Cover Model 411
VOL. 1 • NO. 11 June 2006
Jennifer McCammon Publisher w/ Broadway, Peach, & Scout Publisher@SpotMagazine.net
Name: Sophie Age: 19 months Breed: Husky-Akita/Shepherd People: Sonny, Kent, DeeAnne, Colby & Marnie Territory: Thurston in Springfield Sign: Libra Turn-ons: Visitors (especially Kent, DeeAnne & Colby) - Papa mowing in the back yard - Chasing balls, frisbies, or anything that moves “chewies & treats” Turn-offs: Getting called away from playing or greeting people across the fence. Getting too hot! Waiting for my people to come back home. Cover photo by: Marnie McCammon
Cat’s Meow
Lancea LaPorte Art Director w/ Banner
In the spirit of Adopt-A-Cat Month, Spot presents a special little section devoted to our feline friends. Whiskers are twitching this month over: the first cat reality show (we’ve got a local contender!), special adoption programs, and a touching tale of one kitty’s return after being MIA for a year (saved by the microchip).
Display Advertising: Jenny Kamprath Senior Account Executive w/ Marley
the world’s worst dog 8 Loving
You’ve heard or lived the stories. They devour floors, chew through walls, leap through windows to follow daddy to work. Rendered clinically insane by lightening. Enthusiasm so high it’s painful. Meet folks who’ve lived to tell the tale, and experts on the subject. The best part? Tales of nothing-but-trouble pups often have a happy ending.
Reader Spotlight: meet Bob A canine for all seasons, Bob’s “mom” lovingly suited him up with a closetful of monikers — reflecting his many moods.
Marnie McCammon Eugene/Springfield Office w/ grandpuppy Roxy Marnie@SpotMagazine.net
Classified Advertising: 503-261-1162 Publisher@SpotMagazine.net
Contributing Writers Joan Callander Alexa Meisler Ellen Notbohm
Holy cow! Ever wonder where those funny little animal expressions come from? Straight from the horse’s mouth, Ellen Notbohm (a writer who is the cat’s pajamas) opens up a can of worms with a fun rundown on animal idioms.
Contributing Photographer Brian McDonnell, BMAC Photography
Subscription Rates: 1 year $15; 2 years $25
Spot Magazine PO Box 16667 Portland, OR 97292 Voice 503-261-1162 Fax 503-261-8945 Published monthly. Distributed from Vancouver to Eugene/Springfield & Sandy to Forest Grove. All rights reserved. Reproduction (whole or part) without permission prohibited.
© 2006 Living Out Loud Inc www.SpotMagazine.net
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14Furry FunPlanner
Events throughout the region: play groups, adoption outreach events, festivals & celebrations
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Fetch News crunchy little newsbits
. . . . In the news . . . . 5- Pending case may spur new definition of relationship with companion animals 5- Meet Be Bop USA — where miniature horses and dogs are doing the hokey pokey and more to teach Portland-area schoolchildren compassion & responsibility 8- The road just got safer for pets, thanks to a newly developed safety harness system (Be Bop USA makes headlines again) 8- Is your pet a star in the making? The line to Hollywood is open 8- Annual photo contest wraps 8- DoveLewis hit by vandals 8- Handfuls of butterballs. . . Some 200 chicks dropped off at DoveLewis last month are on their way home 8- POPPA hosts annual bash. Plant sale & party is great for shoppers, boon to animals
From the Publisher Always a connect
Jennifer McCammon with Broadway, Scout & Peach
got a call yesterday from our seven-yearold daughter’s mom (who lives out of state) saying Cassidy’s 3½-month-old mini doxie had gotten into fine graphite, a lubricant for keyholes and such. Not sure where to go directly, I told Cass’s mom to call her local poison control center, the one you’d call for people questions. She did that while I called DoveLewis, my favorite go-to guys for all things pet, health or medical. The nice gal at DoveLewis gave me a national helpline for questions/concerns about possible pet poisoning: 800-548-2432 — a number everyone should post on the fridge. Turns out “Sweetheart” is fine; graphite doesn’t present serious risk — they just needed to watch for vomiting or a complete loss of appetite. This a great illustration of how quickly and easily things can be trouble-shot in the pet community. Experts on every subject run the gamut, and are usually happy to help — if not imparting their own expertise, then providing contact info for someone who can.
I’ve told countless people about Oregon Humane Society’s free behavior helpline since it came into being (503-416-2983). For those whose issues are more serious, behaviorists, veterinarians and trainers abound — offering a great variety of expertise and approaches to related issues. Our cover story explores the joys, frustrations and realities of loving a difficult dog, featuring a variety of experts whose perspectives on and approaches to challenges related to temperament or behavior are as unique as they are. You’re sure to find a pearl or two among the tales, insights and suggestions. If you’ve personally experienced all the “joys” of living with a nutty canine and would like to share your story with Spot readers, please do! You needn’t be the great American novelist; simply send a note like you would a letter to a friend, including your name and contact information, and a photo(s) of the pup alone or with family (informal or funny images welcome!), to Spot at PO Box 16667 Portland OR 97292, or by email to publisher@spotmagazine.net. One thing I love is that the tales of life with tough puppies so often have happy endings. Seems if one can survive the damage to property, the effort of special training, sometimes even the rigors of serious medical routines, you reach a point where the most exasperating canine becomes the most treasured companion you couldn’t imagine life without. We treasure being able to help spread these stories. It’s a blessing to gather them up and send them along to you. Each is unique, memorable, and touching in a special way. This month Kathryn Hurd shares the story of
her “Bob.” I hope you’ll take a moment to read it. Simple, short and sweet, it’s a little vitamin love sure to brighten your day. As we all share our stories, ideas and referrals, our community becomes ever stronger and better connected. I’m continually delighted by the easy sharing of knowledge, friendliness and basic commitment to animals this community exhibits. We share the desire to give our pets the best — care, recreation and quality of life — and the “knowing” all parents possess of the joys, frustrations, hilarity and blessings of life with our animals. If you’re ever in need of referrals for anything pet — daycare, boarding, grooming, training, health care —or for unrelated companies that are pet friendly (Rose City Mortgage, for example), please shoot us an email or give us a call here at Spot. We’re here for you, and the more time goes by, we’re getting connected with the best in the business. And we and they are happily at your service. Thanks for sharing the adventures,
Companion and working animals are important, beloved members of the family. Spot Magazine is the one-stop resource for information, ideas, and events of interest to these animals and their people. Spot Magazine welcomes opinions and letters to the editor. To be considered for publication, letters should be signed and include the writer’s full name, address, and daytime telephone (for internal use only). Spot reserves the right to edit letters for length and clarity. Mail to: Spot Magazine PO Box 16667 Portland OR 97292; Fax to: 503-261-8945; e-mail to: publisher@spotmagazine.net. Opinions and ideas expressed by writers and/or advertisers herein are not necessarily endorsed by, or necessarily reflect, the opinions of Spot Magazine or Living Out Loud, Inc.
