Costal Farm & Ranch 1/2H new
Good neighbor vet 1/2H new
VOL. 2 • NO. 5 December 2006
Jennifer McCammon Publisher w/ Broadway, Peach, & Scout
Name: LuLu Moreau Age: She’ll be four Jan 29th Breed: Samoyed People: Mom & Dad Diane & Joe, Nia (her vet & next door neighbor), and her people at her daycare, Lexidog on Macadam. Territory: She loves to be on Terwilliger (her neighborhood) and at Fernhill Dog Park in NE Portland. Turn-ons: Her cat Zan, hiking and running on the beach. Turn-offs: The ocean! She does not touch the water under any circumstances — water of any kind. Skateboarders (they scare the crap out of her, says mom).
Cover photo by: Pups of Portland
Lancea LaPorte Art Director w/ Banner
( — Thank you, Marc! Cover design by: LaPorte & McCammon
Jenny Kamprath Senior Account Executive w/ Marley
Reader Spot Lite
Doggy Loos – the straight poop Waste no waste is the mantra, as area agencies work to find ways to reuse & recycle canine waste — in the interest of sustainability, hygiene and just plain caring for mother earth.
Meet Ming, a recent arrival from Taiwan, where he was found emaciated and running loose by a Nike employee. Ming was brought to the states and placed in the care of Golden Bond Rescue, who then placed him with Maryjane Stiles of Party Animals and Storm fame.
Marnie McCammon Eugene/Springfield Office w/ grandpuppy Roxy
Classified Advertising: 503-261-1162
- Doggone disgusting! Tips & insight into the habit of humping - The latest in pet gifts: join the club - OHS Telethon a success in adoptions, fundraising - DoveLewis named admired as leader of the pack - Recent ‘doodle’ rescue underscores breed’s popularity - New Web site confirms: pets do a body good
Contributing Writers Joan Callander Sassafras Lowrey Alexa Meisler Victoria Rose
Contributing Photographer Brian McDonnell, BMAC Photography
Subscription Rates: 1 year $15; 2 years $25
Spot Magazine PO Box 16667 Portland, OR 97292 Voice 503-261-1162 Fax 503-261-8945 Published monthly. Distributed from Vancouver to Eugene/Springfield & Sandy to Forest Grove. All rights reserved. Reproduction (whole or part) without permission prohibited.
© 2006 Living Out Loud Inc
11 Let them in! Happy dogs are good dogs, says Nanny 911 for Dogs, who is passionate about NOT keeping canines outside — especially chained. The practice, she says, causes social deprivation, often resulting in an emotionally unstable animal. Canines feel safest, most secure and content with their pack.
14Furry FunPlanner Events throughout the region: play groups, adoption outreach events, festivals & celebrations
Ask Mercury Canine advice from the ‘horse’s’ mouth What’s a dog to do when they’ve got issues? Put it to Mercury! He’s a spirited little guy with great big wisdom who, like any advice columnist, may not be spot-on every time, but in canine circles, he’s all the rage.
Great Gift Ideas Top local merchants share their favorite gifts this season — from over-the-top doggy bling to fun, affordable toys, decorative gifts for the home, and more. Some are practical, others strictly for fun, while still others are truly beautiful. SPOT MAGAZINE • DECEMBER 2006
the growth of both publications. Oh, the readers loved them both, and each continued to plug along, but they definitely weren’t all they could be with proper care and attention. So what’s a publisher to do? Fix it!
Chapter 3
Obedient and true: a tale in 3 chapters
t the risk of sounding schlocky, starting and growing a publication is a little like raising a child. The process involves a great deal of time, love and attention, ongoing instruction and patience. Also — and this may sound really strange — sometimes a publication arrives unplanned. Such was the case with Spot.
And so we have. The family magazine we started almost 12 years ago has been placed in the capable hands of a new owner, allowing us at last to give our full hearts, attention and energy to Spot. Amazingly, it seems this little guy has patiently awaited its time to shine. And patience is not a puppy’s strong suit! So off we go! I’m excited beyond words to finally get to see Spot run. Thanks so much, you who have been so patient — waiting for a callback, tolerating our foibles, etc. Exciting things are underway for the year head, including networking groups, special events, new partnerships, marketing programs and more. The future is bright, and I’m grateful that you’ve been so good to sit and stay while we did our business until we could get on with the great adventure of seeing Spot run! As we move ahead, your thoughts, suggestions and comments are welcome. They’re always welcome, but especially as we work to formulate the shape of things to come, and make room for Spot to thrive like a big dog. I hope to hear from you! Thanks for being with us, and here’s to a new season!
Chapter 1 There we were, into our 11th year of publishing a family magazine, when we were approached by folks concerned about the failure of the local pet publication. At that time we were also about a year and a half into developing a completely different magazine that, for one reason and another, refused to launch. As it happened, the book that wouldn’t take off after hanging around in development for some 18 months ultimately was kicked to the curb by a cocky little thing called Spot — which took off running in a matter of weeks! Doors open, doors close, and when something wants to go, it does. We proceeded in wonder, accepting that Spot was just meant to be.
Chapter 2 So Spot came into being and, ever since, our little crew built for one magazine has endeavored to maintain standards of excellence with two. The time has been long and the load heavy, limiting
DIGNIFIED How We1/6 Can Help • 24 hour emergency service,?? our phones are always answered • A Place for Viewing and Saying Goodbye • We Provide "A Place to Go" for families mourning their loss • Four State of the Art crematories • Guaranteed Private Cremation • Unique Cremation Urns • Granite Monuments and Engraved River Rock • A vast selection of Pet Loss books and literature 8976 SW Tualatin Sherwood Road Tualatin, OR 97062 Phone (503) 885-2211 4
Companion and working animals are important, beloved members of the family. Spot Magazine is the onestop resource for information, ideas, and events of interest to these animals and their people. Spot Magazine welcomes opinions and letters to the editor. To be considered for publication, letters should be signed and include the writer’s full name, address, and daytime telephone (for internal use only). Spot reserves the right to edit letters for length and clarity. Mail to: Spot Magazine PO Box 16667 Portland OR 97292; Fax to: 503-261-8945; email to: Opinions and ideas expressed by writers and/or advertisers herein are not necessarily endorsed by, or necessarily reflect, the opinions of Spot Magazine or Living Out Loud, Inc.
