2020 New Home Buying Guide

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buying guide




poolside nap

WHERE A COMES AFTER A MORNING OF PICKLEBALL Life’s next chapter can be your best one yet at The Retreat in Banning Lewis Ranch! Our 10,000 sq. ft. private and exclusive community center offers opportunities for a 55+ active lifestyle that’s been curated just for you with daily enrichment and recreation with your friends. Play a game of pickleball, enjoy yoga on the lawn, and relax by our beautiful turquoise swimming pool. Our creative and energetic Lifestyle Director will support you in making your ideas happen the very way you envision them; start a club, join an activity, or host a party.

Come to Life at The Retreat.

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A STEP ABOVE: "č 7"" " - 1 - " 1-/" , 8* , č č ", č /9 " ",č " -*, The Oakwood Homes Colorado Division opened its doors in 2006 and purchased a portion of Banning Lewis ,> V >à Ìà wÀÃÌ À>` -«À }à `iÛi « i Ì Óä£Ó° - Vi Ì >Ì Ì i] "> Ü ` ià VÕÀÀi Ì Þ LÕ `à ià À>` -«À }ý >Ü>À` Ü } >ÃÌiÀ « > i` V Õ ÌÞ > } iÜ Ã ,> V ° 7 iÌ iÀ Þ Õ >Ài > wÀÃÌ Ì i i LÕÞiÀ] à i i ÌiÀiÃÌi` «ÕÀV >à } > L }}iÀ i] À > i «ÌÞ iÃÌiÀ] "> Ü ` ià vviÀà > >ÀÀ>Þ v iÜ iÃ Ì wÌ Ì i Û>ÃÌ ii`à v iLÕÞiÀÃ Ì i À>` -«À }à V Õ ÌÞ° >V v "> Ü `½Ã V Õ Ì ià L >ÃÌà > Û>À iÌÞ v iÃ


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“At Oakwood, we never lose sight that we are building people’s dreams, and we continually strive to build customers for life,” said Oakwood Homes VP of Finance and Division Executive, Thomas Garmong.

“I love having the opportunity to get one-onone time with the homebuyers and give them a lifetime experience and creating a forever bond building their dream home,” said Oakwood Homes Interior Designer Erica Vashti.

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OAKWOODHOMESCO.COM | 719.380.5092 © 2020 Oakwood Homes



Photo by Pikes Peak Aerial, LLC

Banning Lewis Ranch is Colorado Springs’ number one selling community and through its vast amenity offerings and familial atmosphere, it’s easy to see why so many Colorado Springs residents consider it the best place to live. The popular neighborhood has a rich and vibrant history that for over a century has left an impact on the Colorado Springs community. Founded in 1897 by William Banning as Banning Ranch, the ranch grew in 1927 through the marriage of William Banning’s daughter, Ruth Banning, and Pinky Lewis. The families expanded and operated the original Banning Lewis Cattle Ranch and left an amazing legacy in the cattle ranching industry. Today, Banning Lewis Ranch is home to more than 2,700 residents. Centrally located in the northeastern area of Colorado Springs, directly off Woodmen road and Marksheffel road, the Banning Lewis Ranch neighborhood offers its residents a familial community with outstanding amenities, ideal for homeowners in all stages of life. Coloradans are hard pressed to find new homes for sale in the Colorado Springs area with neighborhood amenities already in place as they are at Banning Lewis Ranch. Banning Lewis Ranch has over 65 acres of trails and parks located throughout the community including a newly opened dog park in Vista Park. With four neighborhood parks, a community park between the school and the community center, and an array of open space areas called pasillos, each home in Banning Lewis Ranch is just within two blocks of a park, trail or open space. The community center, referred to as the Ranch House, serves as the center point of the community with tennis courts, a junior Olympic outdoor pool and a fitness center that offers a wide selection of equipment and machines. The Ranch also features a large patio area with a fireplace and grills, perfect for entertaining family and friends or neighborhood gatherings.

Banning Lewis Ranch is a haven for kids in the summer with its Vista Water Park, a splash park fully equipped with a water-slide and a whirlpool that is the perfect place for kids to play during hot summer days. Also, during the summer, Banning Lewis Ranch hosts a free, outdoor concert series in Northtree Park, which will kick off on June 4 and a weekly farmers market every Thursday. In partnership with the Pikes Peak Library District, their Mobile Library makes a stop most Saturdays at the Ranch House where residents can check out and return books. There are three schools within the neighborhood- Banning Lewis Ranch Academy Charter School, grades K-5; Banning Lewis Ranch Middle and Preparatory Charter High School, grades 6-12; and D-49’s Inspiration View Elementary School, grades PK-5. Those interested in purchasing a home at Banning Lewis Ranch can select from three Colorado premier builders including Oakwood Homes, Classic Homes and Covington Homes. Each builder offers new homes in various price points with a variety of home designs and floorplans for prospective buyers to choose from. In April 2020, The Retreat at Banning Lewis Ranch, a 55+ Active Adult Community will open, south of Dublin Road. The project features a variety of patio, ranch-style and luxury homes with community lifestyle amenities including a private clubhouse, pool, pickle ball and bocce ball courts and a lifestyle director. Oakwood Homes and Classic Homes are the premier builders at the Retreat. To witness this amazing community for yourself, stop by one of our model homes or visit our website www.banninglewisranch.com for more information. We would love to hear from you!


