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m a g a z i n e
S U MMER 2 0 1 1
Inside this issue: Italy Center’s F ir st Semester • Homecoming on the Hill • Honor Roll of Donor s
The Spring Hill College Magazine Volume 5, Number 2
President’s Letter Dear Alumni and Friends,
Summer is a wonderful time to look back
Lindsay Hughes, MLA ’08
at the previous academic year and reflect upon important accomplishments and events at the
Art Director: Margaret Broach
College. This issue of our magazine does just that,
progress in two areas: the Italy Center and our
Seth Laubinger ’02 Keith Necaise
and I would like to call your attention to our international service immersion trips. As you will see in the pages that follow, our students continue to see the world from a unique perspective while studying in Italy, or on immersion
Contributing Writers:
Chelsea Audibert ’12 Monde Donaldson Kate Imwalle ’12 John Kerr Greta Sharp Victoria Simpson ’12 Jim Stennett
President: Rev. Richard P. Salmi, S.J.
Director of Communications & Institutional Marketing: John Kerr The Spring Hill College Magazine is published three times a year by the Office of Communications and Marketing.
trips to Belize, Ecuador, El Salvador and Nicaragua. Our students, faculty and staff are becoming global thinkers, learners and collaborators. Together we are preparing to confront the many challenges and embrace the countless opportunities of a global economy. The Spring Hill College Italy Center opened in January and welcomed its first students. I trust you will find the accounts of their experiences both encouraging and enjoyable. The value of living and studying in a foreign country is significant, even if the distance between Bologna and Mobile seems far less thanks to the Internet and Skype. This past spring break I accompanied a group of students on an immersion trip to Guyaquil, Ecuador and had the opportunity to meet and learn from some amazing people. Our time with the residents at Damien House helped us all to see the impact of Hansen’s Disease (leprosy) on both individuals and families. Living and working with the poor helped each of us to better understand what Pope Benedict expressed in his first encyclical, Deus Caritas Est, that, “Love of God and love of neighbor have become one: in the least of the brethren we find Jesus himself, and in Jesus we find God.” Our world is a beautiful gift from God our Creator. The account of creation in the Book of Genesis tells us that “God saw all that he had created and indeed it was good.” It is my hope that all of us at Spring Hill College will
Comments: should be addressed to: Lindsay Hughes, Editor Spring Hill College Magazine, 4000 Dauphin Street Mobile, AL 36608-1791 (251) 380-2289 or (877) SPR-HILL lhughes@shc.edu
continue to grow in our knowledge, understanding and appreciation for our world; and as global citizens we work together to promote understanding and respect for one another, and for the resources and riches of our planet, and come to see that indeed it is good. Best wishes for a wonderful summer from here at the Hill to you, wherever you are in the world! Sincerely,
On the cover: Students studying at the Spring Hill College Italy Center take a cultural trip to Florence.
Richard P. Salmi, S.J.
Table of Contents Campus News
Commencement 2011
Kate Imwalle ’12
A Chapter Closes for Retirees
Athletic Hall of Fame Inducts 30th Class
Badger News
Lessons Abroad
Kate Imwalle ’12
Reliving the Spring Hill Experience At Homecoming on the Hill
John Kerr
Discovering Law Beyond the Textbook
Lindsay Hughes, MLA ’08
Preserving the Coast
Chelsea Audibert ’12 and Victoria Simpson ’12
Finding Common Ground
Jim Stennett
Greta Sharp
Spring Hill College Honors Three Alumni
Chapter Updates
Class Notes
Upcoming Events
Honor Roll of Donors
CampusNews University of Alabama purchases WHIL radio The Federal Communications Commissions on July 1 approved the University of Alabama’s application to purchase WHIL-FM from Spring Hill College. The University of Alabama operates WUAL Alabama Public Radio (APR), which serves Tuscaloosa, Birmingham, Montgomery, Huntsville and Muscle Shoals. With the acquisition of WHIL, APR is able to expand its reach to Mobile and the Gulf Coast. For more than 30 years, the station broadcasted classical music and quality public programming from the campus of Spring Hill College. The radio station’s studio will remain in the Lucey Administration Center, and the University of Alabama will transmit APR programming from Tuscaloosa. Future plans for the studio include developing an Internet radio service operated by communication arts students. “The station’s role in our community is an important one, but the College must focus its energy and limited resources, particularly in these challenging economic times, not only to sustaining but also strengthening our primary mission of providing an exceptional education for our students,” said the Rev. Richard P. Salmi, SHC president. “Therefore, ultimate responsibility for the operations of a public radio station cannot be a main focus for us,” he added.
Knights of Columbus establish fourth-degree assembly at SHC The Saint Ignatius Loyola Fourth Degree Assembly of the Knights of Columbus was formally installed at Spring Hill College in February. It is the first – and only – fourth-degree assembly established on a college or university campus in the United States. To mark the honor, Mobile Archbishop Thomas Rodi and Archbishop Emeritus Oscar Lipscomb, as well as members of Spring Hill Jesuit community, concelebrated a special Mass in St. Joseph Chapel. Local and state Knights of Columbus dignitaries attended the event and presented a framed charter to the organization. Photo by Keith Necaise
Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
Art students create portraits in service-learning courses Fine arts students put a face on homelessness in Alabama by creating portraits of homeless individuals in the Mobile community. Several of the students’ portraits were selected to be part of “Understanding Homelessness: Causes and Consequences in Alabama,” published by the Governor’s Statewide Interagency Council on Homelessness in December 2010. The publication profiles homelessness across the state, and the students’ portraits helped to illustrate the issue. In spring 2010, students in Wanda Sullivan’s painting, drawing and printmaking classes visited the homeless at 15 Place throughout the semester. They got to know the individuals and created their portraits. The governor’s office chose 11 works to feature in the publication. Dayna Shonk ’11, a studio art major from Montgomery, Ala., said, “It was overwhelming at first but humbling to understand the life of a homeless person.” Shonk said some of the individuals recently had become homeless due to the economic recession. Their work with the homeless initiated more service-learning opportunities. During spring 2011, art students spent time with children at the local Boys & Girls Club. They created their portraits and gave them to the children at the end of the year. In fall 2011, students will create portraits of residents at the Little Sisters of the Poor, a home for low-income elderly. The Jacqueline Dunsworth ’12 gives the portrait portraits will hang at the home until a resident passes away, at to her subject at the Boys & Girls Club. which time the portraits will be given to the family.
SHC and University of South Alabama team up for engineering dual-degree program Spring Hill College will offer a dual-degree program in engineering with the University of South Alabama beginning in fall 2011. A new agreement between the two neighboring Mobile schools will allow students to start at Spring Hill College, and then seamlessly transfer into the University of South Alabama College of Engineering. After spending three years at Spring Hill College taking general courses and mastering engineering fundamentals, students are eligible to enroll in USA’s engineering program. Following completion of the engineering course requirements, students will be awarded a Bachelor of Science degree from Spring Hill
College and a Bachelor of Engineering degree from the University of South Alabama. The program allows flexibility to accommodate students if they decide to stay at Spring Hill College and major in one of the sciences or a non-scientific field. The proximity of the campuses also allows students to enroll in key engineering courses as they complete the preengineering courses at Spring Hill College. Spring Hill also has dual-degree engineering program agreements with Auburn University, University of Alabama at Birmingham, University of Florida, Marquette University, and Texas A & M University.
Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
By Kate Imwalle ’12
Photos by Seth Laubinger ’02
“You may be leaving Spring Hill, but Spring Hill will never leave you,” Patrick J. Balthrop Sr. ’79 told more than 300 graduates who filed down the Avenue of the Oaks on May 7, 2011. Balthrop, president and CEO of Luminex Corporation, a life sciences technology company in Austin, served as keynote speaker for commencement. 4
Spring Hill’s roots run deep
his personal and professional life.
in the Balthrop family. “From my
“A Spring Hill education does not
generation, I have siblings and first
teach you what to think but rather
cousins and a brother-in-law and
how to think. Spring Hill teaches you
dear friends who have attended
to know what to stand for, and to be
Spring Hill. From your generation,
held accountable,” he said. “I can tell
I have a niece sitting among you who
you, in the real world these are not
is graduating today,” Balthrop said.
just concepts in a textbook. They are
“So ‘The Hill’ and all that it embodies
all too real.”
has been part of my life and my
“In your moment of truth, how
family since way before I was born.”
will you react?” Balthrop challenged
The principles of leadership and
the students. “I am afraid that there
ethics he learned at Spring Hill have
are no easy answers. But Spring Hill
stayed with Balthrop throughout
teaches you – has taught you –
Spring Spring Hill Hill College College Magazine Magazine •• Summer Summer 2011 2011
Class orator Travis Brown addresses his fellow graduates.
Graduates gather in front of Byrne Memorial Hall for the class picture.
President Richard Salmi, S.J., Patrick Balthrop ’79 presents the Toolen Award shares his wisdom with the class of 2011. to Christopher Smith.
Recognitions to do what is right and just, to be
what we believe, where we’re going.
faithful to those whom you love
We have been fortunate to mature in
and to yourself.”
such an environment.”
“I can say with some confidence
After reflecting on his four years
that the principles that you have
at Spring Hill, Brown realized what
learned here will stay with you
is most important in life, as well
for the rest of your life,” Balthrop
as what he will miss most about
confidently closed.
Spring Hill College. The greatest
Benjamin “Travis” Brown,
men and women, he said, have made
nominated class orator by his fellow
investments in people rather than
graduates, delivered the address
things. “Think about it. Which will
to his senior class. He, too, reflected
you miss most when you leave this
on the ways in which Spring Hill has
campus? Your dorm room or your
prepared students for important life
roommate? The cafeteria or the
decisions. “Spring Hill College has
relationships you built while eating
done more than simply educate us. It
there? Intramurals or the friends
has helped form the way we think,
you made while playing on the same
the way we interact with others, and
team?” he asked. “It’s the people that
the way we view the world around
make the memories and ultimately
us,” he said.
shape our lives.”
Brown affirmed Balthrop’s
Brown called upon his
remarks that a Spring Hill education
fellow graduates, “So, my friends,
teaches students more than concepts
I challenge you with this: know
in a textbook. He explained that the
who you are, do something beautiful
professors teach with passion and
with your life, place yourself with
invest in each student. “We have been
the right people, and be expectant;
part of a community that emphasizes
for I am convinced that life will be
the uniqueness of the individual, not
exceedingly, abundantly beyond all
the uniformity of a collective,” Brown
we could ask or imagine.”
said. “We have been through some of the most formative years of our lives
Toolen Award Highest scholastic achievement William Christopher Smith Ignatian Awards Fulfills the ideals of Jesuit education for scholarship, leadership and service Megan T. Blanchard Cory S. Bronenkamp Edward B. Moody, S.J., Teacher of the Year Award Dr. David F. Dean, Professor of Biology Dawson Research Award Dr. Andrew D. Sharp, Professor of Accounting William J. Rewak, S.J. Service Award Margarita Perez, Associate Dean of Students Emeriti Faculty Dr. Charles A. Cheney, Professor of Mathematics Thomas J. Loehr, Professor and Chair, Division of Communication, Fine and Performing Arts
and made some of the most difficult Dr. Mark L. Starr, Associate Professor of Philosophy
decisions of it as well: who we are,
Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
Left: Dr. Charles Cheney Right: Tom Loehr and Dottie Hempfleng Not Pictured: Dr. Mark Starr Photos by Keith Necaise
Spring Hill College said goodbye to four members of the faculty and staff who have served the College for many years. Dr. Charles Cheney, Thomas Loehr, Dr. Mark Starr and Dottie Hempfleng retired at the end of the academic year, the three faculty members receiving emeriti status upon their retirements.
Dr. Charles A. Cheney Professor Emeritus of Mathematics Cheney served the Department of Mathematics since 1984 as a teacher, advisor and chairperson. “I have seen many students pass through these classrooms and am gratified at the subsequent success both professionally and personally,” Cheney said. Cheney helped students to face their fear of mathematics in the required core curriculum classes he taught. Dr. George Sims, provost, said at commencement, “Dr. Cheney taught everyone who wanted to learn with patience. As he challenged them with high standards, he also offered unfailing support and encouragement.” Over the years, Cheney inspired students and helped 6
them to discover their love of mathematics. His students have gone on to advanced study ready to succeed. “I feel very blessed that I was able to be a part of such an exemplary community, but after 40 years of teaching, it is about time for me to graduate, even though I still have much to learn,” Cheney said.
Thomas J. Loehr Professor Emeritus of Communication Arts Since his arrival in 1975, Loehr served the Department of Communication Arts in numerous capacities, including division chairperson. As a photographer and documentary filmmaker, Loehr strives to find the beauty and dignity in the everyday world. In his work in the classroom, he
Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
challenged students to live up to their potential greatness. “When I first drove onto the campus and down the Avenue of the Oaks in the spring of 1975 for my interview with Communication Arts Chair Bettie Hudgens and others, I felt this was a special and magical place,” Loehr said. “As I walked up the worn wooden steps and into the barracks building that housed the department, that magic was quickly tempered with a bit of harsh reality. But despite the physical conditions of the building, I could tell from Bettie and the other faculty and the few students I met that the building did not speak for the spirit of those who inhabited it as their work place.” During Loehr’s 36 years of teaching, he feels he has learned just as much, if not more, than he has taught the students. “The smallness of the classes and the community here make it possible for all of us to learn in numerous ways,” he said. “We are a learning community, rooted in the Jesuit ideals of magis, of striving for excellence and of caring for each other and the world around us.” With the many changes in the area of film, video and photography over the years, Loehr said his students were able to “co-instruct the production classes.” He benefitted greatly from their knowledge of computers, portable communication devices and changing software programs. “It seems that in many if not all discipline areas, there is or should be a greater emphasis on the shared aspect of the education of young adults,” Loehr said. He believes SHC is “poised to fully engage in that process” and foresees a bright future ahead for the College.
Dr. Mark L. Starr Associate Professor Emeritus of Philosophy As a faculty member in the Department of Philosophy since 1990, Starr distinguished himself through the quality of colleagues he helped recruit to SHC during his time as department chairperson. Starr met most of his students in the required core curriculum course in Introductory Logic. “Before coming to Spring Hill, I had taught for a couple of years at the University of San Diego, and a year at Rice University, and although the students at those schools were nice enough, as a rule they did not seek out friendships with their faculty the way students at Spring Hill do,” Starr said. “Our students come to our small school because of
its mission and in the hope and expectation that they might be in more intimate contact with their faculty who share that mission, a circumstance not easily replicated at a larger institution.” Starr enjoyed the interaction with students. “Certainly I can continue reflecting on such questions with Socrates and Plato, St. Augustine and Descartes, Quine, Nozick and Rawls; but there is no substitute for the joy of sharing and extending that dialogue with the students of Spring Hill College,” he said. Starr will miss most the companionship with his colleagues, but has great hope for the future of his department. “I wish I could be there to see the new department prosper under the able leadership of Jo Forstrom. I was blessed to be a part of this community in so many ways that I am only now coming to fully appreciate.” he said. “May Spring Hill always be that ‘light upon a hilltop.’”
Dottie T. Hempfleng Secretary, Communication Arts Hempfleng served the students and faculty of the Department of Communication Arts since 1976. She reflected, “When I was originally hired in 1976, the department was housed in Kenny Hall, a World War II barracks building located on Dorn Field. Quite often during the winter months we would not have plumbing, due to the pipes under our building freezing and bursting. We would have to walk across the field (in the icy cold weather) to the Physics Building in order to have restroom facilities.” Despite the working conditions, Hempfleng said, “I would do it all over again if given the chance.” Hempfleng has found the SHC students to be the most rewarding aspect of her time here. “I will cherish the wonderful memories they have left me,” she said. “Retirement will be bittersweet for me, but I feel certain that now is the time.” Hempfleng plans to travel and volunteer in a local hospital.
Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
The Spring Hill College Athletic Hall of Fame was started in 1972 by alumnus and former member of the SHC football team, A. B. “Troj” Meriwether, as a way to recognize former athletes who brought fame and glory to Spring Hill College. The Hall of Fame is a tradition of honor here on The Hill. On Feb. 26, the College saluted three outstanding athletic teams who distinguished themselves and brought honor to both Spring Hill College and their communities: the men’s basketball teams of 1955, 1956 and 1957. Led by coaches Bill Gardiner and Paul Napolitano, these three teams, known as the “Fabulous Fifties,” emphasized a fierce desire to excel. Talent, persistence and teamwork allowed these players from a small Jesuit institution to compete against large public universities and win. The pinnacle of the 1955 season was the Gator Bowl championship victory over a previously unbeaten University of Florida team. The following year, the 1956 team earned Spring Hill College its first Senior Bowl victory, defeating Memphis State in the finals. In 1957, the men’s basketball team took home the Senior Bowl trophy a second time after defeating the heavily favored Morehead State College in the finals.
Representing the teams of 1955, 1956 and 1957 on the evening of the event: Happy Mahfouz ’55 Joanne Regan, who accepted the award on behalf of her late husband, Jack Regan ’55 Peggy Hasser, who accepted the award on behalf of her late husband, Jim Hasser ’56 James McGuire ’56 D.R. Atkinson Sr. ’57 Bob Coyle, class of ’57 Gene McGuire ’58 Ed Tibbetts Sr. ’58 Joe Phelan ’59
Others not at the event: Francis L. Poole ’56 Tom Colbert ’57 (deceased) Jerry Rubin ’57 Dr. James J. Burke ’57 Robert “Whitey” Barnes ’57 Charles Rodriguez ’58 Mr. James W. Drese ’58 Mr. Edward J. Breen ‘59 Mr. James J. Carney ’59 Bob Grundig ’60 Albert A. Irato ’60
Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
For the latest Badger news visit www.shcbadgers.com
By Jim Stennett
Injuries Hurt Baseball Team Head coach Frank Sims’ baseball Badgers suffered a rash of early-season injuries that forced the veteran coach to start as many as seven freshmen, resulting in a disappointing 18-35 final record. On the positive side, the young team gained valuable experience and Sims looks forward to 2012 when the lion’s share of his players will return. Underlining that positive outlook, three players were named to the Southern States Athletic Conference (SSAC) AllFreshman Team – Brian Sims at second base, Alex Summers in the outfield, and lefthander Tyler Hutson on the mound. Sims was also a Gold Glove winner at second base where he committed just five errors in 212 fielding chances and turned 28 double plays. Senior infielder Brad Holstein of New Orleans, La., was the Spring Hill College representative on the Musco Lighting SSAC Champions of Character Team. He played four positions this season, hitting .257 with 14 doubles, a triple and four homeruns. Holstein led the Badgers with 32 RBI and also established new SHC career records for walks (100), RBI (174), putouts (935) and career fielding percentage for an infielder (.960).
Softball Misses Playoffs Spring Hill softball closed the year with a 12-33 record, but missed the conference playoffs when Auburn University Montgomery (AUM) salvaged the final SSAC game of the year with a 4-0 victory over Faulkner to edge out the Badgers for the final remaining tournament berth. They finished the season by shocking the SSAC West Division with upset wins versus AUM, Faulkner and 3rd-ranked William Carey in a stretch that was capped by a doubleheader sweep of archrival and 20th-ranked University of Mobile.
Golf Wraps Up 2011 The men’s and women’s golf teams wrapped up the 201011 season at the SSAC Championships in Columbus, Ga., with the men finishing 5th of eight teams and the women placing 4th out of a field of seven teams. The men shot a +33 over the three-day, 54-hole tournament and the women shot +114 in their two-day, 36-hole event. Senior Charles Balsamico of Covington, La., was chosen All-Conference by the SSAC head coaches, and senior Eddie Smith of Houston was named to the All-SSAC Tournament Team. For the ladies, freshman Kyle Avery of Frisco, Texas, was named to both the All-Conference and All-Tournament teams.
Tennis Teams Boast Champions of Character Both editions of the 2011 SHC tennis teams closed out the season with 9-0 losses at the SSAC Tournament held in Montgomery, Ala. The men (5-12, 1-3 SSAC West) bowed to 15th-ranked William Carey University and the women (7-10, 2-2 SSAC West) fell to 8th-ranked Brenau University. Men’s senior Chris Link of Louisville, Ky., was honored as
The lobby
the SHC representative on the Musco Lighting SSAC Champions of Character squad as well as appearing on the SSAC AllAcademic Team and the Daktronics-NAIA Scholar Athlete roster. Sophomore Shelby Fritscher from Covington, La., was the women’s representative on the Champions of Character team and her sister, senior Lynne Fritscher, was named a DaktronicsNAIA Scholar Athlete along with fellow senior Gina Pambianchi of Cleveland, Miss.
McConico Takes Reins of Women’s Basketball In May, Karen Curtis McConico was named the women’s basketball coach. McConico joins the Badgers following a successful seven-year career as the women’s assistant coach and recruiting coordinator at High Point University in North Carolina. During McConico’s tenure at High Point, the Panthers built an overall record of 118-94 including a 65-37 record in the Big South Conference. As recruiting coordinator for the Panthers, McConico signed four Big South All-Freshman Team honorees including two Big South Freshmen of the Year. She also worked with 10 Big South All Conference selections, including Big South Player of 2006, and three CoSIDA Academic All-America winners.
Brown, Brooks Named 2010-11 Student-Athletes of the Year The Badger head coaches named seniors Nick Brown and Samantha Brooks as the 2010-11 Spring Hill College Student Athletes of the Year. Brown, a four-year starting center on the Badger men’s basketball team from Rota, Spain, and Choctaw High School in Fort Walton Beach, Fla., scored 389 points in 27 games played this season for an average of 14.4 points per game. Brown finished his career as the 27th leading scorer in school history with 1,184 points for a 10.2-points-per-game Nick Brown ’11 average. Brooks, a right-handed pitcher on the softball team from Belle Chasse, La., struck out 100 opposing batters while making a single-season record 31 starts with 218 innings pitched against 872 opposing at-bats. Brooks finished her four-year stint at Spring Hill with school career pitching records in appearances (126), games Samantha Brooks ’11 started (97), complete-games (74), innings pitched (680.2) and opposing at-bats faced (2,729). She recorded eight career shutouts and holds a career ERA of 2.16 with 366 strikeouts. Jim Stennett is Sports Information Director at Spring Hill College.
The bookstore Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
Chelsea Audibert ’12 and Victoria Simpson ’12 were among the first cohort of students to spend a semester at the Spring Hill College Italy Center in Bologna. Audibert is an international studies major from Slidell, La.; and Simpson, a professional writing and international studies major from Mobile, Ala. As their journal entries attest, their study abroad was a lesson in history, social issues, language, culture and, most importantly, relationships. The following musings are excerpts from their blogs.
Feature Photo: Students enjoy the first semester abroad at the SHC Italy Center in Bologna. Left: A crowd of students marvels at the architecture in Bologna. Center: Carolina Dominguez ’13 writes in her journal.
The School of Life
Right: Victoria Simpson ’12 and Emily Reznicek ’12 travel to Warsaw, Poland.
Chelsea Audibert Jan. 20, 2011
Growing up, my parents showed me the value of travel as a means of education. In a middle school excuse note, my mom asked my permission to miss class, referring to the absence as attendance at the “school of life.” Leaving home, family and the comfort of campus behind is a definite transition, but this is our school of life. The hard work of everyone at the Spring Hill Italy Center is providing all 27 of us an experience that I believe will enhance all of our perspectives on world relations, culture, and history in a way not possible through a traditional classroom experience. In less than a week we have traveled in two countries, seen the “Top of Europe,” and spoken (or at least attempted) Italian, German, Spanish and English.
