Use Bank of India Credit Card For Limitless Benefits And Easy Payments Bank Of India is a commercial bank that offers a wide range of credit cards to the customer for convenient bill payments and shopping. Using the Bank Of India credit card you can also get several reward benefits on your day to day spendings under the reward program. The benefit is not limited to reward offers only the customer gets other privileges like airport lounge access, cashback benefit and more. To know the best Bank Of India credit cards read the given article and know about their distinct features and applicable charges. Bank Of India Top performing credit cards There are several credit cards provided by the Bank Of India and every credit card serves the specific needs of the customer. Bank Of India credit cards is divided into 3 types Mastercard, Visa card and Rupay card. Look at the below-mentioned list of Bank Of India credit cards and know the benefits it provides to the user. Bank Of India Platinum International Card: This credit card comes with a global acceptance in both India, Nepal and all other foreign countries that accept Mastercard. The card holder can withdraw 50% of the spending limit. And, can withdraw a maximum amount up to INR 50,000 per day from any ATM. Also, enjoy one complimentary domestic airport lounge visit per quarter every year using this Bank Of India credit card. Bank Of India SwaDhan Rupay Platinum credit card: The applicant gets the SwaDhan Rupay credit card against their Term Deposit. And, this credit card also comes with the feature of global acceptance you can use the card wherever the Rupay cards are valid. This Rupay credit card provides the benefit of discount vouchers of the leading merchants as a welcome gift. Bank Of India Gold International credit card: Use this credit card across the globe wherever the Visa credit cardsare accepted. The card holder can withdraw 50% of the credit limit from their Bank Of India Gold credit card. And, the user can withdraw maximum up to INR 15,000 from their credit card in a single day. Do you know the Bank Of India credit cards fees and other charges? The customers can apply for a suitable credit card from Bank Of India and can enjoy its benefits on their spendings. But before applying for any Bank Of India credit card check their charges and fee structure. The joining fee charged by the Bank Of India for the credit cardis starting from INR 600. And, the bank also charges an annual fee for the credit card ranging from INR 600 to 1,500. The customer annual fee is waived off if they made a minimum transaction of INR 20,000 from their Bank Of India credit card. If you are satisfied with the Bank Of India credit card
features and think it is the one you are looking for then apply for it by going to the nearest bank branch or through online banking services. So, make life a bit more easier with Bank Of India credit cards and pay the card bills on the first or last date of the month.