Open letter to my pets Dear Dogs and Cats, The dishes with the paw print are yours and contain your food. The other dishes are mine and contain my food. Please note: placing a paw print in the middle of my plate and food does not stake a claim for it becoming your food and dish, nor do I find that aesthetically pleasing in the slightest. The stairway was not designed by NASCAR and is not a racetrack. Beating me to the bottom is not the object. Tripping me doesn’t help because I fall faster than you can run. I cannot buy anything bigger than a king-sized bed. I’m very sorry about this. Do not think I will continue sleeping on the couch to ensure your comfort. Dogs and cats can actually curl up in a ball when they sleep. It is not necessary to sleep perpendicular to each other stretched out to the fullest extent possible. I also know that sticking tails straight out and having tongues hanging out the other end to maximize space is nothing but sarcasm. For the last time, there is not a secret exit from the bathroom. If, by some miracle, I beat you there and manage to get the door shut, it is not necessary to claw, whine, meow, try to turn the knob or get your paw under the edge and try to pull the door open. I must exit through the same door I entered. Also, I have been using the bathroom for years; canine or feline attendance is not mandatory. The proper order is kiss me, then go smell the other dog or cat’s behind. I cannot stress this enough! To pacify you, my dear pets, I have posted the following message on our front door: All Non-Pet Owners Who Visit & Like to Complain About Our Pets: 1. They live here. You don’t. 2. If you don’t want their hair on your clothes, stay off the furniture. (That’s why they call it “fur”niture.) 3. I like my pets a lot better than I like most people. 4. To you, it’s an animal. To me, he/she/THEY is an adopted son/daughter who is short, hairy, walks on all fours and doesn’t speak clearly. Remember: Dogs and Cats are better then kids because they: 1. Eat less 2. Don’t ask for money all the time 3. Are easier to train 4. Usually come when called 5. Never drive your car 6. Don’t hang out with drug-using friends 7. Don’t smoke or drink 8. Don’t worry about having to buy the latest fashions 9. Don’t wear your clothes 10. Don’t need a gazillion dollars for college, and 11. If they get pregnant, you can sell their children! Submitted by Marvena, who received it from her 12year-old grandson Alex, of Springfield
Fetch! Be Bop USA busy & growing Be Bop USA, an organization working with animals including miniature horses and dogs in agility, obedience and enter-
tainment, continues to perform and teach area schoolchildren. Often appearing at area libraries, Sue Roake’s miniature stallion and now several dogs have learned to dance the Hokey Pokey with the kids,
play red light-green light, and Simon Says — all while teaching kids how to care for animals and each other. continued pg 8
DoveLewis Grief Counselor testifies The director of the DoveLewis Pet Loss Support Program, Enid Traisman, MSW, recently testified in Grants Pass in a case that could influence the way the legal system defines the relationship between humans and companion animals. The clinic represents a woman whose dog, Miss Lily, was shot while chasing a deer through a neighbor’s property. She is seeking special value damages for Miss Lily, for intentional infliction of emotional distress and loss of companionship, and punitive damages. To learn more about the case, contact Laura Ireland Moore, executive director of the National Center for Animal Law at 503-544-0197. Traisman is a certified grief counselor and has conducted group therapy sessions at DoveLewis for 20 years. She is nationally recognized as an expert in the human-animal bond. “I’m always willing to do anything on behalf of DoveLewis for animal lovers everywhere to help further the cause that our pets are parts of our families; they’re not just pieces of property. The emotional value of animals in our lives is extremely important and should be recognized as such,” she says.
continued pg 10
OFSA 1X4 ??
are especially disheartened as they’re working hard to continue to raise money for the new building, programs and hospital operations.
continued from pg 5
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Other news at Be Bop is the development of a safety auto harness system. After months of research and work with eight veterinarians and orthopedic surgeons, Roake has developed a system she says is, most importantly, anatomically correct – providing the best possible protection in the event of impact (car accident, or even just quick braking or swerving). The harness is easy to put on and take off, and comfortable and safe for the dog. The harness also keeps dogs from jumping around in the car, putting their head out the window, distracting the driver, etc. Watch for future coverage of this new product, as well as some of the emotional yet motivating stories of people who have lost pets in car incidents that spurred Roake to create the harness. Also new at Be Bop is the addition of agility trainer Jane Fortny, who offers agility, clicker, puppy and movie star training. The “Hollywood” training involves what to expect on a set or photo shoot and how to prepare for the experience. A Web site featuring this service is currently in the works which will maintain a database of 4-legged “actors” for incoming casting calls. More news on Be Bop to come . . . stay tuned!
is June 1, 7pm. Details 503-285-7722 ext 412 or oregonhumane.org.
Speaking of making your pet a star
DoveLewis and neighboring businesses were recently struck by vandals who defaced signage and buildings with spray paint and damaged locks, doors and vehicles. Luckily, they didn’t pass the fence surrounding DoveLewis’ new hospital, currently under construction and covered with an anti-graffiti coating that makes it easy to remove graffiti damage. The cost to repair the damage was estimated to be at least $5,000 by the responding officer; whatever the cost turns out to be, the folks at DoveLewis
Oregon Humane Society’s annual photo contest wraps up June 1, so if you’ve got a picture-perfect baby, get your entry in. To enter your pet in the annual Fuzzy, Furry and Feathered Friends Photo Contest, send or deliver your entry and a $5 donation to: Photo Contest, Oregon Humane Society, PO Box 11364 (1067 NE Columbia Blvd.) Portland OR 97211 or hand-deliver to Pro Photo Supply at 1112 NW 19th at Marshall in Portland. Deadline
Winners named in kids’ poster contest The Oregon Humane Society announced the winners of the 57th anniversary Be Kind to Animals Poster and Photo/Essay Contest last month. The contest highlights the artistic work of over 100 young Oregonians who used art to create positive message for the future. Over 4,000 entries were received from schoolchildren grades 1-12, and winners came from the metro area, Eugene, Salem, Central Point, Grants Pass & more. First place winners for each grade are being featured on the OHS Web site and OHS promotional materials.
DoveLewis hit by vandals
A whole lotta chicken in and out Some 200 chicks were dropped off at DoveLewis last month, and all were ultimately placed with area organizations, including 25 taken by Pistils Nursery and 100 by Linnton Feed & Seed. Both organizations agreed to donate 10% from sales of the chicks back to DoveLewis. As of mid month, one lone survivor remained at DoveLewis in critical condition; the chick eventually became strong enough to go home with Lighthouse Farm Sanctuary.
