resources. Much like when I wanted to have a natural birth, fear of the pain prompted me to learn all I could about how the pain would evolve and what to do when it did. I reached out to experts and surrounded myself with women who had the same goal, as well as women who had already gone through it. 2021 is not only a new year; it is also a new season. With it comes the opportunity to embrace all you have been working on as you bring it to fruition. Grab the vision board you made last year and exam it. Then, replenish the vision. What is coming next requires your dedication, faith, and resilience. It is almost time to push. Are you ready? Until next month… XOXO Andrea Merriman Spotlight Sister Magazine January 2020 16

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Sister Magazine. Congratulations on following your dream.

Kimberly Collins

MBA Graduate, US Army Veteran, Wife, Transformation Public Speaker, Mindset Alchemist is many things you have accomplished. These are amazing. I want readers to know who Kimberly Collins is: The Educated Natural. Where did the name The Educated Natural come from? First, thank you for this phenomenal opportunity to be a part of Spotlight

The name: The Educated Natural was revealed when I asked God how I could differentiate myself from others that may share my same first and last name. In 2013 a few days after graduating with my MBA my oldest daughter and I were sitting at the kitchen table listening to various genres of music. Out of nowhere, an R&B song by The Dream titled Shawty Is A 10 began to play. In response to the song I said to her “I am a ten�. Of course, we both shared in endless laughter after that statement. A few moments later I wrote out the acronym T.E.N. The next day, I still could not get the acronym off my mind, so I began to pray asking God for clarity on the acronym. Now I know for some this may sound crazy, but I truly sought God for an answer. As I got up off my knees, I walked pass the window and caught a glimpse of my reflection. This day I happened to have my hair in an afro puff. As I proceeded to my kitchen table, I began to think about who I am and what words would best describe me. It was at that moment when I grabbed my notepad and wrote down The Educated Natural. From that moment until now it is a title that separates me Spotlight Sister Magazine January 2020 18

from all others. For I am The Educated Natural.

Why is it important for entrepreneurs to have a visual arts and multimedia for their business?

Who is Kimberly Collins at her core? Wow, what a great question. For many years, I had no idea who I was or whose I was. I even had no idea that I had a core. As a result, I spent many years just trying to blend in with those around me and never brought much attention to myself. Then one day I heard a message from Dr. Myles Monroe about the value and power of knowing who you are. His words deeply touched me and led me on a personal journey of self-identity. I discovered that within me is a complicated core. Inside my core are many divinely orchestrated seeds. I embody seeds of spirituality, love, creativity, faithfulness, loyalty, character, strength, etc. It genuinely surprised me to know that I am one intriguing individual. I typically tell people I’m like an onion. I have many layers. Nonetheless out of everything within me I'd have to say the main part of my core is my adoration of God. I could not possibly be who I have grown to be today without God. For He is the reason for my very existence. God is the center of my core and above all else I am a woman that loves God.

Entrepreneurs that are not utilizing either visual art or multimedia are literally leaving money on the table. When a customer buys any product or service from an entrepreneur it’s due to an established connection. That means the entrepreneur offered something that benefited the customer. This benefit strengthens the bond between the entrepreneur, customer, and their purchased item. Visual arts and multimedia are gateways for business to customer relationships. Additionally, visual art and multimedia are two main ways for entrepreneurs to express themselves in unique ways that will separate them from their competitors. For instance, my company Sown On Purpose specializes in working with entrepreneurs to create customized products and service that speak to their ideal customers. It is one thing to tell someone about your business, but it is another thing to show them. Many entrepreneurs are shocked at how creative they one can be in both visual art and multimedia. For example, virtual art includes acrylic paintings, epoxy resin art, jewelry, sculptures, video, and filmmaking. These types of artistic expressions Spotlight Sister Magazine January 2020 19

allow business owners to show their clientele the heart of their business in a way that exhibits one of a kind brand creativity. Imagine how great your clients would feel to wear or own items with your company branding on it. On the other hand, multimedia offers the same opportunity but on an even grander scale. Think about how fast multimedia platforms such as podcasts, livestreams, radio broadcasts, and digital marketing has grown over the past few years. Not to mention the number of business owners that have been able to capitalize on this growth by turning these types of mediums into global streams of income. Multimedia gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to reach audiences on a local and global scale. So, when you ask me: Why is it important for entrepreneurs to have a visual arts and multimedia for their business? My answer is quite simple. Originality and creativity will always open the doors of global success. However, only those that choose to walk through the doors will obtain victory and win. What does Sown and Rooted mean?

