We all have that writer inside us and we all need to begin somewhere and
frankly never thought I would be here writing preface of my book but look I made it.I believe we all can accomplish our dreams if we have the true desire for it. Working towards them is the key to it. Here is the fulfillment of one such dream of mine.This book consists of some of my writings that I wrote throughout my creative writing classes. I discovered a new part of mine where I describe everything I see,feel,desire,understand and communicate. Writing is one of the most purest form of art. Writing lives forever.
ll thanks to my teacher Mrs. Deepa Kumar who helped me explore so much with my writing skills. Feedbacks,teaching and constant support of her made this happen. A true teacher is someone who guides you through your toughest roads and always gives you lends a hand during your greatest fall. Mam, if you reading this, Thank you! Also a big thank you to this beautiful curriculum of National Institute of Fashion Technology which lets students like us to explore ourselves in so mnany different ways and lets us grow inside out. Come lets read through, and see how you found me as a writer.
o all the beautiful writers I'm inspired from, to my teacher, my beautiful parents,to the people I love,to the art of writing and to a new begininning
1. CREATIVE WRITING Memorable day of my life A wordless morning walk A letter Role play
1V. POETRY Mother Sreya A woman Mystery poem I have a dream Limerick Couplets
11. FICTION Mysterious story prompt A short story - The story of losing him Chinese whisper Long story - Kulhad chai
V. VOCABULARY 111. CONTENT WRITING Movie review Book review Costume review Content on Diwali The beauty content
ith the bell ringing, telling in it's the lunch break, there was this horrifying feeling about whom do I sit with, whom do I share my mom's tastiest sandwich with! The laughter and complaining of morning class were missing, basketball match was missing, the waiting for eachother was missing, happiness was missing, life was missing. Shifting to a new place after years of being attached to somewhere is tough, indeed heartbreaking. It's like things are there, but isn't visible. There is always some gloom. I was scared what I wont adapt to the new surrounding? What if things dont workout anyhow? Will I end up lonely? For me, Mysore was life,I had my classmates, friends, teachers whom I knew for fourteen years, my house, my school, those cafes,movie theaters, restaurants, boutiques where everybody now could recognize me by my face. Living a carefree, non judgemental life in Mysore to a busy life in Calcutta was frightening to me.The first day at Ashok Hall, a private school for girls under Birla is a nightmare to me. Starting from morning where we kids of government school had a habit of morning prayer, there no such thing called prayer here. All we had to do was rush to our classes. Morning here was a mess followed by hectic schedules. Then came the teachers who didn't even care we were up to. There was hardly any teaching. What terrified me the most was the lunch break where we were all supposed to sit in our respective places and eat. In my previous schoolthe lunch break was the most happening thing in the whole timetable. That day I sat in my own place alone, crying and hiding from others, missing my bestfiends. The feeling was devastating and painful.I remember of not eating anything the whole day. Changes are inevitable, changes are tough but somehow these sum up to make the person you are today.
A wordless morning walk
t is said early morning cheerfulness can be extremely obnoxious so we decided to have an silent walk around the campus and notice things around us. It was a pleasant morning with clear skies and little chillness. While I walk through the campus gate there are my friends waving goodmoorning to me, but I was not allowed to speak. All I did was smiled at them. As I went there were food delivery man waiting for their delivery addresses to show up. All of them sat talking to each other. As I go ahead there is a little shop run by a woman, who served food to all those who had to run for their work early morning. Looked like they made having breakfast from here as a routine. The shop was full and vibrant. People stood and ate with satisfaction. Beside the shop sat a lady in a saree folded in a hurry washing the used dishes in a hurry. Looked like if she doesn't wash them early the people would have nothing to in. Surprisingly everything is dependent on each other. As I forward, there is a dog feeding all her babies and barking when we pass through. After a round of the college, I comeback to the shop to see, the two ladies talk to eac other while everybody else left. It was a silence in the chaos. People leaving leaves silence
A letter
o my roommate, My Hatchooooooooo…. (I haven’t counted the ‘O’s, so sorry, so tolerate me, like you always do). I know right now there you are just lying beside me, hearing to your nonsense nonstop music, endless episodes of ‘Friends’, laughing at incidents in ‘Filtercopy’ but do you know I’m writing a letter to you? There are many things that you think you know about me but actually you don’t even have a clue. There are endless things I’m thankful for right now, and one of them is YOU (I know you are giving this weird smile of yours and telling Reyy stop!!!!) We are so different like super different but how things work out between us is just so amazing! I don’t know how I would reach college at 9, yes of course which I rarely do but somehow reach college before the attendance. Keeping up with 96% attendance which I brag about all the time and it’s all because of you! Thanks for always getting me free snacks and home food which heals that bored-of-outside-food stomach of mine. Also eating from ‘Desi Cuppa’ and all the fancy cafes we eat around wouldn’t be so much of fun if you weren’t there. Thanks for being excited for my birthday more than me. I know you are excited for everybody’s birthday but did you realise you were a little happier for mine. Thanks for tolerating my lame jokes, my late night cravings, hugs, kisses, wait actually thanks for everything. You being part of everything makes it a little more nicer, it isn’t apple polishing, I really mean it. Do you know I hate it when you give more importance to others, or not agree on me on something, also when you don’t dance with me and don’t stay in the room leaving me all alone. But there is one thing that I want you to know, that is like straight from my heart I’ve had no friend who has been with me all the time like you do, whom I call tell anything and everything without hesitation ,without any fear.