POPPA hosts annual plant sale & party POPPA (Pet Over-Population Prevention Advocates) will host its 5th annual Recycled Gardens Party and Plant Auction at 6995 NW Cornelius Pass Rd in Hillsboro Saturday July 1, 10am-5pm. Admission is $5; food & beverage extra. Celebrating five years, POPPA’s Recycled Gardens has earned permanent charity status and has contributed or completely funded over 11,000 spay/neuter surgeries on companion animals through the sales of donated plants. In addition to purchasing plants and helping the effort, visitors can enjoy a vegetarian BBQ party, music, a horseshoe toss and live auction (at 1pm). All proceeds support POPPA’s companion animal spay/neuter assistance program. For more details, visit www.poppainc.org.
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e was the last of five beautiful puppies to be born. His entry into the world was slow and difficult. When he did emerge, he was so small he could have curled up comfortably in the bottom half of a teacup. I wrapped him in a warm cloth, and tended to his frail body. I called him Baby Bob. Bob responded to caresses and cooing sounds. He burrowed against my chest, soft and cuddly as a stuffed bunny. It seemed appropriate to see him as Huggy Bear Bob. All the puppies energetically scampered down the steps and onto the grass, eager to chase and roll together. Bob had no interest in boisterous play. He sat on the top step of the porch, staring into the distance as though contemplating the enormity of life. I changed his name to Buddha Bob. His appetite was good, and he soon filled out to a healthy size. His litter mates began transforming into replicas of their parents, with straight backs and otter-like heads on well formed necks. It appeared that Bob had no neck at all, and his body was round from any angle. He became Butter Ball Bob. Although Bob radiated heat, our veterinarian, Lynn Bertelson, pronounced him perfectly healthy. Bob’s favorite place to sleep at night was inside the bedcovers at the foot of the bed. What a boon that was on cold winter nights. He was definitely Hot Water Bottle Bob.
Several years ago, Bob lost his sight. He learned to negotiate his way through the house, around furniture and down the hall, relying on his memory. He refused to take a single step out of doors unless he felt the reassuring guidance of his leash. With trepidation, I took him on a trip to the beach. As soon as his paws hit the sand, he strutted out, sensing that no obstacles lay in his path. We walked for miles. He turned into Beach Bum Bob. Now, at the age of 13, Bob needs frequent tests and many medications. He has been a faithful friend, and I cannot deny him any measures that give him comfort and relief. Nonetheless, out of earshot, I referred to him as Beaucoup Bucks Bob.
On a recent visit to the clinic, Dr. Bertelson greeted Bob with a hearty “Hello, Bobmeister!” Bob’s ears perked up, his tail wagged, and he seemed to stand up straighter. He liked that name! When I think of all the monikers I’ve saddled him with, none elicited this response. I pick up my pup, and apologize for any embarrassment my many names have caused him, and tell him what joy he has brought me. Then I hug him to me, and whisper into his ear, “Thank you. You are my Good Boy Bob.” Kathryn Hurd resides in Estacada.
MULT CO. 1/6 ??
he was the world’s cutest little puppy; she had the most beautiful face, but we couldn’t control her. Every time I opened the door she ran,” says NW Portland resident Jenny Kamprath. Obedience problems can leave dog owners bewildered and frustrated. How do you determine if your dog needs a good dose of obedience school, a visit to the vet, or a “do not pass go” and head directly to an animal behaviorist? What are the key steps to take before buying a dog, and what are the most important methods to prevent your dog from developing obedience problems? Here are some steps to start on the right foot with a new dog, and how to turn a four-legged monster into your perfect pup. Let’s start at the beginning. We all know that buying a new puppy should not be on impulse, based on the cuteness factor or adorable meter. Thoroughly researching breed characteristics so Alexa Meisler • Spot Magazine
you know what to expect is the best way to match your personality and lifestyle with a breed. With that said, many people choose a pup on personality, cuteness, quirkiness, and because they feel a connection. Like a new friend or lover, it can be easy to look beyond clear warning signs and choose from your heart and not your head. New York Times bestselling author of the novel Marley & Me: Life and Love with the World’s Worst Dog (William Morrow $21.95), John Grogan gives insight in his book about choosing from the heart during a visit with his wife to a breeder “to check out the pups, ask some questions, and
keep an open mind. . . and not make any snap decisions.” “But thirty seconds into it, I could see I already lost the battle,” says Grogan who, along with his wife, adopted the one discounted puppy in the bunch and thus began a life of “disastrous obedience training, numbskull antics, destructiveness, hyperactivity and humping anything that moved — including dinner guests” with Marley. Keys to making a good choice • Research dog breeds • Choose a dog whose temperament fits your lifestyle
Most behavior problems are addressed under the umbrella of dog training, and most dogs can be trained with some basic common rules that the dog knows, understands and does.” — Harold Hansen, Heeling Free Dog School
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Experts say dog school is one of the most important tools a dog owner can utilize. This is where owners obtain the tools to manage their animals. Training
• Meet the parents — a large percentage of behavior is inherited • Buy from a reputable breeder and not a pet store (where many animals come from puppy mills) • Buy a dog bred for temperament Whether you went by the book and picked your dog based on research and temperament, or real life set in while you were at the breeder’s, the humane society or the pet store and you chose a cute chow instead of a playful lab, here’s to a good start with your new addition. Dog school • Go. Start attending when the pup is 8-12 weeks old, depending on breed. • Have puppy parties; socialize your dog. • Explore new textures and surfaces every day. • Take your puppy everywhere you go. Training and obedience school There’s nothing better than a strong start with a new pup, but if you feel you’ve already lost the battle, think of today as the first day of the rest of your dog’s life. Most owners experience obedience problems for two reasons: 1. They didn’t research the breed and don’t understand the puppy’s temperament, or 2. They haven’t trained the animal properly or consistently. According to trainer and behavior counselor, Jennifer DuMond, CPTD of Dog & Cat in Eugene, not researching and pre-
paring for a new pet is the first big mistake most pet owners make. Marnie McCammon of Springfield is owner by default of Sophie, a Husky-Sheppard mix. After being purchased as a Christmas present for Marnie (and S.O. Sonny’s) three-year-old grandson, Sophie was returned to her two weeks later, and stayed. Marnie explains, “It was a 24-7 job just to raise this dog. It was easier to raise five kids than this dog, and it actually became a daily decision whether or not to keep her.� Marnie has countless stories of destroyed walls and molding, escape attempts that are now neighborhood legend, the disastrous day Sophie discovered a herd of cattle in the neighborhood, etc. She has hired multiple trainers and an animal behaviorist. Seventeen months later, Sophie has mastered most of her training and Marnie says she wouldn’t trade her for the world.
