6 minute read
Kansas State Resources and Programs � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � National Resources and Programs� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �18-19
Kansas Children’s Service League - This organization believes in creating a stronger family. Staff work to create and restore healthy parent–child relationships and offer child abuse prevention, school readiness, family support and education services.
Kansas Technical Assistance Network - This website includes a toolkit aimed at helping parents and children understand ACEs and resiliency. It offers resources for the State of Kansas, as well as an overview of ACEs.
Kansas Power of the Positive (KPOP) - KPOP is a statewide coalition that is committed to ensuring that all Kansas children grow up in safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments. The coalition focuses on societal level interventions to prevent ACEs and believes that the conditions in which families live are key.
PACEs Connection - ACEs Connection, now also known as PACEs Connection, is a social network that accelerates the global movement toward recognizing the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs ) in shaping adult behavior and health and reforming all communities and institutions—from schools to prisons to hospitals and churches—to help people heal and develop resilience rather than continue to traumatize people who have already been traumatized.
National Child Traumatic Stress Network - This website provides information about specific types of trauma (including symptoms and behaviors associated with the trauma), resources for addressing the trauma, and information and treatments that work.
CDC - The CDC’s website offers an overview of the original ACE study with links to journal articles and resources. The website includes information about the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BFSS) ACE data for states that are actively collecting ACE data, as well as additional resources and tools to help people experiencing ACEs and how to prevent it.
World Health Organization - The World Health Organization offers policies aimed at preventing violence and injuries. Its website offers downloadable documents with information on global and national policies, strategies, and plans of action to prevent violence and injuries, as well as downloads related to national policy development. Information on the ACE Global Research Network is also provided.
ACEs Aware – The ACEs Aware initiative is a firstin-the-nation effort in California to screen patients for Adverse Childhood Experiences to help improve and save lives. There are information and resources for clinicians and staff on ACE screening and clinical response. There is also a downloadable ACEs toolkit for organizations considering the implementation of screenings.
ACES Too High - ACE’s 101 - This news site reports on ACEs. It provides information on what ACEs are and how they can affect people’s lives and communities.
Building Resilience - This website contains information on ACEs, emotional wellness, and resilience. It provides information for infants, toddlers, school-age children, and teens.
Resilience Guide for Parents and Teachers - This website contains an information guide to building a child’s resilience.
StrongHearts Native Helpline - This is a 24/7 safe, confidential, and anonymous helpline for domestic, dating, and sexual violence. StrongHearts offers culturally appropriate services and advocacy at no cost to American Indians and Alaska Natives.
Helpline: (844) 762-8483
Violence Against Native Women is Not
Traditional - This is a detailed publication made available through Sacred Circle. This handbook has information on domestic violence toward Native American women, warning signs, what to do, legal rights, and what others can do to help.
Native Alliance Against Violence (NAAV) - This organization is Oklahoma’s only tribal domestic violence and sexual assault coalition. The NAAV website provides a list of Oklahoma tribal programs and services for domestic violence, intimate partner violence, and sexual assault.
National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center (NIWRC) - This organization was created to serve as a National Indian Resource Center to address domestic violence and safety for Native women. This resource library includes culturally grounded resources to support Native Women, tribes, tribal programs, and advocates on the issues of violence against Native Women.
We R Native - This is a comprehensive health resource for Native youth aimed at facilitating holistic health and growth in local Native American communities and nationwide. There are many informational resources available for issues such as digital life, social media, dating, unhealthy relationships, communicating, abuse, and violence.
Text: “NATIVE” to 97779
What To Do When You’re Raped - This is a stepby-step handbook for Native girls and women. The book shares information with you about rape, including where you can go for assistance, emergency contraception information, brief legal experiences, and more resources to investigate.
BRAVE - This multi-media intervention is designed for American Indian and Alaska Native teens and young adults. It is intended to improve mental health and help-seeking skills using culturally relevant resources and relatable role models. It covers intimate partner violence, healthy social norms, cultural values, and suicide warning signs, and it helps prepare youth to have difficult conversations and seek mental health resources. This intervention can be broken down into lessons and is entirely free. BRAVE lesson plans are also available.
To Live to See the Great Day that Dawns: Preventing Suicide by American Indian and
Alaska Native Youth and Young Adults - The purpose of this guide is to support AI/ AN communities and those who serve them in developing effective, culturally appropriate suicide prevention plans.
YWCA of Oklahoma City - The YWCA of Oklahoma City offers victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking immediate crisis response services through the C.A.R.E program. Their H.O.P.E. program provides adult and children’s counseling, support groups, financial literacy, job readiness training, and prevention education.
(405) 948-1770
Oklahoma Coalition Against Domestic Violence
(OCADVSA) - This organization is a resource service for providers and advocates throughout Oklahoma and Indian Country who work to prevent and eliminate domestic, sexual, and systemic violence.
(800) 522-7233
Domestic Violence Intervention Services
(DVIS) - This organization focuses on rebuilding lives affected by domestic violence and sexual assault through advocacy, shelter, counseling, and education.
(918) 743-5763
La Luz Org - This organization specializes in serving Latino survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Their services include advocacy, counseling, support groups, and faithbased services.
(405) 724-8474 Email: info@laluzokc.org
The Dragonfly Home - This organization provides crisis intervention, case management, advocacy, shelter, and basic needs for survivors of sex and/ or labor trafficking. Advocates can assist with other resources and referrals for those in crisis.
(405) 212-3377
Criminal Investigations | City of OKC – This is the website for the criminal investigation departments. Here you can get the information for the Domestic Violence and Sex Crimes Unit at the OKC Police Department.
(405) 297-1134 Oklahoma City Numbers (405) 917-9922 (405) 943-7273 Palomar OKC - The Palomar knot is the strongest, most resilient knot one can tie. When pressure and weight are applied, the knot gets stronger. Palomar is a community of strength and healing that offers victims and survivors in Oklahoma City a kind-hearted home where clients and their children come first as they work through the healing process.
(405) 552-1010