Finding My Awe Victoria Simpson Jan. 20, 2011
This past Sunday through Tuesday, the students of Spring Hill had the pleasure of visiting Interlaken, Switzerland. Some had an amazing experience of skiing in the Alps. As someone who has never been on skis before, I declined. I was not looking forward to seeing just how wonderful Switzerland’s hospitals were. I did, however, get to enjoy Kleine Scheidegg and view the North Face of the Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau. Later that night, the director had a wonderful Italian meal prepared for us. He said that to truly get something out of this trip, we needed to find “our awe.” My awe moment came when I was bundled in a black pea coat, standing on the side of a mountain with my friends’ chatter and laughter ringing in my ears. … And it hit me as I sat two days later in an empty dorm room on a bed not my own, my feet and back aching, my brain Jell-O, my heart and soul a bit dismayed. I remembered that mountain, and the precious town of Interlaken. My awe comes from the fact that a town so sweet and charming actually exists, nestled in mountains that have such a fierce beauty. Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
The Honey Isle
La Rossa
My personal heart-stirring experience in Malta came from a hike along the Dingli Cliffs. I felt myself dangling at the edge of the world. Because the cliffs are the highest point in Malta, the only sounds came from birds, bees and water washing along the cliffside. The smell was a mix of sweet scented flowers and the wafting sea salt spray. It is impossible to declare that Malta has been my favorite trip thus far because it is too strikingly different from the Tuscan region, grand cathedrals, Roman arenas, or the dollhouse that was Switzerland. All I do know is that I hope the future Italy Center groups continue to go to Malta. It was a total exploration for every one of us.
Thursday was an art class field trip to Florence. Florence! Our teacher guided us through cathedrals, explained facades, and outlined particular historical movements. This introduction to the city really enhanced the value of my visit. It is easy to just look at a building and say that it is nice without knowing the relevance of it to history. That is what I have done all my life. Now when I see a picture of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, I can marvel at the architectural innovation of Brunelleschi’s dome. Upon leaving Florence, I reflected on my residence in Bologna. In Florence, I faced throngs of people, overpriced everything, and English. No matter if I spoke Italian, everyone responded in English. Bologna has that small city vibe while maintaining its relevance among its big city neighbors. I have come to understand how much of a more authentic education of the language and Italian people I am receiving in Bologna. In Florence it is easy to be just another American in the street. I am happy to call La Rossa home.
Chelsea Audibert Feb. 14, 2011
Victoria Simpson March 14, 2011 So, living in another country with approximately 29 other Americans makes you realize some things. At points, they’re all you have to cling to – these 29 people you did not choose. Now, I have some wonderful Italian friends, don’t get me wrong. I can go to them for anything. However, there are some things only an American will get. What is it that I’ve learned? Humanity (and by humanity, I mean me) is incredibly flawed. Living in this situation has made me see my own flaws so brilliantly it hurts to look sometimes. The great thing about this experience is that we’re all being forced to deal with our flaws and other people’s. Through that, we grow. I don’t think anyone will walk away from this not feeling like they’ve changed for the better. Top: The semester culminated with a trip to Greece. Center: Students stand on the steps of the Basilica of St. Luke in Bologna.
Chelsea Audibert Feb. 26, 2011
Chemical Reactions Victoria Simpson March 16, 2011
“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.” – Carl Jung There are things about this program that they don’t tell you. This program, should you choose to accept it, will put you at high risk for falling in love – in love with a place, a people, a culture and an experience. Not everyone will fall in love and not everyone will fall hard, but it is a major “risk.” I love the way of life here. I love its culture and history. But most importantly, I’m in love with people. I love the Americans I travel with, and I love the Italians I have been so lucky to live with. My last note was mainly about the really great Americans that put up with me. This one is about the Italians. I could not survive without either group. Here’s the thing: I can’t tell you of another program that would give me this opportunity with both groups –especially living with the Italians. This is such a unique experience. Those of you who will come after me, you don’t know yet how lucky you are. There was a reaction when I met these people – and, Jung was right. I am transformed.
Read more of their adventures abroad at www.shc.edu/italyblogs.
Bottom: Cultural trips include skiing in the Swiss Alps. Spring Hill College Magazine Spring• Hill Summer College 2011Magazine • Summer 2011
In Managua, Nicaragua, the group build a home for a woman named Lorena.
By Lindsay Hughes, MLA ‘08
“We were not working for the poor; rather, we were working with the poor,” Kailey Walker ’12 reflected on her service immersion experience in Belize City.
During their spring break in March, Walker and nine other Spring Hill students helped to build a house for the Wade family, who worked alongside the immersion participants every day at the work site. “The moment the house blessing began, I looked over at the house and had a feeling that it was no longer our house but Mrs. Wade’s house,” Walker said. “Knowing that her house will be the ticket to providing her grandchildren with a better life and a greater opportunity for success took any frustration I had with hammering, the heat, or the crazy chickens running
Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
around, and turned it into nothing short of Agape.” While on the trip, Walker, a secondary education/social science major from Murphysboro, Ill., took a “great leap of faith” and decided to apply to the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. “Being in Belize this year, something just clicked inside of me that told me, yes, Kailey, you have to at least apply to JVC and the rest will be in God’s hands.” Walker’s experience is all too familiar for veterans of Spring Hill’s International Service Immersion Program. Once bitten by the immersion “bug,” they participate
The group in Ecuador visits with residents of Damien House.
Carleigh Lanclos ‘13 plays with Maya children in Punta Gorda, Belize.
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year after year and often devote themselves to a life of service through volunteer programs. Since its inception eight years ago, Campus Ministry’s immersion program has grown to include trips to Belize, Nicaragua, El Salvador and, this year’s addition, Ecuador. Students, faculty and staff raised more than $30,000 to fund the trips through activities such as sending begging letters, selling Christmas wreaths, and singing Christmas carols. For the past two years, the program has benefitted from a $25,000 grant from The Catholic Church Extension Society. In Belize City, immersion participants work with Hand in Hand Ministries’ Building for Change program, which has constructed more than 150 homes for qualified recipients over the last few years. Groups also spend time at Hand in Hand’s outreach center for children infected with and affected by the HIV/ AIDS virus and visit partner schools to witness the results of the organization’s scholarship and tutoring efforts. Spring Hill collaborates with Hand in Hand’s Pathway to Change program in Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
Managua, Nicaragua, where volunteers construct or renovate homes and preschools in the poorest area of the city. Immersion participants do activities with the children, such as taking them swimming or to the zoo or helping out in their classrooms. This year the group in Nicaragua built a home for a woman named Lorena. “I experienced God’s love on our last day on the site while building Lorena’s house,” said Kearney Cole ’13, a nursing major from Kirkwood, Mo. At the end of the workday, the group had a closing prayer service with the family. “I looked around the circle and saw that Lorena was singing along and crying,” Cole said. “She told us after that we would be in her heart forever and how grateful she was to have us come to help with the construction of her new home.” Alexandra Golik ’13, a nursing major from Village of Palmetto Bay, Fla., said she felt a deep connection with the Nicaraguans she met on the trip. “I thought before this trip it would be difficult to connect with the local people, for we live in what would seem two
The delegation in El Salvador visit the chapel where Archbishop Oscar Romero was assassinated.
different worlds,” she said. “While spending time with the family we constructed a house for, I was fortunate to form a close bond with the family members. It took no time to become friends and now nothing can break that bond.” Spring Hill visited Ecuador for the first time this year. The group worked with Rostro de Cristo (Face of Christ), a volunteer and retreat program based in Durán, Ecuador. The Ecuador trip was the fourth immersion experience for Gina Pambianchi ’11 of Cleveland, Miss. “This was the first non-service trip I had ever been on. It was all about just being with the people, getting to know a different culture in the short time that we had,” she said. Joined by SHC President Richard Salmi, S.J., the students met with families from Durán and the “invasion” communities, people from the countryside who have invaded privately owned land, usually to be closer to the major city of Guayaquil. In the afternoons, they visited Rostro de Cristo’s after-school programs for children in the surrounding impoverished communities. “The smiles of the kids are what I remember the most from experiences like these,” Pambianchi said. They also visited Damien House, a treatment center for Ecuadorans with Hansen’s disease, commonly known as leprosy. Pambianchi, a biology/pre-health major, said one of the most touching aspects of the trip was interacting with people who have the disease and
learning about the stigma associated with it. In 2010, Campus Ministry added a trip to El Salvador to the immersion roster. A true immersion experience rather than a service-oriented trip, the El Salvador encounter focuses on living in solidarity with the Salvadoran people. Coordinated through CRISPAZ (Christians for Peace in El Salvador), delegations heard from survivors of the country’s civil war. Among those who told their stories were CoMadres, the Committee of Mothers of the Disappeared. The women shared their personal accounts of brutal torture and their family members’ “forced disappearances.” Kelly Lucash ’12, a nursing major from Manchester, Mo., said, “I have never met, nor do I think I will ever again encounter, a group of women who inspire me to the extent that these women managed with their courage and fortitude.” A major component of the El Salvador immersion experience is living with families in the rural village of Guarjila. “The people we met live very simple lives, yet they are some of the happiest people I’ve ever met,” said Alex Griffin ’12. “I felt challenged to live a more simple life, and I think this is a challenge worth taking.” Griffin, a political science major from Cincinnati, said the Salvadorans inspired him to appreciate his blessings and use them to help others. “After hearing so many horrific stories from people, and knowing that they still have faith, gave me reason to not lose faith in what really Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
are trivial matters,” he said, “especially compared to some of the hardships the people of El Salvador have had to face.” In Punta Gorda, Belize, Spring Hill partners with St. Peter Claver, a Jesuit parish and school that serves the pastoral and educational needs of indigenous Maya and Garifuna villages nearby. Our immersion group helped to lay the cement foundation for an elementary school library in a Maya village and interacted with the children of the school. “This trip gave me a sense of peace that I don’t think I’ve ever experienced yet in my life,” said Carleigh Lanclos ’13 of Baton Rouge, La. An international studies major, she has participated in three immersion trips and is contemplating applying to the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. “This trip was just a humbling reminder that I don’t have everything figured out, but I trust God that everything’s going to fall into place,” she said. Lanclos summarizes a sentiment felt by many seasoned immersion participants. “There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think back to my Punta Gorda trip or one of the other trips I’ve been on. I don’t think you can go on trips like these and not come back changed in some way,” she said. “In my everyday life, I think I just try to live my life to the fullest now – embrace every second I can, help wherever I can.” Editor Lindsay Hughes, MLA ’08 is Assistant Director of Communications at Spring Hill College.
By John Kerr
Valerie Kleinschmidt ’09 enjoys the peace and solitude of a walk on the beach as much as any of us. But, she really loves telling all who would listen about the importance of preserving those beaches we enjoy and protecting the creatures that often swim near them. Kleinschmidt is an education and outreach specialist at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab on the Alabama coast. Her position is funded through a grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Coastal Services Center to work for the Gulf of Mexico Alliance’s Environmental Education Network (EEN). The DISL primarily serves the 21 four-year colleges and universities of Alabama through its college summer courses and graduate programs of University Programs. The lab’s educational mission also includes Discovery Hall Programs, which encompasses K-12 field programs, teacher-training, and public outreach. “The underlying purpose of my
job is to educate people about the value of the ocean and how they can be personally involved in keeping the Gulf healthy and resilient,” Kleinschmidt said. “We are our environment and the more people who care about the world around them and act on it, the better off we are as a people.” Kleinschmidt’s work includes managing grants throughout the five Southern states centered on the Alliance’s priority issues related to environmental education. These “onthe-ground” projects bring people of all ages outdoors to learn more about how to be good stewards of the Gulf. She assists in promoting these programs and reporting to NOAA on their progress. The tragic oil spill in April 2010 afforded Kleinschmidt the opportunity to volunteer with the “Share the Beach” program and help nesting sea turtles on Alabama’s Gulf Coast. The group moved turtle nests to Florida’s Atlantic Coast and also participated in the clean-up efforts and served as wildlife observers for night operations. “The BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill is the largest in America’s history and was a fearful and unsure time for the Gulf Coast,” Kleinschmidt said. “We were constantly putting out information to people on who to contact in their state, where to find specific information, and how to help by volunteering or donating money.” Kleinschmidt manages two Web sites: one for the EEN and one specific to Sea Lab projects for underserved and underrepresented populations. The site includes announcements on coastal community events, Valerie Kleinschmidt ‘09
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organizational meetings, volunteer opportunities, funding sources and job openings. Kleinschmidt also conducts a quarterly information “call” that is set up similarly to a radio program featuring a guest speaker or experts on environmental education. The love of the sea came easy to Kleinschmidt. Her father worked as an engineer and his jobs took the family to different places including Virginia, Rhode Island and Alabama. Living near the ocean in most of those places was a big plus, she recalls. “I really love the outdoors so I spent a lot of time exploring the woods near where I lived. I grew up swimming and riding horses.” When it came time to select a college, Kleinschmidt received a tip from her father about a small college in Mobile, Ala. “My dad was the first to tell me about SHC after reading about the college in U.S. News & World Report,” Kleinschmidt said. “I decided to check it out and came for a tour of the campus. How can you not fall in love after walking down the avenue? I did have my top three choices, but the visit really sold SHC for me. Spring Hill is special because of the people. I felt a sense of belonging there and made lasting friendships I greatly cherish.” So, while the work continues at those special places like the Dauphin Island Sea Lab to protect our seas and their inhabitants, what does the future hold for Kleinschmidt? “I like to be open to new opportunities and decide on a plan when the possibility feels best,” she said. “I trust in 10 years I’ll be exactly where I’m supposed to be.” John Kerr is Director of Communications and Institutional Marketing at Spring Hill College.
By Kate Imwalle ’12
Upon starting her internship at Alabama Legal Services in Bayou La Batre, Ala., Chelsey Collins ’11 knew it would be a completely different experience than working in most typical legal internships. Sister Mary Ellen Lacey, a Daughter of Charity as well as an attorney, runs the program dedicated to helping the impoverished people of Bayou La Batre and the surrounding communities. Collins spent her spring semester interning there and seeing first hand the struggles the residents face. From the first week, Collins, a political science major, was thrown into work with the BP oil spill. Collins wrote in her journal, “It is wonderful to be able to know that I am actually personally going to make an impact so early in the internship. I feel that having this independence and actually being involved with these clients will give me invaluable experience and teach me more than if I was merely shadowing an attorney in their duties.” In her work filing claims for BP oil spill victims, she saw the many ways in which the people of Bayou La Batre were being taken advantage. Collins said that attorneys were signing people up for their services without their consent. “Many people only discovered that they had an attorney on their claim when they went in to GCCF (Gulf Coast Claims Facility) to file, only to discover that the attorney had already filed in their name and was planning on taking 33 percent of the final payout,” she said.
Collins is outraged at the way the people have been treated and has only seen slight improvements. She said, “These attorneys, many of whom have not visited the Coast themselves, have taken advantage of the Vietnamese and Laotian community that is prominent in this area, and have used their lack of English proficiency to take part of their compensation without their informed consent.” She noted that an article published in the New York Times about these injustices has brought awareness to the issue, but she still watched many suffer through months of working to get lawyers removed from claims. One of Collins’ most rewarding experiences was helping a family save their home from being repossessed. Collins was given the liberty to write the entire exhibit for the case. She compiled spreadsheets explaining the payment history for the mobile home, including land rent, insurance and late fees. The exhibit helped the clients to win their case and keep their home. Collins left the experience realizing that she learned so much more than she had been able to learn simply through textbooks. She learned to use an interpreter to communicate with clients. She learned how to deal with people. “Working with all of our clients has taught me patience, because many of the clients do not show up on time for their appointments, if they show up at all,” she said. “I have had to learn how to deal with different types of people with different types of temperaments, Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
Chelsey Collins ‘11
and how to give these people bad news about claims or cases, even when it is difficult for them to hear.“ Collins, who will begin law school at the University of Alabama in the fall, left Alabama Legal Services with a sense of hope. She said, “This internship has also taught me to be hopeful about these people that I have been helping, because I have managed to help some of them with their problems.” Kate Imwalle ’12 interned in the Office of Communications and Institutional Marketing during summer 2011.
Photos by Keith Necaise
The Class of 1956 had an excellent turnout for their 55th reunion. They took a Delta riverboat cruise, toured campus and made some side trips along the Gulf Coast. Show in the Quadrangle, from left, are John Sardisco, Austin “Buddy” Orendorff, JoJo Pistorius and Dick Williams.
By Greta Sharp
While the weather for Homecoming was picture perfect, alumni generosity rained down on the college, nurturing more than 50 years of Spring Hill memories. Nearly 450 alumni attended the weekend that included the ZoghbyDevaney Golf Tournament, a toast to retiring faculty, and an alumni memorial Mass celebrated by SHC president Rev. Richard P. Salmi, S.J. 18
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The Saturday picnic drew alumni on both sides of the baseball diamond. Some alumni and their families cheered from the wall while others visited with friends on the South Lawn over a picnic lunch in the shade. Shown posing for a group photo, from left, are Dylan Reid ’91, Martin Beirne ’91, Ward Faulk ’92 and Marian Faulk, MA ’99.
One of the weekend’s highlights was the Seafood Extravaganza, featuring Gulf seafood and live entertainment with areas for reunion classes to gather. Attendee Tom Micek ’72 recently sponsored a room in the new student center. “I had a great time here 39 years ago,” he said. “The old student center was the newest thing around here 40 years ago. It’s great they have updated that.” During his undergraduate days, Micek played on the golf team and was a member of ADG fraternity. “It was a damn good time,” he said. Another alumni group celebrated half a century of Spring Hill memories with a scholarship gift. Tom O’Connor ’61 and Jack Gleeson ’61 graduated together, went into the army together, watched each other get engaged in Germany, and served as best men in each other’s weddings. For both, these are lifelong ties. “The entire group over the 50 years has stayed together,” Gleeson said. The class of ’61’s dedication to
Spring Hill evolved into a plan to raise $500,000 for a scholarship. Though shaken by the rocky stock market, the class presented Fr. Salmi with $300,314 they had raised over the past five years since their last reunion at Saturday night’s Golden Badgers Dinner. “The scholarship will live on in perpetuity long after we are gone, but while we are still around we continue to strive to reach the $500,000 goal,” explained Gleeson. “We’re hoping we’ve established a precedent for other classes. Our experience was phenomenal. We all have a very soft spot for The Hill. We were blessed with many Jesuits, and we see the Jesuit spirit represented in their leadership.” Other alumni contribute to the college with their leadership efforts. Fr. Salmi visited with more than 75 Sigma Chi alumni at Homecoming. “Sigma Chi was a big part of this place,” explained Patrick Whittenbrink ’00. “We’re on the alumni board, the board of trustees,
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legislators, physicians, lawyers.” For many, it was a chance to meet the new president. “We appreciated that he would come meet with us, expressing his appreciation for what we do as alums,” said Jaime Betbeze ’87. “Our fraternity was a tremendous part of the Spring Hill experience for me. Part of it is the relationships you develop while here.” For some, the relationships begun as Spring Hill College are life long. For Peter and Julie Barcia ’61/’61, Spring Hill provided strong Jesuit education, but also a marriage and 10 children. In fact, they’ve been so busy with life in Hawaii, this Homecoming marked their first return trip to the Hill in 50 years. “We had a great time here,” said Peter Barcia. “We have good memories. Blessings have followed everywhere we’ve gone. Spring Hill was one of those blessings.” While connecting with old friends, they reminisced over former teachers Rev. Alfred Lambeau, S.J., Dr. Charles Boyle and Rev. Hilton Rivet, S.J. 19
Jesuits stand as role models for many alumni. Steve Kelly ’66, the Dye Family Professor of Music at Carleton College, gave a presentation on “Joan Baez at Spring Hill: A Study of Intersecting Histories.” He recalls setting up chairs the night Joan Baez sang at the College Inn in 1963, with Baez coming from a Birmingham Civil Rights demonstration. Rev. Albert Foley, S.J., Kelly said, played a pivotal role in the desegregation of the college and in the history of Alabama Civil Rights. “It’s an interesting story and puts
Spring Hill in a very positive light and the role of Jesuits in the history of human rights very strongly,” he said. Homecoming also gave alumni a chance to relive the Spring Hill experience. Amy Driskell ’06 attended with her toddler and baby, giving them an early introduction to the traditions of Spring Hill. In addition to visiting with out-of-town friends, she was excited to see the new art building, under construction when she was a student. “I think it’s beautiful,” she said.
Future Badgers enjoy the festivities.
The Class of ’61 made a check presentation to President Richard Salmi, S.J., at the Golden Badger Dinner. The class has raised more than $300,000 for a scholarship in their name in the last five years. Shown making the presentation to Father Salmi were John Brennan, Jack Gleeson and Joe Imorde.
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Dorothy Beattie ’71 enjoyed the Delta River Boat Cruise with friends from her class, as well as a group from the class of ’56. “They had that same rapport, the same we have with our classmates,” she said. “It was just delightful. And it was a great idea to do something different.”
Three alumni were honored at the President’s Society Mass and luncheon on March 21: Dr. Herbert Kinsey ’55, Dr. Michael Kaffer ’61 and Liza Manjarrez ’04. The Ignatian Award Dr. Herbert Kinsey ’55 The Ignatian Award was established to honor an outstanding alumnus for community service in keeping with the ideals set forth by St. Ignatius Loyola. This award recognizes those who have dedicated their lives to making a difference in the lives of others through selfless acts of humanitarianism. Dr. Herbert Kinsey, a general surgeon, has dedicated the past 32 years to medical missions, operating in many countries around the world. He continues to travel internationally and works with two local facilities providing health care to those in need. After graduating Murphy High School, he entered Spring Hill College at the age of 15 and was accepted to the Medical College of Alabama at age 19. After completing his studies, Kinsey served a four-year general surgery residency with St. Vincent’s Hospital in Birmingham, Ala. His 52-year medical career has provided him many opportunities in which to serve his fellow man. Kinsey’s family continues to be an active part of his voluntary services, both at home and abroad. The Gautrelet Award Dr. Michael Kaffer ’61 The Gautrelet Award was established in honor of Rev. Francis Gautrelet, S.J., the first Jesuit president of Spring Hill College. The award recognizes an individual of high integrity who has demonstrated outstanding professional achievement. Dr. Michael Kaffer has served on the Spring Hill College faculty for 49 years. A former teacher of the year, six-time winner of the Fagot Award, and former
Honorees Dr. Herbert Kinsey ‘55, Liza Manjarrez ‘04 and Dr. Michael Kaffer ‘61.
co-director of the college theater, Kaffer is credited with creating the first adult education program on campus and served as the program’s first dean. Kaffer served as faculty moderator of the Student Government Association for 10 years and was faculty advisor for both the Springhillian and The Motley. He has also participated in Spring Hill College’s Upward Bound program. Kaffer served eight terms as chair of the College/Faculty Assembly, and 21 years as a freshman seminar advisor. He has devoted 17 years as chair of the English program, and 15 years as chair of the Division of Languages and Literature. The Karopczyc Award Liza Manjarrez ’04 Named after Lt. Stephen E. Karopczyc, Class of 1965, a Medal of Honor recipient killed in service during the Vietnam War, the Karopczyc Award recognizes a young alumnus for outstanding service to the College or community. While a student at Spring Hill College, Manjarrez served as a resident assistant, a member of the programming board, and participated in the Ignatian Family Teach-In, the SHAPe Community, and Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
the Belize immersion trip. At the 2004 commencement ceremony, she was named a recipient of the Ignatian Award in honor of her undergraduate community service. After graduation, Manjarrez served as a member of Operation TEACH, a twoyear teaching service program sponsored by the Archdiocese of Baltimore. While a member of the program, she taught second-grade students and earned a master’s degree in leadership in teaching. After completing her commitment, Manjarrez joined the campus ministry internship program at Villanova University. While in this position, she served as a residence hall minister to first-year students and engaged in retreat planning, spiritual direction and justice programming. She also advised spring break experiences to varied locations including Cape Town, South Africa, and Franklin, W.Va. Manjarrez holds a position at St. Edward’s University in Austin, Texas, where each year she coordinates nine domestic alternative spring breaks and four international immersion trips.
Mobile Recent graduates kicked off the spring activities with a Young Alumni Pub Crawl in downtown Mobile starting at O’Daly’s Pub. Green was the color of the night as they began their St. Patrick’s Day celebration a few days early. 1
Mary Keller ’10 and Susi Wuest ’10 wear their green halos, while 2 Matt Lyon ’04 and Patrick Yursick ’07 visit before adorning their green SHC Pub Crawl shirts. Special thanks to Matt LeMond ’07 for hosting the Badgers. In May, the annual crawfish boil moved to Midtown’s Cannon Grill for a fun evening of bluegrass music provided by Phil Proctor. Alumni and their children feasted on crawfish, corn and potatoes served up by Wes Ehlert ’02. 3
Kendrick Dunklin ’10, Tyenisha Edwards ’09, Raila Langham ’10 and Kendra Wesson ’09 enjoy the outdoor music and the Cajun fare.
