7 minute read
The Old Court House Building, High Street, Kirkcudbright, DG6 4JW
T: 07793 090 697 E: annirose123@hotmail.co.uk
W: www.anniroseansbro.com anniroseansbro
Laura Boswell
110 High Street, Kirkcudbright, DG6 4JQ
T: 07973 984 119 E: laura@lauraboswell.co.uk
W: www.lauraboswell.co.uk LauraBoswellPrintmaker
I am an abstract artist creating paintings that you want to look at and touch. Through a playful exploration of materials such as household paint, paint skins, wax and wood I enjoy creating abstract forms and interesting surfaces and textures.

What to expect: My studio is situated in the beautiful artists, town of Kirkcudbright. Visitors will see my working studio with paintings in various stages of completion with an opportunity to take part in a large collaboration painting and meet my studio dog Buddy.
£5 - what3words: ///savers.mindset.typified what3words: ///informs.darker.windpipe
Recommendation: Buddy and I enjoy a walk around town, down by the harbour and along the river.
Directions: Opposite Fisher Street, not far from the Tollbooth.
Accessibility: There is a step and ramp at the entrance to the studio and an accessible toilet at the rear of the building.
My linocut and woodblock prints explore the wild landscapes of Scotland and northern England focusing on light and weather. My studies in Japan influence my techniques and my creative approach: my prints consist of many transparent layers, evoking a sense of place and scale.

What to expect: I’ll be demonstrating throughout Spring Fling, cutting blocks and printing on my Victorian printing presses. Along with editioned prints expect to see sketchbooks, design drawings, blocks and works-in-progress. Join me to explore lino and woodblock from the technical craft to the creative art.
Recommendation: Excellent coffee and food at Feast Café at 32 St Cuthbert St. Join Fiona on a Kirkcudbright Art Tour learn all about local artists, historic and contemporary.
Directions: From the A75, take the A711 into Kirkcudbright. My studio is in the large blue house on the High Street at the junction of High Street and Castle Street.
Accessibility: We have two flagstone steps to the front door, beyond that the studio area is all level with smooth flooring and wide doorways.
Patti Leino
T: 07712 001 202 E: patti@pattilean.co.uk
W: pattilean.co.uk patti.lean pattileanArt
Laura Derby
Studio 2, WASPS Studios, 117 High Street, Kirkcudbright, DG6 4JG

T: 07964 788 501 W: www.rugaura.com
E: laura@rugaura.com RugauraRugs
I use painting to connect ecological literature to my walks in northerly places, Iceland, Finland and Scotland. From climbing glaciers to crawling around my own garden, I re-imagine those experiences with the aim of highlighting the importance of the living world.

What to expect: Artworks based on the chapters of my ongoing thesis on Nan Shepherd: 'Mountain', 'Sea', 'Forest' and 'Garden', plus objects, films, photos and notebooks from Iceland and Finland. 15-minute informal talks 2pm Saturday and Sunday. Families with children welcome: there will be paper, crayons and snacks.
£20 - £1,200 what3words: ///textiles.observers.quick
Recommendation: Selkirk Arms Hotel, High Street, DG6 4JG – friendly hotel and bar with garden, serving delicious meals and snacks.
10% discount for Friends of Spring Fling.
Directions: From the A75 take the A711 into Kirkcudbright. From St Mary Street turn right into Daar Road. The WASPS Studios are at the end of the council car park.
Accessibility: On ground floor, accessible toilet.
I hand tuft functional, artful rugs and upholster stools using my palette of wool to paint elements of nature and heritage motifs. I like to carve the finished textile for design effect and play with the shapes of the rugs and the stools I make.
What to expect: In my WASPS Artists Studio you'll see my large tufting frame I make my rugs on, my considerable stock of wool, finished rugs and all the various tools I need. I photograph finished rugs and have the prints and greetings cards for sale too.
£2.50 - £1,500
Recommendation: what3words: ///textiles.observers.quick
The Selkirk Arms Hotel, High St, Kirkcudbright DG6 4JG for a coffee, lunch or dinner break.
10% discount for Friends of Spring Fling.
Directions: WASPS studios are a 3 minute walk from Kirkcudbright Galleries, turn left at the Selkirk Arms and look for the bunting a few doors up.
Accessibility: Wheelchair access through the front door and into my studio. Slight ramp to large disabled toilet.
Lizzie Farey
Studio 3, WASPS Studios, 117 High Street, Kirkcudbright, DG6 4JG
T: 07821 629 234 E: lizziefarey@gmail.com
W: www.lizziefarey.co.uk Lizzie Farey what3words: ///textiles.observers.quick
I make delicate, intricate sculptures for the wall using willow and other local woods. Using my traditional basket-making skills I also create 3D forms inspired by the natural environment. Recently I have revisited my love of painting and drawing, using oil and mixed media.

What to expect: My studio will have new work for sale, bolts of recently harvested willow and bundles of wild material gathered for creative use. New paintings inspired by the local landscape as well as my sketchbooks, magazine articles and books to browse through.
10% discount for Friends of Spring Fling.
Recommendation: Kirkcudbright Galleries, St Mary Street. DG6 4AA. Gallery with cafe promoting the unique art heritage of Kirkcudbright.
Directions: From the A75, take the A711 into Kirkcudbright. From St Mary Street turn right into Daar Road. The WASPS Studios are at the far end of the council car park.
Accessibility: 20 stairs with handrail to my first floor studio.
Katy Quinn
Studio 7, WASPS Studios, 117 High Street, Kirkcudbright, DG6 4JG
T: 07766 688 251 W: www.gilded-image.co.uk
E: katy@eternia.net what3words: ///textiles.observers.quick
Glass and precious metals have a unique, ethereal beauty in the way they respond to light. I combine them to make detailed, atmospheric, image-based work – celebrating the wonder of our shared world in all its glorious variety, its precious – and fragile –beauty.

