Springboard Term 3 2017

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Community News

Winter Edition, 2017

Registered as an Australia Post Publication PP345906/00008

W e elcom n o y r e v e! E


MONDAYS— 7pm Beginners Class 8.15pm Intermediate Class WEDNESDAYS— 7.30pm Advanced Class THURSDAYS— 10.30am Dancing for Parkinson’s at Senior Citz Hall All Classes $10 per person Dance 4th Saturday of every month Wedding Prep and Private Lessons

TIA Hall - Price Street Torquay (air con) Enquiries: Pauline on 0407 685 413

Community Houses across Victoria strive for Equality and Inclusion for all. What a great place to work and visit!

A Spring Creek Community House initiative working in partnership with Lions Club Torquay

Rotary Club Torquay

14 Price Street

Office Hours: 9am-3.30pm Mon-Thurs

Ph:5261 2583

How can I find Spring Creek Community House?

We are Here!

Spring Creek Community House acknowledges and respects that we are located on the traditional lands of the Wadawurrung people.

ADVERTISING DISCLAIMER The inclusion of inserts and/or advertising in Springboard does not necessarily constitute or imply any endorsements or recommendations concerning the products, services, opinions or information found in the contents. The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of Spring Creek Community House


ADVERTISE springboard@torquaycommunityhouse.org.au NOW DELIVERED TO NEARLY 6000 HOMES COPIES ALSO AVAILABLE FROM: Barwon Health (Surf Coast Hwy) Shire Offices / Surfworld Torquay Library IGA Gilbert Street Spring Creek Community House On our website


We thank our advertisers, supporters, our fantastic volunteers, the board, our committed staff and you, the Surf Coast Community. Thanks to the following organisations for your support: • Dept of Health and Human Services • Surf Coast Shire • Neighbourhood Houses Victoria • Barwon Network of Neighbourhood Houses • Surf Coast Network of Community Houses • Torquay Community Enterprse • MatchWorks • Rotary Club of Torquay • Lions Club Torquay • Lodge of the Great Ocean Road • Ryans IGA


AUGUST 18TH 2017

Published Sept. 2017 For more info email: Springboard @torquaycommunityhouse.org.au


springboard “Winter””

14 Price Street

Office Hours: 9am-3.30pm Mon-Thurs

Ph:5261 2583

Contributors LAURA CONNOR editor JENNY NEWTON accounts PALILA OPIT production design/editorial Sales and Marketing FIONA RAW activity programme editorial


JUL. 17TH -SEPT. 22ND Our activity program commences Monday July 17th Please enrol early as places can fill quickly

WEBSITE: springcreekcommunityhouse.org.au EMAIL: springboard@torquaycommunityhouse.org.au SOCIAL MEDIA: facebook.com/SpringCreek t w i t t e r . c o m / S p r i n g C r e e k C H i n s t a g r a m . c o m / s p r i n g c r e e k c o m m u n i t y h o u s e

INTERESTED IN SUBMITTING TO SPRINGBOARD? We are looking for short stories, poetry and articles to include in Springboard. We are always looking for articles about local people whose achievements and contributions to the local community should be recognised, if you have an area of expertise that you’d like to share with the community or even simply an interesting story to tell we’d love to hear from you. Please email springboard@torquaycommunityhouse.org.au with any contributions or questions.



14 Price Street

Office Hours: 9am-3.30pm Mon-Thurs

Ph:5261 2583













A STROLL AROUND TOWN by chris barr




VEGIN’ OUT WITH LAURA greek lentil soup






FINANCIAL ADVICE i want to retire but...


TWO BAYS PRIVATE HOTEL torquay & district historical society










14 Price Street


Office Hours: 9am-3.30pm Mon-Thurs

Ph:5261 2583


14 Price Street

Office Hours: 9am-3.30pm Mon-Thurs

Ph:5261 2583

f ro m t he co-ordina tor’s desk In term 2 what could go wrong, did go wrong, other than what went right! And what goes right always amazes me. No matter the challenges, and believe me when you are only funded for 25 hours per week the challenges are many, we manage to achieve great outcomes for the community. Our staff and volunteers are old hands at facing challenges and finding positive solutions and they certainly did this term! Well done team!!! I would like to wholeheartedly thank many generous people, organisations, shop owners in Torquay and Anglesea who donated to the various causes we put out calls for last term, the response was overwhelming. To the young man who donated so many wonderful jackets for the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre and a few asylum seeker families in Geelong, thank you very much they were greatly appreciated as was the warmth, a simple comfort sometimes taken for granted. A big thank you to the Bellbrae Uniting Church congregation for their very generous donation to help a family very much in need along with Great Ocean Road Adventure Tours, Rip Curl, the Bistro on the Green and the Torquay Bowling Club for giving the same family, in their own words, “the best day of their lives.” Individuals, shops and organisations really dug deep and it was very heartening and of course all the fabulous people who volunteered their time to help make a difference a big thank you to you! So you know the drill, grab a cuppa, sit yourself down, read through another great edition of Springboard and find something to do to keep away the winter blues, live and learn locally, it’s the only way to go! Cheers,




14 Price Street

Office Hours: 9am-3.30pm Mon-Thurs

Ph:5261 2583

Crafts for Sale

The Fire Game

Young Wolves

Come check out the gorgeous range of crafts made by our Quirky Crafts group. In their display you’ll find stunning quilts, hand-knitted baby and toddler clothes, bamboo cutlery and much more all for a great price. Sales are available 9am-3.30pm, Monday-Thursday during term time.