TIME TO BUY: Apartment Guide report shows that nationwide rent prices continue to climb


Apartment Guide has released its 2020 Rent Report, which shows the average rent price for studio, one-bedroom, two-bedroom and three-bedroom apartments increased nationwide. According to the findings, the average one-bedroom apartment rented for about $1,540 in 2019, up about 3% from the previous year. In fact, the report finds prices for all unit sizes rose by a larger percentage year over year, with the exception of studio apartments. However, several large cities that are notorious for high prices actually saw decreases in

average rent over the same time period. Rent prices in the three cities with the highest average monthly prices (New York, San Francisco and Boston) dropped across the board in 2019. “Affordability remains a major concern for apartment renters across the country,” says Ryan Davis, Chief Product and Marketing Officer, Business for Apartment Guide’s parent company, RentPath. “While high demand is contributing to price increases nationwide, there are neighborhoods and communities in almost every city that are more reasonably priced. Renters just need to shop around and determine what location and costs make sense for them.” In addition to highlighting national trends, the Apartment Guide Rent Report also finds: • One region where rent prices are increasing at a faster rate than anywhere else in the country • Surprising states and cities where one-bedroom rent prices increased and decreased the most in 2019 • The specific renter demographics who feel rent prices are too high and which renter groups are most satisfied with their living conditions • An overwhelming majority of renters eventually want to own a home, but their short-term housing plans contradict that goal Additional information from the national report includes: • National average rent price trends nationwide note “relatively no change




31% $


Pay less than $1,100 per month

33% $


Pay $1,100 – $2,000 per month

Pay more than $2,000 per month

in studio apartment pricing (0.4%) from 2018-2019. • One-bedroom prices increased 3% on average, higher than last year’s 1.6%. From $1,541.30 in 2018 to $1,586.84 in 2019. • “There was a 1.7% increase in twobedroom prices from $1,779.26 in 2018 to $1,808.73 in 2019.

How Colorado Springs compares with other cities

As for the West, according to the report, prices for smaller units are increasing; the cost of a two bedroom unit is rising almost as fast as in the South (2.4%) at 1.2%. The West is also “the only region showing across the board growth in rent prices with no decreases” this year (4.7%). The annual rent report also wrapped up a rent picture for the West: “Out of all of the cities among the 100 most populated with sufficient inventory in each unit size group in the West region, 56% of cities experienced an increase in average studio prices, 72% saw an increase in one-bedroom prices and 73% had an increase in two-bedroom average prices.” According to rentcafe.com, the average rent for an apartment in Colorado Springs is $1,193, a 7% increase compared to the previous year. The average apartment size is $840 per sq. feet. According to the site, over half of the people renting in Colorado Springs pay between $1,001 and $1,500 (54%) with renter occupied houses representing 36% (63,467) of the households here; Owner-occupied households represent 63% (112,559).













Colorado Springs



Fort Collins






Castle Rock



Cimarron Hills




New homes in the US are shrinking as builders try to contain costs BY STEVE BROWN, THE DALLAS MORNING NEWS

LAS VEGAS — Builders are putting the squeeze on new homes to lower costs. The average new home size across the country is declining in response to higher house price tags and more buyers wanting to downsize. But the typical new home still has plenty of room at about 2,500 square feet last year. “It peaked at 2,689 square feet in 2016,” said Rose Quint, a top researcher with the National Association of Home Builders. “In the last four years we have seen the average size of new homes decline every year.” “It’s the smallest house size we have put in the ground since the year 2011 in this country,” Quint said at the building industry’s annual show last weekend in Las Vegas. Homes being built in the U.S. are about the same size as what builders were providing before the Great Recession. But the price tags are much higher. In 2005, the median price of new houses in Dallas-Fort Worth (D-FW) was about $176,000. Now a midpriced single-family home in the area costs around $350,000.


Consumers are also doing their part, turning their noses up at over-the-top home features. You’ll find fewer of those grand two-story entries and family rooms in new houses. With similar price increases in most states, builders are worried they are pricing buyers out of many markets. So builders are trimming sizes and reducing frills to rein in costs. Dallas-Fort Worth new home sizes are still ahead of the national average. In 2019 the average new home sold in North Texas was 2,774 square feet, according to housing analyst Metrostudy Inc. D-FW home sizes have fallen from a record 2,910 square feet average in 2015. One way for builders to hold down costs is to downsize the number of bedrooms. Less than 45% of homes built nationally in 2019 had four or more bedrooms, according to the National Association of Home Builders’ latest studies. “It’s been edging down in the years since the recession,” Quint said. “It’s the smallest share since the year 2012.”

Big garages are also starting to shrink in number of stalls and overall size. “Builders are shifting more and more toward the entry level homes in what they produce,” Quint said. “They are trying to respond to the affordability crisis we have had in the country in the last few years.” Consumers are also doing their part, turning their noses up at some overthe-top home features. You’ll find fewer of those grand twostory entries and family rooms in new houses. “A lot of consumers consider those high spaces difficult to heat and cool so builders are shying away from them,” Quint said. About 12% of first-time buyers say they want no parking at all. “What does that tell us — they have no cars,” Quint said.

Buyers still have their lists of musthaves in a new house. Some of their make-or-break home features include laundry rooms, hardwood floors, energy-saving windows and celling fans. Topping the features that turn them off are elevators, wine cellars, pet washing stations and rooftop plantings. “People are not going to be willing to pay for these things for the most part,” Quint said. “Nobody wants a roof covered by plants.” More than 60% of buyers say they want to purchase in the suburbs. Less that 20% — despite what you hear — say they want to live in the center city. “Fifty-nine percent of first-timers want to buy that home in the suburbs,” Quint said. “Only 15% want the central city.” More than three-fourths of buyers say they want a traditional single-family home — not a townhouse or condo. Almost 80% of potential buyers polled said they are looking for open concept kitchen and living areas, instead of the compartmentalized floor plans many of them grew up with.

They’ve made Cordera even better.



Cordera is always getting better. This summer a new lap pool and patio join the popular community pool and clubhouse. This Spring, we will open the new 16-acre Wild Rumpus park, offering more than a mile of of new trails. Come see what else is new in this familyfriendly premier community with great D-20 schools. Find homes from the $450s to $900s. Connect with builders. See what’s new. Cordera.com

Where the American dream lives on.