First-ever pet gift club As pets are increasingly recognized as fullfledged members of the family, their inclusion on holiday gift lists has become more routine and even expected. One company responding to the trend is Surprise a Pet!, the first gift club for pets. Gift orders have one interesting twist: because the company believes “everyone loves a surprise,” they’ve built in a unique aspect of ordering — the exact contents are a surprise for both pet and owner. Each Surprise a Pet! order ships in an “attractive, eco-friendly gift box” containing a pet-specific spa product, a size-appropriate toy, and specially-designed treat. All items carry a money-back guarantee. “We want everyone involved to enjoy the element of surprise, so we’re careful not to let shoppers know precisely what’s in each
package,” says founder Cindy Pederson. “We’ll share what categories are included — toys, treats, spa products — but the goal is to keep the final contents a secret until it arrives on the doorstep.” Shoppers searching for a fun and unique gift — either for their own pet or that of a friend or family member — will find plenty to consider from Surprise a Pet!, for example: “Six Surprise Pet Presents a Year!” @ $25.95/present + s/h. Gifts are valued well above retail and include a birthday present, a sterling silver collar charm, and discounts on future orders. The next package down, “Four Surprise Pet Presents a Year!,” is the same as gift #1 minus the birthday gift. The “One Surprise Pet Present” is $35.95 + s/h. According to Pederson, gifts include products made just for Surprise a Pet! plus items culled from the country’s best pet boutiques — all priced below retail and not widely available. Also included with each surprise is a letter from the company’s mascots (Joey the dog and Luna the cat) with detailed information about each product.
Much like a “wine of the month” club, pet parents can sign up to send surprises at regular intervals throughout the year, including Valentine’s Day, Halloween, and the pet’s birthday. Surprise a Pet! gifts are available nationwide through or by calling toll-free 888-702-2227.
Pet telethon a success Sunday Oct 15, thousands of residents in Oregon & SW Washington tuned into the Oregon Humane Society’s 7th annual Telethon for the Animals televised live on KATU Channel 2. The 4-hour telethon achieved two critical goals: finding homes for 80 dogs, cats, rabbits & rodents, and raising nearly $220,000 to help homeless and unwanted companion pets. “The telethon is a reflection of the compassion our society has for animals and a measure of how valuable the services of OHS are to our community,” says Sharon Harmon, OHS Executive Director. “Every dollar donated stays right here in this community helping the animals in your neighborhood.”
Didn’t get a chance to sit, stay, watch and contribute? It’s note too late; donations are being accepted by Oregon Humane Society - Telethon Donation, PO Box 11364, Portland, OR 97211. Details continued pg 12
The Scoop on Poop: Alexa Meisler • Spot Magazine
he scoop on poop is a complex and controversial one. While all dogs do it, not all dog owners choose to clean up after their dogs. The dog-doo dilemma is one that many activists and environmentalists are concerned about. Cities nationwide are starting poop-scooping campaigns, researching ways to convert dog waste into natural gas, fuel and electricity. The movement, if you will, has come about as a result of a general realization that landfills are not the best choice for disposing of the waste. Cities everywhere are working to raise awareness that not picking up after your dog on the street, at the park or in one’s own backyard poses hazards to human health and to the environment by flowing into watersheds, rivers and water supplies when it rains.
Health hazards When dog waste is not picked up, the hazard goes far beyond the possibility of a future passerby stepping in it. Dog waste poses health risks to humans and animals from parasites, bacteria, viruses and worms that live in it. Environmental and animal activist Alan Pietrovito is owner of Doody Calls, a Portland dog waste removal service, and founder of Stumpdown Dawg and Watershed Group. He
says, “Encouraging and educating dog owners that poop needs to be picked up is vital. Most don’t realize how toxic and unhealthy it is.” Pietrovito says, “Dog waste is also toxic to the environment. It can cause sickness. People who don’t pick up in their own yard don’t realize how unhealthy it is and don’t realize that if they leave it on the ground, toxins and disease in it can last up to 10 years.” Many cities, including Portland, impose fines for not picking up waste. Multnomah County Animal Control Services has the authority to enforce scoop laws, and violators are subject to a $150 fine or park exclusion, per ordinance 13.303. A recent survey by Merial (, an animal health company, ranking America’s top cities on scooping the poop, reports that there are serious human health risks associated with dog waste and reveals a nationwide lack of vigilance about scooping. Quoted in the survey, Dr Peter M Schantz, epidemiologist, Division of Parasitic Diseases for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, says, “Many pet owners are unaware that intestinal roundworms and hookworms pose serious health threats to their pets, as well as to human family members.”
pet people set out to
waste no waste Children are most at risk of infection because they’re prone to play in the dirt at the park, playground or in the backyard, and then put hands to mouth or eyes. Pregnant women should take great care, as parasitic infection poses a risk to an unborn child.
Landfills and watersheds On the minds of many environmentalists is where dog waste ultimately lands. Waste is filling landfills, and is an environmental pollutant. Will Brinton, an environmental scientist and owner-director of Woods End Laboratories in Maine, says, “Dogs and cats in the US produce about 10 million tons of waste a year.” Pietrovito estimates “there is 100 million pounds of dog waste per year in Portland alone.” Babe O’Sullivan, program developer for Portland’s Office of Sustainable Development Solid Waste & Recycling Division, says that 4 percent of Portland Metro’s waste comes from pet waste and litter. O’Sullivan also explains, “In a one-day survey at Fernhill Park, 27 per-
I am as passionate about rescuing abandoned animals as I am about fine homes.
cent of garbage was dog waste.” The City of San Francisco reports about the same percentage of animal waste going to landfills as Portland and is the first city in the country attempting to turn it into a useable energy source. Bob Besso of Sunset Scavenger, a subsidiary of Norcal Waste Systems, says, “Our intention is to have this pilot project working by spring 2007.” The goal of the project is to collect animal waste from neighborhood parks using special receptacles and residential garbage collection systems. It would then be processed in a methane digester, a device that uses bugs and microorganisms to transform the waste into methane gas, which can be used the same way as natural gas. In the Renewable Resources section of the Web site it says, “A digester’s ability to produce and capture methane from manure reduces the amount of methane that otherwise would enter the atmosphere. Scientists have targeted methane gas in the atmosphere as a contributor to global climate change.”
It’s a beautiful thing. Find out what it feels like for the two of you to be totally pampered. Portland’s oldest pet hospital has been completely remodeled
Every pet I have ever owned including our family dog “Sammy” found their “forever home” through rescue organizations. Let me put that same passion JUDY DAWSON and caring to work for you. When you are selling or 1/6me a call and experience buying your next home give what Premier Service PU is all about.
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European cities such as Zurich, Frankfurt, Munich and Vienna, as well as many Canadian Provinces, are operating similar biomass programs to turn waste into gas and energy. Besides landfills, an even greater environmental concern is that when it rains, dangerous pollutants — including uncollected dog waste — are seeping untreated into creeks, gutters, watersheds and rivers. Portland’s Office of Environmental Services says our city averages 37 inches of rain annually, which creates billions of gallons of stormwater that flows into street drains and empties into rivers and streams. A watershed is an area of land that collects rainfall and snowmelt that later flows into a stream. Watersheds act as a reservoir, storing rainwater in soil, leaves, grasses, trees and other vegetation, slowly releasing it into a river or stream throughout the year. Oregon is divided into 19 major watersheds.