We have copies of The Fire Game available to borrow and play! This game is designed by council to teach children about fire safety and what to do and where to go in case of a bushfire. Come and check it out.

The Young Wolves program is a free maths and literacy tutoring service for grade 5 and 6 children. Sessions are 40 minutes long and run between 4pm and 6pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Community House. All our tutors are required to have working with children checks. For more information call the Community House between 9pm and 3.30pm, Monday to Thursday.

Room Hire


Spring Creek Community House has a range of rooms, including a computer room with updated computers and a kitchen, that you can rent for workshops, meetings, events and activities.

Our Morning Activity Program for kids and parents are creative and fun half hour sessions that will get your pre-schoolers moving and grooving and give you the chance to connect with other local parents. Each session is only $3 per child and sessions are run Monday to Thursday during term time. Check the programme for details.

For the latest House News... Like us on Facebook

We also have an interactive TV and an overhead projector and large screen which are prefect for presentations, film groups and training.

www.facebook.com/ SpringCreek

Follow us on Twitter

Head to our website or give us a call to discuss your needs and we will let you know availability and the range of reasonable rental costs. Phone 5261 2583.

www.twitter.com/ SpringCreekCH


Sit and Sew

Check out our website


We’re still working on the upgrade! But until then it’s still the place to get all our information!

Jan Dick Artist in residence

Acrylics Tuesdays


Perfect for Winter! This newly established group welcomes all who would like to get together for a sew and a chat! When: 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month 1.30-3.30pm Cost: $3 per session

Town by Town Are you a member of a community group? Would you like to advertise your events for free? Please submit typed articles to: townbytown @springcreekcommunityhouse. org.au or leave information at Reception. For deadline details see ‘Town by Town’ Torquay list in the Echo Whilst we make every effort to ensure all items are included in the Torquay entry, unfortunately we cannot be responsible for what the Echo includes.

Pat McKenzie

Watercolours Thursdays

1pm- 3.30pm $20 membership/enrolment @ beginning of term $7 tutor fee per session.



14 Price Street

Office Hours: 9am-3.30pm Mon-Thurs

THE GEELONG GEELONG PHILATELIC SOCIETY Inc THE PHILATELIC SOCIETY inc ———————————welcomes all stamp collectors

Welcomes all stamp collectors

Our program features displays, guest speakers, members sales sheets, competitions and more. Our program features displays, Monthly day and night meetings throughout the guest speakers, sales year except members January.

sheets, competitions and more. Monthly day and night meetings Evening meetingsyear throughoutthe except 7.00 pmJanuary on the 1st Saturday

Evening Meetings Todd Hall 7.00 pmVirginia on the 1st Saturday todd Hall 9 Virginia Clarence St Geelong West 9 Clarence St Geelong West Day meetings Day Meetings 3rd Mondayat at Belmont 1.00 pm1.00pm 3rd Monday Library Belmont Library Inquiries 0438 578 591 lock90@tpg.com.au

Enquiries 0438 578 591 lock90@tpg.com.au

Barwon CASA Centre Against Sexual Assult & Family Violence FREE Confidential Counselling & Support 03 5222 4318

Ph:5261 2583

Gamblers Help Information Session Gambling ... A word we hear more often these days. Placing a bet at the TAB or Sports Bet App via your phone, going to a pokie venue, going to the racetrack to back a horse, even gambling on the outcome of a tattslotto result is becoming more common these days isn’t it? For most people gambling is seen as a form of entertainment and a way to socialize or pass the time. For others, it can be a problem (or beginning to be a problem) impacting on relationships, work performance, finances and other leisure activities. There is no one typical person who may have a problem with gambling. Individuals can earn a wage, receive Centrelink or be retired, be old or young (or in between!), male and female, married or single. We also know that for every person with a gambling problem, there are 10 affected others. This means a partner, a sibling, a parent, a boss, a child can be impacted by someone else’s gambling. This can include financial difficulties, relationship concerns, secrecy and deception issues, and loss of employment, friendships and family support. There are many ways to get help for a person struggling to control or stop their gambling or those loved ones who’d like to gain strategies and support to manage. Counselling, financial counselling, self-exclusion, gamblers anonymous are available free for people to access. Bethany Community Support has been providing Gamblers Help counselling and financial counselling locally for 21 years. We are available 5 days a week, with an afterhours phone support and are free for people to access with no eligibility requirements. We will be providing an information session at Spring Creek Community Centre on Thursday 27th July 10-11am, for people who want to find out more. Please contact Gamblers Help 52788122 if you’d like more information.

3228 BLINDS Internal & External Blinds Free Measure & Quote 1300003228

www.3228blinds.com www.springcreekcommunityhouse.org.au



Little Bookworms

We were so dysfunctional that we couldn’t even pass around our walking frames without everyone getting their legs and arms entangled and all of us ending up on the floor. When the male nurse came in to investigate the noise, he tripped over the nearest frame and landed on top of us. We shrieked with laughter, and someone said “We’ve been framed!” The nurse pulled his iPhone out of his pocket and took a selfie of himself with all of us in the background. One of us asked him if he would print it out so that we could have it framed and displayed in our room, Room No. 405,628, home to what had become known as ‘The Dysfunctional Group’. That’s all of us except the nurse of course. We suspect that he might eventually join us so as to avoid having to look after us ever again. I thought he was in the right frame of mind to take up residence with us there and then, but at that moment Matron appeared in the doorway, her ample frame shaking with anger, but we just ignored her – we were far too busy being dysfunctional.