This is a truly unique opportunity to own an amazing custom home in a 100-year-old neighborhood! Spencer Penrose used Polo as a very successful advertising campaign to entice upper-class patrons to his new Broadmoor Hotel. Starting in 1927 through 1945, this was the location of many well-attended Polo matches! Now it is the only gated enclave in Broadmoor proper! With majestic mountain views, granite cobblestone street, large flat yards, and a solid perimeter wall with electric gates. Only blocks from the 5 Star Broadmoor Hotel. Architecturally designed for the home-owner’s personal taste and lifestyle, all four homes will be built with distinctive quality and craftsmanship. 3 generous lots remain - .86, .86 and 1.17 acres.

The Polo Club Developed by The Newport Company

Marketed by Trish Ingels


Starting at $2,000,000 for lot and custom home! For over 4 decades, The Newport Company has transformed existing homes and has built more custom homes in Broadmoor area than any other builder. The work of Rick Delesk and his dedicated, deeply experienced team has been featured in several architectural publications, and showcased in distinguished home shows. They are creative, true craftsmen, accountable and has sources to buy unique products from around the world. Happy homeowners - references available. NEW HOME BUYING GUIDE 2020 | 11



Even better. Again.

Our people are what makes us different


Cordera, one of Colorado Springs’ premier planned communities is about to get even better. Residents rave about its great location, familyfriendly neighborhoods, expansive trails, acclaimed D20 schools and a community activities calendar filled with delightful events. They love the great parks, private clubhouse and community pool. But the people behind Cordera had even more in mind. They made Cordera even better. Again.


This summer, Cordera is turning up the enjoyment with a lap pool for healthy workouts and an expanded new patio that lets you kick back with friends and neighbors.


Cordera’s access to exceptional ASD20 schools is even better with the addition of Chinook Middle School in the heart of the community and next door to Chinook Elementary.


This spring, we will open the new Wild

Where the American dream lives on. Rumpus Park, inspired by Where the Wild Things Are. This 16-acre park offers imaginative, nature-based play areas and includes more than a mile of new trails — designed to encourage play, discovery and relaxation. Cordera is a thriving, mature community yet there’s ample opportunity to find your perfect home with approximately a quarter of homesites still available. Create your new home from the $450s - $900s with top homebuilders like Campbell Homes, Creekstone Homes, Goetzmann Homes, Keller Homes, Saddletree Homes, and Vantage Homes. Visit Cordera, just ten minutes from Briargate at I-25 and walk the available lots or quick move-in homes and imagine yourself at home in this ever-improving community.


We have been serving Colorado as a true community bank since 1965. With banking roots in the area extending back into the 1870s, our shareholders have a rich history of supporting Colorado communities. Locally owned and operated, the Park State Bank and Trust team are members of your community, understanding the unique challenges and opportunities we face. The Park State construction and mortgage loan programs are designed to support and protect all parties involved. For the borrower, we add a layer of oversight to the process. Our loan officers, loan administrators, and experienced loan inspection team work together to monitor the project at every stage. We also provide a tool that allows the borrower to monitor the project remotely. For the builder, we provide accountability for the project and an efficient draw process which allows the builder to pay their subcontractors in a timely manner. Our knowledge of the local market and our relationships in the community allow us to offer additional support in the project process. We are confident you will find the

Our knowledge of the local market and our relationships in the community allow us to offer additional support in the project process. oversight, support, and experience we bring will add value to the success of your project. Three key elements set our bank apart: • Loan decisions are always made locally • We are committed to providing a high level of service • We build lasting relationship with those we serve For information on our construction and mortgage loan programs, call 719-697-9234 or visit www.psbtrust.com/.

Resort LIVING.

CHOICE. PERSONALIZATION. GREAT COMMUNITY. The Retreat, a 55 and better active lifestyle neighborhood is part of the award-winning master planned community which connects to parks, trails and amenities while keeping friends and families close. This special and private “retreat” will boast its very own private 10,000 sq. ft. amenity center, outdoor pool and much more to keep an active and healthy lifestyle while enjoying resort-style features in the community.

JOIN OUR INTEREST LIST: MyOakwoodLife.com | 719.380.5092

Oakwood Homes, a Berkshire Hathaway Company, was founded in 1991 and is a premier Colorado Master-Planned Community Developer and Residential Homebuilder. Having built over 20,000 homes for families and those 55 and better, we are setting the pace for cutting-edge ideas, innovative new home designs, energy LMÄJPLUJ` HUK SLHKPUN [OL ^H` PU VMMLYPUN TVYL JOVPJL and affordable options for homeowners. Oakwood Homes is proud to have founded OakwoodLife, which leads our 55+ active lifestyle communities. 2020 O OakwoodLife k dLif





This is a truly unique opportunity to own an amazing custom home in a 100-year-old neighborhood! Spencer Penrose used polo as a very successful advertising campaign to entice upper-class patrons to his new Broadmoor Hotel. Starting in 1927 through 1945, this was the location of many well-attended polo matches! Now it is the only gated enclave in Broadmoor proper. With majestic mountain views, granite cobblestone streets, large flat yards, and a solid perimeter wall with electric gates, it’s only blocks from the 5-star Broadmoor hotel. An architect will design each home for the homeowner’s personal taste and lifestyle. The Newport Company will build all four homes with distinctive quality and craftsmanship, as they have for the last 40 years. Remaining lots are .86, .86 and 1.17 acres.


The Newpor t Company was founded in 1979 by Rick Delesk and is inseparable from the identity of the Broadmoor neighborhoods. For nearly four decades, Newpor t has professionally remodeled and built more than 500 one-of-akind homes in the Broadmoor and the surrounding areas, all with custom architecture and elegant interiors. The work of Delesk and his dedicated, deeply experienced team has been featured in several architectural publications, showcased in distinguished home shows and continues to appear anywhere Broadmoor-area homeowners demand a uniquely crafted, high-quality home. Delesk is proud to live in the Broadmoor area, where so many of his clients are also his neighbors.


Coastal style is all about bringing a relaxed, beachy feel into your home with color, texture, and carefully chosen accessories. Here’s how we created a living room that combines chill coastal vibes with a hint of contemporary cool.


