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Climate Change Climate Change
US HUD - Tribal Climate Funding https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/ public_indian_housing/ih/tribal_climate_ resilience_and_adaptation_funding
HUD provides various tribal climate resilience and adaption funding grant options
Northern Arizona UniversityFederal Resilience Programs and ITEP Climate Change Program http://www7.nau.edu/itep/main/tcc/
This site provides data, resources, reports, toolkits, programs and other tools to build capacity and resilience in tackling climate change issues and topics
Tribal Soil Climate Analysis Network (SCAN) https://www.drought.gov/data-maps-tools/decisiontools-soil-climate-analysis-network-scan#:~:text=The%20
Tribal%20Soil%20Climate%20Analysis,a%20 variety%20of%20agricultural%20applications.
SCAN supports natural resource assessments and conservation activities through its network of automated climate monitoring and data collection sites.
U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit - Seven Generations—CommunityBased Environmental Planning https://toolkit.climate.gov/tool/sevengenerations%E2%80%94communitybased-environmental-planning
Environmental staff, community leaders, and community planners in rural Alaska can use this environmental planning process to help local community members understand and recognize climate impacts and build community capacity for resilience.
U.S. Climate Resilience Resource Guide https://toolkit.climate.gov/tool/tribalresilience-resource-guide
This resource guide was developed to provide federal government-wide resources for tribal resilience in a standard framework across all federal agencies and programs that provide tribal and/or resilience support.
Climate Change and Tribal Nations https://toolkit.climate.gov/topics/tribal-nations
U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit: case-studies, resources, and tools for addressing climate change issues in indigenous communities
NOAA’s Community Resilience Education Theory of Change https://www.noaa.gov/education/explainers/noaascommunity-resilience-education-theory-of-change
NOAA’s Environmental Literacy Program (ELP) supports projects that both inspire and educate people to use Earth system science to increase ecosystem stewardship and resilience to extreme weather, climate change, and other environmental hazards.
Elder-Related Elder-Related
American Red Cross - Emergency Preparedness for Older Adults https://www.redcross.org/get-help/how-toprepare-for-emergencies/older-adults.html
Gather the information that will help you prepare for disasters and emergencies
National Center on Elder Abuse https://ncea.acl.gov/Resources/State.aspx#Arizona
Click on the state or territory below to see a directory listing of state reporting numbers, government agencies, state laws, state-specific data and statistics, and other resources.
National Resource Center on Native American Aging https://www.nrcnaa.org/
This interactive map provides a list of tribal elderly services available across the U.S. Use the interactive map to easily locate services in your state by tribe or village.
Native Learning Center - American Indian Elder Group Tribal Public Health https://www.nativelearningcenter.com/2019/07/12/americanindian-elder-group-tribal-public-health-resources/
Resources, funding, events, and other tools to continue Native Learning initiatives
Tribal Public and Environmental Health Think Tank - Priorities in Tribal Public Health (2018) https://www.apha.org/-/media/Files/PDF/topics/environment/ Partners/TPEH/Priorities_Tribal_Health_2018.ashx
The Think Tank is focused on promoting the voice of tribal communities a strategy to raise awareness about and achieve improvements to the unique public and environmental health challenges faced by the communities they serve.
Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments https://envirn.org/resources/aging-and-environmental-health/
EHP - Aging Society and Environmental Health research document and resources