Spyros Blackjordanson
Nancy Karagianni
Nicolas Hadjipourganis
In terms of design, they are presented in a typology, a set of apartments, which have an indoor stairways and caracoles, communicating with the upper floor. The typology also includes small conference areas or personal use working areas. The apartments are connected to each other by a network of vertical and horizontal movements, which is created as a continuation of the cookie-cutter operation. This network creates a set of opportunities for contact, socialization and potential gathering for all the users of the building block. The vacant space, after its creation, in addition to the obvious advantages it has, as it creates a set of much brighter and more airy apartments, essentially enhances the communication of the users of the entire building block. From an unexploited, amorphous and neglected space, it becomes the landmark of unity in the center of a new small community.