There have been people who have hurt me, made me feel sad about myself, and I feel there is no friend of mine whom I can share the understanding and compatibility I have with you . The day I met you, I felt that beautiful vibe of yours. I never told you but from that day I have wished for not losing you anyhow under any circumstance. You know what it’s not the big things that make you happy, but the little efforts, care and warmth from the one you love is all you need sometimes. Though you weren’t my roommate before or not from my department, I remember spending my complete first year with you! You were A1 since day1, cliché sugary, super sugary but you are more sugary. Now that you are my roommate, I’m having my best days. These moments I can cherish any day, bright and happy. Now don’t be so happy, it’s just I was impressing my teacher, go to sleep, anyway you can’t knit. Goodnight you!! - Reyy Sreya Simlai
1. NATASHA AND SAKSHI – Playing parts of people of completely different incident o there is Sakshi, wearing spectacles and hurrying for class and there is Natasha with a straight face and annoyed of everything in surrounding. It looks like both of them are being late for the class. Going past through each other they collide. Sakshi’s books fall of her hand. Although being completely Natasha’s fault Sakshi without scolding her for her rude behavior get downs to pick her books that had fallen. Muttering to herself says “she could have at least helped me pick up these!”. Natasha somehow manages to hear this and comes stumping to Sakshi to have a fight. Both fall in an argument and ends with Sakshi falling down after a head on head fight (which included kicking each other and showing off some karate skills!). Natasha seems happy(ofcourse) but looks like Sakshi got a new interesting plot for her next story, so it ends with both being happy. 2. AKANKSHA, SNIGDHA AND MITHUN – Mithun being a bouncer of a club, Snigdha and Akanksha are two party enthusiast girls. So it started with the bouncer standing in front of the door of the club and then Snigdha and Akanksha walking towards the club to enjoy the party to the fullest, they both showed their Identity cards and the bouncer checks it with utmost care and approve of their entry but after few seconds they were not more allowed to go inside the club. Both being in shock about what happened suddenly asked the bouncer, he says he saw Snigdha inhaling something (as inferred it was probably a drug or something). Both the girls not agreeing to the fact pickup fight with the bouncer and they end up slapping him and forcefully getting inside the club.
3. SWARNA AND REISHA – Reisha being single parent and Swarna being her child Swarna enters the room annoyed and frustrated throwing up her hands and legs. When her mom sitting with her work asks her about her this behaviour with all the concern and love. At the beginning she refuses to say. Later when compelled she says her favourite show ‘Oggy and the cockroaches” isn’t playing. Her mother suggests her to do something that interests her and she starts complaining how boring her weekend was unlike Rahul’s life. She goes on referring to interesting weekends that Rahul has with his father. The mother being helpless complains about her hectic schedules at work. The daughter says she wants her dad. Her mother tries to comfort her by saying, she is only her father and mother and she is trying her best to provide her with everything. Later to break the serious conversation which was nothing but hurting the two, mom offers an ice cream treat and the child agrees only if it was chocolate flavour. Both of them smile at eachother may be being sorry to each other and leave to treat eachother. 4. KUHU. ANISHA AND SHREYA – Three friends talking about dance competitions Kuhu being a part of the council for organising events sits worried as no one was taking part in the upcoming dance competition, that is when Anisha and Shreya come in the picture. Looking at Kuhu worried they both walk towards her and ask her what happened. Kuhu patiently explains everything and asks for their favour. They were ready to help her in every way except they themselves taking part in the competition. Kuhu forces them to dance, and asks about why they are not participating in it while they are both such talented and trained dancers. They talk about how they don’t have confidence to dance infront of everybody and how they think a dancer needs to have a good body and physique. Kuhu totally disapproving on it tells them how exposure of one’s talent is important and everything has a start. Also tells them how body positive the world is turning into and convinces them with all her abilities. Later both agree by saying we are only doing this because you have convinced us. Later both participate in the dance competition.
SWARNA AND REISHA – Reisha being single parent and Swarna being her child
warna pushes the door with a bang and enters the room annoyed and frustrated throwing up her hands and legs looking terribly annoyed. Her mom sitting seriously looking closely into her laptop tensed (that is how she mostly spends her day, working!) asks her about her this behaviour of hers with all the concern and love (common mother behaviour) At the beginning she refuses to say but later when compelled she says her favourite show ‘Oggy and the cockroaches” isn’t playing and she had been waiting to see it since really long. Her mother offers her to eat sneakers, which she directly says no.The mother says her to do something that interests her and looking more annoyed she starts complaining how boring her weekend was unlike Rahul’s weekend. She goes on referring how interesting weekends Rahul has with his father. She describes about them going to frequent trips and enjoying to his fullest. The mother being helpless complains about her hectic schedules at work. The daughter says she wants her dad when her mother tries to comfort her by saying that she is only her father and mother and she is trying her best to provide her everything. She denies saying that she is not able to cope up with what comfort, guidance, support an ideal father does. Her mother felt very bad (ofcourse), but controls her emotion as she couldn’t see her daughter breakdown, to her, her daughter meant everything. Being a single mother is challenging. She had decided to do it. Later to break the serious conversation which was nothing but hurting the two, mom offers an ice cream treat and the child agrees only if it was chocolate flavour. Both of them smile at eachother may be being sorry and leave for the treat.
