Apollo SBI Credit Card Offers a Secure Health! With the SBI credit card now, you can also take care of your health without insurance. If you have not bought insurance for your health emergencies, then SBI has brought a credit card for you. Using the Apollo SBI credit card offers, you can earn rewards on your regular health checkups. Get the prescribed medicines and tests cost under the credit card limit. Read the given article to know about the SBI medical card benefits. What is SBI Apollo credit limit and charges? The limit of the SBI credit card depends on your monthly income and credit history. If you have a payment record with zero dues and penalty charges then you get the limit according to it. SBI charges INR 499 plus the applicable GST for the card. And on the payment of the joining fee, you can earn 500 reward points and Oneapollo silver Tier membership. One reward point is equal to INR 1. So, you can earn INR 500 redeemable points in the beginning if you pay the card joining fee. And enjoy complimentary Silver tier membership of Oneapollo via Apollo SBI Credit Card Offers. In which you get 1% of your bill value converted into Health Credits (HCs) at Apollo health centers. You can also save on your medicine and get 5%-10% HCs at Apollo Pharmacy. The HCs are equal to the SBI reward points which means 1 HCs are equal to INR 1. Which are the top Apollo SBI credit card offers? SBI provides a credit card for health benefits for the customer using which you can save both life and money. Three times reward benefit is provided on your Apollo transactions of minimum INR 100 with an exclusive 10% discount on certain services. And 2 reward points can be claimed on dining, movie and entertainment. You get 3 different methods of reward redemption first is instant redemption in which you do not need to have a minimum limit of points and can redeem them at the list of selected Apollo health centers and Pharmacy. Or the rest of the methods include redemption of points into Apollo vouchers and point conversion to HCs. How I’ll activate my Apollo SBI credit card offers? You do not require to do anything to activate the offer as SBI credit card offers are valid from the purchase or transactions made on it. And, if you have a problem getting your reward offers then contact the service provider through SBI 24X7 customer service. Or simply give a missed call to 8422845514 from your registered number. The cardholder can pay the monthly bills of his SBI Apollo credit card using his bank account. Just enter the 16 digit credit card number and select the mode of payment to avoid late payment charges from INR 200 to 25,000 on your bills.
If you have an SBI savings or salary account then you can easily pay the card bills and enjoy Apollo SBI credit card offers using auto-debit. Otherwise, use UPI payment to pay the bills using any other bank account. Now, health security moves in your wallet with your SBI Apollo credit card, it comes with a global acceptance with more than 24 million merchant outlets.