Go to the loo Unlike human feces, which are usually transported to treatment plants through sanitary sewers, dog feces are usually deposited outside where, along with the droppings of other domestic and wild animals, they can be washed into creeks and rivers in stormwater. These feces can then find their way into larger bodies of water. Clean River Works, a division of the Bureau of Environmental Services, states that “Pet waste contains parasites and disease-transmitting organisms unhealthy for both aquatic
and human life. Pet waste also contributes to the growth of algae, and upon decomposition, uses up even more oxygen in the stream.” Portland Parks and Recreation is doing its part to help encourage dog owners to pick up after their dogs by instituting a pilot project at Gabriel Park called Doggie Loo. Gay Greger, community relations program manager for Portland Parks, says, “Gabriel Park is responsible for five tons of dog waste in the summer months alone.” The park’s off-leash area is now equipped with a prototype doggy disposal unit designed by Honey Bucket (honeybucketcom). David Litherland, key accounts representative for Honey Bucket, says, “It looks like a regular portable toilet with the top cut off. Dog owners are supposed to put poop in the loo instead of park trashcans.” Several poop scoopers are available for use in collecting waste and depositing into the loo. Plastic bags should not be placed in the loo, as Honey Bucket will empty and transport it to a treatment plant that at least for now isn’t equipped to separate plastic from poop. Litherland says, “I commend the dog owners who use that park: the scoops have never disappeared.” Greger says, “We received a one-year grant from Metro through June 2007 to test the feasibility of the doggie loo. At year’s end we’ll take a look at the data and determine the amount of waste that can be diverted. At that point we will potentially create a budget to present to the city.”
For Greger it’s the principle of the thing. She explains, “The waste doesn’t get into watersheds by going to landfill, but it is sewage, and we treat other sewage. Doesn’t it seem better to treat dog waste, too?” In addition to the pilot Doggy Loo project, Gabriel Park is also environmentally conscious. Greger explains, “Gabriel Park’s offleash area was designed specifically so that runoff doesn’t affect the watershed. We have gone to great lengths and created buffers to prevent this.”
The poop scoopin’ biz Today many dog owners are choosing to hire poop-scooping companies to help with what is often a least-favorite chore. Waste removal companies are one more resource helping to lessen the amount of fecal runoff to watersheds. Companies such as Portland’s Oops Poops, which has been in business 10 years, has as many as 170 clients in the busy season. Owner Sandy Coyle estimates her company removes approximately 500 pounds of dog excrement each week. She says, “People
have better things to do. Especially during winter, people don’t like the chore of poop scooping. Between the weather and the fact that it’s dark when they get home, many choose to call a service.” Coyle says, “When I started my poopscooping business I thought the most logical place for the waste to go was sewage, but they said they only took human. I called several kennels and vets and was told to doublebag it and put in the regular garbage.” Coyle continues, “I wish something could be done about this. It should not go to the landfill.” Barbara Johnson of Pooper Patrol services Portland, Aloha, Beaverton, Hillsboro, Sherwood and Tigard, and works with 160 clients on a weekly basis. She says, “I tried since I started to put it somewhere besides landfill, but have been told that is where it has to go.” Dog waste removal services are definitely doing their part to help reduce animal waste runoff into the water supply. Johnson offers one-time cleanups, vacation service, and weekly service. She says, “Most of my clients are older; a percentage are handicapped, and some hire me because of the ick factor.” continued pg 12
Great gifts or pampered pooches (& their people)
For Pet Lovers Laurel Burch anything about cats & dogs: purses, scarves, totes, mugs, earrings. At PetUtopia
Dog Portraits hobo tote • $24.95
Sweater Hoodie with “Mom” tattoo applique on the sleeve Sizes XXS to XL At Lexidog • $65
Dogs & Doggies Scoop Tote • $32.95
Zip Lead Ergonomic, fits easily in your hand, and stores easily in a pocket or purse. Wrist loop keeps the leash with you. Sizes S-M At Lexidog • $30
Dogs & Doggies silk scarf • $26.95 Lexidog has 3 locations: Macadam, the Pearl District and Eugene’s 5th Street Market.
Spirit Wear for OSU & UO Handcrafted coats with custom embroidery $28.95 & up Collegiate & NFL jerseys, collars & leashes $8.95 & up At PetUtopia
Retro poodle cake stand • $30.95 Cake plates • $25.95 set of 4 At PetUtopia
That’s my baby — breed-specific gifts Art tiles, coffee cups, Russian porcelain sculptures, pillows, throws, kitchen towels, vases, cookie jars, banks, socks, sun-catchers, jewelry and more. Breed cross-reference on products in stock make shopping a breeze! At Howl at the Moon Pet-themed desk clocks Cute, affordable, useful! At Howl at the Moon • $17.50
Come on, sport! New in stock: doggy tennis shoes. Sizes tiny through large. At Howl at the Moon • $65
Christmas-themed guest towels in various dog designs. Can double as dinner napkins to dress up the holiday table. At Howl at the Moon • $9.75
Breed Specific Luggage tags • $9.95 License plate covers • $12.95 Paper towel holders • $35.95 Mouse pads • $9.95 At PetUtopia
continued pg 12
Ming finally gets a safe landing Spot’s good friend Maryjane Stiles of Party Animals — and known to many as pet mom of Storm, the therapy dog who comforted kids dealing with cancer at Emanuel Hospital after battling the disease, losing a leg and ultimately succumbing himself — recently welcomed a new arrival. Maryjane, her husand Steve and furry family members Sage, Sota and Stanley, welcomed new buddy Ming into their home as part of the Golden Bond Rescue Foster Care Program. Ming is a five-month-old Golden that came from Taiwan late last month. He had been found running the streets and very emaciated. A Nike employee took care of him and brought him to the US, and ultimately to Golden Bond Rescue, who then got in touch with Maryjane. Maryjane says Ming is settling in very well at chez Stiles. “It is amazing to watch how well he is getting around, playing and going out in the yard with ease,” she says. As if the story weren’t wonderful enough already, Maryjane wrapped the sharing of her good news (she’s already falling in love with Ming), by saying, “The reason this is interesting is that Ming was born blind. Sota has taken over and is acting as a seeing dog for Ming. Nature is amazing!”