Sown and Rooted is the name of my newly released podcast. It was birthed based on Jeremiah 17:7-8. To understand the full meaning, you must break the name apart first. Sown means to be planted. Earlier I mentioned my core being filled with seeds. These seeds were planted within me by God, my mom, and grandparents. In recent years God has allowed me to sow some of these seeds into the earth. Over time these planted seeds sprouted roots. This brings me to the Rooted part of the name. Rooted means to be strongly influenced by something. Together, Sown and Rooted means to have something planted within that influences everything you do. As a Woman of God, I am created to take the seeds within me and sow them in good ground within the earth for the up building of God’s kingdom. To do so I must be willing to get to the heart of the matter and help others do the same. I have learned to do this unapologetically and without hesitation. There are many women who have served in the Armed Forces. Was it a difficult adjustment to civilian life? Is there anything you would like to share with women who are in the military or retired? Spotlight Sister Magazine January 2020 20

Serving in the United States Army was one of the most rewarding decisions I’ve made. I’ve been able to serve my country, travel the world, meet my husband, and raise our beautiful daughters. Adjusting from the military into civilian life was quite easy for me. I basically traded my Army boots for motherhood. Now instead of being an active duty military member I’m a mother and military spouse. As you can see, I’m still serving just in another capacity.

physical education teachers, sports coaches, or mentors. Lastly, I would tell any Veteran that the journey into civilian life can be fun, exciting, challenging, and/or completely unpredictable. Nevertheless, no matter what your journey may entail remember that you were trained to be strong and innovative. You were built to lead not to break. Breathe. You got this! You’ve made an amazing impact in the military now use this time of transition to reinforce your legacy and pour back into future generations.

What advice would you give to a Veteran who is having a difficult time adjusting to life outside the military?

What made you take the journey of being an entrepreneur?

The best advice I can give to my fellow Veterans is to take the skills that you’ve learned in the military and build an empire with them. Please don’t let those skills become dormant. For instance, in the military we are taught discipline and leadership. Take those skills and build a business that offers entrepreneurs personal development training. If that idea doesn't meet your intent, then help in various ways within your community. One area I know that can benefit from the aid of Veterans is local school systems. A Veteran can work as a liaison on the school board that creates doctrine for school disciplinary procedures. There is always room in schools for security,

My journey into entrepreneurship was not planned. It was the result of necessity. After applying for multiple jobs with no luck I decided to step out on faith and show my daughters that as an African American woman it is possible to build a successful business from the ground up using the gifts and talents God gave you. I wanted them to see that corporate America is one way to obtain success, but it certainly is not the only way. My entrepreneurial journey is built to encourage my daughters and others to never be afraid to venture into the unknown. It is perfectly fine to take a chance on yourself, reclaim your power, spread your wings, and soar above all adversity. Spotlight Sister Magazine January 2020 21

You did a segment for She Is You I Am You called the Unadulterated Truth. What is the Unadulterated Truth? The Unadulterated Truth is exactly what one may think. It is the truth without any fluff or anything that will dilute His message. Telling the Unadulterated Truth is never easy nor is it comfortable to say or hear. However, the Bible clearly tells us in John 8:32, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”. If God needs His people to live a life of freedom, I am honored that He chose me to speak the truth, the complete truth, and nothing but the unadulterated truth. What has been challenge in life?