needs to happen consistently on a daily basis to develop good habits and rules that are mutually understood, imposed and followed. Consistency and repetition in training makes all the difference. Harold Hansen, dog trainer and owner of the Heeling Free dog school in Albany/ Corvallis and Eugene/Springfield, explains that obedience training is really teaching a dog how to live in a certain situation. Says Hanson, “A trained dog does not misbehave. Most behavior problems are addressed under the umbrella of dog training, and most dogs can be trained with some basic common rules that the dog knows, understands and does.� DuMond advises, “The longer a dog does a behavior, the harder it is to change it. As soon as you notice a problem you want to start working on it. Don’t train in the moment and don’t reason with your dog or comfort them out of it, because the last time I checked, dogs don’t speak English.� continued pg 12
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The cat’s pajamas: fun with animal idioms Ellen Notbohm • Spot Magazine
ne fine day I sat in the boardroom listening to a firebrand project manager describe the timeline and strategy for the next customer acquisition campaign. Just days before she had told me that she was sick to death of sitting in meetings with men who couldn’t string together two sentences without using sports idioms. “‘The ball’s in their court,’” she mimicked, “‘and they need to either go wide or punt! Either way, it’s a home run.’” On this day, while she ran a tight, serious meeting, I nonetheless found I had trouble stifling chuckles. True to form she did not use a single sports idiom. But she did say that a certain coworker was in the doghouse. The campaign was supposed to have an element of surprise timing, but this coworker had carelessly let the cat out of the bag to a competitor. Ms Manager had gotten the information straight from the horse’s mouth and
was madder than a wet hen. The coworker had used up one of his nine lives, because just this once she was going to let sleeping dogs lie. But she would be watching him like a hawk from now on. She really had a bee in her bonnet. Maybe you did or didn’t notice that the previous six sentences contained eight animal idioms or metaphors. Idioms and metaphors are so ubiquitous in our language that
Ms Manager had gotten the information straight from the horse’s mouth and was
madder than a wet hen. The coworker had used
up one of his nine lives, because just this once she was going to let sleeping dogs lie. But she would be watching him like a hawk from now on. we rarely pause to wonder how on earth we ever came up with something as bizarre as “looking a gift horse in the mouth.” O, readers of Spot! If your pets could talk they might be able to tell you that their ancestors were around when these phrases were coined, and here’s how some of them came about: “You’ve really cooked your own goose!” We use this idiom to mean, generally, that plans have backfired or gone awry. It goes back to a medieval story about a town under siege. To taunt the enemy, the townspeople slung up a goose, symbolizing foolishness. This enraged the attacking army into burning down the whole town, in effect “cooking the goose” and everything else with it. “Letting the cat out of the bag” (spilling a secret) and “buying a pig in a poke” (purchasing a fraudulent or defective item) are actually two idioms for the price of one. continued pg 12
Where to find the cat’s pajamas? On the first cat reality show
Help celebrate Adopt-A-Cat Month There are an estimated 70 million homeless cats in the US, and Willamette Humane Society (WHS) is celebrating Adopt-A-Cat Month by encouraging area residents to consider adding a cat or two to their families. “While cats are available for adoption anytime of the year, June is one of the busiest months in terms of the number of cats and kittens that arrive at the shelter,” says Sara Labberton, WHS Communication Director. “All they’re looking for is a loving home, and they will add so much to your life.” According to The Berlin Longevity Institute, cats can add as much as 10 years to their owners’ lives. Picking up a cat has a nearly instantaneous calming effect on humans, causing blood pressure to drop and the heart rate to slow. As part of this month’s campaign, WHS is continuing to offer 2-for-1 cat adoption fees. Adopters receive all the adoption benefits for the low price of $85 for kittens, $70 for adult cats. The WHS adoption package includes a free exam, spay/neuter surgery, microchip and lifetime registration, personalized ID tag, collar and carrier. Davenport’s Den, the retail store located in and benefiting the shelter, is offering 20% off all cat posts in June. Check the Furry FunPlanner for other special WHS events this month, or visit willamettehumane.org.
Yep, it’s true: we’ll soon be treated to a cat reality show. But that’s not the BIG news here. CAT in Sherwood, the “little shelter that could” highlighted in the April 06 issue of Spot and Oregon’s largest no-kill cat shelter and hospital, has been chosen to send along their resident star to appear and compete in the show. CAT volunteers and staff nominated six finalists; the public then was able to vote for their favorite via the CAT Web site May 16-23. CAT’s pick of the litter will be traveling to the Big Apple June 6 to prepare for his appearance in the Meow Mix House June 13-24. Once the competition ends, CAT’s cat-testant will return to Portland where it will certainly still be a winner with a new loving forever home. Anyone interested in adopting the rising star or any other of the finalists should contact CAT at 503925-8903 or contactus@catadoption team.org.
How does a cat reality show work? Every day during the run, one cat will be evicted from the house. Portland residents can continue to show their support by logging onto meowmixhouse.com June 1323 and casting their vote for the Portland cat. The cat with the fewest votes each day is eliminated. Of course, all the kitties in the Meow Mix House are winners, since each puss that gets the boot is then placed for adoption with a loving family, taking along a one-year supply of Meow Mix as a consolation prize. Fans of The Meow Mix House who can’t catch it via the Internet needn’t worry; the show is also being filmed to air in a condensed version on cable TV at a later date. And since not everyone can understand what cats are saying, human dialogue will help translate the meows into English. This is not the first time Meow Mix has launched a groundbreaking promotion for cats. In 2004, the company opened the Meow Mix Café, the first-ever restaurant for cats and their owners, in midtown
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A journey of 740 miles saw a happy ending at the Oregon Humane Society recently. Plato, a Siamese cat, was placed at OHS recently by owners who could no longer care for her. When OHS techs examined the feline, they found a microchip identifying her original owner as Erin DeBoard of Monterey, California. OHS contacted DeBoard, who had given up hope of ever finding her pet. DeBoard left Monterey immediately to claim her cat.
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Headed North?
DOG ZONE Boarding 1X4 • Grooming Daycare ?? • Training Self-Wash &
Manhattan. The café served thousands of two- and four-legged patrons in its two week trial run. The prior year, Meow Mix created Meow TV, the first show actually targeting a feline audience.
1631SE Bybee Blvd. Portland, OR 97202
1X9 503-628-2169
Fax 503-628-4251 ?? www.laurelacreskennels.com We are members of the American Boarding Kennels Association Hours: Mon-Fri 8am - 6pm Sat 8am - noon Sun and Holidays 3-6pm Major credit cards accepted. Your inspection is invited. SPOT MAGAZINE • JUNE 2006
Problem: Biting — Training or behavior problem? If an animal gives a warning growl and then bites, the problem can most likely be changed through training. If an animal gives no warning before biting, the behavior is abnormal.
continued from pg 7
Experts say that some dogs can be trained easily with the “operant method” — receiving a treat whenever they exhibit good behavior. Other dogs respond well to a “praise and consequence” method — receiving praise and a toy or treat when he/she behaves as desired, and given a consequence when he/she misbehaves.
