Ways to Get a Credit Card with No Income Proof in an easy way? There is not a single doubt about the fact that a credit card is a powerful financial tool that opens the door of privileges for you. It gives you amazing rewards, cashback offers, airport lounge access, and whatnot. This list can go on and on. In today’s age, people may not find it difficult to obtain a credit card in your pocket. But not everyone knows that there is an important thing that the bank inspects before giving a credit card to someone - monthly income. So if you are someone who wants to opt for a credit card but you don’t have a monthly income to show your credibility, don’t lose hope. Because there are some methods by which you can opt for a credit card with no income proof. Banks look for the monthly income before giving you a credit card because they want to be sure of the repayments. If you don’t have a fixed income in your hand, then it would be hard for banks to trust upon you regarding the repayment. By applying all the methods we are going to tell you, you can get ac redit card with no income proof. So keep reading! What are the various methods to get a Credit Card without any Income Proof? Secured Credit Card: When you don’t have any income proof, this is the first way to get the desired credit card in your wallet. There are several banks that provide a secured credit card, also known as credit card against fixed deposit. You deposit a definite sum of fixed deposit in the bank and this will act as the security for you. The limit of your credit card will depend on the amount of fixed deposit in the bank. Generally, it ranges between 75% to 90% of your fixed deposit amount. Axis Insta Easy card is one such card that can be opted against a fixed deposit amount ranging from INR 25,000 to a maximum of INR 25,00,000. There are a certain conditions that you have to fulfill regarding the age, after which you can easily apply for the card. Opt for an Add-on Card: Almost all the lenders issue an add-on credit card to the primary cardholders. If you’re spouse, relative or siblings of the person who has a credit card, then you can easily opt for the add-on card. This is also an excellent method of getting c redit cards with no income proof. You will enjoy all the benefits on your add-on card. Opt for credit card jointly: You can also opt for a credit card jointly who has an income proof and has a good credit score. This way, you can have all the privileges of a credit card without submitting any kind of income proof and have the creditworthiness of your partner to your leverage. Employment Letter from your employer: If you’ve recently started the new job, then you can also opt for a credit card by showing the employment letter from your company that can certify the monthly income that you will be getting. It will be sufficient to get you a credit card with no income proof.