Spot Magazine - April 2013

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one dog, many hearts

Shelter takes a name that fits




Your Showguide to the NW PET & Companion Fair

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Pet Events are ON!

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MOBILE VACCINATION CLINIC Convenient & Affordable Pet Care Clinic locator for all clinics within 30 miles of your zip code @

Our Clinics offer Vaccinations, Pet Microchips for $31, Medications & more!!!

We beat Costco on price per dose of Frontline Plus!

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Full Vaccine Packages

including complimentary exam starting at $38 for cats & $49 for dogs

Complete Puppy & Kitten Packages

$175: 3 rounds of vaccines, deworming, microchip, nail trim and more!

2 Spot Magazine | April 2013

Call for details: 888.234.1350

departments 19 Matchmaker, Matchmaker

Just in time for spring . . . The Lohman Brown Chicken

18 Rescue Me

Furbabies in need of forever loving families. Meet beautiful dogs, cats and rabbits who need a little extra help getting home. Some may have medical issues, some are older, and some have just been waiting too long to go home.

20 Fetch

Runchy little newsbits to chew on

• Greyhound Garden Party celebrates spring • Volunteers needed for new feline spay/neuter program • Top Dog photographer gains additional acclaim

21 April © K & K Graphics

20 D1 Show Guide— Special Pull-out

Leash up and get to the NW Pet & Companion Fair April 13 and 14. Spot’s Cover Model Search is at the fair this year, and Subaru joins in with a GREAT prize! Other highlights include entertainment, attractions, a VANITY pet FAIR fashion show, demos, and the latest gear, food, toys and treats for your best friend! Check out the events, vendors and attractions in Spot’s pull-out Show Guide.

6 One dog, many hearts

Beefcake lived a lonely life on the end of a chain, abandoned and alone until a community came together on his behalf . . . to help him find unchained love.

8 Poison those PESTs, not your pets!

Tox guru Dr. Heidi Houchen of VCA NWVS offers tips on creating a great yard and garden this year . . . while keeping your sidekicks safe.

Formerly known as the Humane Society of Redmond, this Central Oregon rescue is fueled by a proud, innovative bunch who has put BrightSide at the top for save rates nation-wide.

20 Run for the Love of Dove

Hit it! ‘Tis the season for runs, walks and festivals — all to support the animals. Sign up for DoveLewis’s popular run and street fair, and check out the other biggies coming soon in the FunPlanner.


© Lisa Teso Photography

17 BrightSide Animal Center makes its mark | 3

OUR TEAM Jennifer McCammon

Magazine Vol. 8 • No. 5 APRIL • 2013

Michele Coppola or call 503.261.1162

Nikki Jardin



Heidi Houchen DVM Megan Mahan

Marnie McCammon Eugene/Springfield Office w/ Sophie 541.741.1242

Vanessa Salvia

Cover Model 411

Email Jennifer at

Publisher w/ Jack

Managing Editor w/ Atticus



Vonnie Harris

Events, Distribution, Webmaster, Writer/Social Media w/ Jake 360.903.4174

Karen Stevens Honorary Spot Crew w/ Scout


Companion and working animals are important, beloved members of the family. Spot Magazine is the one-stop resource for information, ideas, and events of interest to these animals and their people.


Spot Magazine welcomes opinions and letters to the editor. To be considered for publication, letters should be signed and include the writer’s full name, address, and daytime telephone (for internal use only). Spot reserves the right to edit letters for length and clarity. Mail to: Spot Magazine PO Box 16667 Portland OR 97292; Fax to: 503.261.8945; email to: publisher@spotmagazine. net. Opinions and ideas expressed by writers and/or advertisers herein are not necessarily endorsed by, or necessarily reflect, the opinions of Spot Magazine or Living Out Loud, Inc.

© K & K Graphics

Subscription Rates:

Megan Mahan

1 year $19; 2 years $35

Writer/Social Media w/ Tucker

Angie Brown Events w/ Punkin

Spot Magazine PO Box 16667 Portland, OR 97292 Voice 503.261.1162 Fax 503.261.8945

Published monthly. Distributed from Vancouver to Eugene/Springfield & Sandy to Forest Grove. All rights reserved. Reproduction (whole or part) without permission prohibited.

© 2013 Living Out Loud Inc

DESIGN j designs DoveLewis’s Run for the Love of Dove 5K and post-race street fair benefiting the hospital’s Stray Animal & Wildlife Fund hits the streets Sunday, June 9 at 9am. Canine co-pilots are welcome on the course that begins and ends across from Sniff Dog Hotel at NW 19th & Raleigh, where things wrap with tons of fun. Read all about it in Fetch page 20.

Photo by K&K Graphics courtesy of DoveLewis. 4 Spot Magazine | April 2013

Graphic Design w/ Rocky


Spot’s Nonprofit filing fees sponsored by Cornerstone Lodge #157





MAY 11 • WATeRFrONT PARK readers will get a $5 DISCoUNT on registration fees. Register online with discount code SpotDogs2013.

NW Pet & Companion Fair

Presented by

From the Publisher

J with Roxy (and Peach the famous photobomber)