Dear Mercury:
Dear Mercury:
The strangest thing has taken place in my house! One day I was taking a nap and woke up to see my mom bringing a tree inside!!! She planted it right in the middle of our living room! Also, there are these beautiful red flowers all over the house. Mercury, I’m very confused. Why is the outside now inside? Outside, my mom lets me pee on trees and eat grass and other things I find, but I don’t think she likes it when I even sniff the tree. She becomes very upset when I try to nibble the plants. What’s going on? Holly in Portland
Got issues? Mercury can help! Highly experienced in canine concerns, he is a chihuaua/doxie mix who has long been recognized as a savvy, friendly and oh-so-helpful canine companion. Have your pooch send questions or concerns (or any other thoughts) to Mercury at Mercury@spot Then watch future issues of Spot for a response sure to make your baby’s dog’s life a little brighter, simpler, or sometimes just more understandable. Mercury plies his craft with the help of Sassafras Lowrey, a Portland resident and former trainer, agility handler, doggy daycare lady, and general lover of animals. Contact Sassafras at sassafras.lowrey@
My name is Virginia and my daddy just recently adopted me. I’m so excited to have a home of my own, and to be safe and loved. It’s what I have dreamed of my entire life. My daddy keeps talking about Santa Paws, and how he is going to be coming to visit me soon, and bring me all sorts of exciting presents because I’m a good girl! I’m so excited to see what I get, but I keep thinking about all my friends back at the shelter. I was wondering, Mercury, do you know if Santa Paws visits them too? Because I know that they are all good girls and boys and don’t have very much at all. Virginia in Portland
Dear Holly, Thank you so much for your question. This is one that’s being asked by many of my readers. In the winter our people start to get a little nutty, bringing in trees and flowers, and then putting boxes with interesting-smelling things under that tree! To be honest, I don’t understand why they do it, but I do know that this ritual means good things for us — usually in the form of new toys, sweaters, and yummy treats! The important thing to remember about this time of year is that even though it may look like outside inside, it’s still your mommy’s living room, and she will not be pleased with any leg-lifting on her tree. You might suggest to your mom that she help you avoid temptation by not leaving you alone with the tree. You should also make sure your mom knows to keep those red flowers (which humans call poinsettias) high and out of your reach: they are poisonous and would make you really sick!
Yes Virginia, there is a Santa paws. Your daddy is right: you are a good girl, as you think about those who have not yet found a loving home like yours. You are an inspiration to us all. Absolutely there is a Santa Paws, and he will visit each and every one of us very soon. But with that in mind, there are lots of things your daddy can do to help others who don’t have homes yet. My big brother was adopted from a shelter, and before he died he told me lots of stories about how the dogs all really wanted to have warm blankets to curl up on and toys to play with — simple things that some of us, myself included, take for granted. You can ask your daddy to make a donation to a shelter near your wonderful new home, and he can tell his friends and family to do the same. Shelters always need more blankets and toys, and even food! Even though Santa Paws will be visiting each of us, there are many in our community who need so much more than even he can give.
Dogs Deserve Better Tips on loving & living with dogs
eleasing dogs from their chains and getting them into the lives of their families is the main goal of Dogs Deserve Better (, a national organization (with a local chapter) that builds fences for people free of charge. “Having a larger fenced area and bringing the dogs into the house at night are our goals,” say folks at the organization. Dogs are loving and devoted companions to humans. Dogs are alive. And because they are alive, they have needs. Because they are alive and have needs, they require a certain quality of life in order to be happy and healthy. Dogs — like monkeys, elephants, dolphins and HUMANS — are social and emotional creatures. They are pack animals. They need companionship and interaction with humans and/or other animals. They need it to be psychologically healthy. They require a LOT of attention. Forcing social animals to live isolated lives is unnatural, inherently cruel, and makes them absolutely miserable. Many people banish their dogs outdoors for “bad” behavior. They vow to bring them in when they stop urinating in the house, stop chewing things, stop being “hyper.” Of course, none of those issues resolve themselves, and therefore the dogs never graduate to being indoors.
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” — Mohandas Ghandhi
tease and throw things at them) or other Dogs bond. Dogs NEED to bond. Those animals that enter their limited confinement living alone outdoors — and worse, those living area. on chains — are socially deprived, often causing them to be emotionally unstable. To feel Many dogs being neglected in this way will safe, secure and content, canines must have start tearing up the house or yard or to bark the social interaction of living with their pack. constantly. The real shame is that many people who neglect their dogs’ needs will also resort to Banishing a social animal to a chain or life bark collars or muzzles to squelch their barks alone outdoors diminishes it to its core. No of complaint. animal will thrive living an unnatural life. When people say their dogs bark, dig, chew Many dogs living outdoors become pathetior run away, I immediately question whether cally clingy. They cry out for interaction and it is a “backyard dog” and not getting enough acceptance and the owners often seem obliviexercise, mental ous, or even stimulation or pack aggravated. comfort. Other dogs, especially when the further cruelty that many Keeping dogs they are tied or inside the home chained, get people who neglect their dogs’ with the family is depressed and about “pamperneeds will also resort to bark not shut down. ing and spoiling” a They give up dog. It’s about collars or muzzles to and withdraw. taking responsibility — and opening The boredom one’s heart — to and frustration look outside one’s of being conself and meeting stantly chained the dog’s basic, natural, inherent needs. can cause dogs to pace (often in their own feces and urine) and become neurotic and Dogs Deserve Better desperately needs anxious. Further, because they feel trapped, volunteers and donations of fencing materiit’s not unusual for them to become aggressive, als. To learn more or to contribute to the effort, particularly toward children (who sometimes call 503-871-6985 or 503-881-6055.
The real shame is
squelch their barks
‘Til next time. . . Kiss Doggies!
Victoria Victoria Rose/Nanny 911 For Dogs offers in-home dog training and behavior modification. For more tips and advice, join her free 1,500-member “Doggie Parenting 101” Email List. Contact her at 503-370-7000 or
Keep your dog and yourself clean and dry this winter at Portland’s First Indoor Dog Park and Dog Daycare.
Daycare Hours: M – F 7am – Evenings
Winter Indoor Dog Park Hours: M – F 6:30pm – 10:00pm 503-287-4022 3255 NE Broadway
CANINE PEAK PERFORMANCE 2X2 PU 4945 SW 77th Ave. Portland, OR 97225 503-291-7400
continued from pg 7
continued from pg 5
Paws applause for the love of Dove DoveLewis was named one of Oregon’s Most Admired Companies by those whose opinions matter most: other Oregon businesses. The Portland Business Journal surveyed over 2,500 CEOs in Oregon, asking them to name the greatest companies in the state based on attributes such as innovation, quality of goods & services, community involvement, quality of management, and others. The BJ also surveyed the general business community, compiling a list of companies selected as “Oregon’s Most Admired.” DoveLewis ranked among the top 10 nonprofits.