Zoghby-DeVaney Golf Tournament The Mobile chapter’s Zoghby-DeVaney Golf Tournament moved to the spring and became a part of Homecoming on the Hill. The tournament, which raises money for scholarships for Mobile and Baldwin County students, is in its 16th year. Nearly $11,000 was raised this year. 4
The 2010 scholarship winner Lauren Luckie ’14 is shown with Mary Jo Zoghby. 5
Tournament chairman Rick Thome ’01 and Peggy DeVaney ’71 enjoy lunch from Carrabba’s Italian Grille. New Orleans New Orleans alumni had an active spring celebrating Mardi Gras and kicking off the crawfish season. Mary Wallace and Jonathon Shaver ’02 hosted the Mardi Gras party at their home off Magazine Street for the Iris and Tucks parades. Rain did not hamper the spirits of the 50 alumni and parents who enjoyed carnival food, fellowship and the festive parades.
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6 Braving the rain at the Mardi Gras party were loyal alumni, from left, Bobby Bourgeois ’01, Danielle Double ’02, new chapter president Jessica Krinke ’01; and standing, outgoing president Harry Hardin ’00 and Vince Reuter.
The spring crawfish boil at the Des Allemands family camp of Judge Lauren Lemmon ’85 was a treat for the 40 alumni and their families who spent a beautiful afternoon on the bayou. Crawfish and pastalaya were prepared to perfection. The highlight of the day was the airboat rides deep into the bayou. 7 Shown getting ready to take off from the dock were, from left, bottom row, alumni director Monde Donaldson, Amy Lyon ’08, Anne Couvillon ’08 and Grace Gretchen ’74; top row, Anna Pate ’10, Sara Bradford ’08 Maura O’Callaghan ’08 and Felice Serrett ’10.
Dallas Dallas Jesuit Prep was the location for a reception for President Richard Salmi, S.J. Alumni and current parents gathered to get an update on the campus from Father Salmi and to welcome him to Texas. 8
On hand for the reception were, from left, Father Salmi, parents Steve and Cindy Lindley, Chris Reedy ’08, Daniel Titus ’08, Fidelma Titus ’09, development officer Hill Rowan and Amanda Miller ’09.
golf balls and artwork with proceeds going to the Daniel Aubuchon Memorial Scholarship Fund. More than 60 alumni and parents feasted on poboys, jambalaya, gumbo with moon pies for dessert.
Memphis Mardi Gras was alive and well in the volunteer state when Memphis alumni gathered to celebrate in mid-February. 10
Houston Houston area alumni and parents gathered at Strake Prep for a Mass and reception honoring President Richard Salmi, S.J. 9
In attendance were parents Tony and Lamar Smith and Colleen Akers.
St. Louis Mike and Mary Reedy ’75 hosted the annual Saint Louis Mardi Gras party. The festive night was highlighted with a silent auction filled with SHC gear,
Shown getting into the carnival spirit, from left, were Frank and Kelly Lamana ’93/’93 and Joe Kassen ’91 and his wife, Karen. The loyal group in Memphis also held a happy hour in the fall and crawfish boil this spring.
West Palm Beach Rev. Richard Salmi, S.J., was the special guest at a beachside reception in West Palm Beach last winter. Organized by Joe Teahan ’77, the event drew 40 alumni from as far away as Mobile.
11 Among those at the event were Mimi Vaughan, Bolton Sullivan ’84 and Jeff Vaughan ’86.
Miami Peggy Rolando ’72 opened her beautiful Coral Gables home last winter to host 50 alumni and parents from the greater Miami area. Father Salmi gave an update on the College. 12 Shown enjoying the reception are Judy Sherry ’71, Peggy Rolando ’72 and Rev. Ernesto Travieso, S.J. ’68.
New York The Mad Hatter Saloon was once again the place to be for Spring Hill alumni to gather to celebrate the Christmas season. 13 Sabin Bokus ’91 and Jayeon Lee ’07 catch up on the latest news from The Hill.
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ClassNotes 1950s Richard “Gibbens” Robichaux ’51 recently received the Citizen of the Year Award in Thibodaux, La. He has been writing for the newspaper for 10 years, has produced three CDs of his piano music and a CD of the local Bayou Dixieland Band. Dr. Garth L. Hallett ’52 recently published a book “Theology within the Bounds of Language: A Methodological Tour,” released by SUNY Press. Dr. Hallett has retired as dean of the college of philosophy and letters at Saint Louis University. Andrew Clarke ’59, a writer and editor in Milwaukee, Wis., publishes greeting cards using his own photographs. Some of the series features the Spring Hill College campus. Others include Ireland, Italy and the American Southwest. Frank E. Sullivan ’59 was elected commissioner for the Canaveral Port Authority, District 3 in Cocoa Beach, Fla.
1960s Rosalie Pergantis Lockhart ’60 was appointed to the Board of Directors of the Mobile Museum of Art. She resides at the family farm in Daphne, Ala. Neva White Curoe ’64 volunteers with the Daughters of the Republic of Texas where she serves as secretary of The Alamo Committee and second vice president of her chapter. She and her husband, Pat, have two sons and three grandchildren. They reside in San Antonio, Texas. Mike Druhan ’64 of Mobile with Johnston Druhan, LLP was selected for inclusion in the 2011 edition of “The Best Lawyers in America.” Bill McAtee ’64 retired as assistant principal of McGill-Toolen Catholic High School after 40 years. Frank Randol ’68 was named to the Shaw’s Crab House Oyster Hall of Fame in fall 2010.
1970s Diane Gustafson Caver ’71 is a hospice social worker and bereavement coordinator for the Affinity Home Hospice Services in Birmingham, Ala. She welcomes her new adopted grandson, Clive Arner, 6. Thomas Kirwin ’72 recently retired from the Department of Justice after 30 years as a prosecutor. He has been appointed as a Deputy Chief Financial Officer (law enforcement) for the Florida Department of Financial Services and will oversee the statewide operations of the department’s three law enforcement agencies. He lives in Tallahassee, Fla. Dr. Steve Alsip ’77 was inducted into the McGill-Toolen Catholic High School Hall of Fame in October 2010.
1980s George Simmerman ’80 was recently promoted to corporate vice president and deputy general counsel of Huntington Ingalls Industries, Inc. Dr. Andrew Sharp ’83 received the Dawson Research Award at the 2011 SHC graduation. He has won the award three times in his 26 years of teaching on the Hill.
1990s Angele Davis-Kelley ’90 and her husband, Tim, announce the arrival of their newest blessing, Kernan Davis Kelly, born June 21, 2010. Angele recently joined Arkel International in Baton Rouge, La., as vice president of strategic programs. Kelly Keefe ’91 married Stephen Kelly on Nov. 27, 2010 in Sedona, Ariz. Stephanie Zoghby McNally ’92 and her husband, Scott, announce the arrival of their third son, Cole Alexander McNally, in Mobile on Oct. 4, 2010. He was 8 pounds, 15 ounces and 21 inches. Amy Cornelius Huff ’93 was inducted into the McGill-Toolen Catholic High School Hall of Fame in Mobile last fall. She was also the top local women’s finisher in the Azalea Trail Run. Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
Amy Ford Molyneux ’93 and her husband, Vince, announce the birth of their son, Marco Ford Molyneux, on Nov. 3, 2010 in Mobile. Maureen Smith ’94 has been promoted to senior account executive at Red Square Agency in Mobile. Jim DeSimone ’95 recently accepted a management position with Tuesday Morning in Dallas, Texas. He and his wife, Maria, announced the birth of their second son, Christian Marco DeSimone. He joins big brother Roman Jack. They live near White Rock Lake in Dallas. Christopher B. Estes ’95 has been named a managing partner of Wilkins Tipton PA’s new Mobile office. He is licensed to practice law in Alabama and Mississippi. Lisa C. Flores ’96 has been called to serve as associate rector for formation and servant ministries at Church of the Holy Communion in Memphis, Tenn. She celebrated five years as an Episcopal priest in December 2010. Andrew McCarthy ’96 recently published a book “Francis of Assisi as Artist of the Spiritual Life: An Object Relations Theory Perspective.” He is an assistant professor at Anna Marla College in Paxton, Mass. Rebecca Holcomb Carter ’96 and her husband, Donald, welcomed their first child, Dominic Maximilian Carter, on Aug. 9, 2010 in Pensacola, Fla. Rebecca continues to teach at Pensacola Catholic High School. Dr. Emery DeSonier ’98 recently moved back to Lake Charles, La., to lead the vestibular and neurological program at Hope Therapy Center. Valerie Huff Hoffmann ’99 and her husband, Jim, announce the birth of their first son, James Martin Hoffmann IV, born Jan. 23, 2011 in St. Louis, Mo. He weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces and was 20.5 inches. Kelly Doherty McCarron ’99 and her husband, Jeff, announce the birth of their second child, Colin Michael McCarron, born Jan. 6, 2011 in Mobile. Colin was welcomed by big sister Anna. He was 8 pounds, 12 ounces and 21.5 inches.
Morgan Chiapella Roselle ’99 and Chris Roselle ’99 welcomed their third child, Nora Katherine Roselle on March 7, 2010. She joins big brothers Brady, 6, and Aidan, 5. Chris is working for the Golf Association of Philadelphia as their tournament director. They live in Villanova, Pa. Delvin Seawright ’99 has been admitted to the Ph.D. program in business administration (accountancy) program at Morgan State University in Baltimore, Md. He is a CPA and CGFM.
2000s Aerin Gombos Alexander ’00 and her husband, Reed, announce the birth of their son, Thomas Fall Alexander, May 7, 2010 in Birmingham, Ala. He was 7 pounds and 21 inches. Lynn Rush Frisby ’00 was named the Main Street Biloxi 2010 Dedicated Volunteer of the Year. Caroline Couvillon Walton ’00 and her husband, Robert, announce the birth of their second child, Tucker Lynn Walton. He was born Sept. 29, 2010, and weighed 8 pounds, 8 ounces. Sara Kathryn Skilling Hill ’01 and her husband, Matt, announce the arrival of their second child, Watson Donovan, on May 11, 2010. Watson joins big sister Annabelle, 3, and big brother Charlie, 1. Joanna Bodden Landi ’01 and Peter Landi ’01 announce the birth of their daughter, Sophia Camille Landi, April 14, 2011 in Las Vegas, Nev. She weighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces and was 20 inches. Elizabeth “Beth” McDonough ’02 completed her pediatric residency in 2009 and is now continuing her training in pediatric gastroenterology at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital in Nashville, Tenn. Bill McFarland ’02 is the new director of the center of Business and Economic Services at the University of West Alabama’s College of Business. He resides in Tuscaloosa and Eutaw, Ala.
Jessica Tuite ’02 and Timothy Aubin ’02 were married Oct. 16, 2010 in St. Joseph Chapel. Rev. David Borbridge, S.J., assistant professor of history at Spring Hill College, officiated the ceremony. The couple resides in New Orleans, La.
Raechelle M. Munna ’06 is an associate in the corporate and securities practice group of Jones Walker in New Orleans, La. She graduated in 2010 magna cum laude from Loyola Law School where she was managing editor of the Loyola Law Review and a William L. Crow Scholar. She is also a CPA.
Liz Heacock Coverdale ’01 and her husband, Samuel, announce the birth of their second son, Matthew Turner, born Sept. 21, 2010 in Germantown, Tenn. He is welcomed by big brother Harrison, 2. He weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces and was 21 inches.
Jandi Calvert Orso ’06 and her husband, Lucas, welcome their first child, Katherine Elizabeth Orso, on March 30, 2011 in Mobile. She weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces and was 20 inches long.
Rose Ellen DeSimone ’03 married Dr. Austen Winfield Worsham on Sept. 18, 2010 in Allen, Texas.
Sara Zieman ’06 and Ryder Copeland were married Oct. 30, 2010 in Foley, Ala. They reside in Mobile.
Jeremy Poklemba ’03 and Rebecca LeePoklemba ’06 are the soccer coaches at Bolton High School in Alexandria, La.
John Bennett ’07 was sworn into the Peace Corps on Sept. 23, 2010. He will be serving in Mbuzini, Mpumalanga, South Africa teaching English as a second language.
Mary Williams ’03 married Michael Buntin in Dothan, Ala., on Oct. 9, 2010. Mary received her master’s in library and information science from the University of North Carolina-Greensboro in August 2010. They reside in Marion, Ala. Katie Rowan ’04 married Nick D’Alessandro ’03/’05 on Dec. 12, 2009. They reside in Birmingham, Ala. Patricia Beukenkamp Weinacker ’04 and her husband, Paul K. Weinacker Jr., welcomed their third daughter, Patricia Frances, on Dec. 17, 2010 in Niceville, Fla. Carlos Trujillo ’04 was elected to the Florida House of Representatives District 116 in Miami in the fall of 2010. Kathryn Alsip Cook ’05 is completing her doctorate of psychology (Psy.D) in clinical forensic psychology at Nova Southeastern University in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Eddy Acevedo ’05 is a staff member for the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs under the leadership of Chairman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. Valerie Ricketts Guntli ’05 and her husband Justin Guntli ’05 announce the birth of their first child, a daughter, Nora Diane Guntli, born Nov. 3, 2010 in St. Louis, Mo. She weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces and was 19 inches. Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
Liz VanGalder Steimer ’07 and husband Jeffery Steimer ’07 welcome the birth of their first son, Matthew Christopher Steimer, born Dec. 13, 2010. They reside in Worcester, Mass. Melinda Nicole Baker ’08 and William Edward Turncliff ’06 were married Oct.16, 2010 at St. Joseph Chapel. Melinda is an admissions counselor at Spring Hill. Bill works at ASF Logistics. John J. Robb ’08 has been named by Raymond James to its 2011 Executive Council, which recognizes outstanding client service, assets under management and personal integrity. He has managed the brokerage firm’s West Mobile office since 2003. Lindsay O’Quin Hughes, MLA ’08 and husband Christopher Hughes ’07 announce the birth of their son, Holden Daniel, on Jan. 12, 2011 in Mobile. He was 6 pounds, 9 ounces and 21 inches. Meredith Koch ’08 and Cash Covington ’08 were married at the Shrine of St. Joseph in St. Louis, Mo. They reside in Little Rock, Ark., where Cash is a financial advisor for John Hancock Financial Group and Meredith works as a legal assistant for the Cash Law Firm.
ClassNotes 2010s Blakely Duhe ’10 and David Morris were married Feb. 26, 2011 at St. Joseph Chapel. Elizabeth Farren ’10, Adriana Moreno ’10 and Jamie Villmer ’10 have been selected to serve as Jesuit volunteers in the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. Elizabeth was assigned to Catholic Charities of Austin, Texas; Adriana to Fe y Alegria in Santiago, Chile; and Jamie to Sts. Teresa and Bridget Catholic Church in St. Louis, Mo. Tim Garvey ’10 recently opened a Pretzel Boys franchise in Des Peres, Mo. Tisha Showalter ’10 is a registered nurse in the neuroscience intensive care unit at Penn State Hershey Medical Center in Hershey, Pa. Brittany Winfree, MBA ’11 and Mathew Stuber were married May 28, 2011 at Sacred Heart Chapel in Fairhope. They reside in Los Angeles, Calif.
Herbert Abdalla ’39 Robin Baggett ’01 John Edward “Ed” Balthrop Jr., M.D. ’40 Joseph J. Berte ’53 Lilly Betty
In Memoriam Leon Bouvier ’61
V. Price LeBlanc ’47
Rebekah Besnard Bowers ’99
Bill W. Lovorn ’67
Jacqueline Marie Brouillette ’00
Brooks Mackey ’65
John O. Chavez ’51
Maria Toomer Marlin ’73
Frank J. Cimino ’59
Rev. Walter C. McCauley, S.J. ’49
Rev. Anthony Concha, S.J. ’56
James B. McDonough Jr. ’42
Rev. John F. “Jack” Deeves, S.J. ’52
James John Merig Jr. ’59
Roberto “Bobby” de Ycaza ’89
Charles Summers Mitchell ’56
Nat Dominick ’86
Otis Dale “Buddy” Mitchum ’55
John L. Ernst ’54
Eloyd Scherer Murphy ’60
Peter P. Gaillard ’64
Rev. Richard Pusch ’60
Margaret “Peggy” Fagan Gibson ’55 Margaret “Susie” Coogan Phelan ’71 Joseph H. “Joe” Goldman, Sr. ’62
Francine H. Radam ’56
Joseph “Jack” Harrison ’44
Paul Rogers ’69
Patrick F. Harte ’57
John Sabol ’57
John W. Hindmarch ’58
James Sandusky ’51
Susan Heckler ’64
James L. Singler SJr. ’51
Robert E. Houssiere ’49
Samuel “Sam” Parker Stewart ’09
Stephen C. Hovas ’81
Wade T. Verges Jr. ’96
Rev. Michael F. Kennelly, S.J. ’39
William Walsh ’42
Michael J. Larose ’54
Helen McCown Wettermark ’39
Stephen Glen Lauten ’71
Keith Bosarge ’52
Aug. 4 - St. Louis Alumni Happy Hour Aug. 11 - Birmingham Happy Hour Sept. 17 - Atlanta Reception for Rev. Richard Salmi, S.J. Sept. 23 - Mobile National Alumni Association Board meeting Sept. 24 - St. Louis Baseball Outing (Cardinals vs. Cubs) Oct. 13 - Baton Rouge Happy Hour
For complete details, additional events and registration, log on to www.shc.edu/alumni or call 877-SPR-HILL.
Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
Honor Roll of Donors 2010-2011
ublishing the Honor Roll of Donors each year is a small way Spring Hill College can publicly recognize those who have made financial gifts to the College. Gifts listed in this Honor Roll include those made from June 1, 2010 to May 31, 2011. Each year, the list of givers grows with new friends who join the dedicated and consistent givers who have supported the College for many years. And at Spring Hill College, each gift is needed and appreciated. Every gift is put to good use, whether to finance scholarships, construct or renovate facilities, develop new academic programs, or enhance technology across campus. Please take a few minutes to read the names of alumni, parents, friends, faculty, staff, businesses and industries, foundations and associations who have made a gift. Because of their support, Spring Hill College can continue to challenge men and women to learn, lead, serve and grow in the Jesuit tradition.
President’s Society
Mrs. Nan Altmayer Mr. and Mrs. John W. Barter III ’70/’68 Mr. and Mrs. James D. McKinney ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Murphy ’78/’78 Mrs. Dot S. Outlaw Mr. Skip Viragh ’64 * Ms. Celia Wallace
Estate of Thomas O. Collins * Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Elcan ’80 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gleeson ’61 Dr. James B. Kendrick II ’82 Mrs. Athalie Macgowan Mr. and Mrs. Trey R. Mayhall III ’95 Mrs. Vaughan Morrissette Mr. and Mrs. Keith Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Tim Nolan ’81/’82 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Nugent ’79 Mrs. Lorienne C. Sharp Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Stebor III ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. York ’75/’76
St. Ignatius Society
Sodality Society
* = Deceased
St. Joseph Society Gifts of $100,000 or more
Gifts of $50,000 – $99,999
Mr. George Barrett ’52 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Burke Jr. ’63
Portier Society Gifts of $25,000 – $49,999
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Clark III ’59 Mr. Thomas L. Micek ’72 Ms. Margaret A. Rolando ’72 Mrs. Agnes Williams
Gautrelet Society Gifts of $10,000 – $24,999
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Byrne Jr. ’82 Drs. Andrew and Mary Chan /’82 Mr. Chris H. Cheever ’89 Dr. and Mrs. Walter D. Cockerham
Gifts of $5,000 – $9,999
Mrs. Catherine D. Albiez Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Cooney ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Coyle ’57 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Crum Jr. Prof. and Mrs. Anthony M. Dean ’66/’66 Dr. Lynn A. Durel ’62 Mr. G. Perry Eastman IV ’96 Mr. and Mrs. George P. Eastman III Ms. Janie B. Gaiennie ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Gayford L. Hinton Jr. ’54 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C. Keller Sr. ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Julius B. Kretzer ’84 Estate of Julius Kretzer * Mr. Michael D. Langan Dr. Edward J. Lose ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Maher Jr. ’72
Mr. Harold T. McCormick ’51 Dr. and Mrs. David R. McDuff ’74 Mr. and Mrs. John F. McKinney ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Reece J. Miller Jr. Dr. and Mrs. B. Clifford Pringle Jr. ’58/’86 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ragland ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Randol Sr. ’68 Ms. Christie A. Rose ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Tom E. Sharp Jr. ’39 Mr. and Mrs. Irving Silver Mr. and Mrs. Willard B. Simmons Jr. Dr. and Mrs. George E. Sims Mr. and Mrs. Norvelle L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Carroll H. Sullivan Mr. J. Bolton Sullivan ’84 Mrs. Anna F. Swider ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Skipper Walters Mrs. Ellen Warnecke * Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Williams ’88 Drs. Charles and Jennifer Wootten /’86
Walsh Society Gifts of $2,500 – $4,999
Ms. Rebecca Appenzeller ’74 and Mr. Craig Brown Mr. and Mrs. James E. Atchison Dr. and Mrs. John A. Bazley ’65 Mr. Thomas J. Becker ’61 Mr. Louis J. Boland Jr. ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Boone /’68 Ms. Ceil Coley ’67 Mr. and Mrs. F. Joseph Costello ’67
Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. E. Cowles ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Cussen ’89/’89 Mr. and Mrs. John H. DeJean ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Donaldson ’71 Ms. M. Lee Doyle ’66 Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Druhan Jr. ’64/’67 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Forzano Mr. and Mrs. Rick R. Fuentes Mr. Stephen Gee Mrs. Virginia A. Gidley Mr. Frank J. Guyol III ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin Hill Dr. Robert S. Hosmon ’65 Rev. Clarence M. Hunt III ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Imorde Sr. ’61 Drs. William and Cheryl Jones ’79/’82 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kintz ’89/’88 Mr. and Mrs. Jim M. Lane ’63 Mr. Lawrence P. Lannan ’50 Dr. Dennis C. McCluskey ’73 Mr. and Mrs. James H. McDonald Jr. ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Larry C. McGinn ’51 Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Morris Jr. ’67/’69 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morris ’65/’67 Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. O’Donnell ’68 Roy W. Ralston, Ph.D. ’87 Dr. and Mrs. Dan Reimer ’72/’09 Dr. and Mrs. Jose R. Rovira ’70 Mr. and Mrs. George M. Simmerman Jr. ’80 Estate of W. Berkley Thompson * Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Toler Mr. Peter A. Vukelic ’93
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Waddick Mr. and Mrs. Max Watson Jr. ’59/’57 Dr. and Mrs. Michael Williams ’74
President’s Society Gifts of $2,000 – $2,499
Anonymous Dr. and Mrs. Mac Barbour III ’83 Mr. Samuel J. Boldrick ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brewer Col. Frank J. Calagaz Jr. ’61 Dr. Gerry and Dr. Cynthia Castille ’77/’77 Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Clapper Mr. and Mrs. Michael Coughlin ’61 Mr. John P. Courtney Jr. ’42 Dr. and Mrs. John M. Daley ’60 Mr. and Mrs. James O. DeVaney Jr. Dr. and Mrs. James O. DeVaney III ’71/’71 Drs. Emmet Duffy and Elizabeth Canuel ’81 Ms. Roxanne P. Eaton ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Edwards Sr. ’59 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Egan ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Evelo Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Glavey ’66 Dr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie M. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Ray N. Hansen ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Harlin Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David G. Henderson ’61 Drs. John and Cheryl Hendry ’71 Ms. Lucille M. Hess ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Hovell ’96/’91 Ms. Helen M. Huisking ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Jabour ’73 Ms. Patricia M. Jones ’85
Mr. Thomas Kempner Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Kilborn III ’64 Dr. and Mrs. Steven W. Kinsey ’85/’85 Mr. and Mrs. Craig Lentzsch /’69 Mr. and Mrs. Earle Long III Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Madonia /’93 Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Marshall ’75/’73 Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Marston III ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Melton ’77 Mr. Matthew S. Metcalfe Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Midkiff Mr. Edward J. Moylan ’43 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Neel /’66 Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Pfeffle ’89/’90 Dr. and Mrs. T. Michael Phelan ’71 Dr. and Mrs. Leonard F. Pinkley Jr. ’66/’67 Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Pitts ’95 Mrs. Mary Linda Portner ’74 and Mr. Paul Fisher Dr. Christopher P. Puto ’64 Mr. and Mrs. James Rebarchak ’77 Dr. and Mrs. John B. Sardisco ’56 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Sisoian ’81/’79 Dr. and Mrs. Francis C. Skilling Jr. ’68 Dr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Tipton ’80/’81 Mr. Carl A. Torbert Jr. ’58 Mr. James G. Walsh ’51 Mr. J. George Whitfield Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Young Jr. ’57 Dr. and Mrs. David D. Zinn ’69/’69
Junior President’s Society In 2002, Spring Hill College created a giving society targeting graduates of the last decade. The Junior President’s Society is a unique opportunity for recent graduates to show thanks for the experiences shared at Spring Hill, from the outstanding professors to the great times spent with friends. Members of the Junior President’s Society participate at the President’s Society level ($2,000) for an amount commensurate with their rising income. With each new graduating class, giving levels increase by $100. For example, class of 2010: $100 and above; class of 2009: $200 and above, etc. For more information, contact Samantha Church at (877) 777-4455 or schurch@shc.edu.