More reasons to smile e’ve had a new addition at our house since last fall — a Boxer/Ridgeback mix named Roxy, who’s about 12 years old. This little girl is now our big girl — her new “sisters” are Scout, Peach and Lula, who range in size from 7 to 15 lbs. Roxy weighs in at 65. And she’s tall. So many things about this girl make me smile — her tender heart and sweet ways, her protective nature, and . . . among my favorites: her near-constant happy energy. A few weeks ago something was tugging at my brain over a little routine that was “all Roxy.” When she saw me approach the top of the stairs to go down, she’d position herself just below the top step, crouched like a sprinter at the blocks, locked and loaded for flight. Eyes straining forward, she’d eagerly lean, her turbos impatient to roar. But she’d wait . . . ‘til the moment she was certain we were going down. I frequently multitask, and often I’ll head toward the stairs only to hit the top and spin at the last second, remembering something I wanted to take down, or do before going. There she’ll be, in her cliff-hanging / starting block position, waiting. Trembling slightly with eagerness, she snaps her head back frequently, watching for the signal. Finally, detecting a certain cue I’m not even aware of, she decides we’re really going down and — BOOM! — she’s off like a rocket, all hunched over, long legs high-stepping, and chortling. I swear, the girl chortles! Roxy’s body can make me laugh even at rest. Her legs are totally spidery to me, especially when she lolls on her back, begging for belly rubs by flailing them, looking like a praying mantis might if a praying mantis begged for belly rubs. Her funny bat-like ears are crimped at the tips, and her beanbag of a cottontail bump (in place of more common tails) makes for quite “a swing on her back porch.” All this back-story is to get to this crazy little thing I wanted to share with you. A few weeks ago Roxy’s routine on the stairs started bugging me. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but it reminded me of something — something very specific. Days passed, Roxy’s antics continued, and it Just. Kept. Bugging. Me! I could not figure out what shadow image played just out of my mind’s reach whenever she did this. Then finally one day — snap! — I got it. Roxy’s routine is an impersonation of NBA star Dikembe Mutombo! Specifically, his recent shot-blocker ad for Geico (see it on Youtube by searching “Dikembe Mutombo Geico ad”). In the loping, humpbacked rascally romp that’s goofy and filled with Dikembe’s odd gargly laughter, I see my funny girl . . . . . . and it’s one more little thing . . . among, oh, a million or so . . . that makes me smile and adore her even more. Yours in everything pet, | 5

Beefcake: Michele Coppola • Spot Magazine Lisa Teso Photography • Photos

louette Mayer knew she had to do something. The big, filthy dog strained at his chain, standing in a muddy, fecesstrewn kennel and barking. His owner had moved out months before, coming over every few days to dump food on the ground and fill a water bowl that would again be empty well before he returned. He never touched the dog, even though the desperate canine wagged his tail hopefully whenever his master came around. “The dog would stand there and stare at the gate, just waiting for the owner to come back,” says Mayer. Previous efforts by neighbors to involve the county and other agencies had not improved the dog’s situation. Mayer’s own attempts to reason with the owner were met with a mind-your-own-business attitude and a warning that Beef — an apt name for the squat but massive white and tan dog — could turn vicious if she tried to approach him. She risked the danger anyway to keep his water bowl full and supplement the rotting kibble on the ground with chew bones. But she avoided getting too close. There was one thing Alouette couldn’t avoid, however. The windows to her apartment looked directly onto Beef’s kennel where, except for a rickety makeshift doghouse, the lonely dog was at the mercy of the relentless rain and cold. When she discovered he’d been living that way for nearly eight years, she knew she couldn’t give up on him. Mayer expressed her distress to Daisy Berg, a canine-loving coworker who then approached Beef’s owner with an offer to help find the dog another home. Given the touchiness of the situation, Berg didn’t reveal her connection to Mayer, and managed to gain the owner’s trust by never criticizing how he was caring for Beef. “Truly, he thought he was doing great by this dog,” she says. Eventually, Berg convinced the owner to let her meet Beef off the chain. As the excited dog ran free around his yard for the first time in months, Mayer watched from her apartment window and smiled.

The Foster Mom Karen Friedman has fostered all kinds of dogs over the past 15 years. Still, she was fairly surprised when asked if she might consider taking in a 90-pound Pit Bull who’d been chained up most of his life. “I couldn’t imagine he wouldn’t have huge temperament issues,” Friedman says. But there was something unexpected about Beef. His story had filtered down to Karin Cereghino, foster coordinator for Family Dogs New Life Shelter (FDNLS), and together with Berg, she managed to get him temperament tested. To everyone’s amazement, Beef was declared emotionally stable, sweet, and most importantly — adoptable. “Despite all he had been through, he was incredibly resilient,” says Friedman. In fact Beef was such a charmer that a staffer at the clinic where he was neutered hoped to make Beef a permanent member of his own family — which included a little girl who dressed the barrel-chested dog in socks and pearls. Unfortunately, the resident Pomeranian wasn’t 6 Spot Magazine | April 2013

pleased, so another foster home had to be found. Friedman took a chance on him . . . and it wasn’t long before she knew all would be well. “In less than 24 hours, Beef was on the couch sleeping with [my Kelpie mix] Traveler,” she laughs. Indeed, the jovial, unchained Beef seemed determined to make up for lost time, putting his old life behind him and soaking up as much fun and love as he could get. “He was so game for anything,” says Friedman. “I couldn’t wait to get home to him.” In fact, she’d almost decided to keep Beef — now known as “Beefcake” — for herself. Then she met Bill Fitzgerald, Isabelle Barbour, and their wide-eyed daughter Iona.

The Forever Family Bill liked Beefcake immediately when he met him at the FDNLS Adopt-A-Pet booth at the Fremont Festival. Iona, however, was already taken with a Poodle mix from the shelter. “Then Iona asked me if Beefcake liked to play dressup,” says Friedman. “And that was it.” After talking with Bill, an adoption application was completed and a home visit scheduled. “But I knew already. This was his family.” Anne Bachman, one of the adoption counselors who took Beefcake for that initial home visit, agrees. “The way they were with their other dog and Beef . . . we knew right then this was it.” Barbour says that day wouldn’t have happened were it not for Friedman’s commitment to fostering. “I couldn’t have brought an 8-year-old Pit Bull who’d been chained his whole life into my house with a child unless I trusted Karen so much. That’s why fostering is so important.” Iona puts her arms around the smiling canine’s thick neck as he lies on a cushy bed strewn with toys. Many people have lost their hearts to Beefcake on his road to this forever home. But it’s clear that Beefcake’s heart belongs to Iona. “He makes people happy every single day,” she says. Michele Coppola is a Portland-based air personal-

ity for 99.5 The Wolf and copywriter for Entercom Radio. When she’s not talking, writing, or pursuing quality couch time with husband Bryon and their dogs Cindy and Lucy, she’s also a proud volunteer for Fences For Fido and Family Dogs New Life Shelter.


I! H y a s d an Stop by | 7

tides of horticultural hormones are upon us, pet-owning gardeners should take stock of the items they’ll be toting around and read labels closely. In a fervor to make our outdoor surroundings more beautiful, enjoyable, and even more tasty, we should first ensure we haven’t made them hazardous to our pets’ health — undoubtedly they’ll be reveling in being outside right along with us.