Spotting what’s hot: Doodles An interesting snapshot of c u r r e n t breed preferences played out early in November when hundreds of people lined up at the Oregon Humane Society hoping to get a glimpse of rescued Goldendoodle and Labradoodle dogs. The dogs were taken to the shelter after an overwhelmed dog breeder in the St Helens area surrendered more than three dozen of the irresistible dogs to OHS. In all, over 1,000 people cued up in hopes of adopting one, and the OHS Web site and phone lines were jammed with over 1800 inquiries by midday. What started Friday with a doodle craze ended up being the best weekend ever for homeless pets at OHS: in all, 179 animals went home over a 3-day period, including dogs, cats, rabbits and rodents — only 38 of which were ‘doodles.’ “This was a great weekend for the homeless pets of Portland,” said Sharon Harmon, OHS Executive Director. “We asked people to look beyond the designer breed status and give the other dogs in the shelter a happy home. . . and they did!” In all, 89 dogs went home, 85 cats, 3 rabbits and 2 rats. A typical weekend would usually have approximately 120 adoptions.
Vitamin love. . . on four legs The Center for Disease Control ( reports on its Web site what many pet owners already know: pets are good for your health. Pets can decrease blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels and feelings of loneliness, while increasing opportunities for exercise, outdoor activities, and socialization. Health Site Guide (, a healthcare information portal with direct, presearched links to information on hundreds of health concerns as they appear on dozens of recognized health sites, has added “Pets and Your Health” to its homepage to help spread the good news. Now in its fourth month, Health Site Guide is a free service that’s steadily growing in popu12
larity. Featuring overviews of sites that include WebMD, MerckSource, Mayo Clinic and many other recognized health Web sites — including leading US government sites — the site was created to take the search out of searching and provide user-friendly, quick results by linking viewers to exactly what they need.
Ready for holiday guests? Or more to the point: is your dog? ‘Tis the season for visiting and celebrating, and Nanny 911 for Dogs, Victoria Rose, takes a quick look at a canine issue that can be mildly irritating for some, mortifying for others: humping. Here’s what she has to say about this very natural, but undeniably “icky” behavior: In puppies — it’s play and helps them practice for adulthood. In adolescence it can be used to assert dominance over other dogs or people. (Males do it more than females.) It can also be a stress-reliever, which is often why dogs do it when guests arrive. (And you thought he was just showing off for company. ☺) Females may do it when they are in season. Getting over-stimulated (through petting or grooming) or overexcited can inspire a dog to mount others. Over time it can become a habit and can build aggression. Socializing, training, and exercising your dog are the best ways to prevent or stop this behavior. Socializing your puppy with other dogs can teach the kid that this is not ok (but be careful not to let older dogs get too rough with your puppy). Socialization (done properly) also builds confidence, which reduces stress. Training teaches a dog to do other things: He can’t hump when he is on command to “Sit” or “Down” or “Look at me” or “Leave it.” Neutering alone will stop the majority of males from engaging in this behavior. Exercise reduces stress and tires him out. . . “A tired dog is a good dog.” Dominant dogs showing the owner “who’s boss” need serious training and a major change in relationship.
Doggie Parenting class resumes Did you know you should always bathe dogs with peanut butter? Do you struggle trimming your dog’s nails? Want to learn an easy way to get the job done? Do you know that frequent farting is not normal and can actually signal a medical concern? Or that “free-feeding” dogs is a bad idea? Do you know that most “protective” dogs are actually fearful and will never REALLY protect you? Learn this and much more during the 2½hour class, Doggie Parenting 101, Tips and Tricks on Loving and Living With Dogs, held Dec 5 at 6:45 pm at Copper Creek Mercantile in Keizer. Info/RSVP 503-370-7000 or
Both Johnson and Coyle have stories about clients who swear that pooper scoopers saved their marriages. Doug Duncan of Doggy Business, which began as a dog-walking service in Northeast Portland but eventually grew to include backyard dog waste removal, says, “If you walk dogs long enough, eventually someone will ask you to scoop the backyard poop.” “It would be wonderful if cities would make facilities available to have options of where to dispose of dog waste,” says Duncan. Things are looking up, though. Bob Bascue, director of sales for Pacific Power Vac (, a Portland waste treatment facility, says, “Technology has changed a lot in 10 years. We would not have been able to accept dog waste back then, but today we can process it safely.” Bascue says that any pooper scooper companies can call, set up an account, and use PPV to dispose of their dog waste, just as Honey Bucket is doing at Gabriel Park.
Upcoming Clean River Events Naturescaping for Clean Rivers Workshop Dec 2, 9am-1pm, at Mt Tabor in SE Portland Dec 3, 1-5pm, at Metro in NE Portland For info or to register, call 503-797-1842
Doggy Duty, run by naturopathic physicians Noel Thomas and Amanda Shallcross, puts a completely different spin on the poop-scooping business. Shallcross says, “We specialize in working with pet owners in apartment buildings, especially in the Pearl. The company offers its clients handcrafted boxes made from Brazilian hardwood and filled with industrial/professional grade artificial grass over cedar shavings. Shallcross says, “We create a schedule with our clients, come by and clean out the box, and put in new shavings and grass. The whole process takes about 20 minutes.” Doggy Duty also has a unique system in place at Virginia Woof doggy daycare, and is looking to expand to serve dog-friendly hotels in the Portland area. The growing business of professional pooper scoopers even has a trade association called aPaws ( Board member Jeff Morgan estimates there are between 800 and 1200 dog waste removal companies nationwide.
What to do with the doo? Pietrovito says, “Don’t compost it. When it disintegrates into soil the bacterias, parasites and viruses don’t die, and can cause everything from rashes to blindness, and/or get into your blood stream and cause cysts and sickness. It is very unhealthy.” Folks from Portland Environmental Services say, “Always pick up pet waste and flush it down the toilet or place it in the garbage.” If you are collecting dog waste from your yard or at the park, choose biodegradable and compostable bags, such as BioBag Dog Waste Bags ( These bags are made from cornstarch and biodegrade just as food does. Robbins Pet Care of Gold River, California ( notes on its Web site that regular polyethylene-based
plastic bags can take well over 100 years to degrade and are not compostable. In the end, it’s about each of us taking the time and trouble to scoop the poop, while walking our dogs on the street or at the park, and at home in the yard.
