Is Lifetime Free Credit Card Axis Bank provides you suitable reward benefit? As the name suggests the lifetime free credit card axis bank will give you the benefit on your day to day purchases with no hidden charges. Axis Bank doesn’t charge an annual or joining fee from premium customers on Axis Bank Select Credit Card. With this card, you can get multiple reward benefits on your shopping and bill payments, know how to avail the benefits of axis bank credit card in this article. What are the benefits of the lifetime free credit card axis bank? Axis Bank gives you the 10 reward points on your each INR 200 spent from the card and can also get 2x benefit on retail spending. You can easily redeem your earned reward points on Axis edge rewards catalog. The benefit of this credit card is not limited up to reward points only, it can also give you airport lounge access and club Marriott membership on minimum spending of INR 30,000 within 3 months. You can get 6 complimentary international lounge access and 2 complimentary domestic airport lounge access under priority pass membership that worth USD99. Also, get 6 complimentary golf rounds per year and an additional 3 visit on annual spend of INR 3 lakh from the lifetime free credit card axis bank. You can get 5000 edge reward points on your first transaction from the credit card. Charges on your lifetime free credit card: You have to pay a certain fee and charges for your lifetime free credit card axis bank which is as follows: ●
joining fee: The joining fee for the premium Axis Bank customers is Nil, on the other hand, INR 3000 for non-premium customers.
Annual fee: You have to pay an annual fee of INR 3000 from 2 year onward if you are a non-premium customer, otherwise the bank charges Nil annual fee.
Finance and withdrawal charge: The bank charges 2.95% finance charge from the customer per month and a total finance charge of 41.7% per annum. On your Cash withdrawal, you have to pay a minimum charge of INR 250 or 2.25% of the cash amount.
Late Payment charge: On due payments of the credit card bill there is penalty, If the due amount is above Rs.100. The fee could be Rs. 100, If your due amount is from Rs. 101 to Rs.300. Otherwise, the fee could be increasing If the due exceeds.
Apply for the lifetime free credit card from Axis Bank
Get the Axis Bank Select credit card and enjoy its benefits apply for the card from your nearby Axis Bank branch or through online banking. Visit the Axis Bank website and log in to your account if you are an existing customer and check for the credit card offers or whether enter your personal details and choose your desired credit card from the option and click on the submit button. If you fit in the eligibility criteria of the lifetime free credit card then you’ll get a notification on your registered mobile number regarding the credit card approval. Your annual income should be INR 9 lakh an age must be between 18 to 58 years to avail the lifetime free credit card axis bank.