Trevor Tyson U3A Creative Writing Course

SUBMISSIONS We’re looking for poetry, short stories and articles to include in Springboard. To submit please email: springboard@torquaycommunityhouse.org.au


Meets@ Spring Creek community House 3rd Tuesday of the month 7.30pm-9pm ALL WELCOME

Proudly presented by Road to Reading

Happy 6th Birthday! Road to Reading has been helping children and parents for over 6 years now! We’re immensely proud of the program we have created to introduce children to phonics, pre-reading and literacy education. At Road to Reading we aim to have fun. Some of the best learning occurs when children are immersed in engaging activities – with so much laughter and excitement the children don’t often realise we’re building their knowledge of reading concepts. Many schools are bringing elements of play-based learning into their curriculum. At Road to Reading, we’ve been playing for years! We structure our learning through developmental play, songs, games and stories. Children develop their oral language, listening, social and fine motor skills throughout each session. We’re often playing shops, hanging out the washing, going fishing or racing bears and frogs – we’ve even honed our predicting skills through fun science experiments! The activities change weekly to maintain interest and enthusiasm. Road to Reading is also a good place for parents to find support when they are unsure about their child’s progress or development. Our educators have taught hundreds of children at both pre-school and Primary-school stages and can direct parents to additional support networks when required. Our dedicated teachers invite you to come and join us for a FREE trial class at one of our sessions on the Surf Coast or in Grovedale.

www.roadtoreading.com.au Ph. Kate Keogh 0402 284 224



14 Price Street

Office Hours: 9am-3.30pm Mon-Thurs

Ph:5261 2583


The Taylor Park gates

No walk around Torquay would be complete without a stroll through Taylor Park. First created in the late 1800s, Taylor Park is a parcel of crown land, managed by GORCC and, despite much change all around it, it has never been subdivided and remains a 27 acre oasis close to the centre of town. In the early days of land sales in Torquay there were plenty of early settlers wanting to purchase some or all of the parkland, but the Lands Department stood firm and declared the land should not be sold. It was set aside for recreation and camping purposes. For many years Taylor Park was the domain of a group of local fisherman headed by Felix Rosser. It must have been a pretty

idyllic place to set up camp and a good life catching fish and cooking them on the campfire, while nets and equipment dried off hanging from the nearby trees. In 1908, needing to provide activities for the visitors coming to Torquay, the Torquay Improvement Association (TIA) suggested Taylor park would be ideal for a 9-hole golf course and gained the Lands Department’s support. In 1911 a 3-hole course was created in the park and a small clubhouse was built. A 9-hole competition was available by playing the three holes three times. By October 1920 a new golf course, and the almost 100 year old Torquay Golf club, was opened and the 3-hole course was turned into a bowling club.



14 Price Street

Office Hours: 9am-3.30pm Mon-Thurs

Ph:5261 2583

Allan Taylor, the site manager rescued parts of the old iron fence and two sets of iron gates from the School and had them erected on the Esplanade entrances to the Park. These gates remain in place today along with a memorial plaque to John William Taylor. During WWII the army used the park as a camp while guarding the coastline. In the 1970s at the urging of “bird man” Jack O’Mara a pond was built in the park to attract bird life.

John William Taylor

Taylor Park is named for John William Taylor. Despite the long held belief that he donated the land for the park he was, in fact, a tireless worker for early Torquay. He was a trustee of the Torquay reserves, served as President of the TIA and was responsible for much of the tree planting and vegetation in the park. In 1935 when the family building firm was contracted to build the new College of Surgeons in Spring Street Melbourne on the site of the Model School -the first Victorian State School that had been built in 1852.

The Park has been under threat several times in recent years. There was once speculation that a swimming pool could be built there. These threats lead to the formation of the “Friends of Taylor Park” and thanks to the work and dedication of this volunteer group and the Taylor family, many Torquay locals enjoy the quiet and beauty of our little park every day. Next time you take a stroll stop and look at the gates and take a moment to thank those who fought to keep the developers from carving it up. The full story of Taylor Park and the Taylor Family is in the current edition of History Matters magazine available at Torquay newsagent. More on Jack O’Mara is available on www.torquayhistory.com/jack-omarabird-man-of-torquay

Torquay Senior Citizen’s Club Inc. BINGO!

1.30pm every Friday! Afternoon tea available


Gre Priz at es!


Swimming 8am Tai Chi 10am Hoy 1pm (1st & 3rd Mon.) Outings & afternoon tea 2pm (2nd Mon.)


7.30pm Start! $4 entry fee

Mon. 26th June Mon. 10th July Mon. 24th July Mon. 14th Aug. Mon. 28th Aug. Mon. 11th Sep.

Contact Anne hitch: 5261 9633 Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays Swimming 8am Cards 1.30pm

Exercise 9am Shopping 9am Mah Jong 12.30pm Bingo 1.30pm


14 Price Street

Office Hours: 9am-3.30pm Mon-Thurs

Ph:5261 2583

Thank You Val! Val has been an integral part of the Community House since she started volunteering here. Unfortunately for us Val has decided to retire but she certainly deserves it. Thank you for all your hard work Val, we will miss you dearly and wish you all the best for your retirement.

