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Improve community happiness and wellbeing, building connections and opportunities for everyone to thrive.
• Increase the diversity of housing forms and tenure types year over year to promote affordable and attainable housing for people living in Squamish.
• Update Community Amenity Contribution Policy resulting in new affordable housing unit commitments from developers by 2024.
• Generate a net increase of new parks, trails and gathering spaces by September 26.
• Complete the Downtown Marine Access Study to include: identification and coordination of community water access areas and future marine access infrastructure; and boat launch special study, marine staging and parking areas by 2024.
• Complete three additional off-leash dog parks or trails by 2024.
• Work to begin on an update to the 2012 Parks and Recreation Master Plan, a two-year project that will begin in 2024 to plan for parks and recreation infrastructure over the next decade.
• Increase the number of inclusive and accessible arts, cultural, heritage and recreational multiuse programmable spaces by September 2026.
• Address sustainability issues and improve user experience spaces at Brennan Park Recreation Facility by 2024.
• Grants secured for Brennan Park upgrade projects (Grant #1 confirmed/Grant #2 pending) by 2023.
• Complete predevelopment plan for Real Estate and Facilities Master Plan Core facilities, including location and design: Brennan Park Recreation Centre expansion, Municipal Hall / Civic Block (Library, Arts, Culture, Heritage) by 2024.
• Increase the equity and accessibility of our active transportation (AT) network and transit system year over year to increase AT trips.
• Complete Transportation Master Plan in 2024 and begin implementation as guided by the plan.
• Implement AT Plan through providing increased AT options year over year.