The starting point for this room is a color palette of seashore-inspired hues: think white sand, watery blues, and sun-bleached browns. We used an earthy flat-weave rug and a cream sofa to create a neutral base, then layered in accessories in shades of blue and turquoise.


While the color palette sets the tone for the space, the different textures take it to the next level. A live-edge cocktail table works with matching sofa and end tables to bring natural appeal and a touch of warmth to the space with its light wood finish and driftwood-inspired look. Two poufs and lots of greenery layer in even more texture.


While we wanted to create a space that felt coastal, we also wanted to



add pieces that bring interesting variety and give the room a modern touch. We layered in metallic lamps and a dark grey leather chair to contrast with the otherwise organic and light look.


Accessories are a great opportunity to embrace the coastal theme — without going overboard. Here, some accessories — like the shell vase — are definitively beachy, while other accessories merely nod to the coastal look with their weathered materials. Creating a chill coastal style in your space is simple: start with a color palette inspired by sea and sand, incorporate lots of natural textures, add some contrasting elements, and then complete the look with some tasteful ocean-themed accessories.



New lots available to build in Broadmoor

Relaxing & tranquil coastal living room

Bedroom • Children’s Furniture • Dining Room • Electronics • Living Room • Outdoor Furniture • Office/Entertainment


Colorado Springs 2805 N Chestnut St Colorado Springs, CO 80907 (719) 633-4220


Pikes Peak New Homes Elan Keller Homes From the 500s 10409 Marshall Mesa Court, Colorado Springs, CO 80924 719.388.2350 www.kellerhomes.com/elan

3 Banning Lewis Ranch

Campbell Homes From the $400s-$800s 10308 Webster Pass Court Colorado Springs, CO, 80924 https://cordera.com/builders/campbell-homes/ Creekstone Homes From the $400s-$600s 10323 Webster Pass Court, Colorado Springs, CO 80924 (719) 418-2673 https://cordera.com/builders/creekstone-homes/ Goetzmann Homes From the low $500s 4021 Horse Gulch Loop Phone: (719) 495-8800 https://cordera.com/builders/goetzmann-homes/


Saint Aubyn Homes 13401 Park Meadows Dr. Low $300s to Mid $400s 719-352-9998 www.saintaubynhomes.com Covington Homes 10018 Stonemont Dr. Low $300s to Mid $400s 719-205-6110 www.covingtonhomesco.com Creekstone Homes 10137 Golf Crest Dr. Low $300s to Mid $400s 719-434-8022 www.creekstone-homes.com


David Weekley Homes 6214 Rowdy Dr. Pricing from $430s to $470s 719 453-0169 davidweekleyhomes.com

Classic Homes 8584 Antero Peak Drive COS, CO 80927 Price Range from the mid- $300’s ClassicHomes.com 719-886-4995

JM Weston 6477 Moor Grass Hts Pricing from the Low $300s 719 694-9662 Jmwestonhomes.com Keller Homes 6411 Tumble Creek Dr. Starting in the $420s 719 388-2340 Kellerhomes.com/wolfranch Level 1 Homes 10283 Finn Dr. Pricing from $500s-$600s 719-339-0720 https://level1homes.com/

The Farm

Goetzmann Custom Homes From the low 500’s 1111 Kelso Place Colorado Springs, CO 80921 Phone: 719.548.1338 https://thefarmcolorado.com/homebuilders/goetzmann-homes/ Saddletree Homes From the 500’s 1159 Kelso Place Colorado Springs, CO 80921 Phone: 719.284.5337 https://thefarmcolorado.com/homebuilders/saddletree-homes/

Windingwalk and The Vistas Campbell Homes 10186 Boulder Ridge Dr. Low $300s to High $400s 719-418-3969 www.campbellhomes.com

Reunion Homes 13437 Park Meadows Dr. Mid $200s to Low $400s 719-418-3678 www.reunionhomescolorado.com

Oakwood Homes 9841 Vista Del Pico Blvd. COS, CO 80927 Price range from the mid- $200’s OakwoodHomesCO.com 719-380-5092

BrookStone Homes From the low 400’s 1099 Kelso Place Colorado Springs, CO 80921 Phone: 719.494.5113 https://thefarmcolorado.com/homebuilders/brookstone-homes/

2 Meridian Ranch

Majestic Custom Homes 12692 Clark Peak Ct. Mid $400s to Low $700s 281-900-7020 www.majesticcustomhomes.com

Creekstone Homes 10088 Thrive Ln Pricing from the Low $400s (719) 330-8787 Creekstonehomes.com

Covington Homes Model coming soon (719)749-1733 or (719)205-5248 From low $300’s www.covingtonhomesco.com

Vantage Homes From the High $300s – $600s 10309 Webster Pass Court, Colorado Springs, CO, 80924 (719) 282-6535 https://cordera.com/builders/vantage-homes/

David Weekly Homes 13413 Park Meadows Dr. Mid $300s to Low $400s 719-453-0173 www.davidweekleyhomes.com

Covington Homes 7194 Rim Bluff Lane COS, CO 80927 Price range from the low- $300’s CovingtonHomesCO.com 719-448-5000

4 Gardens at North Carefree

Keller Homes From the $400s-$600s 4411 Captain Jack Lane, Colorado Springs, CO, 80924 (719) 282-9378 Saddletree Homes From the $600s-$900s 4007 Notch Trail Colorado Springs, CO 80924 Phone: (719) BUILDER – 284-5337 https://cordera.com/builders/saddletree-homes/

Daybreak & Highline Covington Homes 9691 Fresh Air Dr. Pricing from the Mid 300s-Mid 400s 719-433-9012 covingtonhomesco.com

Century Communities 13108 Stoney Meadows Way 719-247-9003 www.centurycommunities.com

1 Cordera

Vantage Homes From the low 400’s 1110 Kelso Place Colorado Springs, CO 80921 Phone: 719.597-6373 https://thefarmcolorado.com/homebuilders/vantage-homes/


Vanguard 10069 Thrive Ln, 9906 Wolf Lake Dr. Starting in the $400s 719-650-1778 vanguardnewhomes.com