Tech Help Tips with Jeza For those who have bad WiFi there are a few things that can make your WiFi drop out: 1. Appliances that emit the 2.4GHZ frequency like cordless phones and microwaves 2. Having your router on the same channel as someone in your neighbourhood. Your channel selection can be changed in the router settings, check your manual how to do this. 3. Having your router in the wrong spot. Typically the higher the router is the better and if it’s in the centre of the room it’s ideal. 4. Other things like viruses and bad filters can be the cause and incorrect WiFi setup can do it too. Jeza offers Free Tech Help sessions every Wednesday during term time. Call 5261 2583 to book.

Justice of the Peace Signing Service

NEED LEGAL HELP? Barwon Community Legal Service Free independant legal advice Call 1300 430 599

Every Friday 10am to 11am during school term. At the house 14 Price St. Torquay 5261 2583

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14 Price Street

Office Hours: 9am-3.30pm Mon-Thurs

Ph:5261 2583

Vegin’ out with Laura



14 Price Street

Office Hours: 9am-3.30pm Mon-Thurs

Ph:5261 2583


Ingredients Olive oil for frying onions One large onion, or two medium, diced. 6 good cloves of garlic sliced thinly 3 bay leaves Generous sprinkle of dried oregano A less generous sprinkle of dried basil. Lots of cracked black pepper A little salt to taste added at the end. 4 ripe tomatoes (tinned is ok) 500gms approx Brown lentils, well rinsed as they can contain small stones A tiny jug of cider vinegar- for garnish 2-300 gms of Greek feta for garnish Method: Heat your pan & add a good dollop of olive oil at least twice around the pot. Add garlic, stir and add onion, cook until aroma fills the room and translucent. Add lentils, dried herbs & pepper. Coat all together in the onions and oil, add diced tomatoes and stir well until juice comes out of tomatoes. Once well covered add a little water and continue to stir & then, add a little more water and stir again. Finally add enough water to cover well & cook until lentils are really mushy & you have a lovely hearty winter soup. At this stage add salt & if you feel it is too thick add water half a cup at a time, until you’re happy with the consistency. Garnish with chopped Greek feta cheese, a tablespoon of cider vinegar (or ouzo) and crusty bread. Oopa!!! Enjoy!




14 Price Street

Office Hours: 9am-3.30pm Mon-Thurs

Ph:5261 2583

Surf Coast Rural Australians for Refugees

SCRAR members Adam & Laura at the Palm Sunday march

Following on from several very successful events during Cultural Diversity week in March, we gained some new members and a new enthusiasm. Although the numbers attending this year’s Palm Sunday march in Melbourne were low, other new projects are well underway. SCRAR welcomed an asylum seeker mother and her six children to Torquay during the April school holidays for surfing and lunch, thanks to the generosity of Bistro on the Green, the Bowling Club and Rip Curl. As a result we are now becoming aware of other families needing our support and have been encouraged by huge community generosity. A new group, MOTHERS (Mothers Offering Time Hope Engagement Refugee Support), is now forming and volunteers are needed to provide further support. The Coordinator of the Welcome Dinner Project for the Geelong Region came to our May meeting and talked to our group about the project which invites newly-arrived refugees and long-term community members to a private

home to share a meal and help break down any isolation. The project is part of the ‘Joining the Dots’ initiative to promote cultural understanding and integration. The Welcome Dinner Project partners with Geelong’s Diversitat, and Surf Coast is now planning to offer the first Dinner very soon in the area. Another new project ‘Freedom Village’ is being planned where local families will take responsibility for a refugee family on a more organised basis. We are currently collecting money to buy Myki cards to help local refugee children get to school and sport activities. If you wish to support SCRAR in any way or attend meetings please phone Laura at the Community House (5261 2583) from Monday til Thursday, 9am-3.30pm. Meetings are held every first Saturday of the month at the Bowling Club at 10am, so feel free to just turn up.

Affordable Counselling or Supervison Sessions Now available at Spring Creek Community House Wednesday and Friday mornings - 1 hour sessions

Are you needing to talk over any life issues such as: Relationships Personal esteem or goal setting Family

Work/retirement Grief and depresion Any life struggles

These sessions available with Jan Cheatley with 30 years experience in the counselling field speciallising in empowering people and encouraging a positive life experience. Cost: $25 per hour


appointments: 5261 2583


14 Price Street

Office Hours: 9am-3.30pm Mon-Thurs

Ph:5261 2583

Preparing to ask “Are you Okay?”

Top Tibetan Lama Visits Torquay

Friday, September 8th is R U OK? Day. R U OK?’s vision is a world where we’re all connected and are protected from suicide. Their mission is to inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with people around them and support anyone struggling with life.

One of the most senior Tibetan Buddhist lamas alive today is coming to Torquay to explain the difference between following the mind and the heart.

Credible theories suggest that there is enormous power in simply asking “Are you okay?” But before you decide whether you’re ready to start a meaningful conversation ask yourself: • Am I in a good headspace? • Am I willing to listen? • Can I give as much time as needed? • Do I understand that they could answer “No, I’m not”? • Do I understand that you can’t just fix someone’s problems? • Do I accept that they might not be ready to talk or might not want to talk to me? • Have I picked a good time for them? • Are we relatively private and comfortable? When you’ve got the conversation started listen, encourage action and check in again later! For more info check www.ruok.org.au. If you need help please call lifeline 13 11 14 or go to www.lifeline.org.au.