Expert wisdom Problem: Separation Anxiety — Training or behavior problem? If your dog damages the house or things in it while you’re away this is a training issue. If the dog will leap from an open window or tries to dig through the door to follow you, this is most likely a behavior problem, such as a panic attack. Harold’s solution Start by separating yourself from your dog while at home together. Let the dog experience periods when you are not in the same room. Start by having your dog sit and tell him/her to stay. Walk around the corner where the dog can’t see you and isn’t allowed to follow or seek you. Praise him/her if he does it right and, if not, hold him/her accountable. As the dog becomes used to short periods of separation he/she will begin to feel increasingly secure and you can begin extending the amount of time. Problem: Runs at Every Opportunity — Training or behavior problem? This problem can almost always be dealt with through training, the experts say. Jennifer’s solution Jennifer recommends a “Wait, Sit, Release” method to train dogs not to run. She has her clients train their dogs to never cross the threshold of a door without permission. This includes front and back doors of the house, car and garage doors. Begin the training process by having your dog on a loose leash and very slowly opening a door. If at any point the dog moves toward the door, shut it. This trains the dog that if they move toward the door it will shut, and if they remain in position as commanded it will open. Next, place the dog in a sitting command with the door open and give him/her a clear release cue to communicate he or she is allowed to go out the door. 12
Harold’s solution There are two types of biting; defensive & chase. Defensive biting happens when a dog feels threatened, and chase biting is offensive biting. Instead of saying, “Don’t bite,” engage him/her in a training command to get them focused. Using the sitand-stay training commands in situations in which your dog has bitten in the past is a good way to help alleviate your dog’s fears. If your dog bites, don’t play tug of war with ropes or toys, because this game specifically conveys that biting is not only okay, it’s fun. Problem: On-leash aggression toward people or other dogs — Training or behavior problem? Unless it is very low-level aggression this behavior needs to be dealt with in a special class or by speaking with your veterinarian or animal behaviorist. Jennifer’s solution First, teach your dog to walk on a leash, then teach it alternatives to aggressing. Desensitization and counter-conditioning are effective in dealing with this type of behavior. Desensitization in this case would be putting the dog on a leash and allowing it to get as close as 100 feet to another person or dog. Desensitize him over time by allowing him to slowly get closer. Counter-conditioning is building up a positive association with something that is negative. In this instance, every time your dog is on leash and behaves non-aggressively toward another dog or person she receives praise and a treat or toy. Jennifer strongly urges no punishment. In her opinion, while punishment might temporarily change a behavior, it will most likely make the behavior worse in the future.
Training or behavior problem? So, you say, I have done all the right things. I’ve taken my dog to obedience school. I’ve worked with him consistently, and he is still just out of control. DuMond explains, “Dogs are animals. You can do everything right and still have problems. Some dogs are genetically predisposed to behavior problems.” What to do Understanding your dog’s breed will give you tools to help prevent potential problems based on the dog’s genetic characteristics. Remember: if your dog
has a behavior problem and nothing is done to deal with it, the behavior will not change. As Grogan says in his book, Marley was a sweet, loveable, devoted dog who also had a laundry list of naughty, neurotic, mischievous habits. Life with Marley included getting kicked out of obedience school after just two classes, a neurosis around thunderstorms that resulted in a diagnosis of anxiety and prescription sedatives, demolished screen doors, and plants pulled from their roots. Not all dogs have the genes to be trained to our liking. Understanding your breed is the first step in determining whether a problem is genetic or learned. Hansen explains, “If you run a daycare center and have a solitary dog — such as a chow — that enjoys bonding with one person, it is a big expectation for that dog to behave well around a group of young children.” Dr Jacqui Neilson, DVM with the Animal Behavior Clinic in Portland, is an expert in dog and cat behavior problems. “Normal problematic behavior that is not dangerous is appropriate to have trainers deal with,” she says. Neilson suggests owners whose dogs display abnormal behavior have a veterinarian assess the situation and diagnose the problem. “The vet will be able run diagnostic tests to rule out primary medical causes that could be contributing to behavior problems, such as old injuries and dermatologic issues,” says Neilson. The veterinarian should also be able to determine whether the problem should be addressed by a behaviorist. “When I see a new patient I observe the dog and review a historical profile to determine what is motivating the dog to do the particular behavior in question,” says Neilson. “Based upon that, I diagnose the problem and come up with a treatment program directed at that particular diagnosis.” Neilson encourages owners to “address problem behaviors early, as you will be more successful than intervening in a long-standing problem.” Man’s best friend provides love, companionship, security and friendship. As anyone who has lived with and loved a dog low on the IQ charts, in possession of an unfettered personality, or just a bearer of bad genes will tell you, parenting one of these pups can frazzle, frustrate, infuriate and exhaust you. If a “world’s worst dog” has captured your heart, take steps to change negative behavior as early as possible. Understand that commitment and consistency in training is vital. And know that established behavior patterns left unchecked take longer to change. If success eludes you, call in the experts: trainers, vets and animal behaviorists are your best resources to end the nightmare and get on with a joyful life with your dog.
continued from pg 10
Back in our medieval town (before the goose-cooking), farmers would sell their piglets in the open-air market, holding them in large bags called pokes. Crooked sellers would sometimes substitute a cat for the piglet. If the buyer was prudent, he would open the bag before buying, thereby “letting the cat out of the bag.” If the buyer was not prudent and didn’t check, the trickery came to be known as “a pig in a poke.” “Sick as a dog” did not describe Wilhelmina, a delightful weimaraner who lived across the street from us when I was a kid. Her favorite thing was vanilla ice cream with green beans on top. A revolting combination, to be sure, but nevertheless safe to eat. Many dogs are famous for eating just about anything, whether edible or not, and they often pay the price. “Sick as a dog” is an idiom that goes back at least 500 years. And, even though this be Portland, it doesn’t really “rain cats and dogs” here. This idiom goes back to the English floods of the 17th and 18th centuries. After torrential downpours, the streets would be littered with the bodies of cats and dogs that had drowned in the storm. It looked as if they had rained from the skies. Been living “high off the hog” since your last raise? This old African-American idiom refers to those who can afford the better cuts of pork, such as ribs and chops, which are from the upper portion of the hog, as opposed to pig’s feet, chitlins and other less delectable parts of the lower portion. Yes, we toss around animal idioms in our everyday language like careless bulls in a china shop — without ever stopping to consider that they have the power to terrify our little human friends. Insect idioms in particular can trigger nightmares in your young sir or ma’amselle. Stop and think before telling children that you have ants in your pants, butterflies in your stomach or a frog in your throat. You didn’t really put a bug in Aunt Kate’s ear, did you? Or open up a can of worms? But every dog has her day. Back in the boardroom, Ms Project Manager wanted to know what she had said during her presentation that made me smile so. I told her — up to and including the fact that hens standing around in the rain don’t seem to care if they’re wet, so that one is a pure nonsense idiom. She was speechless. She had to think about it. She hadn’t realized. . . . What’s the matter? I asked. Cat got your tongue? © 2006 Ellen Notbohm Ellen Notbohm is author of Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew, a ForeWord 2005 Book of the Year finalist. Visit her at www.ellennotbohm.com .