t was 4 am and the doorbell rang. Noah opened the door and found a mysterious parcel. It was a big wooden box lying still on the door step. He stayed alone in the house and he had been not expecting any parcel. He was scared but curious much more. Since childhood he had a fascination to surprises. His main purpose behind calling his friends for birthday parties were unwrapping gifts after they left. He was suspecting his parents might have send something, but then they had never done that! He called his girlfriend but the call wasn’t reachable. He started getting tensed. He soon realised she was onboard. Being an air hostess she was mostly out and things were getting rough between them. He couldn’t even remember when they last sat down to talk to each other. He wished it was something fom her. He stopped imagining things that were not possible and decided to take the box inside. He felt it wasn’t right to leave the box outside at this time . He thought of possibilities like the box could have been delivered to wrong address. He kept the box in the living room and went to his bedroom. He tried to sleep but just couldn’t. He tried to resist himself by tightly shutting his eyes purposefully, listened to music, and tried reading a book, nothing helped. Finally he decided to open the box, wore his sandals, picked up his spectacles and opened the door of the bedroom. He opened the door, and looked around. Alas the box was nowhere but there was a knock at the door. He opened the door, and the door remained open.
think when it goes away it comes back as a flash. It’s like a kaleidoscope of memory, it all comes back crossing the boundary, the boundary that I’ve created, but he never does. I think the part of me knew this it will happen, it’s not really anything he said or anything he did, it was the feeling that came along with it, the weird longingness where I want to see him right now or never see him ever after. The crazy things about all this is will I ever feel it again and I don’t know the world moves too fast and it isn’t too bright. How can a devil pull you towards it, someone like an angle when he smiles at you? Maybe he knew that when he saw me, I guess. I just loss my balance. I think the worst part of it was that losing him, losing me. I was a giver, a flaw of being a giver is that sometime you’re so busy giving to others that you forget to replenish yourself, so eventually you are left abandoned, drained, broken and you realise that no one you were giving to filled you with anything. He left an empty pot, which I want to peep inside and find anything, may be his hands that always told what he wanted, which I pulled when I was scared, helpless and dead. The whole college knew he was a narcissist, when he came in his car, where he always did and walked away across the corridor sipping his cappuccino frappe, I would stand like others looking at his perfect eyebrows and his stupendous smile, crushing on him like my other college mates.He used to play rock music, and when he used to play, he used to get lost. Lost in his own music, lost in his own world. He was the prettiest thing to see. He never talked to any of us or had looked at any of us. Nobody ever described of having a conversation with him. But that day was different, while I sat with my girlfriends talking about how Emily had ruined our Christmas Eve, he looked through us, he looked at me. His eyes flashed into mine. It was a series of serendipity, he looking at me, calling me, it was creeping me. It’s weird how something sometime happens to you and you just can’t stop interpreting it in various ways. I rushed to his car and we drove far away. It was an old alehouse, wooden, beautiful and hidden inside the grasses, he ordered beer and some Oldhouse pizza added with his beautiful smile of his. I couldn’t believe all this was reality. Sometimes something are just meant to be. I couldn’t feel the world around me for next few months.
VMy life had never been so beautifully messy. The perfect disaster to my calmness. We drove to all the downside country roads, danced and kissed in all the pubs, ran through the merry meadows, bunked college and attended all his crazy concerts. I would stare at him and smile the widest while he and his mates massive crowd of fans, shouting their name. They sang endlessly and I couldn’t stop loving him more. I always wondered why did he chose me or why suddenly all this. I always wanted him to answer me, but I could never ask. Sometimes it was weird how he looked at me and all his friends laughed at me, but I didn’t care until he was by my side. After my parents being away from me for years, I couldn’t lose him, it was too much of loss. My mom visited me sometime with the raspberry pastries and say “Penny, you look pale!” and my dad sends me letter from his cantonment far away from the country. I missed them but I would never tell them, they hardly cared about me. My mom had started her new life having her own kids and dad never returned. Penelope he wrote in the left of his chest and that day I couldn’t stop crying. My name never seemed this important and I knew I had never loved anyone more before. Days passed by like this, things were going on the way they should. Then came fifth of November. We had spent last night together sipping wine to survive the temperature or may be surviving the things we talked about. I had thanked a million times for the star crossed love that I had been blessed with, I had been living best and couldn’t stop asking for more. Today was the biggest day for him, he had biggest concert ever. I was so happy for him. I was dressed in black with my favourite pair of heels, he kissed my forehead and told me he was in love with me. He took his guitar and jumped up the stairs to the stage, he didn’t look back at me. Suddenly there was a thump of silence in the massive crowd. Everybody laid dead. I was lying with one of my leg beside, the concert had never begun, and we were bombed. I cried, I couldn’t get myself to believe that it was happening for real. Which part of this was dream I couldn’t differentiate. The hurts weren’t hurting anymore. Where was he? I couldn’t believe in few minutes so much happened. Everything had changed. Did I lose him?