NOT YOUR PETS! Heidi Houchen • Spot Magazine

pring’s warmer days awaken our inner gardener, and happily we grab our tools, our compost . . . our gardeningwhatever, and head out. We dig dirt! While endless spring rains keep many people inside, they don’t at all deter slugs and bugs, moles and voles, or countless other creatures from wreaking havoc on yards and gardens. With gardening juices flowing, we clean, weed, prune, and beat back the unwanted from our little patch on the planet. And then it happens: THE MOMENT — the heartwrenching realization of the damage done by pests this year. Off we race to the nursery, hardware or local grocery store to find something — anything — to halt the destruction. Sadly, many end up causing harm by unknowingly buying products that are extremely hazardous to their pets’ health. Every spring, VCA Northwest Veterinary Specialists sees many “bait-based” poisonings — the most common from dogs ingesting slug baits containing metaldehyde. Cheap, abundant and well advertised, these baits seriously affect the central nervous system. Symptoms including tremors, drooling and restlessness often progress to seizures and death if left untreated. The great news is, this scenario can be avoided altogether by simply using nontoxic alternatives to metaldehyde. Some alternatives include beer or yeast slug traps, copper bars or crushed eggshells around plants, 8 Spot Magazine | April 2013

phosphide; both are very rapidly absorbed, and once severe clinical signs are seen, it is often too late for treatment.

or iron phosphate pellet products such as “Worry-Free,” “Sluggo” and “Escargot.” Other baits that wreak havoc include those used to control mice, gophers and moles. Historically, the most popular chemicals used to control rodents have been “anticoagulants,” which cause death by internal bleeding. While there is an antidote for accidental poisoning of a cat or dog, survival depends on factors such as speed of treatment. No matter how you slice it, it’s a pet parent’s worst nightmare . . . and completely preventable. Other types of rodent baits on the market have no antidote. Two of the most popular are bromethalin (for mice and rats) and zinc phosphide (for moles). Bromethalin affects the brain and spinal cord; ingestion of a substantial quantity can cause tremors, running fits, seizures, and death within a few hours. Animals ingesting a lesser amount may show signs of weakness and wobbliness that progress to paralysis and coma. Zinc phosphide, seen in gopher and mole baits, turns to phosphine gas when it hits the hydrochloric acid of an animal’s stomach. Dogs will vomit, stagger, and have difficulty breathing, and convulsions. There is no antidote for either bromethalin or zinc

Step 1: Educate yourself on the type of “vermin” you aim to eliminate. Step 2: Clean up the garden and inside/outside your home to eliminate food and water sources and all potential hiding places. Use non-toxic alternatives wherever and whenever possible. Step 3: If you determine your situation requires bait, educate yourself on all chemicals involved and always use a tamper-proof bait station. For best possible results use a professional who is accustomed to treating homes with pets and children, and who is knowledgeable about proper baiting techniques, equipment and products.

So, mollucides, pesticides, fungicides, algaecides (basically all the cousins of the ‘cide family) should be closely watched, kept safely sealed, and applied with knowledge. Better still, use organic alternatives. As Kermit would say, “It ain’t easy being green.” As we tote the items that help us keep gardens and plants free of fungus and moss, slugs and snails, grubs and gophers, mice and lice, and __________ (write in your own personal “pest non grata”), it’s a good time to look over our shoulder to see if a welcome creature is following us. While it is important to keep the slugs out of the garden, the moles out of the yard, and the mice out of the house, it is even more important to keep the pet out of the veterinary hospital.

Now that the ides of March are past and the Dr. Heidi Houchen is an ER/Critical Care veterinarian at VCA Northwest Veterinary Specialists in Clackamas; she writes and lectures extensively about trauma, blood banking, and toxicology. She is especially passionate about keeping pets and poisons apart.

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The Northwest Pet & Companion Fair APRIL 13-14, 2013

Portland Expo Center Entertainment, demonstrations, educational seminars, products, apparel, gear, toys . . . all the latest in the pet industry.

Pets welcome! Zahra of Portland

Š Lara Blair Photography

Photo contest winners will win a TV ad, and a cover on Spot! In a first-time venture, Carr Subaru and Spot Magazine are teaming up to host a two-in-one photo contest at the NW Pet & Companion Fair April 13, 11-4. The contest will fold in Spot’s annual Cover Model Search, in which a winner will be randomly drawn to appear on the cover of Spot. Carr Subaru will go on to conduct its own contest, in which pet lovers will vote for their favorite photos, and the winner will be featured in a Carr Subaru TV ad in May. All contestants’ entry photos will appear in a future issue of Spot. In line with tradition, the Spot crew will accept $15 donations to support the great work of PAW Team, which provides veterinary medical care to pets of lowincome and homeless pet owners. The Carr Subaru contest is free to enter. “We’re excited to be part of the 2013 NW Pet & Companion Fair as a sponsor, and as host of this very fun photo contest,” says Rachael Bennett, Director of Digital Marketing at Carr. “We’re eager to get acquainted with the wonderful NW pet-loving community, and hope this will be the first of many fun events to come!” To enter the contests, get to the fair April 13, 11-4, register at the Spot/Carr booth, and have your photo taken. A Subaru will be part of the “studio,” and those pets comfortable to do so may be photographed inside the car, re-enacting the infamous Subaru “credit app” TV ad, pose paws-up on a bumper, or other fun pose. Travel-related props will be available to those who’d like to use them. For details, visit Spot Magazine or Carr Subaru on Facebook.

Boy that slugbait was yummy! Can’t believe it was poisonous! Thank goodness for my doctors!