Great question. I have had to endure numerous challenges throughout my life. Out of them all, I would say my biggest challenge has been unforgiveness. Yes, I was one of those people that was quite comfortable with holding grudges. It was hard to forgive those I went above and beyond for and in return to have them break my trust in unimaginable ways. I carried a lot of hurt. For years I had no positive way to deal with it. As a result, I deeply suffered from anger issues. Honestly, had it not been for my reconnection with God I would still

be in a place of anger and carrying a heart of stone. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not perfect. I still struggle with forgiveness issues at times. Now instead of taking things personal or in offense I leave it all in God’s capable hands. Trust me, I have learned that He can handle it. My best advice to anyone facing challenges is to take all your burdens to the Father and leave them right there. Spotlight Sister Magazine is about showcasing phenomenal Sheras as yourself. Who is your Shera? My Shera is my mom Alberta. Although God only allowed her to be on the earth for 48 years, she taught me more than anyone. She was a woman that did not bite her tongue or let challenges stop her. If there was something that she wanted she did whatever she had to do to obtain it. She was a rebel and a woman that made sure I was protected even if she had to put herself in harm’s way to ensure my safety. She was one of a kind. I witnessed her withstand numerous personal attacks and yet she still managed to hold her head up high through it all. To me, she was the epitome of a Shera. Everything I do is to make her proud. I miss and love her dearly.

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How do you handle challenges in your business? Challenges in business are handled that same way I handle all challenges. Simply put, I go to a quiet place and pray. Of course, on my way to my quiet place I’m silently screaming and fist punching the air. Still I’m not allowing the challenges stop my forward progression. Let’s be honest. If you think that as an entrepreneur, you will avoid challenges you are fooling yourself. There will always be something that breaks or does not meet your expectations. That is why I always tell my fellow entrepreneurs to expect the unexpected. Enjoy every moment of the journey. It is all a part of the process of growth and running a business. Always remember your why and everything will be okay. What final words would you like to share?

That above all else keep God first! When you want to quit and give up think about those that are depending on you to keep going. You were created with the power to make mountains move. God promised to never leave or forsake you. So, get up and get going. You were sown on purpose and your destiny awaits. Lastly, during those times when feel you cannot depend on anyone else never forget you can always depend on God. How can others connect with you? To connect with me feel free to visit my website at As well as connect with me on all social media platforms under Kimberly Collins The Educated Natural.

Let’s Get & Stay Connected Spotlight Sister Magazine January 2020 23

No Matter What, Go All the Way! do not become distracted on your journey and quit the race!

Be Encouraged, Laquita Hogan

7 things you can utilize to help you overcome procrastination or doubt…

No Matter What, Go All the Way! How many of you make those yearly New Year resolutions? But somehow, only a month in have or wanted to quit. See, I am doing a new thing! Now, it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. (Isaiah 43:19 NIV) God has called you to finish the journey with Him. He wants you to go all the way, so He can fulfill His promises through you. More than half of you quickly give up and fail because you don’t have a strong understanding of your purpose with God, and how He wants to use you. God admires a strong person who finishes the fight and keeps their word. "Who despises a vile person but honors those who fear the Lord; who keeps an oath even when it hurts and does not change their mind."(Psalm 15:4 NIV) Many of you see after man’s approval and not what God’s plan is over your life. It’s ok to stumble or even backslide, but no matter what, use it to help yourself to persevere forward. We all deal with difficulties; it’s how we tackle each task controls the value of our life. Out of all the things that transpired during 2020, let 2021 be the year to move forward and not quit. Just know that when you accept God with your whole heart, you will endure an incredible spiritual attack. "Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go." (Joshua 1:7 NIV) God is simply saying to you,

1. Visualize yourself achieving it.







Be prepared for certain lifestyle changes and strict discipline in order to make that vision a reality. Journaling. Write out your plans and goals on paper and pray over them daily. Always seek God for clarity and discernment. Be sure to date it as a reference back to how quickly God is manifesting your desires. Create accountability. Find someone who believes in your plans. Someone to hold you responsible and help encourage you to push through. Make it smaller. Set goals that are achievable and can be reached in due time. Never overwhelm yourself with trying to complete a huge task without allowing God to intervene. Give yourself a day off. We all need a day to rest, to recharge, and eliminate stress. Even on the Seventh Day, God, Himself rested. Surround yourself with success. Create a circle of people who are working toward or have accomplished the same goal and use their achievements as your motivation. Keep negative energy away. Look back. Take some time to reflect on how far you’ve come to achieving your goal.

