Why HDFC Money Back Credit Card Could be the Best Card for You? Credit cards have always been a source of amazing rewards since its introduction to the Indian market. With the kind of exclusive offers and reward program, credit cards have been the most preferred banking product among the customers. But the expectations of individuals vary from one person to another. But have you ever wished for a card that could give you double rewards for shopping? You can achieve your wish by opting for the HDFC Money Back credit card. This amazing card from the HDFC Bank is not just a petty piece of plastic but a golden card that can give you twice the rewards on your overall shopping. So if you are someone who is looking to get your first credit card in your pocket and struggling with which kind of card you will like for yourself, then the HDFC Money Back credit card could be the perfect choice for you. In this article, we would be telling you about all the details about this credit card by HDFC so that there will be no doubt in your head. After knowing them in a detailed way, you will be in a better position to judge this HDFC card, so without any further delay, read on!
What are some amazing features of HDFC Money Back Credit Card that make it First Choice among People?
Reward Points: You must have heard about the reward points that credit cards usually give. But the most wonderful thing about this card is the double reward points as compared to other credit cards. Whenever you spend INR 150 with your card, your HDFC Money Back credit card will give you 2 reward points. So you can calculate how many reward points you could get. For example, you spend around INR 6,000 on online shopping in a month, then you could 40 reward points. This is just an example. You can redeem all these earned reward points against exclusive gifts and Airmiles with the HDFC credit card rewards catalog. Whenever you make online shopping, your reward points could be doubled.
Cash Back: As the name of this credit card suggests, you can redeem all your reward points for the cashback against your outstanding balance of the credit card. Your 100 reward points are equal to INR 20. So let’s say that you have earned 1,000 reward points, you can get your cashback of INR 200 on the total outstanding balance.
Spends Milestone Offer: If you manage to spend INR 50,000 in a quarter ( every 3 months) with your HDFC Money Back credit card, then you could get gift e-voucher worth of INR 500. These spend milestones can be achieved only valid on this credit card by HDFC.
Fuel Spends Offer: If you travel to your office or other places through your personal vehicle, then you could save upto a maximum of INR 250 with the 100% fuel surcharge waiver.
Safety Features: You don’t need to worry about the safety of your card as this HDFC Money Back credit card is laced with the EVM Chip Technology, by which you won’t have to worry about the fraud realted associated with your card. You won’t have to bear any kind of liability on the lost card if you report about the loss immediately to the bank.
What are the Eligibility Criteria? ● ●
Both salaried and self-employed individuals can apply for this card. The minimum age for both salaried and self-employed applicants is 21 years while the maximum age is 60 years and 65 years respectively.