EMERGENCY AND CRITICAL CARE 2 4 H O U R S A D AY / 7 DAY S A W E E K . • T: 503.656.3999 • F: 503.557.8672 • 16756 S.E. 82ND DRIVE, CLACKAMAS, OR 97015 | D3

Vendor Categories Apparel

Moose Pet Wear Oregon Grape Stitch Purrfect Wear Wild Child Pet Fashions


Bernese Mt Dog Club Cascade Dock Dogs Clackamas Kennel Club Guide Dogs for the Blind NW Truffle Dogs Paws Assisting Veterans Paws for a Cause Shakey Paw Pet Foundation

Food / Treats

Blue Buffalo Darwin’s Evangers Himalayan Dog Chew Holistic Blend The Honest Kitchen My Perfect Pet White River Lamb Co. Whole Pet Northwest / Solid Gold Zobindi’s Wholesome Pet Treats

Gear / Toys

Kitty Cat Litter St. Vincent de Paul Dogma Beds Waggletops


Trainers / Doggie Camps Bark Busters

Household / 2-Legged Stuff

Biokleen Champion Da Bella Exteriors Eco Home Systems Hawaiian Moon Multi-Pure Drinking Water Nature’s Pellets North America Mattress Corp Protection1 Tupperware




Tre od /




Carrington College Petfinder The Oregonian



All Pet Network Holistic Pet Center PetSmart Pets Stop Inn Unleashed by Petco Visions Int’l Feline Supplies

To r/



Dignified Pet Services

Samstoons artist


Rescues / Shelters


Cat Adoption Team Critter Folks Rescuing Critters Deaf Dogs of Oregon Exotic Bird Rescue Family Dogs New Life Shelter Feral Cat Coalition Oregon Furry Tail Adoptions Humane Society of SW Washington Life4Paws Oregon NW Boxer Rescue OHS Doggie Dash Oregon Dachshund Rescue Oregon Ferret Shelter Oregon Friends of Shelter Animals West Columbia Gorge Humane

Check out all the

DoveLewis Emergency Vet Clinic Tualatin Healers Pet Care Portland Animal Chiropractic S/Nipped Tanasbourne Veterinary Emergency VCA Northwest Veterinary Specialists


City Kitty Franchise International Pro Groomers




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h hroug t k l a W Aviary

Attractions Flyball Art Walk Photo Contest Reptiles Walk-through Aviary VANITY pet FAIR Fashion Show Pet Food Drive Truffle Dog Tournament D4 SHOW GUIDE | April 2013


booths and attractions! Art





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Dr Food


Photo Conte st


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Flyball | D5

Dress Your Naked Puppies... Web: FB: Wild Child Pet Fashions We are famous for our fashions in the NW. Featured fashion shows include include pets looking for forever homes and some who found new families. We make top quality pet designs for your wild ones of all sizes. We will feature our spring line as well as other great doggie gear this year at the events. Dress your naked puppies and get them runway ready. Check out us out on Facebook for all of this years details!

EMERGENCY VETERINARY CLINIC OF TUALATIN Jo-Anne Wisniewski, DVM Pamela Williams, DVM Daniel T. O’Loughlin, DVM Keith Sierbinski, DVM Andy Nuijens, DVM

19314 SW Mohave Ct., Tualatin • T: 503.691.7922 • F: 503.691.7925


Back on Track o o o o o o

Bodywork, osteopathy, and acupuncture Personalized rehabilitation exercise and therapies Diagnosis and treatment of complex pain issues Education and advice to determine the best route of care Caring, compassionate communication Over 10 years of experience and 1000s of lives improved

Back on Track Veterinary Rehabilitation Center, LLC 9045 SW Barbur Blvd Suite 130, Portland o 503-546-8995



MAY 11 • WATeRFrONT PARK readers will get a $5 DISCoUNT on registration fees. Register online with discount code SpotDogs2013. D6 SHOW GUIDE | April 2013

Office Hours M-Th: 6pm-8am Fri: 6pm - Mon 8am

Presented by

N refe o r nee ral ded

Multnomah County Animal Services

We have to meet. Maybe we could volunteer together, or join in the fun at Kitten Palooza, or foster a litter of kittens, or find our perfect feline friend. Meet us at Cat Adoption Team. Find directions, adoption list, resources, and loads of info at

503.925.8903 | Check CAT out on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Visit our neighborhood cat adoption partners: Sellwood Dog Supply & Cat Annex.....8334 SE 17th Ave, Portland Natural Pet Food Solutions....7639 S.E. Milwaukie Ave, Portland Pets On Broadway.................2762 NE Broadway Street, Portland Beauty for the Beast......................5215 N. Lombard St, Portland Meowhaus......................................5244 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland


MCAS Shelter: 1700 W Columbia River Hwy, Troutdale 97060 | D7

What the Heart has Once Known It Shall Never Forget We promise to take the best possible care of the companion you’ve lost and the people who have shared in that life. On site: Family Gathering Room and Reflections Room, Memorials including photo and custom boxes, keepsake urns, personalized garden stones and plaques and heartfelt jewelry.

Proud to host the annual Service of Remembrance 8976 SW Tualatin Sherwood Rd, Tualatin, OR 503.885.2211 •

Michael, Randy & Avani, owners

Small but SCRAPPY Redmond’s BrightSide Animal Center does things differently

Vanessa Salvia • Spot Magazine Margaux Mohler • Photos

hris Bauersfeld has a no-nonsense way of talking that conveys the important work she has to do. She is executive director of BrightSide Animal Center in Redmond, a shelter that sees a 96-97% save rate for cats and 98-99% for dogs. “We back up what we say and feel by going high-save,” she says. “When I got hired it was decided we would no longer euthanize a healthy animal based on space or convenience. We embrace the idea that all animals deserve a home.” Known as the Humane Society of Redmond since 1987, BrightSide underwent a transformation four years ago following financial challenges. A new board and management took over, including Bauersfeld, who provided the philosophy and foundation of conviction that guides the shelter today. The name change was an effort to let people know things are different. “What we are doing is such a departure from business as usual that we want the community to relate to us in a new way,” says board member and volunteer Reese Mercer. Doing things differently means not subjecting dogs to the constant stress of public viewing in the kennel. People find an animal on and then schedule a meet and greet with a counselor. “We will spend hours with that family to feel fully satisfied that they’ve met all of the animals they could,” explains Mercer. “That helps a lot in ensuring that our placements are sound and they aren’t going to come back to us.” BrightSide intakes about 20 dogs and 20 cats each week. Cats enjoy more open space here than at many traditional catteries. “It’s an open landscape for the cats,” says Mercer. “That’s a nice existence; when you have an animal in a shelter but it’s not locked up in a cage, it’s interacting with people and becoming more socialized and friendly.” Some BrightSide efforts are aimed at preventing the build-up of bad habits that can derail an animal’s placement. For instance, an animal that only relieves itself on an indoor concrete floor may have picked up that habit at a shelter where it had no other choice. Chris Bauersfeld began volunteering in vet clinics at age 13, and by age 15 had secured a paid part-time position. She then became

