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Lead Resources
U.S. Department of the Interior - Office of Environment Policy and Compliance https://www.doi.gov/oepc/resources/ environmental-justice/training
The resources give public access to a broad range of knowledge on topics relevant to the practice of environmental justice.
IHS - Lead Poisoning Equipment danny.walters@ihs.gov

IHS has lead testing equipment that they can do home evaluations if there are expected lead poisoning cases. To request testing, please contact Danny Walters at 405-951-6001
Lead Resources
Oklahoma Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program https://www.ok.gov/health2/documents/ LEAD%20OCLPPP%20Newsletter%20October%20

08.pdf#:~:text=Oklahoma%20Childhood%20 Lead%20Poisoning%20Prevention%20Program%20 %28OCLPPP%29%20provides,health%20problem%20 in%20Oklahoma%20by%20the%20year%202010.
The Oklahoma Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (OCLPPP) strives for the elimination of childhood lead poisoning as a public health problem in Oklahoma.
EPA Tribal Lead Curriculum https://www.epa.gov/lead/tribal-lead-curriculum

The Lead Awareness in Indian Country: Keeping our Children Healthy! Curriculum is a robust set of educational tools that provide practical, on-the-ground, community-based resources to reduce childhood lead exposure in communities.
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) - Tribal Liason Program www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/ reg-guides/environmental-siting/active/
NCR acknowledges the sovereign rights of Federallyrecognized Native American Tribal governments, and maintains government-to-government communications with those Tribes who are affected by or interested in, NRC-regulated activities.
Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) https://www.astho.org/

ASTHO provides resources for these agencies on emerging environmental health issues and influences discussions and policymaking around environmental health to ensure the inclusion of state and territorial health perspectives in developing policy.
Indian Health Services (IHS)- Division of Environmental Health (DEHS) https://www.ihs.gov/oklahomacity/oehe/dehs/#1

DEHS works with tribal communities to prevent disease and injury by: Monitoring and investigating disease and injury; Identifying health hazards in the environment; and Providing training, technical assistance, and project funding.
ASTDR Tribal Consultation https://www.cdc.gov/tribal/consultationsupport/tribal-consultation/index.html

CDC’s Tribal Consultation Policy and procedures within that policy were established to provide tribal leaders, or their designees, with opportunities to interact with CDC leaders and staff.
NativeKnot.com https://www.nativeknot.com/tours

Indian Country: Local NA/AI Owned Businesses and Services to support

Policies & Procedures
15 Section
6 Section