CAT Adoption Team . . . . . . . . . . 13 Multnomah County Animal Services 7 Oregon Ferret Shelter . . . . . . . . . 13 Oregon Friends of Shelter Animals (OFOSA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Bi-Mart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Hillsboro Feed Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Sellwood Dog Supply . . . . . . . . . 10 Snowfire Farm — distributor for healthy pet foods 11 Solid Gold Northwest Holistic Products for Pets . . . . . 9
BOARDING Airpet Hotel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Cascade Pet Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Cooper Mountain Kennels . . . . . 10 The Dog Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Elizares Kennels . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Laurel Acres Kennels . . . . . . . . . 11 Rock Creek Kennels . . . . . . . . . . . 6
PET SITTING Kritter Kare of Portland . . . . . . . . . 6
PHOTOGRAPHY / PORTRAITS BMAC Photography . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Pets by Matt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
COMPANIONS FOR LIFE 300 cats & kittens looking for forever home. Altered, tested, vaccinated, microchipped, indoor ready to love. Adoption fee $50-$110. 7 days/week 10-6 Cat Adoption Team 503-925-8903 www.catadoptionteam.org Volunteers welcome.
AKC SHELTIE PUPPIES Champion lines. 2 sables, 2 tri’s. Ready early June. Shots, wormed, dewclaws done. $500 & up. 503720-6969.
BOARDING Park Your Car Board Your Pet Board Your Flight
DALMATIAN PUPPIES BORN APRIL 14 Ready for new homes June 10. Health Guarantee, champion bloodlines, Futurity Entered. AKC reg. Hearing Tested, first shots, Dew claws removed. See them as they grow. $600-$800. 503-357-4859.
• 5 minutes from Portland International Airport • Open 24-7 by appointment for check-in and check-out • Next to park-and-fly services • Voted "Best Doggie Dash" By Willamette Week, 2004
We Cater to Your Schedule
www.airpethotel.com • 503-255-1388
$20/DAY AJ’S K9 KAMP Visit the photo page on www.ajs-k9kamp.com. Day care & overnight home care. Canines under 30 lbs. Nr the airport. 15 yrs exp. Licensed. Insured. 503-252-7652.
Dignified Pet Services . . . . . . . . . . 8
Debra Baumberger Broker, Rose City Mortgage . . . . . . . . . . 4
DAYCARE Bow Wow Doggie Daycare . . . . . . 6 Daycare for Doggy . . . . . . . . . . . 10 The Dog Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Muttley Crew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Auntie Tracy & Auntie Sally . . . . . The Dog Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elizares Kennels . . . . . . . . . . . . . K-9 Agility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K-9 Behavior Company . . . . . . . . Mt Hood Dog Campus . . . . . . . .
Doggy Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Kritter Kare of Portland . . . . . . . . . 6
GIFTS / FASHION / SPECIALTY Bi-Mart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Bowser Boutique . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Lewis Creek Glassworks . . . . . . . . 4
GROOMING Cascade Pet Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 The Dog Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Berlin Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
TRAINING 10 11 13 13 13 13
VETERINARIANS / VET HOSPITALS DoveLewis Emergency Animal Hospital . . . 2 Rose City Veterinary Hospital . . . . 9
WASTE REMOVAL SERVICES HEALTH & WELLNESS Back on Track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Canine Peak Performance . . . . . . . 8 Last Chance Ranch’s Calm Coat . . 6
Doodie Hunters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 DoodyCalls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Oops Poops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Pooper Patrol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Shilo Inns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
DoveLewis Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Pets in the Pearl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
*Classified Ad Rates: 1x $40
3x $33
6x $25
12x $20
3 lines lines of of text, text, 45 45 characters characters per per line line 3 Additional lines lines $1 $1 per per line line per per month month Additional *These rates apply only to text ads, not display ads
PATTY’S PRECIOUS PETS A Bed and Breakfast for your small pooch! Kennel-free home-style boarding in Tigard. Safe, secure, private play-yard. 503-590-4056 http://home.teleport.com/~patyoung/
DAYCARE FOREST PARK BED & BISCUIT Dog daycare, overnights & basic grooming while you wait or play. Private setting in NW PDX, close to Montgomery Park. Call Linda for details (503) 7689932 or (971) 570-3646.
TRAINING ELIZARES OBEDIENCE CLASSES Start every eight weeks. Clackamas/Boring area. Instructor: Lesa Elizares-Rose.
BOARDING WITH A PERSONAL TOUCH 24-hr care/playtime/walks/daycare. Call Mon-Sat 9am-6pm.
Elizares Kennels 503-658-2304
BUCK’S ADVENTURE DOGS PET SERVICES Loving care for your entire animal family! Dog walks & in-home visits. Insured & bonded. 971-207-7127.
HELP WANTED PART-TIME BOOKKEEPER Spot Magazine is seeking a part-time bookkeeper fluent in QB Pro to do A/P, A/R, Posting, Invoicing, Collections from your office or ours. Awesome work, good people. Send inquiries, background, resume to publisher@portlandfamily.com. Please note in subject line: PF Bookkeeper position. No phone calls please.
HOUSE & PETSITTERS KRITTER KARE OF PORTLAND Daily dog walks. Vacation pet sitting. “Overnites” & house sitting services. Caring for domestics & exotics in the tri-county area since 1994. Licensed, bonded, insured. Refs. 503-252-0599, 503-940-7761.
HAPPY PALS DOG TRAINING Have fun w/your dog teaching manners and/or earning titles in obed, rally, conf, or tracking. Judges from several orgs. Private lessons, your home or our facilities. Call Loanne or Roger 503-359-9297.
DEPENDABLE RETIRED COUPLE Will do overnighters in general PDX area. Will visit once or twice a day to feed pets in Newberg, Dundee or Sherwood areas. Ref’s. 503-537-9719 or 503-679-5613.