a licensed veterinary technician, and eventually moved on to clinic management. “Working in the vet field you reach a point where you feel you have to start giving back,” says Bauersfeld. “You know there are animals who are not cherished by their owners and they deserve to find some comfort somewhere so you begin to devote your time to them.” Since Bauersfeld took over, BrightSide’s volunteer commitments have skyrocketed. They currently have 15 full-time employees, but their volunteer hours equate to an additional 15 full-time employees. “Most are at minimum wage,” says Bauersfeld, “and I’m not paid at the normal scale for an executive director, but these are the things you do when you know it’s making a difference. We might be small, but we’re scrappy and innovative in how we accomplish things. You have to be when you don’t have a lot of money.” The shelter offers resources to help animals stay in their homes whenever possible. Bauersfeld told of a man who lost his job and couldn’t afford vet care when his companion of eight years became ill. “He felt that surrendering the dog would be the only way that he could get the treatment,” says Bauersfeld. Instead, BrightSide paid for treatment and worked out a payment plan so the dog could be restored to wellness and stay in the home. “We really, really want people to look to us as a center for the community,” says Bauersfeld. “We can help them. We’re here for our community.” While BrightSide is an animal shelter, for Bauersfeld, the human side is just as important. “We keep the animals at the center of everything we do, bearing in mind that people are important in this whole equation,” she explains. “Most animals don’t get here on their own; there is a human element in this, and we are committed to giving the best public service we can on a budget you wouldn’t wish on anybody. The resources are always stretched very thin and it’s a challenge. But it’s a joy when you help re-home an animal, or you help someone take care of their animal that has a major medical problem, or the animal finds its owners again.” Learn more about BrightSide at or at “BrightSide Animal Center” on Facebook. Vanessa Salvia’s love for animals began as a child, when stray kittens just seemed to follow her home. She now lives on a sheep farm outside of Eugene, Oregon, with a llama named Linda, a dog, a cat, two horses, a rabbit, two kids and a patient husband. | 9

Babies in need of forever loving homes. Bruno

Amore and Esperanza

These two beautiful Lionhead Lops are casualties of Easter presents gone awry. Fortunately, these lucky ones found their way into a loving foster home while awaiting their forever family. Amore is a gorgeous, laid-back, black bunny and boyfriend to Esperanza, the more lively, inquisitive of the pair. Amore enjoys lap cuddling more than Esperanza, who prefers to spend her time exploring the family home. Both are three years old and eager to meet you! Write or call 503-422-5797.


My friends at CAT say I’m the life of a party! I purr easily and am really into people — no wallflowers here! I make everyone comfortable, bask in attention, and give kitty kisses in return. And hey, catnip mice? Bring ‘em on! I’m also one of those who loves to be brushed . . . imagine that! I prefer “seasoned” humans, so a home without little ones would be wonderful. Come meet me and let’s kick up our heels! I’m at CAT’s Sherwood shelter; call 503-925-8903 or visit


His friends at Sellwood Dog Supply say Gandolf is “one of the great ones,” who breaks hearts with his “little baby mews.” He’s a loving two-yearold, very healthy guy who has all-around great manners. Gandolf likes tummy rubs and petting, and will certainly give his forever person or family years of cat love. His friends do mention he will do best in a cat-savvy, adult-only home. Sound like you? Stop by Sellwood Dog Supply and Pet Annex or call 503-239-1517.

Hi all, I’m Bruno! Something kinda lousy happened to me — I was hit by a car! Luckily, the nice folks at MCAS rescued me and now I’m recovering with a super nice foster family. They’ve been teaching me lots of neat things and I’m doing great, and they say classes with my new family will be really good for both of us! I love my canine cousins, and being around them makes me feel more confident, so if you have a little pack at home I would sure love to join in! Things have been rough; I’m doing my very best, and am told I’m a gentle soul. If you can be patient with me, you’ll have the happiest dog in the world! Please visit to learn how to meet me. Remember, I’m Bruno!


This adorable girl with the too-cute-forwords meow is simply a lover who revels in a good cuddle and will roll over for a belly rub ‘just like that.’ She’s also an expert toy mouse pouncer, all the more impressive since she’s missing an eye (the result of a catfight in her former life). Pepin is a lovely girl who will return the love you give tenfold. Visit her at CAT’s Sherwood shelter, call 503-925-8903 or learn more at

It’s a beautiful thing. Find out what it feels like for the two of you to be totally pampered. Join us for a cup of Starbucks® coffee and freshly baked chocolate chip cookies and we’ll give you a tour of our beautiful pet hospital.

809 SE Powell 503.232.3105

ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL 10 Spot Magazine | April 2013


Hi, hi, hi!!! Don’t you think I have a beautiful name? They say I’m already five years old, but really I’m just a big puppy in body and spirit! I LOVE long walks, running around, playing, advenJacinda turing — you name it, This sweet baby I’m up for it! I’m seeking girl was found wanan active family who can dering the streets keep up with me. of Los Angeles, in I like other dogs as both poor mental long as they like to play and physical health. too, and kids of course She is currently are just the best! You being treated for were just waiting for mange and will a sweet, energetic girl have surgery in the to come into your life, future to repair the distended teats she likely weren’t you? Well, here got birthing large litters. Jacinda is being I am! Please come meet loved and well-cared for at Born Again Pit and play with me at Bull Rescue, where this once sad sweet girl the shelter — we’ll has blossomed into a silly and beautiful dog have a blast! Call described as mellow with outbursts of pure 360-835-3464 or visit zaniness. Jacinda’s transformation will be complete when she finds her family — who will discover the blessing that, sweetly, a fan of Jacinda’s pre-paid her adoption fee! To meet this special girl, contact

Spotlight on ... The Lohmann Brown Chicken Megan Mahan • Spot Magazine


June 9, 2013

Breed Overview

Size: Medium, 3.5-4.6 lbs. Environment: Ideal for small areas, gardens, yards Diet: Omnivorous; diet is primarily chicken feed Temperament: Friendly, Adaptable

Egg Size & Color: Very Large, Brown

Laying Rate: Good — as many as 300 eggs per year Life Expectancy:

10 years with 2 years of good laying

© Megan Mahan

Interesting Fact

Developed in Germany, Lohmann Brown Chickens were often used by commercial chicken farms thanks to their egg quality, production efficiency and adaptability. They often start laying earlier than other chickens — at 14 as opposed to 20-24 weeks.