His Eminence the 7th Dzogchen Rinpoche says it’s crucial to understand the contrast between the two if we want to make good decisions and lead a happy and fulfilled life. Dzogchen Rinpoche will share his Buddhist wisdom in Torquay on Saturday 12th August at Torquay Improvement Association Hall (8-12 Price St, Torquay) to give a public talk entitled ‘Mind or Heart – Which Can I Trust?’ His Eminence said the speed and pace of modern life was making it hard for people to live with confidence and clarity. He pointed out that our minds are “constantly influenced by media, politics, fashion and social standards and contradictory information all of which can be confusing to the point where we cannot be sure what to trust. Instead, we might often find ourselves being mainly guided by fear and worries rather than by common sense and end up being unhappy instead of improving our lives.” In this Public Talk His Eminence Dzogchen Rinpoche will help people to better understand heart and mind through the ancient Buddhist wisdom called Dzogchen - and explain which to trust. Doors open at 7pm, the talk begins at 7:30pm. Tickets are $25 ($20 concession) and can be purchased online at www.trybooking.com/DEDU. For further information call 0416 404 826 or email vic@shenpenaustralia.org.


Local hearing care professionals Suite 5, 6 Walker St, Torquay 5264 7451

• Adult & Child

assessments (3+years)

• FREE hearing tests and • • •

hearing aids to eligible pensioners and veterans Latest technology and repairs Swim, Surf & Musicians ear plugs TV headsets and amplified phones

For more information please drop in or give us a call



14 Price Street

Office Hours: 9am-3.30pm Mon-Thurs

Ph:5261 2583

Are you receiving the right retirement income to fund the life you want and deserve? For a complimentary review of your Centrelink entitlements and income assets call Damian McVilly on 5261 2080

I want to retire but…

to be financial consequences. Unfortunately many don’t realise until late in their working life how important superannuation can be. For a financially successful retirement, tax minimisation, Centrelink entitlements and estate planning are also important parts of the equation.

Have we got enough money? Will we get anything from Centrelink? What about my long service and annual leave? I’m not sure about my super fund? The rules are too complex, I don’t understand There is a lot to know and understand about retirement planning and sometimes it’s easier to stick your head in the sand. Or, you can make it really easy for yourself and leave it to the Financial Planning experts to explain it all to you in simple terms, and guide you in the right direction. Damian McVilly, Financial Advisor at local Torquay firm Crowe Horwath says “Those heading towards 55 years and those already retired need to think about: Transition to retirement and salary sacrifice Tax friendly retirement income production Centrelink entitlements including age pensions and concession cards Portfolio selection and management Cashflow projections and expectations Self Managed Superannuation Fund trustee obligations Estate planning matters including inheritances Aged care admissions “Reviewing your arrangements is an essential part of any retirement plan due to ongoing legislative, economic and personal changes” he said. “For example there were recent major changes to Superannuation. So as an Adviser I can assist in recognising, growing and configuring your assets to move towards obtaining your retirement lifestyle aspirations” Damian explains. So whatever your concept of retirement is, there are going


Superannuation is generally most people’s second largest asset after the home. Instead of putting all your superannuation and savings into a Managed Fund, another option is a Self Managed Super Fund where you make all the decisions about how your money is invested. It can provide the ultimate in terms of control and flexibility of retirement savings. Damian says “Many people are scared about the concept of “self managed” because of the complexity of rules and the responsibility of being a trustee. They also think it will be a whole lot of paperwork, time and hassle – something you don’t want in retirement! “But that’s where an expert Advisor will assist with all the information needed to make sound financial decisions and we can manage the paperwork on your behalf. So the ultimate control is always maintained by you with us taking the administration burden off your hands.” The key message is to start planning now. There are many issues to consider and delaying planning, might mean delaying your retirement. Damian McVilly, Senior Partner, Financial Advisory, Representative, Crowe Horwath This article is for general information only. Any advice in it has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should therefore not act on it without first taking those things into account and seeking professional advice. Findex Advice Services Pty Ltd Trading as Crowe Horwath Financial Advice 243 253 ABN 88 090 684 521 accepts no liability whatsoever for reliance on it.


14 Price Street

Office Hours: 9am-3.30pm Mon-Thurs

Ph:5261 2583

Two Bays Private Hotel: A Story by Alva Barrow The Torquay and District Historical Society over the last two years have been conducting interviews with many of our older and not so old residents, this is a part of the Alva Barrow Story of her time at the Two Bays Private Hotel.

that the men may remove their jackets. The dining room was set with crisp white starched cloths and serviettes, with good silver, crystal water jugs and glasses, and flowers. The hotel served lovely meals, four courses including soup, two entrees, four meats and sweets. Mr Rowe would act as host dressed in either white or grey three piece shark skin suit and would visit each table. We wore yellow uniforms and white starched aprons and head dress. Our hours were 7am to 2pm and 5pm to 8.30pm and our meals were included. The dining room seated 64 with a staff of three.

The building known as Two Bays Private hotel, was owned by the Rice Family. The building was shifted to 20 The Esplanade before being purchased by Fred Vairy who then renovated the building, in the 1920’s. Milton and Florence Rowe became the Managers and later purchased the property. Florence’s sister Thelma and Edgar Vise joined them in the running of the hotel.

Sundays were busy with day-trippers, when a rumpus room was set as an extra dining room seating another forty people. Sometime we had a second setting. There were 28 bedrooms, no ensuites, but some rooms had a hand basin. There was a shower block, I seem to remember six showers. The toilets were up the back on the fence line. Mr Rowe often filled in if we were short of a chef. Chefs were bad tempered and often walked out. We didn’t have a lot of guests and Mr Rowe in order not to lose staff gave the permanent staff fill in jobs. One time we made pillows out of old kapok mattresses. We spent a lot of time one winter hemming sheets and putting names on them.