Cumbre Vista Keller Homes From the low 400s 6458 Cumbre Vista Way, Colorado Springs, CO 80924 719.494.0567 www.kellerhomes.com/cumbre-vista

9 Regency Crest - Pueblo Classic Homes Domega Homes Starting in the high $200s 952 Peachcrest Drive 81005, Pueblo CO 719.566-8245 www.domegahomes.com

Broadmoor The Polo Club 3520 – 3580 Sebastian Hts., Colorado Springs, CO 80906 $2,000,000+ for lot and custom home Trish Ingels 719-331-7819 www.trish-ingels.com

7 Wolf Ranch Covington Homes 10140 Hannaway Dr. Colorado Springs, CO 8024 covingtonhomesco.com (719)433-9012 or (719)355-0012 From the mid $300s Revel Challenger Homes 6526 Mancala Way Price Range from the $340s-$490s challengerhomes.com 719-373-6602 Wolf Ranch Classic Homes 10070 Thrive Ln Starting in the upper $300s 719-282-1650 https://classichomes.com/project/wolf-ranch/

10 Gold Hill Mesa Gold Hill Mesa Goldhillmesa.com 719-633-2202 Take a look at our exciting builders Adamo Homes David Weekley Homes Hi-Point Home Builders JM Weston Homes

11 Old West Ranch Masterbilt Homes, Inc. 16365 Judge Orr Road, Peyton, CO. $700-$800k Jim Stiltner 719-481-1129 masterbilt.com

12 Rockrimmon Village Cooperative of Briargate Sales Office 5475 Tech Center Dr. Ste 215 CS, CO 80919 Independent Living for Active Adults (55+) From $102,000 Jill Davis (719) 425-8383 www.VillageCooperative.com

Pikes Peak New Homes ASTONVILLE RD.












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Use this easy reference map to find your new home! NEW HOME BUYING GUIDE 2020 | 15


A new store, continued growth, Americanmade furnishings plus a secret weapon SPONSORED FEATURE

If you’ve turned on the T.V. lately, you’ve noticed Kristen Bell — none other than Anna from Frozen — has made a bunch of funny commercials for the country’s most trusted name in home furnishings. But she’s not the only friendly face associated with LaZ-Boy here in Colorado Springs. In our area, owner Jim Hendren takes pride in the brand’s solid record of delighting its customers — and also in the fact that since opening the new store out on Powers, he’s heard nothing but great feedback about the staff there. Of course, he continues to hear high praise for the folks who work at the North Academy store, as well. “Our staff — including our free design consultation professionals — remain our secret weapon in creating an unforgettable experience in our showrooms,â€? says Hendren. You can experience their expertise yourself when you invite them to your home, free of charge, to take measurements and discuss your vision for your new home. You can also bring your new home’s room dimensions and start planning your dĂŠcor and furnishings while your

home is being built. The growth that La-Z-Boy has experienced in Colorado Springs is due in large part to the great selection of quality furniture and accessories that can help your home perfectly mirror your taste. Buy a recliner at La-Z-Boy and you’re buying a piece of history: La-Z-Boy invented recliners back in 1927. Visit the showroom today and see the popular styles that aren’t like those vinyl monstrosities you remember Uncle Bob sleeping in during football. The sleek lines and fabric styles of modern recliners will ďŹ t into any home interior, and custom fabric covers have the wow effect you love to love from your favorite HGTV shows. Remember, too, that La-Z-Boy designers can help you keep to any size budget. Check out the design stories on the La-Z-Boy website for up-to-the-minute inspo and remember — your La-Z-Boy design professional can help you with much more than furniture ideas—paint, windows, ooring — their ideas can make your new house feel like a true home. Visit la-z-boy.com/colorado springs or call 719-593-7888.


$0-03"%0 413*/(4 / "$"%&.: t #-00.*/(50/ 45 )PVST .PO 'SJ t 4BU t 4VO XXX MB[CPZ DPN DPMPSBEPTQSJOHT 16 | NEW HOME BUYING GUIDE 2020


A new outlook on life lands a local Realtor and her family at Meridian Ranch SPONSORED FEATURE

Niki Davis knows new homes in Colorado Springs. She ought to. She’s a local Realtor whose goal is helping clients find “the one.” So she was way ahead of the game when it came to finding a new home that fit her family’s lifestyle. “Meridian Ranch has a lot of opportunity,” says Niki. “It is a little quieter, more slow paced, but still has all of the amenities that we wanted,” she says. Amenities include the Antler Creek Golf Course, trails, parks, a fun rec center with indoor and outdoor pools, and a private clubhouse in their neighborhood, Stonebridge. As a Realtor, Niki knows the local market — and admits she’s pretty picky. Meridian Ranch fit the bill. “I really wanted a great community. I wanted views. I wanted my kids to be able to ride their bikes to their friends’ houses,” adds Niki. “Meridian Ranch just met all of the items on my checklist.” Meridian Ranch is located in Falcon, just east of Colorado Springs, north of Woodmen Road on

• Custom Picture Framing • Fine Art Gallery • Original Art by Colorado Artists Meridian Road. Explore 90+ unique home plans, including move-in ready homes, priced from the low $300s to $500s at MeridianRanch.com.

719.487.7691 • bellaartandframe.com 183 Washington Street Monument, CO 80132

Over 500 Acres of Parks, Trails & Open Space

Public Golf Course

Award-Winning New Homes Low $300s - $500s

Indoor & Outdoor Pools

42,000 Sq. Ft. Rec Center

MeridianRanch.com Located in Falcon, just east of Colorado Springs, north of Woodmen Rd. on Meridian Rd.

Golf & Pikes Peak Views NEW HOME BUYING GUIDE 2020 | 17

719-283-1336 18 | NEW HOME BUYING GUIDE 2020


Signs of a good basement repair contractor SPONSORED FEATURE

No one sets out to hire an incompetent contractor for a basement project. Unfortunately, it’s something that befalls some homeowners who want to remodel their water-damaged basements. Some diligence and inquiries can save you heartache and the agony of losing thousands of dollars. To help you make the right decisions, we have highlighted the signs of a good basement repair contractor. If you approach a basement repair contractor and you find out the following, you’re in safe hands.