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Strength, wisdom, resilience, and courage from difficult circumstances to organization, from futility to purpose. It is through the most trying of times that we need to go within to find the strongest and best version of ourselves. How do we develop resilience going through the tough times in life? While it may seem that current events are paralyzing us, it is actually our response to tough situations that will bring out the worst or best in us. We get to choose which path we travel. Let’s consider the path that builds resilience, strength, and courage.

Sherry Wrugler Strength, wisdom, resilience, and courage from difficult circumstances 2020 has been a challenging and difficult year for all of us, global- wide. Covid-19 has humbled us. We have grown from ignorance to knowledge, from weakness to strength, from chaos

Daily routines/rituals help us stay focused, encourages self-discipline, and grows resilience. That is, the ability to bounce back from tough situations. Not just survive them, but thrive during the situation. That may seem so immense a task, but not really, when we break things down. Let’s start with a positive mindset. Starting our day by listening to or reading positive affirmations can set the tone for the entire rest of the day. We’ve all heard the saying: “Positive in, positive out.” Well, it works! Greeting ourselves first thing in the morning with kind reassuring phrases actually puts our brain on track to find other positive things to bring to our attention. Spotlight Sister Magazine January 2020 25

An early morning snowfall can bring out the negative – “Ugh, cold, wet, I hate this!” or the positive – “I just love how the fresh snowfall blankets the ground with beauty.” Research has proven that a positive outlook boosts our immune system and a negative attitude does the opposite. Especially, during tough times, we need to align ourselves with as much positive input as possible. Set some kind of exercise/stretching goal to energize and invigorate your body in the morning. It doesn’t have to be strenuous or pumping heavyweights, just get your body up and moving, and feeling alive and engaged. A positive mindset has helped me the most in my journey through life. I am a ritual abuse survivor and went through some traumatic times during childhood. I dissociated during those times and my memories came back

later in my early twenties. During the time between, I was raised in a community that taught servant leadership. I was treated with dignity, respect, and it taught me how to live and work side by side with other leaders in our community. Those precious years forged my selfesteem, self-confidence, strength, courage, wisdom, and love of life. And most importantly of all, I grew an incredible strength of resilience. We owe ourselves to be the best version of ourselves and maintaining a positive outlook/attitude/mindset makes all the difference. You are worth it! You are enough! Dig deep and bring those core values to the surface. Treasure the best version of you. You deserve to live the best version life has to offer. Stay positive! - Sherry Wrugler

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At Home with LaYerz Interiors to choose an extraordinary design— one that calls attention and can trigger visual focus upward.

You May Enter For the foyer, adopt an open-plan design (if possible), as it will make your home appear more spacious than it actually is. Don’t Forget About the Spice Add an eye-catching shine, such as crystal accessories, bronze furniture, or decorative pieces made of metals, brass, or stainless steel.

Teresa Perkins First Impressions Creating inspiring interior designs that make an excellent first impression on guests is something every homeowner should desire. Imagine the glorious praise as they admire your home! Following are some ways you can impress them with some fantastic inside design tips. Hang Interesting Lights Pendant lamps are the best choice for a modern home interior. Be sure

Must-Haves Plants are a great way to make your home stand out. Arrange a couple of large plants in the hallway or living room. They are an inexpensive way to elevate your décor on a budget. Don’t Forget Your Walls Decorate your walls with wallpapers that have attractive and unusual patterns, colors, and designs. You can opt for abstract, basic forms that are nature-inspired or other colorful designs to turn your walls into works of art. Wood, Anyone? Regardless of the base color chosen for your interior design, consider elevating your home with dazzling white woodwork. It will offer a sweet contrast against brightlycolored walls and dark wooden Spotlight Sister Magazine January 2020 27

floors, all while making your home interior appear fresh and elegant.

in coordinating hues and decorate it with stylish objects.

Going Green In this day and age where everyone seems to be “going green,” integrate sustainable and eco-friendly interior design ideas.

