How Hdfc Regalia Credit Card Helps You In Getting Luxury In Your Life? Different individuals have different expectations of things. This applies perfectly in the case of credit cards. People can have different expectations from different credit cards. Some may want dining benefits from their credit cards, some may want movie offers on every weekend, and some may other things. But one thing is sure that if you want a bit of luxury in your financial life and want to shower with exclusive privileges, then you should not look other than HDFC Regalia credit card. This amazing credit card by one of the leading private banks of India, HDFC Bank, ensures that you always get most of the luxurious benefits on all the categories you spend with your credit card. Loaded with welcome benefits, travel benefits, and many other reward offers, this card could be the one that can satiate all your luxurious needs. You may be wondering about the usage of the luxurious word so many times. But wait till you get this card in your hand because only after that you would be able to find the reality of this statement. In this article, we will be telling you about all the details of this card. Keep reading to know more! What are the features of HDFC Regalia Credit Card that makes it so valuable? Welcome Benefits: ● Your luxurious life starts with the food offers that you will get with the complimentary Zomato Gold Membership for a whole one year without any cost. If you are mad about food, you must be dancing right now. I can sense the joy in your heart. ● With this membership, you will get a complimentary dish or upto 2 complimentary drinks every time you visit at the gold partner restaurants. ● This offer will be given to you if you manage to spend INR 75,000 within the first three months of the card issuance. Benefits that Would Help You Travel with Style: ● Going to the airport and want to have exquisite lounge access? Worry not, with the help of your HDFC Regalia Credit card, you could easily get access to airport lounges to access across India at both domestic and International Terminals. ● You can have a maximum of 12 lounge access in a year. After a certain number, you will be getting charged. ● For the complimentary access, you would just have to swipe your HDFC Regalia credit card. Total Concierge Service: Want to customize your travel, shopping or any other experience? You could easily get it done with the help of HDFC 24x7 travel concierge services. This luxury you get for free of cost with your card. Dine-in with Total Style: With the help of a good food trail dining program, you would enjoy a premium dining experience at some of the most amazing restaurants across India. You can visit the HDFC website to know more about this program. Reward Points Program: ● On spending INR 150 on any of the retail spendings, you will get 4 reward points. Besides this, you will get a total of 10,000 reward points on spending INR 5 lakhs in a year. ● You will earn additional 5,000 reward points on spending 8 lakhs in a year. What are the fees? You will have to pay INR 2,500 plus GST taxes as the annual membership and joining fee for the HDFC Regalia Credit Card.