I started work as a housemaid at the age of 14 and later moved on to wait on the tables and worked there for eight and a half years until I left to marry in 1958.

As Mr Rowe was President of the Golf Club all of the staff spent a lot of time weeding the greens. Mrs Rowe would make up a huge picnic basket for lunch.

In those days “Two Bays” was considered a high class private Hotel with a reputation for excellent meals. The guests were required to dress for dinner, the men to wear jackets, even in a heat wave, and then Mr Rowe would announce

Golf weeks were always booked out, and we had golfers wanting early breakfasts, and then we made up huge baskets for lunch. In 1956 we were booked out for the 1956 Olympics and the Cronulla Surfing Club.

Southwest Automotive Services Mechanical & Auto Electrical Service Servicing the southwest coast of Victoria 460a Grossmans Rd Torquay VIC 3228

0422 048 557 JASON


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14 Price Street

Office Hours: 9am-3.30pm Mon-Thurs

Ph:5261 2583

Spring Creek Community House’s “Surfside Singers” have Arrived!

“Adult Vocal Ensemble” so it was decided that our name would be changed to identify us with this beautiful coastal area. Thus the “Surfside Singers” were born.

In October last year Spring Creek Community House offered a four-week block of vocal ensemble sessions to the community to see if there was sufficient interest to form a singing group here in Torquay. The first class started off with about 10 enthusiastic people and from there the group grew each week. At the end of the trial session, it was decided that the group would continue and we have been singing together ever since. The group comprises approximately 25 male and female singers, ranging in age from twenty through to seventy plus.

In April we gave our first public performance, an “open rehearsal”. This more informal performance gave the group a chance to experience performing in a less stressful setting (many of the singers had not performed in public before). The performance was wonderful and very much enjoyed by an audience of family and friends. It has been an exciting and interesting journey for me to try to find the “middle-ground” for this group of enthusiastic and musical people, as some have had extensive singing experience, while others had never done anything more than sing in the shower. I love working with them and it’s always the highlight of my week. We all support each other and enjoy coming together to learn new things, have a laugh and (of course) sing. You can hear a sample of the group performing on the Spring Creek Community House facebook page: www.facebook.com/SpringCreek/ We rehearse at Spring Creek Community House every Tuesday evening from 5.30-7pm. New members are most welcome. Feel free to come along and check us out. The cost is $10 per session. Erika Turner

The group began by singing unison and two-part songs and are currently comfortably performing three-part pieces. At present, our repertoire covers a range of genres including Pop, Folk, Traditional and Jazz. At the start of this year we decided that we needed a more interesting name than the

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14 Price Street

Office Hours: 9am-3.30pm Mon-Thurs

Ph:5261 2583

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14 Price Street

Office Hours: 9am-3.30pm Mon-Thurs

The Torquay Rotary Club led by President Lesley Shedden and the 39 very active members has continued to support much needed projects in the Torquay Community, Regionally & Internationally. This year the Rotary Club celebrated the amazing contribution to the Club, by its pioneer– Mary Elliott first female member, first female President in 1997-98 and Surf Coast Shire Citizen of the Year in 2008. Mary has constantly worked for Rotary – in all areas. At a surprise afternoon tea with her Rotary friends, District Governor Stephen Lamont presented Mary with a District 9780 Certificate of Appreciation for her many years of contribution and work with Organ Donation. Congratulations Mary on this richly deserved award it was great to see your beaming smile.

This Rotary year, over $60,000 has been allocated to local community projects, such as the Fitness Trail, scholarships to 5 local schools, Jan Juc Surf Club, Barwon Health Patient Transport & Diversitat in Geelong. Contributions were also made to Parkinson’s Victoria & Prostate Cancer. International Projects included contributions to the END POLIO campaign through the Ride the Bellarine event and coming up is a Sports night with Cadel Evans to raise funds for Australian Rotary Health Projects. Tickets on

sale through TRY BOOKING As the Rotary year ends, we congratulate President Lesley Shedden on her year & welcome new President Gaynor Schols to the leadership on July 2 2017


Today’s Scout’s

1st Torquay Scout Group, at Spring Creek Reserve, is the place to look if you’re interested in adventure and learning life skills. Our group is growing and always welcomes adults, boys and girls aged from 6 up, to get involved and join one of our sections: Joey Scouts, Cub Scouts, or the Scout Section. Youth members develop leadership skills in small groups, challenge themselves with outdoor activities, and learn about local and global issues in a fun way. The scouting program helps kids develop resilience, self-reliance, initiative, responsibility and become valuable members of their community. Scouting is about learning by experience and being prepared for new adventure!

Kids don’t have all the fun! Adults can join the team as trained Leaders and Adult Helpers (no uniform needed). All Leaders and regular helpers undergo a Police Clearance and Working With Children (WWC) Clearance. All leadership training is provided through Scouts Australia Institute of Training (SAIT), a registered training organisation accredited to award Certificate III, IV or Diploma in Leadership. Be Prepared...to help young people be their best!...to contribute to your community!...to rediscover Adventure!! Joey Scouts(6&7) Wed 5pm-6pm Cub Scouts(8-11) Wed 6.30-8 Scout Section(11-15) Tues 6.30-8.30 For more info go to www.joinscouts. com.au or call Desley McKnight 0411 986 779 or Liz Haines 0427 258 772 or dvriens@bigpond.com