K9-BEHAVIOR COMPANY Private in-home training. Perfect puppy right from the start! Behavior modification for your outta-control adolescent dog. Help with your shy or aggressive dog. Call Deb Walker 503-704-7481 Web site: www.k9-behavior.com
FLINT RIVER RANCH THE HONEST KITCHEN Super premium pet foods. Made with all natural human grade ingredients. No chemical preservatives or by-products www.tailwaggingood.com 503-231-0115 or 888-897-0115
Luxury Pet Friendly Oceanfront Home Private 4 bedrm, 2.5 ba, home in Lincoln City. Stunning views, International decor, large deck, BBQ, hot tub, fenced oceanfront yard. 503-577-2202. photos @ www.VRBO.com/15771. SPOT MAGAZINE • JUNE 2006
aLL MONTH LONG • Adoption Outreach at the Gresham PetsMart hosted by Multnomah County Animal Services. Adoptable cats & kittens available every Tuesday through Sunday, noon-4pm. Details www.multcopets.org. • Adoption Outreach with Second Chance Companions at Cascade Park Petco, Vancouver. Outreaches held at various locations throughout the month. Info www.sccpets.com; 360687-4569. • Adorable Kittens & Cats available for adoption (250-300) through CAT (Cat Adoption Team) at various locations. The Sherwood shelter is open 7 days, 10am-6pm. Cats are on-site daily at PetsMart stores in Wilsonville, Clackamas, Hillsboro & Tigard, as well as Pet Loft. Or visit Petco in Tualatin and Tanasbourne on the first and third through fifth Saturdays of the month. Details 503-925-8903 or www.catadoptionteam.org. • Animal Aid Show & Tell welcomes visitors to meet adoptable cats at their new SW Portland location, 5335 SW 42nd Ave, noon-4. Weekday visiting hours are 11am-4pm. Info 503-2926628 or www.animalaidpdx.org. • Got Bad Behavior? Call the Oregon Humane Society’s free Pet Behavior Helpline at 503-416-2983. • Help OHS take homeless pets into the community to meet prospective new families. Call 503-285-7722 ext 204 to find out how you can get involved. Training sessions held monthly. • Kitten Foster Homes Needed at CAT (Cat Adoption Team). Mom cats with their litters of kittens are waiting for loving families to care for them until they are old enough to be adopted. If you can open your home and heart to raise a litter of kittens, call 503-9258903 or email contactus@catadoption team.org. • LexiDog is now offering expert grooming spa services in a calming, 14
unhurried atmosphere your dog will love at Bridgeport Village. • Meet Shelter Pets from Oregon Friends of Shelter Animals noon4 every Saturday & Sunday at Petco in Beaverton & Hillsboro. Info www.ofosa.org or 649-9488. • Open Playgroup every Saturday at LexiDog’s Macadam location: 6767 SW Macadam ‘til 4pm. All breeds, sizes welcome to come, play & stay warm & dry while getting out for a little exercise. Info 503-245-4363. • Puppy Playtime social event for puppies Sundays at 10am at Barka Lounge in Portland. Puppies 10-20 weeks play 10-11am; over 20 weeks play 11-noon. RSVP required; call 503-236-3868 or visit barka-lounge.com. To learn more about Puppy Playtime visit puppyplaytime.com. • WANTED: stories, photos on kitties adopted through CAT, Cat Adoption Team in Sherwood, to be featured in CAT’s 2007 12-month calendar. CAT is seeking tales and photos reflecting the quirks of the cats we love so much. Submissions should be 500k or larger. Include cat’s name, age, when adopted from CAT, background if known, description of the quirk, name of photographer and anything else they should know. Email submissions to britta @catadoptionteam.org June 1-Aug 1.
Aid (12:30), Caring for Your Older Pet (1pm) and When to Call the Vet (2pm). Details 541-686-6768. 11am — Kitten Road Show. Adorable kittens & lovable mom cats from CAT (Cat Adoption Team) available for adoption at Tualatin Petco ‘til 2pm & Clackamas PetsMart 14pm. Details 503-925-8903 or www.catadoptionteam.org. 11am — OHS Canine 101 (aka “Problem Pooch”) class at the Columbia Blvd facility. Ideal for anyone considering or beginning pet parenthood, or who just wants to understand why Fido does what he does. Facilitated discussions with Q & As for people (pets stay home). Admission is a suggested $10 donation; no need to RSVP. Info 503285-7722 or oregonhumane.org. Noon — Adoption Outreach event featuring dogs, cats & sometimes rabbits with Oregon Humane Society at Tigard PetsMart, Furever Pets on Broadway in NE Portland ‘til 4 and Rose City Chevrolet on Lombard in N Portland 1-5. Details 503-285-7722 or oregonhumane.org. 1pm — Kitten Roadshow. CAT presents a traveling circus of kittens in need of loving homes every Saturday this month. Today at Tualatin Petco & Clackamas PetsMart ‘til 4pm. Details catadoptionteam.org.
3 saturday 10am — Volunteer Orientation at Greenhill Humane Society in Eugene. Like to lend a hand at the shelter? Come learn all about it. Details green-hill.org. 11am — Adopt-a-thon with Greenhill Humane Society at Westmoreland Community Center in Eugene ‘til 4pm. Meet adoptable pets from various Oregon animal rescue groups and bring in your own pet for discounted microchipping ($20). 11am — Animal Well-Fair hosted by Animals Inc at the Boys & Girls Club at Westmoreland Community Center in Eugene. Animal adoptions, microchipping, Average Joe Cat Show (at 11), and presentations on: Pet First
4 sunday 10am — Pet Licensing at Hayden Meadows, Division (‘til 11:30) & Clackamas (4-5pm) Petcos, hosted by Multnomah County Animal Services. Noon — Adoption Outreach event with Oregon Humane Society at Wild Oats at 28th & Burnside in NE Portland and Rose City Chevrolet on Lombard in N Portland 1-5. Details 503-285-7722 or oregonhumane.org. To submit items for consideration in the Furry FunPlanner, e-mail Publisher@Spotmagazine.net or FAX 503-261-8945
2 0 0 6
3:30pm — How to Live Happily Ever After With Your Dog class at Greenhill Humane Society in Eugene. Info green-hill.org.
5 monday 6pm — Over the Top Agility at Be Bop USA in Gresham. Beginning classes start today and run Mondays. For details, contact Jane at 503-522-3054, or visit www.bebopusa.com and follow the agility links at bottom.
7 wednesday 4pm — First Wednesday with WHS. Visit some of the adorable adoptable pets from Willamette Humane Society in front of Florabundance in the Reed Opera House in downtown Salem. Adoptions available onsite ‘til 8.
10 saturday 10am — Foster Parent Orientation at Greenhill Humane Society in Eugene. Anyone interested in becoming a foster parent is invited to come & learn all about it. Details green-hill.org. 10am — Volunteer Training at CAT (Cat Adoption Team) in Sherwood. For info visit www.catadoptionteam.org or call 503-925-8903. 1pm — Kitten Road Show. Adorable kittens & lovable mom cats from CAT (Cat Adoption Team) available for adoption at Hillsboro PetsMart & Tigard PetsMart today ‘til 4pm. Details 503-925-8903 or www.catadoptionteam.org.
