M.Sc in Marketing Management
INDEPENDENT STUDΥ “Athens as an international tourism destination: An empirical investigation to the city’s imagery and the role of local DMO’s.” SPYROS LANGOS ID: 100285557
Supervisor: Mr. George Roumeliotis Athens, September 2014 Academic Year 2013 – 2014
“Athens as an international tourism destination: An empirical investigation to the city’s imagery and the role of local DMO’s.”
The aim of this project was to identify the role of DMOs in promoting Athens as a tourist destination, as well as to evaluate their effectiveness in terms of marketing and managing the tourist product of Athens, its popularity and imagery.
“ Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.”
Gustave Flaubert
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6.2 Interviews Planning of Tourism Development at Greek National Tourism Organization Public Relations at City of Athens Convention and Visitors Bureau Board Member at Athens Development and Destination Management Agency Board member at Athens Hotel Association - Attica General Management at Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry Board member at Association of Greek Tourism Enterprises
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