Incorporate Unique Designs Make a bespoke piece of furniture, such as a zigzag-shaped bookcase or oddly-shaped coffee table, the focal point of your interior decoration.

Incorporate Art Hang expressive pieces on your walls that help to set the color palette of your home. If you’re working with a budget, consider shopping at flea markets and bazaars for affordable, impressive art displays and décor.

Flooring Install stylish and sleek hardwood flooring (you may need to hire professionals for the installation). Not only is it gorgeous, but it is sure to increase the value of your home.

Choose Colors That Inspire You When blending colors for your interior, don’t stick with neutrals. Instead, choose colorful patterns that are aesthetically appealing to the eyes. The Entrance Invest in furnishings that will make an instant good impression on your guests. “Wow” them with pretty seating near your entry door, such as a couple of stylish chairs in complementary colors or a beautiful couch or bench. Consoles Are a Must-Have Place a console table on one side of your foyer. On a budget, consider upcycling a vintage console. Paint it

Scents Are Required Aromatherapy and scented candles are must-haves. All candles are not the same, though. Check out my favorites at My top three are: Mr. Right, Perfect Cup, and Tipsy. Trust me: Your nose and your friends will thank you later! If you need help with creating a fabulous space in your home or office, we’re here to help.

Cheers! Teresa Perkins CEO/Interior Design Extraordinaire

FB/IG: Layerzinteriors

Contact a member of our staff directly at Spotlight Sister Magazine January 2020 28 972-674-8888 or

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Rita Oliver Transform Your Mindset, Money, and Life!!!

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TRANSFORM YOUR MINDSET, MONEY, AND LIFE! Who is Rita Oliver? Rita Oliver, CEO/Founder, of Strategies Options and Solutions, LLC (SOS). Rita is a Certified Master Financial Coach, Money & Wealth Strategist, Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker, and Teacher. She empowers professionals between the ages of 35-60 on how to organize their personal finances in order to increase their monthly cash flow, to Save, Payoff Debt, and Create Wealth and Legacy. (Financially; Prepare, Plan, and Prosper). What made you decide to become a financial coach?

Rita Oliver Transform Your Mindset, Money, and Life! I think money is misunderstood. When I was growing up, I was never taught how to handle money. I believe it was because, in the African American community, a lot of families weren’t taught about what money is, and how to have a relationship with money. I had the amazing opportunity to interview a Master Financial Coach, Rita Oliver about money and she answered a few questions our readers have about money.

I needed help with my finances several years ago, and my coach designed a custom plan for my lifestyle. This plan prioritized my today and my tomorrow with saving and growing investments. The plan had an orderly plan and it fits into what I also liked to do‌.Shop! I was so pleased with how my life and my finances changed; I could see that my future was on target towards reaching my financial goal. A secure life for the rest of my life. I became so passionate about wealth building and accelerated everything that I was doing and the results I achieved, I wanted to help professionals to keep more of their money. Today, professionals spend every penny, each paycheck just to meet their obligations and have no emergency fund, barely save anything for retirement and pay creditors 7080% of their net income. I want to Spotlight Sister Magazine January 2020 31

assist and empower them to own their life, own their money, and build a net worth with a custom plan that gives them the Freedom & Flexibility of Time and Money. When you master those two, there is nothing that you cannot do in your life. Why it is important for women, especially African American women is to have a relationship with money? Regardless of race, all women need a relationship with their money and must know how to manage their personal finances because, money is in every aspect of their lives. But for African American Women it is critical that we have a very intimate relationship with our money. We need to know our numbers every month… • Monthly Net Income, Monthly Expenses, Monthly Contributions to 401(K), and Individual Retirement Accounts, Savings, Entertainment, Monthly Disposable Income, etc. We don’t always do a good job of knowing our money truth that is what we know? And what we owe? We are afraid to look at our financial situation, talk with someone, and seek help. We keep it to ourselves, and that is not good when you are carrying a lot of debt and you have zero savings to pay cash for an emergency when it occurs. Also, we take care of others in our family, before ourselves, and don’t