These chickens are not fancy. Their plumage is orange-brown with cream highlights. Medium in size, they have a long neck, typical comb, and short tail feathers.


Called the best of the backyard chickens by some urban farmers, Lohmann Browns are hardy, friendly and good layers. While the White Leghorn chicken puts out a comparable number of eggs per year and is number-one for large-scale commercial egg production in the United States, they tend to be nervous and flighty. Lohmann Brown raisers say they are docile, friendly, and easy to keep. They can be ideal for a home with children.

5K RUN/WALK • STREET FAIR • ENTERTAINMENT Wells Fargo parking lot NW 19th & Raleigh, Portland Race starts at 9am


Register today at Benefiting the DoveLewis Stray Animal & Wildlife Program

Common Health Problems

If you keep a closed flock (no additions of new birds, or use a quarantine period), you may not need to vaccinate your chickens. For humans, salmonella poisoning is a concern, so hand-washing is important after handling chickens or eggs. A big “health concern” for chickens is predators, even in the city. Threats include chicken hawks, foxes, weasels, owls, dogs, cats and raccoons. In line with this, chickens should be kept in a coop at night and provided covered area during daytime hours. Consider wood or concrete for the coop floor to protect young chickens from rodents. Make sure fences are secure — predators can sneak through very small holes.

Best Match

For first-timers, juvenile or adult chickens may be best. Chicks must live in a brooder for 4-6 weeks, depending on outdoor weather. Check local ordinances as there is commonly a limit on flock size, and many areas prohibit roosters.


Suggested reading

A detailed guide to raising and keeping Lohmann Brown Chickens published by the original developer of the breed can be found at: See for yourself! Lohmann Brown Chicken video:

Megan Mahan lives in Eugene with her boyfriend Jacob, their newly adopted English Lab, Maddie, and many saltwater fish. | 11

R unchy little newsbits to chew on

Garden Party celebrates spring and Adopt-a-Greyhound Month The illustration on the flier for the upcoming Greyhound Garden Party says it all: “Love, Hope, Joy, Devotion.” That’s clearly the spirit of the celebration Apr. 20, 6-9pm at George Morlan Design Center at NW 22nd and Raleigh in Portland. The $30 admission includes one beer or wine, heavy hors d’oeuvres and tons of fun — like a photo booth, canine games, a no-host bar and chocolate fountain, plus “yappetizers” for the pups. All well-behaved dogs are welcome. Fittingly, one of the most popular games at the event, which is in its 3rd year and aspiring to raise $7000, is Musical Toilets — in a nod to George Morlan, which has generously donated the venue space all three years. Guide Dogs for the Blind, the DoveLewis Blood Bank and VCA Northwest Veterinary Specialists will be on site, as will Sparkle, who “owns” event coordinator and Greyhound Pet Adoption NW volunteer, Mary Beth Bartel. 10-year-old Sparkle (pictured above) holds the title for most units of blood donated at DoveLewis ever. She has donated 45 to date, and will retire from the blood bank program in July after giving 50 units. Bartel says Greyhound Pet Adoption NW is unique in that it accepts any and all Greyhounds in need, regardless of medical or behavioral issues, who are all cared for by loving foster families until placed in forever homes. The group always needs foster families, and in fact just accepted 20 new dogs, eight of whom still need fosters. In addition to the festivities, Bartel says there will be raffles with multiple prizes every 20 minutes. “That’s how much we had contributed, and the prizes are wonderful — including overnights at Shilo and Hallmark Inns, and more.” This year’s theme, “What dogs give back to humans,” also seems fitting — those who attend will not only support this worthy organization, they’ll have a blast, and go home with great goodies and wonderful memories. Details

Run for the Love of Dove . . . and animals in need The popular Run for the Love of Dove 5K event benefiting the good work of DoveLewis Emergency Animal Hospital hits the streets Sunday June 9 at 9am. No training is necessary for this family- and furry-friendly event benefiting DoveLewis’s Stray Animal & Wildlife Fund. Online registration is $30, or $35 with t-shirt. On-site registration is $45, space permitting. Canine co-pilots are welcome on the course that starts and ends at the Wells Fargo parking lot across from Sniff Dog Hotel at NW 19th & Raleigh. A post-race street fair features a silly pet tricks contest, a photo booth, and friendly vendors. The DoveLewis Stray Animal & Wildlife Fund provides treatment for sick and injured wild animals (including lost pets) at no cost to those who find and take them to the hospital. Last year the hospital treated 1,119 animals, thanks to the nearly 100-percent donorsupported fund. To register you and the pooch or to contribute to the Stray Animal & Wildlife Fund, visit

Volunteers needed for new feline spay/neuter program

Kathi Lamm, Spot’s 2013 Top Dog in the Photography category, was recently chosen as the Portrait Photographer of the Year for the third year in a row by Professional Photographers of Oregon. In the competition, local and national judges review print entries for composition, lighting and creativity.

The Apartment Cat Team (ACT) is seeking volunteers for an innovative effort to reduce feral cat populations in Multnomah County. ACT is a partnership between the Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon and Multnomah County Animal Services that works with managers and tenants of low-income and subsidized apartments and mobile home parks, offering free or low-cost spay/neuter services to cats in these homes or stray/feral cats in the neighborhoods.

Lamm has won numerous state and national awards for her portraits of people and/ or their beloved animal friends. “Animals have always been a special part of my life, and I deeply appreciate the bond we share with them,” she says. “Animal portraiture is my way of honoring the love, devotion, and uniqueness of our wonderful animal companions!” See Lamm’s award-winning work at

Volunteers are needed to trap and transport cats to and from surgery, and to help socialize young feral kittens so they can find forever loving homes. Ann Potter, program specialist at MCAS, says new volunteers have been inspired by the groundbreaking aspects of the work. “People are getting charged up,” she says. “If you want to get in there, get physical and get a little dirty, this is that opportunity.” Potter points out that flexibility is required, as feral cats don’t keep a schedule. “We’ve had trappers out at 9:00 at night because that’s when cats are feeding.” Sound like fun? Contact for more information.