Ph:5261 2583

Torquay Lions Club

The month of June heralds the end of the club year for many Clubs including the Torquay Lions Club. This year being the Centenary Year for Lions Clubs worldwide, means that we were a little busier highlighting our 100 year birthday officially on June 7, 2017. Lions officially began when a Chicago businessman named Melvin Jones told members of his business club that they should aim to reach beyond just business issues and address the betterment of their communities and the World. After contacting similar groups across America and receiving a positive response, a meeting was held on June 7, 1917 which resulted in the formation of the “Association of Lions Clubs”. Lions came to Australia to Lismore NSW in 1947, when William Tresise, a member of his local Apex Club reached the maximum age limit of 40 y.o. He discovered that Lions had no such age limit and after much discussion with American Lions, set up the first Australian Club in his home town. From this humble beginning, Australia boasts over one thousand Clubs. The local Lions will be celebrated along with many other Clubs on June 7 with an afternoon tea at the Surf Coast Shire Offices for members, spouses and other people with close ties to the Club. Later in June, the Club will hold their Annual Changeover Dinner which signifies the end of Brian Keane’s time as President. Brian has had a great year in the chair and the results of his labours will be seen shortly as he has led our Club in a joint project with the Shire to assist the youth of the area to deal with difficult situations they may encounter. More Later. Our President Elect is Patricia Blane and the Torquay Lions are looking forward to another busy and interesting year ahead.


14 Price Street

Office Hours: 9am-3.30pm Mon-Thurs

Ph:5261 2583

Torquay Tennis Club Torquay Theatre Troupe’s May production of The Laramie Project has been received with much acclaim from critics and patrons alike. Once again, we have heard admiring comments from people amazed at the ability of the actors to not only learn their words, but to portray their characters in a believable way. Our thanks go to all who were involved in the production of this compelling play, to the users of the Senior Citizens’ Hall for their patience and forbearance, and to our wonderful audiences whose engagement with the performances make it all worthwhile.

The Torquay Community Men’s Shed Inc. is open to local men from all walks of life to encourage friendship, support, good fellowship and promote health and wellbeing. We’re an Incorporated, not for profit organisation at 18 Price St. Torquay, behind the Old Police Station (TOPS). Some members are creative in the workshops, many just come to sit, drink tea/coffee, eat cake and biscuits and talk around the “Table of Knowledge”! It’s all part of the process of getting together, meeting new people and generally relaxing in a male friendly, alcohol-free space!

We now turn our minds and energies to our August performances of Us and Them, a one act play written by David Campton. For this production, we are looking to involve some of the senior students from Surf Coast Secondary College and other local colleges. Watch for details of performances in local papers, on facebook or on the website (ttt.org.au). The play will be entered in the Anglesea One Act Play Festival at the end of August and will also feature during Mental Health Week in October.

Apart from woodwork, we now have a metal work shed with a metal screw-cutting lathe, gas, arc and MIG welding plants, sheet metal folder/ guillotine and other metal working equipment.

Director, Michael Baker, will be conducting auditions for our November production of David Williamson’s contemporary comedy When Dad Married Fury on Thursday 27th July at 16 Price St, Torquay from 7:00pm. Interested actors can contact Michael on 0413 040 976 for further information. This play will be something to look forward to as we struggle through the cold and cheerless winter. Williamson’s social commentaries demonstrate Yasmina Reza’s comment that “Theatre is a mirror, a sharp reflection of society.”

We meet several times a week: • Mondays 1:30pm -3pm is our ‘Singing in the Shed’ group who say they feel fantastic after exercising their lungs. Don’t worry about talent– these guys can break glass but they do have fun. They’re even getting gigs in town, come along and join in! • Tuesdays & Wednesdays are regular Shed days, 9:30am-12:30pm, kick back to relax or get stuck into a project in the workshops. On the last Wednesday of the month is a sausage sizzle, all for the same daily fee of $2! • Our Cooking Group, meets on the 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month at Torquay College to create some weird and wonderful food! It’s all good fun and provides food and new skills. • We go to the movies once a month at Waterland and then the Moriac Hotel for lunch. The movie is a subsidised fee of $5 and the lunch is on you. Escape from the house for a couple of hours and check us out! We are open during school holidays and can be contacted on 0498 972 862 or email us at menshedtorquay@gmail.com!


Anyone For Tennis? Monday Night Social (Men) Contact: John Iguanati 0414 469 704

Tuesday Midweek Ladies Contact: Shelley Thompson 0407 307 189

Wednesday Cardio Tennis 7pm-8pm

Wednesday Life Activities

10am-11.30am Call: Kris Cuttiford 0425 791 979 or Daryl Mcilvena 0409 886 255

Friday Morning Social Hit Contact: Oona Wadling 5261 2426

Saturday Morning Jr Tennis Contact: Peter Hubacek 0428 399 973

Saturday Mixed Comp

Contact: Wayne Beale 5261 3392

Membership Enquiries

Contact: Sue Minter 0457 835 175 Casual court hire $20 per session – key available at Bell Street Bakery, 15 Bell St Torquay Coaching Available! For more information please see our website: www.tennis.com.au/torquay


14 Price Street

Office Hours: 9am-3.30pm Mon-Thurs

LIFE ACTIVITIES CLUB SURFCOAST Inc. Become involved with the local community and share experiences with other like-minded people who have moved to the Surf Coast from all parts of Australia and overseas. Join our Life Activities Club Surf Coast Inc. and participate in a wide range of activities, including: • Badminton • Cinema • Morning Chat • Resistance Training* • Scrabble* • Social Group • Tennis • Walking Tues, Thurs, Sat