always establish financial boundaries as we should for financial situations. We have to remember that if we take care of others, loaning money, and paying their bills, who will stand in the gap for us when we need financial assistance? Therefore, when you know the numbers for your living expenses for today, and the numbers of your saving and investing for tomorrow, and for your security, you can make an informed financial decision that will benefit your life based on your established financial priorities, then help others if you choose too. I wasn’t taught about money. I had to learn the hard way. I believed that if I was taught about money, credit, etc.… I wouldn’t have had a fear of money. We were all given a money mindset as we were growing up. When you watched your parents or caregivers handle/manage money, or not manage money. You grew up in a household where people paid bills on time, saved, and did not overextend, or in a household with people who were constantly late on their rent, repossessions, and late paying other bills. Either way, you have established Money Beliefs, Money Attitudes, Money Values, and Money Expectations, which have led to your current Money Scripts. Absolutely, if we were educated early on and our parents took the time to Spotlight Sister Magazine January 2020 32

show us about income, expenses, and saving, we would definitely be ahead of the game in many aspects. Although, we may not have been taught at an early age, now as adults, we can change the outcome and how we deal with our money. There is nothing to fear with money because there are resources and people to assist, like myself, to provide guidance in overcoming your money obstacles. Why do you think most people live paycheck to paycheck? They don’t know their numbers and don’t track what they spend and why they are spending. People live paycheck to paycheck because they have high monthly m variable expenses that utilize 70-80% of their net income. They have no monthly plan that accounts for every dollar coming in and going out of their household. They have a bad behavior‌they also have become accustomed to living this way, and it has become a normal way of life. It will take a catastrophic event for them to make a change. What challenges have you faced in your business and how did you overcome them? Faced the same challenges as most entrepreneurs, creating, designing, and marketing in order to build reputation and presence in the marketplace. I researched and read, invested in tools, sought help from networking groups,

worked with a coach, and collaborated with other financial coaches and entrepreneurs for ideas. Why do people fear money? There is a clinical term for the fear of money, it is called chrometophobia. In my opinion, it is not that they fear money, they have a fear of not having enough money, not doing the right thing with money, overwhelmed by financial decisions, etc. That comes from their beliefs, attitudes, and values, however, they can overcome their fears, if they choose to, with assistance in establishing written achievable goals, a written spending and saving plan that guides and directs every dollar they bring home in income and their expenditures. What advice would you give to a woman whose finances are in disarray? First, I would assure her that the situation can be changed. She is pivotal to the change. Finances do not get in a disarray by themselves. Money does not make a decision where it goes, people and their intentions direct money. So, the disarray can be undone over time, if she is willing to address the why and how it happens in order to uncover the root causes. Secondly, we have to understand the behaviors that lead to the financial disarray. If we do not address the Spotlight Sister Magazine January 2020 33

behaviors, no financial plan can change the situation because, the behaviors will continue, and she and her finances will be in disarray once again. So, we have to explore her commitment in order to change her mindset and behaviors. For my coaching program, these two steps are a must. Then, we discuss the program and get their buy-in and commitment to themselves to the process, being truthful, and providing all financial information. I can then develop recommendations and their custom action plan to track their accountability and progress during our monthly check-in meetings. What is the first step in managing finances? Knowing your Money Truth. What DO You Know? And What You Owe? When you put these details on paper each month, you can manage your finances. You see, these two items are the foundational aspects of finances…. What you have coming in and what is going out.

gas, water, etc. The Variable is requested debt, credit cards, mortgage, auto, student loans. We need to reduce and eliminate the variable expenses, then you will have more disposable income. Here’s the nugget: “Saving should be a Fixed Expense from automatically withdrawn every paycheck.” What if no one has money saved for retirement, what can they do? There are many answers to this question, because of the many, many variables, such as, age, cash resources, years remaining to work, risk tolerance, etc. The short answer is that they need to contribute to retirement investment vehicles, company-sponsored 401(k), etc. and to personal Individual Retirement Accounts NOW!! Retirement is a major life planning event. If you do not plan for it, it will not happen for you. Retirement planning requires financial resources being contributed consistently over time to build assets that you will need for the rest of your life. If you have not started, please start today.

