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Reporting & Registry
National Toxicology Program https://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/
U.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesNational Toxicology Program provides data, research, and publications on toxic agents in our environment
Web Environmental Health Reporting System (WEBEHRS) https://portal.cdpehs.com/IHSENVFB/ HELP_LINKS/WebEHRSHelp.aspx

This is a comprehensive Environmental Health Reporting System. On this site you will find user guides, trainings, and other support to successful log and track issues as they arise
Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/
ATSDR protects communities from harmful health effects related to exposure to hazardous substances by responding to environmental health emergencies; investigating emerging EH threats; conducting research on the health impacts of hazardous waste sites; and building capabilities of and providing actionable guidance to state and local health partners.
EPA Science Models & Research Tool (SMaRT) Search https://www.epa.gov/research/epa-sciencemodels-and-research-tools-smart-search
EPA Science Models and Research Tools (SMaRT) Search is a searchable inventory of freely available models, tools, and databases from EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD).
EPA On-Scene Coordinator (OSC)
Software & Databases https://response.epa.gov/main/sw_db.aspx
ERT, CAMEO, Ecotox Thresholds, ALOHOA, MARPLOT, and other databases for emergency management operations and reporting
Reporting & Registry Reporting & Registry
EPA - Environmental Technologies Design Option Tool (ETDOT)
The Environmental Technologies Design Option Tool (ETDOT) is a suite of software models that provides engineers with the capability to evaluate and design systems that use granular activated carbon or ion exchange resins for the removal of contaminants, including PFAS, from drinking water and wastewater.
CDC WONDER https://wonder.cdc.gov/
WONDER online databases utilize a rich ad-hoc query system for the analysis of public health data. Reports and other query systems are also available.
Iowa Department of Public HealthFamily and Community Health Indicator Tracking System (FACITS)
This site is a great example of environmental health indicators being applied in Iowa
Tribal Specific Census Data
The Census Bureau collects data for the American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) population and publishes specific counts, estimates, and statistics. My Tribal Area gives you quick and easy access to selected statistics from the American Community Survey (ACS).
WebEOC https://www.juvare.com/webeoc/

Emergency Management Software to prepare for and respond to emergencies with WebEOC
Environmental Public Health Performance Standards (EnvPHPS) https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/ehs/envphps/default.htm

EnvPHPS describes activities, actions, and processes an EH program should perform to best provide 10 Essential Environmental Public Health Services* to protect and improve environmental public health in its community.
Environmental Public Health Performance Standards (EnvPHPS) Toolkit https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/ehs/envphps/docs/EnvPHPSv2.pdf
The Environmental Public Health Performance Standards (Version 2.0) is a toolkit to look at the standards, procedures, and recommendations for implementing EnvPHPS
Toxic Substance & Disease Registry (ASTDR) https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/
ATSDR protects communities from harmful health effects related to exposure to natural and man-made hazardous substances by responding to EH emergencies; investigating emerging EH threats; conducting research on the health impacts of hazardous waste sites; and building capabilities of and providing actionable guidance to state and local health partners.
National Toxicology Program https://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/

U.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesNational Toxicology Program provides data, research, and publications on toxic agents in our environment
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