Local Pooper Scoopers Doody Calls (Portland Metro) 503-701-7272 • Doggy Business (Northeast Portland) 503-313-2200 • Dog Butler Waste Removal Service (Most TriCounty areas and Puget Sound from Tacoma to Everett) 503-761-7550 • Doggy Duty (Portland) 503-381-8361 • Doodie Hunters (Hillsboro, Forest Grove, Salem/Dallas) 503-648-7117 • Oops Poops • 503-287-5178 The Poop Scoop (any location up to 30 miles from zip code 97211) 503-998-2269 • Pooper Patrol (SW Portland, Aloha, Beaverton, Hillsboro, Sherwood, Tigard, Forest Grove) 503-709-4242 • Scoop Doggie Dog Waste Removal (Portland and Vancouver) 503-626-3499 • Tour of Doody (Brownsville) 541-971-0090 Waggin’ Wagon (Northeast and North Portland) 503-706-2317 • Doggie Waste Clean-Up Service (SE Portland) 503-661-2813 Turf Butler (Eugene/Springfield & surrounding) 541-688-1014 Scoop Da Doo (Eugene/Springfield) 541-913-7056 Tour of Doody (Brownsville) 541-971-0090
Portland off-leash areas Dogs must be leashed until reaching the designated off-leash area (OLA). Owners must bring waste bags (biodegradable please!). Fenced Sites, open 5am-Midnight Brentwood Park SE 60th & Duke Chimney Park 9360 N Columbia Blvd East Delta Park N Denver & MLK Jr Blvd Gabriel Park SW 45th & Vermont Normandale Park NE 57th & Halsey
Unfenced Sites, open 5am to midnight unless noted otherwise Alberta Park • NE 22nd & Killingsworth Cathedral Park • N Edison & Pittsburg Fernhill Park • NE 37th & Ainsworth Lents Park • SE 92nd & Holgate Mt. Tabor Park • SE Lincoln, east of 64th open 7am-9pm (partially unfenced) Portland Intl Raceway • N Denver & Victory Blvd Willamette Park • SW Macadam & Nebraska Wilshire Park • NE 33rd & Skidmore Argay Park • NE 141st & Failing Frazer Park • NE 52nd & Hassalo Grant Park • NE 33rd & US Grant Place Irving Park • NE 7th & Fremont Sacajawea Park • NE 75th & Alberta Couch Park • NW 19th & Glisan Wallace Park • NW 25th & Raleigh (partially fenced) Cherry Park • SE 110th & Stephens Creston Park • SE 44th & Powell Blvd Lynchwood Park • SE 170th & Haig Sellwood Riverfront Park • SE Spokane & Oaks Pkwy Sewallcrest Park • SE 31st & Market Woodstock Park • SE 47th & Steele Council Crest Park • SW Council Crest Dr Hillsdale Park • SW 27th & Hillsdale Hwy Or visit
Multnomah County Animal Services . 8 Oregon Ferret Shelter . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Bi-Mart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Coastal Farm and Ranch . . . . . . . . . . 2 Natura Pet Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Sellwood Dog Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Snowfire Farm — distributor for healthy pet foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Solid Gold Northwest Holistic Products for Pets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
BOARDING Airpet Hotel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Elizares Kennels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Laurel Acres Kennels . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Dignified Pet Services . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 PET SITTING Kritter Kare of Portland . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Bow Wow Doggie Daycare . . . . . . . . 7 PHOTOGRAPHY Cooper Mountain Kennel . . . . . . . . . . 4 Pics of the Litter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Daycare for Doggy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Dogs in the City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 RESTAURANT Iron Mutt Café . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
PET FOOD ADOPTION COMPANIONS FOR LIFE 300 cats & kittens looking for forever home, altered, tested, vaccinated, microchipped, indoor, ready to love. Adoption fee $60-$125. 7 days/week 10-6 Cat Adoption Team 503.925.8903 Volunteers welcome. Fosters needed. COWBOY ON THE RANGE Cowboy is an 11-month-old male Australian Shepherd who needs more room to run than we have. He is friendly, great with kids, and just needs a little more wide open spaces. Cowboy is neutered, current on his shots, microchipped and healthy. He’s a strong, active, alpha male. Got room for Cowboy? He’d love to meet you, and Robin will arrange it: 503-313-7923.
BOARDING Park Your Car Board Your Pet Board Your Flight
FLINT RIVER RANCH THE HONEST KITCHEN Super premium pet foods. Made with all natural human grade ingredients. No chemical preservatives or byproducts 503-231-0115 or 888-897-0115
PET SITTING PET SITTING BY SKYE NW Portland / Scappoose. 6 acres in country, space, clean – no kennel. Refs. 503-543-4815 LISA & FRIENDS PET SITTING Quality pet sitting in a comfortable home environment at reasonable prices. References. 503-490-3762
PET TRAVEL FOR THE TRAVELING DOGS WITH FAMILIES Otto Step! Completely portable platform step for loading and unloading Fido. Insert into any 2” trailer hitch receiver, load and stow after use. Visit or call 888-311-OTTO (6886).
• 5 minutes from Portland International Airport • Open 24-7 by appointment for check-in and check-out • Next to park-and-fly services • Voted "Best Doggie Dash" By Willamette Week, 2004
We Cater to Your Schedule
Kritter Kare of Portland . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Michael Cooke, CMSColdwell Banker Barbara Sue Seal Properties . . . . 11 Judy Dawson, Broker New Line The Realty Network, GMAC Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Bi-Mart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 PetUtopia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Doggy Delight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Four Paws Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 TRAINING Lewis Creek Glassworks . . . . . . . . . . 9 Auntie Tracy & Auntie Sally . . . . . . . 11 Shure Pets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Elizares Kennels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Urban Fauna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 K-9 Agility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Howl at the Moon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 K-9 Behavior Company . . . . . . . . . . 13 Mt Hood Dog Campus . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Back on Track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 VETERINARIANS / VET HOSPITALS Canine Peak Performance . . . . . . . . 11 Good Neighbor Veterinarians . . . . . . 2 Rose City Veterinary Hospital . . . . . . 6
WASTE REMOVAL SERVICES Doody Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Doodie Hunters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Pooper Patrol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
*Classified Ad Rates:
WELLNESS • 503-255-1388
$20/DAY AJ’S K9 KAMP Visit the photo page on Day care & overnight home care. Canines under 30 lbs. Nr the airport. 15 yrs exp. Licensed. Insured. 503-252-7652.
DAYCARE FOREST PARK BED & BISCUIT Dog daycare, overnights & basic grooming while you wait or play. Private setting in NW PDX, close to Montgomery Park. Call Linda for details (503) 7689932 or (971) 570-3646. WHAT IS YOUR PET DOING ALL DAY? Chewing, Digging, Barking Bored and Missing You. Call A LUCKY DOG. 1-800-GO-LUCKY
DOG WALKING / PET SITTING BUCK’S ADVENTURE DOGS PET SERVICES Loving care for your entire animal family! Dog walks & in-home visits. Insured & bonded. 971-207-7127.
HELP WANTED EDITOR Spot Magazine is seeking an experienced editor. Send inquiries, background, resume to publisher@p Please note in subject line: Editor Position. No phone calls please.
HOUSE & PET SITTERS KRITTER KARE OF PORTLAND Daily dog walks. Vacation pet sitting. “Overnites” & house sitting services. Caring for domestics & exotics in the tri-county area since 1994. Licensed, bonded, insured. Refs. 503-252-0599, 503-940-7761. DEPENDABLE RETIRED COUPLE Will do overnighters in general PDX area. Will visit once or twice a day to feed pets in Newberg, Dundee or Sherwood areas. Ref’s. 503-537-9719 or 503-679-5613.