Suddenly I hear his voice, was I this lucky? When I turned back, he was looking at me and all his friends were laughing. He laughed too. But this time he wasn’t by my side anymore. The saddest feeling started creeping in, that everything was just a lie and he had never loved me. He let and today I sit sipping my coffee in a wheelchair thinking about somebody who never loved me. Someone I lost without finding.
can’t live without you” said Monica. Philip got anxious. Monica was the heart of the college since the day she first came. With violet streaked hair and light brown eyes, she had caught everybody’s attention. Philip was one of them. He was senior to her and always thought of ways to catch her attention. He tried out ways like ragging her (of course he had been the sweetest to her), tried following her, stalked her but nothing really worked. His friends suggested on telling her his feelings. Philip was known to be harsh, popular and he had a status in the college. He thought telling her would be a risk to his image. Until this day they had never talked and suddenly this had got Philip a mini heartattack. He looked around to see if it she was talking to him only. Monica hold his hand and guaranteed she was talking to him only. Philip stood their numbed and shocked. Monica looked straight into his eyes and told him “ I have lost you once, been separated from you but our parents can’t do this to us anymore”, Philip couldn’t believe what his ears were listening to. He was shocked, he couldn’t believe it was his little sister who was separated from him. they were in school when their parents were divorced and each took custody of a child. Philip hugged her and said I love you. His wish was somehow complete with Monica saying I love you too.
Once upon a time there lived a Mr. Fox and Mrs. Fox with three little foxes. They were known to be the happiest family in the whole forest. Rich families of lions, bison and elephants were jealous of them. Their kids were the smartest of the lot. Mrs Fox was one of the classiest creature with added witty mind. They never thought of ruling over the forest or taking over anybody else’s property. They were satisfied and happy about the life they were leading. Mr. Fox worked as an advisor under the Lion King and had always helped him with the decision of the forest and its wellbeing. Lion King was a demolisher and people were scared of him. He punished the animals brutually even for their small sins. It was only Mr. Fox who could control him. He was the greatest rival of the king from the other village, The Great Tiger. The Great Tiger always visited once the forest of his rival in the winter. He could never do anything though. Mr. Fox somehow always managed to control the situation. But this time there were rumours of The Great Tiger going to next level. Mr. Fox was not able to figure out the possibilities from a long time now. Winter was here. One fine day when Mr. Fox went to take his children from the school, he found that his kids were missing from the school since morning. He ran back home, to see his wife was also missing. He found a letter saying “ send your king, to get your family back!” what do you think Mr. Fox did?
It was a sunny day and suddenly dark clouds covered the entire village. The highest point in the village was no more seen. The trees were no more standing in the way they did. It was a weird darkness. It was neither raining nor there were thunders. It was just coal black around. People started panicking. It was four in a summer afternoon it couldn’t be night. Everybody planned on gathering at their main hall, they felt staying together would be safer. Everybody started giving their own conclusion to the story. There were versions like alien attack, some came up with comets, destruction of sun and what not! The networks were disrupted, communication was wrecked, figuring out anything was impossible. Days had passed like that, resources were in verge of getting over. Some people were planning on getting out the place but inside everybody was frightened. All the work in the village was at a standstill, now they had to go out, there was clearly no other option. Nobody had guts to go out. Everybody started calling out each other’s name but nobody volunteered. In this mess, a boy stood up with all the courage saying he is not afraid and ready to face it. He opened the door and clouds of mist got inside. People started coughing and going breathless. Within an hour the whole hall was full. Full of dead bodies. Are you thinking what it was exactly? Few years from now, the pollution and smog is going to kill not just one village like this, but the whole Earth is going to be empty!
ulhad beta, give us the change, the roads are waiting for us, they need us.” with her little white moist hands, a girl of ten, as white as snow may be a little more cold with winds passing by on hillside highways. With a little ponytail tied super neatly with at most care, covered with sweaters (because the cold there makes you wear many of them) comes running with the most pleasant smile handing the workers their money. “Beta, did you eat?” nodding her head she says “Will there be any day he will let me leave the house without eating”. “I hope every child gets a guardian like Raju” and everybody agreeing to it, the workers left for the roads that were damaged due to heavy rain causing landslides. Roads were disconnected and transportation was almost impossible. Workers were working day and night continuously to restore the beauty of Kumaon. Nestled into a hidden ridge in the shadow of the sacred Nanda Devi, Kumaon is a place where anybody would like to settle down or relax in the mountain sunshine and cool breeze, surrounded by bird song and fragrant smell of pine. A beautiful and peaceful life in mountains is all one leads here. A place where everybody grows in love, care and complete peace. Children grow in the protective shelter of their parents with every basic amenities, free from any worries, but Kulhad was separated from her parents when she was just a baby. She remembers their faces in all haze not their names, remembers how they smiled not where the smile resided. Sometimes she wants to hold them tight once again and ask them to never leave but mostly she wants to Raju to never leave. Raju meant everything to Kulhad, even her name was because of her. Because Raju, exists Kulhad. Raju found Kulhad sitting in the shop early morning like a little kitten lost from her family. Ever since he had brought up her like his own daughter. Though he was just in his early twenties, fair, tall and so Pahadi! Raju had his small tea shop on the roads leading to the highest point of Kumaon.