11 sunday 10am — Pet Licensing at the following Petco locations, hosted by Multnomah County Animal Services: Gresham (10-11:30), Division (1-2:30pm) & Clackamas (4-5pm).
1pm — Pawsitive Strokes at Greenhill Humane Society in Eugene ‘til 5pm. For $20 the folks at Greenhill will provide everything pets need to create a beautiful piece of artwork. Info greenhill.org.
18 sunday 16 friday 10:30am — Thrift Store Father’s Day Sale with WHS at 548 High Street NE in Salem ‘til 6. Find something special for dad, and have enough left over to do some shopping for yourself at the thrift store supporting Willamette Humane Society. Details 503-3626892. Continues tomorrow.
10am — Pet Licensing at the following Petco locations, hosted by Multnomah County Animal Services: Hayden Meadows (10-11:30am), Division (12:30pm) and Clackamas (4-5pm).
17 saturday 10am — Animal Aid presents adoptable pets ‘til 2pm at Western Pet Supply at 6908 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy in Portland. Details 503-292-6628.
Noon — Adoption Outreach event with Oregon Humane Society at Jantzen Beach Home Depot and Dog Star in NW Portland ‘til 4. Info 503-285-7722 or oregonhumane.org. 1pm — Adopt-a-Pet @ Midland Library, 805 SE 122nd Ave in Portland. The second of four special events in partnership with Multnomah County Midland Library to meet and adopt homeless cats, kittens & dogs. Learn about responsible pet ownership, MCAS services, volunteering, and becoming a foster pet parent. Free coloring books, crayons & pens for children. Adoption fee includes: spay/neuter surgery, 1 year license, microchip, collar, certificate for a free health exam, Petco coupon book, Banfield coupons, Advantage packet. All pets current on vaccinations & health exams. Info 503-988-5392 or www.multcopets.org. 1pm — Kitten Roadshow with CAT at Tualatin Petco & Wilsonville PetsMart ‘til 4. Details catadoptionteam.org.
• Dog Days of Summer Adoption Event at the Salem YMCA, 685 Court Street NE. Adoptable dogs from Willamette Humane Society trek from the shelter to meet folks at the Y. A portion of proceeds from new memberships purchased over the weekend will support dogs in WHS’s care. Adoptions are available onsite. Continues tomorrow. Details www.WillametteHumane.org or 503-3626892.
24 saturday
11am — Kitten Road Show. Kittens & mom cats available for adoption from CAT (Cat Adoption Team) at Tualatin Petco ‘til 2pm and Wilsonville PetsMart 1-4pm. Details 503-925-8903 or www.catadoptionteam.org. 11am — OHS Canine 101 (aka “Problem Pooch”) class at the Columbia Blvd facility. Ideal for anyone considering or beginning pet parenthood, or who just wants to understand why Fido does what he does. Facilitated discussions with Q & As for people (pets stay home). Admission is a suggested $10 donation; no need to RSVP. Info 503285-7722 or oregonhumane.org.
too. Guests will be able to view entries and winners by competing designers, bid on silent auction items, visit kitties in need of loving homes from the Oregon Humane Society, and enjoy refreshments. Admission $10 suggested donation at the door. Proceeds benefit OHS. Continues tomorrow. Details oregonhumane.org.
11:15am — Pet Parade with Oregon Humane Society. Route TBD (visit pridenw.org for the latest). Dogs with volunteers in tow will march through the downtown streets. Watch for the big orange “Feel the Love” RV following the troop. Be sure to wave and/or meet these lovable hounds ready for loving homes. Details 503-285-7722 or oregonhumane.org.
19 monday Noon — Chow Down for the Critters, a benefit for Animal Aid, at Cactus Jack’s, 4342 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy in Portland ‘til midnight. Cactus Jack’s Tex-Mex Grill and Sports Bar will donate 25% of its proceeds for the night to support the critters residing in the Animal Aid Shelter. Details 503-2926628.
6pm — Cat Revolution at Design Within Reach, 1200 NW Everett in Portland ‘til 9. A juried exhibit of furnishings designed to please cats and meet the needs of people,
10am — Volunteer Training at CAT (Cat Adoption Team) in Sherwood. For info visit www.catadoptionteam.org or call 503-925-8903. Noon — Adoption Outreach event with Oregon Humane Society at Clackamas PetsMart and Wild Oats in Bridgeport Village ‘til 4. Info 503-285-7722 or oregonhumane.org. Noon — Love Your Pet? Give them lifetime I.D. Multnomah County Animal Services at 1700 W Columbia River Hwy in Troutdale is offering $20 microchips (proof of license required) & rabies shots for $10. Today ‘til 3. For more info, call 503-988-7387 or visit www.multcopets.org.
25 sunday 10am — Pet Licensing at the following Petco locations, hosted by Multnomah County Animal Services: Gresham (10-11:30am), Division (1-2:30) and Clackamas (4-5pm).
• Weekend Canine Competitions at All American Premier Breeds Administration in Castle Rock, Wash today & tomorrow. Competitions include All Breed Weight Pull, Sled Sprint, Treadmill Sprint, Agility & Conformation. Registration available both days. Crates & choke chains mandatory; camping & concessions available. Details 360-274-4209 or aapba.com.
11am — Vaccine Clinic at Greenhill Humane Society in Eugene ‘til 3pm. Get your cats their FVRCP and Rabies vaccines for $5 per. Also being offered: microchipping for $20. Details greenhill.org.
10am — Under the Big Top Kitten Adoption Event with CAT. The Cat Adoption Team in Sherwood hosts its largest adoption event of the year complete with a circus theme: hot dogs, peanuts, balloons and face painting ‘til 6pm. For info or directions, call 503-925-8903 or visit www.catadoptionteam.org.
• Mt Bachelor Kennel Club All Breed Dog Show through 2 at the Deschutes County Fairgrounds in Redmond. Over 1000 canine competitors and their handlers competing in Obedience, Rally and Agility. Free, fun family event to watch many breeds of dogs compete. Call 541-385-5537 or visit www.mbkc.org for details.
30 friday
KPSU Fathers & Families Show 1450 AM Thursdays at 6:00 Featuring Portland Family with Weekend Highlights Plan your weekend in a flash! * Coming
up on Fathers & Families with your host Jim Whinston
6/01 — Ken Lori on volunteering for Hurricane Katrina survivors. 6/08 — Ian Rocker on the need for respectful but vigorous political debate. 6/15 — Celebrating Father’s Day in a gender-neutral manner. 6/22 — John Sauer, long-distance parenting expert, on negotiating travel benefits when landing a job. 6/29 — Q Madp on families without fathers - a new generation reflecting the heroes who fight for democracy, freedom, and liberty for Iraq. *Subject to change.
www.kpsu.org SPOT MAGAZINE • JUNE 2006