APRIL 2009
Springfield College students at the Albany AYP Conference in March 2009.
PREPARING THE NEXT GENERATION OF YMCA LEADERS Harry Rock, Director of YMCA Relations It has now been one year since I have been on the Springfield College campus as the director of the Office of YMCA Relations. I was fortunate to follow in the footsteps of Paul Katz, who spent seven years in this position building up a great Career Candidate Program. After twenty-seven years in YMCA operations, sixteen of which were spent as the CEO of the YMCA of Greater Westfield, it has been a huge culture change for me. Fortunately, I have a very strong team in our office: Erin Friedman and Lori Berg, who have been wonderful mentors, helping guide me along as I enter an entirely different career path within the YMCA. I have to say that it is exciting to be
on campus. Springfield College was established in 1885 as the School for Christian Workers before changing its name to the International YMCA Training School in 1891. This private, independent institution of higher education focused in its early years on educating and preparing young men to serve as Sunday school teachers and as YMCA secretaries. Today, Springfield College’s commitment to the YMCA movement remains as strong as ever. Our YMCA Studies Program mission and the need to support the pipeline of new YMCA professionals have never been more important. I am thrilled to be here at Springfield College helping to educate our future YMCA leaders for great careers.
IN THIS ISSUE Beyond Borders: YMCA International Studies Program............................ Page 2 2008 YMCA Internship Recap....... Page 2 Recruiting the Next Generation.... Page 3
YMCA Club: Our Campus Model........ Page 3
Thanks for Financial Support....... Page 5
A Review of YMCA Fall Events........... Page 3
I Am the Y: Student Profile........... Page 6
Thanks for Support of the Springfield College Comprehensive Campaign.... Page 4
Calendar of YMCA Activities Winter/Spring 2009....................... Page 6