. Raju belonged to a small village called Khati, a place as beautiful as its name, but no longer beautiful to him. He had lost his parents there. He still remembers the when he had lost, when he was in his twelfth grade playing football in his school playground, he hears his teachers coming up to say “They are no more.” His parents were workers on road (that day they were working in the road where he has his shop now) and landslide had killed them. He had to leave school. He knew all he wanted to do was live for himself now. He packed his bags, sold his house, bought a shop out of all the money he had by selling his house. Since then he started living on his own term. Serving tea to the workers made him feel as if he was serving his parents. The tea shop meant his life to him. Kulhad and Raju had their little house in the nearby village, small but beautifully handmade. There were red juicy tomatoes, chillies green and red, capsicums growing in the backyard and their little puppy Kallu, a brown puppy with a black tail. Every morning Raju gave lessons of geography, history, English (for how much he knew), science and maths. He so much wanted Kulhad to go to school but he couldn’t afford, so he did his best to make her aware and a smart human being. Raju every morning went to get chai leaves from the nearby town until then Kulhad used to go and open the shop, arrange the biscuits, get hot water and wait for Raju in the shop. That morning was different, as usual Raju had left for the village and Kulhad to the shop. But when Raju came back with her favourite melted biscuits, there was no sign of Kulhad. He could feel his heart stopping, he was afraid, he shouted her name everywhere but she was to be found nowhere. He waited for some time but she didn’t come back. He immediately closed the shop. Workers suspected there was something really wrong so they came to Raju, and he asked them whether they had seen her, but everybody’s answer was monotonously no. He never felt so helpless. All he wanted to do was sit and cry. He thought she might have gone back home to get something which she generally never does but anyhow he ran back. He saw Kallu sitting at the doorstep, knowing nothing but looking at Raju. Looking at Raju so serious and scared he starts barking. Raju pushed the door and gets inside to see there is nobody as expected. He called out her name, but it was only wind that hit him back. He sat on his bed, covering his face by his hand, it took him back to that day 8 years back when he was left all alone like this, clueless, shattered, and abandoned. Remembering that day he reminds himself that he is not the kind of person who gives up so soon. He took his bag, took Kallu locked his house and started off for the town.
He had no clue about what to do and didn’t know much people around,so he went to the tea shop where he bought tea leaves from, he explained everything and the man listening to it carefully. He warns Raju saying that there are horrible things going on everywhere, children are abused, tortured, scared, ragged, they are sold and they are taken to bigger cities. They are made to beg, there parts are sold and kind of things happen that even one cannot imagine. Listening to all this Raju was afraid and immensely scared. He asked the shopkeeper how he could get her back, he said “ Should I give you an advice, you should back off, don’t get involved into all these, when she is not even your blood relation, it hardly matters, in all these you will lose your money or may be even your life”. Hearing all this, Raju couldn’t recollect if anything made had made him angrier. “You people are the reason behind ascending crimes like this in our country, ofcourse not a blood relation but a relation that even means more, she meant everything to me, and I’m going to do everything to get her back.” He left the shop and while walking through the streets he saw a travel agency. He knocked on the door and went inside, there was a man sitting looking into the newspaper, “ please come inside, this new offer of London is attracting a lot of people around, so is next month okay for you?’. Raju told him to keep the London for the people who are happy around him, for people like him they just need a ticket to a normal life. “What happened son, how can I help you” at this point of time, Raju couldn’t stop crying, “Suryash get him some water soon!” drinking water slowly, Raju told him everything, “you should go to the police, they are the one who can actually help you out!” “Suryash you see the shop, let me take this boy to the police station.” Entering the police station, Raju looked around, Kallu started barking, and the police standing in the gate instructed them to tie Kallu outside. Tying Kallu outside both of them enter inside, “I lost my daughter” starts Raju, giving all the details, he takes out the only photo he had of her, that day in the mela when Kulhad dragged him to the photo booth, Kulhad was smiling her widest and Raju looked no less happy, the circus background looked less happier than the two subjects in front of them, who were just the happiest. “Will I get her back?”
“I cannot assure you anything, anything can happen. Let me tell you something, don’t keep your expectations high! Generally in these cases saying anything is very tough. Many people have lost their children, and we couldn’t do anything, but if there’s anything I will let you know.” Giving his phone number they left. “You will definitely get her back, go home and pray, its time I take leave, or else the customers who want to go to London, will miss their opportunity. What’s the name of your shop you told, yes “Kulhad chaiwala” I will definitely have Kulhad chai only served by my dear Kulhar.” Being grateful to Mr Travel Agent, Raju and Kallu left for their home, they both didn’t stop anywhere, everything was silent, lifeless, absurd, but they knew, that is how their life is going to be for now, for few days (hopefully) without Kulhad. Getting up in the morning Raju went to Kulhad’s bed, there was nobody to teach this morning. The vegetables outside looked dead as if they wanted Kulhad to come back and pick them up. Kallu sat outside staring at the gate as if Kulhad is just going to come and he didn’t want to miss that moment. Raju left home, and there was nobody to hold his hand, he left for the market and then to shop. Anybody who came to the shop asked about Kulhad, and every time he heard the name, he just felt more miserable. At a point, he just couldn’t control himself, he closed the shop and went to the highest point of the mountain and looked at the world, and he tried to look for her. It was late night but all he did was stare at the sky and the world underneath it. Next day, he didn’t go to shop, he took a bus to the city and roamed around the city, calling out “Kulhad Kulhad” the whole day, neither he stopped or ate anything, she was nowhere, people thought he was mad. Coming home he saw Kallu hadn’t ate anything since morning and was lying lifeless in a corner, it looked like he was crying. Days started passing by like this, the shop was closed most of the time, and Raju was getting sick day by day.