3 lines of text, 45 characters per line Additional lines $1 per line per month *These rates apply only to text ads, not display ads
LEGAL SERVICES BANKRUPTCY & PERSONAL INJURY ATTORNEY Let me help you file for bankruptcy – stop creditors’ calls - take control of your life. Aaron Varhola, 503546-7913.
HAPPY PALS DOG TRAINING Have fun w/your dog teaching manners and/or earning titles in obed, rally, conf, or tracking. Judges from several orgs. Private lessons, your home or our facilities. Call Loanne or Roger 503-359-9297. K9-BEHAVIOR COMPANY Private in-home training. Perfect puppy – right from the start! Behavior modification for your out-a-control adolescent dog. Help with your shy or aggressive dog. Gentle reward-based methods. Call Deb Walker 503704-7481 Web site: SPOT MAGAZINE • DECEMBER 2006
aLL MONTH LONG • Adoptable Cats & Kittens from Multnomah County Animal Services at Gresham PetsMart 9am-9pm daily. Adoption counseling available Tues-Sun noon-4. • Better With a Buddy Adoption Special. CAT is filled to the brim with cats & kittens, and thanks to a generous private donation to supplement discounts, more of these
heart to raise a litter of kittens, call 503925-8903 or email • Get your tickets! Proceeds from tickets to Lloyd Center’s annual Magical Night of Giving support DoveLewis. Five bucks gets you in for an evening of special savings throughout the mall, prize giveaways & holiday entertainment. This year’s event is Dec 3, 6-9pm; tickets are available through Lloyd Center & DoveLewis.
time to visit CAT in Sherwood and meet their golden hearts with whiskers. Details or 503-925-8903. • OFOSA Adoptable Dogs & Cats. Oregon Friends of Shelter Animals has dogs, puppies, cats & kittens available for loving home adoptions at the Beaverton Petco every Saturday & Sunday. Details • OFOSA needs volunteers. Learn how you can get involved, have fun, learn & grow. Details Cathy Nechak, 503-3278849.
2 0 0 6
fourth Saturday 10-11:30am. For info visit or 503-925-8903.
1 friday 10:30am — Home for the Holidays adoption promotion kickoff at Oregon Human Society. Santa stops in to visit the animals, who all have the same wish this Christmas: for a loving forever home. Visitors encouraged to place a gift under the giving tree.
• Other Mothers Animal Rescue, the startup shelter that cares for puppies & kittens, has just launched a brandnew Website. Development of the site containing photos of adoptable animals, volunteer opportunities, information about donating, and links to other sites of interest to animal lovers. Visit & see what all the excitement’s about!
furry felines will be able to find homes. Since many of the kitties are housed together and already buddies, the cats adjust quicker by going home at the same time. The “Better With a Buddy” special allows the adopter to adopt a second cat at a deep discount. Offer valid for a limited time. For info visit or 503-925-8903. • Earn Your Wings The Salvation Army invites you to ring bells beside their famous red kettles to help raise funds to support the organization’s year-round efforts. Visit to find the kettle location nearest you; just two hours of ringing will make you an angel to someone in need. • Foster Homes Needed. Open your home & heart to homeless pets in need of a forever home. Contact Cathy Nechak or Krista Wells at Oregon Friends of Shelter Animals at 503-327-8849 to learn how you can become a loving foster parent for dogs or cats. Details • Foster Homes Needed for kittens at CAT (Cat Adoption Team). Mom cats with litters of kittens are waiting for loving families to care for them until they are old enough to be adopted. If you can open your home &
• GOT ISSUES? Get your behavior questions answered free of charge by the friendly folks at OHS. Oregon Humane Society’s Free Pet Behavior Helpline is 503-416-2983. • Great Gifts for cats & cat lovers at Cat Adoption Team in Sherwood. If you’re tired of shopping at the malls, outlet stores, and catalogs, visit CAT’s gift shop & find the perfect present! Sales support CAT’s efforts. • Help OHS take homeless pets into the community to meet prospective new families. Call 503-285-7722 ext 204 to find out how you can get involved. Training sessions held monthly. • Home 4 the Holidays Adoption Promotion. Join Cat Adoption Team (CAT) for a special holiday celebration & adoption promotion for kitties dreaming of being home for the holidays. All pets adopted in December will go home with fur-bulous freebies such as a cat photo frame from Gloria Duchin Inc, holiday treats & holiday cheer. New pet parents will also receive an Iams Starter Kit with tips to help them & their furry friend get off on the right paw. No one should be alone for the holidays. If you’re considering a kitty for Christmas, take
• Over 400 Adorable Kittens & Cats available for adoption through CAT (Cat Adoption Team) at various locations. The Sherwood shelter is open 7 days, 10am6pm. Cats are on-site daily at PetSmart stores in Wilsonville, Clackamas, Hillsboro & Tigard, as well as Pet Loft. Or visit Petco in Tualatin & Tanasbourne on the first, third, fourth & fifth Saturdays of the month. Details 503-925-8903 or • POPPA, Oregon’s only statewide spay/ neuter referral & assistance service for dogs, cats, rabbits & other companion animals, is an all-volunteer organization that’s been able to subsidize over 11,000 spay/neuter surgeries since Sept 2001. Tax-deductible donations of any amount are always gratefully accepted & can be made securely online at Or just visit the site to learn more about POPPA’s worthwhile efforts. • Pups of Portland posters & calendars, featuring 200 Portland-area dogs, available now at The Pearl Retriever, 526 NW 13th Ave (503-295-6960). • Read to the Dogs at area libraries. Youth improve their reading & social skills by reading aloud to therapy dogs. Contact your branch for info or to RSVP. • Volunteer Training at CAT (Cat Adoption Team) in Sherwood every second &
OHS makes a special promise to all the animals at the shelter Dec 1: to find them a home by Dec 31. The halls of the lobby are decked for the holidays, and filled with photos of every animal available for adoption on Dec 1 (approximately 250 animals). As pets go home, it is noted on their photo. In a typical December, OHS finds homes for 750 dogs, cats, rabbits, rodents & the occasional bird. OHS wants their pets placed in loving homes for life. Last January, 1,056 pets were taken to OHS because they were no longer wanted. That’s why OHS advocates that choosing a pet should be a family decision with everyone agreeing that it’s a lifelong commitment.
2 saturday • Pictures with Santa Paws to benefit Cat Adoption Team. What do your pets want for Christmas? Let
To submit items for consideration in the Furry FunPlanner, e-mail or FAX 503-261-8945
9 saturday
them tell Santa! Get a picture of your beloved with Santa Paws at various PetsMart locations the first three weekends in December. Family & kids welcome to get in on the photo w/ Santa, too. For $9.95, receive two Polaroids in festive Holiday paperboard frames. $5 of every purchase supports programs & services at CAT. Details & PetsMart locations: 503-925-8903 or 11am — Animal Aid & Santa Claws will be at the Tigard PetsMart ‘til 4 (details 503-684-3234). Start the season with the important stuff: photos with Santa! All proceeds support Animal Aid’s mission to help animals. Details 503-292-6628 or Santa & Animal Aid will also be at Tigard PetsMart 11-4 tomorrow.
