Typography Half Way Presentation

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Level Four Module DE0969 Typography & Hypertextuality

Expressive Words Brief Type is not only to used to deliver a message - the form and character of type can also be used to express historical, visual, cultural and emotional associations. Task Typographically design these words to reflect its meaning.

Deadly Inventive Lethargic Official Penniless Liar Requirements You must not use any imagery. However you are allowed to manipulate and change the shape of the letters (within reason and has to still be legible) to help you communicate the meaning of each word. Use only one colour.

Level Four Module DE0969 Typography & Hypertextuality

Form Workshop Brief Task Seek out the most unique and distinctive letterforms you can find. Consider graffiti, engravings, shop signs, clothing prints or embroidery, architectural details, transport signs, artworks from the largest rooftop signage to the smallest detail on your bus ticket. Take as many photographs as you can - consider keeping copies of all the ones that inspire you in your project sketchbook, they may be useful later in the module. You must then choose just 3 final versions of each letterform to bring to class. Together the group will decide which version of each letterform is the best, and that version will be placed in a final Found Type Alphabet. Requirements Each of your final letters should be provided as a BLACK AND WHITE print or photocopy on a single A4 sheet (portrait). Fill as much of the page as you can with each of your letters - try and eliminate the surrounding background when you take your photos. You MUST NOT use any image manipulation software on your images before printing them.

Level Four Module DE0969 Typography & Hypertextuality

A l i c e In Wo n d e r L a n d - C h a p t e r O n e : D o w n T h e R a b i t Ho l e .

CHAPTER I Down the Rabbit-Hole Alice was beginning to get ver y tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into t he book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or c o n v e r s a t i o n s i n i t , ‘a n d w h a t i s t h e u s e o f a b o o k ,’ t h o u g ht A l i c e ‘w it hout pic t u res or conversat ion? ’ So she wa s consider i ng i n her o w n m i n d (a s w e l l a s s h e c o u l d , f o r t h e h o t d a y m a d e h e r f e e l v e r y sleepy a nd stupid), whet her t he pleasu re of ma k ing a da isy-cha in would be worth the trouble of getting up and pick ing the daisies, w hen sudden ly a W h ite R a bbit w it h pi n k e ye s r a n c los e by her.

Content Workshop Brief Layout using InDesign Task You will be provided with an extract from Lewis Carroll's ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ in a digital format. Your task is to typeset the text extract in Adobe InDesign in what you consider to be the most appropriate layout for the purposes of publication in a printed book. You are free to decide if you will stick to one column or two, introduce paragraph indent, space between paragraphs etc. You will have to think about margin widths, type size, leading, kerning, paragraph styling etc. Constraints: Size: Page size has to be 148mm × 210mm (A5) Typeface: choose only 1 typeface, but you can use different styles within the same family.

There was nothing so ver y remarkable in that; nor did Alice think it so ver y much out of t he way to hear t he Rabbit say to itself, ‘Oh dear! Oh d e a r ! I s h a l l b e l a t e ! ’ (w h e n s h e t h o u g ht i t o v e r a f t e r w a r d s , i t o c c u r r e d to her that she ought to have wondered at this, but at the time it a ll seemed quite natura l); but when t he Rabbit actua l ly took a watch out of its waistcoat pocket, and looked at it, and t hen hurrited on, A lice started to her feet, for it f lashed across her mind that she had never before se en a r abbit w it h eit her a wa i stcoat-pocke t , or a watch to t a ke o u t o f i t , a n d b u r n i n g w i t h c u r i o s i t y, s h e r a n a c r o s s t h e f i e l d a f t e r it , a nd for t u nately wa s ju st i n t i me to se e it pop dow n a la rge r abbithole under t he hedge. In anot her moment down went A lice af ter it, never once considering how in t he world she was to get out again. T h e r a b b i t - h o l e w e n t s t r a i g h t o n l i k e a t u n n e l f o r s o m e w a y, a n d t h e n d i p p e d suddenly down, so suddenly t hat A lice had not a moment to t hink about stopping herself before she found herself fa lling down a ver y deep well.

Level Four Module DE0969 Typography & Hypertextuality


Semi-Precious The Brief Your brief is to design a printed promotional leaflet for a new online magazine called ‘SemiPrecious’ and a small demo website that shows how the magazine will look and feel beautifully on screen. The leaflet will be placed in trendy cafes, art galleries and cinemas to ensure high visibility. The magazine’s aim is to celebrate the written word in all forms and guises. Its main creative concept is to use oxymoron to theme its contents and stories e.g. an article called ‘American English’ could be about a new novel written in English by an American author.

Call for contribution:

Semi-precious is a contributions based magazine; a non-nepotistic platform for writers and artists to showcase their work to the public.

‘ R e p r e s e n t i n g T h e H u m a n B o d y .’ Deadline for submission is 2/11/11. Next month’s theme is

For more guidance on how to submit, visit our website at:

h t t p : // w w w . s e m i p r e c i o u s . c o . u k / c o n t r i b u t e

Level Four Module DE0969 Typography & Hypertextuality




Requirements You are encouraged to keep a sketchbook for this module - this is a working document that will contain your ideas, sketches, notes. In contrast, a design document is a presentation document that summarises your progress throughout this module and will contain:


an exciting new open-access publishing platform showcasing undiscovered creative talent.

Research Research conducted for this project - this can come in the form of visual research, sketches, writings, photographs etc. You should also include the outcomes of the workshop activities which will form part of a formative evaluation. Concept development Based on your workshop experiences and any additional personal research, you must produce a minimum of 3 design concepts for each of your final designs. These should be visualised in your design document as drawings, sketches, computer layouts etc.

Call for contribution: SemI / Precious is a contribution based magazine; a non-nepotistic 4 . 1 1 . 1 1 ‘I AM NASRINE’ - this weeks movie REVIEW platform for writers and artists to showcase their work to the public. Next month’s theme is ‘The Human Form’. Deadline for submission is 2/11/2011. visit our website for more info or guidance on on how to submit: w w w.semiprecious.co.u k / con t ribu t e

Level Four Module DE0969 Typography & Hypertextuality Â

Design Development Document the process you undertook to produce your final Stories, as a written narrative and/or using visuals such as photography, sketches etc. Include justifications for your major design decisions. Final Prototypes Your final pieces (projects) should be presented to demonstrate your solutions for the brief. 2. Project One - Promotional Literature A printed mock-up example of your promotional piece produced using only 2 colours. 3. Project Two - Magazine Website (Wordpress & Dreaweaver) You have to submit two version of your online magazine. One is created in Wordpress which a chosen theme and the other in basic HTML, created using Dreamweaver. Both versions must comprise of at least five HTML pages, linked by hypertext and styled using CSS.

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.