What to expect: Welcome to my new studio in Scotland! On the top floor of this historic building my cosy, light-filled studio will contain my tools and materials plus work for sale for every budget: cards, prints, 2D wall work, 3D pieces, jewellery. Commissions welcome!
10% discount for Friends of Spring Fling.
Recommendation: St Mary's Isle walk – a varied, accessible, relaxing amble.
Directions: From the Selkirk Arms Hotel, walk along the High Street – the front entrance to WASPS Studios is a few doors down on the same side.
Accessibility: My studio is on the 2nd floor via stairs with handrail. Some examples of work in ground floor space. Disabled toilet. Parking at rear via Daar Road.
Studio 8, WASPS Studios, 117 High Street, Kirkcudbright, DG6 4JG
T: 07967 327 564 W: cameronsmithdesigns.co.uk
E: claire@cameronsmithdesigns.co.uk clairecameronsmith
My printmaking is founded on the traditional Japanese woodblock technique. I create prints featuring mainly birds and flowers. I enjoy the wholesomeness of using natural “ingredients” such as wood, handmade paper, pure pigment powders and rice paste in the making of my works.

What to expect: One of the joys of printmaking is being able to create multiple, hand-pulled originals, and there will be plenty of these to see in my studio, as well as the chance to view the tools and materials I used to produce them.
10% off original prints for Friends of Spring Fling.
Recommendation: what3words: ///textiles.observers.quick
Paul Bakery for delicious steak pies if you need a quick bite between studio visits!
Directions: From A75 take A711 into Kirkcudbright. From St Mary Street, turn right onto High Street. WASPS Studios are on right, past Selkirk Arms. Parking available at rear – via Daar Road.
Accessibility: My studio is accessible if using the main front door to WASPS and there is also an accessible toilet available in the building.
Alison Corfield

17 Castle Street, Kirkcudbright, DG6 4JA
T: 07535 126 674 E: alison@alisoncorfield.co.uk
W: www.alisoncorfield.co.uk AlisonCorfieldTextileArtist
My artwork is based on worn surfaces shaped by the sea and the wind, inspired by the wider landscape of Dumfries & Galloway. I make collages with recycled fabrics and papers, adding colour with paints and dyes and then stitch marks with my sewing machine.
What to expect: I will be demonstrating how I make my work throughout the event. You can look through my sketchbooks and handle stitched samples. I will have framed pieces for sale, both abstract and semi abstract works, also books, jewellery and cards, all of which are stitched.
£2.50 - £350
Recommendation: Visit Kirkcudbright’s independent book shop 75 St. Mary Street, Kirkcudbright, DG6 4DU what3words: ///crypt.shed.mornings
10% discount for Friends that visit the studio.
Directions: In the centre of Kirkcudbright: from the Harbour Square, head towards the castle, then turn half-left into Castle Street. No 17 is on the left next to the Masonic Arms.
Accessibility: There is one very small step at our entrance door. On-street parking right outside.
Alistair Hamilton
17 Castle Street, Kirkcudbright, DG6 4JA
T: 07970 825 264 E: a@alistairhamilton.co.uk
W: alistairhamilton.co.uk
Joshua Miles
Joshua Miles Art Studio, 57 Castle Street, Kirkcudbright, DG6 4JD
T: 07787 734 035 E: info@joshuamiles.art
W: www.joshuamiles.art Joshua Miles joshua_miles_artist
I use photography to create work full of pattern, detail and texture based on the natural and human-made environment. My subjects are often things in plain sight that go unnoticed. I want my work to give others an idea how the world appears to me.

What to expect: A warm welcome to my studio space that I share with my partner. There will be lots of work from cards to framed pieces. I can demonstrate and explain the hardware and software tools and techniques that I use to create my work.
£2.50 - £300 what3words: ///crypt.shed.mornings
Recommendation: The Masonic Arms, next door at 19 Castle Street. CAMRA recommended for beer and 250 varieties of gin.
10% discount for Friends of Spring Fling.
Directions: In the centre of Kirkcudbright: from the Harbour Square, head towards the castle, then turn half-left into Castle Street. No 17 is on the left next to the Masonic Arms.
Accessibility: There is one very small step at our entrance door. Access to the smaller back room is narrow. On-street parking right outside.
I am a full time artist/printmaker who specialises in hand made limited edition reduction linocuts. I am inspired by the impressionists style of mark making and Japanese selective rolling techniques. My passion is capturing the play of light moving over landscapes or found in reflexions.

What to expect: My studio is an old shop with large windows which are my work stations where I demonstrate my process showing how I use my tools and printing press. I exhibit my current framed works and a large stock of unframed works.
£100 - £700
Recommendation: what3words: ///finders.sniff.bombshell
Just across the road from me is The Garret Hotel that does meals and has a large beer garden.
Directions: My studio is on the corner of High street and Castle Street with the castle being at the opposite end of the street and in view of the car park.
Accessibility: My studio has direct access from the street with the door on street level.