*Reaching their limit in number participating As well as the established activities mentioned above, we welcome suggestions from members for new/additional activities, particularly if they are prepared to convene the new group. Potential activities could include: • Shopping trips to Melbourne • Fishing, gardening, swimming • Cards, mah-jong

For all enquiries or to apply for membership please contact: • Anne Georgiou, President, 0409 162 102 • June Marks, Secretary, email lifeactivities@torquay. vic.au • Spring Creek Community House, 5261 2583 during office hours • Visit the website at http:// torquay.vic.au/community/ life-activities-club-surfcoast/


Ph:5261 2583

Danawa Community Garden Torquay has its own, long established community garden, based on sustainability and permaculture principles. Danawa Community Garden is in the Spring Creek Reserve, on the left of the tennis court (south) entrance to the Football Oval. Here you’ll find: • a blend of shared and individual gardening plots • the growth of a range of edible foods, shared by members willing to help out • a friendly place for people to garden together. During Winter, there will always be something hot to drink and eat when we meet on Saturday mornings from 10am, and then the second Saturday and fourth Sunday of each month from 2pm until 4pm. Our Annual General Meeting will be held in August, when our fee structure for the next year will be agreed upon. So, if you’re thinking of joining us, apply for membership now at the current, low annual rate. Go to http://www.danawa.org.au or email us at :danawa communitygarden@gmail.com

Term two offered 19 classes including new classes in Cinema Studies, Mah Jong, a class exploring the science of sound and the popular ‘Links to our past’ with Cheryl Baulch a founder of ‘Torquay Museum Without Walls’. Armchair Politics focussed on politics and the media. The Occasional Lecture series continued with Julie Dyer, Surf Coast Arts Project Officer, at the Anglesea Community House. Julie outlined the Council involvement in local arts including the annual Art Trail. The committee is keen to keep expanding into Anglesea with more classes and events. Winemaker and director of ‘Sum of The Few Wines’ Michael Clayden gave a fascinating presentation on ‘Some Insights Into the Story of Wine in our area’ including tastings on June 2nd. The new committee members are settling in and on May 30th the committee met with both the mayor and CEO of the Surf Coast Council. The committee was keen to support the recent Council Plan initiative which addresses the limited community facilities in Torquay, particularly those suitable for older citizens. We requested that U3A SurfCoast be included as a crucial part of forward planning in the Council Plan, especially when Council allocates community spaces for groups such as ours. New members are always welcome and can enrol online at www.u3asurfcoast.org.au or during term time at Spring Creek Community House, 14 Price Street Torquay. Enquiries: info@u3asurfcoast.org.au or phone 0419 578 598

Julie Dyer, Noela Alexander, Rosemary Faris & Brian Alexander in Anglesea


14 Price Street

Office Hours: 9am-3.30pm Mon-Thurs


Ph:5261 2583


14 Price Street

Office Hours: 9am-3.30pm Mon-Thurs

g New

Ph:5261 2583

courses & Activities for 2017

Stage Stars

Experimental Drawing Classes for Children! Denise Walker, acclaimed West Australian landscape artist, winner of multiple Australian art awards and an exhibitor across Australia and internationally is running Experimental Drawing 1 classes for children this term. Denise has taught primary, secondary, tertiary students and has a wealth of experience to share within her new community.

Spring Creek Community House is pleased to offer STAGE STARS – our new program that prepares young people for vocal performance! Our vocal coach and tutor Erika Turner says ‘Recently I have been receiving more and more requests from young people wanting to learn how to sing and present confidently for performance. In response to this I thought that I would offer a course that teaches basic singing technique and presentation skills.’ The group will explore a variety of modern vocal styles through group singing and solo performance. There will be an opportunity for participants who wish to perform, to do so and receive valuable feedback on their performances. Erika will also touch on singing harmonies, which is an invaluable skill to have, especially for band and theatrical work. Erika has spent most of her working life teaching singing, performing, directing and preparing students for a variety of performances. These performances range from concerts, exams, eisteddfods and band work to auditions (courses and Musical Theatre) and cabarets.

Ages 8-14 can come and have fun playing with art materials on Wednesdays 4.30-6pm at Spring Creek Community House. Children will experiment with pencils, graphite, charcoal, ink and pastels. The focus is on playing, being creative, having fun and working together. For further details see our term program.

Life Drawing

Learn how to see and you will learn how to draw! Develop your artistic skills through observational drawing of the human form, including proportions, composition, foreshortening and tone.

The course will be fast paced and focused as much as possible on the needs of the participants in the class.

For beginners and experienced artists this class will be held over two three hour workshops on Satuday, 29th July and 5th August 10am-1pm. Cost is $80 for both workshops and all equipment is supplied.

Stage Stars will run Tuesdays 4.30-5.30pm, $10 weekly, enrolment essential: 5261 2583

Enolment is essential please call Julie Roddy 0412003759 julie.r@internode.on.net


Learning Keeps you Healthy

Adult learners are great Taking a class, joining a rolemodels. Learning is group and participating infectious: one person’s in new activities ives enthusiasm rubs off on you a chance to make people especially their new friends and children and family. improve your self confidence.


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Learning Boosts Mo�va�on

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Learning Transforms lives Learning is a lifechanger. It gives people hope and empowers them to participate as equals in our rapidly changing society.


14 Price Street

Office Hours: 9am-3.30pm Mon-Thurs

Ph:5261 2583

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