A good contractor should be licensed, and by virtue of their registration, be able to obtain permits for any construction or repair work in your home or premises. Many of them display their licenses in their offices, while others post them on their websites.


Waterproofing a basement is an intensive job that not only takes a considerable amount of time, but it carries significant risks. Excavations, repairs and new installations ought to be performed properly and safely. However, things can go wrong. A licensed contractor should have insured their workers and the repairs against damage. In the event of damage, you won’t be held liable.


A good contractor has the tools, knowledge and experience to repair uneven foundations or cracks in the foundation. Since they have been around for years, they certainly know a thing or two about carrying out foundation repairs. This is what makes them invaluable to your repair projects.


Good communication is key to the success of your foundation or basement repair project. A good contractor should be able to communicate what needs to be done and how to do it. They should also be able to answer your questions and discuss timeframes and the amount of disruption you can expect.


Just as important is the need to hire a company that backs it work with warranties. A good contractor will offer you a labor warranty and repair warranty for up to 25 years. Even if the company goes out of business, you know there’s a plan to provide the necessary follow-up service.

FREE INSPECTION AND ESTIMATE Every basement contractor who’s worth their salt should offer you a free

estimate and a free initial inspection (assessment of your home and basement). It’s become pretty much the standard nowadays. In most cases, there are no strings attached. You have noticed signs or effects of moisture in your basement and you have decided to get a basement repair contractor to do some repairs. Call us today to schedule an inspection. Whether you need to fix a crack on the foundation or encapsulate your crawl space, we’re happy to supply you with a free basement repair estimate today!


Since 1991 custom homes without the custom price SPONSORED FEATURE

MasterBilt Homes, Inc. is building semi-custom homes on hand picked homesites that boast beautiful settings, room to roam, and convenience. Enjoy a lifestyle that’s a little bit of country with just the right touch of urban. Looking for privacy, custom touches, and large windows that bring the outside in? Check out our newest location featuring 35-acre ranchettes in Old West Ranch and Stagecoach Ranch on the Range. These 35-acre equestrian properties are a rare find. With the announcement of the U.S. Space Command establishing itself in Colorado Springs, increased VA Loan Limits, record low mortgage rates, as well as CDOT plans to upgrade CO-94, these lots are true gems. MasterBilt Homes is known for building stunning custom homes without the custom price. The builder prides itself on quality materials, the highest construction standards and creates innovative designs that fit clients’ lifestyles. Since 1991, MasterBilt Homes has built over 1,000 custom homes and semicustom homes throughout the Colorado Springs/Monument area and

consistently carries out projects from conception to completion with integrity and expertise. “We enjoy building relationships with each and every person we have the privilege of working with,” said Jim Stiltner, President of MasterBilt Homes. “We provide a different kind of home building process than most people experience — our clients are not just a number, they are provided

individualized service by a small, dedicated team.” MasterBilt Homes builds 18-25 homes each year, all of which are given a special, personal touch that homeowners cherish. With more than 25 years of building the finest new homes in the region, MasterBilt Homes, Inc. is locally- and veteran-owned. The team specializes in building new semi-custom homes without the custom

price. MasterBilt Homes, Inc. has a nice selection of custom home sites or they can build on your home site. As land experts, they are also happy to assist you in finding just the right home site to fit your lifestyle and your budget. To start building your dream MasterBilt Home in Old West Ranch or another area in El Paso County, contact owner Jim Stiltner at 719-9643526 or visit masterbilt.com.



FOR THE LOVE OF LINEAR A heart-winning, first-of-its-kind park system

Cow Crossing—one of several parks in The Farm’s Linear Park System

The Farm is proud to introduce Colorado Springs’ first linear park system—parks and pocket parks that run from end-to-end through the entire community, all connected and navigable by a thoughtfully considered trail system. You are invited to get outside and find your

The Farm will debut multiple new amenities this year SPONSORED FEATURE

The highly anticipated Gathering Place will be our crown jewel of human connection bringing neighbors, families and friends together. This special area, featuring a stunning, private clubhouse with fitness rooms, community rooms, social activities, a child watch room and an outdoor pool will open its doors in April! Plus, this summer, residents will be able to take advantage of a unique amenity: Lake Ann, adjacent to the clubhouse, will offer paddleboard classes, canoe and kayak fun, fishing, and other options for the whole family! There are also outdoor spaces for celebrations to commemorate your special birthdays, anniversaries, holidays and more! The Farm is proud to introduce Colorado Springs’ first linear park system — parks and pocket parks (10 in all!) that run from end-toend through the entire community, all connected and navigable by a thoughtfully considered trail system. Trails are Mother Nature’s smiles,

inviting us to adventure and new discoveries. The Farm trail system will also connect to regional Santa Fe and La Foret Trails. With oversized slides, an owl-tree swing and a beautiful painting of Pikes Peak already there to enjoy, adding to the excitement this year will be more parks such as the welcoming Overlook Park. Some of the most spectacular views can be found at this park, with its beautiful elevated setting. Families will savor the lovely, well-shaded places to hang out for a wonderful weekend respite. Plus, also be on the lookout for the Foothills Farm Park which boasts three play areas, designated for children of different ages. All of our parks in this one-of-a-kind system will offer a delightful place to take in a sunset or meet up to hit the trails. You are invited to get outside and find your heart in nature every day. The Farm — Live Abundantly. Learn more at www.thefarmcolorado. com/.

heart in nature every day. Single-family, low-maintenance and custom homesites from the $400s to $1 million+.