One day, there was a call from police station that they found a dead body of a baby girl lying down in the riverside. Raju’s hand started trembling and the phone fell. He ran to the police station. There was a body lying covered in white cloth. Raju went near the corpse, he was just hoping it’s not Kulhad and removing the cloth, he fell aside and started crying. He started shouting “thank god, thank god”, it wasn’t Kulhad, but this incident almost killed Raju. Now it was two months, and nothing had changed, Raju almost had expected this life, but every day he got up with same expectation of seeing her. A small boy of five called Pavan lived near their house, opening the gate, “Raju bhaiyya, can I watch TV please, my favourite show is playing, and our house TV isn’t working” “Why not, sure, come inside, take that chair and see whatever you want, I’m in the kitchen.” After fifteen minutes Kallu, who was lifelessly sitting in front of the TV started shouting, he barked to the loudest pitch he could. Raju came running from the kitchen and Pavan scared of the dog started saying he didn’t do anything, by mistake he had changed the channel. “No problem, Let me change it for you” Looking at the television he was dumbstruck and speechless. “Parents find their daughter after six years at the same place where they had left her” “That day we didn’t know what to do, there were landslides every day, people were hurrying and running to save their life and so were we. In all the rush and panic we had kept her there and couldn’t return to take her back. It was horrifying last six years, we were dying inside but we couldn’t gather the courage to get back there, this year somehow we went to the same spot, and we got our daughter back, life is full of surprises, you never know what you lose, what you get back, this is our happiest day, we got our Sayara back, its Allah out there” Hearing this tears rolled down from Raju’s eyes, Sayara was nobody but Kulhad. Kulhad was smiling with her parents. Raju smiled, cried, shouted. He didn’t know whether it was good or bad, only thing that mattered to him was Kulhad and she was happy.
CONTENT WRITING Spotlight (2015) REVIEW Relevant, powerful and astonishing. Shocking, criminal and true. It has literally put the 'spotlight' on the systematic cover-up by the Catholic Church of mass molestation and sexual assault acts performed by the priests in the Boston archdiocese that were trusted in the communities they represented. These 'men of God' preyed on the weak and vulnerable for years and the most powerful religious sect in the world did nothing but sweep it under the proverbial carpet. 'Spotlight's' dramatic importance has immediately drawn the attention of film lovers who crave a riveting production that dives deep into a very real circumstance that has impacted every corner of the globe. Based on true events, 'Spotlight' pushes all the right buttons from the beginning. As the name implies, 'Spotlight' refers to the investigative journalism team who report for the Boston Globe newspaper. They are thorough, relentless and will stop at nothing to expose headline stories that affect the everyday lives of normal American's. When the new editor, Marty drops a potentially explosive story in the lap of Spotlight chief, Walter Robinson, about allegations of sexual abuse involving the Catholic Church, Robinson and his loyal crew go about uncovering one of the greatest criminal cover-ups in human history. The deeper their investigation goes the more sadistic and shocking the outcome becomes. It needed to expose the sensitive and controversial information that some people may find confronting but in the context of this outstanding production, absolutely essential. It destroyed lives and revealed the blatant arrogance of this pious organisation. 'Spotlight' doesn't shy away from the true nature of newspaper drama and the audience benefits from such an authentic setting. Top shelf acting from some of the very best young talent sparks the fire that captivates the viewer. This film will be classified as the very best in its category and has set a benchmark in terms of confronting realism. Sit back and enjoy.
BOOK REVIEW STOLEN By Amrita Narayanan Living in a society where people especially the women, are bound to certain rules and behavioural barriers, Amrita Narayanan, a clinical psychologist and the writer of the story, perceives women to reimagine their world and reconsider their boundaries. It’s a Sunday morning story where you can just sit, relax and realise. A complete women centric story, beautifully and meticulously written. The story in itself doesn’t want to change anything but just wants the readers to feel it’s intensity and content. Let’s the readers make their own choice in life by understanding themselves. She makes them believe that embracing yourself is the way to a happy life. In a manmade society this urban story from a regular household is all that Amrita wants to tell you. The story revolves around Sunita who resides with her female servants. Sunita being a women in making, undergoes circumstances that open her new gates to adulthood. Being new to her women body she is understanding herself and what she desires for. The story will amaze you on how one of her servants keeps feeling of lusts for her mistress and has an eye on her since long. During the plot of the story Sunita herself goes through such feeling for someone else. The story will take you through lines where you yourself will start inhabiting in the described character. A must story for every women, whether emerging as a new adult or is one. A woman is the master of her own choice and she is the one who decides her own ways.
