Chapter 6 bibliography and references

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M.Sc in Marketing Management

INDEPENDENT STUDΥ “Athens as an international tourism destination: An empirical investigation to the city’s imagery and the role of local DMO’s.” SPYROS LANGOS ID: 100285557

Supervisor: Mr. George Roumeliotis Athens, September 2014 Academic Year 2013 – 2014

“Athens as an international tourism destination: An empirical investigation to the city’s imagery and the role of local DMO’s.”

The aim of this project was to identify the role of DMOs in promoting Athens as a tourist destination, as well as to evaluate their effectiveness in terms of marketing and managing the tourist product of Athens, its popularity and imagery.

“ Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.”

Gustave Flaubert

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MARKETING” in September 2007.



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pp.161-169  Wilson, A. (2003), Marketing Research, an Integrated Approach, Essex: Prentice Hall

 World Tourism Organization, “Survey of Destination Management Organizations Report”, April 2004  Wrenn, B., Stevens, R., Loudon, D. (2007), Marketing research: text and cases, New York: Haworth publications

6.2 Interviews  Planning of Tourism Development at Greek National Tourism Organization  Public Relations at City of Athens Convention and Visitors Bureau  Board Member at Athens Development and Destination Management Agency  Board member at Athens Hotel Association - Attica  General Management at Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry  Board member at Association of Greek Tourism Enterprises

6.3 Electronic sources  , accessed on 10-5-2014  , accessed on 12-5-2014  , accessed on 14-5-2014  , accessed on 15-5-2014  , accessed on 15-6-2014  , accessed on 12-6-2014  , accessed on 9-6-2014 , accessed on 9-6-2014  , accessed on 10-6-2014  , accessed on 10-6-2014  , accessed on 10-7-2014  , accessed on 18-7-2014  , accessed on 18-7-2014  , accessed on 22-7-2014  , accessed on 22-7-2014  , accessed on 24-7-2014

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