Class of 2004
Corporate President’s Society St. Joseph Society Gifts of $100,000 or more
Baton Rouge Area Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Russell Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bondy Mr. and Mrs. Brent LeBlanc Mr. Clifton LeBlanc Mrs. Shirley LeBlanc Mr. and Mrs. V. P. LeBlanc Jr. Coastal Community Foundation of SC Hearin Chandler Foundation Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation The SSI Group, Inc. Ms. Celia Wallace
St. Ignatius Society Gifts of $50,000 – $99,999
Anonymous National Center for Housing Management Mr. and Mrs. John J. Burke Jr. ’63 Mr. Glen Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H. Gardner
Portier Society
Class of 2007
Gifts of $25,000 – $49,999
Mr. Conor J. Gee Ms. Jennifer J. Toulon
Catholic Church Extension Society The Lilly Company Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Clark III ’59
Class of 2010
Mr. John M. Lewis Ms. Anna K. Pate
McKinney’s $1 million gift names new grill James McKinney ’69, alumnus and chair of the college’s board of trustees, fondly recalls good friends gathering for food and camaraderie in the old student center during his college days – so much so that his gift to the college of $1 million places the McKinney family name on the center’s new grill and eatery. McKinney’s at The Hill, located on the first floor of the student center, was officially unveiled Feb. 24 when the trustees gathered for their winter meeting. Formerly the Cloister, McKinney’s at The Hill has a pub-like atmosphere with several large screen TVs along with a pool table and offers a variety of food and beverages for students, faculty and staff. “The student center has always been the hub of campus life,” McKinney said, “I’m just one of thousands of students who recall the old days, and while they were fun, we were in a tired, old building. Today’s Spring Hill students can be very proud of their new center that is equipped with numerous modern facilities like the grill.” McKinney is principal and manager of fixed income department at William Blair & Company, L.L.C., in Chicago. He was elected to the board of trustees in 2002.
President Richard Salmi, S.J., gives Jim McKinney ‘69 a T-shirt with the new grill’s logo.
Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
Gautrelet Society Gifts of $10,000 – $24,999
The Byrne CPA Firm, PA Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Byrne Jr. ’82 Community Foundation of South Alabama Coughlin-Saunders Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Walter D. Cockerham Daniel Foundation Of Alabama J.L. Bedsole Foundation Tilan, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Tim E. Nolan ’81/’82
Sodality Society Gifts of $5,000 – $9,999
Alabama Independent Colleges & Universities GOINGLOBAL Ms. Mary Anne Thompson JM Family Enterprises, Inc. Mr. Christopher D. Williams ’88 Phyllis & Franklin McDonald Foundation Mrs. Sarah L. Damson Mr. John C. Johnson Mr. Clarence C. Keller Sr. ’61 Susan R. & John W. Sullivan Foundation Mr. J. Bolton Sullivan ’84 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sullivan The Peltier Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John M. Crum Jr.
Walsh Society Gifts of $2,500 – $4,999
Acadiana Family Medical Center Dr. Michael Williams ’74 Dayton Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund The Florence Foundation Greater Saint Louis Community Foundation Raymond James Charitable Endowment Fund Richard D. Wells Foundation
President’s Society Gifts of $2,000 – $2,499
Huisking Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan B. Cooper /’95 Mr. and Mrs. Darin E. Crowell ’91/’91 Mr. Charles Huisking Ms. Helen M. Huisking ’66 Mrs. Megan C. Thomas ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Walsh /’68 Mrs. Kara Crawford White ’91 Jones, Walker, Waechter, Poitevent, Carrere & Denegre, LLP Mr. James Rebarchak ’77 Loeb Holding Corporation Orange Beach Marina Mr. and Mrs. Earle Long III The Orthopaedic Group Dr. and Mrs. Mac Barbour III ’83
Honor Roll of Alumni $ = $2,000+ Donor * = Deceased
Class of 1938 – 16.67% Mr. J. V. Wilkins
Class of 1939 – 37.50% Mr. James F. O’Hayer Dr. Claude M. Pasquier Jr. Mr. Tom E. Sharp Jr. $
Class of 1942 – 30.00% Mr. John P. Courtney Jr. $ Mr. Joseph P. Shannon Mr. John D. Terrell Jr.
Class of 1943 – 55.56% Mr. Herndon Inge Jr. Mr. William R. Lauten Mr. Adrian I. Lee Mr. Edward J. Moylan $ Mr. Arthur C. Sawyer Jr.
Class of 1944 – 37.50% Mr. William A. Haupt Mr. Laurence P. Pasquier Dr. Harrold S. Shipps Jr.
Class of 1945 – 16.67% Mr. John P. Keilty
Class of 1946 – 9.09%
Mr. William H. Harrington * Dr. Harry C. Powell Jr.
Class of 1947 – 10.00% Mr. William J. Schaffer Jr.
Class of 1948 – 17.65% Dr. M. L. Campbell Capt. James P. Morgan Jr. Dr. John T. Rickert
Class of 1949 – 32.56% Mr. John E. Busbee Sr. Mr. William B. Carpenter Jr. Mr. Flem G. Cliett Jr. Dr. Jack T. Coleman Mr. George W. Edgar Mr. Arthur Y. Hearn Jr. Mr. Harold E. Johnson Mr. William R. Lynch Sr. Mr. James D. McPhillips Mr. Henry E. Reimer Jr. Mr. Gordon Smith III Mr. Richard S. Whitten Jr. Dr. Henry L. Wright Mr. Robert J. Zietz
Class of 1950 – 21.93%
Dr. Norman J. Berger Mr. H. A. Bertolotti Mr. Paul H. Boudreaux Sr. Dr. Charles J. Boyle Mr. John A. Calametti Jr. Dr. Robert O. Chadwick, M.D. Dr. Robert C. Clawson Mr. Fred P. Coogan Jr. Mr. George R. Copeland Sr. Mr. Bill Durick Dr. Richard J. Gaul Mr. Richard J. Hebert Sr. Mr. Lawrence P. Lannan $ Mr. Ray C. Lauten Jr. Dr. William H. Lindsey Jr. Dr. Thomas J. Lynch Mr. James P. Martin Mr. Donald A. Nobert Sr. Mr. William H. Ollinger Mr. J. C. O’Neill Jr. Dr. John W. Rabby Dr. Melvin B. Rotner Mr. Samuel W. Suhrer Mr. Francis H. Thompson Dr. Charles F. White
Class of 1951 – 32.84% Mr. Hugh M. Breen Dr. James P. Browning Dr. Charles J. Caruso Mr. Bryan E. Clark Mr. Peter J. Feil Mr. Robert R. Guthans * Dr. John L. Hubbard Jr. Dr. Robert F. Klein The Hon. Daniel W. LeBlanc Mr. John E. Markham Mr. Harold T. McCormick $ Mr. Larry C. McGinn $
Mr. Louis W. McHardy Mr. Walter J. McInerney Mr. Walter E. Mobley Jr. Dr. Stanley T. Nolan Mr. Bob B. Olney Mr. R. Gibbens Robichaux Sr. Mr. John A. Schmidt Mr. Vincent J. Sheridan Jr. Mr. Paul R. Thompson Mr. James G. Walsh $
Class of 1952 – 30.43%
Mr. George Barrett $ Mr. Charles J. Barter Jr. Mr. John F. Connolly Mr. James A. Garraway Mr. Harold D. Hudson Mr. Raymond E. Jackson Jr. Mr. Alfred W. LaSalle Mr. Lewis O. Lauve Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. McCourt Dr. Louis J. Naman Dr. Oscar L. Paulson Mr. Arthur Williams Jr.
Class of 1953 – 20.83%
Mrs. Ruth Rosen Berger Mrs. Maynard E. Cush Dr. Nicholas A. D’Amato Mr. James E. Dewine Mr. Ray Kirkland Dr. Thomas F. McDonald Rev. Richard W. McGowan, S.J. Mr. Joseph Glen Murphy * Dr. Thomas A. Noto Mr. John F. Power Mr. Ray Redlingshafer
Class of 1954 – 25.33% Mr. John L. Ardoin Mr. Milton J. Bolling III Mr. Thomas E. Brennan Mr. John P. Callan Sr. Mr. John Carwie Mr. James F. Donovan Jr. Dr. Samuel E. Ellzey Jr. Mr. E.A. Buddy Gilbert Jr. Mr. Richard M. Hartsook Mr. Gayford L. Hinton Jr. $ Mr. Philip W. Jennings Mr. Martin J. Johnson Jr. Mr. James Klepac Mr. Frank L. Lynam Mr. John S. Markwalter Mr. John H. Nordloh Mr. T. Randolph Tardy Mr. Edward H. Valance Mr. Frank G. Vasser Jr.
Class of 1955 – 25.32% Dr. Raymond A. Alvarez Dr. Joseph P. Anello Jr. Mr. Thomas P. Christie Col. Vincent P. DeFatta Mr. James J. Fallon Mr. J. Ronald Hinze Rev. Raymond M. Lelii, S.J. Mr. Joseph J. Linder Mr. Happy Mahfouz Dr. Edward R. March Mr. James L. Mitchell Jr. Mr. James D. Moody III Mr. Thomas Newell Mr. Ellis V. Ollinger Jr. Dr. John M. O’Neill Mr. D. Ross Partridge Mr. Murray Perlman Dr. Edwin P. Pierce Jr. Mr. James W. Schwing Sr. Mr. Donald R. Smith Mr. Paul A. Thierry Mrs. Joan D. Toomey
Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
Class of 1956 – 36.63% Mrs. Joanne Osinski Best Mr. James R. Boland Mr. Owen Brennan Jr. Mr. Louis Bussolati Jr. The Hon. James T. Carlisle Dr. Jerry P. Casey Mr. Edward C. Dowd Mr. James B. Dowds Mr. George C. Dyson Jr. Mr. Thomas Gaillard Jr. Mr. Robert F. Halpin Mr. Michael S. Johnson Mr. Oliver Latour Jr. Mr. Clement A. Laurence Mr. John J. Leacy Mr. John P. Luedtke Mr. Leo H. MacDonald Sr. Dr. Jack C. Manley Mr. Marion J. Mathews III Mr. John C. McAleer III Mr. James R. McGuire Mr. George H. Moore Jr. Mrs. Fannie E. Motley Mr. Richard S. O’Neill Sr. Mr. Austin Orendorff Jr. Mr. Francis L. Poole Mr. David P. Pooley Mrs. Francine Radam * Mrs. Eleanor O. Ramier Dr. Domenick P. Reina Mr. David Ring Dr. William E. Roberts, M.D. Dr. John B. Sardisco $ Mr. Robert J. Schell Mr. Estorge C. Sibille Mr. Shelby D. St. Martin Mr. Leo R. Trehern Sr.
Class of 1957 – 26.32% Mr. Daniel R. Atkinson Sr. Mr. Harold I. Bahlinger Mr. Robert J. Barry Ms. Marie S. Betbeze Dr. George W. Black Mrs. Barbara Clark Brennan Mr. William B. Carney Jr. Mr. John L. Copeland Mr. Robert D. Coyle $ Mrs. Joanna Diehl Mr. William B. Durbin Mr. Frank A. Hughes Sr. Mr. Charles J. Kacir Mr. Carl J. Kelly Deacon A. Gordon Kenny Dr. Paul J. Knopp Mr. Paul D. Kountz Mr. Charles W. Scheffer Jr. Mr. Thomas J. Schulte, Esq. Mr. John L. Shaia Mr. Everett H. Smith Col. George F. Steger Dr. Dudley J. Terrell Mrs. Marie Dever Watson $ Mr. Robert J. Young Jr. $
Class of 1958 – 22.55% Mrs. Pat Pergantis Barr Mr. Paul J. Dowsey Dr. F. David Druhan Mr. Michael A. Ford Mr. James H. Frederick Mr. Mark M. Garin Sr. Mr. Joseph E. Jones Jr. Mr. Charles L. McDermott Mr. Eugene M. McGuire Dr. Peter L. McNamara Dr. Leonard A. Mueninghoff Mr. Herbert R. Noletto Sr. * Mr. Thomas P. Power Dr. B. Clifford Pringle Jr. $ Mr. George E. Robison Jr. Mr. Emanuel A. Romero
Mr. Walter E. Roney Jr. Mr. William C. Serda Dr. Hobart B. Sullivan Jr. Mr. Marcus F. Thublin Jr. Mr. Carl A. Torbert Jr. $ Dr. Paul D. Torres Sr. Mrs. Patricia Zietz Wilhelm
Class of 1959 – 37.59%
Mrs. Margaret Albright Black Mr. Thomas L. Boone Mr. Charles A. Boyle Jr. Mr. Ralph T. Bucher Sr. Mr. Patrick H. Burke Mrs. Antoinette Blair Buser Mrs. Ella Dixon Carson Mr. Joseph G. Casey Jr. Mr. Thomas J. Clark III $ Mr. Andrew J. Clarke Mr. Henry A. Cummings Jr. Mr. Emmett G. Deakle Mr. John A. Detrio Mrs. Anne Murden Dunsmore Mr. Robert J. Eckert Jr. Mr. Thomas R. Edwards Sr. $ Mr. Frank V. Fiore Mr. Richard Gallmann Mr. Charlie L. Gambel Jr. Mrs. Ellen Roe Gambel Dr. J. Russell Goodloe Jr. Mr. John O. Grant III Mrs. Jeanette Averett Greene Mr. Charles A. Grim III Mr. Manfred K. Hummel Mr. George H. Imorde Jr. Mrs. Jane Hamrick Latour Mr. J. D. LeBlanc Jr. Mr. Charles H. Livaudais Dr. John W. Lowery * Mr. Arthur J. Martin Sr. Dr. John F. McNamara Dr. Florian Muckenthaler Mr. Martin F. O’Donnell * Mr. Hunter J. Pfeiffer Mrs. Irene Dobbin Roney Mr. John E. Rubin Dr. John C. Scharfenberg Mr. Jay F. Slicklen Dr. Benjamin J. Stebor III $ Mrs. Mary Butler Steger * Mr. Aloysius E. Stuardi Jr. Mr. Frank E. Sullivan III Mr. Robert F. Talbot Jr. Maj. Robert W. Tanner Mr. Milton L. Vavasseur Mr. Toan Vu Mr. Max T. Watson Jr. $ Mr. Ernest F. Watts Jr. Mr. Joseph Werres Jr. Mr. Orin D. Wood Jr.
Class of 1960 – 25.81%
Dr. H. Clifford Alexander Jr. Mr. J. Robert Barmann Dr. Ernest W. Blakeney Jr. Dr. Joseph R. Bowling Mr. Fred L. Caver Jr. Dr. John M. Daley $ Mr. Clyde De La Houssaye Jr. Mr. Michael P. Feore Mrs. Dorothy Balzli Ford Col. Gerald L. Goleman Mr. William L. Goodall Dr. John H. Hafner Ms. Mary Frances Hallet Mr. Anthony F. Hopp Jr. Dr. Paul F. Jurgensen Dr. Charles A. Marston III $ Dr. Francis J. McCormack Mr. Mike L. McDermott Mr. Donald J. Muscolino Mr. James T. Oates Mr. Joseph O’Rourke Mr. Philip Pfeiffer
Alumni Giving:
Class of 1963 – 27.89%
Top 10 Classes By Participation Class Size Fewer Than 100 CLASS
Ms. Carol L. Phillips Mrs. Mary Wall Robinson Mr. Dennis Shea Mr. John K. Steele Mrs. Anita Kuhler Thresher Mrs. Mary Ann Bolton Tourault Mr. William M. Wolfarth Jr.
Class of 1961 – 51.24%
Mrs. Julie Matanock Barcia Dr. Peter J. Barcia Mr. Thomas J. Becker $ Dr. Michael Bielefeld Mr. Edwin P. Brannan Mr. John M. Brennan Mr. Michael P. Broussard Dr. James D. Burke, Ph.D. Col. Frank J. Calagaz Jr. $ Mrs. Anita Adams Caver Mr. James C. Chico Mr. E. Michael Coughlin $ Mr. Franklin Cowart Mr. G. Price Crane Jr. Mr. Francis M. Durel Mr. J. B. Egan III $ Ms. Janie B. Gaiennie $ Mrs. Mary Collins Garin Mr. John J. Gleeson $ Neal Golden S.C. Mr. Otto E. Halboth Mr. David G. Henderson $ Mr. Joseph M. Imorde Sr. $ Dr. Marilyn L. Johnson Mr. Clarence C. Keller Sr. $ Mr. C. J. Louisell Jr. Mrs. Edith Powers Louisell Mr. Fred E. Magenheimer Mr. John Miller Jr. Mrs. Kathryn Rehm Miller Dr. H. Anson Moye Dr. James Lee Murphy Mrs. Fari Carter Muscolino Mr. James H. O’Donnell Jr. Mrs. Stephanie Zieman Price Mr. Robert R. Quintana Jr. Mrs. Aileen F. Randag Mr. W. Dillon Reed Jr. Mr. E. Richard Ruppert Mr. Fred W. Schemmel Mrs. Mary Valthauser Shea
Mr. John W. Smith Mr. Wayne E. Smith Mrs. Jeanne Edgar Stein Mr. Dennis B. Sullivan Mr. Richard F. Sullivan Jr. Ms. Diane Wachter Swatek Mr. Hue Thomas III Mr. Thomas J. Torbert Dr. Thomas J. Vickers Mr. James J. Wallace
Class of 1962 – 33.94%
Mrs. Judith A. Ahrens Dr. Frank L. Antenucci Jr. Mrs. Betty Murden Blanchard Mrs. Lesley Durbin Churan Mrs. Marion F. Clark Mr. John F. Clover Mr. John L. Conway Mr. John H. DeJean $ Dr. Thomas L. Doyle Dr. Lynn A. Durel $ Mr. Phillip Gabriel Jr. Mr. Manuel Ganzarain Mr. Lawrence J. Grik Jr. Mrs. Kathleen Haas Mr. Thornton N. Jacob Jr. Mrs. Diane Zinn Jurgensen Mr. Harold A. LaCour Mrs. Eleanor Ford Livaudais Mr. Arthur J. McGowan Mr. John R. Nixon Mrs. Emily Mosteller O’Neill Mrs. Anne McDonald Pechuls Dr. Peter Paul Petro Jr. Mr. Charles Pierotti Mr. Gregory J. Porges Dr. Barry M. Preedom, Ph.D. Mr. William V. Revere Mr. James D. Robertson Jr. Mr. Numa J. Rousseve Mr. Francis M. Smor Mrs. Anna F. Swider $ Mr. Gustave B. Thames Mr. Robert M. Vernon Mr. Dennis J. Webb Sr. Mrs. Nan Stuardi Wilder Mr. Walter R. Wilson
Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
Mr. John J. Bernauer Jr. Mrs. Mary Ann Fromhold Brannan Mrs. Geraldine Packard Brennan Mr. John J. Burke Jr. $ Mr. James L. Carney Mr. Oran W. Cochran Jr. Mr. Stephen B. Crowley Mr. Jack L. Culross Mr. Edward C. Dahmer Jr. Mr. Carl W. Davis Ms. Patricia A. Dee Mr. John L. Delay Jr. Mr. Robert G. Dolan Jr. Mr. Michael C. Driscoll Mr. John F. Ewens Mr. Philip B. Gonzalez Sr. Mrs. Helene Hudson Grik Mr. Reynalds E. Haas * Mr. Jerry A. Howell Mr. James M. Lane $ Mrs. Judith Gauvey MacLellan Mr. Edward S. Maguire Mrs. Ellen Manning McCoy Mrs. Helen Leitner McDermott Mr. Julian McDonnell Jr. Mr. James A. Naehr Mrs. Janet Stodgell Porges Mr. Patrick J. Rice Sr. Mr. Peter Shepherd Dr. H. Jon Sherrill Mrs. Bradley Goodyear Smith Mr. G. Barker Stein Jr. Mrs. Gwen Wittenborn Sullivan Mrs. Marietta Chambers Wallace Dr. David G. Walsh Mrs. Ann Doody Webb Dr. Henry J. Wehman Mr. Dennis Whalen Mrs. Mitzi Zalopany Wolfarth Mrs. Katherine Schwab Yeargain Dr. Nora Dougherty Zee
Class of 1964 – 26.59%
Ms. Angela S. Anderson Mr. Henry W. Bellows Mr. Gregory Bernbrock Dr. L. Stafford Betty Mrs. Jean Nicks Blake Mr. Max J. Blake Mr. Peter K. Browne Mr. Donald R. Carmody Mrs. Patricia Weldon Carmody Mrs. Loretta Lapinsky Clayton Mr. Joseph A. Conly Mrs. Dorothy H. Conner Mrs. Neva White Curoe Mrs. Louise A. Daniels Mr. Thomas P. Davis Dr. William J. Dowie Jr. Mr. J. Michael Druhan Jr. $ Mrs. Mary Duffy Eckert Mr. Howard D. Edgar Mrs. Angela Jacques Ekins Mr. Walter R. Ekins Ms. Eusebia L. Fink Dr. Eugene G. Galvin Jr. Mr. Ray N. Hansen $ Dr. James M. Hill Mr. Carl W. Homolka Mr. Vincent Kilborn III $ Dr. John L. Lobdell Mr. Robert P. McCabe Dr. Kathleen Burns McCarville Mr. Pat T. McCarville Mr. Louis A. Mezrano Mr. William F. Morando Mr. Bernard Mullin Mr. Fred M. O’Bryan Mrs. Patricia Brzezinski Packer Dr. Christopher P. Puto $ Mr. Joseph T. Quina III Mr. Otto F. Ramsey Jr. Mr. Julius M. Sitterlee
Ms. Joyce Torgerson–Harris Mr. Skip Viragh * $ Mr. Edward Welch Ms. Ann B. Whigham
Mrs. E. Pankey Vrachalus Lt. Col. Stephen B. Williams Mr. Frederick C. Wise
Class of 1965 – 25.77%
Mr. Joseph M. Arban Mr. James E. Broughton Ms. Maureen F. Cardiff Mr. James A. Clark Mrs. Mary Lichliter Clark Ms. Ceil Coley $ Mr. David B. Conner Mr. F. J. Costello $ Mr. James E. Crahan Jr. Mrs. Gail R. Dreis Mrs. Janet Logan Druhan $ Mr. Michael J. Glass Mr. Donald Gundermann Sr. Mr. Bruce R. Hartney Mrs. Judith Alford Heiter Ms. Jane S. Idzi Mrs. Margaret Simons Jones Mr. Michael D. Jones The Hon. William A. Kelly Dr. John L. Klause Mr. James R. Klimaski Mr. Edward N. Morris Jr. $ Mrs. Paula Heim Morris $ Mr. William G. Nelson Sr. Mrs. Jean McDonald Pinkley $ Dr. Jay P. Quinlivan Mrs. Jane Midgette Radka Mr. Jerome Radka Mrs. Jane LeBeau Schilleci Ms. Shirley A. Sheehan Mr. Daniel E. Short Mr. James L. Siccardi Mrs. Patricia Seban Singler Mr. Marvin E. Slay Mrs. Dawn Ruhl Tyler Dr. H. Harbour Winn III Mrs. Mary Brzezinski Winn Mrs. Melinda McGill Wolchina
Dr. John A. Bazley $ Mrs. Beverly Young Bellows Mrs. Dorothy Laughlin Castellon Mrs. Rose Arru Clardy Mrs. Patricia Heidbrink Cowie Mrs. Josephine Williams Cruthers Mr. Jose R. Cruz, Ph.D. Mary Jane Gauvey DeBay Mr. Paul L. Delaney Mr. Pasquale A. Elia Mr. Harry T. Fleddermann Jr. Dr. Michael Flusche Mr. Jerome J. Froelich Jr. Mr. Joseph A. Gonzales Mr. Larry E. Gunnin Dr. Eileen Estes Hargrove Mrs. Barbara McLeod Hill Dr. Robert S. Hosmon $ Mrs. Marilyn Detrio Kirkland Mr. G. Victor Laubenthal Jr. Mr. T. V. Mangelsdorf Mr. H. William McAtee Mrs. Kathleen George Mezrano Mr. Michael M. Morris $ Mrs. M.K. Norwood Mrs. Catherine Adams O’Bryan Mr. Jerold J. Pace Mr. George J. Prud’Homme Mrs. Marion Doyle Ramsey Mr. Joseph Ranieri Mr. James Raymond Dr. Joseph P. Reardon Mrs. Susan Meyercord Rice Ms. Barbara G. Schurhoff Mr. John Scripp Mr. John P. Sullivan Mrs. Margaret Logan Thames Mr. Edward D. Welch Dr. Gary R. Wiley
Class of 1966 – 25.15%
Mrs. Deanie Clark Allen Mr. Harold D. Baker Mr. Martin D. Beirne Jr. Ms. Jane F. Callanan Mrs. Mary Kearns Carey Mr. Cameron T. Clark Ms. Mary Jane Crowe Mrs. Terry Owen Culross Prof. Anthony M. Dean $ Mrs. Linda Nicks Dean $ Mrs. Gertrude E. Denney Mr. John E. DiGiulio Ms. M. Lee Doyle $ Mr. Terence P. Earley Mrs. Joan Merritt Fox Mr. Dennis M. Glavey $ Mr. Richard C. Guidry Dr. Denis E. Hruza Ms. Helen M. Huisking $ Mr. Stephen K. Kelly Mrs. Kathleen O’Rourke Kennedy Mrs. Kathryn Sill Kichler Mrs. Barbara Bender Knight Mr. Rene Larrieu Jr. Dr. David Loehle Mrs. Lucy Dretzka Loehle Mrs. Susan Mitchell Neel $ Mr. John R. Oester Dr. Norma Wittmann Oester Mrs. Mary Alice O’Rourke Dr. Leonard F. Pinkley Jr. $ Mr. John S. Rigney Mrs. Melinda Mattis Rigney Dr. Stanley J. Roux Jr. Miss Diana Shaw Mrs. Cecilia Sebastian Smith Mr. G. Earle Underwood
Class of 1967 – 27.03%
Class of 1968 – 24.82%
Mr. Michael M. Abbene Mr. Edward S. Armstrong Jr. Mr. John W. Barter III $ Mrs. Cecilia Guthrie Boone $ Mr. Joseph P. Brennan Sr. Mr. Robert W. Bulger Mr. William F. Bullock Mr. James R. Cooper III Mr. David L. Davies, Ph.D. Ms. Judith E. Gibson Mrs. Janet Macrae Gundermann Mr. Bernard O. Hodowal Mr. Joseph E. Hoffman Dr. Virginia Curran Hoffman, Ph.D. Mr. Ernest A. Houssiere Jr. Mr. Philip F. Kelly Dr. Leo Kling III Dr. Thomas E. Knauer Mrs. Mary Hubbard Mareno Mr. John F. McKinney $ Ms. Sandra L. Melof Mrs. Anne Butler Militello Mr. Richard J. Neuenfeldt Mr. Robert L. O’Donnell $ Dr. William J. O’Donnell Maj.Gen. Arnold L. Punaro Mr. Frank B. Randol Sr. $ Mrs. Marilyn Byrnes Richardson Ms. Christie A. Rose $ Mr. Samuel A. Sarno Jr. Dr. Frank E. Scully Jr. Dr. Francis C. Skilling Jr. $ Mr. Edward S. Toomer Jr. Dr. Rudolph M. Tovar Mrs. Susan C. Walsh $
Class of 1969 – 24.73% Mr. William M. Barritt Mr. James D. Beattie
Mr. Mack B. Binion Mr. Samuel J. Boldrick $ Mr. Joseph O. Collins Jr. Ms. Louise M. Conti Ms. Jane C. Davis Dr. Warren E. Duclos Jr. Mr. Joseph M. Elixon Mr. Peter J. Galligan Mr. Michael Guimbarda Mrs. Adele Stuardi Gwatkin Ms. Lorraine M. Hajeski Mr. John H. Halliday Mr. Mark E. Hughes Dr. Charles B. Hunter Mr. Jeffery H. Jones Mr. James R. Lathrop Mrs. Joy Guidry Lentzsch $ Ms. Delores D. Lewis Mr. Frank E. Linn Mrs. Stephanie Yang Markey Mr. William F. Markey Mr. James M. Martin Mr. James D. McKinney $ Mr. Edward T. McMahon Cdr. Paul R. Morin Dr. Joseph R. Moring Mrs. Stephanie Betty Morris $ Mr. Richard H. Remmert Mrs. Lola Rehm Robichaux Dr. Robert P. Robichaux Mr. Gerald V. Rodgers Mr. Robert B. Ryan Mr. George E. Saxon Jr. Mr. William Schlapak Jr. Dr. Ben P. Schmeil Mrs. Joan Brown Siegwald Mr. Thomas J. Siegwald Mr. John M. Stewart Mr. A. H. Tenhundfeld Jr. Mr. John T. Toenes Jr. Mr. George A. Vella Dr. Douglas Verret, Ph.D. Mr. Victor J. Walsh Sr. Mrs. Antonia Lueckenhoff Zinn $ Dr. David D. Zinn $
Class of 1970 – 22.94%
Mrs. Mary Lou Schwartzel Barter $ Dr. John L. Bennett Mrs. Louise Cassilly Bullock Miss Maureen A. Caine Mr. Francis M. Craft Mr. John H. Domeier Dr. Justin H. Durel Mrs. Margaret Zinn Frentz Mr. Stuart J. Frentz Mrs. Suzanne Donnelly Galligan Dr. Patrick J. Geary Miss Catherine A. Gettys Dr. A. Antonio Gonzalez-Prendes, Ph.D. Mrs. Tallulah Quina Helmsing Mr. Frank J. Heston Ms. Marion R. Kelly Ms. Christine M. Kiefer Mrs. Marie Pollingue Lathrop Mr. Gary V. Marlin Mrs. Sarah Middleton Martin Mr. Stephen M. Morris Mr. Edward J. Moseley Mr. Timothy P. O’Mara Mr. Edward A. Overbey Jr. Mrs. Marilyn Flinn Owens Mr. William R. Quina III Dr. Jose R. Rovira $ Mrs. Linda Adler Rux Mr. Roger C. Suhre Ms. Rita Mallini Taylor Miss Eleanor W. Trigg Mrs. Ann Kyle Wade Ms. M.K. Wegmann Mr. H. Michael Wellington Mr. George P. Wentworth Mr. Carl R. West Jr. Dr. William J. Whibbs
Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
Mr. Dennis M. Wiley Dr. Robert E. Willett Jr.