Known for extravagant, graceful, and beauty, Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s movies are not only known for its grand location but equally grand costumes. As much as effort he puts on his sets, the same efforts he puts for the costumes. Anju Modi is the designer behind this beautiful collection of the movie. The ardent designer made more than 300 outfits for the film and that it took her extensive research across Maharashtra— its villages, cultural spots and museums through Pune, Paithan, Nashik, and the Ajanta and Ellora caves—to create the opulent wardrobes. The collection combined of Marathi and Mughal style garments with authentic jewellery of the time. In the beginning Mastani (played by Deepika Padukone) wears Mughal garment with elaborate nose rings and earrings of pearl embellished on silver and gold. Beautiful gems of emerald, ruby and sapphire were used. Mastani was half Muslim and half Hindu. So there was a Hindu-Muslim texture. If you look at her jewellery in the film, it's very normal, not overwhelming or over-thetop. Mastani's jewellery was very unique, elaborate yet comfortable. Later in the movie, she is seen wearing Maharashtrian saree also. A lot of jummar ear pieces, haath phool (jewellery worn on the hand), nath (nose ring) and neck pieces were seen on Mastani. Her exquisite jewellery has been designed by Delhi-based jewellers called Shri Hari Diagems, a-226 year old establishment. Priyanka Chopra who played the role of Kashi-bai (The wedded wife of Pashva Bajirao) was seen wearing some really elegant Maharashtrian Paithani sarees. Beautiful pearl jewellery like Thushi (traditional Maharashtrian jewellery), Nath, Mohan Mala, Lakshmi haar, Kolhapuri saaj, Rani haar, Vaaki (also known as armlet or bajuband) were seen in the movie. The look of Bajirao played by Ranveer Singh, was seen in a Samurai skirt, gladiator sandals and royal angrakhas, embroidered on the sleeves. Local specialities such as the Paithani tapestry-woven saris, huge rectangular shawls and distinctively shaped headgear contributed to the creation of a specific visual identity of the Maratha elite.
My beautiful reader, Happy Diwali to all of you! How did the festival turn out for you? Did you slay around like a pataka or burst a lot of it? As you all know I'm a bong, Diwali to us is Kaali puja. Most of the people don't know but Kaali puja is celebrated as grand as Durga puja in Calcutta and around. Kali embodies shakti - feminine energy, creativity and fertility - and is an incarnation of Parvati, wife of the great Hindu god Shiva. She is most often represented in art as a fearful fighting figure with a necklace of heads, skirt of arms, lolling tongue, and brandishing a knife dripping with blood. She was the one who rescued the world from bad entity and darkness. Often known as saviour. Kaali is the form of the strongest woman.
But have you ever imagined, what a modern Kaali would look like or what would she portray? Here's a look on my interpretation of what a modern Kaali would be.
Don't you think a women in black defines strength in itself. The formula to my look would be A complete black attire + a must sunglass + tiny African braids + a cape or dupatta + bold makeup + a super bold lipstick + large hoop earrings = THE MODERN KAALI But do you know to be a SUPER BOLD KAALI there's something missing in the formula, can you guess it? I IT'S YOUR ATTITUDE AND NOTHING ELSE! BE FIERCE, BE CONFIDENT!1 Anyone who stands against the wrong, takes their own, strong in their approach, believes in trust, conquering, right is Kaali. Shot by RITIKA KUMARI
Face masks are one of my necessary skin care products. 1.They’re easy to apply 2.fun to use 3.great at delivering results. My favorite thing about applying a good face mask is the feeling of tightened and toned skin after a single use. Should everyone use a face mask? A big yes! Face masks are the perfect skin care treatment to benefit you with your skin care concerns. The right face mask can help hydrate skin, eradicate excess oils and help improve the appearance of your face pores. They’re also an excellent way to help extract out impurities. Another advantage of wearing a face mask: the feeling of being pampered like you’re at a spa from the comfort of your own home. While Ive been using several face masks, I feel they all are great in their own ways but very specific, so here is your Sreya guide to face masks. 1. Clay Masks The weekly Skin Detox! Face masks that contain of clay or mud are essentially purifying and deeply cleansing in nature, applying them once a week can do wonders. Great for: oil control, acne combat (true for clay masks with acne-fighting ingredients), deep cleansing and exfoliation, cooling skin and helping repair sun damage Not great for: dry skin, very dry skin ( as they dry your skin, they can make dry skin types more dry and worsen it) Benefits: • The clay in the face mask controls excess sebum secretion in the skin and cleanses the pores of any impurities. • Great for skin concerns like blackheads or whiteheads • They give skin a shrill clean feel and a matte, healthy finish. Best in the market : Borghese Fango Active Mud Mask for Face and Body, VIA Cosmedics Exfoliating and Clarifying UltraMUD Treatment, L'Oreal Paris Pure-Clay Mask in Detox & Brighten
2. Peel-off Masks Instant, Smooth, Total fun! Peel-off masks gently remove impurities and dead cells from the topmost layer of the skin and also divulge nutrients to it. Great for: quick and easy use, mild exfoliation andnutrient benefits Not great for: deep cleansing, effective action against sun tan, acne scars and other skin issues Benefits: • Peel-off masks instantly revive and rejuvenate skin, and are super simple to use. • They are typically infused with skin-brightening and hydrating properties that smooth and soften your skin while making it look more radiant. • Many even contain antioxidants and other nutrients that can benefit skin. Best in the market: Himalaya Orange Peel Off Mask. Khadi Natural Gold Peel Off Mask. VLCC Eco- Gold Peel Off Mask. Everyuth Naturals Advanced Golden Glow Peel Off Mask. Pond's White Beauty Peel Off Mask. Biotique Bio Peach Clarifying And Refining Peel Off Mask. Jovees Apricot And Honey Peel Off Mask.