• Pictures with Santa Paws to benefit Cat Adoption Team. Have your beloved photographed with Santa at various PetsMart locations the first three weekends in December. Family & kids welcome, too. $9.95 gets you two Polaroids in festive frames; $5 of each purchase supports efforts at CAT. Details & PetsMart locations: 503-925-8903 or
10-11:30; 144th & Division 1-2:30; Clackamas 4-5.
Noon — Kitten/Cat Adoption Outreach with MCAS at Clackamas Petco ‘til 3.
13 wednesday
Noon — OHS Outreach at Jantzen Beach Home Depot & Dog Star in NW Portland. Details
7:50am — Meet the Featured Pet on K103. Listen to the adoptable pet segment on radio station K103 FM to meet the MCAS Featured Pet seeking a forever home.
17 sunday 10am — Pet Licensing with MCAS at Petcos: Hayden Meadows 10-11:30; 144th & Division 1-2:30; Clackamas 4-5.
11am — OHS Canine 101 (aka “Problem Pooch) class at the Columbia Blvd facility. Ideal for anyone considering or beginning pet parenthood, or who just wants to understand why Fido does what he does. Facilitated discussions with Q & As for people (pets stay home). Admission is a suggested $10 donation; no need to RSVP. Info 503-285-7722 or Offered again Dec 16.
20 wednesday 6:10am — Meet the Featured Pet on KGW News Channel 8. Meet an MCAS pet ready for its forever family during the weather on Channel 8’s morning news. 7:50am — Meet the Featured Pet on K103. Listen to the adoptable pet segment on radio station K103 FM to meet the MCAS Featured Pet seeking a forever home.
Noon — Adoption Outreach with Multnomah County Animal Services (MCAS) at Clackamas Petco ‘til 3. Meet adoptable kittens & cats currently living in foster care and ready for their forever homes. Noon — Oregon Humane Society Adoption Outreach at Tigard PetsMart & Furever Pets on Broadway. OHS takes companion pets (dogs, cats & sometimes rabbits), ready for loving homes, into the community. Meet some great animals, chat with knowledgeable OHS volunteers & learn more about OHS adoption programs. Details Noon — Show & Tell Saturday at Animal Aid’s new location in SW Portland, 5335 SW 42nd Ave (south of Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy). Everyone’s welcome to visit adoptable cats ‘til 4. Weekday visiting hours are 11am-4pm. Details 503-2926628 or
3 sunday 10am — Pet Licensing by MCAS today at the following Petco locations: Hayden Meadows 10-11:30; 144th & Division 1-2:30; Clackamas 4-5pm. 11am — Animal Aid & Santa Claws will be at the Tigard PetsMart ‘til 4 (details 503-684-3234). Start the season with the important stuff: photos with Santa! All proceeds support Animal Aid’s mission to help animals. Details 503-292-6628 or Noon — OHS Outreach at Wild Oats at 28 & Burnside. Details
Noon — Show & Tell Saturday at Animal Aid’s new location in SW Portland, 5335 SW 42nd Ave (south of Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy). Everyone’s welcome to visit adoptable cats ‘til 4. Weekday visiting hours are 11am-4pm. Details 503-2926628 or
22 saturday Cat Adoption Team 2007 Calendars are available, just in time for gift-giving. The popular calendar features great photos of current & former CAT residents. They’re just $10 each, and every dollar goes straight to CAT kitties & cats in need. To order or for more info, call 503-925-8903 or visit 10am — Adoption Outreach with MCAS at Lake Oswego Petco ‘til noon. Adoptable dogs looking for their forever home. Kitten & Cat Adoption Outreach at Gresham Petco today noon-3 featuring adoptable sweethearts currently in foster care and ready to go home. 11am — Michael Bailey of K103 makes a special appearance at the CAT shelter today ‘til 1 as part of the Home 4 the Holidays celebration. CAT is located at 14175 SW Galbreath Dr in Sherwood, just off Tualatin-Sherwood Hwy Rd. Info/directions 503-925-8903 or Noon — Show & Tell Saturday at Animal Aid’s new location in SW Portland, 5335 SW 42nd Ave (south of Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy). Everyone’s welcome to visit adoptable cats ‘til 4. Weekday visiting hours are 11am-4pm. Details 503-2926628 or 2pm — Santa’s Pet Photos ‘til 4:30 at Tail Chasers Doggy Day Care & Boarding in Portland. Details 503-659-3006.
6 wednesday 7:50am — Meet the Featured Pet on K103. Listen to the adoptable pet segment on radio station K103 FM to meet the MCAS Featured Pet seeking a forever home.
10 sunday 10am — Pet Licensing with MCAS at the following Petco locations: Gresham
16 saturday
• Caregivers needed to lend loving, helpful hands during Cat Adoption Team’s holiday shifts. CAT in Sherwood needs volunteers to help provide food, water, love & attention to the kitties, and to assist with cleaning kennels during the holidays. Open shifts run 9-11am and 46pm Fri Dec 22 through Tues Dec 26, and Jan 1. For info or to sign up, call 503-9258903 or visit
• Pictures with Santa Paws to benefit Cat Adoption Team. Have your beloved photographed with Santa at various PetsMart locations the first three weekends in December. Family & kids welcome, too. $9.95 gets you two Polaroids in festive frames; $5 of each purchase supports efforts at CAT. Details & PetsMart locations: 503-925-8903 or
Noon — OHS Outreach at Clackamas PetsMart & Bridgeport Village Wild Oats. Details
10am — Animal Aid will be showing adoptable pets ‘til 2pm at Western Pet Supply, 6908 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy in Portland.
7:50am — Meet the Featured Pet on K103. Listen to the adoptable pet segment on radio station K103 FM to meet the MCAS Featured Pet seeking a forever home.
11am — Rabbit Advocates will be at Western Pet Supply, 6908 SW BeavertonHillsdale Hwy in Beaverton today & Dec 23, 11-2, to discuss adopting rabbits as companion pets. Rabbit Advocates is dedicated to the welfare of domestic rabbits & will showcase adoptable rabbits & educational materials. 11am — Scott Linn or Mark Mason of KEX Radio will make a special appearance at the Tigard PetSmart ‘til 1 to support Cat Adoption Team’s Home 4 the Holidays celebration. CAT is located in Sherwood. Info/directions 503-9258903 or
23 Saturday
27 wednesday
30 saturday Noon — Show & Tell Saturday at Animal Aid’s new location in SW Portland, 5335 SW 42nd Ave (south of Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy). Everyone’s welcome to visit adoptable cats ‘til 4. Weekday visiting hours are 11am-4pm. Details 503-2926628 or
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