Class of 1971 – 40.12%
Mr. Randall S. Adams Mrs. Cindi Champagne Angers Mrs. Dorothy Hare Beattie Mrs. Aurelia Hooks Benton Mr. Michael L. Bezdek Dr. Kenneth Boniface Jr. Dr. James L. Brown Mr. Gerard T. Carmody Mrs. C. Gustafson Caver Mr. George R. Coelen Mr. C. Patrick Collins Mr. Mark S. Czerniak Dr. James O. DeVaney III $ Mrs. Margaret Halliday DeVaney $ Mrs. Mary McKnight Devine Mr. Michael S. Doll Mr. Brian G. Donaldson $ Mrs. Kathleen Bloom Durel Mr. Thomas M. Elder Mr. Joseph C. Fisher Jr. Mr. Robert C. Gnau Mrs. Mary Martin Graf Mr. Joseph J. Grill Mr. John A. Hendry, D.D.S. $ Mrs. Bridget Tobin Herald Mary Ann Holewinski Dr. Joseph G. Hughes Ms. M. Kathryn Hughes Mrs. Margaret Fuchs Hughes Mr. James A. Imorde Mrs. Joanne M. Jenkins Mrs. Catherine Freund Kinsman Dr. John C. Lafleur Mr. Michael H. Lambert Mr. William B. Lennox Mr. James J. Logue Mr. Thomas J. Long Ms. Mary Maher Loper Mrs. Dianne Kelly Markel Mr. Robert W. Markel II Mr. Michael D. McFadden Mrs. Geraldine McIver McMahon Mr. Alfred Montgomery Jr. Mrs. Suzanne Hansom Montgomery Mr. Philip J. Moses Mr. Stephen F. Peifer Mrs. Jeanne Flaherty Phelan Mr. Michael J. Phelan Dr. T. Michael Phelan $ Mrs. Mary Trigg Scully Ms. Judith T. Sherry Mrs. Katherine Steffen Mrs. Dorothy Mortland Stoltz Mrs. Barbara Buse Vollmer Mrs. Katherine Whalen Wentworth Ms. Katrinka Westendorf
Class of 1972 – 26.62%
Mr. Lawrence E. Ackels Jr. Mr. F. J. Agnew Jr. Mr. Casimir A. Baczinskas The Hon. John D. Breen Mrs. Suzanne Torrado Carmody Mrs. Colleen C. Chase Mr. Christopher J. Cosgrove Mrs. Monique Guidry Dupuis Mrs. Stella Daigle Grant Mr. Michael G. Gretchen Mrs. Ann Shay Grill Mrs. Johanna Skelton Haas Mr. Victor G. Hanna Mrs. Michelle F. Jones Mrs. Patricia Legendre Justice Mr. Thomas F. Kirwin Mrs. Mary Fox Lafleur Mr. Louis J. Maher Jr. $ Dr. Charmane P. May Mrs. Ann Stark McKusick Mr. Thomas L. Micek $ Mrs. Catherine Gonce O’Keefe
Mrs. Irene Wettermark Porter Dr. Hector Ramirez Jr. Dr. Dan Reimer $ Ms. Mary E. Rodgers Ms. Margaret A. Rolando $ Ms. Kathryn M. Shanks Mrs. Joyce Willcox Sims Mr. Ronald L. Sims Mrs. Frances David Stewart Mr. Paul A. Teske Dr. Ellen Coogan Verret, Ph.D. Mrs. Katherine Ribordy Weinreich Mrs. Margaret Seban Wellington Mrs. M. Gineen Wilson Mrs. Dorothy Brown Woolley
Class of 1973 – 16.54%
Mr. Lou Allenbach Jr. Mrs. Margaret Bertagnolli Crosby Mrs. Ramona Lacey Fox Mr. Dennis J. Galligan Mr. Frank J. Guyol III $ Mrs. Martha Greer Helmsing Mr. Richard J. Jabour $ Mrs. Maria Toomer Marlin * Mr. Terry E. Marlin Mrs. Anne Willett Marshall $ Dr. Dennis C. McCluskey $ Mrs. Margaret Mueller Mr. Michael P. Murphy Mr. Eugene S. R. Pagano Mrs. Jeanne Offord Rowe Ms. Mary C. Sherlock Mrs. Barbara Ory Simms Dr. Roy J. Simms Jr.
Class of 1974 – 22.83%
Ms. Christine E. Adams Mrs. Paula Powers Agnew Mrs. Rebecca H. Appenzeller $ Mr. Louis J. Boland Jr. $ Mr. Brian J. Cooney $ Mrs. Kathleen Accardo Cornelia Mr. Joseph M. Elliot III Mrs. Mary Ferrell Finnerty Mr. Peter K. Finnerty Mr. John J. Fredricks Mrs. Grace McDonald Gretchen Mr. James V. Gudaitis Mr. William T. Harkey J.D. Mr. Victor C. Helmsing Mrs. Judith Curran Hernandez Mr. Robert S. Jabour Mr. Donald S. Mazzullo Dr. David R. McDuff, M.D. $ Mr. Eric W. Mueller Ms. Brenda J. Pierce Mrs. Mary Linda Portner $ Mr. Timothy P. Size Mrs. Carmen Torrado Tarzon Dr. Michael Williams $
Class of 1975 – 17.54%
Mr. George R. Copeland Jr. Mr. Thomas M. Deese Mr. James R. Haley Jr. Dr. Patrick A. Hyland Dr. Stephen A. Kahalley Mr. Michael S. Marshall $ Mrs. Theresa Bisceglia Mazzullo Mr. James H. McDonald Jr. $ Mr. Dennis P. McKenna Mrs. Sarah Schwarz McKenna Ms. Margaret R. Meherin Dr. Patrick E. Nolan Dr. Katy Phelan Mrs. Constance Bowes Postal Mrs. Mary Russell Reedy Mr. Christopher P. Smith Mr. Michael J. Stineman Mrs. Delphine Gladden Williams Mr. Clifford E. York $
Class of 1976 – 27.93%
Mr. S. V. Arbour III Mrs. Keiren Cassidy Aucoin Mrs. Barbara Kelly Bettonville Mr. Thomas R. Butterick Miss Maureen M. Carlin Mr. Raymond P. Dempsey Dr. Andrew L. Findley Jr. Mr. James M. Gearty Mrs. Mary Hennessey Gordon Mr. Russell A. Guthrie Mr. Thomas S. Hall Mrs. Mary Ackels Karam Mr. James E. Killorin Miss Marian T. Lami Mr. Thomas E. Lyon Mr. Felix A. Mendez-Gonzalez Mr. Timothy X. Moore Mr. Manuel R. Morales Jr. Mr. Richard W. Mortell Jr. Mr. Patrick M. Postal Sr. Mr. Robert C. Rourke Mr. Timothy A. Sheehan Sr. Mr. Joseph Tener Mrs. Margaret Bopp York $
Class of 1977 – 21.62%
Mrs. Myriam D. Albertini Mrs. Lisa Palmer Beers Dr. Cynthia Reichard Castille $ Dr. M. Gerard Castille $ Ms. Teresa F. Cesarano Mr. Nathan D. Clark Mrs. Linda Blair Davis Mrs. Kristin Bendorf Drlicka Mrs. Debra Corry Guyton Miss M. Angel Helmsing Mrs. Lynn Cronin Illig Mrs. Deborah Smith Lassus Mrs. Susan Hayes Lyon Mr. Joseph J. McCann Jr. Mr. Brian D. Melton $ Mrs. Melanie Reimer Moore Mr. Herbert R. Noletto Jr. Mr. James M. Ollis III Mr. James Rebarchak $ Mrs. Lynn Murphy Robichaux Mr. Raoul M. Robichaux Mr. Gregory J. Schlax Mrs. Martha Carey Silk Mr. Robert W. Silk Jr. Mr. Richard J. Volentine Jr. Mrs. Anne Connelly Walsh Mr. William D. Ward Mrs. Christina Bowersox Watts
Class of 1978 – 24.80%
Mrs. Kit Acree Arbour Mr. John J. Archer Jr. Ms. Jeanne T. M. Beard Mr. William Bohannon Jr. Mrs. Joan Carlin Cameron Mr. Charles E. Deye Dr. Phillip M. Drlicka Mr. John A. Ebert Mrs. Mary Brown Farrell Ms. Ellen Gravina Mr. John H. Hamm Jr. Dr. Ruben Hernandez, M.D. Mrs. Deborah Smith Hibberts Mr. Lawrence Horning Jr. Dr. Deborah A. Kassner Mr. Joseph H. Keller III Mrs. Sheila Haggerty Mahoney Mr. Timothy J. Mahoney Ms. Mary P. McGah Mrs. Cecilia McDermott Mortell Mrs. Elin Bendorf Murphy $ Mr. Timothy R. Murphy $ Ms. Loretta Lee Pendergrast Mr. Charles H. Prosser Dr. Mark E. Reese Mr. John F. Roorda III Mrs. Kathleen Hughes Taylor
Class of 1979 – 25.78%
Mr. Joseph E. Ackels Sr. Mrs. Linda Padden Ackels Mr. Patrick J. Balthrop Sr. Mrs. Ana Diaz Barker Mr. Timothy J. Cherre Dr. Kenneth R. Courington Mr. John E. Cunningham Jr. Mrs. Monica Lynch Dutmers Dr. David R. Field Ms. Susan L. Harchelroad Dr. William P. Jones $ Mrs. Margaret Murray Keller Mrs. Jamesine Marsden Killorin Ms. Lella Brooks Lowe Mr. Paul M. McDonnell Dr. Thomas A. McGraw Mr. John J. Nugent $ Mr. Vincent S. Pagano Mr. Luke R. Ponseti Dr. Carl Salter Ms. Mary A. Sevier Dr. Carl B. Shory, M.D. Mrs. Katherine Mueller Sisoian $ Dr. Mary Smith Soha Dr. Nancy Grant Wahl Mrs. Dolores Peters Ward Mrs. Jacqueline Pope Williams Mrs. Sue Bender Yost
Class of 1980 – 22.88%
Mrs. Mariterese Greene Balthrop Dr. Andrew J. Boulet Mrs. Deborah Peck Donohoe Mr. Ronald D. Donohoe Mr. Daniel G. Elcan $ Mr. Paul J. England Mr. John F. Fitzsimmons Jr. Mrs. Pam Rayfield Fitzsimmons Mrs. Barbara Bloomer Fuller Mr. Paul E. Fuller Mr. Charles F. Gund Jr. Mr. George D. Hannon Mrs. Constance Franco Howen Mr. Thomas R. Howen Mrs. Amrit Whitlock Khalsa Mrs. Mary Lou D. Littleton Dr. Edward J. Lose $ Mrs. Angela Jordan McCarthy Dr. Melanie L. McGrath, Ph.D. Mrs. Georgia Hamilton Meyers Mrs. Ann Brown Pridgeon Ms. Anna M. Reier Mr. Paul F. Rizzuto Mr. Matthew P. Ryan Mr. John T. Schreiber Mr. George M. Simmerman Jr. $ Miss Andree M. St. Martin Mr. Mark L. Stewart Dr. Arthur J. Tipton $ Mr. Wayne L. Vicknair Mr. Gregory M. Whibbs
Class of 1981 – 26.54% Mrs. Roberta Fink Boyle Mrs. Jane M. Brigham Mrs. Maria M. Callahan Mr. Joseph G. Conboy Jr. Mrs. Mary Bosley Darnell Dr. J. Emmett Duffy $ Mrs. Cynthia Bowes Galvin Mr. Kevin P. Galvin Mrs. Jeanne Bodet Gund Mr. Peter B. Hayes Ms. Lucille M. Hess $ Dr. Charles A. LaRosa Mrs. Elizabeth Latham Mr. Michael M. Manning Mr. John X. Maritote Mrs. Mary Fuchs Maynard Mrs. Rhonda Smith McGill Ms. Deborah M. Mesmer Mr. E. Tyler Nichols Jr. Mr. Tim E. Nolan $
Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
Ms. Christy A. Omohundro Ms. Margaret Clawson Pearson Mr. Marc P. Pelham Mrs. Mary Marshall Pulmas Mrs. Karen Pendergast Rhodes Dr. Chris Salter Mr. Robert L. Scala Mrs. Victoria Ordonez Scala Ms. Patricia A. Schmidt Mr. William F. Sisoian $ Mrs. Katherine McCormick Tipton $
Class of 1982 – 16.67%
Mr. Eduardo Barranco Mrs. Margaret Egan Benjamin Mr. Thomas A. Byrne Jr. $ Dr. Mary Finnorn Chan $ Mr. Joseph A. Cruthirds Miss Kathleen M. Fitzsimmons Mr. Christopher P. Foley Ms. Anastasia M. Hanley Dr. Cheryl Sandoski Jones $ Mr. R. Kinne Kell Dr. James B. Kendrick II $ Ms. Marina E. Libro Mrs. Charlotte McGuire Link Dr. James M. Link Jr. Mrs. Stephanie L. Lose Mr. Patrick A. Mansfield Dr. Edward J. Martin III Mr. Michael A. McCaffrey Mr. G. Richard Michaelis Jr. Dr. Nancy Gadams Michaelis Mrs. Christina Matey Nolan $ Mrs. Mary Touhy Purcell Mrs. Mary Munns Ripley Dr. John J. Shannon Rev. Francis Stodola Dr. John P. Tetzeli
Class of 1983 – 13.76%
Dr. Mac Barbour III $ Mr. Walter A. Bell Mrs. Patricia Mallon Bessonen Dr. Richmond F. Brown Mrs. Gretchen Vienhage Conboy Mr. Curt A. Crider Mr. Charles J. Dempsey Mr. Ralph P. Durrett Mr. Hugh J. Flannery Mrs. Millie Cox Flannery Ms. Kathleen Gorman Ms. Harriet J. Graham Mr. Ronald T. Hartley Mrs. Kay Scavullo Jesse Mr. John G. Kelly Mrs. Sheila Doyle Kelly Miss Sandretta A. Miller Mr. Martin L. Osborne Mr. Mark R. Purcell Dr. Andrew D. Sharp Mr. Dan P. Tice Ms. Julia A. Webb Mr. John F. Weidenbruch
Class of 1984 – 6.93%
Mrs. Mary Demouy Battiste Dr. Kelly Hardee Befus Mr. Leonard W. Besinger III Mr. Mark P. Bunting Mrs. Melanie McGinn Bunting Mrs. Mary Foote Fasano Mr. Terence P. Kane Dr. B. Frank Kimbell Jr. Mr. Julius B. Kretzer $ Mrs. Alisa Marino-Ramminger Mrs. Julie Ehret Martin Mrs. Theresa McGonagle Crider Ms. Patricia Milla-King Mr. Jeno E. Piccini Mrs. Anna Battaglia Salazar Mr. J. Bolton Sullivan $ Ms. Ann P. Thublin Mr. William L. Ward III
Class of 1985 – 16.29%
Dr. Vincent P. Arata Mrs. Robin Meijer Barnett Mrs. Judy Demeranville Bassett The Hon. Sonja F. Bivins Mr. Gary D. E. Cowles $ Mr. John A. DeFraites Mrs. Kathleen C. Ellis Mrs. Ann Tolbert Hamilton Mr. Charles J. Hollingsworth Jr. Mrs. Monica Brito Johnson Ms. Patricia M. Jones $ Ms. M. Patricia Kane Mrs. Jan Bailey Kimbell Dr. Steven W. Kinsey $ Mrs. Teresa Remich Kinsey $ The Hon. M. Lauren Lemmon Dr. Robert J. Link Mr. Edward T. Morris Ms. GB Olsen Mrs. Shari Baldwin Piccini Mr. David R. Reich Dr. Theresa Pryor Roca Mr. Christopher P. Rutigliano Sr. Mr. David H. Sharkey Mrs. Bridget McGurk Simpson Ms. Marney A. Skinner Mrs. Mary Sharp Southall Mrs. Therese Thibodeaux Stuckey Mrs. Anne Leckert Taglione
Class of 1986 – 19.02%
Mr. James M. Arnold Mrs. Charlene Campeaux Boss Mr. Christopher J. Clarke Mrs. Susan Zumer Cwik Mr. Alan H. Dant Jr. Ms. Roxanne P. Eaton $ Mr. Charles A. Elcan Dr. Paul W. Gidley Mrs. Gail Stewart Greif Mr. Stephen T. Johnson Mr. Colin E. Kemmerly Mrs. Alice Ryan Klimas Mr. Joseph A. Kotrola Mrs. Julia F. Lewis Mrs. Jean Bosley Lystad Mrs. Verna Keller Madrid Mr. Philip A. Mahoney Mrs. Anna Leek Pringle $ Mrs. Amy Skinner Schenk Mrs. Odile Finnorn Schneider Mr. Paul T. Schubert Mrs. Eileen Moriarty Skakel Mrs. Teresa Markham Walker Dr. Michael E. Walsh Ms. Catherine L. Winikates Dr. Jennifer Pitra Wootten, M.D. $
Mr. Stephen R. Copeland Mr. Segundino Entac Ms. Victoria F. Guarisco Mrs. Anne May Hamilton Mrs. Lisa Eubanks Hollingsworth Mrs. Sharron Sharpe Kintz $ Mrs. Paula McAnany Link Mr. Walter P. Little III Mrs. Cecilia Ackels Martin Dr. Mary B. Munn Mr. Michael E. Olinde Ms. Cara Parrillo Mr. J. Phillip Ramsey Mrs. Krista Mingus Rataj Mrs. Mary Hogue Seabergh Mr. Thomas K. Watkins Jr. Mr. Christopher D. Williams $ Mr. John P. Wolfarth
Class of 1989 – 17.35%
Mr. Paul J. Bayer Mr. John M. Brady Mr. Chris H. Cheever $ Mrs. Margaret Fink Cussen $ Mr. Paul M. Cussen $ Mrs. Stacy Orgeron Eberly Mr. Keith M. Hammett Jr. Mr. Robert D. Holbert Rev. Clarence M. Hunt III $ Mr. Richard C. Inge Mr. Michael G. Johnson Ms. Natallie J. Keiser Mr. Michael J. Kintz $ Mr. Michael C. Knobloch Mr. Robert A. Leonard Ms. Laura Lobuglio-Vigil Dr. Christian P. Mannsfeld Mr. Noland F. Maples Jr. Ms. Colleen M. O’Brien Mrs. Kimberly Tapia Pennington Dr. Michael A. Pennington Dr. Robert C. Pfeffle $ Dr. Robert H. Reuter Mr. Edward B. Slaton Jr. Mr. Young W. Stevenson Jr. Ms. Shannon L. Storm, Ph.D. Mr. John J. Zollinger IV
Class of 1988 – 13.22% Mr. Victor N. Altamirano Mrs. Karen Roth Belina Mr. James F. Carlisle
Ms. Leslie Abadie Mr. Garry Andrews Mr. James C. Andrews Ms. Ann–Maria B. Beard Mrs. Karen Hoffman Carlisle Mr. William A. Carter Mrs. Jamie Kayser Davidson Mrs. Angele Davis-Kelley Mr. John B. Hue Mr. L. J. Jackson Jr. Mr. Brian D. Kinzel Mrs. Jane Posey Kirkpatrick Mr. Michael J. Latousek Mr. R. Shaw Matthews Jr. Mr. Thomas B. Matthews Mr. Michael S. McKinley Dr. Dan L. Perry Jr. Mrs. Kristin Fabing Pfeffle $ Mrs. Diana Rayfield Rode Mrs. Mena Ford Sandoz Mrs. Virginia Johnson Scheidt Mrs. Mary Moore Sheffield Mr. Ronnie Smith Mr. A. E. Stuardi III Dr. Tinerfe J. Tejera Mr. Damian J. Vitale Mrs. Mary A. Wink
Class of 1991 – 20.55%
Mr. Darrell L. Butters Mr. Christy L. Calametti Jr. Mr. Simon L. Condron Mrs. Nanette Alleman Cope Mr. Darin E. Crowell $ Mrs. Lynell Bujol Crowell $ Mrs. Shaaron J. Etchison Mr. Jonathan F. Gansereit Mrs. Helen Elzen Halphen Mrs. Gentry Lankewicz Holbert Mrs. Mindy Downey Hovell $ Miss Victoria M. Kranze Mrs. Jane Lambert Lastelick Mrs. Agnes Brennan Law Mrs. Bebe Gustin Lindsey Mr. Andre J. Mathurin Mr. Matthew G. McClure Mrs. Bridget Tiernan McMillan Mrs. Molly Faulkner Meyer
Alumni Giving:
Top 10 Classes By Participation Class Size More Than 100
Class of 1987 – 13.29%
Mr. Jaime W. Betbeze Mrs. Mary O’Hallaron Christen Mr. John Michael Corr Mrs. Michele Prevost Corr Mrs. Mary Thelen DeFraites Mrs. Jacqueline Klock Frey Mr. Patrick Guyton Mr. G. R. Hollinger III Miss Margie G. Kane Mrs. Elizabeth Donelan Larkin Mr. John E. Larkin Jr. Mr. John T. McCartney Mr. Marc J. Micklewright Mr. William P. Pflug Roy W. Ralston, Ph.D. $ Mr. Ian H. Rode Mrs. Felecia Jernigan Rutigliano Dr. Robyn Stinnett-Pokorny Ms. Marti Weis
Class of 1990 – 15.35%
Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
Mr. Samford T. Myers Mrs. Kristen Hoffman Navarre Mrs. Josephine Lee Noletto Mr. Mark E. Pepke Mrs. Melissa Jones Schilling Mrs. Susan Muscat Slaton Mrs. Laura Perdomo Stevenson Mr. Gregory J. Underwood Mrs. Kara Crawford White $ Miss Mary T. Woodward Mrs. Donna Rushan York
Class of 1992 – 16.51%
Mrs. Jacqueline Kane Angle Mr. Scott P. Angle Mrs. Kristen Joseph Bayer Miss Krista A. Berwanger Mrs. Jane Frazer Bledsoe Mrs. Mary Moore Brachle Mrs. Karen Stretch Chester Mrs. Julie Wolfarth Cobb Mrs. Mary Lightcap Cunningham Mrs. Kathryn DeWitt Darden Ms. Dora F. Finley Mr. Michael W. Fleming Mrs. Sarah Zarter Fleming Mr. Michael Gamauf Mrs. Christine McDonald Giles Mr. Michael Henderson Mr. John D. Jernigan Miss Kristen Jones Mrs. Barbara S. Lenaghan Mrs. Ruth Matthews Mr. Michael G. Mimnaugh Mrs. Donna Gottstine Morgan Mr. Marc Navarre Mrs. Jody Perkins Pace Dr. Judi Perrin–Meier Mr. Peter Ragland $ Mrs. Joann Schwartz Schutte Miss Kelley Scott Mrs. Michelle Leavitt Shine Ms. Carolyn F. Suffich Mrs. Megan Crowell Thomas $ Mrs. Sheila Begg Troy
Class of 1993 – 11.54%
Mrs. Deborah Gareau Condron Mr. David A. Cresson Mrs. Melissa Morris Cresson Mrs. Anne B. Dielschneider Mrs. Alyssa Landers Gillen Capt. Paul Hartman Mrs. Charlotte Griesbeck Henderson Mrs. Frances Hoit Hollinger Mrs. Amy Cornelius Huff Mrs. Kendall I. Hurley Mr. Frank P. Lamanna Jr. Mrs. Kelly Fiedler Lamanna Mrs. Deborah Resha Madonia $ Mrs. Margit B. McCarthy Mrs. Barbara L. Mitchell Mr. Robert O’Regan Mrs. Amy Brookshire Pepke Mrs. Aimee Fisher Platt Mrs. Lori Bergeron Prochaska Mrs. Lucy Duffy Tankersley Mr. Peter A. Vukelic $
Class of 1994 – 11.45%
Mr. Marc C. Allen Mrs. Charlotte Clifford Andrews Mrs. Kara Boltz Barlow Mrs. Kendra Murray Barry Mr. Michael J. Behr Mr. Donald S. Bergin Jr. Mr. Gerard M. Delaney Mr. Robert P. Dunkel Mr. Windley H. Ellington Mr. Jack R. Gardner Jr. Mr. Kevin M. Greene Mrs. Lori Zawistowski Greene Ms. Elizabeth A. Harris Ms. Lauren E. Hellings
Mr. Stephen Kocian Dr. Tsun S. Ku, M.D. Mrs. Colette Buckley O’Regan Mrs. Melissa Peek Penley Mrs. Caroline Thomason Pryor Mr. James Ranieri Mr. John E. Rice Jr. Mr. Timothy A. Scalzitti Miss Marie Sheldon Mrs. Maureen Smith
Class of 1995 – 13.53%
Ms. Catherine N. Banks Mrs. Sharon Marshall Blair Mrs. Sarah Voelkel Burnett Mr. Ralph D. Chiocco Jr. Mrs. Amy Crowell Cooper $ Mr. Jon G. Fechter Ms. Judith A. Hafner Mrs. Mary Roberts Hall Mrs. Mara Ford Hodes Miss Laura L. Iverson Mr. Trey R. Mayhall III $ Mr. Michael M. Pitts $ Mrs. Kyla Blanchard Romanach Miss Abigail F. Stevens Mr. Francis X. Stuppy Mrs. Kelley George Stuppy Mr. Earl J. Wagner Miss Jennifer L. Wammack Mrs. Marie D. Washington Ms. Megan Riordan Wyatt Mr. Edward S. Zanaty
Class of 1996 – 12.64%
Mr. Timothy D. Carter Mrs. Whitney Hoffman Cook Mrs. Julie Dubuisson Cotton Mrs. Melissa Vines Dwyer Mr. G. Perry Eastman IV $ Mr. Mark J. Fernandez Mrs. Amy Filippi Flemming Mrs. Eugenia Foster–Benton Mr. William M. Hodes Dr. Brian Holbert Mr. Michael A. Hovell $ Mrs. Gracie L. Kidd Mr. Michael D. Lovelace Mr. Frederick W. Maier Mr. Andrew T. McCarthy Jr. Mr. James H. Monahan Ms. Lesa Jane Paille Mr. James W. Penley III Mrs. Betty M. Pierce Mrs. Chi Nguyen Ranieri Mr. Armour Sarradet Jr. Mrs. Sarah Malone Sheets Dr. Barbara A. Sturbaum Mr. J. Philip Vollmer Jr. Mr. James A. Wyatt III
Class of 1997 – 8.79%
Ms. Rose R. Amacker Mrs. Lisa Padgett Arnold Mr. Paul A. Bernhardt Mrs. Julie Blackstone Brown Mr. Michael Buttrey Ms. Katina L. Conboy Mr. Clarence A. Elcan Mrs. Heather Wolfort Foote Mrs. Melissa Gallagher-Abbott Mr. Ordice A. Gallups Jr. Mr. John B. Gamble Mrs. Heather Moore Klinkenberg Ms. Amanda L. Messina Mrs. Sarah Esslinger Rogers Dr. Scott M. Salathe Mr. Edward A. Timmons III Mrs. Kerry Boetig Vollmer Mrs. Rosetta Barrett Wagner Mr. Jason P. Walton
Class of 1998 – 10.00% Mrs. Maureen C. Bergan Miss Andree J. Cigali
Dr. Emery R. DeSonier Mr. Brian Ellender Mr. Thomas A. Flemming III Mr. Benjamin S. Goldman Mrs. Karla Mitchell Gowen Ms. Emily Stevens Hardin Mrs. Susanne Jersa Knese Mrs. Gloria E. Landi Mrs. Amy Di Piazza McCready Ms. Jane E. McDonald Mrs. Mary Jo H. Morgan Mrs. Beth Bigley Pearce Mrs. Rachel Pinckard Mr. Fernando Rodrigues Mrs. Marie Forsdick Smith Mr. Tevis B. Vandergriff IV Dr. Dale W. Wisely
Class of 1999 – 6.37%