Pueblo’s No. 1 award-winning energy builder for over 40 years SPONSORED FEATURE

Visit our models today, and for more information visit TheFarmColorado.com om

GOETZMANN CUSTOM HOMES 719.548.1338 goetzmannhomes.com SADDLETREE HOMES 719-BUILDER saddletreehomes.com VANGUARD HOMES 719.487.8957 vanguardnewhomes.com VANTAGE HOMES 719.597.6373 vhco.com The views shown on the Farm parks, trails and facilities are not exact representations of how they will actually appear. All renderings are the designer’s conceptions and are subject to change. Details, colors, variety of materials and placements of materials and structures may vary from what is shown. Prices, specifications and availability subject to change without notice or obligation. ©2020 The Farm Colorado


Domega Homes, known for their semi-custom homes that are both beautiful and energy efficient — is the largest and most sought-after community in South Eastern Colorado. They’ve been recognized for exceeding energy efficient standards for over 20 years here in Colorado. All you need to do is gaze at their famous tile roofs and beautifully landscaped homes to see the care and commitment they take while creating a breathtaking home for your family. A master planned, covenantprotected community by Domega Homes, Regency Crest, has low HOA fees and everything you will ever want — including gorgeous mountain views; golfing and Lake Pueblo minutes away; and a downsizing or upsizing opportunity in meticulously crafted semi-custom homes for everyone. Building green means your home is designed to consume less energy, water and natural resources, resulting in less waste and more savings compared to a conventional home.

Over the years, that will add up to big savings, and require fewer repairs and reduced utilities, thanks to its highquality building materials. Homeowners will experience enhanced indoor air quality, increased comfort all year round, added resale value and more. The tile roofs are each completely unique creations that have proven durability against wind, fire, hail — and even earthquakes. They come with a transferable lifetime warranty and increase home values, as well. Let some recent homeowners share their experience: “Exceptional! What a wonderful community to be a part of!” “I highly recommend Domega to everyone.” “Great place to live.” “It is well constructed and comfortable.” “These houses are beautifully built.” New construction for a 3-bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage Durango model starts at $279,950. All homes include fenced backyard, sprinkler system and landscaped front yard. Call 719-566-8245 or visit them at www. domegahomes.com.


Four decades of award-winning homes in the best communities SPONSORED FEATURE

A legacy spanning nearly four decades — Keller Homes has continuously been committed to staying on the leading edge of design, building processes, and product offerings. Now in their thirty-seventh year, Keller Homes has designed and crafted more than 4,000 new homes in Colorado Springs. Passionate about building homes, they have become adept at providing home designs that reflect today’s needs and lifestyles with a fresh and thoughtful approach to their craft. Each home design is focused on maximum value and ease of daily living, while also giving buyers the ability to tailor the home to their specific needs. Personalization after all, is what makes every house a home. They’ve recently built a new, extensive Design Studio adorned with the latest materials, colors, textures, fixtures, and design features available to individualize your home. Their trained design

Now in their thirty-seventh year, Keller Homes has designed and crafted more than 4,000 new homes in Colorado Springs. specialists will help guide you through the process with your unique style in mind, truly helping you to create your dream home. Customer dedication, integrity, and quality are woven into everything they do. Keller Homes is not just crafting a place to live, they’re cultivating value and sustainability in the communities they’re helping to create. Communities where they love to live, play, and grow. They’re proud to be part of the local landscape and the fabric of their community. With four active communities available and new projects on the horizon, the future is bright with Keller Homes. For more information about Keller Homes, visit kellerhomes.com or call 719-313-8682.

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‘Giving back is our culture’ SPONSORED FEATURE

This is the fifth year that Covington Homes is building the St Jude Dream Home in Colorado Springs and the fourth year that they will build it at zero cost. In 2018, Covington Homes received the national award, “St. Jude Builder of the Year” recognizing Covington Homes and their trade partners for donating 100% of the materials and labor to build the Dream Home — that means that all of the proceeds from ticket sales go directly to St Jude Children’s Research Hospital. “We are proud to say that our sponsors and trade partners have done an amazing job helping us support St Jude’s lifesaving mission and have helped to raise over $3.5 million dollars in the past four years to fight childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases,” said Grace Covington, one of the owners of Covington Homes. Tickets will go on sale March 20 and there will be some amazing prizes along the way. For only $100 per ticket, participants can get a chance to win a beautiful home in Banning

Lewis Ranch. For more information about the St Jude Dream Home, visit www.dreamhome.org. Covington Homes is also hosting the Annual St Jude VIP Fundraiser on February 27

— more information can be found at covington-homes-llc.ticketleap.com/. Service and compassion for others have always been the cornerstone of Covington Homes’ culture. Since its

founding in 2008, Covington Homes continues to grow and is among the top builders in Colorado Springs and El Paso County. The Covington team delivers a personal home buying experience, provides future homeowners with floor plans for their unique lifestyles, pays attention to details, and builds Energy Smart. Building better homes, creating communities, and giving back — this is what makes Covington Homes stand apart. “We choose designs that fit the needs of our buyers and create cohesive community — exteriors that are welcoming and distinctly different, and interiors that are inviting. We choose to build in communities that offer the best value, convenient locations and a healthy lifestyle. That is our commitment every day” the Covingtons state simply. You are invited to experience the Covington Homes difference by visiting their model homes, or visit online at www. Covingtonhomesco. com for more information.

719-566-8245 952 Peachcrest Dr. Pueblo CO, 81005 domegahomes.com From I-25 take exit 101 onto highway 50. Take exit and turn onto Pueblo Blvd. Turn right onto St. Clair. Take left onto Peachcrest Dr.