Top Dog photographer gains additional acclaim

12 Spot Magazine | April 2013

©Lamm Photography






• REGISTRATION OPEN for Walks — The three biggest fundraising walks in the area occur in May (see Circle the Date at the end of the FunPlanner). Sign up for one, two or all three to support the animals!


7-8pm • CLACKAMAS — MY



TEAM VET CLINIC. Help for those

ING DAY at the Veggie Grill at 5th

on gov’t assistance or experiencing homelessness. Must be in line before 10am to be seen. PAW Team now requires a $5/pet co-pay; no one turned away for true inability to pay. Details

& Taylor. Mention OHS and 50% of your purchase will be donated to the animals. Details

8-10am • PORTLAND — PAW

NEW DOG CLASS at Clackamas County Dog Services. Get help with canine “issues,” accelerate the bonding process and establish immediate good behavior. Free for dogs adopted at CCDS; donations accepted. Before class, check ClackamasDogs. org/Calendar for details.

8-4 • PORTLAND —


11-1 • PORTLAND —


SPAY/NEUTER CLINIC for stray and feral cats at Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon. Spay/neuter surgery, vaccines, and flea & ear mite treatment for $30 suggested donation. Details/ Appointments 503-797-2606 or

CAVALIER DAY at Urban Fauna.


7-8:30pm • PORTLAND — ANIMAL HOSPICE SUPPORT GROUP at Shiva’s Hope House. Monthly support group for those with aging or ailing pets and those providing hospice care. Hosted by Ute Luppertz; admission by donation. Details 503-774-2986 or


• PORTLAND — TAX DAY SALE at the CAT Thrift Store. Receive 20% off your total purchase. Runs through Apr. 14. Details

Tune in to 860 AM every Saturday for tips from Chip Sammons of the Holistic Pet Center on helping pets live healthy, happy lives.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, come out and play! Great meet-up for dogs and owners. Playgroup is free with suggested donation of canned pet food for the pet food bank. Details



TECT YOUR PET clinic at the Humane Society for SW Washington. License and/or microchip your pet and receive free rabies vaccine and exam. Add’l vaccines $10. Details


PUPPY ROMP at Oregon Humane.


Vancouver Farmer’s Market at Esther Short Park. The Humane Society for SW Washington booth will be at the market every Saturday in April promoting tips on pet manners. Details

Noon-3pm • PORTLAND —

FUREVER PETS ADOPTION DAY. Meet some sweet, adoptables from OHS. Details



Castaway in the Pearl. Join Fido volunteers, supporters and furry Fido friends for a celebration of giving the gifts of love and freedom. Delicious eats, cash bar, auctions and live music. Tickets $40/advance, $50/ at door. Register at FencesforFido. org/2013gala.

Ongoing Events & Classes

12-8pm • PORTLAND — FREE at the Pearl and Uptown locations. OHS will be on hand to answer questions and assist with Doggie Dash registration. Details

4-7pm • VANCOUVER — PRO-

5-5:45pm • PORTLAND —

Socializing puppies while young prevents behavioral problems later. OHS trainers on hand to answer questions. Donations accepted. Details

6:30-8pm • PORTLAND — FREE PET FIRST AID community


9-10am • LAKE OSWEGO — LAKE OSWEGO/HAPPY VALLEY ADVENTURE BOOT CAMP. Stay fit and help the animals at OHS. 100% of class fee donated. Register/Details

10-5 • PORTLAND — NW PET &

COMPANION FAIR at the Portland Expo Center. Explore the latest in everything pet in the Northwest. Workshops, samples, contests, entertainment and numerous nonprofits with adoptables. Spot Magazine and Carr Subaru present a photo contest Sat. 11-4 in which one lucky winner will be featured in a TV ad, and one lucky winner will be on the cover of Spot! Fair admission is FREE. Continues Sun. 10-4:30. Details

12:30-1:30pm • PORTLAND — PROBLEM POOCH CLASS at OHS. Great for new or soon-to-be pet parents, and those who just want to know what makes Fido tick. Free; please leave pets at home. Details

4-5pm • PORTLAND — OFFLEASH CONTROL CLASS at Oregon Humane. Five-week class helps owners practice off-leash control in a safe environment, work on dogs coming when called, and dealing with distractions like other dogs and squirrels. $130/dog. RSVP to OregonHumane. org/pet_training.

workshop at DoveLewis. Learn the basics of pet health to always be prepared in an emergency. RSVP to


at the shelter. Discover volunteer jobs available and what is required. No need to RVSP. Details


5:30-7pm • PORTLAND — VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION at Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon. Open positions include clinic recovery, phone scheduling and outreach. Apply at


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9:45-2 • PORTLAND — COMMUNITY PET FIRST AID CLASS with NW Veterinary Specialist docs at Oregon Humane. Hands-on lab and lecture on canine/feline first aid. Includes Q & A and demos. Each participant will receive a CPR certificate. Free; limited to first 70 people. RSVP to vcaspecialtyvets. com/northwest-veterinary-specialists.


FOR GREYHOUNDS at Mt. Hood Lanes.

Come out for an afternoon of fun and goodwill, and support Greyhound Pet Adoption NW! Coffee, donuts and prizes. $25 covers shoes and 3 games. Details/ RSVP to

10-Noon • SHERWOOD — THE CAT FOOD BANK IS OPEN, providing cat

food for those in financial need. Located at CAT’s shelter, 14175 SW Galbreath Dr.


adoptables and their Rabbit Advocates. Info about care & adoption, plus light grooming & nail trims for visiting bunnies (suggested donation). Details

1-3pm • PORTLAND — BULLY WALK. Gather and walk to raise

awareness of breed specific legislation. Details Location TBD.



Roundtable on the need for assuring access to children after a divorce or breakup.

April 11, 2013:

A celebration of the “Radio Revival” experience at KPSU.

April 18, 2013:

Todd Maudlin on Parental Alienation Awareness Day on April 25.

April 25, 2013:

Sonja Harju on the Oregon legislature and families.