Mrs. Anjanette LeBlanc Bent Mr. P. Brian Connolly Jr. Dr. Danielle L. Cruthirds Dr. Lauren M. Laird Mrs. Brandi Stapp Lyndall Mrs. Kelly Doherty McCarron Mr. Thomas L. Reynolds Mr. Kevin M. Rys Mr. Delvin D. Seawright Mr. David Smithweck Mr. Rudolph G. Spreckelsen III Ms. Kerri C. Tedesco Mrs. N. Gaudin Timmons
Class of 2000 – 9.16%
Dr. Amy Welch Bednar Mrs. Laura Connolly Mrs. Michelle Krulewicz Dees Mrs. Lynn Rush Frisby Mrs. Nancy Miller Hamlet Mr. Harry F. Hardin Mr. Brian P. Harp Mrs. Heather Wingard Harp Mr. David Hughes Mrs. Alicia M. Jacob Mrs. Karen Whitten Pearson Mr. Daniel Rhames Mrs. Megan Ford Sawyer Mrs. Susan Saint Veasey Mr. Patrick T. Wittenbrink Ms. Holly Yots
Class of 2001 – 15.71%
Mr. Paul J. Agnew Mrs. Samantha Blankenheim Bullion Mr. John J. Cobis Mrs. Elizabeth Heacock Coverdale Mrs. Vanessa Cranston–Hava Miss Margaret F. Demeranville Mr. Daniel D. DeVeny Miss Mary E. Grill Ms. Michaela S. Guzy Ms. Elizabeth A. Holt Mrs. Melissa Winder Hughes Mrs. Julie Hotchkin Kraft Miss Jessica Krinke Mrs. Samantha Fenwick Kurtz Mr. Charles F. Mawn Mr. Paul W. McMullan III Mrs. Jessica Wendolek Miller Mr. Randall J. Ory Mrs. Tara Counts Parr Mr. Jonathan M. Strickland Mrs. Amy Dodd Thompson Mrs. Theresa Bertucci Truxillo Dr. Benjamin B. Williams
Class of 2002 – 10.04%
Mr. Jerome J. Acosta Jr. Mr. Michael J. Bullion Mrs. Lisa Corvo Mrs. Kellye Kneipp Cunningham Mr. Nathan J. Cunningham Mr. Christopher R. Flanagan Ms. Amber L. Houston
Mr. Andrew J. Hughes Mr. Will S. Kelly Mr. Kevin N. Kelsey Mrs. Monica DeSilva Kelsey Mr. Ryan P. Klassovity Ms. Julia C. Landry Mrs. Rosemary E. Maksimowski Dr. Elizabeth M. McDonough Mr. James W. McFarland Jr. Mrs. Marlene Swain
Class of 2003 – 7.75%
Mrs. Jennifer Feely Chapman Mr. Michael D. Chapman Mrs. Donna Stadther Cruse Ms. Jennifer A. Daris Mrs. Rose Ellen DeSimone Miss Melissa D. Favaloro Mrs. Deanna Graham Mrs. Judith L. Hales Miss Kathleen M. McGlone Ms. Frances E. Meehan Mrs. Judith A. Miller Mr. Patrick Q. Mullin Ms. Anita A. Pressley Ms. Coreil Ryder Mrs. Victoria Southern Ms. Kathryn E. Titford
Class of 2004 – 7.46%
Ms. Heather K. Backes Mr. Gregory R. Bel, Esq. Ms. Patricia Dillard Ms. Montserrat Echeverria Mr. Glenn H. Gardner $ Mrs. Jennifer Kinberger Gardner $ Mrs. Kathy D. Hoffman Mrs. Lydia Arnoult Hollett Ms. Lindsey M. Johns Mr. Robert G. Kenney Ms. Liza Manjarrez Ms. Courtney A. Pike Mr. Matthew E. Pocase Ms. Jennifer E. Rhorer Mrs. Rhea A. Singleton Mr. Thomas J. Singleton Jr. Mrs. Patricia Beukenkamp Weinacker
Class of 2005 – 9.26%
Capt. Christopher L. Agee Mr. Terry S. Blind Ms. Clare A. Bush Mr. Timothy G. Devereux Mr. William R. Ellis Ms. Kathleen A. Huey Miss Caroline A. Jordan Mrs. Ingrid Alvarado Nichols Mr. Daniel H. Norfleet Mr. Ralph L. Rumbley Ms. Jacquelyn M. Stahlman Ms. Katherine E. VanDeven
Class of 2006 – 14.06%
Mr. John F. Bott Mrs. Dorothy T. Danchetz Mr. Milton Days Mrs. Amy Lunceford Driskell Mr. Brian A. Duke Mr. Brandon D. Garcia Miss Elizabeth M. Gelineau Mr. Adrian P. Love Ms. Teresa I. Manrara Mrs. Deborah L. May Mrs. Kathleen Moore Milligan Ms. Raechelle M. Munna Mr. Ryan B. Nodurft Mrs. Jandi Calvert Orso Ms. Katheryn W. Patterson Ms. Heather D. Quinley Ms. Amber C. Schoendorf Mrs. Courtney Jones Silvernail Mr. Patrick V. Silvernail Mrs. Martha H. Smith Mr. William E. Turncliff
Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
Class of 2007 – 11.35%
Ms. Timberly A. Ackels Mrs. Katherine D. Allen Mr. John E. Bennett Mr. Christopher R. Carey Mr. George D. Childs Ms. Jennifer Bookout Dennis Dr. Charles L. Dyas Mr. Richard O. Foote Jr. Mr. Conor J. Gee $ Mrs. Cynthia Morris Giddens Mr. Ty J. Hathorn Mr. Bradley E. Hentschel Mr. Christopher D. Hughes Ms. Elizabeth D. Jackson Mr. Andrew W. Jones Mrs. Catherine Karam Nodurft Ms. Kathryn M. Noletto Ms. Kathleen E. Parks Ms. Emily E. Sullivan Mrs. Marilyn M. Tate Ms. Jennifer J. Toulon $ Mrs. Pamela R. Zimmermann
Class of 2008 – 12.72%
Ms. Stephanie E. Alegria Ms. Angela M. Blakley Mr. John S. Bonner Mrs. Debora K. Boyle–Borkowski Ms. Sara C. Bradford Mr. Thomas P. Connors Ms. Anne M. Couvillon Ms. Mallory B. Davis Mr. Luke A. Dyas Ms. Alyson M. Gamble Mr. Adam J. Ganucheau Mrs. Carol Falk Ganucheau Mr. Joseph P. Gaston Mr. Robert T. Guntli Ms. Arleen Handler Mrs. Lindsay O’Quin Hughes Ms. Brittany J. King Ms. Valerie Kleinschmidt Ms. Molly A. LeBlanc Ms. Amy S. Lyon Mr. David M. MacNamara Ms. Mariel A. Ponseti Mr. Bernard J. Prat Mrs. Theresa H. Prejean Mr. Jackson C. Pugh Mr. Reginald H. Smith III Mrs. Melinda Baker Turncliff
Class of 2009 – 8.94%
Ms. Claire B. Bailey Ms. Eglasia P. Barnes Mr. Joseph Boeckel Ms. Michelle A. Brochu Mr. Patrick J. Crawford Mrs. Natalie D. Dukes Ms. Brittany Edwards Mrs. Tracie Fairchild Lawrence Mrs. Kristen Speeg Lazarine Mr. Robert D. Lazarine Jr. Mr. Stephen T. McDaniel Ms. Rachal C. Pavlov Ms. Ana M. Pechon Mrs. Ann Giblin Reimer $ Mrs. Mary K. Smith Ms. Jessica M. Stieven
Class of 2010 – 9.06%
Mr. Thomas L. Butts Ms. Debbie J. Cherigo Mrs. Elizabeth K. Collins Mr. John M. Lewis $ Mr. James Love Dr. Charles S. Markle Ms. Malorie J. Mascagni Ms. Anna K. Pate $ Ms. Monica L. Puga-Aburto Mr. Joshua T. Ramey Ms. Maria Walser
Honor Roll of Parents $ = $2,000+ Donor * = Deceased Dr. and Mrs. Hubert D. Abadie Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Ackels Sr. ’79/’79 Mr. and Mrs. David T. Acquistapace Mr. Randall S. Adams ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Wallace L. Adams Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Agnew Jr. ’72/’74 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Agras Mr. and Mrs. Chris B. Algero Dr. and Mrs. Ellis S. Allen III /’07 Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Jay P. Altmayer II Mr. and Mrs. Orrin K. Ames III Mr. and Mrs. Frank Amore Ms. Lori Anbuhl Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson Mrs. Kathleen W. Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Trent Angers ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Angle Mr. Sidney V. Arbour Jr. * Mr. and Mrs. John J. Archer Jr. ’78 Ms. Ruby F. Arias Mr. and Mrs. James W. Armbruster Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Arquette Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Aucoin /’76 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Audibert Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Aurisano Mr. and Mrs. Patrick B. Aydt Mr. and Mrs. Clayton L. Babcock Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bacho Mr. Casimir A. Baczinskas ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Baker ’66 Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Ball Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Barney Dr. and Mrs. Paul T. Baroco Dr. and Mrs. Hoshall S. Barrett Jr. Mr. Robert J. Barry ’57 Mr. Charles J. Barter Jr. ’52 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bartholomy Mr. and Mrs. Harvey S. Bartlett II Dr. and Mrs. John A. Bazley ’65 $ Mr. Russell H. Beermann Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Beers /’77 Mr. Martin D. Beirne Jr. ’66 Mrs. Margaret A. Benjamin ’82 Mr. and Mrs. William Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Francis T. Bergan /’98 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Berner Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Bernhardt ’97 Mr. and Mrs. William L. Berwanger Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Beverly Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beykirch Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Biasini Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bingham Dr. and Mrs. Chester A. Bizga Ms. Jane M. Blast Ms. Cynthia M. Bleichroth Mr. and Mrs. James R. Bligh Mr. and Mrs. Lee D. Bloch Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. Bock Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Bockerstett Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Boetig Mr. and Mrs. Pedro L. Bofill Mr. and Mrs. Christopher H. Bolling Mr. and Mrs. Milton J. Bolling III ’54 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bondy $ Mr. and Mrs. Jerome P. Booth Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Bork Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bouche Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Boudreaux Mr. James E. Boyd Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Boyle ’50/’81 Mrs. Nancy Bradford Mr. and Mrs. David E. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Brady Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Braham Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Brannon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Brennan ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brewer $ Mr. and Mrs. Herman R. Bridges Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William R. Bridges Ms. Claire H. Broering Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose C. Brown Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest A. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Browning Mr. and Mrs. David M. Brunson Mr. and Mrs. George S. Bucknall Mr. and Mrs. James H. Bullock Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bumb Mr. William E. Burgess Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Burke Jr. ’63 $ Dr. and Mrs. John M. Burke Mr. and Mrs. Bryan A. Burkenstock Mr. and Mrs. Dan Burns Ms. Gloria J. Burns Mr. Steven Burr Dr. and Mrs. Garrett C. Burris Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Butterick ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Buzbee Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Byrne Jr. ’82 $ Mr. and Mrs. Louis T. Camerio Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Andres Candela Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Carlin The Hon. and Mrs. James T. Carlisle ’56 Mrs. Lillian J. Carney Mr. and Dr. Ronald L. Carr Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Cashore Dr. and Mrs. Sergio Castello Mr. and Mrs. Bill Caver /’71 Mr. and Mrs. Joel J. Ceille Mr. and Mrs. Jay A. Chaffee Mr. and Mrs. Meyer M. Chambers Mr. Charles Cheever Ms. Candice Christakos Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Clapper $ Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Cochran Dr. and Mrs. Walter D. Cockerham $ Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Cole Mr. and Mrs. John Coleman Jr. Mr. C. Patrick Collins ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Eric T. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O. Collins Jr. ’69 Mr. and Mrs. John Conners II Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Connon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Cortazzo Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Couvillon Mrs. Joan C. Cowles Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Cowley Mr. and Mrs. Allen W. Cragon Mr. and Mrs. Curt A. Crider ’83/’84 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Crosby /’73 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Crum Jr. $ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cruthers /’65 Dr. Don Culberson Mr. and Mrs. James J. Cunningham III Mrs. Margaret Cunningham Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Dachowski Ms. Diane S. Davis Mr. and Mrs. John A. DeFraites ’85/’87 Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Del Rio Mr. and Mrs. Rudy J. Delcambre Mr. and Mrs. John W. DeLoach Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Dennis Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Devereux Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael DeWine Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Dickey Mrs. Norma R. Dixon Dr. and Mrs. David M. Doan Dr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Doering Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dolan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Dolan Mr. Michael S. Doll ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dollison Mr. and Mrs. Manuel G. Dominguez Mr. and Mrs. John T. Downey Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. David C. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Dread Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dueker
Friends of the Library fund new Web-based catalog Thanks to the generosity of the Friends of the Spring Hill College Library, the Marnie and John Burke Memorial Library is an early adopter of Web-scale Management Services (WMS). Developed by OCLC, the world’s largest library cooperative, Web-scale Management Services differ from traditional library systems by offering libraries a unified solution to help streamline routine tasks like purchasing and subscribing to materials and circulating them for cardholders. By moving these functions to the Web, libraries are able to share infrastructure costs and resources, as well as collaborate in ways that free them from the restrictions of local hardware and software. “We anticipate extremely positive impacts on our budget, our efficiency and – most importantly – our students’ use of the library for research and learning,” said Gentry Holbert, director of library and information resource services. WMS allows students to access data in a search platform that’s similar to Google in format and speed. It provides students and faculty with access to library-held materials and allows them to search a vast pool of information that includes books found in the world’s libraries, half a billion articles, and a huge collection of materials from digital and Web-based archives. The new system will also streamline acquiring and cataloging resources and increase availability and immediacy to sources. The new library catalog is available at http://shclibrary.worldcat.org
Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Dugal Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Casey Duhon Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Duncan Mr. and Mrs. David C. Dupuy Sr. Mr. and Ms. Glenn R. Dupuy Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Dyas ’07 Ms. Tara Dyson Mr. and Mrs. George P. Eastman III $ Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Edgar Ms. Cheri M. Eichen Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Eick Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Ekins ’64/’64 Dr. and Mrs. David N. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Glynn C. Esteves Mr. and Mrs. Mark Etzold Mr. and Mrs. John F. Euart Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Evelo $ Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Fair Mr. and Mrs. Jon B. Fairbank Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Farrell /’78 Ms. Suzann D. Farren Mrs. Phyllis Feibelman Ms. Teresa A. Femmer Mr. and Mrs. Victor B. Ficker Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Finegan Ms. Eusebia L. Fink ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Flach Mr. and Mrs. James L. Flood Ms. Stacy B. Flood Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Foglia Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Ford ’58/’60 Mr. Warren A. Forstall Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Forzano $ Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Fox /’73 Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Frechou Mr. and Mrs. Keith J. Frederic Mr. and Mrs. John J. Fredricks ’74 Mr. and Mrs. John T. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Frenkel Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Fritsch Mr. and Mrs. Rick R. Fuentes $ Mr. and Mrs. Terry M. Gabinski Dr. Sarwat Gad Mr. and Mrs. Dale V. Gallodoro Mr. and Mrs. Charlie L. Gambel Jr. ’59/’59 Mrs. Rebecca B. Gammon Mr. and Mrs. Carlos H. Garcia Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Danny Garcia Ms. Mercedes S. Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Raymundo G. Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Gareau Mrs. Patricia B. Gaspard Mr. and Mrs. Bernard W. Gee Mrs. Carlotta E. George Mr. Richard R. George Dr. and Mrs. George B. Gilmore Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Giveans Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gleeson ’61 $ Mr. and Mrs. Vladimir F. Golik Mr. and Mrs. Luis A. Gonzalez Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Randy J. Goodwin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Gottstine Dr. and Mrs. William Grande Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Grandquest Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Grant Mr. and Mrs. W. Gerald Grant /’72 Ms. Kim Green Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Greene ’94 Mr. and Mrs. William G. Gregg Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. William C. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Wallis P. Griffis Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Grill ’71/’72 Mr. and Mrs. David S. Gruber Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grunder Dr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Gruppo Mr. and Mrs. Terry J. Guillot Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Haggerty Mr. Greggory T. Haines Mr. and Mrs. James B. Haire Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Hall ’76
Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie M. Hamilton $ Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hamlin Dr. Eugenie L. Hamner Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Hannan Dr. and Mrs. Donald E. Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Harrison Mr. Marion Hartley Dr. and Mrs. James M. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Heacock Mr. and Mrs. Robert Headrick Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Herald /’71 Dr. and Mrs. Rafael Hernandez Mr. John E. Hershman Mrs. Carolyn D. Hess Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hess Mr. and Mrs. Jay R. Higgenbotham Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Hijuelos Dr. David G. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Lawson L. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Edmond E. Himel III Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Hitt Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Hodges Mr. Joseph E. Hoffman ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Hoffman Dr. Virginia C. Hoffman ’68 and Mr. Douglas Brablec Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Hollingsworth Jr Dr. and Mrs. Bryan J. Hollis Mr. and Mrs. John J. Horan Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Hovell ’96/’91 $ Mr. A. Neil Hudgens Mr. and Mrs. Dean H. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Hughes ’69/’71 Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Hughes Ms. Helen M. Huisking ’66 $ Mrs. Elizabeth M. Hyde-Mazzarella Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Imorde Sr. ’61 $ Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Imwalle Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Ingraham Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Iverson III Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Steve Jager Mr. and Mrs. Eric D. Jakubowski Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Jenkins Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin E. Johnson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Jones ’67/’67 Mr. and Mrs. Bryan W. Jones /’72 Mr. and Mrs. Randall K. Jones Drs. William and Cheryl Jones ’79/’82 $ Dr. and Mrs. Paul F. Jurgensen ’60/’62 Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Kacic Dr. Gregory R. Kaftan Mrs. Bernard P. Kane * Dr. and Mrs. Albert Karam /’76 Mr. and Mrs. Clayton F. Kaul Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Keenan Mr. and Mrs. James M. Keenum Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne M. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Keller III ’78/’79 Dr. Barbara A. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Kelsey Ms. Marilyn C. Kelty Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Karl D. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. David E. Kichler /’66 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Kilborn III ’64 $ Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Kilgore Ms. Delia M. King Mr. and Mrs. Matthew H. King Dr. and Mrs. Steven W. Kinsey ’85/’85 $ Ms. Erika J. Kirby Mr. and Mrs. James P. Kistner Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Larry S. Knackstedt Mr. and Mrs. James E. Knudson Dr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Koch Mr. Marvin L. Kocian Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kraus Estate of Julius Kretzer $ * Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Kucholtz Dr. Eugenio Labadie and Dr. Maria Ibanez-Labadie Mr. and Mrs. Mark LaBorde Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. LaChute
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lanclos Dr. and Mrs. Alex R. Landi /’98 Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher B. Lane Mr. and Mrs. John E. Lange III Mr. Lawrence P. Lannan ’50 $ Ms. Joan LeBouef Mr. Scott L. Ledet Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso J. Ledo Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Lee Ms. Elizabeth G. Leeds Mrs. Mary E. LeGault Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Leibold Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Levy Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Lewis Ms. Cyndy L. Lewis Mr. John A. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. H. Paul Lindsey /’91 Dr. and Mrs. James M. Link Jr. ’82/’82 Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Link ’85/’88 Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Livaudais ’59/’62 Mr. and Mrs. Rolando Llanes Mr. and Mrs. Earle Long III $ Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Love Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey T. Love Mr. James Love Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Y. Luckie Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lushington Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Lyon ’76/’77 Mr. Edward J. Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Lysek Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Maddux Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Makowski Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Malone Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Mangelsdorf ’65 Mrs. Delia Manjarrez Mr. and Mrs. Andres Manrara Mr. and Mrs. William F. Markey ’69/’69 Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Martin III ’82/’84 Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Martin Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Martin Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon E. Martin Jr. Ms. Angela R. Martinie Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mattera Mrs. Ann Barker Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. May Mr. and Mrs. William T. May Jr. /’06 Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Mays Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Mazdra Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Mazza Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John G. McCabe Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McCain Dr. Graham McClintock Jr. Ms. Glenda G. McConnell Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. McDonnell ’79 Mr. John W. McGinty Mr. and Mrs. W. Stephen McGowin Mrs. Mary C. McGranahan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy McGurr Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. McIntosh Mr. and Mrs. James D. McKinney ’69 $ Mr. Steve A. McMellon Sr. Ms. Carmen A. McPhail Ms. Mary McPhail The Hon. and Mrs. Ferrill D. McRae Mr. and Mrs. Kevin N. McSweeney Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Medina Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Meehan Ms. Felicitas Melchor Mr. and Mrs. Jorge A. Menendez Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Merchan Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Merrill Mr. and Mrs. William G. Merritt Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Mezrano ’64/’65 Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Midkiff $ Mr. and Mrs. Drury A. Milke Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Kent R. Milton Mr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Monahan Mr. and Mrs. Brad A. Monroe Ms. Jeanette Monroe Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Monte Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Montegut Mr. and Mrs. Don Moore
Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bragg Moore III Mr. Russell J. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Manuel R. Morales Jr. ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Morris Jr. ’67/’69 $ Mr. James P. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morris ’65/’67 $ Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Mortell Jr. ’78/’76 Mr. Philip J. Moses ’71 Ms. Mary L. Mosteller Mr. and Mrs. T. Julian Motes Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Salvadore T. Mule’ Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Murphy Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Murphy ’78/’78 $ Senator and Mrs. H. E. Myers Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Nack Dr. Karyn K. Nance Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Napleton Mr. and Mrs. Keith Nelson $ Mr. and Mrs. Monroe L. Nelson Ms. Regina A. Nelson Sankey Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Nesser Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Neupert Mrs. Olga S. Newell Ms. Kim Nicholas Mr. and Mrs. Herbert R. Noletto Jr. ’77/’91 Dr. and Mrs. Edward O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. O’Connor Mrs. Kathleen O’Donnell Mr. Martin F. O’Donnell ’59 * Mr. John and Dr. Laurie Oester ’66/’66 Mr. and Mrs. John D. O’Fallon Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. O’Hara Mrs. Diane O’Keefe Ms. Lynda W. Olen Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Olewinski Mr. and Mrs. Ellis V. Ollinger Jr. ’55 Mr. Olav Olsen Mr. A. Michael Onderdonk Dr. and Mrs. John O’Neill ’55/’62 Mr. and Mrs. William G. Ortner Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pambianchi Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Parker Mr. and Mrs. William J. Parrillo Mr. and Mrs. J. Brett Pechuls /’62 Mr. and Mrs. James Peller Mr. and Mrs. Adolfo Perez Mr. and Mrs. John T. Phares Dr. and Mrs. T. Michael Phelan ’71 $ Mr. William A. Phelps Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Pica Mr. and Mrs. Dante A. Piccini Dr. and Mrs. Frank A. Pidala Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Pierce Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Leonard F. Pinkley Jr. ’66/’67 $ Mr. and Mrs. Luke R. Ponseti ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Andy L. Powell Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Power Dr. and Mrs. Jere K. Price Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Prince Mr. and Mrs. William B. Privett Mr. and Mrs. James S. Ptacek Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Puffer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Quina III ’64 Mr. and Mrs. William R. Quina III ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Quinlan III Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Quintana Jr. ’61 Mrs. Francine Radam ’56 * Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Radcliff Mr. and Mrs. James M. Rance Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Randol Sr. ’68 $ Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ranieri Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. Raybon Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Reedy /’75 Mr. and Mrs. William M. Reeves Mr. and Mrs. James M. Renik Ms. Dianne K. Revuelta Mr. Rodolfo J. Revuelta Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Rice Sr. ’63/’65 Mr. and Mrs. Kirk J. Richard Mr. and Mrs. James A. Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Richerson Mr. and Mrs. John S. Rigney ’66/’66 Dr. and Mrs. Frank D. Roam Dr. and Mrs. William E. Roberts, M.D. ’56 Mr. and Mrs. Craig J. Robichaux Mr. and Mrs. Raoul M. Robichaux ’77/’77 Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Robichaux ’69/’69 Mr. and Mrs. Cliff D. Robicheaux Mr. and Mrs. Riley L. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Jose A. Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Julio C. Rodriguez Ms. Diane E. Rogers Mr. Jody D. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Roney Jr. ’58/’59 Mr. John F. Roorda III ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Rozelle Ms. Ann M. Russo Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Rutigliano Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rutkowski Mr. and Mrs. James P. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rye Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Sablich Mr. and Mrs. Stanton W. Salathe Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Salmon Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Sanders Dr. and Mrs. John C. Scharfenberg ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Schneider /’86 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Schnell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Schulte Esq. ’57 Mr. David J. Schweppe Mr. and Mrs. David Scofield Mrs. Jacqueline Scott Mrs. Suzanne D. Sealy Mr. and Mrs. John J. Seip Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Sharlow Mrs. Lorienne C. Sharp $ Ms. Janet E. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Sheils Mr. and Mrs. Tom Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. Michael Short Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Showalter Mr. and Mrs. Tom Siegwald ’69/’69 Mr. and Mrs. Willard B. Simmons Jr. $ Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Sims Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Sims ’72/’72 Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Sincell Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Francis C. Skilling Jr. ’68 $ Mr. and Mrs. Curtis R. Skipper Mr. Robert Slobig Mr. and Mrs. George Smith Mr. and Mrs. Larry M. Smith Ms. LaSabria M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Smith Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Smith Mr. Tim Smith Ms. Treva Smith Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sokolash Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Sommer Dr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Speeg Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. St Romain Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Stadther ’74/’77 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Statt Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Stebor III ’59 $ Mr. and Mrs. G. Barker Stein Jr. ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Stephens Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tracy E. Stewart Mrs. Angela B. Strickland Mrs. Jerre Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Aloysius E. Stuardi Jr. ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Stuart Mr. and Mrs. James C. Stuppy Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey K. Suess Mr. and Mrs. Roger C. Suhre ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis B. Sullivan ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Sullivan Jr. ’61/’63 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Surline Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Swanson Mr. and Mrs. Cyril C. Swatek Jr. /’61 Mrs. Jade Sykes Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Talbot Jr. ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Floyd H. Taylor
1830 Society Members of the 1830 Society have made a commitment to future generations of students by including Spring Hill College in their will, by naming Spring Hill as an owner and/or beneficiary of a full life insurance policy, by establishing a charitable trust for the benefit of Spring Hill, or by naming Spring Hill as a beneficiary in their retirement plan. Mrs. Nan S. Altmayer Anonymous (3) Mrs. Rebecca H. Appenzeller ’74 & Mr. Craig J. Brown Ms. Eileen A. Ast ’68 Mr. D. R. Atkinson Sr. ’57 Mr. Harold I. Bahlinger ’57 Mr. H. Denton Baker ’65 Mr. William & Mrs. Doris Berthlot Barnett Mrs. I. Patricia Barr ’58 & Mr. Jack Barr Mr. & Mrs. John W. Barter III ’68/’70 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Baur Rev. & Mrs. William R. Bell Jr. Mr. Gregory J. Bernbrock ’64 The Hon. Sonja F. Bivins ’85 Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bligh Mr. Samuel J. Boldrick ’69 Mr. Milt ’54 & Mrs. Jo Anne Bolling Ms. Mary H. Bonaud ’59 Mr. Noel M. Brawn ’63 Mr. Richard T. Brock ’69 Robert H. Bullington, M.D. ’47 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Burke ’66 Mr. Thomas A. Byrne Jr. ’82 Ms. Shannon D. Callahan ’90 The Estate of Ernst M. Cohn Ms. Ceil Coley ’67 Mr. Reggie Copeland Jr. ’75 Mr. Robert D. Coyle ’57 Mr. Francis M. Craft ’70 Mr. Edwin J. Curran Dr. Nicholas A. D’Amato ’53 Mr. Felix F. Darby Jr. ’51 Dr. David F. Dean Mr. & Mrs. C. J. Dempsey ‘83 Mr. Charles ’52 & Mrs. Mary Ellen Diez Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Dowd ’56 Ms. M. Lee Doyle ’66 Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Dupuy ’77 Dr. Lynn A. Durel ’62 Mr. John F. Ewens ’63 Mr. James J. Fallon ’55 Ms. Kathleen M. Fitzsimmons ’82 Mrs. Agnes O. Flautt Mr. Stanley C. Flotte ’46 Mr. J. Kevin Foster ’78 Mr. & Mrs. John Gallagher ’68/’67 Ms. Ellen I. Geheeb Ms. Julia H. Geheeb Mr. J.J. ’61 & Mrs. F.M. Gleeson Dr. Ronald E. Gray & Sheila Towey Gray Ms. Reynolds Hafner ’83 Dr. Eugenie L. Hamner Mr. & Mrs. William A. Haupt ’44 Mr. Robert W. Hayden Mr. Arthur Y. Hearn Jr. ’49 Mr. Fred G. Helmsing ’63 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ihle ’76/’75 Dr. Robert F. Klein ’51 Mr. Stephen C. Kovacs ’54 Ms. Mary Phelps Kukla Mrs. Gloria E. Landi ’98 & Dr. Alex R. Landi Dr. & Mrs. Stewart D. Langdon Mr. Stephen P. Lannan ’78 Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
Mr. Joseph M. A. Ledlie ’65 Dr. William H. Lindsey Jr. ‘50 Dr. Edward J. Lose ’80 Rev. Roger R. S. Lott, O.S.B. ’47 Mrs. Athalie Macgowan Mr. Philip A. Mahoney ‘86 Mr. Edward G. Martz ‘57 Mr. Robert P. McCabe ’64 Mr. Jay McCann ’77 Dr. Graham McClintock Jr. Mr. David A. McDermott ’76 Mrs. James B. McDonough Mr. J. William McFarland Jr. Mr. Larry C. McGinn ’51 Mr. John P. McKinley ’78 Dr. Paul T. Mertel Jr. ’66 Mr. Tom “Mice” Micek ’72 Mr. Thomas S. Millette Sr. ‘60 Ms. Samra Mims Mr. Edward J. Moylan ’43 Mr. Eric W. Mueller ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Tim Murphy ’78/’78 Mrs. Margaret N. Murray Ms. Susan M. Neel ’66 Mr. Lorenz Neuhoff III ’52 Mr. Arthur B. Nicholas ‘62 Mr. Francis O’Hara ‘58 Ms. Christy A. Omohundro ’81 Mrs. Dorothy S. Outlaw Mr. Edward A. Overbey Jr. ’70 Mrs. Anna Paige Mrs. Sheila C. Pellegrini Dr. & Mrs. Leonard F. Pinkley Jr. ’66/’67 Ms. Mary Linda Portner ’74 & Mr. Paul W. Fisher Dr. Christopher P. Puto ’64 Dr. & Mrs. John W. Rabby ’50 Mr. Lou F. Ray Jr. ’63 Dr. Dan ’72 and Mrs. Ann ’09 Reimer Mr. Henry E. Reimer Jr. ’49 Mrs. Rae C. Royle ’58 Mr. Gerard F. Rubin ’57 Dr. David Sauer Mr. & Mrs. Arthur H. Schmidt Jr. ’96 Mrs. Barbara Ulrich Schurhoff ’65 Dr. Francis C. Skilling Jr. ’68 Maj. Kenneth J. Skipper ’53 Dr. Peter B. Smith ’69 Mr. Anthony J. Statile Jr. ’68 Dr. Benjamin J. Stebor III ’59 & Mrs. Marietta Stebor Mrs. Linda K. Stefan ’67 & Mr. Chester J. Stefan Mr. Shelby D. St. Martin ’56 Mrs. Anna F. Swider ’62 Ms. Mariann Tesauro ’71 Mrs. Anita Kuhler Thresher ’60 & Mr. B. Colby Thresher Mrs. Janet Tonsmeire Mr. Peter Vukelic ’93 Mr. & Mrs. William D. Ward ’77/’79 Mr. Richard S. Whitten ’49 Mrs. Rebecca P. Wood Mr. Robert J. Young Jr. ’57 Dr. & Mrs. David D. Zinn ’69/’69 Mr. John J. Zollinger IV ’89
Kalifehs establish scholarship for Mobile area grad
From left, donor liaison Paul Kalifeh, scholarship recipient Chase Nassar, scholarship committee member Dina Blankenship, and alumni director Monde Donaldson.
Andrew Chase Nassar, a graduate of Theodore High School in Theodore, Ala., is the first recipient of the Mitchell and Anne Kalifeh Memorial Scholarship at Spring Hill College. At Theodore High School, Nassar was elected to the National Honor Society, the National Math Honor Society and the National English Honor Society. In addition, Nasser is a member of the Future Business Leaders of America, the robotics team, student council and golf team. He plans to pursue studies in pre-dentistry at SHC in the fall. The Mitchell and Anne Kalifeh Memorial Scholarship, valued at $40,000 over four years, was established to give a student from Mobile or Baldwin County who has shown high academic achievement, leadership potential and financial need the opportunity to attend Spring Hill College. The Kalifehs value their Catholic faith and the importance of a Catholic education. Several of their children and grandchildren are graduates of Spring Hill College.