AVAILABLE NOW Similar Simi Si mila mi ila l r model m de mo d l shown show sh how own n

Montrose $369,950

3 Bed, B d 2 Bath, B th 3 Car C Garage, G Offi Office SSpace/ Den, 1950 sf., Front Yard Landscaping w/ Sprinkler System, Lifetime Warranty Tile Roof Upgrades: Upgraded Tile, Granite, Fireplace

9Covenant Protected Neighborhood 9Has its very Own Park 9Lifetime Warranty Tile Roofs 9Award Winning Energy Efficient Builder for over 40 Years! 9Minutes to Lake and Golfing 9Several Models to Choose From 9Handicap Accessible Models 22 | NEW HOME BUYING GUIDE 2020

Golden $409,950 D


3B Bed, d 2 Bath, B th Oversized O i d 3 Car C Garage, G 2208 sf., Front and Back Landscaping w/ Sprinkler System, Lifetime Warranty Tile Roof + Mother- in-Law Suite *Mini Kitchenette, Handicap Accessible Walk-in Shower, Private Entrance, Living/Bed Room Upgrades: Tile, Fireplace,





Delivering the promise of Colorado SPONSORED FEATURE

Wolf Ranch is a residential community designed for Colorado living. The 2,000-acre community was launched in 2004, and by the time it’s built out, there will be approximately 6,800 new homes. Perfectly positioned in Academy District 20 at Research Parkway and Powers Boulevard, this community features wide parkways, expanding amenities and new schools. Every aspect of Wolf Ranch is built around the promise of Colorado. Concerts, family nights, and open spaces are all set in the backdrop of Pikes Peak and the Front Range. Residents are treated to spectacular views from the 10-acre Wolf Lake recreation area and have easy access to acres of parks, open space and an intricate trail system. There are a wide range of homes

and builders to fit every buyer’s lifestyle, starting in the $300s. Single-family home builders include Classic Homes, Covington Homes, Vanguard Homes, Keller Homes, Creekstone Homes, Challenger Homes, and David Weekly Homes. Level 1 Homes and JM Weston homes are also creating beautiful custom homes for community members. Level 1 will be offering single-level living options with beautiful custom designs. JM Westin Homes offers great townhome living in Sage Meadows and Classic Homes is offering paired patio homes within the Legends neighborhood. Two new neighborhoods are currently undergoing development: Highline at Wolf Ranch and Revel, also at Wolf Ranch. Highline at Wolf Ranch is located

north of Briargate Parkway at Wolf Center Drive and offers amazing views along with easy access to shopping and employment. Accessible to an extensive trail and sidewalk system, residents in Highline can walk to our new entry park featuring a fountain and reflecting pool, pavilion, and open lawns, or with the Wolf Creek open space trail system to access the Wolf Ranch Recreation Center. Revel at Wolf Ranch is located northwest of Research Parkway and Black Forest Road. Revel is across the street from Legacy Peak Elementary School, Wolf Ranch Recreation Center and the Woof Ranch Dog Park, alongside Wolf Creek Open Space. Wolf Creek open space stretches through the center of Wolf Ranch linking Revel with the broader community and providing

great outdoor recreation opportunities. Wolf Ranch offers two excellent neighborhood elementary schools: Ranch Creek Elementary and Legacy Peak Elementary. The newest school, Legacy Peak Elementary, facilitates Project Based Learning, a flexible-learning center called Journey K8, and the Challenger Learning Center. Opened in fall 2019, the Challenger Learning Center is a renowned leader in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education, with a state-ofthe-art makerspace and planetarium. Legacy Peak Elementary School is the first building for a planned K-12 education campus in Wolf Ranch. Visit www.wolf-ranch.com to pursue the promise of Colorado today.


New housing option for active adults 55-plus is raising eyebrows for good reasons SPONSORED FEATURE

When the Village Cooperative develops a new housing community for active adults, they carefully select the area using a whole host of data points. But these communities don’t serve data points, they serve real people. That’s why they are so excited about the Briargate community that is currently under construction in Colorado Springs. So, what is a senior cooperative? This home ownership option is very different from a single-family home, townhouse, condo or assisted living community. When people decide to live here, they want to get rid of the oversized house that doesn’t fit their lifestyle any longer and also live better; to have closer ties to their neighbors and families, and to have the little luxuries they deserve without the hassles of maintenance, repairs or repair bills. Rather than purchase a unit for $450,000 or more — the going price of age-restricted housing in the area — Village Cooperative member-owners purchase an equity share, typically around $160,000, and then a monthly fee of the operating expenses of about $1,500 (based on the size and location of the home) which covers maintenance outside and inside the home — even the replacement of light bulbs. Members own their own building in common through a not-for-profit


corporation, and their equity share ownership appreciates at a fixed 3% per year until they leave. Resale of their home is facilitated by the Cooperative, which eliminates the time-consuming and expensive processes that are the hallmarks of traditional real estate transactions. While it’s not a new concept, it is new to Colorado Springs. Senior cooperatives have been around for more than 40 years, primarily

throughout the Midwest. With 36 Village Cooperative locations either operating, under construction or planned for the coming year — including seven in Colorado — they are a national leader, and believe this is the best option available with all the amenities and at such a great value. This community will include just 52 homes in one-bedroom, two-bedroom and two-bedroom-with-den designs, built specifically for active adults —

retired or working. Members choose from several unique and spacious home styles. The homes range in size from approximately 900 square feet to over 1,600 square feet of one-level living space within in a safe and secure three-story building. Contact Jill Davis at 719-425-8383 for an appointment to learn more as the Village Cooperative of Briargate is already over 80% sold. For additional information, visit www. VillageCooperative.com/.

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Space to L ive & Space to Roam



Ta ke A dva n tage of Rec o r d LO W M o r tg age Ra t e s & Incr ease d V A Lo a n L i m it!

Large 35-Acre Homesites | Only minutes from Falcon & conveniences Ranch Life | Rural privacy & plenty of space to explore, roam & ride Stunning Views | Mountains, plains, sunsets & wildlife from your porch Semi-Custom Homes | Luxurious living without the price

Jim Stiltner Owner | Broker

719.481.1129 | 719.964.3526 masterbilthomes @ icloud.com

| masterbilt.com NEW HOME BUYING GUIDE 2020 | 27

Welcome Home

We want you to have it all at Wolf Ranch. From beautiful trails and parks to community inspired events and a prime location in Academy District 20, we know you’ll love it here. Come visit one of our 9 exceptional builders for an array of custom designs. Discover Wolf Ranch today! @wolfranchcos Wolf-ranch.com (719) 597-9653

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