98.1 FM • webcast 24/7 • huge diversity

14 Spot Magazine | April 2013

3-4:30pm • PORTLAND — MEMORIAL ART THERAPY WORKSHOP at DoveLewis. Create a memento and spend time in the good company of others who are losing or have lost a beloved companion. Free; RSVP to


• NATIONAL VOLUNTEER WEEK. Give a shout-out to dedicated volunteers everywhere! Through April 20. Better yet, say Thank You daily!


7-8:30pm • SALEM — HUMANEITARIAN AWARDS at Copper Hill Reception Center. Nominees and award winners are recognized and honored. Dessert reception. Details


7-8pm • PORTLAND —

DEAF DOGS MEETUP at Play & Chase Dog Day Care. Free training and socialization for deaf dogs and their owners. Details



Humane. Meet local vet and pet safety expert, The Preventive Vet, Dr. Jason Nicholas, and help celebrate the release of his new book, 101 Essential Tips You Need to Raise a Happy, Healthy, Safe Dog. All puppy/dog adoptions will receive a complimentary signed copy. Details at


at Western Pet Supply. Meet adoptables dogs and cats and the wonderful folks at Animal Aid. Details

10-6 • PORTLAND —

BODY-MIND-SPIRIT EXPO at the Oregon Convention Center. Animal communication sessions all weekend with Ute Luppertz of Pets Point of View. Luppertz’s lecture “Spirit Animal Communication – A Journey of Souls” is Sat. at 2. Details and



1-2pm • CLACKAMAS — MY

NEW DOG CLASS at Clackamas

2pm • SALEM — FIDO FIRST AID CLASS at Nature’s Pet Market.

County Dog Services. Get help with canine “issues,” accelerate the bonding process and establish immediate good behavior. Free for dogs adopted at CCDS; donations accepted. For details check

This interactive course covers how to recognize and treat common medical concerns. Includes CPR & completion certificate. $35/advance, $40/at the door. Contact Kristi at or 503-269-7996.

1-3pm • SHERWOOD —


KITTEN BABY SHOWER for the CAT foster program. Fun and games like a human baby shower. Cat lovers are invited to bring donations to help Cat Adoption Team stock up on essentials. Refreshments, prizes, volunteer info and possibly some kittens. Details

ter and offsite adoption centers. 50% off for all adult cats through Apr. 28.



• HAIRBALL AWARENESS DAY. Hairballs are a fact of life when life involves a cat. Get brushes and remedies at Cat Adoption Team.


George Morlan Design Center at NW 22nd and Raleigh. In celebration of Adopt-A-Greyhound Month, well-behaved canines and their humans enjoy games, a photo booth, music, dance and auction. $30 admission includes one drink, heavy appetizers, a chocolate fountain, and “yappetizers” for the pups. Proceeds benefit Greyhound Pet Adoptions NW. Details

shelter. Learn about available positions and what is required. Drop-ins welcome. Details





dog owners in financial need. Food distributed first come, first served. Application and proof of eligibility required on first visit. Details


5-5:45pm • PORTLAND — PUPPY ROMP at Oregon Humane. Socializing puppies while young prevents behavioral problems later. OHS trainers on hand to answer questions. Donations accepted. Details

11-2:30 • PORTLAND —

BOWL FOR PAWS at Interstate Lanes. 4th annual Scotch Doubles Tournament supporting the animals at OHS. $25/advance, $30/at the door. Details


Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon’s biggest annual fundraiser at the Portland Art Museum. This year’s theme is “Mew York, Mew York,” with the look and feel of 1960s New York. Wonderful light fare, silent and live auctions, raffles, entertainment and more. Details or 503-797-2606.

May 4 • 22nd ANNUAL WALK FOR THE ANIMALS at Esther Short Park in Vancouver. Choose between a 5k Fun Run, 1.5- or 3-mile Walk. $25 registration fee includes event T-shirt if pre-registered online by April 1. Details May 11 • DOGGIE DASH 2013 at Waterfront Park. Portland’s biggest

party of the year for pets and people. Short and long routes for runners and walkers. Enter as an individual or team. $30 includes pancake breakfast, t-shirt and goodie bag. Details

May 19 • 20th ANNIVERSARY BARK IN THE PARK at Alton Baker

Park in Eugene. Leash up for a 5k run or 2k walk in the park. $20 pre-register includes doggie bandana, $25/t-shirt and bandana. Details







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ADVERTISING DIRECTORY APPAREL Wild Child...........................................D6 ADOPTION / RESCUE Multnomah Co. Animal Svc.............D7 BOARDING / DAYCARE Mittens Motel.....................................23 Rose City Veterinary Hospital..........18 DOG DAYCARE AJ’s K-9 Kamp.....................................23 DOG WALKING Pet Stop...............................................23

Visit us!

END OF LIFE SERVICES Dignified Pet Services.......................D8 Eternitrees ………..............................23 Healing the Heart Keepsake Frames..........................23 EVENTS Bark in the Park, Eugene.....................2 Doggie Dash.......................................D6 Run for the Love of Dove..................19 FOOD / TREATS Bi-Mart ................................................24 Raw Feeders.......................................D5 Whole Pet NW (formerly Solid Gold NW) ................7

GROOMING Rose City Vet Hospital…....................18 Show Dogs Grooming ........................21 website

HOTEL / VACATION PROPERTIES Idyllic Beach House...............................3 McMenamins..........................................6 Shearwater Inn...................................D8 PET STITTING Pet Stop Pet Services..........................23 PRODUCTS / SUPPLIES Bi-Mart .................................................24 Holistic Pet Center..............................D7 NoPo Paws............................................23 Sellwood Dog Supply.........................23 Whole Pet NW (formerly Solid Gold NW) ................. 7

SOCIAL / PET NETWORKING Cat Adoption Team ............................D7

SPAY / NEUTER Multnomah Co. Animal Svc ..............D6

VETERINARY CARE / WELLNESS Back on Track Vet................................D6 Bluebird Herbals..................................23 Cascade Veterinary Referral Center .................................D2 Emergency Veterinary Clinic of Tualatin.........................................D6 Good Neighbor Vet ..............................2 Rose City Veterinary Hospital ...........18 Tanasbourne Veterinary Emergency........................................D7 VCA Northwest Veterinary Specialists ….................D3

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