Is it too late to start saving money?

Also, get my Retirement Planning Guide for Individuals and Business Owners:

It is never too late to start saving money. You just need to invest time to follow your money. There are two types of expenses, Fixed and Variable. The Fixed will always be there, electric, Spotlight Sister Magazine January 2020 34

Our book A Retirement Planning Session with me to prepare the analysis and plan. retirementplan Here are some questions from a few women on social media. I asked if you had the opportunity to ask a question for a financial expert what it would be. What are 3-5 questions a small business owner should ask an accountant or bookkeeper before hiring them? - Andrea Merriman The first thing is to understand the difference between an accountant and a bookkeeper. They perform different functions. An accountant performs accounting functions, such as, account analysis, auditing, or financial statement analysis. A bookkeeper records and classifies the company's daily financial transactions, such as, sales, payroll, payment of bills, etc. 1. Are they fee-based for each service, or do they require a monthly retainer fee? 2. How frequently will we meet to discuss the company financials? 3. What is your reporting cycle? How old should a child be, before they start to learn about how to buy

their own stocks and bonds? Patricia Gardner Watts The parents should begin buying stocks and bonds for the child immediately, once you learned of the pregnancy. You want the money for them to begin growing immediately. The child can become involved in learning from the age of 8 and older. What can a business owner do to build up the business line of credit? Dr. Clara Peters I am not an expert in business credit. However, here is the link to my Wealth Think Bank Monthly meeting where our guest speaker, Lisa Dudley, gave a presentation on Building Your Business Credit. Suggest you contact Lisa as well to help you. 701678/videos/1285268775191434 Should I double or triple my 401k contribution closer to retirement? Jacqueline Thompson Everyone contributing to a 401k should be contributing up to the maximum annual contribution of $ 19,500. For 2021, $19,500 is the annual maximum. This equates to $ 750.00 every two weeks. Whenever, this changes, you should increase your biweekly contribution to the maximum

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Growing your retirement account, in this case, 401k, is about the time value of money--- compound interest. The more you contribute and contribute consistently, the longer that money has to grow and the better for you. It is not about contributing more closely to retirement, because your money does not have many years to grow substantially based on the rate of return from compound interest. Anything else you would like to share that women need to know about money? You are responsible for you and your well-being and definitely responsible for your financial affairs. You must be actively engaged in directing your money every month to Save, Keep, and Grow Your Money. Payoff all of your debts, mortgage, credit cards, student auto loans. You work hard for your money and it is easy to spend it. But, if you invest time in following your money, reduce and eliminate those Variable Expenses. Most importantly, seek help where needed, because each of us deserves a Rich Life of Choices and Options‌ That is the Real American Dream.

How can others connect with you?

https:// Books Disclose Before You Disrobe Financial Necessities Before You Say I Do and After. Money Truth- What You Know? And What You Owe? 718041950/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_v ppi_i1 Spotlight Sister Magazine January 2020 36

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Yourself Emotionally I believe that we have to start with our emotions, which means simply acknowledging how we feel. Feeling our way to the next place may be very different from how many of us have been living.

Marnina Reid Re-identifying Yourself Emotionally We are all in this intense world climate that is highly emotionally charged on many levels. How do we find love for ourselves (or others) in such a divided culture, where so many have endured devastating life changes that range from the death of loved ones, racial injustice, job loss, business loss, illness, and being away from loved ones?

What’s common is to push down our feelings, because that’s what we’ve been taught and it’s also survival. It’s what we’ve learned from our families. One aspect of caring about ourselves means feeling our feelings fully. This entails temporarily letting go of the story of why and allowing the emotion to move through. For example, feeling sad, angry, hurt, or scared. Feelings are like waves; they rise, they peak, and they fall. All we have to do is have the courage to allow the process and get out of the way. As we start to feel through, we make space for clarity. Embracing any triggering feelings and allow them to come up, and out in a safe way, is a form of self-love. These are the key questions: How do I feel, and what do I need? Maybe, the need isn’t clear right away. Maybe the trigger is so Spotlight Sister Magazine January 2020 39