Mr. Paul A. Teske ’72 Dr. and Mrs. John P. Tetzeli ’82 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Tomeny Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Tomsik Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Triay Mr. and Mrs. Raul F. Trujillo Mr. Gerald A. Turlich Jr. Ms. Melissa E. Turlich Mr. and Mrs. Jose R. Valdez Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Van Galder Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Van Hoose Mr. and Mrs. John E. Van Horn Mr. and Mrs. John G. VanDeven Mr. and Mrs. Hector Varas Ms. Sharon A. Vaughn
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Villmer Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Vitale Mr. and Mrs. J. Philip Vollmer /’71 Dr. and Mrs. William F. von Almen II Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Voss Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Waddick $ Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Waesche Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. C. Taylor Walet Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wallace ’61/’63 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Wallace Jr. Mrs. Paula A. Walser Dr. and Mrs. Terence Walsh Mr. Victor J. Walsh Sr. ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Walters Mr. and Mrs. Skipper Walters $
Mrs. Ellen Warnecke $ * Mr. and Mrs. Willie B. Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Weber Mr. and Mrs. Steven Webster Mr. and Mrs. William G. Weinzierl Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Welch Dr. and Mrs. John S. Weldon Mr. and Mrs. Mick Wellington ’70/’72 Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Welliver Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wells Mr. and Mrs. David E. Wendt Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wenzel Mr. and Mrs. Wladimir Wertelecki Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wetzel Dr. and Mrs. William J. Whibbs ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Wiggins Mr. and Mrs. Lewis L. Wilder /’62 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Wiley ’70/’72 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Will Mrs. Agnes Williams $ Ms. Glenda C. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Roger Williams Ms. Theresa K. Williams Mr. Bruce E. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Clifford B. Wilson Maj. and Mrs. Dale E. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Wilson Ms. Mary A. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Jude A. Winchell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Winer Mr. and Mrs. Jerome J. Wingbermuehle Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Winget Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Winland Mr. and Mrs. William M. Wolfarth Jr. ’60/’63 Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Woods Mr. and Mrs. David G. Yearwood Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. York ’75/’76 $ Mr. Nicholas Zacchea Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Zimmerman Mrs. Mary Jo Zoghby Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Zuppardo
Honor Roll of Faculty and Staff $ = $2,000+ Donors Dr. Ann A. Adams Mrs. Laura Allsup Mrs. Maureen C. Bergan ’98 Mr. Robert Brooks Dr. Sharee Broussard Mrs. Heidi Rivers Butler Dr. Timothy R. Carmody Dr. Sergio Castello Mrs. Tracey M. Childs Dr. Samantha R. Church Ms. Phyllis Compretta Dr. Don Culberson Dr. Margaret H. Davis Ms. Patricia A. Davis Mr. Joseph W. Deighton Mrs. Elizabeth Dexter-Wilson Mrs. Norma R. Dixon Mrs. Monde M. Donaldson Mrs. Ashley Dunklin Mrs. Kathryn Dyson Mr. John Feller Mrs. Ellen Foster Dr. Ola M. Fox Dr. Jamie Franco-Zamudio Mr. Guy M. Gallagher Dr. George B. Gilmore Mr. Tim Gressett Mr. Michael Gurley Dr. Michelle E. Hackman Mrs. Dottie T. Hempfleng Mrs. Ramona Hill $ Dr. Brian Holbert ’96 Mrs. Gentry A. Holbert ’91 Mr. Mac Horton Mrs. Mindy C. Hovell ’91 $
Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
Mr. Christopher Hughes ’07 Mrs. Lindsay O’Quin Hughes ’08 Ms. Virginia Johnston Dr. Charles L. Kargleder Mrs. Sharon B. Kling Dr. Christina G. Kotchemidova Mrs. Julie A. Kraft ’01 Dr. Alex R. Landi Ms. Julie Lassalle Mrs. Tracie L. Lawrence ’09 Mr. James Love ’10 Mrs. Brandi M. Lyndall ’99 Ms. Peggy Martin Dr. Charmane P. May ’72 Mrs. Deborah L. May ’06 Ms. Glenda G. McConnell Mrs. Theresa McGonagle Crider ’84 Ms. Jean E. McMillan Mrs. Donna McSweeney Ms. Rinda Mueller Ms. Josetta Mulloy Ms. Lynda W. Olen Ms. GB Olsen ’85 Dr. Kathleen Orange Ms. Tracy Parman Mrs. Glenda A. Partridge Ms. Margarita Perez Mr. Charles Powers Mrs. Mary B. Pulmas ’81 Mr. Fernando Rodrigues ’98 Dr. Leona O. Rowan Dr. Ralph David Sandler Mr. David W. Scott Dr. Andrew D. Sharp ’83 Mrs. Rhonda Shirazi Mrs. Joan Siegwald ’69 Dr. Lois Silvernail Dr. George E. Sims $ Mrs. Susie Steen Mrs. Angela B. Strickland Mr. Jonathan M. Strickland ’01 Dr. John B. Switzer Mr. Robert Thompson Mrs. Melinda N. Turncliff ’08 Rev. Christopher Viscardi, S.J. Mr. Richard Weaver Mrs. Sharon K. Williams
Honor Roll of Friends $ = $2,000+ Donor * = Deceased Ms. Rosine N. Aguirre Mrs. Catherine D. Albiez $ Mr. and Mrs. Dan Alexander Mr. Jack S. Allison Dr. Robert A. Althar Mrs. Nan Altmayer $ Mr. Ruben A. Alvarez Ms. Faizah Ami Mr. and Mrs. John W. Anderson Jr. Mrs. Kathy Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Russell Anderson $ Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Anderson Mrs. Paula Andrews Ms. Claudia S. Anez Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. James E. Atchison $ Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Auer Mr. and Mrs. Stewart G. Austin Mr. Jorge R. Azzi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Babington Ms. Joanne C. Backhaus Dr. Alice Bahr Ms. Joyce Bailey Ms. Dorothy Barlow Ms. Mildred Barnes Ms. Alice F. Barton Mr. Jeffrey Barton Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baur Dr. and Mrs. Ed Beck Mrs. Ann Bedsole
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gavin Bender Mr. John Bender Ms. Yvette T. Benedetto Ms. Catherine W. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Benoit Ms. Carol B. Benton Ms. Nancy Bergslien Mr. Richard B. Bergslien Mr. Robert M. Bergslien Ms. Sherry Bergslien Ms. Nina Bigley Mr. and Mrs. Jerald E. Binkley Mr. Julius Biro Ms. Marian F. Blake Ms. Joan R. Bloom Miss Jo A. Blue Dr. Melissa S. Bobadilla Dr. and Mrs. B. Fred Bodie Mr. Leonard E. Boltz Sr. Mr. Eugene Borgosz Mr. Jonathan M. Borland Mr. William Boyd Maj. Gen. (Ret) Kenneth R. Brasch Mr. William L. Brass Mrs. Moren C. Braswell Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Breland Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Brennan Ms. Tomee Ann Britt Ms. Clare Broad Mrs. Cynthia H. Brown Ms. Hannah Bruner Mr. Philip G. Bueche Mr. Mick C. Bullock Ms. Margaret Burd Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burk Mrs. Jane R. Burton Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Bush Drs. Philip and Roberta Butera Ms. Margaret M. Butler Mr. Mazhar M. Butt, D.M.D. Mr. Joseph T. Byrne Ms. Katherine B. Cane Mr. C. Brian Carlin Mr. James E. Carpenter Sr. Dr. and Mrs. James R. Carpenter Ms. Linda T. Carpenter Mr. Jose Carrillo Mr. and Mrs. John Kevin Carter Mr. Manuel Casamayor Jr. Ms. Maria D. Castro Ms. Celie Chapman Ms. Adelheid R. Childress Mr. and Mrs. Clark P. Christianson Ms. Catherine M. Cionni Ms. Theresa R. Clark Ms. Lisa Clement Mr. Charles P. Clericuzio Mr. and Mrs. John H. Cleverdon Ms. Cynthia M. Cochrane Ms. Ruth M. Cole Dr. Thomas W. Coleman Mrs. Joan Coley Estate of Thomas O. Collins $ Mr. James Connolly Ms. Gayle C. Cool Ms. Martha A. Corrigan Ms. Theresa M. Corrigan Mr. Timothy R. Corrigan Mr. A.I. C. Corte Jr. Ms. Bernadette Costello Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Courtney Mr. Richard Cronin Ms. Sue Crouch Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Crow Ms. Carol E. Crowe Mr. Willie C. Culberson Miss Petronella C. Culivan * Ms. Muriel F. Cullen Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Cummings Mr. Marl M. Cummings III Mr. Edwin J. Curran Ms. Maribel S. Currow Ms. Debra A. Dailey Ms. Maria P. Damas
Mr. Ronald G. Damiani Mr. and Mrs. Tom S. Damson Fr. James E. Dane Mr. and Mrs. William S. Darr Dr. M. Preston Daugherty Jr. Dr. and Mrs. James G. Davis Mr. John B. Davis Mr. Milton C. Davis Mrs. Frances F. Demeranville Mr. and Mrs. James O. DeVaney Jr. $ Mr. Stephen J. Diehl Mr. David W. Dingler Mr. John E. Doll Dr. Gerald J. Domingue Mr. James B. Donaghey Ms. Ann D. Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard H. Donald Mr. Weems C. Dorn Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Douglas Mr. and Mrs. William E. Drew Jr. Mr. Fred C. Drummond Mr. Chad D. Dufrene Ms. Joan O. Dugas Mr. Cullan Duke Mrs. Joan Dulaney Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Earl Mr. Thomas W. Ebenhoh Mr. Karl W. Eckert The Hon. and Mrs. Jack Edwards Mr. Jeffrey R. Elkin Mrs. Evalyn P. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. James H. Ellison Ms. Alicia Elmore Ms. Mary M. Ely Ms. Laura K. Escovedo Ms. Gail S. Fair Ms. Mary F. Faul Mr. and Mrs. John J. Fesenmeier Mr. and Mrs. James N. Finley Mr. Jesus Finol Mr. Michael V. Finuccio Mrs. Helen E. Fiore Mr. John Fisher Mr. Richard T. Fisher Ms. Sheila Flood Mr. Thomas J. Flood Ms. Nancy Fontenot Mrs. Beverly Fowlkes Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Frank Jr. Mrs. Renee M. Fransen Mr. Philip C. Fremin Sr. Mrs. Mary Jane Fridge Mr. Donald K. Friedell Mr. Justin M. Fritscher Mr. Kenneth Fritscher Ms. Cleo Y. Gaines Ms. Lucille Galassini Mr. and Mrs. Maurice E. Gandy Mr. Stephen Gee $ Ms. Ellen I. Geheeb Ms. Julia H. Geheeb Ms. Deborah K. Gelpi Ms. Maureen C. Gibson Mrs. Virginia A. Gidley $ Ms. Lydia Gilkey Ms. Susan W. Ginsberg Mr. Mike Glancy Ms. Helen L. Glasser Mrs. Woodye L. Goeke Ms. Olga I. Golden Ms. Marie Goldfarb Mr. Thomas G. Goodwin Mr. James L. Goodyear Ms. Vonzetta Graham Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Granberry Dr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Gray $ Dr. and Mrs. James W. Green Mr. Thomas R. Green II Mrs. Gloria Greenspun Mr. and Mrs. Toulmin Greer Ms. Connie L. Griffin Mr. James C. Griffin Jr. Ms. Kelly Griffin Ms. Marian R. Griffin
Spring Hill College Jesuit Community 2010-2011 Rev. Edward B. Arroyo, S.J. Rev. R.V. Baylon, S.J. Br. Ferrell Blank, S.J. Rev. David Borbridge, S.J. Rev. Stephen Campbell, S.J. Rev. Marvin Kitten, S.J. Rev. Robert Rimes, S.J. Rev. Richard P. Salmi, S.J. Rev. Javier San Martin, S.J. Rev. Christopher Viscardi, S.J. Rev. Anthony Wieck, S.J. Rev. Michael Williams, S.J.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Grinstead Mr. and Mrs. Cletus S. Guenthner Ms. Jacqueline A. Haddican Mr. John P. Haddican Mrs. Mary E. Hale Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop M. Hallett III Mr. W. Craig Hamilton Ms. Pamela Hanes Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Hansen Mr. William H. Hardie Ms. Theresa F. Hardin Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Harlin Jr. $ Dr. Robert S. Harlin Sr. Mrs. Doris Z. Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Ben H. Harris Jr. Ms. Angela B. Hasselbeck Mrs. Jimmie C. Hatcher Mrs. Sue S. Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hayes Ms. Kelly A. Hayes Miss Ann B. Hearin Mrs. Anne M. Heggeman Ms. Wincie Henschen Ms. Lyle A. Hernandez Mrs. Mary G. Herndon Mr. and Mrs. George A. Hieronymus Ms. Sherry Higginbotham Mrs. Ophelia T. Hill Ms. Kathleen Holm Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Hooks Jr. Sr. Catherine Hoppe Mr. Eric Horkavy Dr. and Mrs. James Howard Sr. Dorothea Huber Sister Patricia Huffman Mr. Harry E. Hughes Mr. Brian K. Hunt Ms. Luella S. Hunt Ms. Avis J. Hunter Ms. Michelle Y. Hunter Ms. Margaret Hutton Ms. Eileen M. Iannelli Ms. Barbara A. Jackson Mr. Charles M. Jager
Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
Ms. Joy A. Jager Ms. R. V. James Ms. Janet Jastremski Mr. James H. Johnson Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John F. Johnson Ms. Marilyn Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Michael S. Johnson Mr. Bryan Jones Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Jones Jr. Mrs. Florence B. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Jordan Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Joyce Ms. Mary W. Karam Mr. Robert A. Karcher Sr. Mr. Lawrence D. Keister Mr. William L. Keith Mr. Louis D. Keller Jr. Ms. Terri R. Keller Mr. Michael A. Kelly Ms. Karen L. Kelty Mr. Thomas Kempner $ Ms. Alice C. Kenan Mr. & Mrs. T. Keith King Mr. and Mrs. Albert Klein Mr. Charles E. Klumb Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Klusman Mr. Joseph B. Kora Ms. Abigail L. Kreienkamp Mrs. Karen O. Lacy Mr. and Mrs. Ernest F. Ladd III Ms. Mary S. Ladd Mr. Russell Ladd III Ms. Rae Anne Lahman Ms. Lena Lanclos Ms. Pam Landreneau Mr. Michael D. Langan $ Ms. Hildegarde Lasecki Ms. Lydia F. Latour Ms. Nelda Latour Ms. Kathleen M. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Brent LeBlanc $ Mr. Clifton LeBlanc $ Ms. Kristi LeBlanc Mrs. Shirley LeBlanc $
Mr. and Mrs. V. P. LeBlanc Jr. $ Mr. Charles W. Leddy Mr. and Mrs. Terry D. Lester Mrs. Shiela Lillis Ms. Lori M. Linder Most Reverend Oscar H. Lipscomb, D.D. Mr. Graham B. Loper Mr. Arsenio G. Lopez Mr. and Mrs. James A. Lowe Ms. Teresa I. Lowenthal Ms. Cindy Lyle Ms. Fay A. Lyons Mr. Peter J. Lysek, USAF, Ret. Mrs. Athalie Macgowan $ Mrs. Ruth Macnamara Mr. Guy G. Magee Jean A. Maher Mrs. David C. Majure Mr. B. S. Malkove Mr. Marinello M. Manuel, D.M.D. Dr. Alphadine Martin Ms. Laura Martin Ms. Margaret J. Martin Mr. T. Todd Martin III Mr. Kurtis J. Marx Mr. Steven P. Marx Mr. Eugene McCambridge Mr. David J. McCarthy Mr. Charles McCorquodale Ms. Terry K. McDermott Ms. Veranese T. McDonald Mr. Joseph P. McGah Jr. Ms. Judith McGah Dr. Dorothy McGehee Ms. Val P. McGibboney Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. McGinley Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. McGuire Ms. Mary J. McGuire Ms. Diane K. McInnis Ms. Patricia M. McKinley Mrs. Shirley A. McKinney Mr. and Mrs. Hobart A. McWhorter Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Megginson Jr. Mr. Matthew S. Metcalfe $ Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Midkiff $ Mr. and Mrs. Marc Miller Ms. Ann M. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Reece J. Miller Jr. $ Mrs. Opal G. Moore Mr. Joseph W. Moran Mrs. Vaughan Morrissette $ Mr. and Mrs. James C. Mostellar Mr. & Mrs. John B. Mostellar Dr. and Mrs. Charles S. Mosteller Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mueller Mr. Alastair Muir-Taylor Mr. and Mrs. W. Austin Mulherin Mr. & Mrs. William Austin Mulherin III Mrs. Mary A. Mullin Mrs. Mary C. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Murray Mrs. Margaret N. Murray Mr. Paul B. Murray Dr. Brenna J. Nance Ms. Pamela G. Nardolilli Mr. and Dr. Charles O. Neal Mr. At Ngamvilay Mr. Carson Nicholson Ms. Rebecca R. Nickens Mrs. Ann Nicolson Mr. Norman M. Nicolson Mr. William K. Nicrosi Ms. Judy Niemeyer Mr. Harry Noble Ms. Teresa M. Noe Mrs. Mary L. Noletto Mr. Anthony R. O’Connor Ms. Siobhan C. O’Donoghue Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Ogburn Ms. Luisa Ogilvie Dr. and Mrs. E. Kevin O’Hea Mr. James O’Kane Ms. Eileen F. O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. William W. Oppenheimer
Ms. Raquel M. Orbik Ms. Cynthia M. Ortego Ms. Joy A. Ortego Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. Oswalt Mrs. Dot S. Outlaw $ Mrs. Elizabeth Padgett Ms. Cynthia S. Padilla Mrs. Cherrie Pambianchi Ms. Carolyn Parent Mrs. Carlos F. Parkman Ms. Cynthia Patrasso Ms. Gail S. Patrick Ms. Audrey S. Patterson Ms. Jo M. Patton Mr. and Mrs. David M. Pearsall Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Pedersen Ms. Geraldine Perry Mr. Charles A. Peters Mr. Charles P. Peters Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Peters Ms. Francesmary Peters Ms. Grace Peters Mr. Steven J. Petrie Ms. Kelly H. Picard Ms. Celia A. Piccini Mr. Wesley Pipes Mr. Norman D. Pitman III Ms. Melanie Z. Plaisance Ms. Eleanore Poelstra Mr. Ray E. Poelstra Ms. Mary K. Polys Dr. Alan E. Powell, M.D. Mr. James C. Powell Ms. Nora R. Powell Mr. Edward Preuss Mr. Otis G. Price Ms. Courtney Pritchard Mr. and Mrs. Kyle C. Pugh Ms. Jean H. Purvis Mrs. Ruth Quackenbush Ms. Susan A. Raffo Ms. Victoria Ramsey Mr. Chris Rayer Ms. Cynthia Ready Mr. and Mrs. W. Brian Reames Ms. Karen A. Rehm Mr. Paul E. Richardson Rev. Michael Ricker Ms. Dorothy L. Rickert Ms. Deborah Riess-Roam Ms. Betty A. Rivers Ms. Alice Roam Ms. Robin M. Robinson Most Reverend Thomas J. Rodi, D.D. Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Rodning Ms. Elizabeth A. Rosignolo Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ross Mr. M. LaVan Ruggles Ms. Ellen B. Ruiz Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Russell Dr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Russo Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Rutherford Sr. Ms. Cindy D. Ryba Ms. Lynn A. Sabatalo Mr. Juan M. Salvat, D.D.S. Ms. Dorothy Sanning Ms. Linda Schexnaydre Mr. C. Boone Schwartzel Ms. Cynthia K. Sciortino Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Scott Ms. Frances O. Scott Ms. Martelle O. Scott Mr. and Mrs. William R. Seifert II Mr. Karl E. Serbousek Ms. Norma M. Sessions Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Sharp III Ms. Dee Sheffield Rev. Maurice L. Shields Mr. David Shirley Mr. and Mrs. Irving Silver $ Miss Katherine E. Simon Ms. Arlene C. Sinkus Mrs. Mary Hunter Slaton Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Sledge III
Mrs. Caroline Smith Mr. Roy E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Norvelle L. Smith $ Ms. Rebecca Songy Ms. Jennifer S. Soucek Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Gould Dr. James Spires Major William J. Staats Mr. and Mrs. L. Page Stalcup III Ms. Richetta C. Stanford Ms. Mary Ellen R. Stegall Mr. Thomas J. Stehlik Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Stephens Dr. and Mrs. Selden H. Stephens Jr. Mrs. Carolyn H. Stevens Ms. Elaine G. Stockton Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stone Mr. Martyn E. Stonebock Ms. Jeannette Stoughton Mr. Lan H. Strauch Ms. Sherry A. Struckhoff Mr. and Mrs. Carroll H. Sullivan $ Mr. and Mrs. John R. Sute Ms. Carol A. Sutfin Ms. Mary R. Swingley Ms. Karen D. Tabb Mr. and Mrs. James W. Tarlton III Ms. Constance T. Tasso Mrs. Martha J. Tate Mr. Mike Teel Ms. Nadia Tehini Mr. and Mrs. Hall Thompson Estate of W. Berkley Thompson $ * Mr. and Mrs. Angelo T. Tiberio Mrs. Martha B. Tissington Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Toler $ Ms. Melissa L. Tompkins Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. Toomey Ms. Kathleen M. Tramontana Mr. Charles J. Triay Mr. and Mrs. Allen Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Sam J. Tumminello III Dr. Philip A. Tumminia Mr. William H. Turner Ms. Wanda S. Twitty Mr. Alfredo V. Vallesteros Ms. Martha Van Rhein Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Van Vliergergen Mr. Robert C. Van Vlierbergen Mr. and Mrs. George A. VanCourt Jr. Ms. Leigh Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Vermaelen Ms. Judy Vickrey Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Vulivich Jr. Ms. Betsy Wahl Ms. Sherry Walding Mr. and Mrs. William H. Wall Ms. Celia Wallace $ Ms. Nancy B. Wallace Mr. R. C. Wallace Ms. S. Storey Walters Mr. Timothy D. Ward Mr. Thomas J. Warwick III Ms. Carol A. Wattier Mrs. Beryl R. Webb Ms. Jane A. Webb Ms. Brenda A. Webre Ms. Suzanne G. Werner Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Wettermark Mr. Fairn Whatley Ms. Emily H. White Ms. Merv White-Spunner Mr. J. George Whitfield Jr. $ Mr. Douglas Whitmore Ms. Katherine M. Wiegand Ms. Lisa M. Wiese Ms. Greer Wilhelm Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Williams Mr. Charles L. Williams Mrs. Thelma C. Williams Ms. Mary F. Wilson Ms. Patricia T. Wilson Mrs. Perilla A. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wilson
Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
Ms. Paula Winger Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Winn Ms. Mary J. Woodham Mr. S. R. Woodham Ms. Jamie Wright Mr. Donald Zaloudek Mr. Robert L. Zehr
Honor Roll of Businesses, Foundations and Associations $ = 2,000+ Donor Acadiana Family Medical Center $ Achord Eye Clinic The Ackels Foundation Alabama Independent Colleges & Universities $ Alpha Sigma Nu, Inc. American Chemical Society Amore Painting Company Andrews McMeel Universal Archbishop of Mobile A Corp. Sole $ Ashurst & Niemeyer, LLC Autoplex of St. Louis Ayco Charitable Foundation Bacino’s on Clinton, Inc. Baldwin Eye Clinic Balloon Cottage BancorpSouth Baton Rouge Area Foundation $ BBVA Compass Bank Beirne Foundation Bernard A. Egan Foundation, Inc. Bloch-Briggs & Associates Bob’s Speed Shop Brothers of the Sacred Heart Bucknall Family Foundation Burklow Pharmacy The Byrne CPA Firm, PA $ Camellia Trophy Shop Catholic Society of Religious & Literary Education Cavanaugh Pet Hospital Central Louisiana Community Foundation Coastal Community Foundation of SC $ Community Foundation of South Alabama $ Cottage Hill Chiropractic Coughlin-Saunders Foundation $ Cover Your Assets Crow, Shields & Bailey, PC Daniel Foundation of Alabama $ David M. Doan, M.D.F.A.C.S. Dayton Foundation $ Diamond Dealers Exchange, Inc. Edwards Rexall Drugs, Inc. Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund $ Foundation For Christian Stewardship Friars Minor – Order of St. Francis Solid Ground Ministry Friends of Rock Gisclair Gad Psychiatric Group Great Oaks Dentistry, PA Greater Saint Louis Community Foundation $ Gulf Coast Truck & Equipment Co., Inc. Hearin Chandler Foundation $ Hollis Orthodontics Huisking Foundation, Inc. $ J.L. Bedsole Foundation $ JARK, LLC Jesuit Community JM Family Enterprises, Inc. $ JMB MAKERS, LLC Jones, Walker, Waechter, Poitevent, Carrere & Denegre, LLP $ Knights of Columbus # 9676 Komar Screw Corp. La Jonction Rehabilitation & Therapy Leavell Investment Management Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation $
Loeb Holding Corporation $ MAK Printing Marianist Community Matthews Brothers Inc. Merck Partnership For Giving Mercy Medical National Bureau of Property Administration National Center for Housing Management $ Olinde Financial Group Orange Beach Marina $ The Orthopaedic Group $ Palmetto Allergy & Asthma, PA Paramount Marketing Group – Mid South, Inc. Photomania USA Phyllis & Franklin McDonald Foundation $ Pogo Construction Company Providence Hospital Putters Inn, Inc. Raymond James Charitable Endowment Fund $ Richard D. Hannan Family Foundation Richard D. Wells Foundation $ Samuel I. Newhouse Foundation Schwab Charitable Fund Skip Viragh Foundation, Inc. $ Southeastern Association of Housing Spafford Creative Spring Hill Comprehensive Dentistry, PC St. Anne Catholic Church St. Patrick’s Church St. Raymond and St. Leo the Great Catholic Church State Farm Insurance Steve Crowley & Associates, Inc. Stifel Nicolaus Susan R. & John W. Sullivan Foundation $ Sykes Roswell Road, LLC Tau Kappa Epsilon Techno A/C, Inc. The Florence Foundation $ The Peltier Foundation $ The SSI Group, Inc. $ The Lilly Company $
Thomas Blau Agency, Inc. Tilan, Inc. $ Triay Law Office LLC UMS-Wright Preparatory School Vickers Riis Murray & Curran White-Spunner Construction, Inc. Wilkins Miller, P.C. Wiregrass Radiological Consultants, P.A. Wonderful Life Foundation $ Workshops, Etc. Zoghby and Associates, LLC
Honor Roll of Matching Gifts Aetna Foundation Arch Chemicals, Inc. AT&T Foundation/Matching Gift Program Bank of America Barriere Construction Company Biogen Idec, Inc. Boeing Gift Matching Program BP America Matching Gift Plan Chevron Matching Gifts Plan CITGO Petroleum Corporation Constellation Energy Group Foundation ExxonMobil Foundation FPL Group Foundation GE Foundation Goldman Sachs & Company Houghton Mifflin Company HSBC Community and Philanthropic Services IBM Corporation Jostens Foundation, Inc. JPMorgan Chase Foundation Lincoln Financial Group Lockheed Martin Corporation MassMutual Matching Gift Program Medtronic Foundation Mobil Retiree Matching Gift Programs NCR Foundation Northwestern Mutual Foundation Oracle Corporation PepsiCo Foundation
PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation Raytheon Company Regions Financial Corporation Shell Oil Co. Matching Gifts Program SMBC Global Foundation Southern Company Services, Inc. Southern Nuclear Educational Matching Gifts Texas Instruments Foundation The Washington Post Co. Matching Gifts Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Verizon Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation
We want to list each gift appropriately. In spite of our best efforts, errors and omissions can occur. If this is the case, please accept our apologies and notify Development Services at Spring Hill College, 4000 Dauphin St., Mobile, AL 36608, or call us at (251) 380-2280.
When you first bought a life insurance policy, you had a purpose in mind – probably to help ensure the financial stability of your family should something happen to you or your spouse. Have your circumstances changed since then? Life insurance can be a tool with many purposes. For example, it can provide liquidity for paying taxes and other expenses at death. But, believe it or not, some of the most satisfying uses for life insurance policies are connected with charitable giving. If you have an old life insurance policy you no longer need, you might contribute it to a charitable cause in which you believe. Purchasing a new policy and naming Spring Hill College a beneficiary is another possibility. This often makes a significant future gift feasible and affordable, especially for younger donors. Perhaps you are considering a bequest to Spring Hill, provided your family’s future inheritance is not affected. Life insurance can play a part in meeting this goal, too, by replacing for your heirs the amount donated. The versatility of life insurance makes revisiting its uses a good idea. For more information on how to accomplish these goals, or to notify us if you have remembered Spring Hill College in your estate plans, contact Rinda Mueller at (251) 380-2285, (877) 777-4455, or rmueller@shc.edu . Visit the Planned Giving Web site for other tax-saving ways to make a gift to Spring Hill: www.shc.edu/plannedgiving .
Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011
Spring Hill College
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Spring Hill College student artists presented an exhibition of works celebrating the 100th anniversary of St. Joseph Chapel. Among the artists featured in the show were (left) Caitlin Murphy ’12 of Shawnee Mission, Kan., and (right) Kaitlyn Scott ’14 of Lillian, Ala.
Spring Hill College Magazine • Summer 2011