3. Hydrating Masks Let Your Skin Drink 'em In! These masks are typically of a gel or cream consistency and they’re designed to replenish very dry or dehydrated skin. Great for: giving a moisture boost to dry and dehydrated skin, removing dryness Not great for: using on oily skin, cleansing skin, removing impurities Benefits: • A hydrating mask can give a quick, extra boost of moisture apart from what your hydrating cream is providing. But it cannot replace hydrating creams or moisturizers. • Some overnight masks can even be kept on while you sleep! • If you’re dealing with dry patches or if you find that your makeup doesn’t sit well on your skin, you might want to give a hydrating mask a shot. • Best in the market : Biotique Bio Milk Protein Whitening & Rejuvenating Face Pack. • Khadi Pure Herbal Sandal & Almond Face Mask. • Himalaya Moisturizing Cucumber Peel-Off Mask. • Forest Essentials Light Hydrating Facial Gel Pure Aloe Vera. • Khadi Rose Glow Face Mask. • Lotus Herbals WhiteGlow Yogurt Skin Whitening and Brightening Masque.
4. Sheet Masks Facial anywhere anytime! Sheet masks are face-shaped fabrics soaked in a nutrition-packed solution called serum. The serum allows nutrients to seep into the skin. The masks need not be washed off or wiped off, they only need to be allowed to sit on the skin and taken off after 20-30 minutes. Great for: on-the go refreshment, using on already cleansed skin (cleansed by a face wash or cleanser) Not great for: using on skin that is not already clean, deep cleansing and exfoliation, regular use, benefiting from freshness and naturalness. Benefits: These are ideal for when you want a fuss-free mask for specific skincare needs. • In general, sheet masks brighten, soften, moisturize and cleanse your skin. • Best in the market : Innisfree Skin Clinic Mask - Vita C • MOND'SUB Pomegranate+ Sheep Placenta Facial Mask Sheets • Innisfree It's Real Squeeze Mask - Rose • Dermal Korea Q10 Collagen Essence Mask • The Face Shop The Solution Radiance
POETRY MOTHER From tying knots of hair to Untangling all the knots in my life, There has not been a day Where you were not there Your endless efforts to uplift my day Unfolding my deepest fears and Making them simple day by day To all the hues and shades of you, Tints and tones of you You are perfectly coloured With all that I have Ever wanted I know the touch of your skin and Warmth of your embrace My home is where the smell Of your handkerchief is If perfection had a name Spirit had a body If life had a manual and There if was a weapon for courage It would be called a mother and nothing else.
Sreya Is Sassy,Messy and Bossy Loves Shopping. Blogging and taking endless pictures Is good at keeping promises,commitments,losing things Feels happy, happy happy all the time Needs chai,conversation and chocolate wants you to get it all, don't be late Fears you will be late Likes to make fun of you Likes to eat homefood made by her loved ones Watches her friends, weather and life change Is a resident of Mysore Simlai
A women Delicate or strong Cooking or fighting magically mother
MYSTERY POEM I went outside and what did I find, A box to open. I hope noone will mind. It was tied on top with a bow of hazelwood. Curious may be I was but scared much more. Still today it lies beside my door And I don’t care anymore.
I HAVE A DREAM I have a dream Hoping my parents stay safe and sound always. All my expectations and desires turn out to be reality Very soon become evident and influential Easily get access to everything A handsome guy finds his way to me Do whatever my heart feels like Reach to all the destinations I desire to Enjoy every moment of my life A closet full of fanciest dresses, shoes and bags Have a life to dance about.
LIMERICK- DON’T SIT ANYWHERE A painter, who lived in HSR layout, Interrupted two girls with their knitting, He said, with a sigh, That park bench--well I, Just painted it, right where you're sitting.
COUPLET- THE STRANGEST STRANGER The strangest strange stranger I've met in my life was the man who made use of his nose as a knife He used to clean windows with butter And often ran through meadows and shutter He had blonde hair and shaped eyebrows He had house near with drawn rainbows.
using words given
Being a narcissist is a primarily stupendous and a great feeling of serendipity but sometime there is longingness for a friend, a love across your own boundary. The conversion of fortuneteller with clairvoyant was a proof that you can pick anything you want, unless anybody asks for a proof or asks any data which might combustible your southern senses and break you into pieces. The bard living in the south was a behemoth ascetic of Buddha. He chide everybody to abide it as well, so people who thought of him as a emollient and abet him, became divisive and berated him.
Brought up in the city of palaces, Mysuru, Sreya Simlai is a fashion blogger and a fashion student. Having skills in content writing and her love for fashion has brought her to Bengaluru to pursue her career in fashion. Being a student of National Institute of Fashion Technology, Bengaluru dreams of having her own label somebody. Being aesthetic and raw is something she loves. This book is her first publication though you can always read her contents online at Sreyaness on Instagram, Facebook or Wordpress. She says what inspires her the most is stories that she hears rather than read. She calls herself a great listener though she is the kind of person who just can't stop talking. Exploring world and meeting new people is something she would be ready to anyday.
I want to run around world listening to stories and get inspired!