great that all you can do is feel your feelings until, there’s an opening of neutrality and things settles inside, and then, there’s; more space available in your body-mind to see the bigger picture, or the next thing that’s meant for you. This is what re-identifying yourself means. Maybe you’ve identified as a person, who is a certain way. Maybe, you have the habit of not feeling your feelings. It's not wrong, it just doesn’t feel good. We can come to understand that feeling emotion doesn’t mean anything about who we are. Maybe, you are someone who has battled depression and anxiety. It’s easy to identify with those experiences. However, it’s not who you are! It’s just an experience that you’ve had consistently. You are the beautiful essence of you, you just have emotions that haven’t been

cleared or resolved yet, and that’s ok. It’s possible to resolve them. The more we can get the comfortable feeling through feelings, the lighter our life experience will be. When we’re able to release our feelings, we feel lighter, uplifted, hopeful, and even joyful. Even in the midst of COVID-19 where many of us have been living with more uncertainty than we’ve had in this lifetime. Many of us have had ancestral grief, which has been passed down for many generations. We can resolve this. We can get to another place within ourselves, that gives us new inspiration, more calmness inside, more room for spirituality, and ultimately, serve ourselves and our communities from a higher place.

- Marnina Reid

Spotlight Sister Magazine January 2020 40

Phenomenal Shera

Dr. LaTarsha Holden School in the 10th grade in order to earn her GED. LaTarsha had 4- kids while at the age of 22. She was in an abusive marriage that lasted a decade. When it ended, she found herself and 6- kids homeless on the streets of Atlanta. With little work history, LaTarsha struggled to find employment. Homelessness stretched on for four long years. She was forced to accept welfare and food stamps in a constant crisis and hostile environment to provide for her children. "No streets or jail was going to raise my kids," LaTarsha said remembering those difficult times.

From Homeless to Overcomer “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be�-Ralph Waldo Emerson I would like to share with you a phenomenal woman who has inspired me with her story. She taught me that no matter what happens in life, you can survive anything with the help of God. From homelessness to become an accomplished author, obtaining her doctorate degree and Mother of the Year. LaTarsha Holden inspires us all. Life didn't start easy for LaTarsha Holden. She dropped out of High

Her family couldn't help. So, LaTarsha and her kids lived in homeless shelters, cars, hotels, and abandoned homes. Finally, she hit rock bottom— she realized her life was at a crossroads. "I made the decision to fight, but I just wanted to hide. That's when you struggle out your last strength to move forward and make the change," she remembers. But change didn't come quickly or easily. She was so tired and frustrated from years of struggle that she became suicidal. While hospitalized in a padded room, LaTarsha remembers coming face to face with God.

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"I felt like a black sheep, a loser who had failed myself and everyone I love. God helped me find my way back. But, it wasn't easy and it took a long time," LaTarsha said. Over the next few years, LaTarsha went to college, progressing from homeless and hopeless to earning her doctorate in Leadership Studies. She had made a promise to herself and God that if she could escape from homelessness, she would fight for others in Atlanta. She ran for the City Council of Atlanta in 2017. Then, became a Pastor, Motivational Speaker, and started writing her own books. Today, she is the author of 13published books and has received recognition as Top Influencer, Rising Star, and among Women of Strength 2020. She was recently named Georgia Mother of the Year for 2020, and National Mother of the Year 2020. "I taught my children the importance of serving others. I couldn't give my kids materialistic things, so I gave them unconditional love," she said.

Today all her six kids serve others. LaTarsha and her children serve as a reminder of not only what is possible, but the intense condition many people find themselves in on the streets. The current economic downturn has left millions of Americans hungry and often homeless. People from young to old sleep in shelters, cars, doorways, and abandoned buildings, just like Alice did. Once you are homeless, it can be exceptionally difficult to find a job. Personal credit is often wrecked or never existed. Saving up the money to rent even the cheapest apartment can be an impossibility. It is in these distressing times that people can look to the words of leaders like LaTarsha Holden. Providing a possible road map for coming to terms, making a lifechanging commitment, and becoming the success they and those they love so desperately need.

- Dr. Cheryl Peavy

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